car market in india

Upload: sidhardha-dusi

Post on 01-Mar-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 car market in India


    The Indian auto industry is one of the largest in the world. The industry accounts for 7.1 per cent

    of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). s of !" #$1%&1 around 1 per cent of small cars sold

    glo*ally are manufactured in India. The Two +heelers segment with ,1 per cent mar-et share is the

    leader of the Indian utomo*ile mar-et owing to a growing middle class and a young population.

    oreo/er the growing interest of the companies in e0ploring the rural mar-ets further aided the growth

    of the sector. The o/erall Passenger ehicle (P) segment has 1 per cent mar-et share.

    India is also a prominent auto e0porter and has strong e0port growth e0pectations for the near

    future. In pril&2anuary #$13 e0ports of 4ommercial ehicles registered a growth of 1,.3 per cent o/er

    pril&2anuary #$1. In addition se/eral initiati/es *y the Go/ernment of India and the ma5or automo*ile

    players in the Indian mar-et are e0pected to ma-e India a leader in the Two +heeler (#+) and !our

    +heeler (%+) mar-et in the world *y #$#$.

    4onsumer 6eha/ior consists of all human *eha/ior that goes in ma-ing purchase decisions. n

    understanding of the consumer *eha/ior ena*les a mar-eter to ta-e mar-eting decisions which are

    compati*le with its consumer needs. There are four ma5or classes of consumer *eha/ior determinants and

    e0pectations namely cultural socio&economic personal and psychological. ising income has enhanced

    the purchasing power and more and more people are a*le to afford a car. 4ustomer demands are dynamic

    *ut its consideration is necessary for e/ery company to ma-e e0istence in to the mar-et. In place li-e

    Delhi 84 car has *ecome a sym*ol of social status also. 4ustomers are purchasing the cars not only as a

    means of transport *ut as a status sym*ol also.

    9yundai otor India :imited (9I:) is a wholly owned su*sidiary of 9yundai otor 4ompany

    (94) ;outh