captain's handbook


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GSU Captain's Handbook 2009/10


Page 1: Captain's Handbook




Page 2: Captain's Handbook


• By participating in Club activity, you agree to adhere to and abide by the guidelines for participation as advised by the Club, National Governing Body and Goldsmiths

Students’ Union.

• You may be participating in activities that may involve an inherent element of risk, in an environment where professional medical care and rescue services may not always be immediately available. It is your responsibility to ensure that you fully

understand the exact nature of each activity you undertake, the risks involved and the equipment required to ensure your safe participation.

• It is the responsibility of the individual to inform a Club Representative or the Sport & Recreation Manager of any relevant medical condition which may affect any individuals

(your own or others if known) safe participation in the activities undertaken.

• You should never participate in an activity where you are unsure of any of the above aspects. If in doubt, ask your Club Representatives (E.g. Captain) or the Sport & Recreation Manager for further information. It is also your responsibility to notify your next of kin of your desire to participate, before engaging in that



• Goldsmiths Students’ Union is striving towards a policy of Equal Opportunities. This Union will not tolerate the use of discriminatory behaviour, either verbal or physical, on the grounds of age, gender, race, religion, creed, sexuality, nationality, size, trades union

affiliation, socio-economic background, disability or medical condition.

•• Every Club MUST operate and act in accordance with the Goldsmiths Students’ Union Equal Opportunities Statement. Any allegations against a Club, or Club Member will be thoroughly investigated and, if necessary, disciplinary procedures will be instigated.

Page 3: Captain's Handbook


Budgets and Claims

Before Each Fixture...Sport &Recreation Manager

Before Each Fixture...Captains

Player EligibilityPlayer Eligibility

Playing Under Protest

ULU Playing Under Protest Form

ULU Appeal Form

Captains Info

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Page 4: Captain's Handbook

BUDGETS & CLAIMS1. The main aim of a budget is to help SUBSIDISE your Club expenditure. You can raise further monies through the year by charging discretionary subscriptions to your members to cover things such as match-day expenses, or by holding social or fund raising events.

2.2. You need to have 10 paid members to apply for a budget from the Students’ Union. Budget Applications will be invited as part of the Strategic Planning process in around April of each year, and awarded for the following academic session.

3. Your budget is decided according to the following factors :

• The amount of paid members and level of activity• Activities, plans and initiatives identified within the accompanying Club development plan.•• Anticipated expenditure and income• Financial and governance performance over previous years (for continuing Clubs)

Remember that for Sports Clubs the Students’ Union will pay for outgoings such as NGB affiliations, entry fees, venue hire and 2/3 rail travel to the value of a Young Persons Rail Card from central AU Budgets.

4.4. All expenditure from your Budget must be submitted by a Club official for approval by the Sport and Recreation Manager, and must be in accordance with the proposed expendi-ture approved within your budget application, and the aims & objectives of both Goldsmiths Students’ Union and your own constitution.

5. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO EXCEED YOUR BUDGET - any expenses incurred outside your Budget may not be honoured by the Students’ Union.

6. No Club, or person on behalf of the Club, may hold an external bank account. All monies raised by your Club must be held within the Students’ Union.

7. Money that a Club raises through fundraising events or class fee’s etc. must be paid into the Union. These funds are then available to the Club - although no money may be held over year-to-year.

This is the best way of getting additional funds if your budget does not cover everything you want to do!


Page 5: Captain's Handbook

BEFORE EACH FIXTURE......(Sports Fixture Checklist):

The Sports& Recreation Manager will ensure:

1. That current and updated fixtures lists are available to all competing teams.

2. That facilities are arranged for HOME fixtures.

3.3. That direction to AWAY fixtures is available, and directions to the relevant HOME venues are available to opposing institutions.

4. That team-sheets are put up on the notice boards at least 48 hours before a game.

5. That ALL BUCS HOME fixtures are confirmed in writing with colleagues at opposing institutions at least 48hrs in advance of start of play.

6.6. That team captains are advised and aware that the Sport & Recreation Manager and the Student Activities & Services Officer are the recognised representatives for any problems and contact with BUCS and ULU.

7. That team captains are advised and aware of their own, and their teams, responsibilities – particularly with regard to Health & Safety, and good practice.


Check that ALL captains have relayed ALL results to BUCS / ULU on the working day following each fixture by 10am.


Page 6: Captain's Handbook

BEFORE EACH FIXTURE......(Sports Fixture Checklist):

The Captain should ensure:

1. That they have a team selected for all fixtures – please ring your team 72hrs before a game and put up team-sheets on the notice boards and given to the Sport & Recreation Manager

2.2. That walkovers are avoided at all costs

3. That the team knows where to meet, the mode of travel (if applicable), and all relevant details regarding the fixture

4. That for home fixtures, match official(s) have been organised, confirmed 72hrs in advance and furnished with full details of the fixture

5. That for home fixtures, the match official gets paid in full

6. Provision of first aid kit

7.7. Provision of half-time refreshments where appropriate

8. That visiting teams are welcomed and shown to changing facilities and post-match tea venues/bar

9. That they have an emergency contact number for the opposition

10. That they have telephone numbers and reporting procedure for accidents/emergencies

11. That they have paid mind to H&S as advised by Goldsmiths Students’ Union

12.12. That all team members are familiar with the rules and the regulations of play, as defined by NGB, BUCS/ ULU and the match venue.

13. All team members should also be fully aware of personal liability for the payment of fines


Update Fixtures Live with the score from ALL HOME games


Page 7: Captain's Handbook


You should fully familiarise yourself with the particular rules of ULU, BUCS and your NGB.

Only current students and sabbaticals of Goldsmiths College are eligible to play for your College team. Graduates, Associate Union Members, students from other Colleges, students who return to re-take exams & staff CANNOT represent Goldsmiths in competitive fixtures.

For clubs with more than one team, that club must play its best-qualified team in each For clubs with more than one team, that club must play its best-qualified team in each match. Each team must be selected as though every other team within that club was playing a fixture of equal significance concurrently, i.e. your first team players cannot play in the second team to help them out, if they haven’t got a game that day!

When a team is eliminated from a cup competition, all members of that team shall be When a team is eliminated from a cup competition, all members of that team shall be excluded from further participation in cup competitions at any lower level, i.e. your first team players cannot play for a seconds team, but a seconds player could play in the firsts if required.

Player ID

All players in BUCS and ULU games should ensure that they carry suitable College or Union All players in BUCS and ULU games should ensure that they carry suitable College or Union identification. This may be checked against match cards to establish a record of who plays for which team. Opposing teams have the right to view identification prior to a fixture and you may forfeit the game if all your team are not able to prove their current student status.

AFA (Football) & EBBA (Basketball) Registration

The Football Association and England Basketball rules state that all players in sanctioned The Football Association and England Basketball rules state that all players in sanctioned competitions must be registered with them. This means that all Goldsmiths football and basketball players must be registered. Registration will be done for you after the Member-ship Deadline.

England Basketball also provide all players with ID cards and these need to be taken to every competitive game to be checked if required.


Page 8: Captain's Handbook


Where the Rules and Regulations of a competition are not met, there is the potential for a walkover to be awarded. The most common reasons for this happening are as follows:

• late confirmation of fixture details• qualified Umpire(s) not provided•• late cancellation of fixture due to incomplete team

If you do not fulfil your responsibilities, then your opposition will likely claim a walkover against you. This means that you will either lose points, incur a fine, get automaticallyrelegated, or get kicked out of the competition all-together – so, AVOID THIS AT ALL


It cannot be stressed enough - walkovers will ruin your season … and potentially ruin the It cannot be stressed enough - walkovers will ruin your season … and potentially ruin the club for season’s to come. Reading Weeks or Exams are not a valid excuse – if you foresee a problem, try to rearrange the fixture by talking to the Sport and Recreation Manager.

Equally, if your opposition does the same thing to you on an Away fixture – check back with the Sport and Recreation Manager for advice.

Always keep a ‘Playing Under Protest’ form on you and complete it before a fixture if you Always keep a ‘Playing Under Protest’ form on you and complete it before a fixture if you have any doubts as to the suitability of the facilities, umpires etc. Without the completed

form you have no recourse to appeal.

If you wish to appeal against a result, please inform the Sports & Recreation Manager ASAP after the game, who will request, liaise and organise this with ULU or BUCS as appropriate.

Full Details of the Rules and Regulations, and procedures are available in the BUCS and ULU Regulations as appropriate.

On a lighter note – remember, everyone wants to fulfil their fixtures! If you have a problem, On a lighter note – remember, everyone wants to fulfil their fixtures! If you have a problem, tell people …. as early as you can and it will normally get sorted out. Most of the Sports Officers, Administrators and Managers are well-known to each other and if problems are

flagged-up in good time, solutions can usually be reached.


Page 9: Captain's Handbook


INSTITUTION: (Team wishing to Play Under Protest) MEN’S / WOMEN’S:___________________________________________________________SPORT & LEAGUE/CUP:____________________________________DIVISION:______________________________________________DIVISION:______________________________________________DATE & TIME OF FIXTURE:_________________________________ VENUE:_______________________________________________ HOME TEAM:_______________________________________________________________AWAY TEAM:_______________________________________________________________

We are agreeing to play the above match under protest for the following reasons:(Please list and justify all breaches of regulations)(Please list and justify all breaches of regulations)



SIGNED:(Protesting Captain) PRINT NAME: Time:

SIGNED:SIGNED:(Opposition Captain) PRINT NAME: Time:

Please note that the opposing Captain MUST countersign this form to acknowledge that the protesting team have a grievance and that the match will be played under protest, he / she CANNOT refuse to do so.

The opposing Captain has the opportunity to state their opinion regarding this grievance on the form in the space provided.

The end of each statement from each captain MUST be initialled to note its conclusion. The end of each statement from each captain MUST be initialled to note its conclusion.

The completion of a Playing Under Protest form only allows an institution the right to appeal at the conclu-sion of the fixture as they have not accepted the conditions of the match, it does not guarantee the outcome of

any subsequent appeal.

This form should ONLY be submitted to ULU should an Initial Appeal to the outcome of the fixture be made.

P8Also available to download from the SU Sports web pages andULU Sport web pages

Also available to download from the SU Sports web pages andULU Sport web pages

Page 10: Captain's Handbook

Also available to download from the SU Sports web pages andULU Sport web pages

Also available to download from the SU Sports web pages andULU Sport web pages

Page 11: Captain's Handbook





ents: PLEASE le

t the Union

know if your co

ntact details cha

nge over the

course of the yea

r. You are our c

ontact with

your whole mem


Risk Assessments

Each Club Captain is r

equired to review

Each Club Captain is r

equired to review

their Club Risk Assessm

ent on an annual

basis. The Sports & Re

creation Manager

will lead this process,

based on the NGB/

BUCS Risk Assessmen

t templates for

each sport.

For activities outside t

he normal scope of

For activities outside t

he normal scope of

the club, or if your club

is by it’s nature

‘high-risk’, careful con

sideration must be

given to any additiona

l potential hazards

and H&S issues, e.g. tr

ips, tours,

tournament competiti

ons, and social

events etc.

Please contact the Spo

rts and Recreation

Please contact the Spo

rts and Recreation

Manager if you have a

ny queries about

Risk Assessment, or fo

r Risk Assessment

Class/Match/Training Fee’sWherever applicable, Clubs should charge

Wherever applicable, Clubs should charge

an appropriate Class or Training Fee to

subsidise coaching or tuition. However, please ensure that these are clearly marked on your notice boards so new members are fully aware and remember

that ALL monies should be paid into your

account in the Students’ Union. Match

account in the Students’ Union. Match

Fee’s should be charged to cover the cost

of Officials for your fixture or to subsidise travel or hospitality costs.


A number of team

s will be expected


A number of team

s will be expected


affiliate to their N

ational Governing

Body for reasons

of governance, b


practice, guidelin

es and standards

and in some cases

, support, advice a


insurance benefit


This process will

normally be co-o


This process will

normally be co-o


nated centrally b

y the Sports and

Recreation Mana

ger. Please contac

t us

if you have any qu

eries about


ULU Captains MeetingsGoldsmiths sports Clubs enter BUCS

(National University Leagues) and ULU

(Regional University Leagues). ULU has

termly meetings for the Captains of each team. This is your opportunity to feed back into the

This is your opportunity to feed back into the

decision-making process for how the leagues are run and discuss any

problems/suggestions you might have. It is

essential that the Captains attend thesecompulsory meetings, as you will bepersonally fined £20 if not.


Page 12: Captain's Handbook



All competitive sports, wherever possib

le, should take place under the supervi

sion of

suitably NGB-qualified Umpires or Off

icials, in order to maintain a safe enviro

nment for


It is each team Captains responsibility t

o locate, arrange and confirm the requi

site number

of qualified Umpires for each HOME fi


FootballFootball referees will be allocated by UL

U (another essential reason to attend C


meetings). You will need to check the U

LU website for updates and call the ref

eree at least 3

days prior to the fixture to confirm.

Rugby referees will be allocated by the

London Society of Rugby Football Uni

on Referees.

These are emailed out once and a mont


For all other sports you will need to get

in touch with you’re the Sport and Rec


For all other sports you will need to get

in touch with you’re the Sport and Rec


Manager at Goldsmiths, the National G

overning Body, Regional Association or

for some

sports your regional Umpiring Associa

tion to get a list of qualified Umpires in

the area

where you play your games (not necess

arily New Cross).

You must call your umpires to confirm

the venue and start time at least 72 hou

rs in advance

of your home fixture. You should meet

and greet the umpire and ensure that s

/he is paid in

full. It is suggested that you use Match

-day subs for this purpose.

Your opposition can – and will - claim t

he fixture if you fail to organise an Ump


Your opposition can – and will - claim t

he fixture if you fail to organise an Ump


Any complaints from Umpires will be d

ealt with through the disciplinary proce



Match Results

It is the responsibility

of the team captains t

o update Fixtures

Live with the results

of HOME games imm

ediately after the

game. As Captain, you

will have training for

this on-line

fixture database and

receive your own log-i

n and password.

ALL match results ne

ed to be forwarded to

the Sports & Rec

ALL match results ne

ed to be forwarded to

the Sports & Rec-

reation Manager imm

ediately following the

fixture. It is

acceptable to email, o

r leave a verbal/writte

n message, but

please include ALL d

etails – home team, o

pposition, venue,

score and WON/LOST

so the details can be

updated on the

BUCS and ULU webs


Results Tables & Away DirectionsThe ULU and BUCS websites be checked regularly for your league positioning. You do not need a password

You do not need a password to do this. You will also find directions to games on these websites.

Page 13: Captain's Handbook



tors Certificati


and Service Le

vel Agreement


It is essential t

hat we have al

l relevant deta

ils for your

It is essential t

hat we have al

l relevant deta

ils for your


ch on file; this

will likely inclu

de insur-

ance details, co

aching qualific

ation(s), CRB


Records Burea

u) disclosure, a

nd 1st-aid certi


ALL coaches m

ust complete a

Service Level A


as they define


s, liability and

lines of


. A new SLA m

ust be complet

ed each

academic year.

These can be

obtained from

the Sport

academic year.

These can be

obtained from

the Sport

and Recreation


This helps to e

nsure that a sa

fe environmen

t in

maintained fo

r all participan


Maintenance of Facilities

If you have any issuespertaining to maintenance or pertaining to maintenance or cleaning of facilities - either on campus, at the Sports Ground or for external venues you should liaise with the Sport and Recreation Manager so that these issues can be formally assessed and then formally assessed and then



Goldsmiths Students’ Union keep and

enforce a strict ongoing Inventory of Kit


An inventory of all your Clubs equipmen

t and kit will be kept in the Union and C

aptains will

be required to sign-out all items of kit. C

aptains will be held personally liable fo

r the recovery

of any missing items upon return.

This ensures that we can operate a rolli

ng replacement and upgrade scheme an

d that teams

This ensures that we can operate a rolli

ng replacement and upgrade scheme an

d that teams

don’t suffer year-to-year because kit or e

quipment goes missing and cannot be r


Captains are able to take the kit and han

g-on to it until the last fixture of your sea

son, to avoid

the necessity of signing kit in and out on

a weekly basis. If you do this, please kee

p us informed

of any damage, losses or necessary repa

irs to your equipment, so these can be m

arked on the


Captains must ensure that any kit/equi

pment requirements, damages or losses

– particularly

Captains must ensure that any kit/equi

pment requirements, damages or losses

– particularly

those with safety implications - are repo

rted ASAP to the Sports and Recreation

Manager, so

the equipment can be replaced, written

-off or can be claimed for against insura


Your Kit should also be cleaned/ washed

regularly and kept in good condition. Y

ou might use

Sub’s for this purpose or take it in turns

between your squad members. Please

ensure that you

wash your kit properly. Your kit is valua

ble and it is not acceptable for it to be m


Please report any damage or losses to th

e Sport and Recreation Manager ASAP

or the

signatory for the kit may be held liable.

signatory for the kit may be held liable.


Page 14: Captain's Handbook


ULU Evolution & Development DaysULU run a number ofdevelopment programmes

development programmes throughout the year that are FREE to you as Goldsmiths students. EVOLUTION is focused on Umpiring and Coaching qualifications, and will put you through a course that gives you accreditation

that gives you accreditation to Umpire within your Sport and the opportunity to earn some extra cash!DEVELOPMENT DAYS provide professional coaching for a variety of sportsmen and women.


Wednesday AfternoonsThe College endeavours to avoid timetabling

lectures and seminars on Wednesday afternoon to accommodate student activity such as Societies, Volunteering and organised University sports

competition. In some modules – such as Teaching competition. In some modules – such as Teaching Practice – this is obviously unavoidable, but in other instances where a player or prospective players’ timetable clashes with your competition time, please inform the Student Activities and Services Officer ASAP, who will aim to discuss this on a case-by-case basis with the Department


Match TeasMatch Teas are no longer provided by the Students’

Match Teas are no longer provided by the Students’

Union for Goldsmiths fixtures, and this is now generally

the case across most universities. All your opposition

teams will be informed of this fact prior to the beginning

of the season, and (in the case of BUCS) prior to each

fixture in the written confirmation from the office.



Any photoc

opying that


Any photoc

opying that


need done

for your clu

b can

be done th

rough the S


and Recrea

tion Manage


Your photo

copying wi

ll be


and you wi

ll be

advised wh

en you are

reaching yo

ur maximu


reaching yo

ur maximu


yearly allow

ance (£10)


Notice boardsNotice-boards will be allocated following Fresher’s Fayre, please liaise with the Student Activities & Services Officer and if you need a notice-board

and do not already have one.

Bank Accounts

You CANNOT hold an

external bank account

for your

club. All monies must b

e banked through the S


Union. Equally, no mo

nies may be held outsid

e the

Students’ Union and al

l income (including cla

ss fees)

must be declared and

submitted to the SU.

Page 15: Captain's Handbook



All orders, includin

g leisure wear order

s and external

facility bookings th

at you require must

be administered

through the Studen

ts’ Union. The Uni

on CANNOT and

WILL NOT honour

any order for good

s and services you

make personally in

the Unions’ name


Leisure-wearThe Union keeps a supply of brochures and contacts for

The Union keeps a supply of brochures and contacts for

a variety of leisurewear and sporting goods suppliers. If

you would like to organise T-shirts, Polo-shirts etc for

your Club this can be arranged through the Union, gen-

erally at a discount- please see the Sports and Recreation Manager for details.

Best of luck for the season

Mini bus

Any team can book to use a m

inibus to travel to games or t

raining. To do this you

will need:

- Somebody who has done th

e MiDAS training with Lewis

ham Community


- The Sport & Recreation Ma

nager must have a copy of th

e drivers MiDAS

certificate & driving license.

certificate & driving license.

- The Students’ Union need a

£25 deposit from the team.

- Each trip will cost the team

£20 - this must be paid to th

e Students’ Union after

the hire.

- The mini bus must be left c

lean and tidy after each trip.

You will lose your deposit

if the bus has to be cleaned b

y LCTS after you’ve used it

No further bookings will be ta

ken until all these conditions

have been met.


Page 16: Captain's Handbook

Contacts:Ruth Gibson

Sport & Recreation [email protected] 692 1406

Rheem Al-AdhamiActivities & Services OfficerActivities & Services [email protected] 692 1406

For further information refer to:BUCS HandbookULU Handbook