capital efficiency pull all levers

PM World Journal Capital Efficiency - Vol. III, Issue V May 2014 Pull All the Levers Featured Paper by Bob Prieto © 2014 Bob Prieto Page 1 of 13 Capital Efficiency - Pull All the Levers Bob Prieto Headlines “Speaking to investors today, new Shell CEO Ben van Beurden updated on the company’s priorities: improving Shell’s financial results and achieving better capital efficiency, as well as continuing to strengthen operational performance and project delivery.”….January 30, 2014 (Vale capital spending) in 2014 will show a decline for the third year in a row. This reflects the greater focus on capital efficiency, which entails among other things pursuing shareholder value maximization through a smaller portfolio comprised of projects with a high risk-adjusted expected rate of return. (Rio Tinto) “to scale back capital spending to bolster economic returns…..Iron Ore growth pathway optimized at a lower capital intensity(Dow) “Our focus on operating and capital efficiency gives us flexibility to respond to changing economic conditions while also enhancing our productivity and profitability.” (Merrill Lynch on Exxon Mobile) “we view relative changes in capital efficiency and free cash flow as the key determinants of value. 1. What is Capital Efficiency? In simplest terms capital efficiency (sometimes referred to as capital intensity) is about getting the biggest bang for the buck. There are a myriad of definitions used when describing capital efficiency. The basic formula for calculating capital efficiency involves dividing the average value of output by the rate of expenditure for the same period of time. This may be considered over an "Leaving the question of price aside, the best business to own is one that over an extended period can employ large amounts of incremental capital at very high rates of return. The worst business to own is one that must, or will, do the opposite - that is, consistently employ ever-greater amounts of capital at very low rates of return." -Warren Buffett, 1992 Chairman's Letter

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What is Capital Efficiency? In simplest terms capital efficiency (sometimes referred to as capital intensity) is about getting the biggest bang for the buck. This paper looks at how the owner’s EPC can drive process improvement along five principle opportunity areas identified to improve capital efficiency.


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PM World Journal Capital Efficiency - Vol. III, Issue V – May 2014 Pull All the Levers Featured Paper by Bob Prieto

© 2014 Bob Prieto Page 1 of 13

Capital Efficiency - Pull All the Levers

Bob Prieto


“Speaking to investors today, new Shell CEO Ben van Beurden updated on the company’s priorities: improving Shell’s financial results and achieving better capital efficiency, as well as continuing to strengthen operational performance and project delivery.”….January 30, 2014 (Vale capital spending) “in 2014 will show a decline for the third year in a row. This reflects the greater focus on capital efficiency, which entails among other things pursuing shareholder value maximization through a smaller portfolio comprised of projects with a high risk-adjusted expected rate of return”. (Rio Tinto) “to scale back capital spending to bolster economic returns…..Iron Ore growth pathway optimized at a lower capital intensity” (Dow) “Our focus on operating and capital efficiency gives us flexibility to respond to changing economic conditions while also enhancing our productivity and profitability.” (Merrill Lynch on Exxon Mobile) “we view relative changes in capital efficiency and free cash flow as the key determinants of value”.

1. What is Capital Efficiency?

In simplest terms capital efficiency (sometimes referred to as capital intensity) is about

getting the biggest bang for the buck.

There are a myriad of definitions used when describing capital efficiency. The basic

formula for calculating capital efficiency involves dividing the average value of output by

the rate of expenditure for the same period of time. This may be considered over an

"Leaving the question of price aside, the best business to own is one that over an extended period can employ large amounts of incremental capital at very high rates of return. The worst business to own is one that must, or will, do the opposite - that is, consistently employ ever-greater amounts of capital at very low rates of return." -Warren Buffett, 1992 Chairman's Letter

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assets life cycle or for more discrete time periods in order to see if capital efficiency is

improving or degrading over time.

A common definition used is “Return on Invested Capital” or ROIC defined as Net

Operating Profit After Taxes (NOPAT) divided by Invested Capital.

2. What are the Components of Capital Efficiency and Who and How Can they

be Influenced?

Capital efficiency as measured by Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) can be described


ROIC = Operating Margin X Invested Capital Turnover

Each of these terms offers opportunities for the owner and his principal capital facility

provider (such as his engineer constructor or EPC) to add value, improving the capital

efficiency of the asset.

Let’s look at each in turn.

3. Improving Operating Margins

Operating margins are defined as:

Operating Margin = NOPAT/Sales

Where, NOPAT is:

Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) = Revenue – Operating Expenses (OPEX),

including feedstock and energy costs


Non-operating income, losses


Income tax provision


Interest expense * tax rate


Non-operating income, losses * tax rate

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And, the sales denominator is revenue from the sale of asset output which can be

defined as:

Sales = Unit product sales price * Rated Plant Capacity * Capacity Factor (Function of

plant performance and availability)

The asset owner’s EPC has an ability to influence Operating Margin through:

interest expense (through CAPEX schedule which may play through to asset

interest charges associated with the selected asset capital structure),

OPEX and availability driven Capacity Factor (through maintenance and

turnaround strategies; quality design (potential to up-rate or further debottleneck

a plant); required feed stock levels; and inherent energy efficiency and

incorporation of renewable energy and storage solutions)

The asset owner can influence Operating Margin through:

Premium pricing (relative to the market level set by supply and demand) for

product as a result of marketing, packaging and distribution strategies

Sales to absorb the maximum efficient capacity of the plant

Operating practices focused on predictive and preventative maintenance (may be

down in conjunction with his EPC)

Control of other OPEX costs such as marketing and sales

4. Invested Capital Turnover

Invested capital turnover is defined as:

Invested Capital Turnover = Sales/Invested Capital

Where Invested Capital =

EPC Focus to Enhance Client Capital Efficiency

Improved Operating Margins



Plant Availability

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Operating Working Capital (current assets (includes inventories) – current liabilities)


Net Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) (book value of property, plant and equipment,

net of cumulative depreciation)

The owner’s influence over pricing and sales level is identical to that described with

respect to Operating Margins in the previous section.

The owner’s EPC has an opportunity to influence:

plant availability (influencing sales levels),

required inventories (through design and supply chain), and

Net Property, Plant and equipment (PPE) through associated capital costs


5. Strategies to Improve Capital Efficiency

The balance of this paper will focus on the five areas identified as within the influence of

the owner’s EPC. The other levers associated with:

Premium pricing

Sales level

Operating practices

Control of other operating costs such as sales and marketing

are not addressed further in this paper.

Fluor Quality Focus to Enhance Client Capital Efficiency

Invested Capital Turnover

Plant Availability

Inventories (Supply Chain Design)


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© 2014 Bob Prieto Page 5 of 13

The owner’s EPC can drive process improvement along the five principle opportunity

areas identified to improve capital efficiency to the extent that he is enabled by the

owner’s organization and contract form.

This is key, since best of class capital efficiency may require change contracting and

project execution practices from what the owner has traditionally utilized. Examples may

include life cycle contracting, increased use of fabrication and modularization, and

utilization of the EPC’s supply chain which is tuned to the delivery of capital assets

versus the owner’s product profile.

These five areas (reordered), capital efficiency levers if you will, include:




Plant Availability

Inventories (Supply Chain Design)

6. Lever #1 - CAPEX

CAPEX or capital cost improvements begin by realizing that approximately 10% of

CAPEX is related to engineering and 90% related to procurement and construction. The

owner’s EPC can significantly impact CAPEX costs in five principle ways:

Ensure that the developed design basis meets owner’s project requirements

(OPR), without undue contingencies, redundancies or factors of safety. This

entails ensuring that our design basis documents (baseline centric documents)

have been sufficiently challenged from this “scope control” perspective and that

subsequent reviews are not unduly conservative. Said another way, the design is

fit for purpose.

Ensure that the appropriate level of design is undertaken to reflect the delivery

form selected for the project (design build may require less detailed design for

off-sites, infrastructure and utilities). Further, challenge and eliminate non value

adding engineering process steps and simplify others where possible. This mind

set of fit for purpose execution processes and continuous process improvement

is essential to driving the CAPEX dimension of capital efficiency.

Drive down construction costs by ensuring that construction is an integral part of

the basis of design. This is accomplished through development of a construction

basis of design (CBOD) coincident with addressing the owner’s project

requirements (OPR). This is much more than constructability. Project execution

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processes must be reconfigured to reflect this element of an expanded basis of

design. A framework for a construction basis of design was laid out in

“Addressing Project Capital Efficiency through a Business Basis of Design” (PM

World Journal; Vol. III, Issue IV, April 2014) and is included as Table 1 for


Ensure supply chain strategies that drive lower CAPEX costs are fully supported

by modified work processes and the client contracting and project organizations

Enhance confidence levels associated with early stage estimates to improve

capital certainty (one of three primary concerns expressed by owners together

with schedule certainty and capital efficiency). This supports cost certain or cost

incentivized contracts

7. Lever #2 - Schedule

Schedule improvements improve capital efficiency by lowering the interest costs

associated with the construction phase while generating revenue at an earlier point in

time. Additionally, schedule certainty is important to owners and is one of their three

primary concerns (together with capital certainty and capital efficiency). The owner’s

EPC can significantly impact schedule in three significant ways.

Optimizing his work process to simplify and where possible eliminate steps in the

project execution process while incorporating added considerations related to an

expanded basis of design (BODX), innovation and continuous improvement.

Modify work processes to reflect construction driven execution needs including

work process changes needed to support increased fabrication efforts to better

control quality, cost and schedule. Fabrication strategies can drive plant layout

for example while shifting labor from a field setting to a more manufacturing like


Improving his measurement and understanding of the root causes of rework

during the engineering and construction phases to reduce the time and cost,

including disruption, associated with rework. This is facilitated to the extent that

owner work process requirements are not driving bespoke project execution

processes which are not as easily benchmarked. Included in this effort is an

improved understanding of RFI drivers and implementation of a continuous

improvement process to reduce RFIs.

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8. Lever #3 - OPEX

OPEX improvements begin by recognizing that at least 50% of life cycle cost is

associated with operating and maintenance phase expenditures. When feedstock and

fuel costs are considered these numbers may be significantly higher. The owner’s EPC

can impact this element of capital efficiency by including in an expanded basis of design

the O&M factors which should drive plant life cycle design. Like the CBOD described in

section 6, the O&MBOD will complement and complete the owner’s project

requirements (OPR). Depending on the strength of the owner’s O&M organization and

the timely, sustained participation of senior operating and maintenance managers and

experts, this basis of design may be by the owner.

Taken together the CBOD and O&MBOD are referred to as an expanded basis of

design (BODX) or a business basis of design. Our initial thinking on an O&MBOD

framework was also laid out in “Addressing Project Capital Efficiency through a

Business Basis of Design” (PM World Journal; Vol. III, Issue IV, April 2014) and is

include in Table 2 for completeness.

9. Lever #4 - Plant Availability

This is addressed primarily through the O&MBOD described in the previous section but

may also include potential “life cycle” (PPP type) offerings. Other influencers may


decisions on the number of equipment or process trains,

operating practices with respect to “in-service” maintenance activities, and

influence of multi-plant economic dispatch business models

with these last two more squarely within the owner’s domain.

10. Lever #5 - Inventories

Inventory requirements can impact overall capital efficiency and are influenced by

design and supply chain decisions that address inventory requirements for efficient


More significant will be the potential benefits leveraged from alternative supply chain

relationships and contracting strategies.

Inventory levels are also significantly influenced by the degree of standardization

incorporated in the capital asset.

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© 2014 Bob Prieto Page 8 of 13

11. Why Capital Efficiency is Key to Project Execution

Focusing on capital efficiency and the value it can bring drives alignment across all

participants in a capital assets life cycle. This includes the owner’s project development

organization, his EPC, contracts and legal, operations and finance. Within the EPC

organization it drives a fundamental shift in what is designed, how it is designed and the

sequence and packaging of design. Through frameworks such as the expanded basis of

design, BODX, we inculcate not only capital efficiency considerations but support a

culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

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Table 1

CBOD Framework


Comprehensive identification of required or preferred construction strategies, tactics,

techniques and tools

Construction labor, skills, equipment, materials of construction, logistical constraints

to be reflected in basis of design

Unique requirements that reflects owner or contractor preferences such as:

Prior experience of the owner

Unique risks, opportunities or constraints associated with the project

Contractor capabilities and experience

Special tools uniquely available to the project

Broader programmatic objectives required of the owner or independently

committed to by the owner that influences construction execution.

Applicable safety program to be used on project


CBOD considerations may be broadly grouped as basis of design requirements related





Means & methods

Management processes and practices



Safety – hazard elimination and mitigation









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Preferred material sources

Material tracking

Preferred logistical approach

On-site material activities

Means & methods

Focus on design impacting elements of construction


Reduce indirects

Reduce need for enabling works

Modularization/fabrication with appropriate metrics

Requirements for off-site construction


Reduce temporary works

Minimize excavations


Tools - Unique equipment to be employed

Management processes and practices

Owner’s policies, guidelines or other directives affecting construction

Regulatory limitations on construction practices, means & methods

Desired sequence of construction

RFI reduction


Construction energy, water, waste requirements

Commissioning - Provisions to be reflected in design

Workface planning

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Table 2

O&MBOD Framework


Operations and maintenance (O&M) process that influence design

O&M labor, skills, equipment, materials (including consumables), temporary

provisions for maintenance to be reflected in basis of design

Unique requirements such as:

Contracting community capabilities and experience

Special tools required for major maintenance

Broader programmatic objectives required of the owner or independently committed

to by the owner that influences maintenance execution.

Applicable safety program to be used during facility operation


O&MBOD considerations may be broadly grouped as basis of design requirements related to:




O&M practices and techniques

Management processes and practices







Maintenance – provisions; combinations; accessibility, minimization

Repair – minimization of spare types


Materials – minimize maintenance

O&M practices and techniques that are unique

Management processes and practices


Asset management

Contractual provisions to support long term O&M

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1. Addressing Project Capital Efficiency through a Business Basis of Design; PM World

Journal; Vol. III, Issue IV, April 2014

2. Application of Life Cycle Analysis in the Capital Assets Industry; Construction

Management Association of America (CMAA); June 2013; ISBN 978-1-938014-06-2

(eBook); ISBN 978-1-938014-07-9 (Print)

3. Life Cycle Analysis – a 7DSM Future; National Institute of Building Sciences;

January 9, 2014

4. Application of Life Cycle Analysis in the Capital Assets Industry; PM World Today;

March 2012

5. How Radically will Project Execution Change: A 7DSM Future; CMAA Future Focus;

Washington DC; March 4 -5, 2012

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© 2014 Bob Prieto Page 13 of 13

About the Author

Bob Prieto

Senior Vice President Fluor Princeton, NJ, USA

Bob Prieto is a senior vice president of Fluor, one of the

largest, publicly traded engineering and construction companies

in the world. He focuses on the development and delivery of large, complex projects

worldwide.. Bob consults with owners of large engineering & construction capital

construction programs across all market sectors in the development of programmatic

delivery strategies encompassing planning, engineering, procurement, construction and

financing. He is author of “Strategic Program Management”, “The Giga Factor: Program

Management in the Engineering and Construction Industry” and “Application of Life

Cycle Analysis in the Capital Assets Industry” published by the Construction

Management Association of America (CMAA) and “Topics in Strategic Program

Management” as well as over 500 other papers and presentations.

Bob is a member of the ASCE Industry Leaders Council, National Academy of

Construction and a Fellow of the Construction Management Association of America.

Bob served until 2006 as one of three U.S. presidential appointees to the Asia Pacific

Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council (ABAC), working with U.S.

and Asia-Pacific business leaders to shape the framework for trade and economic

growth and had previously served as both as Chairman of the Engineering and

Construction Governors of the World Economic Forum and co-chair of the infrastructure

task force formed after September 11th by the New York City Chamber of Commerce.

Previously, he served as Chairman at Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB), one of the world’s

leading engineering companies. Bob Prieto can be contacted at [email protected].

To see more works by Bob Prieto, visit his author showcase in the PM World Library at