cap ítulo 7

Capítulo 7 De viaje

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Cap ítulo 7. De viaje. Vocabulario. Los verbos. anunciar to announce bajarse (de) to get down (from); to get off (of a vehicle) contar ( cuento ) to tell, narrate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Capítulo 7

De viaje


Los verbos

anunciar to announcebajarse (de) to get down (from); to get off (of a vehicle)

contar (cuento) to tell, narratedar to givedecir to say, to tellencantar: to like very much,entregar to hand inexplicar to explainfumar to smokegustar to be pleasinginteresar to interest (someone)

Los verbos..

mandar to sendmostrar to showodiar to hateofrecer to offerprestar to lendprometer to promisequejarse (de) to complain (about)recomendar to recommendregalar to give (as a gift)subir (a) to go up; to get on (a vehicle)

De viaje….

el aeropuerto airportla agencia de viajes travel agencyel/la agente de viajes travel agentel asiento seatel/la asistente de vuelo: flight attendantel autobús busel avión airplaneel barco boat, shipel billete/ el boleto ticket

de ida one way ticketde ida y vuelta round-trip ticket

De viaje,,,

la cabina cabin (on a ship)la clase turística tourist class, coachla cola line (of people)el crucero cruise (ship)la demora delayel equipaje baggage, luggagela estación station

de autobuses bus stationdel tren train station

De viaje…

la llegada arrivalla maleta suitcaseel maletero porterel pasaje fare, price (of a transportation ticketel/la pasajero/a: passengerel pasillo aislela primera clase first classel puerto portla sala de espera waiting roomla sala de fumar/fumadores smoking areala salida departure

De viaje

el tren trainla ventanilla small windowel vuelo flightfacturar el equipaje to check baggageguardar (un puesto) to save a place (in line)hacer cola to stand in line hacer escala/parada to make stophacer la(s) maleta(s) to pack one’s suitcasepasar por el control to go/pass through security de seguridad

De viaje….

Ir en……. to go/ travel by…………autobus busavión planebarco boat, ship tren train

En el aeropuerto

Página 234

Los medios de transporte

Ir en……….

El viaje

Ejercicio A. B. C.

pp. 235-236

De vacaciones

Pagina 236

De vacaciones

la camioneta station wagon, vanel camping campgroundla fotografía photo(graph)el mar seala montaña mountainel océano oceanla tienda(de campana) tent

Repaso: la playa

estar de vacaciones to be on vacationhacer camping to go campingIr de vacaciones a… to go on vacation to/in…nadar to swimpasar las vacaciones en…. to spend one’s vacations in…..sacar fotos to take photossalir de vacaciones to leave on vacationtomar el sol to sunbathetomar unas vacaciones to take a vacationa tiempo on timede viaje traveling, on a trip

Indirect Object Pronouns

Expressing to who(m) or for who(m)

Indirect Object Pronouns

me to/for me te to/for you (fam. Sing.)le to/ for you (form. Sing.) him, her, itnos to/ for usos to/for you (fam. pl.)les to/for you (form. pl.), themOJO: Note that indirect object pronouns have the same form as direct object pronouns, except in the third person:le,les.

Indirect Object Pronouns

A. Indirect object nouns and pronouns are the second recipient of the action of the verb. They usually answer the question to whom? Or for whom? In relation to the verb. The word to is frequently omitted in English.

Indirect Object: a noun or pronoun that indicates to who(m) or for who(m) an action is performed.

Indirect Object……

Indicate the direct and indirect objects in the following sentences:1. I’m giving her the present tomorrow2. Could you tell me the answer now?3. El profesor nos va a hacer algunas preguntas4. ¿No me compras una revista ahora?

B. Like direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns (los pronombres de complemento indirecto) are placed immidiately before a conjugated verb. They may be also attached to an infinitive or a present participle


No, no te presto el cocheNo, I won’t lend you the car

Voy a guardarte el asientoTe voy a guardar el asientoI’ll save your seat for you

Le estoy escribiendo una carta a MarisolEstoy escribiéndole una carta a MarisolI’m writing Marisol a letter

C. As with direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns are attached to the affirmative command form and precede the negative command form


Sírvanos un café, por favorServe us some coffee, please

No me dé su número de teléfono ahoraDon’t give me your phone number now

D. Since le and les have several different equivalents, their meaning is often clarified or emphasized with the preposition a followed by a pronoun (object of a preposition)


Voy a mandarle un telegrama a Ud. (a él, a ella)I’m going to send you (him, her) a telegram

Les hago una comida a Uds. (a ellos, a ellas)I’m making you (them) a meal

E. Whith third person forms, it is common for a Spanish sentence to contain both the indirect object noun and the indirect object pronoun


Vamos a contarle el secreto a JuanLet’s tell Juan the secret

¿Les guardo los asientos a Jorge y Marta?Shall I save the seat for Jorge and Marta?

F. Here are some verbs frequently used with indirect objects. Be sure you know their meaning before starting the activities in the Practica section:


contar (cuento) to tell, narrateentregar (gu) to hand inescribir to writeexplicar (qu) to explainhablar to speakmandar to sendmostrar (muestro) to showofrecer (ofrezco) to offer

Más verbos

pedir (pido) to ask forpreguntar to ask (a question) prestar to lendprometer to promiserecomendar(recomiendo) to recommendregalar to give (as a gift)servir (sirvo) to serve

Dar and decir

Página 242

Dar and decir are most always used with indirect object pronouns in Spanish

¿Cuando me das el dinero?When will you give me the money?

¿Por qué no le dice Ud. La verdad, señor? Why don’t you tell him/her the truth, sir?

Dar…. To give Decir…. To tell

doy damosdas --------da dan

digo decimosdices ---------dice dicen

Dar and decir

Dar and decir also have irregular formal command forms. There is a written accent on dé to distinguish it from the preposition de

Formal commands of dar and decir:da → dé, dendecir → diga, digan

OJO: In Spanish there are two verbs for to give: dar (to give in general) and regalar (to give as a gift). Also do not confuse decir (to say or to tell) with hablar (to speak) or contar (to tell, narrate).

Práctica C., D. y E.

Páginas 243-244

Expressing Likes and Dislikes

Página 245

Constructions with gustar

Spanish: me gusta la playaLiteral equivalent: The beach is pleasing to meEnglish Phrasing: I like the beach

Spanish: No le gustan sus cursosLiteral equivalent: His courses are not pleasing to himEnglish Phrasing: He does’t like his courses


Gustar does not literally mean to like, but rather to be pleasing:

Me gusta viajaTraveling is pleasing to me (I like to travel)

Me gustan los viajes de aventuraAdventurous trips are pleasing to me (I like

adventurous trips.)


A. Gustar is always used with an indirect object pronoun: Someone is pleasing to someone else. The verb must agree with the subject of the sentence; that is, the person or thing that is pleasing


Me gusta este asiento de pasillo This aisle seat is pleasing to me (I like this aisle seat) No me gustan los asientos de ventanilla Window seats are not pleasing to me. (I don’t like window seats) Me gusta mucho volar en avión Flying is really pleasing to me. (I really like to fly)


B. When the person pleased is stated as a noun, the phrase a + noun must be used in addition to the indirect object pronoun. The preposition phrase usually appears before the indirect object pronoun, bur it can also appears after the verb.OJO: The indirect pronoun must be used with gustar even when the prepositional phrase a + noun or pronoun is used.


A David no le gustan los avionesNo le gustan los aviones a DavidDavis does’t like airplanes

A Raquel y a Arturo les gusta viajar en las vacacionesLes gusta viajar en las vacaciones a Raquel y a ArturoRaquel and Arturo like to travel while on vacation


C. A phrase with a + pronoun is often used for clarification or emphasis. The prepositional phrase can appear before the indirect object pronoun or after the verbOJO: Mí (accent) and ti (no accent) are used as the object of most prepositions, except conmigo and contigo. Subject pronouns (Ud., él, ella,..) are used as the object of all prepositions for all the persons.

CLARIFICATION¿Le gusta a Ud. viajar? ¿Le gusta a él viajar?Do you like to travel? Does he like to travel?

EMPHASISA mí me gusta viajar en avión, pero a mi esposo le gusta viajar en coche, Y a ti ¿En qué te gusta viajar?I like to travel by plane, but my husband like to travel by car. How do you like to travel?

Would like / Would’t like

What one would or would not like to do is expressed with the form gustaría + infinitive and the appropriate indirect objectEjemplos:A mí me gustaría viajar a ColombiaI would like to travel to Colombia

Nos gustaría hacer camping este veranoWe would like to go camping this summer

Práctica A.Paso 1, 2 y B.

Página 247

Preterite of Regular Verbs

Página 250

Verbs –AR, -ER, and -IR

Hablar(to speak) comer (to eat) vivir (to live)

hablé comí vivíhablaste comiste vivistehabló comió vivióhablamos comimos vivimoshablasteis comisteis vivimoshablaron comieron vivieron

El pretérito

The preterite has several equivalents in English. For example, hablé can mean I spoke or I did speak. The preterite is used to report finished, completed actions or states of being in the past. If the action or state of being is viewed as completed, no matter how long it lasted or took to complete, it will be expressed with the preterit

El pretérito……

Note that nosotros forms of regular preterites for –ar and –ir verbs are the same as the present tense forms. Context usually helps determine meaning


• Pasé dos meses en el Caribe I spent two months in the Caribbean• El verano pasado hicimos camping en Puerto Rico Last sommer we went camping in Puerto Rico• Ayer hablamos del viaje con nuestros amigos. Hoy

hablamos con el agente de viaje a las dos de la tarde Yesterday we spoke about the trip with our friends. Today we’re speaking with the travel agent at 2:00 P.M.


Note the accent mark on the first and third person singular of the preterite tense. These accent marks are dropped in the conjugation of ver: vi, vio

Ver: vi vimos viste visteis vio vieron

despertar y volver

-ar and -er stem-changing verbs show no stem change in the preterite.

-ir stem-changing verbs do show a change

Despertar(despierto): desperté, despertaste……Volver(vuelvo): volví, volviste,……

Buscar, pagar, empezar

Verbs that end in -car, -gar, and -zar show a spelling change in the first person singular (yo) of the preterite. (This is the same change you have already learned to make in formal commands

-car → que busqué, buscaste, buscó buscamos, buscasteis, buscaron -gar → gu pagué, pagaste, pagó pagamos, pagasteis, pagaron -zar → c empecé, empezaste, empezó empezamos, empezasteis, empezaron

An unstressed -i- between two vowels becomes -y-. Also note the accent on the í in the tú, nosotros, and vosotros forms.

Creer LeerCreí creímos leí leímosCreíste creísteis leíste leísteisCreyó creyeron leyó leyeron

Irregular Preterite Form

The preterite ending for dar are the same as those used for regular -er/-ir verbs, except that the accent marks are droppped

Dardi dimosdiste disteisdio dieron


Hizo is spelling with a z to keep the [s] sound of the infinitive

hic- + -o → hizo

Hacerhice hicimoshiciste hicisteishizo hicieron


Ir and ser have identical forms in the preterite. Context will make the meaning clear. In addition, forms of ir are often followed by a (as in the first example), so they are easy to spot in the preterite

Ir/serfui fuimosfuiste --------fue fueron


Fui a la playa el verano pasadoI went to the beach last summer

Fui agente de viajesI was a travel agent

Práctica B. D.

Página 253, 255

Más práctica Paso C. pp. 256

Toda la clase Paso B. pp. 257