cap city 09-20-12

a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives. Elected as Mayor-President in 2004, Holden has now served eight years and is proud of his support, along with that of the Metro Coun- cil, of the Green Light program of road and street improvements. p See LIVINGSTON on Page 3 Thursday, September 20, 2012 • Vol. 21, No. 3 • 16 Pages • • Phone 225-261-5055 ® NEWS NEWS CAPITAL CITY CAPITAL CITY Serving Baton Rouge and City of Central Holden’s Charisma, White Support Make Him Formidable BATON ROUGE — Mayor-President Kip Holden had a career as a radio and television newsman before be- ing elected as a City-Parish Coun- cilman and then serving 20 years as A seasoned politician with a long history of beating the odds and plowing new ground, Holden is Baton Rouge’s first black mayor. His greatest political strength is probably his personal charm and likability. This personal magne- tism led to overwhelming support BATON ROUGE — An impending vacancy on the Louisiana Supreme Court caused by the resignation of Chief Justice Kitty Kimball later this year has left the philosophi- cal direction of the court hanging in the balance and local judges and attorneys scrambling. Eight candidates are seeking the seat, including four Court of Appeal judges, two District Court judges, and two local attorneys. Meanwhile, many lawyers who often contribute to judges’ cam- paigns are sitting on the sidelines, afraid to contribute to any candi- date, lest they offend the others. Judge John M. Guidry is con- sidered the leading Democrat, but many attorneys believe the top Re- Battle for the Court Judges Among Eight Candidates To Fill Vacancy On High Court State Rep. Valarie Hodges was among those honoring Sen. David Vitter Friday. See DRIVE on Page 16 Dr. Beau Clark Capital Health & Fitness Guide Capital Health & Fitness Guide Coming Oct. 4, 2012 • Deadline Oct. 1 To advertise, Call 261-5055 Control of La. Supreme Court Hangs in Balance CANDIDATES FOR LOUISIANA SUPREME COURT are (1st row) Republican judges Toni Higginbotham, Jeff Hughes, Tim Kel- ley, Bill Morvant, and Duke Welch and (2rd row) Judge John Guidry (D), independent Jeffrey Sanford, and Mary Olive Pierson (D). Sen. David Vitter Named Man of the Year BATON ROUGE — Baton Rouge area Republicans packed the City Club for the 1st Annual Ronald Reagan Awards Luncheon last Fri- day and honored U. S. Sen. David Vitter as Man of the Year. Vitter was recognized for his support of free enterprise, limited govern- ment, lower taxes, traditional val- ues, and a strong defense. Speakers included State Rep. Va- larie Hodges, Gene Mills of Family Forum, Milton Graugnard of Ca- jun Construction, and Mayor Pro- Tem Mike Walker. Vitter said he was humbled to receive the honor. Republicans Cite Senator’s Service To State’s People Coroner to Address Record Murder Rate At New Chamber At 12 Noon Tuesday BATON ROUGE — East Baton Rouge Parish coroner Dr. Beau Clark will discuss the parish’s murder rate at the new Cham- ber of Com- merce of East Baton Rouge meeting at 12 noon Tuesday at Café Améric- ain. As coroner, Dr. Clark exam- ines each mur- der victim. from blacks and an approval rat- ing of more than 60 percent from whites. East Baton Rouge Parish is a closely-divided political battle- ground where 54 percent of the voters are white. White voters are a key to Holden’s campaign to be Woody Jenkins Editor, Central City News

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cap city 09-20-12


Page 1: cap city 09-20-12

a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives. Elected as Mayor-President in 2004, Holden has now served eight years and is proud of his support, along with that of the Metro Coun-cil, of the Green Light program of road and street improvements.


See LIVINGSTON on Page 3

Thursday, September 20, 2012 • Vol. 21, No. 3 • 16 Pages • • Phone 225-261-5055


and City of Central

Holden’s Charisma, White Support Make Him Formidable BATON ROUGE — Mayor-President Kip Holden had a career as a radio and television newsman before be-ing elected as a City-Parish Coun-cilman and then serving 20 years as

A seasoned politician with a long history of beating the odds and plowing new ground, Holden is Baton Rouge’s first black mayor. His greatest political strength is probably his personal charm and likability. This personal magne-tism led to overwhelming support

BATON ROUGE — An impending vacancy on the Louisiana Supreme Court caused by the resignation of Chief Justice Kitty Kimball later this year has left the philosophi-cal direction of the court hanging in the balance and local judges and attorneys scrambling. Eight candidates are seeking the seat, including four Court of Appeal judges, two District Court judges, and two local attorneys. Meanwhile, many lawyers who often contribute to judges’ cam-paigns are sitting on the sidelines, afraid to contribute to any candi-date, lest they offend the others. Judge John M. Guidry is con-sidered the leading Democrat, but many attorneys believe the top Re-

Battle for the CourtJudges AmongEight CandidatesTo Fill Vacancy On High Court

State Rep. Valarie Hodges was among those honoring Sen. David Vitter Friday.

See DRIVE on Page 16

Dr. Beau Clark

Capital Health &Fitness GuideCapital Health & Fitness Guide

Coming Oct. 4, 2012 • Deadline Oct. 1To advertise, Call 261-5055

Control of La. Supreme Court Hangs in Balance

CANDIDATES FOR LOUISIANA SUPREME COURT are (1st row) Republican judges Toni Higginbotham, Jeff Hughes, Tim Kel-ley, Bill Morvant, and Duke Welch and (2rd row) Judge John Guidry (D), independent Jeffrey Sanford, and Mary Olive Pierson (D).

Sen. David Vitter Named Man of the Year

BATON ROUGE — Baton Rouge area Republicans packed the City Club for the 1st Annual Ronald Reagan Awards Luncheon last Fri-day and honored U. S. Sen. David Vitter as Man of the Year. Vitter was recognized for his support of free enterprise, limited govern-ment, lower taxes, traditional val-ues, and a strong defense. Speakers included State Rep. Va-larie Hodges, Gene Mills of Family Forum, Milton Graugnard of Ca-jun Construction, and Mayor Pro-Tem Mike Walker. Vitter said he was humbled to receive the honor.

Republicans CiteSenator’s ServiceTo State’s People

Coroner to AddressRecord Murder RateAt New ChamberAt 12 Noon Tuesday BATON ROUGE — East Baton Rouge Parish coroner Dr. Beau Clark will discuss the parish’s murder rate at the new Cham-ber of Com-merce of East Baton Rouge meeting at 12 noon Tuesday at Café Améric-ain. As coroner, Dr. Clark exam-ines each mur-der victim.

from blacks and an approval rat-ing of more than 60 percent from whites. East Baton Rouge Parish is a closely-divided political battle-ground where 54 percent of the voters are white. White voters are a key to Holden’s campaign to be

Woody Jenkins Editor, Central City News

Page 2: cap city 09-20-12

910NorthFosterDrive PostOfficeBox1 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Greenwell Springs, LA 70739

Phone(225)261-5055•[email protected]

Published 1st and 3rd Thursdays by Community Press, LLC


Incorporating the South Baton Rouge JournalVol.21•No.3•Entirecontents©2012


Community Press 2012 Publication ScheduleCapital City News - 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month

Deadline: 5 p.m. Monday before publicationCapital City News is distributed in South Baton Rouge & Central

Central City News - 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each monthDeadline: 5 p.m. Monday before publication

Central City News is distributed primarily in the City of CentralNOTE: Both newspapers cover news in Central

Thursday, Sept. 27 Central City NewsThursday, Oct. 4 Capital City News Health & Fitness GuideThursday, Oct. 11 Central City NewsThursday, Oct. 18 Capital City News Election GuideThursday, Oct. 25 Central City NewsThursday, Nov. 1 Capital City NewsThursday, Nov. 8 Central City News

Thursday, Nov. 15 Capital City NewsTuesday, Nov. 20 Christmas Gift Guide for both newspapersThursday, Nov. 29 Central City News Central Christmas ParadeThursday, Dec. 6 Capital City NewsThursday, Dec. 13 Central City NewsThursday, Dec. 20 Christmas Edition for both newspapersNo publications Dec. 27 and Jan. 3, 2013

2 CAPITAL CITY NEWS Thursday, September 20, 2012

Capital City News is a continuation of the South Baton Rouge Journal, which went on hiatus in 2008 during its 20th year of publication. The Capital City News is resuming publication of the Journal as Vol. 21, No. 1. Community Press, LLC, publishes the Central City News on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month. The newspapers are not affiliated with a political party but the editor is parish Republican chairman.Editor & Publisher Woody JenkinsBusiness Manager Candi LeeGraphicArtist TerriePalmerBusinessSpecialists SharaPollard,JoliceProvost

Member,NationalNewspaperAssociationDeadline for news and advertising: 5 p.m. Mondays



CollapseofObama’sMideastPolicyLeavesAdministration Looking Dangerously Inept

LOUISIANA FAMILY FORUM — Gene Mills, president of Louisiana Family Forum, paid tribute to U. S. Sen. David Vitter last Friday during the Ronald Reagan Man of the Year Awards at the City Club. Mills is hosting the Annual Family Forum Dinner tonight at the Healing Place. Doors open at 6 and dinner at 7 p.m. For information, call 344-8533.


BATON ROUGE — Over the past cou-ple of years, probably the most com-mon refrain among my fellow conser-vatives has been this: “Nearly half the people in America get a check from the government ev-

Social ConservativesDon’t Base Their VoteOn Checks in the Mail Woody Jenkins Editor, Capital City News

But there are many problems with Gov. Romney’s statement. First of all, it is premised on the idea that people who pay income taxes are conservative and those who don’t are liberal and will vote Demo-cratic. This is a concept, which might be called “economic determinism” — namely that your political behavior is determined by your income level, whether you pay income taxes, and whether you get a check from the government. A lot of “economic conservatives” think this way, and they see the world as driven primarily by issues involv-ing money. But that viewpoint is manifestly flawed. It ignores the fact that human beings are very compli-cated and make their political deci-sions for a variety of reasons. For example, many voters are pri-marily “social conservatives,” who make their voting decisions in large part based on issues such as abortion and traditional marriage. For these voters, income levels and income tax-es have less to do with how they vote. In fact, lower middle income vot-ers tend to be the strongest pro-life supporters, and they very often vote Republican even if they pay no in-come taxes. Second, among the 47 percent who “pay no income taxes” are the retired people on Social Security who paid taxes all their lives. They tend to be very conservative and often Re-publican. Do they suddenly change their voting patterns simply because

ery month. At some point soon, the number of people getting a check from the government will outnumber the working people, and at that point there is no hope for America.” Gov. Mitt Romney, whom I strong-ly support, got himself in trouble this week by saying something very simi-lar — that 47 percent of American households don’t pay income taxes, and thus they won’t be voting for him. For most conservatives, this state-ment is a “truism,” and they want Gov. Romney to “stick to his guns” and not back off.

they’ve retired? Of course not. Ironically, nationwide, the poorer counties in America are generally the most reliably Republican. The Wall Street Journal reports that the so-called Tractor Counties (rural, agricultural) in America (median in-come $33,000) and the Evangelical Counties (socially conservative) na-tionwide (median income $31,000) have given Republican candidates a 22-point margin since 2000. Another point: When conservatives say half the households in America receive a check from the government and the future is hopeless, we should ask ourselves another question: How many of those households also have someone in that household work-ing and paying taxes? How many of those households include a business owner? Just because grandma, who lives at home, is on Social Security or the family includes a special needs child who receives government assistance doesn’t mean that family is voting Democratic. Republicans, especially economic conservatives, should open their eyes and realize many millions of Ameri-cans will vote with us, even if they’re not making enough money to pay in-come taxes and even if someone in their household gets a government check. Fortunately, politics is a lot more complicated than that, and we can win many of these voters to our side, if we don’t write them off.

Woody Jenkins

BATON ROUGE — The Arab Spring has turned into the Arab Win-ter. With it, the utter naivete and ineptitude of the Obama Admin-istration’s policy in the Mideast have become clear for all to see. In his Cairo speech, President Obama reached out to the Muslim world in the obvious belief that 1,000 years of history was all a big mistake,

Singing KumbayaWith Terrorists IsNo Substitute forMilitary Strength Woody Jenkins Editor, Capital City News

his wanting to try the terrorists at Guanta-nomo under crimi-nal law, instead of military law. Notice that even with the murder of the American am-bassador to Libya, Obama wanted to send in the FBI to

Department stopped referring to ter-rorists as “terrorists”? That’s behind

a misunderstanding that could be solved by holding hands and singing kumbaya together. Thus began the descent that led to Obama’s complicity in the over-throw of dictatorial regimes which had at least kept the forces of terror at bay. It was also the beginning of the Obama administration’s gradual abandonment of our friends in Israel. Today an American ambassador has been murdered, U. S. embassies are under seige, and American inter-ests in the Mideast remain under con-stant threat. Terrorism and terrorists are on the rise — dramatically — in the Mid-east, and there is no one to stop them except Israel. The United States and President Obama look foolish, inept, weak, and powerless to control our destiny. Do you remember that not long ago, President Obama and his State

killed, it’s a job for the Marines — not the investigators. When America kicks butt and takes names, we get positive results — and victory! When we grovel, we get what we deserve — a bloody nose or much worse. Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups are behind the coordinated attacks on American embassies across the Mus-lim world, and it will continue and get worst unless we get new leadership. Meanwhile, the threat of Iran’s building nuclear weapons grows more severe with each passing day. The clock is ticking, and the annila-tion of the State of Israel and perhaps the United States becomes more and more likely. Rome is burning, and Nero is fid-dling away. Nov. 6 is almost here. I just pray that the American people stand up, and that it won’t be too late.

“investigate” and bring the wrongdo-ers to “justice”! Much to the Presi-dent’s surprise, it wasn’t “safe” for the FBI to go to Libya to investigate. Obama thinks this is a criminal problem and wants to read everybody their Miranda rights. What a piece of work we have in the White House! When American embassies are at-tacked and American diplomats are


o by


dy Je



Page 3: cap city 09-20-12

CAPITAL CITY NEWS September 20, 2012 3


Resignation of Chief Justice Triggers All-Out Battle


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publican vote-getter in the Nov. 6 primary will be the eventual winner in the Dec. 8 runoff. Republican leaders are equally concerned that the large number of Republican candidates could so split the Republican vote in the primary that two Democrats — Guidry and Baton Rouge attorney Mary Olive Pierson — could slip into the runoff together. In a race where each candidate wants any edge he can get, the en-dorsement of the Republican Party of East Baton Rouge Parish has loomed large, and that endorsement went to Court of Appeal Judge Toni Higginbotham and District Judge Tim Kelley on Wednesday (see story on Page 6). The eight candidates for the Loui-siana Supreme Court are:

TheRepublicans • Court of Appeal Judge Toni Higginbotham. Conservative Re-publican. Long-time Republican activist with seven years practic-ing law, 14 years as Juvenile Court judge, and two years as judge of the Court of Appeal. Endorsed by Re-publican Party. Resides in South Baton Rouge. • Court of Appeal Judge Jeff Hughes. Conservative Republican with 12 years as practicing attorney, 14 years as District Judge, and eight years on the Court of Appeal. Re-sides in Livingston Parish. • District Judge Tim Kelley. Conservative Republican with 21 years practicing law and eight years as District Judge. Endorsed by Re-publican Party. Resides in South Baton Rouge. • District Judge BillMorvant.Conservative Republican with 11 years as a practicing attorney and 15 years as District Judge. Endorsed by Louisiana Association of Busi-ness and Industry. Resides in South Baton Rouge. • Court of Appeal Judge Duke Welch. Conservative Republican who served in the U.S. Air Force. He served on the Baker City Coun-cil, practiced law for 15 years, served as District Judge for nine years, and has served for eight years on the Court of Appeal. Resides in Zach-ary area.

TheDemocrats • Court of Appeal Judge John MichaelGuidry. Moderate Demo-crat. He served in Louisiana House of Representatives and Louisiana Senate, practiced law for 10 years, and has served for 15 years on Court

of Appeal. He resides in Baton Rouge. • Mary Olive Pierson. Demo-crat. She has practiced law for 42 years representing a wide variety of clients but is well known for high profile cases including multi-million dollar civil cases and white collar criminal cases. Served on the City-Parish Council. Resides in South Baton Rouge.

The Independent • Jeffry Sanford. Independent. He has practiced law for 21 years and has a wide-ranging practice that includes multi-million civil cas-es, international law, professional sports, and many others. WhytheElectionMatters.The Louisiana Supreme Court is a largely collegial group which often agrees, but there are some deep philosophi-cal issues which split the court down the middle. Speaking generally, the court has three conservative justices, three liberal justices, and one who can tilt either way, depending on the issue. The election of a Republican to this seat would move the court in a more conservative direction because Chief Justice Kimball is considered more liberal. Because the philosophical direc-tion of the court is at stake, the elec-tion has attracted a large number of candidates and a great deal of inter-est from the legal community, espe-cially trial lawyers, and the business community. How the Race Is Shaping Up.Here are some of the observations

being made by political strategists who have analyzed this race: • The primary election is Nov. 6, and the runoff is Dec. 8. It is ex-tremely unlikely that the election will be resolved without a runoff. • All of the six judges seeking the post are considered capable and well qualified. • Court of Appeal Judge John Michael Guidry is viewed as the candidate most likely to run first in the primary. Although black and a Democrat, he is considered moder-

ate to somewhat conservative. He enjoyed the support of LABI when he ran for the Court of Appeal and was opposed by former Sen. Cleo Fields. • Democrat attorney Mary Ol-ive Pierson has an outside chance of making the runoff, if she has a strong media campaign and if the Republi-can field splits evenly. However, few observers expect that to happen. • District Judge Bill Morvant secured the coveted LABI endorse-

See EIGHT on Page 13

Continued from Page 1

JUDGEDUKEWELCH addressed the East Baton Rouge Republican Parish Executive Committee last Thursday at Metro Council.


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4 CAPITAL CITY NEWS Thursday, September 20 2012

RepublicansOpenParishHeadquarters,Republican Party of EBR, 7047 Jefferson Hwy., Suite B

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JUDGEDUKEWELCH (left) spoke at the opening of Republican headquarters, while District Judge Trudy White (center) and City Judge Suzan Ponder (right) spoke at the Ronald Reagan Newsmaker Luncheon on Sept. 11. Judge White is running for the Court of Appeal, and Judge Ponder is running for reelection. For more on their races, read the Oct. 4 edition of the Capital City News.

BATON ROUGE — The Republican Party of East Baton Rouge Parish opened its Parish Headquarters last week at 7047 Jefferson Highway, Suite B. More than 100 people at-tended. The headquarters will be used as an office, call center, meet-ing place, and pickup point for yard signs and literature. Republican Party secretary Ryan Cross said the GOP hopes to open the office from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Monday through Saturday during the campaign. He said volunteers should email the party at [email protected] and pro-vide their contact information and times they are available to work. Volunteers will help party-endorsed candidates and call from the head-quarters to undecided voters in swing states. He said, “Keep up with local GOP activities by ‘liking’ Capital Republican on Facebook.”

Page 5: cap city 09-20-12

CAPITAL CITY NEWS Thursday, September 20, 2012 5


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Page 6: cap city 09-20-12

Jenkins said McDonald is also a proven conservative with a solid record and deserves to be reelected. Party secretary Ryan Cross an-nounced the results at GOP head-quarters at 7047 Jefferson Hwy. GOP executive committee Jerry Arbour announced that, as expect-ed, the local Republican Party com-mittee has unanimously endorsed the Romney-Ryan ticket and Con-gressman Bill Cassidy. Ryan said volunteers who want to help elect GOP candidates should send their contact information to [email protected].

6 CAPITAL CITY NEWS Thursday, September 20, 2012

Republican Party of EBR Makes Endorsements

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Hoping to Put GOPCandidate in Runoff,Republicans Try toNarrow Large Field

The party also endorsed Court of Appeal Judge Mike McDonald for reelection. Parish Republican Party chair-man Woody Jenkins said making the endorsement for Supreme Court was extremely difficult. “We have five excellent Republican candidates running for the Supreme Court, and any of them would be a credit to

BATON ROUGE — The Republican Party of East Baton Rouge Parish Wednesday night announced its en-dorsement of two of the eight can-didates seeking a vacant seat on the Louisiana Supreme Court. Receiving the Supreme Court endorsement were Court of Appeal Judge Toni Higginbotham and Dis-trict Court Judge Tim Kelley.

the court. How-ever, at this point, we have to try to select the strongest candidate who can get into the Dec. 8 runoff and then win in that runoff. We met with each of the candidates at length, studied their biographies and legal writ-ings, and subject-ed them to pretty intense question-ing. In the end, we felt that Judge Higginbotham and Judge Kelley were the best choices to carry the Republi-can banner. They are both solid con-servatives who

could take the Supreme Court in a new, more conservative direction, and they are both potential winners in the runoff against the Democrat. We urge all Republican voters to consider our recommendations.”

Court of Appeal Judge Toni Higginbotham and her mother. Judge Higginbotham and Judge Tim Kelley were endorsed for the Supreme Court Wednesday by the GOP.

DistrictJudgeTimKelley with wife Angele Davis and their son. Angele served as Commissioner of Administration under Gov. Bobby Jindal.

MEMBERS of Court of Appeal Judge Mike McDonald’s family gathered at GOP head-quarters Wednesday for the hoped-for news that he would be endorsed for reelection.


Jerry Arbour

Ryan Cross

Page 7: cap city 09-20-12

CAPITAL CITY NEWS September 20, 2012 7

THE HARD HAT GUIDE To update information, email [email protected]

Air Conditioning & Heating

Aabco Heating & Air Conditioning 15123 Hooper, 261-2160Air Control Heating & Air LLC 14065 Denham Rd, 261-9744 [email protected] Watts Service Inc 7360 Tom Dr, 928-2087 [email protected] Air Greenwell Springs, 261-5843Big H Temperature Control Service Inc 2850 Needham Dr, 928-3644Bordelon’s Heating & Air 9570 Dyer Rd, 241-7332Boudreaux Heating & Air Inc 261-3900Cain’s Heating & Air Conditioning 16421 Alford, 261-7575Cavalier AC & Heating Service 5983 Landmor Dr, 262-5584Central Heating & Air 8565 N Rome Dr, 262-1186Central City A/C & Electric 13623 Hooper Rd Ste H, 261-6912Confederate Heating & Air 12025 Sullivan Rd, 261-5000Industrial Cooling Tower Service 15868 Hooper Rd, 261-3180Kaiser Heating & Air Inc 7638 Frontier Ave, 261-8474Lasseign’s Heating & A/C 261-4893

Magee Inc 15021 Crystal, 261-8020Martin L Johnson Service Co, Inc 355-5149Martin Mechanical Air Conditioning Contractors, Inc. 930-7676Mathes Mechanical Heating & Air 16701 Pernicia, 262-4090Mike Robinson Enterprises 261-4800Moak’s Heating & Air Conditioning 11116 Sullivan, 261-0145Paternostro’s Air Conditioning 10349 Mammoth Dr, 261-1000Ram Heating & Air Conditioning 10145 Mammoth Av, 923-2677Summit Heating & Air Inc. 22822 Greenwell Springs, 262-4505Tempco Air & Heat 10945 Glenn Watts, 261-5054


Stanton’s Appliances 2450 N. Sherwood Forest, 275-6220

Appliance Repair

Mark’s Appliance Repair 261-2270 [email protected]


Louisiana Asphalt Producers 14200 Sparkle, 456-5065

Building Supplies

Acoustical Specialties & Supply 12434 South Choctaw 272-9545Cajun Cypress & Hardwoods 14251 Brown Rd, 261-4166

Contemporary Cabinets 12228 Hooper Rd, 262-1184Cornerstone Commercial Flooring 10125 Mammoth Ave, 270-0749Pat’s Home Center 13533 Hooper Rd, 262-8685

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See LOCALLY on Page 8

Page 8: cap city 09-20-12

8 CAPITAL CITY NEWS Thursday, September 20, 2012

Shutter Shop The 7248 Sullivan Rd, 261-7111Cabinets & Millwork

All Star Cabinets & Millworks 15406 Frenchtown Rd, 261-6296B&B Cabinets 15053 Greenwell Springs, 261-8950Cajun Cypress & Hardwoods 14251 Brown Rd, 261-4166 www.cajuncypress.comCarl’s Cabinets LLC 14327 Devall Rd, 261-6050Central Flooring & Cabinets 8849 Sullivan, 590-5225Contemporary Cabinets 12228 Hooper Rd, 262-1184Daigle Cabinets 18082 Planchet Rd, 261-5344Gary’s Woodworks 262-6035Precision Cabinets Summers Rd, 261-4193Quality Design Inc. 638-9091 or 324-7830Ron’s Custom Cabinets 23838 Greenwell Springs, 261-0116Signature Custom Cabinets 4123 Evan Brooks, 275-5345Teed & Son Cabinets 15058 Frenchtown Rd, 261-8258

Construction & Construction Services

Acadiana Constructors Magnolia Bridge Rd, 261-9365 www.acadiana-group.comAction Construction of La. LLC 16801 Teneiya Ave., 772-2494B & B Manufacturing Co Inc 15053 Greenwell Springs, 261-8950Big Jim Construction 262-7949BLD Builders Inc 6858 Micah’s Way, 261-5222Carl’s Cabinets LLC 14327 Devall Road, 261-6050Central Metal & Aluminum 261-6105Central Roofing & Painting 12226 Partridgewood, 278-5619Charles Viola Construction LLC - General Contractor 21424 Greenwell Springs, 261-6649Gafford Builders 13310 Wood Creek, 261-6185 [email protected] Joey Construction 278-7746Firmin Construction 9811 Mammoth Ave, 928-8433J Watts Builders 27053 Greenwell Springs, 261-4174Jenkins Gene Restoration 6611 Donnybrook Ave, 261-6765

Magnolia Construction Co LLC 2654 Mission Dr, 355-7787Mid-South Church Construction 17123 Hooper Rd, 261-5622Montgomery Builders 9437-C Sullivan Rd, 262-2532Nunnally Pollard Development LLC 460 Florida Blvd Ste 16, 757-1970Plant Machine Works Inc. 4633 Blount Rd, 775-7163Quality Design Inc 683-9091 or 324-7830R Crenshaw Construction Inc 261-2437or 324-3866 [email protected] Construction & Remodeling 15111 Hubbs Rd, 772-3835SouthEast Construction 223-2953Spicer Construction Inc. 7550 N Eisworth Ave, 647-3636 In The Village at Magnolia SquareTrade Construction 17043 Joor Rd, 654-7741


BLD Builders 6858 Micah’s Way, 261-5222Central Erectors Inc 261-5991Fetzer Properties

343-3844 www.fetzerproperties.comGourrier Construction Co 18176 Greenwell Springs, 261-1681Grady Crawford Construction Co 12290 Greenwell Springs, 275-7334Hartley Construction 13394 Devall Rd, 262-6488Landmark Enterprises 261-6600Pierre Home Builders & Properties 21890 Chaney Rd., 279-7578Professional Builders & Home Improvements LLC 262-2327 [email protected] Homes LLC 931-0478 www.rabalaishomes.comStarkey Builders LLC 9656 Joor Rd, 262-2278Ted Hebert LLC 14430 Brown, 261-1015WCK Foundation Repair 262-1588

Dirt Work

Adam’s Dirt Work 937-4682Central Lawn & Tractor 573-5187General Sand & Gravel Co Inc 19280 Greenwell Springs, 261-3953Red Line Services, LLC 324-1530


Amedee-Rivet Drywall 13829 Red River Ave, 262-0211

Electric Contractors

A & B Electrical Contractors Inc 14919 Hooper Rd, 261-9087Armco Electric Inc 14635 Summers Rd, 262-1116Central Electric Co LLC 10015 Sullivan Rd, 261-0370City Electric 261-8228D & L Electric 9109 GS-Port Hudson Rd, 658-0212Home Care 261-9335L & T Contractors 262-8169Linx Electric 13016 Joor Rd, 261-4583Metro Electric 261-5535P&M Electric


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Will You Take Down That Tree BeforeThat Tree Takes Down Your House?

JimandGailLloyd(left)ownersofCornerstoneCommericalFlooringContinued from Page 7

Page 9: cap city 09-20-12

CAPITAL CITY NEWS September 20, 2012 8

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262-1980Fax 262-1981

14623 Greenwell Springs, 261-2477Parish Electric Inc 7314 Conestoga Dr, 261-7852Rebel Electric 12025 Sullivan, 261-6400Triple T Electric Inc 27963 Greenwell Springs, 261-6129Ty Electric 13974 Tech Dr., 261-4591Equipment Rental & Sales

Central Hitch & Equipment 18540 Greenwell Springs, 261-9030Central Outdoor Power Sales 9156 Joor Rd, 261-8021Dennis Stewart Equipment Rental Inc 6810 Joor Rd, 928-7263Fire Protection

Expert Fire Protection 16538 Teneiya, 261-0229Paragon Fire 12333 Hampton Village, 261-6035Glass WindowsIntegrity Glass 8931 Greenwell Springs, 261-8800

Home Improvements

Falcon Randy 454-2961Lloyd’s Home Maintenance 17158 Pincherry, 936-7652Professional Builders & Home Improvements LLC 262-2327 [email protected] Metal Buildings

Patten’s Metal Express 11000 Burgess Ave, 791-7791

Oil & Gas Companies

Evergreen Energy Co 8455 N Rome, 261-4580Painters

Falcon Randy 454-2961Keith Reynerson, LLC 11670 Blackwater Rd, 261-8887

Plumbing Contractors/ServicesAAA Septic Tank Service

12275 Core Ln, 261-2135Baton Rouge Plumbing 262-0406Bennett Plumbing LLC 10247 Mammoth Ave, 935-2288Boitnott Plumbing Co, LLC. 22517 Greenwell Springs, 261-9752Cajun Plumbing Inc 272-4390Central Plumbing Co Inc 7000 Greenwell Springs, 925-8552Central Sewer Service 261-5970Dave-Co Plumbing 262-1234Lefleur’s Plumbing 25351 Greenwell Springs, 261-2751Leblanc Plumbing Service 261-8916Louis Mechanical 9634 Mammoth Dr, 927-6520Maggio’s Plumbing Co 5912 Elm Grove Rd, 261-4326Mayeaux Plumbing Co Inc 8324 Athens Ave, 927-8886Mr. Rooter Plumbing 262-5506Plumbco Mechanical 261-6025Sunshine Plumbling & Backflow 262-2322Tiger Plumbing 11247 Sullivan, 262-2510Remodeling

Integrity Services 9661 Trails End, 262-5694Professional Builders & Home Improvements LLC 262-2327 [email protected] Construction & Remodeling 15111 Hubbs Rd., 772-3835


Alvin Ballard Roofing 921-8102Blanco’s Roofing & Sheet Metal, LLC 13653 Devall Rd., 262-1980Central Roofing 262-0164 or 964-0394Professional Builders & Home Improvements LLC 262-2327 [email protected] Rise Roofing 11353 Greenwell Springs, 272-2181

Safety Equipment

PriceCo Supply LLC 15151 Greenwell Springs, 262-6245 [email protected] Cams 8889 Sullivan Rd Ste C 261-7815,

Sand & Gravel

Buddy’s Trucking 335-3138Cowan J K Sr Contractor 20654 Greenwell Springs, 261-4222Dennis Stewart Equipment Rental 6810 Joor Rd, 928-7263Double S Trucking 15895 Frenchtown Rd, 937-0053General Sand & Gravel Co Inc 19280 Greenwell Springs, 261-3953Jeff Martin Trucking




See THE HARD on Page 10

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10 CAPITAL CITY NEWS Thursday, September 20, 2012


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13599 Blackwater Rd, 921-1010McBride Trucking 261-1323


Empire Scaffold 9680 S. Choctaw, 924-3170

Schools — Business & Technical

Delta College of Arts & Technology 7380 Exchange Pl, 928-7770Louisiana Technical College 3250 N Acadian E, 359-9201

Septic Services

AAA Septic Tank Service 12275 Core Ln, 261-2135Central Sewer Service 261-5970High Ten Services 15123 Hooper Rd, 261-2160Sunshine Plumbling & Backflow 262-2322Ted Hebert LLC 14430 Brown Rd, 262-7594

Steel Erectors

Central Erectors 261-5991

Swimming Pools

Central Pools Inc. 12522 Greenwell Springs, 272-1800Wholesale Pools 17037 Magnolia Bridge, 261-2001Wholesale Pools & Supplies 13581 Hooper Rd., 261-9665


GM Cable Contractors Inc 9232 Joor Rd, 261-9800 www.gmcable.comGrady Crawford Construction Co. 12290 Greenwell Springs, 275-7334Myco-Com Inc. 9232 Joor Rd., 261-2666


Central Lawn & Tractor LLC 15550 Joor Rd, 573-5187Double S Trucking 15895 Frenchtown Rd, 937-0053 TREEMEN SERVICES — Owner Todd Netherland (top photos) takes down a tree

and Donny Penny cutting fallen branches.

General Sand & Gravel Co Inc 19280 Greenwell Springs, 261-3953Jeff Martin Trucking 13599 Blackwater Rd, 921-1010Mark Watson Trucking 17728 Heartland, 262-0961McBride Trucking Co 261-1323


Buddy’s Trucking 16919 Pernecia GS, 335-3138Jeff Martin Trucking 13599 Blackwater Rd, 921-1010McBride Trucking Co 12021 Sullivan Rd, 261-1323


DEMCO 16262 Wax Rd, 261-1177 Central District, 261-1596 Credit Dept, 261-1177 After Hours Outages/ Emergency Service, 261-1160 Headquarters, 261-1221Entergy Customer Service, 800-368-3749 Electric Outages, 800-968-8243 Call Before You Dig, 800-272-3020Gas District #1 10633 Zachary-Deerford Rd 654-4020 Emergencies, 654-5202Parish Water Co 8755 Goodwood Blvd, 952-7688 After Hours, 926-3055


I D Welding 18750 Greenwell Springs, 261-7555

Welding Equipment Repair

Torch Repair 261-7715 To update information, email [email protected]

Continued from Page 9

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Page 11: cap city 09-20-12

CAPITAL CITY NEWS Thursday, September 20, 2012 11

2012CatholicHighHomecomingCatholic vs. Denham Springs at Olympia Stadium


CATHOLIC HOMECOMING QUEEN Emily Tassin and her parents, Janet and Mark. Homecoming court (1st row, left to right) Emily Tassin, Mary Grace Pollet, Mary Lattaye, Morgan Prejean, Ashley Adams, and Bailey Walker and (2nd row) Matthew Hannaman, Joseph Angelloz, Aaron Belanger, Bobby Miketinas, Ryan Abshire, and Jacob Oubre.

CATHOLIC CHEER SQUAD — (1st row) Josh Shepherd, (2nd row, left to right) Claire Bradley, Emily Sperier, Callie Zumo, Claire Keaton, Mckenzie Schexnayder, and Lindsey Mouton, and (3rd row) Ali Simon, Susannah Jacques, Brook Morris, Emily Donner, Erica Fruge, and Cassie Sampson. Catholic High Bear, Brooke Morris and Cassie Sampson



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Page 12: cap city 09-20-12

Parkview Sails to No. 1 in StateEagles Defeat Redemptorist 69-0, Settle Old Scores

12 CAPITAL CITY NEWS Thursday, September 20, 2012

AskTheExpertQ: To Convert or Not to Convert? That’s the Roth Question In addition to allowing you to obtain tax free growth, Roth IRAs also permit you to convert all or part of your traditional IRA investments to a Roth IRA and benefit from tax-free withdrawals in retirement, regardless of your income. Keep in mind that you can convert as much or as little of your tra-ditional IRA assets as you wish, and you can even spread the conversion process over a number of years to help manage the tax liability. We can help you to determine if a Roth IRA conversion is the appropriate strategy for you, based on your personal situation, time frame, and current and future tax brackets. We can help you execute a sound financial program utilizing the following products and services:


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PARKVIEWEAGLESTom Wing (7), Seth Shah (16), Jonathan Waguespack (53), unidentified, Denton Kirby (10), Alex O’Neal (17), and Brennan Bozeman (13).

PARKVIEWSILVERSTEPPERS — (1st row, left to right) Makayla McManus, Londyn Hill, Kaitlynn Spikes, and Kaitlyn Anton, (2nd row) Meagan Desemar and Allison George, (3rd row) Corrie Ann Mayet, Jessica Perkins, Kayla Johnson, Caroline Comardelle, Emily Southland, and Kelsy Howard, and (4th row) Victoria Rawlins, Mary Ruth Corwin, Kirby Moore, Rebecca Ellzey, Juliana Arrington, and Aubrey Weldon. PARKVIEWCHEERLEADERS — (1st row, left to right) Payton Pickett, Oliva Graham, Payton West, Bictoria Norman, Lacey Little, Ashton Lane, and Tara Brian and (2nd row) Madison Manske, Jillian Long, Sarah Kate Reynolds, Emily Hightower, Sarah Pierson, Anna Gaffney, Cameron Small, Brooke Mounce, Destiny Cook, Kacie Philippe, Kami Menard, Mackenzie Harrison, and Victoria Gulino.

COACHKENNYGUILLOT, Andrew Rish (80), Ridge Womack (48), Conner Hodgeson (20), and Sam O’Brien (2). At right, Rebecca Ellsey

Parkview Eagles host East St. John Friday, Sept. 21 at 7 p.m. • Photos by Woody Jenkins, Capital City News

Page 13: cap city 09-20-12

CAPITAL CITY NEWS Thursday, September 20, 2012 13


BATON ROUGE — Events coming up in and around Central:

Thursday, September 20Louisiana Family Forum

Annual Dinner Healing Place Church. Doors open at 6 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m. For in-formation, call 344-8533.

Friday, September 21Ignite•7p.m.

An Ignite Youth Rally will be held at Life Church Central, 10523 Lovett Rd. Live music from the Ignite Band and guest speaker will be Tommy DarDar from Bayouland Church in Houma. For information or to see the Ignite video, go to or call 261-5309.

Monday, September 24BrigitteGabriel•7p.m.

Brigitte Gabriel, leading global Is-lamic terrorism expert, will be a guest speaker at Christian Life Fellowship, 2037 Quail Drive. Ms. Gabriel will speak on the rise of Islamic radicalism in your community and in our nation. Join Rep. Valarie Hodges at this must-attend event! For information, email [email protected] or call 791-2199.

Tuesday, September 25EBRPMayoralForum•6p.m.

The Jones Creek Area Business As-sociation and District 9 Councilman Joel Boé are hosting a Mayoral Forum

at the Jones Creek Library, 6222 Jones Creek. All four candidates for Mayor-President of East Baton Rouge Parish have been invited to participate. The moderator will have the candidates give opening remarks, ask candidates ques-tions that have been submitted in writ-ing by members of the audience, and then ask candidates to provide closing remarks. The primary election is Tues-day, Nov. 6 and the runoff is Dec. 8.

Thursday, September 27MeettheNewDoctors•2to3p.m.

Join the staff and physicians of Lane Regional Medical Center for an old-fashioned Meet n’ Greet in the Lane Caf-eteria to welcome our newest doctors.

Thursday, September 27PachydermsofGBR•6:30p.m.

Public Service Commissioner, Eric Skrmetta, will be the featured speaker at the Pachyderms of Greater Baton

Rouge meeting at the Great Wall Chi-nese Restaurant, 3084 College Dr. Cost for the buffet is $13. For reser-vations, call 644-5728 or email [email protected].

Saturday, September 29CityofCentralBedRace•9a.m.

The Central Bed Race, sponsored by the Rotary, will be held at the former Starkey Academy on Joor Road. The race start is 10 a.m. For information, contact Kim McDonald at 261-5111 or Jennifer Hinton at 925-8900, ext. 722.


Blackwater United Methodist Church, 10000 Blackwater Rd., is once again hosting its incredible Pump-kin Patch with literally thousands of pumpkins for sale! All sales profits go to benefit missions supported by the church. Featured will be games, hay

rides, car show, crafts fair, space walk, and many other activities. No admis-sion! The Pumpkin Patch Car Show is set Saturday, Oct. 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Pumpkin Patch Craft Show is on Saturday, Oct. 27 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, call 261-4646 or visit

Saturday,October27Istrouma Class of ’77

7 to 11 p.m. The Istrouma High Class of ’77 proudly presents Rock-n-Reunion, a gathering for all 70’s grads at Reflec-tions, 9230 Cortana Place. Tickets are $50 in advance or $75 after Sept. 15. Ticket includes unlimited buffet, beer, wine, and frozen drinks. Cash bar and security will be provided. Music pro-vided by Riptide. Contact Debbie Ar-money at [email protected] or 261-6790.

9 am to 9 pm 7 Days A Week11055 Shoe Creek Dr. • Central, La. 70818

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Fundraiser CollectionFor Lawson Hebert

Friday, Sept. 21 duringCentral vs Catholic

All proceeds go to helpKyle and Mindy Hebertwith medical expenses.

WoodlawnHighSchoolPantherCheerleadersfor2012-2013JonathanBarnesscoredFGFriday. EmmanuelStewartscoredtwoTDs.

What’s Happending in and Around Capital City

ment and is expected to be well fund-ed, which could provide him with a strong media presence in the final weeks of the campaign. • Court of Appeal Judge Toni Higginbotham received a lot of me-dia exposure in her election cam-paign for the Court of Appeal two years ago, and this name recognition is still relatively fresh. • District Judge Tim Kelley has name recognition from the same race for the Court of Appeal two years ago. Both he and Higginbotham have been endorsed by the Republi-can Party, and this is expected to pro-vide them with a political advantage with Republican voters and an orga-nizational edge.

• Court of Appeal Judge Jeff Hughes is the only candidate from Livingston Parish, which has a large percentage of the white voters in the district. If he can hold those voters together, he has a reasonable chance at the runoff. • Court of Appeal Judge Duke Welch is the only candidate from the north part of the parish, which provides him with an important geo-graphic base. Although a conserva-tive, he is a recent Republican. Some trial lawyers may gravitate to Welch as the most acceptable Republican. • The largest percentage of Re-publican voters are found in South Baton Rouge, but three candidates are expected to split these votes — Higginbotham, Kelley, and Morvant.

• Two women in the race — Hig-ginbotham and Pierson — may ben-efit from their gender. • Supreme Court candidates are forbidden from soliciting funds for their campaigns. Each candidate has to have a separate committee to raise and spend funds. This makes fund-raising more difficult. • No polls have been taken and publicly released on the race. So ev-erything one hears about who’s ahead is basically speculation. For updates on the Louisiana Su-preme Court and other races on the Nov. 6 ballot, “Like” Central City News on Facebook and read the Election Guide in the Oct. 18 edition of the Capital City News.

Eight Candidates Seeking Supreme CourtContinued from Page 3


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14 CAPITAL CITY NEWS Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bears Upset Denham Springs 42-13



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CENTRAL — After Catholic High’s pounding of highly-regarded Den-ham Springs 42-13 last Friday night, there is much talk of a resur-gent Catholic, supposedly much improved over last year’s team that went 3-7, but Central coach Sid Edwards is having none of that talk. “It is a complete misconcep-tion. Catholic had a fine team last year that ran into some bad luck. They’re the same team this year, just one year older, bigger, and stronger. They are one of the finest teams we will ever face,” he said. The long-standing rivalry be-tween Catholic and Central really was a one-sided mismatch for most of the past 60 years. Until four years ago, the record between the two teams was 41-1-1. Catholic had won 41 games, Central had won one, and there was a tie. Then four years ago, with Coach Sid at the helm, the dynamics changed completely. Under Coach Sid and former coach Doug Dotson, Central won the last four games from Catholic and four straight District 4-5A championships. To say that Catholic is looking for re-venge is putting it mildly. Catholic High is bigger and stronger than Central man for man, and their speed is about equal. The Wildcats (3-0), ranked No. 13 in the state, will only be able to beat Catholic (2-0), ranked No. 12, if they dig deep and find something

inside. Catholic High fans will do their part to help the Bears. They travel with 2,000 to 3,000 fans and quick-ly sold out the 750 tickets they were allotted this week. If Central fans don’t show up at Wildcat Stadium early, the Bears will take over the Central side of the field. In last Friday’s 57-34 victory over Woodlawn, Central showed many bright spots. Lamonte Ja-neau rushed for 168 yards and scored four touchdowns. Gary Triplett started the night strong with six carries for 82 yards before suffering a sprained ankle early in the 2nd quarter. He could be out for the Catholic game. Justin Vessell had a dazzling 60 yard run. Quarterback Brett Cour-ville was steady as usual. Tony Ragusa and Thomas Eddlemon were also bright spots. At this Friday’s game, Central and Catholic fans will be asked to contribute to help Kyle Hebert, former quarterback on Coach Sid’s state championship team at Re-demptorist. Kyle, a Baton Rouge fireman, has a baby named Lawson who is suffering from a highly fatal disease that is destroying the fam-ily financially. There will be no parking at the church across from the stadium. Our rankings for District 4-5A after three games: 1. Central, 2-3 Denham and Zachary, 4. Scotland-ville, 5. Live Oak, 6. Walker. Game of the Week: Without a doubt Catholic at Central. Better arrive early. Not kidding.

Catholic-CentralGameCouldBringRecordCrowdtoCentral Woody Jenkins Editor, Central City News

Page 15: cap city 09-20-12

CAPITAL CITY NEWS September 20, 2012 15

Capital Health & Fitness GuideThursday, Oct. 4, 2012

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CentralWildcatsLamonte Janeau and Gary Triplett. Janeau scored four touchdowns, while Triplett suffered a badly sprained ankle. At right, Tony Ragusa and Brett Courville.

Dr. David Rabalais, Erik Strahan, and Jake Myer. In center, Thomas Eddlemon and Jeremy Anderson. At right, Justin Vessell, Tyler Abadie, and Devon Gales.

Page 16: cap city 09-20-12

16 CAPITAL CITY NEWS Thursday, September 20, 2012

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elected to a third term. His support from whites dropped from 60 to 29 percent in the most recent Southern Media Poll by Baton Rouge pollster Bernie Pinsonat. Assuming Holden holds 96 per-cent of the black vote in the Nov. 6 primary election, he should breeze to another four-year term. But the danger for the Mayor-President is further erosion of support from white voters. If Holden slips be-low 25 percent among white voters, Republican candidate and Mayor Pro-Tem Mike Walker could have a chance of winning, Pinsonat told the Baton Rouge Press Club recently. Pinsonat said crime is the No. 1 issue troubling voters in East Baton Rouge Parish with 75 percent of lo-cal residents saying crime and drugs are a serious problem. Nearly 50 per-cent of East Baton Rouge voters fear for their own safety, Pinsonat said. As the parish sets an all-time re-cord for murders, the crime issue could be weighing heavily on vot-


ers’ minds Nov. 6, he said. Traffic is also an important issue, with 68 percent of voters saying it is a problem. The Green Light Pro-gram is Holden’s hallmark achieve-ment when it comes to traffic im-provements. Two serious problems for the mayor are his repeated support of new taxes for downtown develop-ment, which voters smacked down, and his inability to work with mem-bers of the Metro Council. Some members of the Council say they

have no relationship with the mayor or haven’t had a significant conver-sation with him in months. Five cur-rent or newly-elected Metro Coun-cil members have endorsed Mike Walker, including Councilman Ul-ysses Addison, a black Democrat. But the crime problem appears to be what is eating at Holden’s popu-larity the most, among both black and white voters, Pinsonat said. J. R. Ball of the Business Report said the key to Holden’s reelection or defeat is South Baton Rouge white voters. He said that in order to lose, Holden must be forced into a Dec. 8 runoff and then “voters in south Ba-ton Rouge must turn out in signifi-cant numbers and push the ‘x’ but-ton for the current mayor pro tem.” In that scenario, the Nov. 6 vote totals of independent candidates Gordon Mese and Steve Myers could be all-important. Although Holden’s popularity among black voters is not what it once was, the fact that President Obama is on the ballot Nov. 6 should result in a large black turn-out, greatly favoring Holden. But if Mese and Myers can draw a few white voters away from Hold-en, that could force a runoff between Holden and Walker on Dec. 8. Ac-cording to Pinsonat’s most recent poll, Mese and Myers are together drawing about 7 percent of the vote. If Walker makes it to a Dec. 8 runoff where Obama is not on the

Mayor-PresidentCould OvercomeUnpopularTaxes,Council Conflicts

Continued from Page 1

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ballot, it will be a “whole new ball game,” one local pundit said. Despite the uncertainty of his political future and the strains on his popularity after eight years as Mayor-President, Holden seems to have loss little of her personal mag-netism. Holden remains an effec-tive goodwill ambassador for the parish and often speaks to conven-tion groups coming to Baton Rouge. His self-deprecating humor invari-ably draws a favorable response. He is known to joke about his bald-ing head and pull some convention-eer out of the audience to compare heads, bringing laughter to all. “We love your mayor!” one visi-tor said recently. At qualifying at the Clerk of Court’s office in August, the “old Kip” showed up, laughing and jok-ing with Republican Clerk of Court Doug Welborn. In the gubernatorial election of 2011, Gov. Bobby Jindal won by a landslide statewide against token opposition. But he carried East Ba-ton Rouge Parish with only 50.9 percent. That total suggests that the parish is tough but not impos-sible for Republicans to carry and that anything could happen in the Mayor-President’s race Nov. 6. Holden is married and has five children. He earned a B.A. from LSU, and an M.A. and J.D. from Southern. He holds many honors for his service to the community.

Clerk of Court Doug Welborn and Mayor-President Kip Holden