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  • 8/12/2019 Cap. a. Vega Trad Ed Ilust



    Editor s note: translation of chapter IV ofSacrificio y creacin en la pintura de Rothko

    Sacrifice and Creationin the Paintings of Rothko

    Amador Vega Esquerra

    Translated by Peter J Hearn


    By the beginning of the 1950s, with the series of paintings known as theSectionals, Mark Rothko had found his own language in his creative work: thepaintings show different sections, mostly vertical rectangular spaces, whose

    variations in color are the only complement to their expression. Space and color

    become the elements of this language, based on which the artist would develophis unique combinatorial structure. The apparent poverty of expression is due tothe scarcity of motion these elements are reduced to within the limits of thepictorial space. And, in fact, the dialogue that emerged in this period tended,precisely, to accentuate the crisis ofmeaning of limits. We see a combinationthat arises from a limited number of elements, in a limited space, and whoseimpact on the observers perception is aimed at showing us to what extent theapparent simplicity of the structure and use of color are merely the result ofasnapjudgment of the artists work and ideas.

    An analysis of his paintingswill allow us, in effect, to see the complex network of

    relationships and combinations established amonga very limited number ofelements, as well as the dramatic consequences that can be derived from thisform of expression. For, although the structure found in this period of his lifeallowed Rothko to establish a new type of language, this same structure couldhave ended up smothering his ability to communicate. In any case, the newstructure, to the extent that it is seen as a plastic invention, is always at the rootof a new order of formal representation 1

    Rothkos paintings, as he pointed out on numerous occasions, were aimed attransmission, and the disappearance of the human figure as the pictorial subjectdid not herald a crisis of what is human, or distrust of the means of


    1Philosophies, p. 90: Particularly of note is that new subject matter does not appearspontaneously but is always the result of new plastic occurrences.

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    transmission, but rather of our ability to perceive what is human. WhatRothkos painting warns of is the poverty of the way we perceive day-to-dayreality: emotions such as joy and suffering, the true subjects of art and life. Forthat reason, his paintings are a violent reaction to our image of the world and tohow much we are capable of seeing. The visible elements are space and color,

    precisely those which most perturbed the artist, in the extent to which theycould be perceived from an exclusively aesthetic viewpoint, thus provoking amistaken impression of his work. But, set in an ordinary reality, these twoelements, combined and repeated, open up before us an invisible order that

    visible reality already holds; space and color, as the most essential elements ofhis painting, and combination and repetition as ways of understanding them 2

    1.Rothko, Untitled(1962)


    One of his paintings on show at the University of Chicagos Smart Museum [1]allows us to duly situate the elements of our analysis. Except in the large muralsfrom the 1960s, the usual format of Rothkos paintings is the vertical rectangle.In this case there are two horizontal rectangles drawn within it, dividing the

    work into two main parts. The upper part is larger than the lower. Unlike otherpaintings, where the sections are partially superimposed and where their edgesare not clearly defined, here each one shows a certain autonomy defined by the

    2 To a certain extent, all of Rothkos mature work is related to strategies of repetition andvariation, Borchardt-Hume 2008, p. 19; cf. Fer 2005.

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    two sections or areas of color. And yet, even when they are delimited by theircolor, it is that color which tends to blur the edges of the rectangles with regardto the background against which they hang. At first sight, the purely formalelements of these horizontal rectangles could be interpreted, as opposed to thechromatic element, as individual shapes that give expression to a certain

    subjective dimension. In our case, however, it seems difficult to isolate theshape from the color it is made up of, given the intervention of the color in theconceptualization or materialization of the content and representation.

    In these rectangular areas, the lack of definition of the edges, which spread outover the background in an irregular manner owing to the use of wide

    brushstrokes, sponges or cloths on the canvas, makes us think of the color as amedium for the figurative individuality of the geometric shape3

    It is not possible, in this painting, to establish an order of priority between theidea or the theme and the content, for, as Rothko reminds us in his book, formalcontent and representation are the manifestation of plastic elements, that is tosay of the idea, and without them, the others cannot arise

    . The rhetoric ofindividuality, which was preceded in Rothkos work of previous years by thetheme of classical myths, now moves from form into expression: from geometryinto color, to the extent that expression and emotion, the two categories used by

    the artist, may be treated as ways of understanding form.


    I do not believe it is possible to speak about evolution in the painting of thisperiod. But to the extent that Rothkos painting is aimed at communicating the

    basic emotions of existence, there has been a maturing in his dramatic conceptof self, which makes us think it may be necessary to establish a whole new

    . Even in abstractrepresentations, we have to consider the matter of theme, which painting itselfentails, as an order by means of which we can speak of plastic continuity in art.In the painting from 1962, color, as a basic plastic element, also affects the formor representation expressed or manifested in the work. If what gives the figure,as a representation, a certain individuality, is its autonomy with regard to the

    other individual elements, that is to say, if what makes a subject unique is itsability to separate itself from the others, that is, its abstract being, here the areaof color has a negative effect, dissolving formal individuality. If the shape is

    blurred, thus losing a part of its individuality or autonomy, it is due to theshape-dissolving action of the color. But as the color spreads out over the

    background of the canvas, destroying the figurative edges of the rectangle, thecontrast with the background becomes greater because of the chromaticcontrast of the magenta on the ochre base coat covering the canvas. Thisdialogue on a subject with a dual chromatic (expressive) and formal (geometric)manifestation is not always to be found in such a clear manner. And yet, theunique and simple nature of this work, with regard to its elements, will allow us

    to trace these features through the artists final creations, although they were tobecome less and less perceptible, as seen in the enormous panels in the Chapelin Houston.

    3Writings, p. 77: My new areas of color are things. I put them on the surface. They do not reachthe edges, they stop before they reach them.

    4Rothko makes very specific use of the terms subject, the theme or aim of a picture, and subjectmatter, the content or representation. In his own words, the theme would be the spirit and thecontent the flesh of a picture, cfPhilosophies, pp. 76-82.

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    artworks capacity to transmit. The crisis manifested in the painting, and whichbegins with a crisis of the very limits of expression, is one that is transmitted tothe viewer, also a subject witnessing this crisis. Here the empathetic element iscrucial, for only a subject in crisis, it seems, could recognize a critical context.There is a transmission between subjects in crisis. It is clear we could say that all

    human subjects are, by nature, always in crisis, but what matters here is theawareness or perception of this crisis, and whether such awareness is abletoopen up to a viewpointthat the mundane things in life do not permit. Thanksto the perception of the painting as an internal drama, the viewer discovers acritical situation within himself, although to do that there must be an innerneed, a willingness on the part of a subject who seeks to express himself.

    The vertical rectangle inscribed with the two colored horizontal rectangularshapes, the painting from 1962, continues to speak to us. The paintingstendency to dissolve the content, or the figurative element, results in a

    vagueness of place, and this radical attitude could lead to a crisis in the

    difference between top and bottom, and to the abandonment of the structure insections. However, this structure is maintained thanks to the uniform ochre

    background that separates the two colored rectangles. The whole backgroundemerges, from the base, with a light that moves dimly across the top section,

    while the bottom part remains murky because of the intensity of the vermilion.But the place where they intersect does not act so much as a separating edge, asin many of Rothkos other paintings, but rather as a reminder of the initial

    background in which everything was indistinct and undifferentiated. As if theobserver had to avoid the visible duality in this picture in order, seeing beyondit, to be able to deal with a more basic or elemental reality of which he wouldhimself become a part.

    Even more than the top rectangle, the bottom one exhibits indefinite edges,especially in the lower left-hand corner, where the artists work becomes moretentative. The density and decisiveness of the color, however, seem to balance apossible fragility of form. In the top area, the design of a more regular section isaccompanied by a weaker chromatic intensity, while in the bottom area, a moreirregular composition of form is accompanied by greater coverage of color. Theeye moves between the top and bottom parts, drawn by the differences instructure and color, and this happens, alternately, between strong positions from the top rectangle to the color vermilion and weak positions from thechromatic transparency of the top area to the fragility of form of the bottom

    section. It is a play of combinations in which the structure is perceived throughthe color, perhaps with the aim of destroying any hierarchy between the top and

    bottom. It is true that here plastic invention takes precedence over any idea, butit is still striking that, in spite of his insistence on thematic duality, as a result ofthe artists plastic continuity, Rothkos Sectionals reaffirmed his decision not tooverstep the limits of possible reality. The following reflections are found innotes written between 1950 and 1960:

    When I say that my pictures are Western what I mean is that they do not seek therealization of something beyond the limits of Western reason, of the esoteric, the extra-sensitive or of divine attributes which are acquired through prayer and terror. Those

    who affirm that [these limits] have been crossed are only limiting the flexible limits ofthe imagination within those limits. In other words, in these paintings there is no

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    longing for Paradise or for divination. On the contrary, they are deeply committed to thepossibility of ordinary humanity.8

    The painting does not offer an answer, but rather poses the issue of limits and

    the crisis of reason that this issue involves. But restraint within limits has as itspurpose: paradoxically, a greater explosion of these limits. Perhaps for thisreason the areas of color move, testing the space on the canvas, without entirelyabandoning their place, and without relinquishinga tensing, at the same time, ofthe lines of their formal identity: the areas are things

    Humanity and the emotions that express it make up the entire framework ofreality on which his ideas are forged. Top and bottom lack a metaphysicalmeaning if as such we understand an extrasensory reality. Rothkos metaphysicsnever leaves the bastions of the senses insofar as his emotions must beexpressed and perceived, too, through the senses. But the two orders of sectionsinsist on appearing separately with the idea, perhaps forcing a newunderstanding of the limits of Western reason, for only in the context of thistradition does it become possible to develop hermeneutics between the sensitiveand the intelligible, without having to turn, for the moment, to poetic metaphoror paradox.

    Trust in Western reason is based precisely on something that this sametradition generally reviles: the imagination. But the text introduces somethingof great interest, since it discusses the limits of the imagination within the limits

    of reason. And the fact is that Rothko does not seem ready to relegate reason toa mere mental function. The imagination would act as the faculty that makes thelimits of reason flexible, so that we can move within it without the need torenounce it by going beyond its limits, with the illusion of mythical paradises, orto reduce it to a narrow mental framework. Top and bottom do not mark thedistance between the human and the divine; the distance is the margin offreedom by virtue of which we can develop a view of the world which will bringus closer to a metaphysical dimension, without, as the artist said, having to do

    without free will or civilization.


    And here is where we need to look again at the 1962 painting from the Smart

    Museum in Chicago. The two colored rectangles on the ochre background of thecanvas are separated by a strip that belongs to the background itself. Theintersection is not so much a separator, as is the case in many other paintings,as a reminder of the primary background in which everything is indistinct andundifferentiated. It seems as if the viewer is being invited to avoid the obviousduality of the two sections in order to deal with a more basic or elemental realityof which the observer would become part. From the point of view of radical

    , he told William Seitz inan interview in 1952, and these things find their extension and continuity on the

    wall, by virtue of the absence of a frame and because of the position that thepainting should have with regard to other external items and to the total spacein which they are exhibited.

    8Writings, p. 143; cf. Ibid., p. 126: The problem of the artists civilization. There has beenexploitation of the primitive, of the subconscious, of the primordial that has affected ourthought. People ask me if I am a Zen Buddhist. I am not. I am not interested in any civilization

    other than our own. The whole problem with art consists of establishing human values in thisspecific civilization.9 Notes on an interview with William Seitz (22ndJanuary, 1952), Writings, p. 75.

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    phenomenology, such as is practiced by Michel Henry when he comments onKandinskys work, we could say something similar about Rothko, with regard to

    what in his work would be radical subjectivity:

    When considered in its radical inner world and in this way in that abyssal Nothingnessin which no Outside stands forth, subjectivity is not something abstract in the sense of

    what would still lack reality, a reality that could not be found except through theaddition of an exterior element, the outsideness of the world. On the contrary,subjectivity defines that reality, that fullness of being, outside of which there isnothing10

    This subjectivity is constituted by the paintings emotional impact on the viewer,through which any objective mediation or representation would be destroyed.

    Art does not represent anything or any world



    The division of spaces in Rothkos painting answers the need to come up with aliving unit. Each one of the sections that make up the painting is destined to

    become a single whole, a space that may overlap any other divisions. A stage ofawareness in which the former unit of the myth has become impossible,

    breaking down into many forms, it seems that only through a criticism ofvisibility and the way it is perceived can we understand the pictorial structurethat tells us of the new unit he sought in the series of paintings from the 1950s.

    Rothko is aware of the urgency to find a representational method that willtransmit universal emotions in a unified setting in which the representation

    would only be ruled by color and the shapes that it creates. But before findingthe emotional unit to which, in a kind of universal empathy, the artist aspired,his paintings had to undergo a deepening in the concept of space, which wouldmake feasible the birth of light as the element responsible for bringing togetherthis emotional unit. Because of all this, it is necessary to understand themeaning of light in Rothkos work, setting out from the possible meaning of thesections that divide the whole space of the painting, although here we should

    warn that it is not a matter of divisions, as, for example, those made byMondrian, but of the superimposition of planes

    . Furthermore, it gives us an ideaof how much we currently have to understand as a mystery or somethinginvisible. Not what is located beyond metaphysical order and meaning,characteristic of religious duality. Invisibility that art, as an expression of life,

    sets before our astonished gaze. It would be a question, therefore, of educatingthat gaze to allow it to penetrate the depth of things, as Rothko said, in order toaccess their most intimate layers.


    If, as we saw earlier, top and bottom can come to be of no importance in theplacing of the sections it is because these sections could be presented as theremainder of some fallen order from a previous unit that still comes between theobserver and the secret space that the painting holds. We could say that the


    10 Henry 2008, p. 3711 Cf. Colli 1996: Art is the expression of an expression, and not of a representative object. Foran expression that is expressed we sometimes cannot find a corresponding representation. Thishappens because of the evanescent nature of such representations, for which it is not possible torecover either the subject or the object. One feels stupor, as if faced with the miraculous

    emergence of artistic expression: the representation from which it stems is impossible to grasp,p. 61.12Writings, p. 78: Mondrian divides up the picture, I put things in it.

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    sections are the shadows of a reality to which they are attached, and they, like adividing veil or curtain, tell us, although weakly, of such an invisible reality.

    Although Rothko was determined to destroy any kind of mediation, it is notpossible to do without that mediation entirely, since it could also be understoodas a ladder on which to move up and down through the different orders of

    creation or as Jacobs ladder, as the image that Michel Buttor suggested13

    The whole process of shaping and un-shaping that we see in Rothkos workreproduces the dual movement of creation/destruction which is transmitted tous through the plastic continuity of Western painting, as a receptacle and worldof shapes which come together and fall apart and which make up the very pathof the artist. The work of art would thus become the space from which to invokethe time that passes between creation and destruction, according to a certainnarrative sequence; but we might also think of a morphological sequence in

    three orders, like the three levels of the created cosmos (heaven, earth, hell), oreven three states corresponding to a tri-form anthropology (soul, body, spirit).However, from the point of view of plastic continuity, which is all that interestedthe artist, we would need to turn to the knowledge that Rothko may have had ofthe Spanish Mozarabic codices, from the visit he made to the Pierpont MorganLibrary in New York in the company of Meyer Schapiro, the mediaeval arthistorian, specialist in Romanesque art and professor at Columbia University.Schapiro had been at the Benedictine monastery in Silos, in the province ofBurgos, and had spent four wonderful days there during a long study trip in

    August 1927

    . Itseems as if the artist had to create the conditions for the birth of things to takeplace, even when he himself then stayed off stage.

    14. As Thomas Crow pointed out, Rothkos interest in the 10thcentury Mozarabic codex lies in the relationship between the hierarchical

    formalism and the bands of color 15

    13Buttor 1962, p. 18.14 Schapiro 2009, pp. 113-114.15 Crow 2005, p. 32.


    The format of the monastic codex, which should be seen as an iconographiccommentary on theApocalypse of John, is subject to the symbolism of the finaldestruction of the world and the birth of a new earth and a new heaven,characteristic of the revealed text [2].

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    2.Beatus, M ag i u s, fol. 207

    This is not intended to mean that Rothko was inspired by the illuminated text,but he was probably able to find there the proof of plastic continuity itself,especially with regard to structure in sections, which he had already come acrossat the start of his artistic career. But if we want to feel the emotional presence of

    the different orders of the sections, and not merely grasp their possiblemeaning, we must look to the formal, doctrinaire context in which these codices

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    were created, with the intention of discovering to what extent the formalstructure transmitted the mystery of the text and how that same structure could,in Rothkos case, impress a feeling of religious emotion on his work, present by

    virtue of that plastic continuity.

    The structure of all the Beatus manuscripts, such as that of Magius whichRothko may have seen in New York, is symmetrical: they remind us of theorders created by God on the first day, with the different divisions between thecreatures, while Johns Revelation also warns us of the destruction of those veryorders, on the last days, and the final combat that will precede them, once again

    between the forces of light and those of darkness. As Mireille Mentr pointedout, the disorganization in the composition of some images in the Beatusmanuscripts with the striped background evokes the destruction of the created

    world and the confusion of the orders. It would be a question of adeconstruction of the universe in a parallelism between the days of creation(Genesis) and those of destruction (Revelations) 16

    In a comparative study of the Mozarabic codices and other illuminatedmanuscripts of the period, we can observe that the pictorial space is presentedin three or more planes. Thus, for example, in the famous Clavisphysicaemanuscript [3] by Honorius of Autun (12th century), which reflects thesymbolic cosmos, according to the ideas about creation taken from the Dedivisione naturae(Periphyseon) by Johannes Scotus Eriugena (9th century), wecan see how each of the strips into which the illustration is divided obeys one of

    the four divisions of nature, according to a hierarchical order that ranges fromGod to the creatures and returns to God through the incarnation of JesusChrist

    . We must not forget that what

    the miniaturist has recreated reproduces a visionary space in which the timeand space of creation are eliminated, giving way to a new reality which, to use StPauls words, we would see face to face (1 Cor 13:12). When the angels havedestroyed the orders of creation (Rev 15:1) there is no sense, then, in speaking oftop and bottom. In the divine creation, however, the order of the worldsresponded to a sense that the complex elaborations of mediaeval Christian Neo-Platonism conceived as a scala creaturarum in which man occupied aprivileged position. In the Mozarabic codices, the sections, each of a differentcolor, correspond to the different worlds created by God between heaven andearth, even perhaps to the various climates of the earth according to what isshown on some maps of the time. What is truly surprising is the freedom with

    which the figures that appear on the pages of the manuscripts cross those spatialhierarchies without any difficulty, showing perhaps the end of all ordering suchas it is known by man on earth.


    16Mentr, 1996, p. 12.17Cf. Mentr, 1984, pp. 46 on.

    . In a certain manner, the four spaces point to a path of exitus-reditusthat runs throughout the created orb. This model is repeated, with variations, inmany other documents.

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    3 . Honorius of Autun,C lav i sphy si cae(12thcentury)

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    The concern of mediaeval authors for creating a graphic description of the daysof the creation is clear in this material, but the central theme throughout is still

    the first day of divine activity, when light and darkness were separated. Thismanner of understanding the spaces and divisions of creation will continue;thus, for example, in the Bible Historiale by Guiart des Moulins from the 14 th

    century [4] we can see the Creator of the world with a hemisphere in his lefthand on which the clear division between light and dark, or between divine andearthly order, is evident18

    4 .B ib l e H i s to r i a l eby Guiart des Moulins (14thcentury)


    18 Cf. Ibid, p. 59.

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    or in the Byzantine Octateuch from the 12th century [5], where we can see thefirst moments of the Creators act: the heavens, the earth not yet visible, and thedarkness over the abyss. As Peter Selz noted in his introduction to the catalog onthe Rothko retrospective in 1961: Rothko has given us the first day of creation,not the sixth19

    5. Byzantine Oct a t eu ch(12thcentury)


    Above the strips of colour, which probably indicate the separation of the waters,the hand of God may be seen, with three rays coming out of it, which indicate

    who is responsible20

    The separation into sections or strips of colour seems, therefore, to be due to ananalytical attempt to understand the division of time and the situation of thecreatures in the space created. But the division occurs as the first act of creation,

    which is to say after the separation of the elements, which until then were mixedup in chaotic confusion. It is an interesting fact that in Rothkos pictorialprocess, the Sectionals, as the most significant formal invention of the artist,

    would emerge after the brief period of the Multiforms, which suggest a chaos ofcolours and shapes that preceded the new language. The destruction-creation,or sacrifice-creation, sequence is always present as a structure which shows, on


    19 Seitz 1961, p. 18.20

    Ashton 2003, p. 155.20

    Cf. ibid., P. 35.

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    one hand, the desired unity, as well as, on the other hand, the need to remain inthe fragments.

    The separation of light and dark as the first act of divine creation, and thesubsequent creation of the other beings and orders, provides us with an ideal

    framework for situating the move from pictures with a basically dual structureto those with more sections, even though duality would re-emerge at the end ofRothkos life with great clarity in the Dark Paintings, underlining not so muchthe separation and opposition of two worlds as, according to the artist, itscomplementarity 21

    21Philosophies, P. 27: The duality of the subjective and the objective which we face today is not as

    disturbing as it might be, because any classification believes in the final aim of its orientation []. Manknows that he can express himself totally in the two terms of duality. These terms are rapidly approachingthe position of implicit complementarity rather than one of opposition.

    . But such a conjunction of the spaces separated was theresult of a slow understanding of and reflection on space, which had beenevolving since 1950 and which would find its greatest expression throughoutthat same decade in the series of murals that Rothko painted between 1959 and1967.