cannonsburg text to win sweepstakes

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  • 7/24/2019 Cannonsburg Text to Win Sweepstakes


  • 7/24/2019 Cannonsburg Text to Win Sweepstakes


    o an% pri)e constitutes WinnerEs consent to the publication o his or her na(e, biographicalinor(ation and likeness in an% (edia or an% co((ercial or pro(otional purpose, withoutli(itation the &nternet, or urther co(pensation. ;ri)es not won and clai(ed b% eligible winners inaccordance with these +icial ?ules will not be awarded and will re(ain the propert% o Sponsor.

    G. Parti,ipation. $% participating, entrants agree to be bound b% these +icial ?ules and thedecisions o Sponsor. Sponsor reser6es the right to disBuali% persons ound ta(pering with orotherwise abusing an% aspect o this Sweepstakes as solel% deter(ined b% Sponsor. &n the e6ent

    the Sweepstakes is co(pro(ised b% ta(pering or other causes be%ond the reasonable control oSponsor which corrupts or i(pairs the ad(inistration, securit%, airness or proper operation o theSweepstakes, Sponsor reser6es the right in its sole discretion to suspend, (odi% or ter(inate theSweepstakes. Should the Sweepstakes be ter(inated prior to the stated expiration date, Sponsorreser6es the right to award pri)es based on the entries recei6ed beore the ter(ination date. &nthe e6ent o a dispute, all text (essage entries will be dee(ed to ha6e been sub(itted b% theowner o the wireless phone ro( which the entr% is sent and all online entries will be dee(ed toha6e been sub(itted b% the owner o the &S; account ro( which the entr% is sent. 7or thesepurposes, an &S; account holder shall (ean the natural person assigned to such &S; account b%the &nternet access pro6ider, online ser6ice pro6ider or other organi)ation responsible orassigning &S; addresses or the do(ain associated with such &S; account. #n% Buestionsregarding the nu(ber o entries sub(itted or the owner o an &S; accountshall be deter(ined b%Sponsor in its sole discretion, and Sponsor reser6es the right to disBuali% an% entries b% persons

    deter(ined to be ta(pering with or abusing an% aspect o the Sweepstakes.

    /. Constru,tion. The in6alidit% or unenorceabilit% o an% pro6ision o these rules shall not aect the6alidit% or enorceabilit% o an% other pro6ision. &n the e6ent that an% such pro6ision is deter(inedto be in6alid or otherwise unenorceable, these rules shall be construed in accordance with theirter(s as i the in6alid or unenorceable pro6ision was not contained therein.

    :. Sponsor. The Cannonsburg Text-to-WinSweepstakes is sponsored b% W!1. The decisionso Sponsor regarding the selection o winners and all other aspects o the Sweepstakes shall beinal and binding in all respects. Sponsor will not be responsible or t%pographical, printing orother inad6ertent errors in these +icial ?ules or in other (aterials relating to the Sweepstakes.7or the na(e o Winner "a6ailable ater!arch 1, 2819 or a cop% o these +icial ?ules, send asel-addressed, sta(ped en6elope to 3Winner D+icial ?ules4 "as applicable, Cannonsburg Text-

    to-Win Sweepstakes, 9=< !ile ?oad *W, 5rand ?apids !& =: