c.a.n.n.o.n associates changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change jim cannon, phd,...

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI FCMI 28 28 th th July 2008 July 2008

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Page 1: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change

Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMIJim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI

2828thth July 2008 July 2008

Page 2: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

How do we reinvent ourselves?

• Who / what should change – me, you, the situation?

• How do you challenge your paradigms?

• What are you learning today – what are you ignoring?

• Are you confronting your fears or colluding with them?

Page 3: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

So what do I want to change?- and change to?

• My attitudes?

• My skills?

• My behaviour?

• My mind map?

• My vision?– And what is it possible to change?

Page 4: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

Why is change difficult?

• Self awareness of what to change

• Will to change

• Competence to change

• Conscience – congruence with values

• Positives and negatives of change

• Vision of me and my future

Page 5: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

Self -Renewal‘Learning is a risky business, and we do not like failure. By middle age most of us

carry in our head a catalogue of things we have no intention of trying because we tried

them once and failed. If you want to keep on learning you must

keep on risking failure - all your life. It is as simple as that.’

John Gardner John Gardner

Page 6: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

The healthy cycle – which can get blocked

Action Final contact(inertia) (Hanging on)

Mobilisation Satisfaction(negative self-talk) (guilt)

Awareness Withdrawal(denial) (immobility)

Sensation (De- sensitised)

Page 7: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

Why do we find it difficult to change?

Identify a change in your life that you intended, but did not carry out

Discuss with your neighbour what prevented you

Page 8: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

Are you lost in the forest?

• Where is your time (thinking time) and attention focussed?– ‘What do you do? – do? – I live’

• What do I fear?– If I fail, what is my identity?– The tale of Grendels mother

• Why are you lost?– Connections with where you have come from and

where you are going.

Page 9: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

What do I do when I am lost in the forest?

• Develop wilderness skills– ‘Pay attention to the silence’– Determine your vocation and your avocation– Conversations with the universe of those who can speak into

my life – what are we not saying?

• ‘release the frameworks of the mind’– ‘Nothing comes more between me and my customers than

my MBA’ – D Whyte– ‘If you confirm 10,000 things in the world you learn nothing. If

10,000 things confirm you then this is enlightenment’ –Buddhist teaching

– ‘If you are argue for your constraints they become your limitations’ – Vaclav Havel

Page 10: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

Some tactics for personal change

• Change some easy things (what you read, your route to work, your desk position, newspaper, local bar)

• Find the levers of change in your life (fans and supportive critics, ‘the pebble in the shoe’, environment)

• The voyage of discovery - journey to serendipity. (Juvenilia)

• The signposted conversation (different modes of thinking)

Page 11: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

Modes of thinking

• Creative - Practical / factual

• Emotional - Rational

• Detail - Big picture

• Empathetic - Self-centred

• Problem focussed - Solution focussed

• Positive - Negative

Page 12: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Strategies

The distinctive feature of cognitive behavioural approaches,is that they combine cognitive problem solving techniques of cognitive psychology with behavioural tasks sometime used in behavioural counselling.

Cognitive TechniquesCognitive Techniques

Reality TestingReality TestingDisputing

irrational beliefsDisputing

irrational beliefsSocratic



Advantages and


Advantages and


Challenging- Automatic thoughts

- Underlying assumptions

Challenging- Automatic thoughts

- Underlying assumptionsUse of humourUse of humour


Page 13: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Strategies

The distinctive feature of cognitive behavioural approaches,is that they combine cognitive problem solving techniques of cognitive psychology with behavioural tasks sometime used in behavioural counselling.

Behavioural TechniquesBehavioural Techniques

Monitoring negativeautomatic thoughts Monitoring negativeautomatic thoughts

Social skills trainingSocial skills trainingSelf instructional trainingSelf instructional training


Activity scheduling

Activity scheduling

Mastery and Pleasure ratings

Mastery and Pleasure ratings



Page 14: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

The role and techniques of the coach

• Root cause analysis (fishbone)• Insight questioning• Breaking the problem into learnable elements• Reframing• Pros and cons – force field analysis• Formative feedback• Consequence walk through• The behaviour lab

Page 15: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

Coaching for change

Help your neighbour to identify how they can overcome the blockage

identified earlier and come up with a plan for doing so

Page 16: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

So how do I change?

‘Learn to be honest with myself and those around me and the dynamic of the changed

relationship will change the situation’.

D Whyte

‘A change has come over me, and that change has come through you, through you alone’

H. Ibsen

Page 17: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

Looking for the positives in any change

• ‘I learnt something’

• ‘I won’t make the same mistake again’

• ‘I was more fortunate than some’

• ‘Today is the first day of the rest of my life – I can choose to let the past go’

• ‘I cannot change history, but I can steer a different path into the future’

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C.A.N.N.O.N Associates






Shock Anger

Page 19: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

A strategy for change

• Understand your vocation and avocation• Build continuous self awareness by

constructive and reinforcing feedback• Place your self in situations where your view

of the world will be challenged.• Eat the elephant in bite sized chunks• Commit yourself publicly• Reward yourself

Page 20: C.A.N.N.O.N Associates Changing me – changing you: exploring behaviour change Jim Cannon, PhD, FCIPD, FCMI 28 th July 2008

C.A.N.N.O.N Associates

Thank you