candidate workshop manual

Master Candidate Workshop Master Candidate Workshop Master Candidate Workshop Master Candidate Workshop 1865 – 1926 Training by: Mark J. Brewer (905) 791-8320

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Master Candidate WorkshopMaster Candidate WorkshopMaster Candidate WorkshopMaster Candidate Workshop

1865 – 1926

Training by:

Mark J. Brewer

(905) 791-8320

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Table of Contents

Reiki Master Training Program 1

Length of Training 3

Becoming a Master 4

Exploring the Reiki Kanji 6

The Usui Concepts 8

The Four Reiki Symbols 10

Being Reiki 23

Reiki and the Zero-Point Field 25

Mark Brewer’s Reiki Lineage 33 Reiki Glossary of Terms 34

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Reiki Master Training Program

Reiki Master (Shihan): This training is reserved for those individuals who feel drawn to this Practice, committed to Reiki as a way of BEING, and able to spend a period of time in a learning/mentoring relationship. Techniques will be taught, but more importantly, the student will learn how to become a clear channel for transmitting the Reiki energy. This training blends that of the western Usui Reiki Ryoho that follows the Takata tradition along with Gendai Reiki Ho, which is based on the traditional Reiki practice, which continues to exist in Japan and is taught by Hiroshi Doi. During this training, you will learn and practice:

• The theory and practice of attunement

• The ways of a Reiki Shihan (teacher)

• The understanding and usage of symbols and mantras

• The matters to teach at each step

• Traditional techniques

• Comprehensive history of Reiki

• Reiju (Japanese attunement)

• Special Reiju for Masters (Combined attunement of all symbols)

• Manuals on both Usui Reiki Ryoho and Gendai Reiki Ho

• Certificates of completion for both lineages This mentoring relationship will last a minimum of three months. There will be an initial one-day workshop, followed by a minimum of six hours of individual contact each month to discuss the history of Reiki, to practice treatment techniques, and to learn the art of being a Reiki Master. During this time the student will also have opportunity to attend any classes that I will be teaching and observe my teaching (and attunement) techniques. The training will finish with a two-day workshop and attunement ceremony. This will be at a time when student and teacher are both convinced that it is time to be attuned as a Reiki Master. This attunement can take place during the two-day workshop, or can be done at another location that has special meaning to the student. Cost of Reiki Master training is $1,000.00. The student can partially (or entirely) pay for this training by organizing a First Degree class for me to teach. Each individualt that enrolls in the class will credit $150.00 toward the student’s training fee. This was often the method that Takata used when training her Masters. When I took my initial Reiki training, my Reiki Master told me not to read anything about Reiki, but rather to let Reiki teach me. This is good advice for the beginning Reiki student, for there are many conflicting theories about what Reiki is, and the proper way to practice it. But when one aspires to become a Reiki Master, it is essential to understand a lot about “traditional” Reiki and the current status of Reiki within the world. This can best be done by embarking on a balanced reading program of books that provide a balanced view of Reiki and its history. The student will read at least six of the following books during the mentoring relationship:

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Reiki: A Comprehensive Guide Pamela Miles ISBN: 1585424749 Reiki: Using Healing Energy for Peace, Joy and Vitality Mari Hall ISBN: 0007124082 The Original Reiki Handbook Mikao Usui and Frank Arjava Petter ISBN: 0914955578 Hayashi Reiki Manual: Traditional Japanese Healing Techniques by Frank Arjava Petter, Tadao Yamaguchi, and Chujiro Hayashi ISPN: 0914955756 Light on the Origins of Reiki: A Handbook for Practicing the Original Reiki of Usui and Hayashi. Tadao Yamaguchi ISBN: 0914955659 Living Reiki: Takata’s Teachings Fran Brown ISBN: 0940795108 Reiki: Hawayo Takata’s Story Helen J. Haberly ISBN: 0944135064 Reiki Energy Medicine: Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital and Hospice Libby Barnett, Maggie Chambers and Susan Davidson ISBN: 0892816333 Tapestry of Healing: Where Reiki and Medicine Intertwine Jeri Miles ISBN: 0971335001 The Spirit of Reiki Walter Lubeck, Frank Arjava Petter and William Rand ISBN: 8177691244 The Big Book of Reiki Symbols Mark Hosack and Walter Lubeck ISBN: 0914955640 Reiki Healing Touch and the Way of Jesus Bruce and Katherine Epperly ISBN: 1896836755 O-Sensei: A View of Mikao Usui Dave King

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The way that Reiki is presently taught in the west is vastly different from what is taught in Japan. There are also differences in the way Usui Shiki Ryoho is taught by American traditionalists, Usui/Tibetan Schools and Non-Traditional Teaching. With all the material coming out of Japan from Mr. Hiroshi Doi and Frank Arjava Petter we know have a clear picture of how Reiki was taught in Japan in Usui's own organization, The Gakkai. What becomes instantly apparent is that "Traditional" Usui Shiki Ryoho of the Takata lineage is not the same as the Hayashi Lineages in Japan or the Gakkai. Hayashi made changes from Usui's Reiki Ryoho, and Takata's students made many changes. What is now readily clear is that Usui taught students a Reiki Meditation and then the student received Reiju, or an attunement. This was done weekly in a group practice. It took about one year before the student would be allowed to study the second teachings, and even then it might not occur until the teacher felt the student was ready. Very few were ever trained to the teacher level. In the west the practice is very different. Hayashi had changed the emphasis of the system from a spiritual enlightenment system that promoted health and which healing was a by-product, to a system that was a healing art with a spiritual basis. The practice of Reiju seemed to disappear and became the system of attunements that is used in the western lineages today. Mrs. Takata taught level one over 4 days, doing one of each of the attunements on each day. The class included about 12 hours of instruction and practice. These days, even among Alliance and Traditional teachers, Level I is commonly taught over one weekend. Mrs. Takata's Level II was taught over a weekend. Non-Traditional masters, like Diane Stein (author of "Essential Reiki") offer all three degrees in three day weekend seminars. Some Usui/Tibetan schools offer combined Level I and II classes over a weekend. Some have specific lengths of time that must pass between attunements and others do not. Joseph "Running Wolf: Sparti does singular empowerments to the master level. The issue would seem to be that students must have time to adjust to the energy no matter how they are trained. When teaching classes you are going to have to decide what is an appropriate amount of teaching for each level, or if you are even going to have levels at all. Will you do a singular attunement. Will the class last several days or just one? Make sure whatever way you decide to teach/learn, that you impart/learn a good understanding of the material, history, hand positions, and can do Reiki.

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Becoming a Master by Vincent Amador

The term "master" comes from a transliteration of the Japanese word "Sensei" meaning honored teacher or master. Many martial arts teachers are called "sensei" to indicate teacher, honored one, or master. Generally, these uses are appropriate as they have had to put in countless hours of practice, self-sacrifice, and demonstrate proficiency in order to use the title.

In Reiki this often is not the case. To me, it seems spurious to use the term "master" when you have received, at best, a few days training. The only mastery that is real, is self mastery. Real mastery comes from dedication to the principles, in doing them daily. It comes from doing self-healings, and healings on others. The real intent of the principles was to bring about spiritual enlightenment, peaceful living, kindness toward all, calm in your mind, and in your life. They embody compassionate living. They embody the Buddhist principles of Karuna (compassion toward all beings) and Metta (loving kindness to all). Humility, gratitude, not-anger, not worry, and kindness. In healing ourself, living the principles, we find true mastery. In ego, in control, in monetary gain and in business, and in the endless adding of symbols and techniques we do not.

Historically, for reasons outlayed elsewhere on this site, up until 1980, very few undertook the Reiki Master training. In her lifetime Takata made 22 masters, most between 1975 and 1980. This training cost $10,000 dollars American. This high fee ensured that only the most dedicated (or personally wealthy) could receive the master level. From an economic standpoint, the high fee limited competition so that very few could also offer training. After Takata's death, In late 1982 (early 1983) The Reiki Alliance formed with Phyllis Furumoto as its head. Not only did they maintain the $10,000 fee they codified the practice as dogmatic and it is listed on Phyllis's website as one of the nine essentials of Takata's teachings/Reiki essentials. Indeed, it would appear from that site that to even be considered for any "master workshops" that are taught by Phyllis Furumoto and Paul Mitchell that you have to had made the $10,000 master commitment. Paying $10,000 does not make you a master any more than paying nothing. Ironically, nor does it insure that the teachings will remain free of change as the vast majority of changes to the system, post-Takata, were from people that paid the $10,000.

Perhaps teacher would have been a better translation in usage. In common usage a person who has the knowledge of the Reiki system and can teach it and pass the attunements is called a Reiki "Master". The reality is that despite the efforts to make Reiki complicated, it is very, very simple. It works best when our egos work least. On the one hand, there are indeed some very dedicated people who have worked at mastery, who embody the principles and are good teachers. On the other hand, there are others who bolster their ego with the title "master". Technically anyone with level III is considered a "master". People seem to have some very strong views on what constitute a Reiki "Master". In common usage in the Usui Shiki Ryoho and Usui/Tibetan Systems in the West, Reiki "Mastery" does not connote advanced spiritual development, enlightenment, superior moral character or virtue. It means that you have received the level III attunements, know the system, and can pass the attunements to others. Nothing more or less than that.

It is important to note that in America and the West, that despite the best efforts of some, being a Reiki master does not imply spiritual mastery. There are spiritual masters who are Reiki Masters, but they are the exception and not the rule. Reiki is a beautiful spiritual experience. That being said it is important to look at the original design and intent of the system compared to what has evolved in the west.

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It would seem that in the west being a Master is different from what it is in Japan. In Japan, it is said that you have to demonstrate proficiency before being asked to take additional levels. In America, it is the opposite. You take the level and then hopefully learn and grow. Attunements do not confer "mastery" on anyone. Recently, I have seen some "Masters" refer to their students as "disciples". It would seem to me, that taking a few days training at Level I, a few more at Level II, and a few more at Level III is hardly sufficient to claim mastery. It is even more spurious to call those you train disciples, since this "mastery is nothing that entitles one to disciples.

In its original form, Reiki was a path to enlightenment. The principles were to help you maintain a spiritual focus. Practicing Hatsurei ho (an empowering meditation technique) was a way for you to develop your connection to the Reiki source and to still the mind and develop your Reiki channel. The practice helped eliminate anger, worry, and promote spiritual work and develop compassion. Weekly meetings were held to practice Shuyo-ho as a group and to receive Reiju (Reiju was the precursor to the western "attunements"). It was not a religion but a way to awaken to your life and soul's purpose and to promote healing. As a spiritual practice, it blended into whatever spiritual or religious practice you did and complimented it nicely.

For whatever reason in the west these practices were dropped leaving just the system of attunements, the symbols, hand positions and the five principles. The spiritual aspect of Reiki is very powerful and this most likely explains people trying to add in their favorite new age practice to fill in the gaps.

In the West, there is also no agreement on what the appropriate length of training is for a master. Some feel that a year-long course with apprenticeship is the minimum they feel necessary for a new master. Some feel that a new master should not teach until they have had "significant experience" with Reiki. Others do master training in a weekend, while still others do Singular Empowerments to the master level. So the question beckons, which is correct? Answer: all of them. Everyone receives the Reiki Training that is right for them. (See how simple and diplomatic that is?) If you receive the master attunement, then you are by definition in common usage a Master. The reality is that once you receive the Master attunement, you could begin attuning others immediately. Personally I wouldn't suggest it because you need time to learn the energy and practice the attunement process, but you could do it, Reiki is that simple, and so is the attunement process. (I can hear the shrieks and gasps of those who feel that you must not make any masters for three years after receiving your master attunement reading this now!) I also wouldn't suggest that you teach anyone Reiki until you feel comfortable with the energy, have integrated into yourself and your life, know the symbols and the information sufficient enough for you to teach others.

For yourself, it is important to examine some thoughts and beliefs that accompany the decision to undertake mater training. The answer to these questions is not as important as your being aware of the issues and your beliefs.

First, understand why it is you wish to be a Reiki master. This is not a lightly asked question, and one that should be accompanied by careful consideration. For me, from the moment I took my first Reiki class I knew that I wanted to be a master. I loved the feeling of Reiki, the experience of it and I wanted as much as I could experience with the Reiki energy and system. I worked with it many times daily on myself and others. I was almost never without my hands on some part of my body doing Reiki. At the same time, I freely acknowledge ego-wise I liked

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being called "master", something I now shun. I was master of nothing, least of all myself, and was a Reiki "Teacher" at best.

Some people want to do the master level for themselves, while others want to do it to help others. Both are fine motivations. In some sense, you can never truly help others until you heal yourself so in doing so you become more able to assist others. Some people see this as a step along a spiritual path. While Reiki is Holy, and a gift from God, always remember it is a "thing". Reiki will not do your inner work for you, it will not magickally undo a lifetime of bad karma, and it will not remove the necessity of dealing with yourself. That is why the Japanese practices of Hatsurei ho is so beneficial for the Reiki practitioner.

What are you going to do once you are a Reiki Master? Some learn to help themselves and their families, others as part of their desire to be healers and bring healing to others. Do you plan to teach others, or offer Reiki healing sessions to clients? Are you going to charge for your services or give Reiki away free? There is a controversy regarding this centering on the value place in Reiki, but also between people who do not earn their living from Reiki and those that do. I have heard some masters tell students that they should not do the Master level unless they are committed to healing the world and willing to earn their living from Reiki. Personally I have never bought that argument, and while it is admirable to work and earn ones living as a healer, it is not necessary to do that.

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Exploring the Reiki Kanji

“First you have to understand a little about where the Chinese and Japanese languages come from,” Fokke Brink explains:

“In the past there were pictograms-carvings on rocks and turtle shells and on bark. Eventually, those pictures became the Chinese language, with every character still having the energy of the picture in it. Then the Janapese borrowed it, but they added some phonetics and structured it so they could make a lottle grammar. Still, the pictures are the basis.

“For me, every character in the Jananese and Chinese languages carries energy. To write, for instance,the word tree, you go through your mind, start thinking, and write out the letters t-r-e-e. But that’s not the direct experience of it. You come to the image through a back door. In the Chinese and Japanese language, the word for tree also looks like a tree and has the energy of it. Your mind makes a direct link to the image, so there’s also a direct feeling of it, which makes it difficult to translate.

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“Another example: snow. We start with rain. In the Reiki kanji, the first meaning is rain. But when you put the character of a hand underneath it, then it becomes rain that you can take by hand or snow. That is the beauty of this language.

“So the Reiki kanji is also created from pictures.

“The first part of our symbol is rei in Japanese and it’s called ling in Chinese. There are three different parts. First, there’s a line and a bigger line, and a straight line down with four dots. This character is rain. This is heaven and the clouds where the rain comes from. We need rain on this planet or there is no life. So, for me, it represents the main source of life.

“Underneath this are three little blocks. They represent the characters or images of three mouths. When you have one mouth, it means to speak. Two mouths, they speak together, discussion. Three mouths is praying. So there’s praying for rain for the main source of life.

Under that, the third part starts with a little line again and then two people connected to the earth. There are different meanings for this, but if you look at the character, you see connection of heaven to earth. This is also the character for work. So this is work by people. Without work from people, we have no Reiki, because the character rei cannot exist without the work of people.

“This character also means magic, something we don’t understand with our mind. Like shamans who are dancing to connect heacen and earth. When you see this character, connection of heaven and earth by shaman, you can imagine them praying for the rain. So when you have this together, it gets a new meaning – transcendental power, spirit of a being.

“So rei is one part, and then you have a little space and you get the character of vapor, under which is rice. So vapor and rice together creates food. When I studied traditional arts in Japan, we had rice in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening. The Japanese know you get your power from it. So this ki is life power.

“There are many different words for ki, many different characters. This one is life power, power that is life. There is also a ki that is death power. There are at least one-hundred forty different combinations with ki in them…and they can absolutely contradictory. So to say that ki means this or that is not necessarily true. You have to know the correct writing and the context.

“Here, when you put these two together – rei ki or ling chi – in this particular combination, it means universal life power.

“Go outside and see the clouds, and maybe you connect with heaven. If you realize that and you see its beauty, then that is praying. At that moment, you connect heaven and earth as a person, that is rei. And because you are alive on this planet, it is rei ki. And to live that… wouldn’t that be beautiful?

“I consider the Reiki knaji to be the most beautiful symbol of our discipline. I am sure that when we understand this connection of heaven and earth, and we can live it, we will need no other symbol.

Taken from Reiki Magazine International, October/November 2002, p. 23. Interview with Fokke Brink.

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The Usui Concepts

(taken from

The Headings

Shou fuku no hiihou: The Secret Method Of Inviting Blessings

Manbyou no Rei yaku: The Spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses

The First Concept:

Here we have two complementary ideas dealing with our interaction with the outside world that might inhibit our ability to be mindful.

Kyo dake wa: Today only

• This does not have to mean literally today. It is valid for any period of time (the duration of a specific activity).

Ikaru na: Anger not.

• This is a state of polarity that is balanced on the side of openness to the perception of the effects of others on the self.

Shin pai su na: Worry not.

• This is a state of polarity that is balanced on the side of the non-presence of concern over the outcome of a given activity. To not worry is itself worry!

(Note: Dave King explained that the idea here was to always be in the NOW, the immediate moment.)

The Second Concept:

Kansha shite gö o hageme: Do your work with appreciation.

• Apply wei-wu-wei (use without use e.g. if one has a experience that relates to one of the symbols, then the symbol has been used) and work guided by shen (the spirit) rather than yi (the "thinking" mind).

• Although the characters [kansha] used in this Concept literally mean "gratitude" the interpretation should be one of openness to one’s interaction with nature. The character reading "gö" is better associated with Buddhist karma than "gyö" work.

The Third Concept:

Hito ni shinsetsu ni: Be kind to people.

Show empathy and awareness both to yourself and others.

Instructions for Use

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Chou seki* gassho shite kokoro ni nenji Kuchi ni tonaeyo: In your life*, perform gassho as your mind recalls (these Gainen)

(Note added August 30, 2005) It seems that Melissa (Riggall) had been working on the Gainen in her last days. She had received more information from Mariko-Obaasan that deals with the meaning of the "instructions". Previously we had used 'asa yuu' - the kun (Japanese) readings (instead of “chou seki’).* The kanji are the same but Usui intended ON (Chinese) readings. The image here is ‘constantly’ - literally ‘from morning to night’. The intent is to experience your daily life through the Gainen. You are not expected to literally perform gassho and chant the Gainen!

Shin shin kaizen, Usui Reiki Ryoho: The Usui system for connecting with your ancestral self through the body-mind.

• Reiki is a compound of REI and KI imported directly from China where it is pronounced LING QI. In Taoist cosmology the act of conception unites the souls called HUN and PO. When that being dies HUN returns to Heaven to be reborn in another incarnation and PO returns to Earth. However, if that being achieves a state of "nirvana" it may choose not to "die" in which case the souls remain on Earth and may become a source of guidance to those who come after. The result is simply a presence, not a "form of energy". It is only in very recent times that this term has been used to describe a specific form of energy connected with Usui Mikao and others of the post-Meiji period in Japan. .

• In the mid 1990s my associate Shen Lissa (Melissa Riggall) stayed for a month withTatsumi-san who was a student of Chuujirou Hayashi from 1927 to 1931. One day she pointed to a photo of the Usui concepts in Tatsumi-san's house. She noted the term "Reiki" and said that this was how the West referred to the hand healing system. Tatsumi-san said that the hand healing was simply referred to as te-àte, and that by using the term "reiki," O-Sensei (Usui Sensei) had been referring to his ancestors. Usui Reiki Ryoho simply means 'Usui system for connecting with your ancestral self'- something that is already within each one of us from the moment of conception.

(Note: Dave’s Usui-Do colleague, George Mullen, explained the term "reiki" this way: "Reiki is a compound of REI and KI imported directly from China where it is pronounced LING QI. In Taoist cosmology the act of conception unites the souls called HUN and PO. When that being dies HUN returns to Heaven to be reborn in another incarnation and PO returns to Earth. However, if that being achieves a state of "nirvana" it may choose not to "die" in which case the souls remain on Earth and may become a source of guidance to those who come after. The result is simply a presence, not a "form of energy." ")


Chosso: the Founder Usui Mikao: Mikao Usui

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The Four Reiki Symbols

Information on the following pages is taken from The Big Book of Reiki Symbols :

The Spiritual Tradition of Symbols and Mantras of the Usui System of Natural Healing

by Mark Hosak and Walter Lubeck. I am providing it to my advanced Reiki students

so that they will have a better understanding of the four Reiki symbols and the

proper way to draw them.

This information is provided for training purposes only and should not be sold, or

distributed to others.

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Being Reiki by Vincent Amador

Many come to Reiki as part of their "spirituality". We chase this up one side of the street and down another; we are "seekers". We seek union with the god that we have conceptually created for ourselves so that it can save us, we seek experiences, we seek one high after another, we seek our "path", we seek enlightenment. We pursue this in crystals, and meditations, gurus, healing systems like Reiki and Karuna and Seichim, philosophy, theories, "ascended masters", "guides", "channeling". But I will tell you that this is a trap, for in seeking outside yourself you can never find. Enlightenment is where you are, where else could it be? Usui's Reiki was one of many, many ways of seeing the truth, and that is healing. This is Reiki. Reiki can heal, can releive pain, but don't expect Reiki to do the work of removing the conditionings that veil awakening. Attunements do not equal enlightenment. Removing your suffering is up to you.

Your Reiki will be an expression of you, of your life, your BEing, and it will reflect the oneness and connectedness with all that you are. The more ego there is, the less it will reflect this. It has been said that Reiki works best when ego is least. It has been said be a "clean bone" for the Reiki to pass through. Usui shared Reiki with us. He left a set of tools to heal. Do not let those tools, symbols and techniques become a stumbling block for you. Attachment to these symbols, tools or systems as a concept or belief system is just as separate and as limiting as any belief system. BEing Reiki is transcending these forms to BE the essence that is healing. When you are Reiki you have no need of these things or systems, it is your BEing.

Do not try to understand how Reiki works. Its explanation will elude you like sand slipping through clutching hands. Just be Reiki.

I like using pneumonics. They help others and myself to remember things easily. One of the cutesy little pneumonics I use is "when ego goes, Reiki flows". A simple phrase for a simple idea. Reiki *is*, and in that moment, miracles happen, don't stand in the way.

It is often said that Reiki is driven by "intent". In being Reiki, our intent is pure. That is, it is untainted by goals, levels of Reiki, attachment to outcome, the need to prove that it works, need for the other to heal. A wonderful phrase I heard describes it best, "great effort, no goal." In this our practice is pure, in this we are in the moment, in the now, without judging, comparing, attaching to outcome or measuring our "achievement" in healing. Our intent is pure, free of non-attachment to the process, to the outcome, to technique, or to symbols. Just *be* Reiki, in that moment. Wei wu wei, doing by not doing. If you attach to Reiki as a concept, it is just as separate and as limiting as any belief system. In the end, you see that there is no healer, no healee and nothing to heal.

The Reiki principles are instructions to be mindful, to "be". They heal, as does the energy. There is a lack of control, of ego, in them. There is a lack of attachment and desire in them. "For today only, anger not, worry not. Be Grateful and Humble. Do your work with appreciation. Be kind to all beings."

Some ask what my opinion of the so-called "add-on" techniques is. There is no right or wrong way, there is only what you do, or do not. You can really only BE Reiki, and in that moment respond to what is in that moment. The rest of this is ego, conditionings, sleep, concepts and speculation. Why get so involved with these that you argue? Keep in mind that Reiki is BEing Reiki. If you are focusing on your conditionings, attachment to outcome, opinions, desires and ego then might I suggest you refocus on simply being Reiki and letting it be as it is, in the moment. Respond in the moment, moment by moment in using Reiki.

Reiki *heals*. Do not get so caught up in all the opinions that you forget this.

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Do not fall into the trap of thinking that more is better. In the search, the path so many move from one healing system to another. Reiki is taken and this did not "fix us". Usui/Tibetan Reiki is taken. That didn't fix us either. Now Karuna Reiki(tm) or Karuna Ki is taken. We still are not fixed. Now Seichim, SKHM, Rebirthing, Pranic Healing, Polarity Therapy, Therapeutic Touch, and still no fix. Realize that more is not better. Each adds another system of belief, conditioning that covers your eyes and blinds you from the truth. Not my "truth", not "your truth", not any relative truth. Just the simple truth of *what is*. It is the search itself that prevents you from seeing it. As long as you seek, you will not find.

In all honesty, will one more symbol, system, technique, hidden teaching ever give you what you believe you lack? Nothing out side of you ever can. Where is this seeker?, and what is it that is sought? You have been seeking for what you think you are looking for, and when you find it, it was not it. Your path may lead you to think that you are on the way somewhere, to better sex, or money, being more in control, to be a better "self", a "better" healer, enlightenment. But all of that is illusion. Using Reiki to try to "manifest" things that you desire is illusion. You are not on the way anywhere, and there is no where to else to be. All you have is this moment, the only time you can do or be anything. Be Reiki, Be compassion, be loving-kindness, on this breath, in this moment.

Try not to think of any of this as "right" or "wrong". Reiki is in the BEing. There are many, myself included, who have searched and searched. There are countless people who take Reiki as just another thing on their search. We have taken multitudes of classes in many different systems moving from thing to thing like a bee from flower to flower. In this we are the blind following the blind, teaching the blind, leading the blind. It is said Reiki came together for Usui after a Satori. He saw how all his many experiences and healing practices fit together and taught a simple system for others to follow.

There is no one in the west that I have ever met that has become awakened by learning Reiki, yet there are countless who add all and sundry to the system. Consider this carefully. Look at what it is you expect from Reiki. Will learning another symbol give you what you want? Will learning another system give it to you? What if they promise "ascension", "galactic healing", meeting your Reiki "guides", the secret lost symbol, the lost teachings, secret channeled material from the ascended masters? Will you *be* complete then? Will you then have what you want? Will you finally be happy? What is it you seek? Will any of these things give to you what you seek? Or are they simply additional things to keep you asleep, more conditionings, more dead ends, that others have convinced you that you need to be whole. My friends there is nothing out side of you that can give you what you want. Reiki is a tool, a pointer to the way. Use it or not. But do not expect it to do the work for you, no one can heal you but yourself.

Reiki is in the simple. Reiki is not so much something we do, it is something we are. In the moment, as the expression of what it, as love, compassion and kindness we reach out, we touch, we heal. In the moment when you stretch out your hand to heal where there is no self, no other, you *are* Reiki.

We can cloud our minds with attachments, things, techniques, endless debates over right and wrong, but we have all been down that road before. We know exactly where it leads.

And so in closing, I leave you with this. Simply place your hands together in gassho, and say these words. For today only, anger not, worry not. Be grateful and humble. Be kind to all. Be mindful and live these. Place your hands on self or other and let go. Let go of outcome, of worry, of conditionings, of need, and simply be. The rest takes care of itself.

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Reiki and the Zero-Point Field By Curtis Lang

The Science of Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki energy is said to come from the Source of all creation. This Source is said to be the vital force that sustains the cosmos and infuses us with light and life, providing the energy source from which our bodies, and all forms of matter, arise. People sometimes ask, could Reiki energy be an illusion? Could benefits come from a placebo effect? What is the scientific basis for such an energy to exist? Is this Universal Life Force Energy a metaphysical construct, a symbol, a myth?

On the contrary, we should ask ourselves if our common perceptions of reality create illusions. Perhaps our bodies and our egos are an illusion. Perhaps energy is the fundamental nature of reality, the basic building block of everything in the perceptible Universe. If we could see the energy exchanges going on around us, we might live very different lives.

Still, it’s hard to imagine a Reiki practitioner tuning in to a source of limitless energy and then using their intuition and intent to direct the energy therapeutically in an Eighteenth Century Newtonian Universe – the Universe of Physics 101, where atoms are modeled by billiard balls and it is assumed that every action and reaction under the Sun can be reduced to a series of neat diagrams and elegant mathematical equations.

Classical Newtonian physics assumes that the cosmos is composed primarily of emptiness – the vacuum of space, devoid of matter and energy. In the classical model the Universe is composed mainly of dead and death dealing space.

Classical physics also assumes that objects within this radically empty space are composed at the most basic level of matter, which has mass, and because of this intrinsic mass, matter tends to remain still or to remain in motion once moving. This is called the law of inertia.

These old scientific paradigms are being challenged by new discoveries and ancient wisdom that go a long way to explain what Reiki energy is, what the source of Reiki energy is, and how Reiki works.

In the process, these new scientific paradigms show that energy is the fundamental source of all the matter in the Universe, including human beings. We are all, in some sense, beings of light.

Classical physics had taught us that matter is the basic building block of the Universe, that space is a vacuum, and that friction kills momentum. An oscillating pendulum would eventually come to rest if not continuously energized by an outside force, such as a spring.

In the Twentieth Century, quantum physics theorized that all oscillators continue to “jiggle” randomly about their “resting point”, with a very small amount of energy always present. Quantum physicists called the ground state of any oscillating system zero-point energy.

The term “Zero Point Energy” refers to zero degrees Kelvin. Zero degrees Kelvin equals - 214.7483648 degree Fahrenheit, and is accepted as a symbolic representation for the absence of all heat, as in the “vacuum” of space.

Astrophysicists, following up the work of these quantum physicists researching the roots of inertia, found that the void of deep space is in fact a limitless self-sustaining source of Zero Point Energy. Zero Point Energy appeared to some astrophysicists to be the most ubiquitous energy in the Universe.

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Nor is matter the fundamental building block of our Universe, as Newtonian physics had proclaimed. Instead Zero Point Energy, which is coterminous with the vast field of the Void in deep space, appears to be the true origin of all matter in the Cosmos.

In the 1930s, quantum physicists described the Void as a state of minimum energy where minute fluctuations of Zero Point Energy lead to constant formation of particle-antiparticle pairs.

Far from being dead and death-dealing, the “vacuum” of space was discovered to generate a low level of background energy and simultaneously to precipitate the energy particles that are the most basic, subatomic building blocks of matter.

Scientists today call this new, energetic version of deep space The Zero Point Field (ZPF). Scientists differ about how much energy exists in the Zero Point Field, but Nobel laureate Richard Feynman and John Wheeler, one of Einstein’s protégés, calculate that there is enough of this Zero Point energy in the volume of a coffee cup to evaporate all the world’s oceans.

Enough energy to provide a limitless Source of Universal Life Force Energy for Reiki and other energy practitioners around the world until the end of time.

God's Aura

I propose that the Source of Reiki energy originates in what some modern scientists describe as the Zero Point Field – a field of low-level energy filling the seemingly empty vastness of deep space. Some scientists are beginning to see the Zero Point Field as a limitless Source of energy and even as the Source of all the matter in the Universe.

This radical view of the Universe gained ground in the 1990s, with the publication of the scientific work of American astrophysicists Hal Puthoff, Bernie Haisch, and Alfonso Rueda. Their research transcended the Newtonian model. According to Newton, matter is the fundamental building block of Nature, and possesses an innate mass, which can, however, be converted to energy. Puthoff, Haisch and Rueda took the opposite viewpoint. They see the entire Universe and all matter within it as a creation of light. Matter is an illusion, to these astrophysicists.

“Is matter an illusion? Is the universe floating on a vast sea of light, whose invisible power provides the resistance that gives to matter its feeling of solidity?” asks Science and Spirit magazine. “Astrophysicist Bernhard Haisch and his colleagues have followed the equations to some compelling -- and provocative – conclusions.

Puthoff, Haisch and Rueda see “matter” as composed of subatomic light “particles” accelerating in a relative vacuum. A vacuum filled nonetheless with an ocean of background energy, called the Zero Point Field. Since the Zero Point Field varies in density from place to place, subatomic light particles encounter resistance from the Field as they travel, causing these accelerating particles to coalesce into more concentrated fields and forms, eventually creating “matter”. This “matter”, or coalesced light, encounters increasing resistance from the Zero Point Field as

it forms, creating what physicists call “inertia”.

In this view of reality, all objects, no matter how large, dense, or heavy, whether animate or inanimate, sentient or non-sentient, are composed of a collection of electrical charges interacting with a background sea of electromagnetic and other energy fields.

Einstein’s formula E=Mc2 treated matter and energy as two different types of things, showing

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that matter could be converted to energy and vice versa.

This new scientific hypothesis views matter as a form of energy arising from the Zero Point Field.

Mythology of the Zero Point Field

In this model of the Universe, the Zero Point Field (ZPF) is the Source of all creation. The Zero Point Field (ZPF) fills the cosmos, including what appears to the naked human eye as the vacuum between planets and stars. The ZPF permeates all space, and all animate and inanimate objects therein, connecting them to one another.

The ZPF is composed of visible and invisible light, of different wavelengths.

Resistance to the movement of subatomic particles/waves of light through the Zero Point Field is theorized to cause gravity, and to precipitate the coalescing of these particles/waves of light into what we call matter.

This Universal field of energy of various wavelengths, in its movement, as it generates gravitational and electromagnetic forces and fields, forms whirlpools of energy vast and small, creating galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets and even the life forms evolving on the planets thus created.

According to this new science, we are all beings of light, localized fields of crystallized Universal Life Force Energy, interconnected with all that exists by virtue of being contained within the larger Universal Field.

Scientists exploring this new model of the Universe find their vision converging with the ancient wisdom of mystical traditions found throughout the world.

Mystics of many traditions worldwide throughout history have described universal fields of intelligent life force energy in their creation myths and used various forms of this energy in their healing practices.

Reiki energy treatments follow in this long and venerable worldwide tradition.

In the Old Testament, God’s first words on Day of One of Creation were “Let there be light!”

The Greek myth of the Goddess Gaia begins with an image of the Goddess whirling out of darkness, wrapped in flowing white veils.

Hindus view the original creation as swirls forming in a sea of milk, a metaphorical representation of an energy field precipitating matter from the Void.

The Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical tradition that began around 538 B.C., refers to this same primal sea of energy as the astral light, or Ain Soph Aur.

The notion of Zero-Point Energy was in some ways a throwback to earlier models of the universe. The idea of a universal field of energy had been accepted by every ancient culture on Earth.

Called Spirit, prana, chi, aether, or some other name, it was believed in many religious traditions to be the primordial energy that sparked and sustains all creation.

Not God or Goddess, but the breath of God, the Word of God, the aura of Goddess, the fundamental stuff out of which creation arises, and which infuses all creation with vitality.

Plato called this field the quintessence, and spoke of five elements, earth, air, fire, water and aether. We call this energy Reiki, Universal Life Force Energy.

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The Zero Point Field, or Universal Life Force Energy also provides a medium through which energy in the form of distance Reiki, prayer or shamanic healing can be delivered instantaneously to remote recipients.

Scientists are beginning to explore the possibility that the Universal Life Force Energy Field exhibits a cosmic consciousness in addition to its other qualities. The Zero Point Field might be God’s aura.

Universal Life Force Energy & Reiki Treatments

Reiki energy treatments spring from the ancient wisdom concerning Universal Life Force Energy revealed in religions, mythologies and traditions of energy healing around the world.

Shamanic healing practices of indigenous peoples worldwide extend far into pre-history, and rely upon a deep understanding of the animistic universe, the Universal Energy Field, and the human energy field, or aura. Shamen utilize “power”, for self-improvement, healing, and to obtain spiritual wisdom. This power comes from one-pointed attention, devotion to the path of Spirit, and the ability to manipulate life force energy within oneself and the environment. This “power” is not exactly the same as kundalini or prana or ki, because “power” represents this energy plus the focused intent of the shaman, which is connected to a very specific ancestral lineage and spiritual world.

Ancient Hindu spiritual traditions emphasized that health and spiritual progress depend upon balancing the energy systems of the body and enhancing the flow of universal life force energy through the key energy centers, or chakras located along the spinal column and in the head.

This balancing and enhancement requires discipline, focus and diligent, patient work on the part of the individual, who was expected to practice meditation, purify the body, practice moderation in all aspects of life, and perform a variety of other spiritual practices.

Over 5,000 years ago, Hindu spiritual tradition focused on a fundamental form of energy called prana, the “breath of life”, which is the basis and source of all existence. Yogis practice breathing techniques, meditation, and physical exercises to heighten this life force energy within them. They hope to activate the electrical energy within the spine known to yogis as kundalini, and thus to achieve altered states of consciousness, leading ultimately to self-realization or spiritual enlightenment.

In the third millennium B.C., Chinese sages first spoke of a vital energy necessary to sustain life, which they called Ch’i or Ki. The Chinese viewed Ki as the universal energy infusing the entire Cosmos. The Chinese system of healing through acupuncture relies upon balancing the two polar manifestations of Ki called yin and yang within the human body.

Christian tradition recounts the story of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended upon Christ’s twelve Apostles. The Apostles entered a higher state of consciousness, began to speak in tongues, and traveled near and far, preaching the Gospel fearlessly throughout the world. The Apostles healed many by prayer and the laying on of hands.

This was a clear example of simultaneous kundalini awakening. Jesus Christ’s entire group of disciples attained this precious gift simultaneously, and the result is that two thousand years later, Christianity is the largest religion in the world.

The wisdom teachings of the Western world’s yogis, known as alchemists, speak in detail of the true nature of the Universal Energy Field and of its healing properties.

The legendary alchemist Hermes Trismegistus reveals many fundamental truths about the relationship between the human aura and the Universal Energy Field in his cryptic but

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illuminating work, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, wherein the initiate discovers that the Logos, The Word of God in the Bible, is liquid living light. The Word, this liquid living light, is composed of cosmic consciousness, God’s Love. The Word is coterminous with the cosmos. In essence this Logos is God’s aura, and we all live within this loving, intelligent, beneficent field of Universal Life Force energy.

Hermes Trismegistus calls this conscious, liquid living light “The Strength of All Strengths”, “The One Thing”, the Mercury of the alchemists. Mercury’s nature is pure Love. On the physical plane, this energy manifests as sexual energy. On the mental and spiritual planes, Mercury appears as pure light or the Holy Spirit, who inhabited Christ’s disciples on Pentecost.

Alchemical mercury is equivalent to the kundalini energy Eastern adepts in the yoga tradition raise within themselves in the process of enlightenment. Kundalini energy is aroused at the base of the spine through love and compassion, elevated through purity to open the heart, and is there transformed into pure light, or the Holy Spirit, and raised to the crown of the head, conferring enlightenment, or Christ consciousness.

Reiki and the Human Energy Field

It is no accident that Self-Realized individuals, true Gurus, Jesus Christ and other Ascended Spiritual Masters, are depicted throughout history as miraculous healers. These enlightened individuals had all obtained complete conscious control of the Universal Life Force Energy, of their own energy field, and of the connection between the two.

Universal Life Force energy, Reiki energy, works directly on the human energy field to balance the flow of energy throughout the body in a very interesting way.

Reiki works at a profound level to promote self-healing, because the human energy field is the most fundamental aspect of our nature.

We normally think of ourselves as physical beings who may possibly have a nonphysical component to our nature of some unquantifiable, metaphysical kind. The truth is that we are beings of light inhabiting a material body crystallized out of universal life force energy.

Spiritual teachers of both East and West have always taught that the truth is different from our everyday perceptions of life. These spiritual teachers have always taught that aspects of the human aura are more fundamental to our being than the body.

A human being is much like a rain cloud or a flower -- an electro-colloidal suspension of particulate matter in a liquid medium, infused with and surrounded by a coherent energy field. Colloids can be defined as particles of a substance, which are finely divided and mixed in a supporting substance such as liquid, gel, or gas. Technically, Merriam Webster's Medical Dictionary defines a colloid as "a substance that consists of particles dispersed throughout another substance which are too small for resolution with an ordinary light microscope but are incapable of passing through a semipermeable membrane or as a mixture (as smoke) consisting of a colloid together with the medium in which it is dispersed."

Colloids are pulled together by their surface tensions, which tend to coalesce the colloidal suspension into greater and greater density, a more and more gelatinous form.

Colloids are also pushed apart, toward a condition of greater and greater dispersion called a sol, by their electrical properties. "The particles of a colloid selectively absorb ions and acquire an electric charge," according to the Columbia Encyclopedia. "All of the particles of a given colloid take on the same charge (either positive or negative) and thus are repelled by one another."

Cells, tissues, indeed, all life exists in the equilibrium between gel and sol. Life depends

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completely upon a constantly equilibrating balancing act by which the electro-colloidal suspension maintains its continuity. Move the suspension too far toward gel, or too far toward sol, and life ends.

All life consists of the maintaining of a dynamic equilibrium over time.

This dynamic equilibrium is sustained by a set of coherent energy fields infusing, surrounding, patterning and sustaining all life forms and their constituent cells and tissues -- all of which are formed of colloidal suspensions. Scientists have measured electrostatic, electromagnetic, sonic, thermal, and visual components of the human energy field, which some call the human "aura". Now we must add the concept of the intelligent, morphogenetic field, which helps structure life forms and even guide them toward their optimum state of development, containing the blueprint for their growth and evolution throughout their lifecycle. Certain dynamic energy fields surrounding crystals, human beings, and animals have been called "morphogenetic fields" by biologist Rupert Sheldrake.

The morphogenetic fields create blueprints for both form and behavior in living beings, according to Sheldrake. "Sheldrake has hypothesized a field of morphic ('pattern-related') resonance in which patterns of knowledge, structure or behavior of a certain kind of thing (whether a salt crystal or a human mind) become increasingly embedded as a 'habit,' an ingrained pattern of information which influences and is accessible to other members of that category of thing," explains the Co-Intelligence Institute website ( "In the 1920s Harvard University psychologist William McDougall did experiments for 15 years in which rats learned to escape from a tank. The first generation of rats averaged 200 mistakes before they learned the right way out; the last generation 20 mistakes. McDougall concluded that, contrary to accepted genetic science, such acquired knowledge could be inherited." "In later efforts to duplicate McDougall's experiments in Australia, similar rats made fewer mistakes right from the start. Later generations of rats did better even when they were not descendents of the earlier rats. This wasn't genetics at work. It was something else. Nobody tested it further." Commenting on the rat experiments, Sheldrake said: "If rats are taught a new trick in Manchester, then rats of the same breed all over the world should show a tendency to learn the same trick more rapidly, even in the absence of any known type of physical connection or communication. The greater the number of rats that learn it, the easier it should become for their successors." Energy healing systems, such as Reiki, work to maintain the dynamic equilibrium within the human energy field, and thus within the human body, the mind, and even the collective unconscious, where we might find the patterns that form the evolutionary arc of human existence, according to Sheldrake's theories.

Beings of Light in a Holographic Universe

Exactly how the various components of the human energy field arise from the Universal Life Force Energy Field, or Zero Point Field , remains to be explained.

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However it is clear to mystics and some scientists that matter and life forms arise from this field, and are composed of energy. Science cannot find particles that constitute the basic building blocks of matter; they do not exist. As one looks deeper and deeper into matter one discovers more and more, smaller and smaller particles, in an infinite regression of forms.

One must approach creation from the energetic perspective, which sees all matter as crystallized light. The "particles" scientists perceive are an aspect of this condensed light, and can be perceived at the subatomic level as either waves or particles.

Our commonsense worldview turns upside down once we realize that energy fields form all matter. Our bodies are formed and sustained by energy fields. The health of the human body depends upon the health of the aura, an energy system in dynamic equilibrium. Maintaining a healthy flow of energy throughout the body and aura is of paramount importance.

We traditionally think of objects or bodies generating fields of energy around them, but exactly the opposite is true. The energy field gives rise to the object within it, whether the object is a computer, a cloud or a child.

We exist as conscious beings of light within a universe composed of fields within fields within fields of energy, all interconnected holographically.

The cells of human body are electro-colloidal suspensions, small fields that exist within larger fields of electro-colloidal suspension called tissues.

These tissues exist within larger fields called organs, and the organs exist wel in the net.

One can picture the Cosmos as Indra's Net, described in the Avatamsaka Sutra as an unbroken Web of life, interconnected and self-reflective at every point, with every sub-component containing the whole.

Paradoxically every sub-component appears to be self-contained and autonomous when viewed from within a limited field of activity.

"In the heaven of Indra, there is said to be a network of pearls, so arranged that if you look at one you see all the others reflected in it," says Sir Charles Eliot, in his book Japanese Buddhism. "In the same way each object in the world is not merely itself but involves every other object and in fact is everything else. 'In every particle of dust, there are present Buddhas without number'."

Dr. Karl Pibram, a renowned brain scientist, theorizes that the human brain also has holographic properties. Pribram states that the brain structures sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch holistically. Further, Pribram states that the brain abstracts information such as memories from a holographic domain that transcends time and space.

If consciousness is an energy field existing within and interconnected with, a set of larger energy fields extending to and coterminous with the Universal Life Force Energy Field, the Zero Point Field, then mind, body, aura and environment are all radically interdependent.

Distance Reiki and the Zero Point Field

If the Universe is holographic, then Universal Life Force Energy can be transmitted instantaneously across time and space. This could explain the mechanism behind such phenomena as distance Reiki treatments, the power of prayer to heal physical illness, psychic impressions of past lives and future events, and much, much more. In theory, using a holographic model of the Universe, the faster than light Warp Drive of Star Trek fame is a very real possibility.

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Reiki practitioners, mystics, shamen and other energy healers know that our human energy field, including the physical body, is extremely sensitive to energy fluctuations, which disturb the electro-colloidal suspension’s balance between sol and gel, among other variables.

The entry of toxins into our energy fields and bodies throws the delicate, dynamic equilibrium of life out of balance, resulting in physical, emotional and mental dis-ease. Thoughts and emotions are energies, just as physical matter appears to be energy.

When polluted or negative physical substances, thoughts or feelings enter our energy fields, either from inner imbalance or outer conditions and other beings, we experience trauma.

This trauma can be held in various parts of our energy field -- in the aura, in the mind, in the heart, or even in the physical body, manifesting as mental misconceptions, negative emotions, blockages in the flow of energy within our auras and the rest of our beings, or physical illness.

Basically, when we ingest environmental toxins, allergens, or pathogens, when we experience negative thoughts or emotions, and when we endure physical traumas of various kinds, the natural flow of life force energy, or Ki, within the human energy field, including the physical body, is disrupted.

These disruptions can create blockages and pockets of toxic physical, mental, or emotional substance, resulting in illness, neurosis, negative emotions, mental misunderstandings, and problems in relationships in our lives.

Reiki energy treatments help to restore a balanced flow of life force energy, or Ki, through all parts of the human energy field, and throughout the physical body.

Practitioners have found that Reiki, like the Alchemical Mercury constituting Cosmic Consciousness and the Zero Point Field, is an intelligent, loving energy, and because the “Higher Intelligence” of the Source guides Reiki, this energy knows exactly where to go in the body and in the aura to create balance in the areas that suffer from a restricted flow of Ki.

This same Universal Life Force energy, Reiki, can be used to strengthen our energy field, to optimize the activity of the chakra system, to enhance our ability to meditate, to improve our access to intuition and inner spiritual guidance, and to unlock our own creative powers.

Spiritual teachers in the East and in the West agree that enhancing the flow of Universal Life Force Energy throughout the human energy field and the body is necessary for spiritual progress. Indeed all mystical experiences rest upon the attainment of Kundalini awakening, the infusion of universal life force energy in such superabundance that the entire system fuses with the Universal Life Force, and human consciousness fuses with the Zero Point Field. This state is called Nirvana. This material was taken from the Satya Center website (

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Mark Brewer’s Reiki LineageMark Brewer’s Reiki LineageMark Brewer’s Reiki LineageMark Brewer’s Reiki Lineage

Traditional System Western System Mikao Usui Mikao Usui

Kan'ichi Taketomi Chujiro Hayashi Kimiko Koyama Hawayo Takata

Hiroshi Doi Phyllis Lei Furumoto

Richard Rivard Klaudia Hochhuth

Mark J. Brewer A. J. MacKenzie Clay

Shaman Eilee

Jude Priest

Chris Frederiks

Hazel North

Mirin E. McCarthy

Pat Pendergast

Mark J. Brewer

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Reiki Glossary of Terms

With every area of learning there is usually a vocabulary that is used by people in the system to more effectively communicate ideas, concepts practices, and to make the discussion of subjects in that topic easier to understand. Reiki is no different. For absolute beginners different terms like "attunements", "symbols", "Usui Shiki Ryoho" may be confusing at first. This Glossary is an aid to assist you in understanding the many different concepts and practices in Reiki quickly. A Advanced Reiki Training - (also known as Level IIIa, Reiki Master Practitioner, or "Personal Mastery Level" in the Usui/Tibetan Systems) A collection of new age techniques and pseudo-Tibetan practices added to the Hayashi-Takata System of Reiki in the west. Advanced Reiki Training generally consists of Reiki Crystal Grids, a healing attunement, the Antahkarana symbol, Reiki Guide Meditation, Psychic Surgery, Reiki Symbol Meditation. Most closely associated with Raku Kai Reiki and William Rand's Usui Tibetan Reiki. Antahkarana Symbol - A symbol consisting of a cube shape with 7's on its face surfaces. Presumably of Tibetan origin although this cannot be determined. Claimed to have panacea type effects on all areas of healing. This is used in a specific meditation as well as on "master frequency generator plates" developed by Ralf Jensen. Attunements - Attunements are a technique common to all forms of reiki in the west. They use a process of placing the Reiki Symbols and energy into the meridians, aura or energy body of the recipient of the attunement process. Some Attunement systems focus on placing the energy in the Chakras. Attunements empower people to use reiki on themselves and others and facilitate a connection to the reiki source. B Beaming - Beaming is a technique of distant healing. It is a line of sight distant reiki sending to a person. Although a distant healing technique, this is generally done in the presence of another when hands on reiki touch might be inappropriate (abuse cases, burn victims). Beaming is common to other healing systems such as in the Johrei Fellowship. Blood Exchange - The blood exchange is a reiki method of cleansing the blood of toxins. It is thought that these practices stimulate the body to produce new blood cells and to stimulate the meridians effected. Breath of the Fire Dragon (See also "Violet Breath") - A special breathing technique used to place the reiki symbol in the crown of the student during an attunement. It is also used in Raku Kai to develop the microcosmic orbit and strengthen the reiki channel and promote health. Byosen (See Also "Scanning") - A process where the hands of the reiki master move over the body of the recipient to determine if there are weaknesses, changes, or areas in need of treatment. There are various methods used. This is called Byosen Reikian ho in the Reiki ho practices in Japan. C Chakras - Chakras are energy vortices on the energy body that comprise part of the energy system. They are Indo-Tibetan in origin and were added to reiki in the Raku Kai system of Reiki. They are currently commonly taught in many forms of reiki. Chakras were not part of the Japanese Reiki Practices or Mrs. Takata's practices. Cho Ku Rei - The First Reiki Symbol. Cho Ku Rei is commonly called the "Power" symbol in the Western Styles of Reiki (Usui Shiki Ryoho) but is called "Focus" in Traditional Japanese

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Reiki and in Japan. Some meanings for the symbol might be "God is here", or "put the power here". Cleansing (21 day cleanse) - Cleansing (also "clearing") is a process of the body removing toxins and realigning the energy fields following a reiki treatment or attunement. Some practitioners feel this process takes 21 days or can be so severe it can cause a "healing crisis". Many other practitioners feel that the reaction to attunements and treatments is individual and lasts as long as is necessary for the individual. Cleansing was taught in the original system but was seldom thought to last more than a day. D Dai Ko Mio - (also known as the Usui Master Symbol) The Dai Ko Mio is the Master symbol used in the all Reiki Systems. It is the symbol for the Ultimate Source of Love, Light, Harmony and Healing. It is sometimes translated to mean the "Great Shining Light". Distant Attunements - An Attunement that uses the Reiki Distant Symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) to perform the attunement on someone not physically present. A logical extension of Reiki Distant Healing and the Distant Symbol. Distant Healing - This is sending Reiki energy for the purpose of healing someone not physically present. This uses the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Distant Symbol) and a variety of techniques such as the photo technique, reiki stacks, healing lists, or teddy bear technique for a point of focus. Distant Symbol (See - Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) - The Third Reiki Symbol. The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is a combination of Japanese Kanji (symbol language) that can mean "no past, no present, no future" which represents the timeless original purity of the source of all and the spirit of man. A translation might be "To act in the Realization of Absolute Beingness" (Thanks to Gabriel Shivers for that definition). Dumo (also known as "Tibetan Master Symbol") - The Dumo is a "Tibetan" Symbol that is part of the William Rand Usui/Tibetan System as well as used by various Independent Reiki Masters including Diane Stein. This symbol is also referred to as the "Tibetan Dai Ko Mio". This symbol is thought to unify the body and mind. It is reported to work with fire in the base chakra by igniting the Sacred flame (i.e., the Kundalini energy). It is believed to pull negative energy and disease from the body and mind. E Empowerments - Any process to help another develop the ability to use an energy or technique. The Reiju technique was an empowerment used by Usui to pass the Reiki energy to others. Energy Exchanges - A new age concept often used to justify charging for reiki training or treatments, particularly high fees. It appears to have been added onto the system in the western world after the Death of Mrs. Takata. The concept is that when one gives or trains another in Reiki, the person receiving must give to the Reiki teacher in order to keep the universe in balance. F Fire Serpent (See Also Nin Giz Zida) - A "Tibetan" symbol used in the Usui/Tibetan tradition. The Fire Serpent represents the "Sleeping Serpent" coiling at the base of the spine. The fire Serpent is used during an attunement with horizontal line over top of crown, snaking down the spine, and spiraling clockwise at base of spine; grounds energy into lower (feet to tailbone) body. By reversing the spiral (counter-clockwise) starting at base of spine, snaking up spine and

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ending with horizontal line over the crown; it pushes energy up to four upper chakras. It does not allow energy to escape out of crown chakra. The fire serpent connects and opens all chakras. It opens the central channel allowing the flow of Kundalini fire. It can be used in healing or meditation for more balance and receptivity. G Gakkai - The Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai was the original organization that Mikao Usui Founded which continues to practice and teach Reiki in an unbroken line since the passing of Mikao Usui. The Gakkai's practices are referred to as Reiki Ryoho, or "Reiho". The emphasis is more on a spiritual awakening and healing. The system takes longer to learn than its counterpart in the west. . Global Reiki Masters Association (GRMA) - The Global Reiki Masters Association (GRMA) is an International Association of Reiki Masters. The members are a diverse group who respect all Reiki Practices. The GRMA tries to provide truthful information, training, and empowerment about Reiki. The GRMA is dedicated to spreading the Gift of Reiki throughout the world to all that need and wish to have the Gift of Reiki in their lives. The GRMA was founded by Joseph "Running Wolf" Sparti so that all who wish to learn Reiki are able to do so free of the control of others. The GRMA sponsors Free Worldwide Distant Master Attunements several times per year. These Singular Master Empowerments are performed by the membership of the GRMA. H Hand Positions - Hand positions refer to the specific hand positions used when performing a Reiki treatment. The reiki practitioner places their hands on specified positions and lets the reiki flow into the recipient's body at these points to facilitate healing. It appears that in Usui's Original Practices there were five positions and then he used Reji and Byosen to sense and scan for other locations to be treated. In Traditional Japanese Reiki, which is of the Hayashi line, there are seven positions. In the Hayashi-Takata line there are twelve. Other reiki systems may use different numbers of positions. Hatsurei ho - This is a meditation and breathing technique that was used by Usui. It is still used in Reiki Ryoho as practiced by the Gakkai. It is a technique that empowers the practitioner by increasing and enhancing their reiki channel and their connection to the reiki source. It is also to help the practitioner grow spiritually. It includes a self-cleansing ritual as well as two different meditation practices. Hayashi (Chujiro Hayashi, Dr. Hayashi) - Dr. Chujiro Hayashi was made a Reiki Master in 1925 and was a student of Usui. Dr. Hayashi was a retired officer from the Japanese Navy. He opened a Reiki clinic, which was more along the lines of a medical model. Dr. Hayashi made some modifications in the system including a heavier emphasis on the symbols and attunements, and most likely developed the 12 standard hand positions from in use in the west today. These hand positions allowed Reiki to be given by several practitioners at once. This group healing technique was used in his clinic. He was the teacher of Hawayo Takata. Healing Attunements - A non-initiatory attunement technique thought to "increase healing" developed by William Rand. Although the procedure is thought to not initiate the recipient into reiki as a practitioner, some masters have concern over using this procedure because they found that students retained the ability to do reiki and had no training. Healing Crisis - A concept found in pranic healing and other healing approaches that some masters have added into reiki. The concept of a healing crisis is that the recipient of a reiki treatment or attunement experiences a "release" and go into an emotional or physical "crisis". The concept is not widely accepted by most masters.

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Hui Yin - An "energy cranking" technique used in attunements. It was added into Raku Kai Reiki and is part of William Rand's Usui/Tibetan practices and Diane Stein's Work. It is more commonly known in chi kung as the Microcosmic orbit. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen - The Third Reiki Symbol The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is a combination of Japanese Kanji (symbol language) that can mean "no past, no present, no future" which represents the timeless original purity of the source of all and the spirit of man. A translation might be "To act in the Realization of Absolute Beingness" (Thanks to Gabriel Shivers for that definition). I Independent Reiki Masters - Independent Reiki Masters is a term used to describe people who are Reiki Masters that are not aligned with a particular school or approach. They might use an eclectic approach with techniques from many schools. The vast majority of Reiki Masters in the west are Independent Reiki Masters. Intent - Reiki is an Intent driven system. Intent is the key to using the Reiki energy in healing and attunements. J Johrei - Johrei is a religion or spiritual practice that was developed by Mokichi Okada, a contemporary of Mikao Usui. He founded Sei Kai Kyu Sei Kyo better known as Johrei and as the Johrei Fellowship. LIke Reiki, Johrei also uses Reiju to empower its followers. A "Johrei Reiki" was developed from Raku Kai Reiki using the White Light (Johrei) symbol as part of its practices and attunements. The name was changed to Vajra Reiki after some legal entanglements over the use of the word Johrei. The Fellowship maintains a website at K Karuna Reiki - Karuna Reiki is a healing system founded by William Rand from his learning new symbols and Kathleen Milner's healing system which became Tera Mai Reiki and Seichem. It is claimed to be "higher frequency" that Usui Reiki. It was formerly known as Sai Baba Reiki but the name changed due to legal complications from using the Sai Baba name. The system is Trade Marked, controlled and regulated through the International Center for Reiki Studies in Michigan, USA. Karuna Ki - Karuna Ki is a Compassionate Heart Energy and Healing System developed by Vinny Amador from work with Tera Mai and Karuna. It shares common symbols with Karuna Reiki and Tera Mai Reiki but adds many new meditations, mudras and other techniques. The system is based on the cultivation of the compassionate heart. Ki Ko - The name for Japanese Traditional Chi Kung (Qi Gong) Practices. Usui used many chi kung practices in the development of Reiki. L Levels in Reiki (See Also - Sho-den, Oku-den, Shinpi-den) - Reiki is traditionally taught in the West in three levels. Level I - Generally includes the Reiki Principles, the hand positions, Reiki History, and you receive the Reiki attunements. In traditional schools there are four attunements done at the first level. In other schools, including the Tibetan/Usui schools, there may be a combined level I attunement. Some schools teach that Reiki I heals on the physical level.

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Level II - Generally includes the three Reiki Symbols (Focus, Harmony, and Connection), Mental/Emotional Healing, Distant Healing, and another attunement. The Tibetan/Usui school adds the techniques scanning and beaming. Some schools teach Reiki II is "emotional healing". Level III (Master/Teacher Level) - Generally includes the Usui Master Symbol (empowerment symbol) and its meaning and application, the attunement process and practice in its application, and how to teach others. Some schools teach that Reiki III is for Spiritual healing. Some traditions (the Usui/Tibetan Schools and other various Independent Practitioners) have added a Level IIIa in between Level II and the Master/Teacher Level. Level IIIa is often called Advanced Reiki Training (ART). Some of the techniques that might be included here are: Reiki Meditation using the symbols, using the symbols for manifesting goals, Reiki and crystals, making a Reiki crystal grid, Reiki meditation to meet you "reiki guide", Reiki Healing Attunement, the Tibetan Antahkarana symbol and a meditation for its use, the Hui Yin position and the Violet Breath. M Master Symbol (See Also Dai Ko Mio) - The Dai Ko Mio is the Master symbol used in the all Reiki Systems. It is the symbol for the Ultimate Source of Love, Light, Harmony and Healing. It is sometimes translated to mean the "Great Shining Light". Meditation - Any number of focusing, breathing, or contemplative methods designed to bring about a heightened state of consciousness and/or enlightenment. In Usui Reiki Ryoho the most important and prominent is the Hasturei ho. Various other western systems have added Reiki Meditations. Mental Emotional Symbol (See Also "Sei Hei Ki") - This is the second Reiki symbol. It is thought to help heal on the mental and emotional levels in the body. It is also called the "Harmony" symbol in Traditional Japanese Reiki. Mikao Usui - Developer of Reiki. Born August 15th, 1865 in the Yamagata district of Gifu prefecture in a village called Yago. Usui studied Buddhism at the school and temple on Mt. Kurama as a child. It is also thought that he may have studied a Japanese form of Chi Kung called Ki Ko and other oriental healing systems. N Nin Giz Zida (See Also Fire Serpent) - A "Tibetan" symbol used in the Usui/Tibetan tradition. The Fire Serpent represents the "Sleeping Serpent" coiling at the base of the spine. The fire Serpent is used during an attunement with horizontal line over top of crown, snaking down the spine, and spiraling clockwise at base of spine; grounds energy into lower (feet to tailbone) body. By reversing the spiral (counter-clockwise) starting at base of spine, snaking up spine and ending with horizontal line over the crown; it pushes energy up to four upper chakras. It does not allow energy to escape out of crown chakra. The fire serpent connects and opens all chakras. It opens the central channel allowing the flow of Kundalini fire. It can be used in healing or meditation for more balance and receptivity. Non-Traditional Reiki - Reiki in the Hayashi-Takata (Usui Shiki Ryoho Tradition) that has been modified in some way. This might include distant attunements, additions of crystals, Angels, other symbols, different attunements, and other things. The masters are generally Independent Reiki Masters.

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O Oku-den - The Second Teachings in Reiki Ryoho in Japan. It consists of two parts, which are Oku den Zenki, and Oku den Kouki. These levels include Hatsurei ho, the hand techniques of Ushi te, Oshi te, and Nade te, Sei Hei Ki Chiryou, and Enkaku Chiryou (distant treatment), as well as the blood exchanges. P Power Symbol (See Also "Cho Ku Rei") - The First Reiki Symbol. Cho Ku Rei is commonly called the "Power" symbol in the Western Styles of Reiki (Usui Shiki Ryoho) but is called "Focus" in Traditional Japanese Reiki and in Japan. Some meanings for the symbol might be "God is here". R Raku - A lightening-like symbol that is used at the end of attunements to separate the energies of the Master and student. Most commonly used in the Usui/Tibetan and Raku Kai Traditions. Raku Kai Reiki - A system of Reiki developed by Arthur Robertson. Arthur Robertson was a student of Iris Ishikuro (one of Takata's 22 masters). The system incorporated Ralf Jensen's Master Frequency Generator Plates, The "Tibetan" practices of the Hui Yin, and Breath of the Fire Dragon (i.e., Violet Breath), the Tibetan Symbols (Raku, Dumo, and the Fire Serpent), the O Sui CHing Water Ritual, and Iris Ishikuro's use of the White Light Symbol (Johrei). This school has influenced or led to the development of the Usui/Tibetan Schools, Vajra Reiki, as well as Karuna Reiki and Tera Mai Reiki. Radiance Technique- A school of Reiki developed by Barbara Weber Ray, who was one of Takata's 22 Masters. Barbara claimed that she had information from Takata that was not given to the other masters. This school has also been known as Real Reiki. It originally had only three levels, but currently has six. Reiho - A shortened name for Reiki Ryoho or Reiki ho. It refers to practices and the system used in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai. Reiji - Reiji is the ability to find or spot imbalances in the body. It develops naturally as you practice Reiki. Consistent practice in healing others leads to the ability to be guided to the cause of the recipient's problem. This knowledge will be known even before scanning the person's body Reiki - Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a system of Enlightenment and a Hands on Healing art developed in the early 1900's by Mikao Usui in Japan. It is an art that is passed from Master to student. The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words - Rei and Ki, meaning universal life energy. The term "reiki" is used to describe both the energy and the Usui system of using it. The original system by Usui was called Usui Reiki Ryoho. There are many variant's of reiki being practiced these days. Included in this list might be Usui Shiki Ryoho, "Traditional Reiki" of the Takata-Furumoto line as practiced in America, Traditional Japanese Reiki developed from Hayashi's students in Japan and practiced in Canada, Various Non-Traditional Reiki Styles practiced by Independent Reiki Masters, Usui-Tibetan Reiki, Tibetan-Usui Reiki, Raku Kai Reiki, Tera Mai(tm) Reiki, Angelic Reiki and many others. Reiju - The original empowerment used by Mikao Usui to pass on the reiki energy. Reiju developed into the Attunements that are used in Usui Shiki Ryoho and in all western reiki systems.

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Reiki Alliance - An organization formed in the Western World by Mrs. Takata's 22 masters following her death. The organization was formed by Mrs. Takata's granddaughter, Mrs. Phyllis Furumoto. The Alliance claims to represent "Traditional" Reiki. Its practices represent the Hayashi-Takata lineage. Mrs. Furumoto went from forming the Alliance to calling herself "Grandmaster" of Reiki and lately the "Spiritual" Lineage holder. The Alliance maintains a requirement that the master level should cost Ten Thousand Dollars. An attempt was made by the Alliance in 1997 to trademark the name "Reiki" and Usui Shiki Ryoho, which failed in most countries. Reiki Circle - A group reiki practice where reiki is shared. Reiki Crystal Grids - A technique that charges crystals with Reiki and then places them in a geometric design. The purpose is to create a protective grid or to use it to send continuous healing. It is most commonly taught in the Usui/Tibetan Schools, and is a part of the Level IIIa curriculum. It is an add-on technique to the system in the Western Reiki practices. Reiki Ethics - A set of guidelines for the personal and professional conduct of reiki practitioners. An example might be not sending distant reiki without permission. These vary from Master to Master and School to School. Reiki Guides - A belief that there are specific "guides" or spirits that work with Reiki and individual practitioners. Some refer to these as "Ascendent Masters", "Spirits", or "Guides". The belief in them varies to beings that help with Reiki to beliefs like Diane Stein's that the Reiki Guides do the attunements and facilitate treatments. This is an add-on to the system in the western world that was popularized by Diane Stein in her book "Essential Reiki" and is taught as part of William Rand's Level IIIa class. Reiki History - The stories of Mikao Usui and the development of Reiki. There are several versions from the Christianized version told by Mrs. Takata that is used in the Reiki Alliance to the historically accurate version that you can find in books like Frank Arjava Petter's "Reiki Fire". Most generally contain the thematic elements of Mikao Usui searching for a system of healing, meditating on Mt. Kurama, becoming enlightened, discovering he could heal, and starting a school to teach others to heal themselves. Reiki Master - The original term for a Reiki Teacher in the Western World in the Usui Shiki Ryoho Tradition. Reiki Master Practitioner - A recent term used to describe people who have taken the Level IIIa or "Personal Mastery" classes that some masters offer. Generally these people have received the Reiki Master attunement but are not given the Level III Master symbols or instructions for attuning others. This term is common in the Usui/Tibetan Traditions. Reiki Master Teacher - A term in for Masters in schools that have a Level IIIa and Level IIIb dichotomy. It refers to those that have completed the Level IIIb and know the Reiki master symbols and how to attune others. This term is common in the Usui/Tibetan Traditions. Reiki Principles - A series of five principles written by the Meiji Emperor and used by Usui in Reiki Ryoho. There are many different sets of these. These are designed to help empower the student and to bring about an awakened mental and spiritual state. The most accurate translation might be, "The Secret Method of Inviting Blessings, The spiritual Medicine of Many Illnesses, For today only do not anger, do not worry. Be Grateful and Do your work with appreciation. Be kind to all living things. In the morning and at night, with hands held in prayer, Think this in your mind, chant this with your mouth. Reiki Stacks - A technique used for sending distant reiki. The recipients and inanimate objects or situations that are to receive reiki are placed on a list. Reiki is send to all on the list. Users of

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the technique are warned by its developer, Reiki Master Anthony Glenn Agee, to not make the stack more than 10 people because he believes the energy multiplies or increases the higher you go up the list. (Other Masters do not find this to be the case). It is believed that you can "save" stacks to use at a later time. Reiki Treatment - Receiving Reiki from a Reiki practitioner for the intent and purpose of healing. It generally consists of a practitioner placing their hands on various hand positions on the recipient's body and takes about 35 to 60 minutes in person. It can also refer to distant reiki treatment. S Scanning (See Also "Byosen") - A process where the hands of the reiki master move over the body of the recipient to determine if there are weaknesses, changes, or areas in need of treatment. There are various methods used. This is called Byosen Reikian ho in the Reiki ho practices in Japan. Seichim Reiki - Seichim was discovered by Patrick Ziegler in 1980 after a spiritual experience in the Great Pyramid in Egypt and after receiving Sufi Empowerments from a Sufi Master. The Seichim Reiki (also known as Renegade Reiki) system was developed by T'Om Seaman, Ken Lowry, and Phoenix Summerfield. SKHM - The current practice of Seichim by Patrick Ziegler. It is an empowerment type system that utilizes a connection to the SKHM energy source and earth mixed together in the heart. It uses "emotional release" as part of the process and as an indication that a connection has been made. It is very similar to Druidic practices such as the Twin Powers Meditation taught in some Druid Schools. Sei Hei Ki (See Also - Mental/Emotional Symbol) - This is the second Reiki symbol. It is thought to help heal on the mental and emotional levels in the body. It is also called the "Harmony" symbol in Traditional Japanese Reiki. Shoden - The First Teachings in Reiki Ryoho as taught in the Gakkai in Japan. It generally consists of the five principles, basics of using the system, The Waka Poetry of the Meiji Emperor, the hand positions, and Excerpts from the Handbook of Reiki Treatment (to guide treatment), and Questions and Answers from Usui. Shinpi den - The fourth teaching or "Mystery Teachings" in the Usui Reiki Ryoho practices in Japan. It consisted of Kouketsu ho, Breathing out method (healing with the breath), The Reiki Group Treatment, Healing by sending a thought or wish, the Reiki Circle, and how to perform Reiju or the empowerment. T Takata (Mrs. Hawayo Takata) - A student of Chujiro Hayashi and the first Reiki Master to be allowed to teach Reiki in the western world. She is the person most responsible for the spread of Reiki in the west today. Most western lineages come from Mrs. Takata. Tera Mai Reiki - A school of Reiki developed by Kathleen Milner. This school draws from the Raku Kai Reiki line, and also adds a number of "channeled" symbols and procedures that Kathleen believes a "higher" being gave her on the "inner planes". Tibetan Reiki - A school of Reiki that believes to have found the original practices from Tibet. There are a number of additional levels as well as a number of different symbols that are a mix of Sanskrit and Japanese Kanji. Tibetan Reiki is also used generically to describe Usui/Tibetan and Tibetan/Usui Reiki.

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Tibetan Master Symbol (See Also "Dumo") - The Dumo is a "Tibetan" Symbol that is part of the William Rand Usui/Tibetan System as well as used by various Independent Reiki Masters including Diane Stein. This symbol is also referred to as the "Tibetan Dai Ko Mio". This symbol is thought to unify the body and mind. It is reported to work with fire in the base chakra by igniting the Sacred flame (i.e., the Kundalini energy). It is believed to pull negative energy and disease from the body and mind. Traditional Japanese Reiki - A school of Reiki developed by Dave King in Canada. Traditional Japanese Reiki was developed from information from the Hayashi line in Japan that does not include the Takata lineage. It was developed and is practiced in the west. Traditional Reiki - This term generally refers to the practices of the Reiki Alliance and those that follow closely the Takata lineage. U Usui Shiki Ryoho - This refers to Reiki of the Hayashi lineage. This can include Reiki in the Hayashi-Takata Lineage. It is the most common practice of Reiki in the western world. This system uses attunements and a heavy reliance on the reiki symbols. Usui Reiki Hikkei - This is the Usui Reiki Handbook that Mikao Usui Gave to his students. It contained four Parts. Part one was the "Teachings of Usui Reiki Ryoho". Part two was an "Explanation of Instruction for the Public". Part three was the Ryoho Shishon or "Method of Healing Guide. Part four was the Meiji Renno Gyosei or "Poems of the Meiji Emperor". Usui Reiki Ryoho - This refers to the practice of Reiki as Usui practiced it and as it is still practiced in Japan in an unbroken line since Usui. This system uses meditations, such as hatsurei ho, and other practices so the person can develop spiritually and heal. Empowerments such as Reiju are used (rather than attunements) to help the student clear the channels and to help pass on the reiki energy. Usui/Tibetan Reiki - A school of Reiki that built on the work of Arthur Robertson's Raku Kai Reiki. It has four levels being Level I, Level II, Level IIIa, and Level IIIb. The system added a number of techniques such as using crystals, guides, healing attunements, as well as various "Tibetan" symbols. This system was made popular by William Rand and Diane Stein. V Vajra Reiki (See also Johrei) - A system of Reiki that uses some of the Tibetan Material as well as the White Light (Johrei) symbol. Violet Breath (See also "Breath of the Fire Dragon") - A special breathing technique used to place the reiki symbol in the crown of the student during an attunement. It is also used in Raku Kai to develop the microcosmic orbit and strengthen the reiki channel and promote health.