cancer? now what?

Cancer? Now What? Neil Stalnaker Tokyo, Japan December, 2013 copyright 2013 Neil Stalnaker

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A collection of ideas useful for me during my three bouts with throat cancer written in a minimalist vibe.


Page 1: Cancer? Now What?


Now What?

Neil StalnakerTokyo, Japan

December, 2013

copyright 2013 Neil Stalnaker

Page 2: Cancer? Now What?

On December 16 2013, I sat in a cafe in Tokyo thinking about the ordeal with throat cancer over the past two years and the lingering effects from my first experience with stage IV throat cancer in 1991. The following is stream of consciousness writing from an afternoon in Shinjuku (Tokyo). There’s more but, for now this is enough. I’m sure there will be those that disagree with some of these ideas. It’s ok. You’re allowed to disagree. I wrote only from my experience. Every situation is different.

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Found out you have cancer? what?

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Feel panic? Of course. Who wouldn't?

Go ahead.

Feel panic for a few days.

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Ok. Time for some changes.

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Take a look at your lifestyle.

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Stop it. That's right.



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Drink? Stop

it. Now.

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Eat white sugar/flour products (processed




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Drink water? How much? What kind?

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Already seem too difficult?

I ask, "How much do you want to live?”

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Alkaline vs. Acidic foods/drinks

check it out...

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Drink high ph water. Can't find it? You can.

It's out there.

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Have a juice machine?


Get one.

Start using it.

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Have a blender?


Get one.

Start using it.

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Turn off the computer/TV.

Go to sleep.

7-10 hours.

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Why so STRICT about the SLEEP? Gives MELATONIN a chance to travel around the BODY and kill cancer cells.

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This is a step by step overhaul of your system. The body/mind should be given a chance to cleanse itself and do what it does...

Too tough?

Want to live?


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Exercise? No? Start.

Easy. Slowly. Little by little.

Even sitting in a chair you can do easy exercises for blood flow.

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Breathing? Of course you do that. But, how do you breathe? It's time to relearn how to breathe. Breathing is one of the ways the body cleanses itself.

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Have a skin brush? No? Get one. Use it before you shower. The skin…the third kidney. Cleansing.

Skin brushing

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Have access to a steam sauna? Use it a few times a week.

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Have an enema bag? No? Get one. Use it. You are overhauling a toxic system that has resulted in a toxic ball of sludge in your body called a tumor.

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LYMPH MASSAGE? No? Start. But first study a little. LYMPH MASSAGE isn't hard and deep. Gentle and light.

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Have a doctor/doctors you absolutely believe in?


Find one.

They are out there.

Don't get a dictator.


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Have a journal/diary/blog? No? Get one. Oh...already have one? Yes? Great! Use it. EVERYDAY. Document this journey. Clear out. Cleanse your mind. Write EVERYTHING down.

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Creative? No?

I disagree.

Everyone on this planet is creative. Now is the time to find YOUR creative outlet. The point is not to compare yourself to Picasso. Just CREATE. This will cleanse you on a profoundly deep level.

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Have a TO DO list? No? Make one. A HUGE one.

One that seems impossible to finish.

Put everything on the LIST. Add your life DREAMS/goals to the list.

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Look at the TO DO list (at least) every morning and every night just before you sleep. No stress. Just gaze at it. Your subconscious will do the rest.

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Have friends? Contact them. Focus on THEM.

Not yourself.

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Have family? Contact them. Focus on THEM.

Not yourself.

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Take a trip.

Once a week (at least).


How about someplace within walking distance you always overlook?

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Confined to the chair/bed?

Have an imagination? Yes?

Use it.

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Start imagining a place you've visited in the past or a place you've wanted to visit in the future. Close your eyes. Imagine in great detail. Colors. Smells. Temperature. Sounds. Can your feel the ground under your feet? How do you feel?

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Cancer is fought and defeated on the cellular level. ALL of your thoughts and emotions and speaking is transferred to every cell in your body. Start cleansing the cells with your imagination. Thats right. Start at the head and work your way down the body using your mind to clean every cell in your body.

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Blender. Fruit smoothies. Green smoothies. Whatever. JUST DO IT. Get creative. Tons and tons of videos on YouTube to learn how to make smoothies.

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Juice Machine

Oh, don't like vegetables? Don't want to waste the pulp? Those arguments don't have a leg to stand on. Study. Learn how to make juice. It's simple. It's FUN. Never met anyone complaining of lack of energy BECAUSE they drank juice.

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Meals. Eat many small healthy meals throughout the day.

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Time to relearn how to chew the food.

Chew each bite 25-50 times.

"Drink your food." Helps the body digest.

Body doesn't have to work as hard.

You'll have more energy.

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Still with me? Too tough? Are you usually a complainer?

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Treatments.Chemo? Radiation? Surgery? Immunotherapy? Enzyme therapy? Alternative?

Those are private choices.

Every situation is different.

Do YOUR homework...

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I don't like working with doctors who have the words "alternative treatments" in their vocabulary. This is my LIFE! Let's use anything. Do anything humanly possible to get healthy.

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Holistic or Wholistic?

The answer is simple.

Don't be swayed by the propaganda. 

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Believe it or not its your choice.

Cancer is a disease. And cancer is a

business. A multi-billion dollar business.

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An overlooked category of treatment EVERY cancer patient should have in addition to whatever they and their doctor choose. IMMUNOTHERAPY.

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Just do it.


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Cancer is like running a marathon. But, in this marathon you aren't given any information about the finish line.

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People live. They survive. People die. We're all going to die eventually. I choose to live as long as I possibly can. I've had cancer 3 times. I declared cancer WILL NOT take me out of the game of life. Absolutely WILL NOT take me out. Make a DECLARATION. And then LIVE THE GAME OF LIFE AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.....CAUSE....IT DOES.

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DO NOT make decisions out of fear.

I think some do this "cancer

marathon" like a sprint (because of

fear) and burn-out quickly.

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Cancer can be a deep and beautiful experience.

Sound crazy?

Of course it sounds crazy.

But, it's REAL. It's a wake-up call.

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Pain? Yes, there might be pain. What is pain? Listen. Listen to your body. DO NOT RESIST the pain. That makes it more painful. Give up your resistance to the pain. Go into the center of the pain. Crazy? No. There's something there for you. In the center of the pain, suddenly pain loses it's power over you. You start operating on a different level.

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Vegetarian? Raw foods? Macrobiotic? Paleo? 80-10-10? Eat meat? Don't eat meat? These are just words. Almost becomes like a religion for some. If you use your common sense, you'll know what you should put in your body and what you shouldn't. Listen to your body.

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This is a journey. Cancer is a journey. Open up.

Open your eyes. Look around. See/hear the beauty. 

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Just a thought…rather than attacking the cancer directly, how about creating an environment in the body that is functioning at such a high level of health, cancer cells just can't survive.

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Look. This isn't something to be done on your own. It takes support. It takes a team. Your support and teammates are going to come from unlikely places. Don't be surprised or disappointed.

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Everybody does the best they can with the awareness they have at the moment. 

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Drop your fear.

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Drop your resistance. 

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Drop your anger.

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Drop your "why me" questions

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Clear out…

clear out a closet,

a drawer.

Throw away some papers.

Start doing the TO DO list.

Clean out your life. Clean out your mind. Clean out your body.

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Cancer/tumors. Toxic accumulation/sludge in the body. You're backed-up. No flow. The tumor is there to tell you this. IT's not a death sentence. It's an opportunity.

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Cleanse. Cleanse. Cleanse.

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Create. Create. Create.

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This is a journey. You are now on a journey. Drop your judgements and resistance. Some unbelievable things are there for you.

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Neil Stalnaker

copyright 2013 Neil Stalnaker

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