cancer august 2019 planetary movements this monthaugust_report).pdf1 cancer august 2019 planetary...

1 Cancer August 2019 Planetary movements this month: New Moon in Leo 1st August Jupiter turns direct 12th August Mercury turns direct 1st August Mercury leaves Cancer/into Leo Uranus turns retrograde 12th August Full Moon in Aquarius 16th August Mars leaves Leo/into Virgo 18th August Venus leaves Leo/into Virgo 21st August Sun leaves Leo/into Virgo 23rd August Juno leaves Leo/into Virgo 24th August Pallas leaves Libra/into Scorpio 26th August Mercury leaves Leo/into Virgo 29th August New Moon in Virgo 30th August Good Days are days when the planets concerned are supporting each other. * Sun conjunct Moon (New Moon) 1st August * Moon conjunct Venus 1st August * Moon conjunct Mars 2nd August * Sun trine Jupiter 7th/8th August * Venus trine Jupiter 8th/9th August * Mars trine Eris 9th/10th August * Moon conjunct Jupiter 10th August * Sun conjunct Venus 11th/17th August * Mercury trine Ceres 14th August * Neptune trine North Node 15th/19th August * Venus trine Eris 17th August * Sun trine Eris 17th/18th August * Moon conjunct Neptune 18th August * Venus conjunct Juno 19th/21st August * Mercury trine Jupiter 21st/22nd August * Moon conjunct Uranus 22nd August * Venus conjunct Mars 24th/26th August * Venus trine Uranus 26th/27th August * Moon conjunct North Node 27th August * Mars trine Uranus 28th/29th August * Sun conjunct Moon (New Moon) 30th August * Moon conjunct Mercury 30th August * Sun trine Uranus 30th/31st August * Moon conjunct Venus 31st August * Moon conjunct Mars 31st August * Sun conjunct Mars 31st August/5th September

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Page 1: Cancer August 2019 Planetary movements this monthAugust_Report).pdf1 Cancer August 2019 Planetary movements this month: New Moon in Leo 1st August Jupiter turns direct 12th August



August 2019

Planetary movements this month:

New Moon in Leo 1st August

Jupiter turns direct 12th August

Mercury turns direct 1st August

Mercury leaves Cancer/into Leo

Uranus turns retrograde 12th August

Full Moon in Aquarius 16th August

Mars leaves Leo/into Virgo 18th August

Venus leaves Leo/into Virgo 21st August

Sun leaves Leo/into Virgo 23rd August

Juno leaves Leo/into Virgo 24th August

Pallas leaves Libra/into Scorpio 26th August

Mercury leaves Leo/into Virgo 29th August

New Moon in Virgo 30th August

Good Days are days when the planets concerned are supporting each other.

* Sun conjunct Moon (New Moon) 1st August

* Moon conjunct Venus 1st August

* Moon conjunct Mars 2nd August

* Sun trine Jupiter 7th/8th August

* Venus trine Jupiter 8th/9th August

* Mars trine Eris 9th/10th August

* Moon conjunct Jupiter 10th August

* Sun conjunct Venus 11th/17th August

* Mercury trine Ceres 14th August

* Neptune trine North Node 15th/19th August

* Venus trine Eris 17th August

* Sun trine Eris 17th/18th August

* Moon conjunct Neptune 18th August

* Venus conjunct Juno 19th/21st August

* Mercury trine Jupiter 21st/22nd August

* Moon conjunct Uranus 22nd August

* Venus conjunct Mars 24th/26th August

* Venus trine Uranus 26th/27th August

* Moon conjunct North Node 27th August

* Mars trine Uranus 28th/29th August

* Sun conjunct Moon (New Moon) 30th August

* Moon conjunct Mercury 30th August

* Sun trine Uranus 30th/31st August

* Moon conjunct Venus 31st August

* Moon conjunct Mars 31st August

* Sun conjunct Mars 31st August/5th September

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These correspond to where the planets are in your chart at the time (see below) and it’s on

these days that their effect on you will be more positive. These also make up some of the

‘power dates’ below. What is noticeable is the amount of harmony between the stars this


‘KUOYT’ Days – Not ‘bad days’, because there are no such things, but they’re what I call

‘Kuoyt’ Days (which I pronounce Coyote – like the wild dogs) – these are days that Keep U

On Your Toes.

* Moon opposition Saturn 27th August

* Moon opposition Pluto 27th August

* Moon conjunct Saturn 12th August

* Moon conjunct South Node 13th August

* Moon opposition Sun (Full Moon) 16th August

* Moon conjunct Pluto 13th August

* Moon conjunct Chiron 19th August

It’s on these ‘Kuoyt’ days that the planets concerned aren’t playing hardball with each other

and rather than supporting each other, as they are on the good days, they’ve got their own

agenda, which may be running contrary and in conflict with each other. This creates tension

and pressure, but these aren’t ‘bad days’. Often we need pressure or the right amount of stress

in order to raise our game or fight that little bit harder. If we didn’t have these Kuoyt days,

we would fall into a state of complacency, so they keep us on our toes. Despite the fact that

they might bring some pressure and tension, these are conditions that also bring


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6th House

Work, Employment and Health

6th House rules:

The ancients called this the ‘House of Service to others’. This is the busiest part of your chart,

where the focus is on work, employment, service, duty, responsibility, hard work,

productivity, health, time management and self sacrifice, whether in paid or unpaid service.

Here the focus is on doing what has to been done now, rather than putting things off, bringing

a sense that you can rest later. When your Sixth House is active you will be busy, with a lot

on your plate and a lot of demands on your time. This is also a time to address any health,

wellbeing, time management and energy issues. Ruled by Mercury in his most practical form,

this is all about productivity.

Power Dates: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 21st, 22nd, 24th and 25th August

This is a big month for Jupiter, here in your work sector since November 2018 and therefore

for work and job matters in general. In retrograde motion since April, Jupiter has been

spending the middle four months of a 13 month visit in retrograde motion, retracing his steps

and going back over old ground, as is normally the case.

Jupiter returns to all 12 areas of your chart in any given 12 year period, spending on average

12 months in each. As well as presenting his current stage in your current Jupiter cycle, as the

planet of luck and expansion, he will spend a year expanding each area of your chart. As

Jupiter is the largest and most powerful planet in the solar system, larger than the rest of the

planets combined, to have Jupiter in your work sector means there is a lot of weight on work

and job matters or just on the things that keep you busy or occupy your time in 2019. Because

Jupiter will always turn retrograde once a year, always when the Sun is on the opposite side

of the sky, this is a time to go back into the shadows, to retreat and reflect.

Every Jupiter transit is a three phase affair and each is equally important. In the first phase,

which begins with Jupiter’s return, there is a lot of enthusiasm and even hubris, as Jupiter

returns for the first time in over a decade to expand a sense of what’s possible. This is a time

for radical optimism, for getting as many balls in the air as possible and for throwing as many

arrows at a target, hoping something will stick. This phase is not about narrowing down your

aims but for simply putting everything you have into everything you do, with reckless


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The one criticism that Astrologers have of Jupiter is that he is full of hot air (being a gas

planet) and that he promises more than he can deliver. I think that description is accurate,

however, only in the first phase of a Jupiter transit and for all the right reasons.

In the second phase, Jupiter turns retrograde and for the next four months, you will move into

review mode, retracing your steps and in hindsight looking at things more objectively. This is

a time for pulling back and instead of looking or moving forward, you are going back over

old ground.

When Jupiter turns direct he moves into his final phase and this is the phase when everything

comes together. You are no longer in the wild and almost blind optimism of the first phase

and you are no longer throwing arrows at targets, hoping some will stick. You now have

fewer arrows and fewer targets and in a slow and deliberate way, you are making sure that

every single one hits its mark. This is a culmination of all Jupiter’s time here and this is when

everything is set to come together. If this really is a lucky and expansive year for job growth,

then this will be especially evident in this final phase, which begins when Jupiter turns direct

on 12th August.

To sum it all up, imagine a Jupiter phase like passing through beautiful countryside and you

see a mountain and are struck with not just the urge to climb it, but believe that you can. You

can picture yourself standing on the top, with a feeling of ‘I did this’ and with an ‘I am the

king or queen of the world feeling’. You might imagine yourself bragging about it and the

pride you would feel because you strived and succeeded. This phase is all about almost blind

faith and optimism, believing that anything is possible. Then Jupiter moves into his

retrograde phase and you realise that if you really are going to do this you have to make

plans, you have to prepare, learn everything you will need to know and slowly assemble all

your resources. You will double and triple check you have everything and reflect back on all

the information you have had access to and make sure every aspect is covered. Then Jupiter

turns direct and it is the day of the climb itself. This time it is real, you know what you are

aiming for, you’ve done your homework, you have narrowed down what you need to do, you

are prepared and you are ready to make this a reality. This is the phase that is about to begin.

The timing of Jupiter’s direct turn means that for those in New Zealand this will be 12th

August and everywhere else in the world it will be 11th August. That is because Jupiter will

turn direct at 1.38 am New Zealand time, so in the very early hours and when everywhere

else in the world it is still 11th August. Either way, no matter where you are in the world

when you wake up on 12th August (your time), Jupiter will be in direct motion and ready to

bring things home. The late Sir Edmund Hillary was a New Zealand mountaineer, most

famous for being the first person known to successfully climb to the top of Mount Everest.

There is a famous quote that has become a familiar expression here in New Zealand, but

because I am not sure if this is as familiar to those in other countries, I need to explain why I

am about to use the words I am to describe Jupiter’s final months. When Hillary was

descending Everest, after his successful climb he met up with George Lowe and uttered the

now infamous and typically Kiwi words – “Well George, we’ve knocked the bastard off”.

Whatever your personal Everest, whatever Jupiter has spent from November 2018 promoting

the potential for expansion and success, it is time to ‘knock the bastard off’.

Jupiter won’t leave your work sector until 3rd December and Venus, the first of the faster

planets to return to help guide things home won’t return until November. This means you still

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have several months and with Jupiter needing to come to a standstill in order to turn direct,

even though the tide turns and things start to move forward, this will start out slowly.

What Jupiter has when he turns direct is a stunning amount of support. You begin the month

with the Sun, Mars and Venus in your income sector, with Mercury returning there on 12th

August, just a few hours after Jupiter’s direct turn in your work sector. This will put all the

faster planets in the same sign, at the same time for the first time since October 2017 and just

in time to support you and Jupiter as the tides turn on the job front. Mars moved into a

friendly aspect to Jupiter last month, with the Sun moving into the same friendly aspect on

7th/8th August, Venus on 8th/9th August and Mercury on 21st/22nd August. Whether in

his final days in retrograde motion, as he turns direct or in his early days and weeks in direct

motion, Jupiter has the right support at the right time. While Jupiter won’t move into a

positive aspect to Eris in your career sector until later in the year, the planets moving through

your income sector will this month. Jupiter turns direct at the one point in the year when there

is a network of support between planets across the income, work and career fronts.

Because the dwarf planet Ceres turned direct here in your work sector last month, you have

already started to look to the future, even if you haven’t yet begun moving forward. In

Jupiter’s final days in retrograde motion, this is giving you a window into the past, present

and future.

The Moon will make a timely visit to your work sector from 9th August to 11th August.

Moving through during Jupiter’s final days in retrograde motion will not only ensure your

instincts are sharp and you have an intuitive read on work and job matters, but will bring a

chance to take a deep dive into the past before the tide turns less than 12 hours after the Moon


2nd House

Income, Earnings and Self Value

2nd House rules:

The ancients called this the ‘House of earned income and self value’ and rules your income,

earnings, your sense of self value, entitlement, believing in yourself, standing up for your

rights, a sense of expectation, entitlement and indulgence. Ruled by Venus, the Second House

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is all about what you value and how you set your priorities, not only on the income front but

across all the currencies in your life. This is an abundant area of your chart where there is

often a gain in income or material resources. Ruled by Venus, the guiding principles here are

desire, higher expectations and the laws of attraction.

Power Dates: 1st, 3rd, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd,

24th, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st August

Apart from supporting Jupiter in his final days in retrograde motion in your work sector and

as the tide turns on the job front, the planetary activity here in your income sector is exciting

in its own right.

The planetary activity here in your income sector this month is a mix of the ordinary and the

extraordinary. Ordinary because the Sun will always spend the first three weeks of August

here, shining the solar spotlight on income situation, matters and options. With all planetary

activity over by the end of the month, from an ordinary perspective, this is a short, positive

and exciting annual update but nothing more.

However, a few things make this extraordinary and creates the potential for some game

changing developments. I wasn’t sure how to explain the difference, so I will list this in a

pros and cons way, so you can compare what you experienced here last year and the

difference this year and why this turns an ordinary event into something extraordinary.

In 2018 you had the bare minimum of planetary activity with the Sun, Mercury and Venus

the only planets moving through your income sector, though you did have the dwarf planet

Ceres making her first visit in four years. This year you have Mars, the planet of passion and

the warrior planet of the cosmos here and this is juicing things up.

In 2018 Mars was on the other side of the sky, opposing every planet that moved through

your income sector and in the process, creating a clash between forces focused on money

coming in and money going out. With the South Node also in opposition throughout that

time, there was not only less planetary activity there were a lot more challenges, pressure and

financial tension.

In 2018 there were not only no planets with the clout to really support you and your income

potential, whereas this year you have the support of lucky Jupiter in your work sector.

Yet the one thing that really makes the planetary activity in your income sector this month

extraordinary is the power of numbers. When Mercury returns on 12th August this will put

the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars here, at the same time. This is the first time that the faster

moving planets have all been in the same sign at the same time since October 2017 and it is

happening here. When you have all four concentrating on the same area of your life and not

scattered in different directions, this creates a serious amount of combined focus.

With none of the roadblocks you experienced last year, this is putting rocket fuel in the tanks

of the planets moving through your income sector. When you add the support of Jupiter, the

planet of luck and expansion and the most powerful planet in the solar system, then you have

a pocket sized powerhouse of planetary activity.

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The fact that Mars will leave on 18th August, Venus on 21st August, the Sun on 23rd

August and Mercury on 29th August means this won’t be drawn out. The planets are here,

they have come in hot and heavy, they’re not here for long and they are ready to make things

happen. This is a short, sharp and extremely powerful blast of planetary activity that is not

going to muck around.

The fact that Mercury will return and complete this power line up of planets here in your

income sector just hours after Jupiter’s direct turn in your work sector will have positive

implications now and down the line. While Jupiter is the more powerful planet, in retrograde

motion his power is reduced and even turning direct is still not back to his empowered self.

This means that Jupiter will be drawing as much strength and support from the planets here in

your income sector as they will be drawing from him. This means that while all planetary

activity here on the income front will end when Mercury leaves on 29th August, by then

Jupiter will be starting to gain speed and will be regaining his power. This means that when

planetary activity on the income front ends, Jupiter will keep income momentum under his

wings and the momentum continuing under the broad umbrella of work and job matters and

the growth and expansion that will continue for the rest of the year.

Most of us will begin the month with the Moon here in your income sector, something that

pushes this area of your chart even more into the limelight and guarantees getting your

attention from the get go.

The Moon will return at 1.18 am on 1st August New Zealand time, so on 31st July

everywhere else in the world, either way ensuring that we all wake on the first day of the new

month with the Moon here. If that isn’t enough to get your attention from the get go then the

Moon’s alignment with the Sun to create a New Moon 14 hours later will. Starting the month

with a New Moon is going to give the month some serious traction and for some, especially

those in the USA this will fall late in the evening of 31st July, with New Moon energy in

force from the get go. The Moon is here throughout the first two days of August, aligning

with the Sun, Venus and Mars during that time. This will ensure you begin the month with

your intuition, instincts and imagination fuelled and with a sharp nose for money from the get


In a month where the money gods are putting everything they have into gaining traction no

the income front, just starting the month with the Moon here is an advantage. However, this

month is not only peppered with friendly aspects between the planets here and Jupiter in your

work sector, but with Eris and Chiron in your career sector as well. I wasn’t going to list the

dates of the positive aspects between planets across the income, work and career fronts

because there are just too many of them, but have decided to lay out just how long reaching

this is.

The first is a friendly aspect between the Sun and Jupiter on 7th/8th August, followed by

Venus’ friendly aspect to Jupiter in your work sector on 8th/9th August. While this is still

playing out, Mars will team up with Eris in your career sector on 9th/10th August with more

friendly aspects continuing on 14th August, another on 17th August, another on 17th/18th

August, another on 19th/21st August, another on 21st/22nd August, another on 21st/23rd

August and one final coming together on 26th/27th August. With each of these friendly

aspects having an orb (period of influence) of several days either side, the whole month is

literally a hotbed of support and potential across the income, work and career fronts.

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By the time the Moon comes full circle from the New Moon at the start of the month the Sun,

Mars and Venus will be gone but Mercury, who wasn’t there during the Moon’s first visit

will get to experience a repeat performance just for him. The Moon is here from 28th August

to 30th August and with Mercury leaving on 29th August, this means you will have the

Moon’s intuitive edge and a sharp nose for money to draw on in Mercury’s final hours, as he

leaves and for 16 hours after he has gone. With Mercury not only wrapping up his second

visit (having retrograded back out last month) but all planetary activity here until 2020, to

have the Moon here as he leaves is auspicious. With the Moon’s sharp nose for money and

Mercury’s smart head for money you are able to squeeze out every advantage and ensure that

as things wrap up, it is with a lucrative sense of direction.

The only challenge the planets here will face this month is an opposition with a Full Moon in

your financial sector on 16th August. As the Sun spends a month in each sign and the Moon

comes full circle every 28 days, it is impossible not to have a Full Moon during his month

long visit to your income sector. That this is the only challenge is the bare minimum needed

to ensure you are paying attention or to give things the push they sometimes need. This

comes during Mars’ final and Mercury’s early days, so with all planets here and the Moon

opposing all four. The Moon is in your financial sector from 14th August to 16th August,

creating the only challenge the planets here will face. Yet these are the oppositions the Moon

forms with every planet in the solar system every four weeks, with the only difference being

that it falls here and it will create a Full Moon. The biggest danger would be how easy this

would be to ignore or dismiss, with the Moon definitely outnumbered. Yet this is a valuable

chance to use any financial tension as motivation, while addressing any balance issues

between money coming in and money going out this might expose.

8th House

Finances, Passion, Transformation and Change

8th House rules:

The ancients called this the ‘House of Other People’s Money’ and today rules money,

passion, change and transformation. While the Second House rules your income the Eighth

House rules your financial situation as a whole, including debts, loans, funding and even

inheritances. Ruled by Pluto the Eighth House also rules our deep drives and urges and also

the concept of change, coming from a cycle of death and rebirth, which is the cycle of life.

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Power Dates: 14th, 15th and 16th August

On the other side of the sky to a line up of planets in your income sector, is this month’s Full

Moon in your financial sector. With no planetary activity here since Venus left in late March,

the Moon’s monthly visits have been key to keeping money matters on track and for you to

check in.

The Moon will make its monthly visit to your financial sector from 14th August to 16th

August, at the halfway point in the month. Had it not been for having the Sun on the other

side of the sky this would have been just an ordinary monthly visit, instead of becoming a

Full Moon on 16th August.

However, this was never destined to be an ordinary monthly visit, for this is the Full Moon

that will always fall at around this time every year, always halfway between the Sun’s last

visit and the next and always when the Sun is in your income sector.

This is a Full Moon that will be felt on many levels, all of them important and all of them

interconnected. This means that because the Moon will not only clash with the Sun to create

the Full Moon but will oppose Mercury, Mars and Venus as well, there could be some strong

emotional responses, financial tension and a clash as income and money matters push for

your attention. If you stick your head in the sand and go into denial for a few days you could

avoid any negative impact, but by doing so you would also avoid the positive implications.

As they are coming from the same source, you can’t have one without the other.

On the positive side of the fence, as the first Full Moon since not only the Sun left in

February or Venus left in late March, but the massive amount of time Mars spent here in

2018, this can be a catalyst for everything that has been building, with the potential to bring

things both income and financial matters to fruition or to a head, turning and/or tipping point.

It is the push back from the Sun and other planets on the other side of the sky, the same push

back that could create some financial tension, that is also the leverage needed to create a


This is also not just about the Moon’s impact here on the financial front, for this is as much

about the Sun as well. The Moon has no natural light, so all the light we see during a Full

Moon is reflected sunlight from the Sun in your income sector. In addition, as a Full Moon is

an opposition between the Sun and Moon, this can be seen as a clash between the two.

Because the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus are all in your income sector at the time and the

Moon will oppose all four and not just the Sun, there could be some financial tension.

However, I like to see this as less a competition between income and money matters or

between money coming in and money going out and more a chance for collaboration.

When we look up at a Full Moon we don’t see strife or conflict, we see the Sun and Moon

literally coming together in a spellbinding way. Who hasn’t gazed at awe at a Full Moon and

its beauty? What we are looking at is the Sun’s light being fully reflected off the surface of

the Moon and therefore a coming together of the Sun and Moon. Rather than a clash between

money coming in and money going out, this can be seen more as a chance to fine tune the

balance between the two.

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The Moon is only in your financial sector for 60 hours and with the Full Moon falling in the

final 12 hours, there is a chance to ride these waxing lunar vibes and for the 48 hours leading

up to this. With the Moon fuelling your financial instincts and imagination, as the Moon

grows and expands towards the Full Moon, so too will anything you invest your time, energy

and attention into.

10th House

Career and Professional goals and ambitions, success

10th House rules:

Here the focus is on your career and your professional and personal drives and ambitions, the

concept of striving for success, the ability to remain focused and to see something through.

The ancients called this the ‘House of Fame and Public Recognition’; with all the focus,

discipline and behind the scenes determination that goes into achieving success through

setting a goal and seeing it through. Ruled by Saturn, the Tenth House is all about the

dedication it takes to succeed, setting goals and remaining committed, disciplined and


Power Dates: 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 26th and 27th August

Here in your career sector and on the career front, the words that come to mind this month are

‘quiet’, ‘simple’ and ‘confident’. It was last month that Chiron and Eris, the only planets here

turned retrograde and with Chiron in retrograde motion until December and Eris until

January, this is the start of a long and partly familiar review phase.

Eris, dwarf planet and warrior princess of the cosmos has been in your career sector since

1926 so chances are, unless you are over 92 years old, she has been here your entire lifetime.

Eris orbits beyond fellow dwarf planet Pluto (though don’t call him that) and is of equal size.

Because the light coming off Eris is actually brighter than Pluto’s light, it used to be thought

that she was the larger, but it is actually Pluto who is slightly larger. The reason I mention

Pluto here is that while Pluto has been downgraded from a planet to dwarf planet status, he is

still a hugely influential force and this makes Eris his near equal.

Eris is responsible for a sense of determination and a willingness to fight for what is right on

the career front and here for another three decades, she is the one planet that will stay the

longest in any one area of your chart, in your lifetime. As Eris always spends the second half

of each year in retrograde motion, her retrograde turn last month is literally something that

happens at this time every year.

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However, all years are different and has a lot to do with what is happening elsewhere in the

solar system and its impact on Eris. This year the conditions couldn’t be better, with Jupiter

in your work sector since last November and there until early December. Jupiter has a 12 year

cycle and once every 12 years the planet of luck and expansion will return to your career

sector and align with Eris here. Jupiter then continues his 12 year cycle through the solar

system and twice during that time will spend a year at a friendly aspect. This puts them in

mutually supported areas of your chart, in this case in your career and work sectors.

At some point during this 12 to 13 month period Jupiter and Eris will move into an exact trine

and if the Jupiter retrograde period is close enough to the degree that Eris is located that year,

they will move into an exact trine up to three times. This is what is happening this year, with

Jupiter having moved into an exact trine with Eris in March and again in April. What

happened then is that Jupiter turned retrograde just after moving into a positive aspect to Eris,

so moved back into the same aspect just weeks later.

They will move back into an exact aspect again in early November, but from Jupiter’s direct

turn on 12th August they will begin moving towards each other again. However, right now

both Eris and Chiron are receiving a lot of love and support from a parade of planets moving

through your income sector. Those planets will also act as a go between Jupiter and Eris,

creating some positive conditions across the income, work and career fronts.

Because Chiron is still in the early degrees of your career sector, as the planets returned to

your income sector last month they moved into a positive aspect to the planet of healing then.

This month it is all about Eris. Mars will move into an exact friendly aspect with Eris on

9th/10th August, Venus on 17th August, the Sun on 17th August and Mercury on

26th/27th August.

While Eris has most likely spent the second half of each year in retrograde motion here for

your entire lifetime for Chiron, the planet of healing this is still new. Chiron did return to

your career sector in April 2018, for the first time in four decades but after a few months

retrograded back out again. When Chiron eventually turned direct last December he began

moving back towards your career sector again and this time when he returned in February

there was enough time to get far enough in that his retrograde phase last month won’t take

him back out again.

Chiron is now here until April 2027 and this first full retrograde phase is an opportunity to

get serious about healing, especially when it comes to first identifying old professional ghosts

or demons, especially those that impact your confidence and a belief in what’s possible and

then to slowly heal from them. The keyword for Chiron that has the most power is the word


While you have had the asteroid Pallas Athena in Libra, opposing sign to your career sector

since November, by the time Chiron returned in February she was well out of range and even

while she retrograded back to 10 degrees, there was never an opposition. With the first

planets not returning to Libra until next month, Chiron is able to spend his first full month in

retrograde motion with no challenges and nothing but support.

The Moon will move through your career sector from 19th August to 21st August, with this

second visit since both planets turned retrograde here a chance to check in and also detect

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signs of movement. As always, the Moon will professional instincts and imagination and

deliver valuable clues, hunches and insights, while bringing a chance to check in with both

where things are at on the career front and to connect with Chiron and Eris.

And the timing couldn’t be better. For with Mars leaving your income sector on 18th

August, Venus on 21st August and the Sun on 23rd August, this will ensure your

professional instincts are sharp during some of the most important days of the month if not

the year on the income front.

With Chiron in retrograde motion until December and Eris until January 2020, there is a lack

of urgency and instead a chance to quietly regroup, knowing that the final months of 2019 are

destined to be busy, especially on the job front. With Mars due to spend the second half of

2020 here in your career sector and next year set to be even more professional expansive, this

is a valuable chance to find a sustainable pace.

7th House

Relationships, Opposition – Half Way Point in a Cycle

7th House rules:

On one hand this is the area of your chart that rules relationships, unions, partnerships and

marriage. The Seventh House has two specific roles. On one hand this is your relationship

sector, so the focus is on your relationships. The bar is raised, more will be required from you

and there is likely to be some pressure. Secondly this puts any planet in your opposing Sign

and puts you at the halfway point of a current planetary cycle, bringing personal as well as

relationship checks and balances. Ruled by Venus, your personal relationships benefit most

when there is planetary activity here.

Power Dates: 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 27th August

While Saturn and Pluto are big, bad and bold enough to stand up for themselves and they are

unlikely to either want or need sympathy, it warms my heart to see things turnaround for

them after two very tough months. For the reality is, Saturn and Pluto might be more than

capable of handling anything that is thrown at them and even thrive during challenging times,

unfortunately, we are mortal and can do with the break that they are getting.

And here in your relationship sector, what is good news for Saturn and Pluto is also going to

be good news for you and your relationships.

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June and July were, without a doubt the toughest two months of 2019 for all of us, with a

parade of planets moving through Cancer, opposing not only Saturn and Pluto here in your

relationship sector, but the South Node as well. In the space of just five weeks, from mid June

to 21st July, there were 14 oppositions, as well as a lunar and a total solar eclipse during that


The last opposition was between Venus, the planet of love in Cancer and Pluto here in your

relationship sector on 21st July, with tensions dialling back ever since. However, because the

lunar nodes are still here and there will be another pair of eclipses in six months, a solar

eclipse in December and a lunar eclipse in January, a balance between your personal and

relationship needs is still being policed. However, there will be no more planetary


If nothing else changed and it was just a case of tensions dialling back, this would still be a

good month for relationship matters. This is Saturn’s last full month in retrograde motion and

with Pluto turning direct in October, as they start to slow down a drop in urgency will

contribute to a drop in pressure. Because the last two months have been challenging, with

Saturn and Pluto both still in retrograde motion they are already working to help you learn

and grow from what was faced. Saturn gives you the power to move mountains if you have to

and Pluto the ability to change things up. With both looking back but also preparing for lucky

Jupiter’s return in December and the massive growth ahead, this is a valuable chance to

repair, reflect and make the most of the doors still open to the past.

However, what really helps to turn things around is the planetary activity in your

communication sector this month and the friendly aspects the planets returning will not only

form with Saturn and Pluto here in your relationship sector but with Uranus, who turns

retrograde in your friendship sector on 12th August. A new wave of planetary activity on the

communication front begins with Mars’ return to your communication sector on 18th August

and will be followed by Venus’ return on 21st August, the Sun’s return on 23rd August, the

asteroid Juno and queen of commitment’s return on 24th August and finally Mercury’s

return on 29th August. By the end of the month, every one of the faster moving planets will

be in your communication sector and they will remain here during Saturn’s final weeks in

retrograde motion.

The Moon will make its monthly visit to your relationship sector from 11th August to 14th

August and the timing couldn’t be better. Things will have become a lot more settled by then

and as always, as well as fuelling your emotional and intuitive responses, this will be a

chance to check in.

However, what makes the timing auspicious is that the Moon will be here on 12th August, a

critical day for three different reasons, all with positive implications and all within the space

of just a few hours. The first is Jupiter’s direct turn, which is when the planet of luck and

expansion turns around and begins moving forward and towards his return to your

relationship sector on 3rd December. The second event happens just a few hours later, with

Mercury leaving Cancer and ending the potential for another opposition. Mercury had

retrograded back in last month and while he never retrograded back far enough to oppose

Saturn and Pluto, just having him on the other side of the sky has stopped tensions from

dropping back completely.

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Yet Mercury is the planet of communication and as the Moon returns to your relationship

sector during his last full day in Cancer, this will be a valuable chance to give your emotional

responses and relationships a voice. Knowing Mars will return to your communication sector

just six days after Mercury leaves Cancer, the Moon will fuel the right emotional responses at

the right time.

The third and final event on 12th August is Uranus’ retrograde turn in your friendship sector.

With Saturn and Pluto already in retrograde motion in your relationship sector and while they

are too far apart to interact directly, the Moon will act as a go between. This will ensure your

emotional responses as the planets focused on friendship and relationship building are all

focused on the past.

11th House

Friendships, Teamwork and Hopes and Wishes

11th House rules:

Here it is all about friendship, teamwork, networking, inventiveness, camaraderie,

togetherness, being part of a group, team or society, neighbourhoods, communities, clubs,

organisations or affiliations. The Eleventh House is about strength in numbers, playing your

part in society, being a friend, a team player, showing kindness and generosity to others.

Ruled by Uranus, the Eleventh House is all about realising that no man (or woman) is an

island. It’s about being part of society, feeling connected, a need to belong. It is about

humanity and Aquarian principles, which sees the world as a global village.

Power Dates: 7th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st August

Uranus might be alone in your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking but he is not

without friends and turning retrograde on 12th August this makes all the difference.

There is rarely planetary activity in your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking at

this time of year and that is because the faster moving planets, those that return once a year

and in Mars’ case once every other year, have already been and gone by this time of year.

However, this year something different happened and in the process everything has changed.

That something different was Uranus’ return in early March, not for the first time in eight

decades but for the first time to stay in eight decades. Uranus returned in May 2018, for the

first time since his last visit wrapped up in 1942. Apart from Jupiter, who spends one year out

of every 12 here and Saturn, who spends two to three years here once every three decades,

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there have been no outer planets, those that are literally here for years, since Uranus was last

here, from 1935 to 1942.

Uranus turned retrograde last May but turned retrograde when she was just a few degrees

inside the door. This wasn’t far enough for Uranus not to retrograde back out, which he did in

November. However, it was while Uranus was here for those few months last year that he

was a big support for Saturn, still in his early degrees in your relationship sector then. They

spent several weeks locked in a friendly embrace in the middle part of 2018, something you

are able to benefit from now.

When Uranus returned in March it was to find Mars already here and over the coming

months, a parade of planets moved through with Venus, the last of the faster moving planets

having just left in June. Now on his own and slowing down ahead of his retrograde turn on

12th August, Uranus is finally ready to move into review mode. This time this won’t see the

planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected retrograde back out again, but in

retrograde motion until January 2020, will spend the rest of this year back at the drawing

board and in review mode.

This is the pattern that things will follow now until Uranus leaves in April 2026, spending the

second half of each year in direct motion and then coming back into play in the early weeks

of each year, ready for when the faster moving planets return again. The first of the faster

moving planets to reach your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking in 2020 will be

Venus, who will return on 5th March 2020, almost a year to the day since Uranus’ return.

By then Uranus will have been here for a full 12 months and with a full retrograde phase

under his belt, will be in a stronger position to support even more growth next year. This too

is part of a pattern, with the faster moving planets moving through, Uranus then moving back

to the drawing board to cement and work on everything triggered, ready to build another

layer on top of this the following year. For this reason, you will find 2020 has more potential

than 2019 but also that 2021 will have more potential than 2020 and 2022 from 2021 and so

on, each year building upon the last until culminating in 2026.

With lucky Jupiter visiting from May 2023 to May 2024 and Uranus beginning to transition

out in 2025, these are likely to be the peak years for personal and professional networking,

not just for now but in our lifetime.

This makes Uranus’ position here a journey that will take several years to play out, with his

retrograde turn on 12th August a valuable chance to pull back, return to the drawing board

and to reconnect with the past. This is the most social and serendipitous part of your chart,

mainly because it is ruled by Uranus, the planet of surprise, synchronicity and the

unexpected. So to have Uranus here makes the laws of synchronicity especially potent and

that will remain the case of the next seven years.

The Moon will return every four weeks and each time will align with Uranus, bringing a

chance to both pick up on the clues and hunches that can put you in the right place at the right

time and check in. The Moon will make this month’s visit from 21st August to 24th August

and returning nine days after Uranus’ retrograde turn, this will be a valuable chance to check

in and get a feel for serendipitous reunions the doors are open to from 12th August.

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And the timing couldn’t be better. For while Uranus has the support of Saturn and Pluto in

your relationship sector, Uranus is still in the early degrees and will be for several years, too

far apart to form the same friendly aspect he formed to Saturn last year. However, they are

there for each other in spirit. Yet things are about to become a lot more engaged and this is

what makes the timing of the Moon’s return so extraordinary. With Saturn in his last full

month in retrograde motion and Pluto in retrograde motion until October, they are now all

focused on the past.

The Moon is here from 21st August to 24th August and as well as giving you an intuitive

edge here, this will allow the Moon to form the friendly aspect to Saturn and Pluto that

Uranus can’t. However, this happens once every four weeks so is not extraordinary. What is

extraordinary is that you have Mars returning to your communication sector on 18th August,

Venus on 21st August, the Sun on 23rd August and the asteroid Juno on 24th August. Here

the fact that Uranus is still in the early degrees will have a direct and positive impact on the

planets returning to your communication sector. Venus will move into an exact friendly trine

aspect to Uranus on 26th/27th August, Mars on 28th/29th August and the Sun on 30th/31st


Like the Moon, when it moves through your friendship sector from 21st August to 24th

August, as well as aligning with Uranus, it will go on to form friendly aspects with not only

the planets returning to your communication sector, but with Saturn and Pluto in your

relationship sector. In the space of just a few days this will replicate or give you a taste of the

dynamics across the communication, friendship and relationship building fronts in the latter

part of this month, all of September and into the early days of October. This might be the

Moon’s first visit while Uranus is in retrograde motion but it won’t be the last, returning

every four weeks with a chance to check in. With Uranus in retrograde motion until 11th

January 2020, there is no rush and instead a chance to reconnect with the past, with a lot of

support from across the solar system.

3rd House

Communication, Smart, Intellectual thinking – The conscious Mind

3rd House rules:

This is the part of your chart that rules your communications, smart thinking, intelligence,

mental focus, decisions and both written and spoken language. Ruled by Mercury, this is a

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smart and intellectually savvy part of your chart that has an impact across the board,

impacting every area of your chart and your life. You're smarter, communication becomes

more important, you’re more articulate, able to problem solve and remain more mentally

focused when there is planetary activity in your Third House.

Power Dates: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 18th, 21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st


While there has been no planetary activity in your communication sector since the Sun and

Mercury left last September, this is the norm for any year and as the Sun always returns at the

same time each year, it always meant that August was when things would start up again. The

fact that Mars, Mercury and Venus will all return within days of each other and the Sun

means that when things start to move, it will be fairly quickly and with a lot of force.

Fortunately Mercury, the planet of communication has spent a long time in Cancer this year

and here until leaving on 12th August, there is just a short gap between his departure and the

first planetary activity in your communication sector.

While the Sun won’t return until 23rd August, as it does at the same day each year, Mars’

return a few days earlier will give things a head start and a fairly dramatic one at that. One

moment you have no planetary activity on the communication front and haven’t in 11 months

and the next things are fired up to a higher degree than they were at any time last year.

That is because while the Sun, Mercury and Venus return to your communication sector each

year, Mars only returns every other year. The last time Mars was here was in

September/October 2017, so to have things kick off with the planet of passion and the warrior

planet of the cosmos’ return, will literally see the planetary activity shift from zero to the

most passionate engagement in two years.

No wonder then that the Moon is making two visits to your communication sector this month,

the first to give you a head’s up about what is approaching and the second to not only connect

with the planets that will be here by then but to create a New Moon.

The Moon will move through for the first time from 3rd August to 5th August. In every

sense but one, this is identical to every other visit this year. With no planetary activity on the

communication front since September 2018, it is the Moon’s monthly visits that bring a

chance to check in. As it does each month, the Moon will bring a mix of intuition and logic,

imagination and intelligence and the ability to give your emotional responses a voice. With

Mercury in his final days in Cancer and also his early days in direct motion, these will be

pivotal days for all talks and conversations, especially on the relationship front.

The Moon will also move, first into a positive aspect to Uranus in your friendship sector and

then, usually a day later into the same positive aspect to Saturn and Pluto in your relationship

sector. On both the friendship and relationship building fronts there is now continuous

planetary activity for literally years, so the Moon not only returns with a chance to check in

when it comes to a chance to give your emotional responses a voice, but across the

communication, friendship and relationship building fronts.

I said that this visit from 3rd August to 5th August is identical to every other monthly visit

this year, bar one feature. What is different about this visit is the sense of anticipation, with

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this last visit before a parade of planets arrive able to alert you to the fact that new

developments are approaching.

It is 13 days after the Moon leaves that anticipation turns into reality, with Mars returning on

18th August, followed just three days later by Venus’ return on 21st August, then by the

Sun’s return on 23rd August, the asteroid Juno’s return on 24th August and Mercury’s

return on 29th August. By the time the Moon comes full circle on 30th August for its second

visit this month, all the faster moving planet in the solar system and every planet that will

visit your communication sector this year will all be here, at the same time.

It is the Moon’s alignment with the Sun less than 12 hours after arriving that will create a

New Moon here on 30th August, giving communication matters the green light. You will

always have a New Moon at some point during the Sun’s month long visit, so at around this

time each year. But to have Mercury, Mars and Venus all here at the time that a New Moon

gives communication matters the green light and creates a wave of forward momentum is

rare, extremely rare.

This did happen when Mars was here in 2017, however, before that the last time it had

happened was in 1987 and the next time won’t be until 2194, in 175 years’ time, so not again

in our lifetime. While the Sun moves through at the same time every year, Venus can be up to

two signs ahead or behind and Mercury one sign ahead or behind, while Mars follows his

own rules. This is akin to spinning a cosmic slot machine and you get five of the same – the

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars all in a row to create and seize the potential from a

New Moon.

Just to have the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Mars in your communication sector at the same

time is rare and won’t happen again for another 30 years, in 2049. Yet to have a New Moon

during the time that there visits overlap allows you to seize whatever this triggers and run

with it, knowing you have the full force of the solar system behind you. This is rare,

extremely rare.

Yet what makes this even rarer is that as the planets return and move through your

communication sector it will be to find Uranus in your friendship sector and Saturn and Pluto

in your relationship sector. You had a taste of this last year, but you didn’t have the

juggernaut of energy to play with that you have this year. With Saturn in his last full month in

retrograde motion and Uranus turning retrograde in your friendship sector on 12th August,

the arrival of this tsunami of planetary activity in your communication sector will have

implications across the communication, friendship and relationship building fronts.

As you recover from the tension on both you and your relationships during June and June,

communication is a force that is not only leading you back to the light but a chance to turn

the last two months into an opportunity.

While the Sun, Mars, Venus, Juno and Mercury will all return within days of each other, they

will all leave at different times. Mercury, the last to arrive will be the first to leave and is only

here for 16 days, leaving on 14th September. Venus will leave a day later on 15th September,

with the Sun leaving on 23rd September, Mars on 4th October and Juno on 4th November.

This makes the final days of August and the first two weeks of September the most

concentrated period of time, when every planet that will visit your communication sector in

2019, are all here at the same time. That the Moon should move through and create a New

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Moon during this short 16 day window that all are here was only ever a 50/50 chance. Yet the

Moon not only returns to create the New Moon on 30th August but will spend the rest of the

month here, not leaving until 1st September.

1st House

Conjunction, beginning of a New Cycle – Directly in your Sign

1st House rules:

This puts you at the start of a new cycle, a time for new beginnings, initiating new journeys,

having an eye on the future and for starting over, with a chance for a fresh start and new

opportunities. Here you have a fresh slate, with a planetary cycle coming full circle, bringing

a chance to branch out, start over and embrace a new chapter. With a planet in your Sign

there is also some pressure, with a need to move on. Ruled by Mars, when the First House is

active it is always a time of action and for new beginnings.

Power Dates: 1st, 12th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 26th, 27th and 28th August

While it is Mercury’s departure from Cancer on 12th August that will release the one

remaining force that is stopping tension from dropping right back, his final days here are

important and shouldn’t be challenging.

The reason why Mercury has this legacy hanging over his head is that over the course of June

and July and in particular through one tough five week period from mid June to 21st July,

there was a lot of tension. In the space of just five weeks, there were 14 oppositions, a lunar

and a total solar eclipse. While these were oppositions between the planets here in your Sign

and those in your relationship sector, this created a general sense of tension. Moving into

August we are putting the toughest two months of 2019 behind us, but Mercury still has some

loose ends to tie up.

Most of the tension was dropping back by the time the Sun left Cancer and brought your

birthday month to a close on 23rd July, just two days after the last opposition and this saw

tensions drop back even more. Despite the fact that Mercury was still here, he is in an

unusual situation in that he has retrograded back in for a double dip visit, but not far enough

to cause another opposition.

Mercury will normally spend around 15 to 16 days in your Sign each year, with the planet of

communication and smart thinking able to give you the smart head for money needed to

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make smart choices, decisions and plans and to update your game plan and resolutions as

move into a new solar year. Yet by the time he left in late June, Mercury had already been

here for over three weeks and was already slowing down ahead of a retrograde turn. Mercury

didn’t turn retrograde until after he had left your Sign, but this bought him back just three

weeks after leaving. Because Mercury won’t retrograde back far enough to move into

opposition, he is giving you a chance to look back at things objectively.

Mercury is able to return to the battlefield after the battle is over, with his intellectually savvy

edge coming with 20/20 hindsight and a chance to put things in perspective. As Mercury is

the planet of communication, this has been a chance to give the past and unsaid words a

voice, at a time when there had been a lot of old relationship issues being raised. The month

begins with Mercury at a standstill, turning direct here at 3.57 pm on 1st August, New

Zealand time. This will be 1st August in Australia, the UK and Europe but on the evening of

31st July in the US and Canada. Yet wherever you are in the world, on 1st August Mercury is

either already direct or in the process of turning direct, either way at a standstill.

Back in direct motion and knowing that while the North Node, the force behind last month’s

total solar eclipse is here until May 2020 and there will be a lunar eclipse here in January,

there will be no more planetary activity. There will also be no more planetary oppositions and

while the lunar nodes will continue to police a balance, especially a balance between your

personal and relationship needs, it is up to Mercury to tie up loose ends and can ensure that

until Mars returns to your communication sector on 18th August, the communication lines

are open.

The North Node is a powerful and extremely fortunate force, which has been drawing you

towards new pathways forward since it returned in November. While this got a massive push

from the planets that have moved through over the last two months and from a total solar

eclipse last month, the North Node’s message to Mercury as he prepares to leave is ‘I can

take it from here’.

Until leaving on 12th August, Mercury will do what he always does when he returns each

year, which is to help you get your head in the game, the communication lines open and to

update your game plan and resolutions for your new solar year. Except this time he is

crossing the same ground for the third time, has spent an extraordinary amount of time here,

there has been a massive amount of planetary momentum and a solar eclipse has triggered

major new potential that will take months to fully unfold.

The Moon returned to your Sign late last month, with an alignment with Mercury in the

closing days of July allowing you to begin the month with an intuitive and intellectually

savvy edge. The Moon will always fuel your emotional, intuitive and imaginative responses,

sharpen your sixth sense and give you more direct access to your inner voice when it returns

to Cancer each month. This is also a chance to check in and to push the reset button if need

be and with Mercury in his final days, this allows you to begin the month with a mix of

intuition and logic, imagination and intelligence.

By the time the Moon comes full circle from 26th August to 28th August Mercury will be

gone and there will be no planetary activity here until 2020. Yet with all the momentum

created over the last three months and the North Node keeping the wheels turning and things

moving in the right direction, the Moon’s monthly visits will once again become an

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opportunity to check in. You won’t experience anything like the intensity of last month’s

eclipsing New Moon until the visit in January, which will create an eclipsing Full Moon.

9th House

Travel, Exploration, Learning, Study and Freedom

9th House rules:

This is the most adventurous area of your chart, ruling travel, learning, knowledge, discovery,

curiosity, adventure and higher learning. The Ninth House also rules publishing, philosophy,

richer experiences, the search for meaning and truth and all things global, international or

foreign. Ruled by Jupiter, this is a larger than life part of your chart, where life becomes

richer and the journey becomes more important than the destination. A low tolerance to

boredom and routine brings a hunger to explore fresh trails and go in search of new

adventures or meaning.

Power Dates: 4th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 31st August

One planet that has been happy to have the support of the planets moving through your Sign

but is also ready now to see Mercury go is Neptune, now in his second full month in

retrograde motion in your sector of learning, travel, adventure and discovery.

The fact that Mercury spent the final days of July in retrograde motion in Cancer meant that

there were not only in a friendly aspect but you were mentally more inclined to look back. As

Mercury was looking back objectively and with a chance for a change of mind, Neptune was

looking back at adventurous matters in his more dreamy and nostalgic way. Until Mercury

leaves on 12th August, while they won’t move into an exact alignment Neptune will be

drawing on that support.

With no other planets in your sector of learning, travel, adventure and discovery, having

planets in your Sign has been the next best thing. However, with the North Node there until

May 2020, there will continue to be a sense of support. With the first planets to reach a fun,

playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart since Venus left in January

arriving next month but the asteroid Pallas Athena returning on 26th August, Neptune won’t

be without friends for long.

With Mercury leaving this gives Neptune a chance to regroup and make it more about his

retrograde phase here. Neptune is an outer planet and in your sector of learning, travel,

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adventure and discovery since 2012 and not leaving until 2026, he is at the halfway point of a

14 year visit. Having returned seven years ago and not leaving for another seven years, you

are at the very heart of a 14 year journey and a chance reflect on the journey so far.

Yet while Neptune has been here since 2012, this is his first full retrograde phase here on his

own. While Chiron, who had been here since 2010 left in April 2018, allowing Neptune to

turn retrograde on his own, the planet of healing retrograded back in. Chiron left again in

February, but this time won’t be back for another four decades and with Neptune long gone

by then and not returning again in our lifetime, after seven years the planet of dreams is on

his own and can call the shots.

In the past with Chiron, the planet of healing in retrograde motion as well, as Neptune

revisited old dreams, this was also bringing up old ghosts and baggage. Yet while you now

get to benefit from that, until he turns direct in November, Neptune is looking back through

his own filter. While support from Mercury has been good for Neptune and for your

confidence when it comes to embracing a sense of adventure and nostalgia, as Mercury is an

intellectual, objective and strategic energy and while this has been the perfect balance, his

departure means it can go back to a more dreamy experience.

In retrograde motion until November, Neptune is able to encourage your daydreams and

because he is the planet of dreams, in a way that doesn’t come with the pressure of having to

figure out the ‘when, where and how’. You can do that when the faster moving planets return

early next year.

The Moon will make its monthly visit to your sector of learning, travel, adventure and

discovery from 16th August to 19th August and as it always does, this will fuel your

emotional, intuitive and imaginative responses and trigger a sense of wanderlust, curiosity

and adventure, along with adding more fuel to a sense of nostalgia.

Compliments of Anne Macnaughtan

[email protected]