canadian transportation agency's memorandum of fact and law o (february 4, 2015)

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  • 8/9/2019 Canadian Transportation Agency's Memorandum of Fact and Law o (February 4, 2015)



    Co File No A


    DR GABOR LUKCSAppellan






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  • 8/9/2019 Canadian Transportation Agency's Memorandum of Fact and Law o (February 4, 2015)


    Cou File No. A











    . his is he Memoandum o Fac and Law o he Resonden Canadian ansoaion

    Agency (Agency) in esonse o he aeal led bee his Honouable Cou usuan o

    secion 4 o he aada Trasoraio A SC. 996 c. 0 (CA) o he aadia

    Trasoraio Agey ues (Dise Proeedigs ad erai ues Aiabe o A

    Proeedigs) SOR0 4- 04 (New Rules).

    . In he absence o any ohe oe esonden o addess he issues u wad in his aeal

    he Agency is esonding in ode o oide assisance o his Honouable Cou as o he

    elean sauoy amewok which goes he New Rules and hei alicaion by he


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    3 The Agency is a superior independen quasi-judicial adminisraie body of he Goernmen

    of Canada which perrms wo key ncions. As an adjudicaie ribunal he Agency

    inrmally and hough rmal adjudicaion resoles a range of commercial and consumer

    ransporaion-relaed dispues including accessibi liy is sues r persons wih disabiliies. As

    an economic regulaor he Agency makes deerminaions and issues auhoriies licences and

    permis o ransporaion carriers under deral jurisdicion.

    4. The Agency has explici powers in is enabling saue he CTA o make boh rules (r

    example rules of procedure under secion 7) and regulaions (r example regulaions in

    relaion o air maers under subsecion 86( ))

    aada Trasoraio A S.C . 996, c. 0 s . 7 and 86( ) - Appendix A

    5 .   The aadia Trasoraio Agey Geera ues SO005-3 5, (Former Rules)

    goerned conduc of proceedings bere he Agency. The Former Rules came ino rce on

    February 8 , 005 and heir predecessor he aioa Trasoraio Agey Geera ues

    SOR88-23 came into frce on December 1 7, 19 87.

    6. Aer holding public consulaions in he winer of 0 on proposed reisions o he Former

    Rules he Agency made he New Rules in accordance wih he process se ou in he

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    Sauory Isrues A R.S. C. 985 c. S (SIA) whch ncludes scuny by he Clek

    o he Py Councl and by he Deamen o usce.

    Sauory Isrues A R.S.C. 985 c. S- s. 3( ) 3() 5( )6 9. Aendx A

    7. he New Rules elaced he Fome Rules whch had become oely boad dcul

    aes whou legal eesenaon o undesand and a mes necen.

    aadia Trasoraio Agey ues (Disue Proeedigs ad eraiues Aiabe o A Proeedigs) (SO0 4- 04) Regulaoy ImacAnalyss Saemen Apeal Book age 3

    8 . The New Rules ae desgned o ode he edcably and clay ha he Agencys

    clens and sakeholdes exec and o ensue ha he Agency's seces ae mely eece

    esonse and ansaen by

    • modenzng and seamlnng he Agencys ocedues dsue adjudcaon;• enhancng he clay ansaency and edcably o he mal adjudcaon

    ocess n dsue oceedngs;• mong he ecency o case ocessng; and• bee nmng and asssng esons who do no hae legal eesenaon o

    commecal aes ha ae s-me uses o he Agencys ocesses.

    aadia Trasoraio Agey ues (Disue Proeedigs ad eraiues Aiabe o A Proeedigs) (SOR/0 4- 04) Regulaoy ImacAnalyss Saemen Aeal Book age 3

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    9 he Agency eseclly subms ha he llowng ssues sand o be deemned on hs


    a) Whehe aagahs 4 ()(b) o (d) o he New Rules ae ura ires o nald; and

    b) Whehe he New Rules ae uneasonable and esablsh nheenly un ocedues

    ha ae nconssen wh he nen o Palamen.

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    1 0 . he Sueme Cou o Canada has descibed he aoach o eiewing he alidiy o

    egulaions as llows

    Regulaions bene om a esumion o alidiy . . . his esumion haswo asecs i laces he buden on challenges o demonsae he inalidiyo egulaions, ahe han on egulaoy bodies o jusiy hem . . . and ious an ineeaie aoach ha econciles he egulaion wih isenabling saue so ha, here ossibe he egulaion is consued in amanne which endes i ir ires .

    Kz Grou d I Orio (Heh d Log-Ter re)[013 3 SC.R. 810, a aa 5

    1 1 his Honouable Cou und in Luks d (Trsorio Agey) ha he New

    Rules ae no egulaions in he sic legal sense he uoses o he CA. Howee, he

    New Rules ae sill execises o he Agency's legislaie owe usuan o he CA, and

    accodingly, he Agency submis ha he same easoning ocess used in Kz egulaions

    is equally suied o ohe execises o legislaie owe, such as he New Rules.

    Luks d Trsorio Agey) 0 14 FCA 76

    1 . Fuhemoe, gien he scoe o he Agencys ule-making auhoiy usuan o secion 1 7 o

    he CA which enables he Agency o make ules esecing "he manne o and ocedues

    dealing wih maes and business bee he Agency", he Agency submis ha

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    Palamen nended o gan he Agency wde dsceon n he aea of ocedual ule-

    makng and accodngly hs Honouable Cou should ado an neee aoach ha

    ecognzes hs lenay auhoy.

    aada Trasoraio A S.C. 996 c . 0 s . 7 - Aendx A

    3 Whle he Agency acowledges ha he sandad of eew quesons of ocedual

    ess s coecness hs sandad of eew ales n elaon o adjudcae decsons.

    Imoanly he esen case does no elae o any adjudcae decson. Rahe

    challenges ules made usuan o a sauoy owe ganed by Palamen an execse of

    legslae no adjudcae ncon. heee moe deence s meed.

    Missio Isiuio v Khea 0 4 SC C 4 a aa. 79

    4 Moeoe he Sueme Cou of Canada has ndcaed ha he Agency s due a hgh degee

    of deence n esec of he Agency's auhoy o deemne and conol s own ocedue:

    Palamen enused he Agency wh exense auhoy o goe sown ocess. . . . I may make s own ules o goe many asecs ofhe conduc of oceedngs bee aada Trasoraio A s. 7 ) . . .

    Consdeable deence s owed o ocedual ulngs made by a bunalwh he auhoy o conol s own oces s. he deemnaon of he

    scoe and conen of a duy o ac ly s ccumsancesecc and maywell deend on cos whn he exese and owledge of he bunalncludng he naue of he sauoy scheme and he execaons andacces of he Agencys consuences. Any assessmen of wha ocedueshe duy of ness eques n a gen oceedng should ake no accounand esec he choces of ocedue made by he agency self aculalywhen he saue leaes o he decsonmake he ably o choose s ownocedues o when he agency has an exese n deemnng wha

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    ocedues ae aoae n he ccumsances".

    oui o aaias ih Disabiiis VIA ai aaa I [007] S. C.R. 6 50 a aas. 303

    5 . Indeed he Sueme Cou also held as llows

    Whle hs o couse s no deemnae moan wegh mus begen o he choce o ocedues made by he agency sel and s

    nsuonal consans.

    Bakr aaa (Miisr o iizshi a Iigraio)[999] S.C.R. 87 a aa. 7

    6. Ths Honouable Cou has shown esan n neng wh ocedual choces n elaon

    o secalzed admnsae bunals :

    Admnsae agences nomally hae consdeable dsceon oe heecse m o atcaon n he decsonmakng by hose neesed.A eewng cout wll no nee wh a secals agencys ocedualchoces unless n all he ccumsances hey esul n a denal o a oouny o be head.

    Tus ouiaios oay aaia aioTisio aTouiaios oissio 0 0 FCA 9 a aa. 4

    7. Snce dsceon s gen o bunals he ocedual decsons n secc cases he

    Agency eseclly subms ha llows ha deence should also be gen o bunals

    he geneal ocedues ha hey choose o se ou n he les.

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    8. In addon, he Agency noes ha hs aeal challenges he New Rules n a acuum, ousde

    o a cual adjudcae conex. Accodngly, hs Honouable Cou has been gen no

    ndcaon o how he Agency has aled, o would aly, he New Rules. hs s an

    moan consdeaon gen ha he New Rules ae nended o aly o a wde secum o

    dsues angng acoss u modes o ansoaon, ncludng accessble ansoaon

    comlans ha engage he Agency's human gh mandae he New Rules mus heee

    caue he mos common ocedues ha aly acoss all o hese aed and dsaae yes

    o dsue oceedngs, and should be neeed n ha lgh.

    9. Fnally, he Agency eseclly subms ha he ssues bee hs Cou ae subjec o he

    ncle ha unless secc ocedues ae equed by saue, he conen o he duy o

    ess deends on he cual conex. he Sueme Cou o Canada has ndcaed ha he

    conce o ocedual ness s emnenly aable and s conen s o be decded n he

    s cc

    conex o each case (emhass added).

    Dusuir v New Bunswck, [008 S. C.R . 90, a aa 79

    0 . Moe ecenly, he Sueme Cou o Canada held as llows

    he duy o ness s no a one-sze-s-all docne Some o heelemens o be consdeed wee se ou n a nonexhause ls n Bakero nclude ()he naue o he decson beng made and he ocess

    llowed n makng (aa. 3 ); () he naue o he sauoy schemeand he ems o he saue usuan o whch he body oeaes(aa. 4); () he moance o he decson o he nddual ondduals aeced (aa. 5); () he legmae execaons o heeson challengng he decson (aa. 6); and () he choces o

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    ocedue made by e agency sel aculaly wen e saue

    leaes o e decson-make e ably o coose s own ocedueso wen e agency as an exese n deemnng wa ocedues aeaoae n e ccumsances (aa. 7).

    aada (Aory Gra) Mai [0 SCR 504 a aa. 4

    . Fo al l ese easons n e Agencys esecl submsson e New Rules ae enled o

    deence and e llowng ncles ae elean o s Honouable Cous eew o e

    Agency's ocedues

    ) e Agency s mase o s own ocedue and as been enused by Palamen w

    boad auoy o deemne s ocedues

    ) e New Rules ae desgned o aly o a boad ange o dsues and o exess ly coe

    only e mos commonly-asng ocedual ses n adjudcaed cases;

    3) e New Rules ode a "geneal eques" oson n secon 7 a allows aes o

    make ocedual eqess no oewse seccally oded unde e New Rules

    4) e New Rules ode a aance oson n secon 6 a allows e Agency o ay

    any ule a any me o gan oe ele on any ems a jus deemnaon o e

    ssues and

    5) e secc dues owed by e Agency o aes ay; ey ae bes ealuaed n lg o

    e cs o e Agency's acual adjudcae coces n secc cases.

    A Whehe aagahs b o d of he New Rles ae ur virs o invalid

    Paagas 4()(b) o (d) o e New Rules ode as llows

    e Agency may a e eques o a ay say a decson o ode oe Agency n any o e llowng ccumsances :

    (b) a eew s beng consdeed by e Goeno n Councl unde

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    secion 40 of he Ac;

    ( c) an alicaion leae o aeal is made o he Fedeal Cou ofAeal unde secion 4 of he Ac;

    ( d) he Agency consides i jus and easonable o do so.

    aada Trasorao Agey ues (Dsue Proeedgs adera ues Aabe o A Proeedgs) (SO0404)aa. 4()(b) o ( d) Aeal Book age

    3 he Agency submis ha his Honouable Cou should hae egad o he llowing cos

    when deemining if aagahs 4 ()(b) o (d) of he New Rules ae ura res:

    a. he Agency's duy o ac as an eecie sewad of i esouces boh nancial and

    human in he execise of is mandae;

    b he Agency does no eadjudicae he meis of a decision o ode when i gans a

    say; and

    c. he CA oides seeal aleaie souces of legal auhoiy he Agency o say

    is decisions o odes.

    EecieS wadship

    4. he Agency eseclly submis ha by oiding aies wih an exedien mechanism o

    obain a say of is decisions o odes he Agency is acing as an eecie sewad of is

    esouces boh nancial and human in he execise of is mandae

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    1 2

    28 Accordingy in determining a stay appication under subsection 4 1 2) via the RJR test, the

    Agency does not reassess the adjudication of the compaint

    L ga Authority fr Stays

    29 The Agency submits that there are three aternative sources of statutory authority that this

    Honourabe Court shoud have regard to when determining if the Agency has the power to

    grant a stay under subsection 412) of the New Rues:

    1 ) the power to vary any decision or order section 3 2 of the CTA);

    2) the powers, rights and privieges that are vested in a superior court section 25 of the

    CTA); and

    3) the coection of broad remedia powers subsection 334), subsection 271 ), subsection


    aada Trasorao A SC 1 996, c. 1 0, s 25, 271 ), 281 ), 32, 334)

    1 Power to Vary

    30 . This Honourabe Court und that when staying decisions, the Canadian Radio-Teevision

    and Teecommunications Commission CRTC) was exercising its power to "vary the

    eective date of its decision

    Assoao des oages de Thoe du Qube I v.aada (Aorey Geera) 201 2 FCA 203, paras 1 21 4 [ACTQ)

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    1 3

    3 1 . The Agency notes that the unquaied power o the CRTC in section 62 o the

    Teeouiaios A S.C 1993 c. 38 to vary any decision is broader than section 32 o

    the CTA which expicity requires new cts or circumstances:

    The Agency may review rescind or vary any decision or order madeby it or may rehear any appication bere deciding it i in the opinion

    o the Agency since the decision or order or the hearing o the appicationthere has been a change in the cts or circumstances pertaining to thedecision order or hearing.

    Teeouiaios A S.C. 1 993 c. 38 s. 62

    aada Tasoaio A S.C. 1 996 c . 1 0 s . 32

    32 . However the Agency respecty submits that in order to satisy the teepart RJR test r a

    stay a party must prove to the Agency that the party wi suer ieparabe harm i rced to

    compy with an Agency decision or order bere an appea a review or a rehearing is

    resoved or in other circumstances that so require. Proo such ieparabe harm in the

    Agencys respect submission constitutes a new ct or circumstance sucient to ground

    the Agencys review and vary power under section 32 o the CTA.

    3 3 Accordingy the Agency submits that appying the reasoning in ACT the Agency is

    empowered under section 32 o the CTA to issue stays o its decisions or orders by varying

    the eective date o the decision or order because the threepart RJR test incorporates the

    requirement o section 3 2 o the CTA r new cts or circumstances in the rm o

    ieparabe harm.

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    2 Powers of a Sup rior Court

    1 4

    34 Aternativey section 25 of the CTA invests the Agency with the powers rights and

    privieges of a superior court incuding broad remedia jurisdiction:

    . The Agency has with r sp ct to a matters n c ssary or prop r r theexercise of its urisdiction, the attendance and examination of witnesses the production and inspection of documents the enrcement of its ordersor reguations and the entry on and inspection of property a the

    pow rs

    rights and privi g s that are vested in a sup rior courtaada Trasorao A SC 1 996 c 1 0 s. 25

    3 5 . Superior courts have been und to have an inherent jurisdiction to order stays of their

    decisions pending appea

    Buxo v arrss [ 1 95 8] BCJ No 1 04 (BCCA) at paras 3 1 34

    Gyursek v. Eg [ 1 977] B CJ No 1 046 (SC) at para 2

    Hara v. Brsh ouba (Aorey Geera) [ 19 87] BCJ No 434

    oo/breeze ah L v. Morga reek Troas Ld 2009 BCSC 1 5 1 at para 64

    36. Accordingy the Agency submits that it is empowered under section 25 of the CTA to issue

    stays of its decisions or orders by virtue of possessing the powers rights and privieges

    vested in a superior court incuding the inherent jurisdiction to stay execution of its decisions

    or orders pending appea review or rehearing or in other circumstances that so reuire

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    1 5

    3 . Broad Remedia Powers

    37. Atenativey, the CTA grants the Agency broad powers with respect to is decisions and

    orders, and reading these encompassing powers together, it is open to this Honourabe Court

    to necessariy impy that since Pariament granted the Agency such vast powers in reation to

    its decisions and orders, Pariament aso intended to grant the Agency the power to stay its

    decisions and orders.

    38 The rst broad power is provided by the CTA in subsection 33(4):

    The Agency may, bere or aer one o its decisions or orders is madean order o a court, enrce the decision or order by its own action.

    aada Trasoraio A SC 1 996 c 1 0, s. 33(4)

    39 The second broad power is provided by the CTA in subsection 27( 1 )

    On an appication made to the Agency, the Agency may grant the whoeor part o the appication, or may make any order or grant any rher orother reie that to the Agency seems just and proper

    aada Trasoraio A SC. 1996 c. 10 s 27(1)

    40 The third and na broad power i s provided by the CTA in subsection 28( 1 ):

    The Agency may in any order direct that the order or a portion or provisiono it sha come into rce

    a) at a ture time,b) on the happening o any contingency event or condition

    specied in the order, orc) on the perrmance, to the satisction o the Agency or

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    righs a mandae under Par V of he CTA he Ageny needs an ongoing poer oer he

    impemenaion of is orders in order o ensure men of is egisaie mandae

    B. Whehe he New Rles ae neasonable and esablish inheenly ni pocedes ha ae inconsisen wih he inen of aliamen

    i The Agency's les of pocede as a "complee code"

    44 The Ageny has saed preiousy ha is Former Rues ere a proedura ode

    aros v. Suig A iries Ageny Deision No 432CA203a para 34

    Azar v Air aada Ageny Deision No 264CA23 a para 58

    Azar v. Air aada Ageny Deision No 442CA23 a para 6

    45 . The Ageny respey submis ha his saemen shoud no be inerpreed oo broady as

    i does no mean ha he Former Rues onsiued an exhausie ode ouining eery

    oneiabe proedure ha oud arise in he onex of a dispue proeeding Indeed ih

    respe o he Former Rues he Ageny expained as os

    he absene of a spei appiabe rue does no onsiue a imi o heAgenys proedura poers. This is speiay noed in seion 3 of heGenera Rues hih saes:

    When he Ageny is gien a disreion under hese Rues i shaexerise he disreion in a ir and expediious manner

    2 The Ageny may ih or ihou noiea do haeer is neessary o dea ih anyhing ha is

    no oered by hese Rues; or

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    1 8

    b do anything prescribed in these Rues on its own, evenif the Rues state that a party must make a request ormotion to the Agency

    ug by he Federa our o Aea wh rese o heBSF away oay he aada aoa away oayad he aada Pa away oays aea o he aadaTrasorao Ageys Deso o LET I AgencyDecision No 1 07R20 1 2

    46 Indeed, under the Former Rues, the Agency routiney suppemented its rues of procedure

    Dho v. Ar aada Agency Decision No 4 60CA2006

    Ady Akera v Ar aada Agency Decision No 637CA2002

    Todd Bass v. Ar aada Agency Decision No 3 7CA2002

    Para Morga v. Ar aada Agency Decision No 3 8CA2002

    47 Thus the Former Rues permitted the Agency to do whatever was necessary to dea with

    anything not covered by the Rues. In this sense, the Former Rues were a "compete code";

    they provided the Agency with comprehensive authority to dea with any procedura matter,

    both those that were expicity enumerated in the Former Rues and those that were not

    Notaby, section 6 of the Former Rues acknowedged that the Rues were not exhaustive;

    they provided r a means to suppement any gap.

    aada Trasorao Agey Geera ues SOR/20053 5, s. 6Appendix A

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    1 9

    48 Like the Former Rues, the New Rues aow the Agency wide procedura exibiity:

    The Agency may at the request of a person dispense with compiancewith or vary any rue at any time or grant other reief on any terms that wiaow r the just determination of the issues

    aada Trasorao Agey ues (Dsue Proeedgs adera ues Aabe o A Proeedgs) (SO0 1 41 04) s 6Appea Book, page 1 1

    49 Moreover, section 7 provides a mechanism r any procedure not expressy covered and

    section 34 provides a mechanism to e a document not otherwise provided r

    . (1) A perso may e a request r a decision on any issue that ariseswithin a dispute proceeding and r which a specic request is not providedr under these Rues

      ( 1 ) A person may e a request to e a document whose ing is not

    otherwise provided r in these Rues

    aada Trasorao Agey ues (Dsue Proeedgs adera ues Aabe o A Proeedgs) (SO014104) s 7(1),34( 1 ) Appea Book, pages 1 6, 0

    50 Finay, the Agency may determine any procedura issues at a conrence

    . (I) The Agey may at the request of a pay reqire the parties to atted

    a oeree b a eas o teecomication or by persona attedae forthe prpose of

    ( e) estabishing the procedure to be owed in the dispute proceeding

    aada Trasorao Agey ues (Dsue Proeedgs adera ues Aabe o A Proeedgs) (SOR014104),para 40(1 )(e) Appea Book, page 1

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    5 1 The Agency therere respecty submits that this Honourabe Court shoud bear in mind

    that the very terms of the New Rues demonstrate that they incorporate variance and

    suppementation as needed, which is consistent with the ndamenta principes of

    administrative aw, namey that the Agency is master of its own procedure and that the

    administrative adudicative process must remain exibe Therere, whie the Agencys rues

    of procedure constitute an extensive guide to process, the Rues are not intended to constitute

    an exhaustive, excusive ist of procedures avaiabe to parties, and have never been treated as


    ii No opponiy o objec o eqess of nonpaies o inevene

    52 The Supreme Court of Canada has hed that the decision to grant or rese an intervention is


    aada (obes Iesgao A Dreor o Iesgao & esearh) eoudad Teehoe o [ 1 98 7] 2 SC R 466, at para 1 6

    Grea orher Gra Teras Led aada aoa aay oayAgency Decision No 344R2007, at paras 45

    53 As such, the Agency respecty submits that intervention requests squarey within the

    administrative aw principe that the Agency is master of its own procedure This i s

    consistent with the principe that the decis ion of whether to grant a request r intervention

    shoud beong to the Agency and be based on the Agencys determination of whether the

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    participation of the proposed intervener wi assist the Agency to arrive at a we-inrmed


    54 Athough the New Rues do not provide r an automatic right of repy to requests to

    intervene, a party may request to e an answer through section 34, cited above, which

    aows persons to request to e a document which is not otherwise provided r in the New


    55 Fhermore, subsection 5 (2) of the New Rues aso permits the Agency to utiie section 34

    (and any other rue) on its own motion when it considers appropriate:

    Anything that may be done on request under these Rues may aso be doneby the Agency of its own initiative

    aadia Trasoraio Agey ues (Disue Proeedigs aderai ues iabe o A Proeedigs) (SO204-04), s 5(2)Appea Boo, page

    56 . Indeed, the Agency has, in past cases, requested submissions om paies bere maing a

    determination with respect to whether intervener status woud be granted

    oui or aadias ih Disabiiies Aiaio or iereer sausi he aiaio by Lida MKayPaos Agency Decision LET-AT-A-2-2002

    Gyes Briish Yuko aiay oay Agency Decision No 25-R-2000

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    57 Finay, the Agency notes that the New Rues provide r a right o repy to the substance o

    an intervention, once intervener status is granted:

    An appicant or a respondent that is adverse in interest to an intervener maye a response to the intervention The response must be ed within vebusiness days aer the day on which they receive a copy o the interventionand must incude the inrmation reerred to in Schedue 9

    aadia Trasoraio Agey ues (Disue Proeedigs aderai ues Aiabe o A Proeedigs) (SO24-4), s. 22Appea Book, page 4

    iii Removal of reqiremen o provide reasons

    58 The New Rues do not require the Agency to provide reasons in support o its orders and


    59 Athough the Former Rues did provide r reasons the Agency submits that the CTA does

    not impose an expicit statutory duty to provide reasons :

    Athough the Act itse imposes no duty on the Agency to give reasonssection 39 o the aioa Trasoraio Agey Geera ues doesimpose such a duty In this case, the Agency chose to provide its reasonsin writing

    A ai aada I v. aioa Trasoraio Agey[2 2 FCR 25 at para. 6

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    60 . Because te CTA is sient on tis issue, and section 1 7 of te CTA provides te Agency wit

    penary autority to make procedura rues, te Agency submits that te remova of a

    requirement to provide reasons om te New Rues is witin the Agency's autority

    6 1 Neverteess, te Agency does not dispute tat section 4 1 of te CTA provides r a statutory

    rigt of appea bere tis Honourabe Court and tat, pursuant to Bakr there may be an

    impied common aw duty on te Agency to give reasons as a matter of procedura irness

    4 In Orosk Brsh ouba (AtoryGra) 199),94 DLR 4t) 54 1 BCCA), at pp 5 5 1 -5, it was hed tat reasonswoud generay be required r decisions of a review board under PartXX 1 of te ra od , based in part on te existence of a statutoryrigt of appea om tat decision, and aso on the importance of teinterests aected by the decision In D osruo L osso 198), 55 NSR d) 71 CA.), te court aso edtat because of te existence of a statutory rigt of appea, there was animpied duty to give reasons

    Bakr aada (Msr o zsh ad Igrao)1 999] SC.R 81 7

    6. However, even if te Agency does have a common aw duty to provide reasons, it does not

    ow tat te Agency soud be required to incude a provision respecting reasons in its

    rues of procedure The Agency remains bound by common aw obigations of procedura

    irness, irrespective of weter suc obigations are expicity incuded in te New Rues

    Terere, amending the New Rues to repeat overriding ega obigations woud be


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    iv ape poceeding wih no meaningfl opponiy o challenge saemens of

    advese winesses o o call oal evidence

    63. The New Rues do not provide r automatic procedures tha gove examinations of

    deponents and aants, ora hearings, and in particuar, requests r ora hearings


    64. This Honourabe Court has conrmed that the right to crossexamination in an administrative

    dispute proceeding is not absoute where there is no right to cross-examination provided r

    by statute:

    The right to crossexamine whie of principa importance to our judicia systemis not an absoute right. Where a statute is sient on the right to crossexamine,courts wi generay be reuctant to impose upon a board their procedures andtechnica rues of evidence .

    Arsrog d (oissioer o he oy diMoued Poie) 1998 2 FCR 666

    65. The CTA does not provide a right to crossexamination This may be contrasted with the

    enabing statutes of the owing dera administrative tribunas :

    Se is Tribu A SC 2008 c . 22, s 28

    Veers eie d Ae Bord A SC 1 995, c 1 8, s 42(8)

    di Trsorio A ide Iesigio d Se Bord ASC 1989, c 3, s 36(3)

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    66 Authors Macauay and Sprague have aso articuated the principe that there is no common

    aw obigation in administrative aw to aow r cross-examination:

    At common aw, there is no absoute obigation on agencies to aowcross-examination of witnesses in ora hearings or to aow crossexamination on the materias submitted or interocutories when thehearing is conducted in writing

    Macauay and Sprague, Praie ad Proedure Beore AdiisraieTribuas oose-eaf edition, 1228(a)(i) at 121788

    6 7 Accordingy, the Agency respecty submits that, s ince there i s no ega right to

    examinations in Agency proceedings, there is no ega obigation to provide r such

    procedures in the New Rues

    68 The Agency notes, however, that the New Rues set out a mechanism by which parties can

    test the other parties' evidence

    ( 1 ) A party may, by notice, request that any party that is adverse ininterest respond to written questions that reate to the matter in disputeor produce documents that are in their possession or contro and thatreate to the matter in dispute

    aadia Trasoraio Agey ues (Disue Proeedigs ad

    erai ues Aiabe o A Proeedigs) (SO2 14- 1 4), s 24( 1 )Appea Book, page 14

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    69. Shoud a party wish to examine a witness oray the Agency notes that section 27 o the New

    Rues provides that a party may make any request In such a case the Agency wi decide the

    merits of such a request in the context of a specic proceeding

    Oal Heaing

    70 The Agency respecty submits that there is no universa common aw right to an ora

    hearing in the context of administrative aw:

    However it aso cannot be said that an ora hearing is aways necessaryto ensure a ir hearing and consideration of the issues invoved. Theexibe nature of the duty of irness recognies that meaningparticipation can occur in dierent ways in dierent situations.

    Baker v. aada (Miiser o iizeshi ad Iigraio)[1999] 2 S.R. 87 at para. 33

    7 Notaby this nding was reached by the Supreme Court of Canada despite the ct that

    Baker invoved removas of individuas om Canada which aect a persona interest of the

    highest possibe importance and which therere attract a very high eve of procedura

    iess This may be contrasted to decisions of the Agency which do not have the same i

    iberty or security of the person impications r an appicant.

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    72 Apart om common aw, the duty to hod an ora hearing may be provided r by statute.

    However, this Honourabe Court und at para 89 in A ai aada I v aadia

    Trasoraio Agy that the CTA did not impose a requirement to hod ora hearings :

    . it is my view that the Agency had the right to exercise i ts discretionin deciding whether to grant an ora hearing. t has discretion in the conducto its own aairs Baker, at paragraph 27) and neither the CTA nor theAg ncy's Genera Rues

    National Transportation Agency


    SO8823 section 38) r quir it to hod orah aring

    (emphasis added)

    VIA ai aada I v. aadia Trasoraio Agy2005 FCA 79

    73 Accordingy, the Agency respecty submits that there is no genera duty imposed on the

    Agency to hod ora hearings, whether by virtue o the common aw duty o procedura

    irness or the CTA The Agency therere respecty submits that it is not required to

    estabish provisions reating to ora hearings in its New Rues

    74 Nevertheess, the Agency notes that the Ne w Rues do, in ct, appy to ora hearings This

    was expained in the Reguatory mpact Anaysis Statement

    Whie Part o the Genera Rues set out procedures appicabe to orahearings, the provisions did not adequatey address the procedura stepsinvoved in an ora hearing process, and therere, these provisions were

    not carried over in the Rues How v r the Rues wi ppy to disput sthat proc d by way o ora h aring n addition the Ag ncy may estabishguid in s

    in reation to ora h arings and may rther estabish theproc dur s and time imits that wi


    to eachproc ding to be heard

    by way

    o orah aring This case-by-case approach is consisten with past

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    practice in disputes bere the Agency that have proceeded by way of orahearing

    aada Trasorao Agey ues (Dsue Proeedgs adera ues Aabe o A Proeedgs) (SO-)Reguatory Impact Anaysis Statement, Appea Book, page 35

    C. Costs

    75 Generay, an administrative body ike the Agency wi neither be entited to nor be ordered

    to pay costs, at east when responding to a court proceeding to address its jurisdiction and

    where there has been no misconduct on its part Where the body has acted in good ith and

    conscientiousy throughout, abeit resuting in error, the reviewing tribuna wi not ordinariy

    impose costs

    Lag Brsh ouba (Suerede o Moor Vehes)

    2005 BCCA 244 at para 47, citing Brown and Evans, Judaee o Adsrae Ao aada (Toronto: Canvasback, 1 998

    76 I t is respecty submitted that costs and disbursements shoud not be awarded against the

    Agency as the Agency was acting in good ith in making the New Rues so as to its

    statutory mandate in a manner that is ecient, eective, responsive and exempifying

    stewardship, as reuired under the Vaues and Ethics Code of the Pubic Sector Furthermore,

    in the absence of respondents, the Agency has responded in this appea in order to provide

    necessary and vauabe assi stance to this onourabe Court

    Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Vaues ad Ehsode o he Pub Seor Expected Behaviours

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    77 The Agency respecty requests that this Honourabe Court dismiss the appea without costs

    or disbursements


    Dated at the City o Gatineau in the Proince o uebec this 3   day o anuary 21 5 .

    Counse r the RespondentCanadian Transportation Agency

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    3 0




    A - Statutes andRegulations


    di Trsorio Aide Iesigio d Se Bord A SC 1 989, 3, ss36(3)

    d Trsorio A SC 1 996, 1 0, s 1 7, 25, 27(1 ), 28(1 ), 29(1 ), 32, 33(4), 41 , 86(1 ),128(1), 170(1)

    Se is Tribu A SC 2008, 22, s28

    Suory Isrues A RSC, 1 985, S-22, s 3, 5, 6, 1 1 , 1 9

    Teeouiios A SC 1 993, 38, s62

    Veers eie d Ae Bord A SC 1 995, 1 8, ss 42(8)


    di Trsorio Agey Geer ues SO200535, s 6

    Case Law

    Arsrog d (oissioer o he oy di Moued Poie) 1 998] 2 FCR666

    Assoiio des ogies de Thoe du Qube I d (Aorey Geer) 2 0 1 2FCA 203

    Bker d (Miiser o iizeshi d Iigrio) [1999] 2 SCR 817

    Boshr di Assoiio o Proessio Eoyees 201 1 FCA 98

    Buxo rriss 1 958] BCJ No. 1 04

    d (Aorey Geer Mi 201 1 ] 2 SCR 504

    d (obies Iesigio A Direor o Iesigio & eserh) eouddTeehoe o 1987] 2 SCR 466

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    Ay Akea A i aaa Agency Decision No 637-C-A-2002

    Aza Ai aaa Agency Decision No 264-C-A-23

    Aza Ai aaa Agency Decision No 442-C-A-23

    ouil o aaias wih Disabiliies Aliaio o ieee saus i he aliaio byLia MKayPaos Agency Decision No LET-AT-A-2-2002

    Dhillo Ai aaa Agency Decision No 460-C-A-2006

    Gea Nohe Gai Teials Liie aaia Naioal ailway oay Agency

    Decision No. 344-R-2007Gyles Biish Yuko ailway oay Agency Decision No 25-R-2000

    KLM oyal Duh Ailies a Nohwes A iles Decision No 3 77-A-2003

    Nawos Suwig A ilies Agency Decision No 432-C-A-203

    Paiia Moga A i aaa Agency Decision No 3 8-C-A-2002

    ulig by he Feeal ou o Aeal wih ese o he BNSF ailway oay heaaia Naioal ailway oay a he aaia Pa ailway oay's aeal ohe aaia Tasoaio Ageys Deisio No LET Agency Decision No07-R-202

    To Bass Ai aaa Agency Decision No 37-C-A-2002

    Other Authorities

    aaia Tasoaio Agey ules (Disue Poeeigs a eai ules Aliable oAll Poeeigs) (SO204-04), Reguatory Impact Anaysis Statement

    Macauay and Sprague, Paie a Poeue Beoe A iisaie Tibuals oose-eafedition, 228(a)(i) at 2-78 8

    Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Values a Ehis oe o he Publi Seo ExpectedBehaviours

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    ENIX Canaan ampoaon Aien Insgaion an Sa Boa A SC 1989, 3 s 36(3)


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    anada Tranortaion At, 1 99 , 10 s 1 7 25, 27


    h e m me les espeg

    h sgs o he Age he g o o s wo

    he me o poees elgh mes sess ee he Agelg he mses hh hegs m e hel pve

    he me o memes h e eqeo he me o pem o heos o he Age e hs A o ohe A o Plme

    2 . The Age hs h espe o ll ms eess o pope he eese o s

    jso he ee emo oesses, he poo speo oom es he eeme o s oes oglos he ey   speo oope ll he poes ghs pvlegesh vese speo o

    2 pplo me o he g he Age m g he hole o p oh ppl o o m m e oe o g

    he o ohe ele h o he Agesems js pope.

    2 3 epele 2008 5 s. I ]

    he Ag m o ems o oheseme o llo memes poeeg e .

    5 ple 2008, . 5 s I ]

    7 5


    Le pe l es glesoe

    ses ses e eo e ses v

    b l poe elve qesos o es ss omme po e q es es se hs los

    le ome e memes q ove eee es qesos o empl elles esos e e pves p l pseelo o e e lo le.

    2 L'e oe le l'eeee s ompee, l omo e leo-

    goe es mos l poo e !'emees pes, eo e ses s U gle-es e l vse le les ose o spee

    2 L e pe qese o Upe e eme U pee U Us lesme q oe e p o�spplmee o ssve.

    2 e (3 [Aogs 2008 h. 5 . I ]




    (4 Le pe omme sos o Mo ppoe o ose oe moo poes pses ev l

    5 Aog 2008 h 5 I]

    99 r 8 r

  • 8/9/2019 Canadian Transportation Agency's Memorandum of Fact and Law o (February 4, 2015)


    3 5

    nd Trnportaion A t S .C . 1 996, 1 0 , s 28 29, 32


    !i ode

    T nd�n

    28 Th Agncy may in any ordr dircha h ordr or a porion or provison of isha com ino rc

    a a ur im on h happning of any coningncy,vn or cond ii on sp cid in h ordr or

    on h prrmanc o h sascon ofh Agncy or a prson namd y i o f any

    rms ha h Agncy may impos on an inrsd pay

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    Cnd Trnporon At . 1 996, c . 0 s 86


    8 I Th Agncy may ma rguaion

    cai ing air rvic

    ca ifyin g aircraf prcriing iaiiy inuranc covragrqui rmn r air rvic or ai rcraf;

    prcriing nancia rquirmn rah c a of air rvic or aircra

    rpcing h iuanc amndmn andcancaion of prmi r h opraion ofinrnaiona charr

    rpcing h duraio n and rnwa of icnc

    rpcing h amndmn of icnc

    h rpcing rac a nd ari, r ra,charg and rm and condiion of carriagr inaiona rvic and

    i proviing r h diaowanc or upnion y h gncy of any ari rra or charg

    ii providing r h aihmn andu iu io n y h Agncy o f any arir a or charg diaowd y hgncy

    i ii auhorizing h Agncy o dirc a icn or carrir o a corrciv ma

    ur ha h Agncy conidr appropria and o pay compnaion r anyxpn incurrd y a pron advry affcd y h icn or carrir iuro appy h r ra charg or rmor condiion of carriag app ica o hrvic i ofr ha wr ou in i ari and

    iv rquiring a icn or carr o dipay h rm and condiion of arriag i inrnaiona rvic on i n if h i i ud r ing h i nrnaiona rvic of h icn or carrir;

    rquiring icn o wih h Agncy any documn and inrmaion raingo acivii undr hir icnc ha ar ncary r h pu rpo of na i ng h Agncy o xrci i powr and prrm i dui and funcion undr hi a andrpcing h mannr i n which and h ima hich h documn and inrmaion aro d


    8 'Oc pu par rgmn

    c ai r ! rvic arin

    b cai r ! aronf prvoir xignc raiv a a couvrur d'auranc rponaii pour rvic arin ! aron;

    d prvoir ! xignc nancir pourchaqu cagori d ic arin ou daronf;

    e) rgir a divranc a modicaion ' annuaion d prmi d' afmn i nrnaionaux;

    xr a dur d vaidi modaid rnouvmn d icnc;

    g rgir a modicaion d icnc;

    h prndr ou m ur concan rac arif prix aux frai condiion dranpor i au ic inaiona noammn prvoir qui pu

    i annur ou upndr d ari prixaux ou ai

    ii air d nouvaux arif prix auxou ai n rm p acmn d cux annu

    i i i noindr a ou cnci O ranporur d prndr ! mur corrciv

    qu'i im indiqu d vrr d indmni aux pronn par a nonappicaion par icnci ou ranporurd prix aux ai ou condiion d ranpor appica au rvic qui gurain au arif

    iv oigr ou icnci OU ranporur apuir ! condiion d ranpor du rvic inrnaiona ur ou i nrnqu' i u i i pour vndr c rvic;

    dmandr aux Iicnci d dpor auprd ui documn aini qu ! rnignmn rai aux acivi Ii a ur i

    cnc ncair I' xrcic d ariuion dan cadr d a prn pai xr modai d mp ou aur du dp;

    Poo !'Ofce

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    Co :vmg. 10b� dr

    L n


  • 8/9/2019 Canadian Transportation Agency's Memorandum of Fact and Law o (February 4, 2015)


    Io y.:



    Canada Tramportation A . 1 99 c s 17


    I ) Th cy ay ak ruator th uro of a udu obtac th raorato tork udr h a

    t authorty of arat to th oby ofro th dabt cud ruatorct

    a h d coructo or odfcaoo ad th o of o or aroud a of traortato ad rad ctad r cud qut ud h

    th tra of ro oyd at or tho t or r or by carrr

    () tar ra r char ad trad codto o carra acab rct of th traorato of ro thdab t or cdta rc ad

    th c oucato o rato toro th dabt

    2) uato ad udr ubco I )cororat tadard or actt by rr

    c ay cororat th a add ot o t

    ) Th cy ay th th aroa ofth Goor Couc ak ordr x c d ro a o traortato,rc or rad ct ad r oh acao of ruato ad udr ubcto (I)


    I L Oc u rdr d r a dr tou obtac abuf,da ra d traor aut a a co

    tc at du Part aux d dac d ro ayat u dfcc t ut ota, a ct occao,rr

    a cocto t a cotructo doy d traort a qu d taato t ocaux cox y cor Jcoodt t qu t qu y trou ur odcato ou a aatoda cuxc ou ur ro

    b) a rato du ro d traorur ou d cu oy da c taato t ocaux

    ) tout ur cocrat tarf, taux,rx a t autr codto d traortacab au traor t aux cox or aux ro ayat u dcc

    ) a coucato drato a cro.

    2) ut tr rc da r qu coror ar ro d or ou d do

    to qu' o coror ac u odcao ucc

    (3) L Oc ut, ar arrt r ac art du ourur co, ourar a!acato d cra doto d rt ro, J oy d traor, taato ou ocaux cox ou rc qu y o d




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    10 ·xrni


    Se�f las Trbunal At, . 2 8 c22, s 2 8

    28 A ry ay crossa a ss

    as of r f ss s a by aary avrs rs a

    ) av of rbual ay orcas

    ou ar u orrog u

    o a l ro as l as o l o sal ar u ar avrs

    b av lauorsao u bual as lsaurs as


  • 8/9/2019 Canadian Transportation Agency's Memorandum of Fact and Law o (February 4, 2015)


    PposcJregultion nto Ck vy('n





    Saory Inrue A, 98 5 -22 s.  


    3 I Subjec o any eulaons ade u-suan o aaa 20) wee a eulaon-akn auoy ooses o ake a eula-n sall cause o be waded o e Clekof e Pvy Councl ee coes of e o-osed eulaon n bo ocal lanuaes

    2 On ece by e C lek of e PvyCouncl of coes of a oosed eulaon u-suan o subsecon I e Cl ek of e PvyCouncl n consulaon w e Deuy M ns-e of usce s all eane e oosed eu-laon o ensue a

    ) s auozed by e saue usuan owc s o be ade

    h does no consue an unusual o uneeced use of e auoy usuan o wc s o be ade

    does no esass unduly on esns and eedos and s no n any casenconssen w e uoses and ovson sof e Cndn h ofRgh nd F-m and e ndn Bll gh; and

    d e an d dafsans o f e oosed eulaon ae n accodance w esabl sed sandads

    3 Wen a oosed eulaon as beeneaned as equed by subsecon 2) eClek of e Pvy Councl sall advse e e-ulaonakn auoy a e oosed e-ulaon as been so eaned and sall ndcaeany ae efeed o n aaa 2)) (b o o wc n e o non of e DeuyMn se f usce based on a eanaone aen on of e eula onak n auoysould be dawn

    Paa 2 does no aly o anyoosed ule ode o eulaon oven

    e acce o ocedue n oceedns beee Suee ou of Canada e FedealCou o eal e Fedeal Cour e aCou of Canada o e Cou Maal ealCo

    R S 9 S-22 3; RS 95 ( t Supp 4th p ) 2 200 8 7


    3 ( I Sous seve des leens d al -caon de lalna 20) lauo leenaneenvoe cacun de ses ojes de leen enos eelaes dans es deu lanues o-cel les au ee du Conse l v

    2 A Ia ceon du oje de leen l eee du Conse l v ocde en consul aon avec le sousnse de la usce ea-en des ons suvans :

    le leen es s dans le cade duouvo conf a sa Jo ab lane

    b) ne consue as un usae nabuel ounaendu du ouvo an s conf

    ) n e e as nden su les dos elbes esans e en ou a de causen es as ncoable avec les ns e lesdsos ons de Ia h ndnn ddo /b e de Ia Dlon ndnn d do

    d) sa senaon e sa dacon soncones au noes ables

    3 eaen acev le ee du Conselv e n a vse I auo leenane en lu snalan a les ons enonns au aa-ae 2) ceu su lesquels son le sous

    nse de la usce elle deva oe sonaenon

    (4) alna 2 ne salque as auojes d e leens dces odonnances a

    s O les ssan Ia aque O la oc-due dans Jes nsances enaes devan la Cousue du Canada Ia Cou dael fdalela Cou fdale I a Cou canadenne de l ou la Cou dael de la cou aale duCanada

    8 S- a LR 8 h (I " upl r h (' ppl t 22 2002 h ar 7

    Envoi aConsei pr6

    Ai uoin


  • 8/9/2019 Canadian Transportation Agency's Memorandum of Fact and Law o (February 4, 2015)


    T1smis1on ofrgulaons toCk of Pyoun

    o be

    Rtio1 fUIO)'i1\S

    Rulw tob published n( 'u =

    No oninundunpubiduon


    Stuy Instuen At 1 98 c 22 s 6 1 1


    ) Subect to any regulation made pur-unt to pararaph 2 ) every regulaio n-main authorit hall ithin even day aer

    main a reulation tranmi co pie of the re-ulaton n both ocal lanuae o the lerof the Privy Coun ci l r reiration puruant toection 6

    2) ne copy of each of the ocial lanuae verion of each reulaton that tran-mi tted to the ler of the Privy ounci l pu r-uan to ubec tion ) other than a regulaionmade or approved by the oveor in ouncl hall be certied by the regulationmaing au-thorty to b a ue copy thereof

    , 2 R !5 th u

    Subect o ubecio n 7( ) the ler oft Pivy Councl all eter

    a vey reulation tranmitted o him pur-uant to becon )

    ) evey tatutory intrument other than areulation that i reuired by or under anyct of Parlament to be publihed in theCn Gze and i o pub lihed and

    every atuory intrumen or oher docu-ment that puruant to any regulation madeunder pararaph 2() i drected or autho-

    rized by the ler of the Privy ounc il to bepublihed in the Canada Gaee.

    5 -2 6 9 I F

    ) Subect to any regulaion made pur-uant to pararaph 2() every regulation hal lbe publihed in the Canada Gazet ithintentythree day ar cop ie thereof are regi-tered puruant to ection 6

    2) No reulation i invalid by reaon onlythat t a not publihed in the anadat but no peron hall be convicted of anoenc coniin of a contavention of anyrulaton ta at time of he alleed contra-

    vention a no publihed in he anada unl

    (a} the reulaion a exempted om theapplicat ion of ubection ) puruant toparaaph 2) or he reulation exprelyprovide that t hall apply accordin to iterm bre it i publihed in he aadatf; and

    it i proved hat at he date of the al ledcontraventon reaonable tep had been ta-en to brin the pur pot of the regulation tothe notice of thoe peron liely o be a-cted by it

    S 9 5 : R 95 h u


    5 ( ) Sou reve de rglement d appli-caion de lalina 2) lauorit rglemen-tante dan e ept our uivant la prie dun

    rglement en tranmet de exemplaire dane deux langue ocielle au reer duoneil priv pour enregitrement prvu aricle 6

    (2) autorit rglementane ceri e laconrmit oriinal de la verion anaieet de la verion anglaie de lun de exem-plaire aini tranmi auf i l agi dun r-glement pri ou approuv par le gouveeur enconeil

    LR 5 h 2 t 5 R 5 h ( ul } r

    Sou rerve du pararaphe 7 ) le ref-r du onel priv enregtre

    a e rlement ui lu i ont tranmi en ap-pli caton du paragraphe ( )

    ) e exte rglementaire excluionde rlement ui doivent tre publidan la Gaee du anada ou le rgimed une l oi fdrale e l e ont eectivement

    le exe rlementaire OU aure docu-ment dont conrmment aux rglementd applicat ion de l al ina 2) i ordonne ou

    autorie la publication dan laGaee d


    R ! 5 h 22 rt 6: h r I

    ( ) Sou reve de rglemen dappli-cation de lalina 2) chaue rlemen epubli dan la Gaee d anada dan Jevinttroi our uivant on enregirementonrmment a a icle 6

    2) n rlement n et pa invalide au eulmotif u i l na pa t publi dan la Gaelle danada outei peronne ne peut trecondamn pour violat ion dun rglemen uiau moment du it reproch n ai pa publ i

    auf dan le ca uivan a) dune part le rlement ai ourait app licaion du pararaphe ( ) conrm-ment lalina 2) ou i comporte une di-poition prvoyant lantriori de a pried eet par rappo a a publicat ion dan laGaee d anada;

    d aure part i et prouv u l a date duit reproch de meure raionnableavaient t prie pour ue le intreoient in rm de la teneur du rglement

    L 5 h 2 r R 5 h u ar

    Tramiio arfr doi pv


    nnd xl

    Obitio dbir

    Vioato 'Jm obi

  • 8/9/2019 Canadian Transportation Agency's Memorandum of Fact and Law o (February 4, 2015)





    Statutory Instrunts t S . 98 S s 9


    Evry tatutory ntumnt u maor tabl h ar cmbr 3 1 971 othrthan an ntrumnt th ncton of hc h anh obta n n of co of hch ar rcluby any rulaon ma uruan to ararah20d, hall tan manntly rrr to anyo tt of th Hou of om�on of thSna or of both ou of Parlamnt thatay b ablh r th uo of rvn an utnzn tatutoy ntumnt

    977 7 c. s.


    comt ot la hambr commun ot u Snat ot mt car 'tu- r t contr1r l txt rlmntar ta 'oc cu qu ont t r ar l 1 cm br 9 7 1 a cluon txtont la communcaton t ntrt au t rlmnt al caton l al na 0d

    7772 26

    nvoi ecomt6

  • 8/9/2019 Canadian Transportation Agency's Memorandum of Fact and Law o (February 4, 2015)


    Reviw ofd�;1sion


    Telecommunications Ac, S .C 1 985 c 3 8 , s 62

    2 The Commission ma on applicaion or

    on is own motion, revie and rescind or var

    ny decision made by i or rehear a maer befre rendering a decision.

    6. Le onseil peu sur demande ou de sa

    propre iniiaive rviser annuler ou modier

    ses dcisions ou enendre a nouveau une de-mande avan d' en dci der

    Revison et


  • 8/9/2019 Canadian Transportation Agency's Memorandum of Fact and Law o (February 4, 2015)



    Veeans Review an Aeal Boar At S . 99 8 s

    lnquios The Ch airperson may recommend ohe Miniser ha an inquiry be held o deermine wheher a member should be subjec odisciplinary or remedial measures r any rea

    son set o u i n any of paragraphs 4(2() o

    Jdge 10 c

  • 8/9/2019 Canadian Transportation Agency's Memorandum of Fact and Law o (February 4, 2015)



    Rules Y

  • 8/9/2019 Canadian Transportation Agency's Memorandum of Fact and Law o (February 4, 2015)


    g of



    anadian Tanoation Ageny Geneal ules SO003 s. 6

    6. The Agency may combine two or

    more proceedings in order to provide r amore expeditious process, as the circum-

    stances and considerations of irness per

    m t.

    · L'Oce peut joindre deux ou plu

    sieurs instances en vue du rglement plusexpditif dune question si !es c ircons

    tances et lquit le permettent.



  • 8/9/2019 Canadian Transportation Agency's Memorandum of Fact and Law o (February 4, 2015)
