can fund adopt an athlete program

Corporate Canada Corporate Canada CAN CAN Make a Make a Difference” Difference” With Every Donation Your Company will find out the name of the Canadian Athlete you have supported. The countdown has begun, Get your company involved today! presents presents

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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““Corporate Canada Corporate Canada CAN CAN Make a Make a Difference”Difference”

With Every Donation Your Company will find out the name of the Canadian

Athlete you have supported.

The countdown has begun,

Get your company involved today!


Canadian Athletes Now Fund

• Not-for-profit organization devoted solely to raising direct funds and awareness for our Canadian athletes. We have created a vehicle that connects Canadians directly to our athlete’s journey and their success.

• The only organization in Canada that with each donation you find out the name of the athlete you have directly supported and receive a tax receipt.

• Provides our athletes with the opportunity to focus on success instead of focusing on unnecessary financial hurdles.

• Donations go directly to Canadian athletes to support their training, coaching, nutrition, team fees, travel and basic living expenses.

• Over $10 million has been raised since 2003.

• At the 2006 Olympic Games the CAN Fund was one of 19 organizations around the world that was honoured with the LIVE OLYMPIC AWARD

• for more information.

Who Are We?

• 85% of Canada’s winter athletes for the upcoming 2010 Winter Games have applied to the CAN Fund for additional funding to support their training expenses and final preparation needs.

• The top tier athletes in Canada receive $1500 a month from Sport Canada.

• CAN Fund provides approved recipients with $6000 per application and up to $12,000 a year.

• 90% of our winter athletes pay entirely or partially for their equipment as high as $30,000 a year.

• Over 25% of our winter sports athletes pay for their coach and his/her travel costs to competitions.

• Over 50% of winter athletes pay for their travel and accommodation to attend training camps and international competitions.

• Majority of our winter athletes are still qualifying for the Games, some as late as January 2010.

Did You Know?

Who Do We Help?

Tracy Cameron2008 Olympic Bronze Medalist, Rowing

"Canadians need to know that Olympic athletes cannot make it to the top alone. We depend on the financial support of

people who believe that given the chance we are capable of being world class athletes. The Canadian Athletes Now Fund believes and makes it possible for us to complete our journeys

and share the adventure with others!"

Who Do We Help?

Adam van Koeverden2004 Gold & Bronze Medalist, 2008 Silver Medalist, Kayak

“Without the funding that I received from the See You In Athens Fund, I would not be wearing the gold medal

around my neck.”

Who Do We Help?

Ben Rutledge2008 Olympic Gold Medalist, Rowing Men’s 8

“There’s no doubt in my mind that part of our success, part of this gold medal around my neck, is due to


Who Do We Help?

Lascelles Brown2006 Olympic Silver Medalist, 2 Man Bobsleigh

“The Canadian Athletes Now Fund is providing money where others are not. As an amateur athlete striving to be the best in the World, I know how difficult it is when

there is no money.”

How You CAN Make A Difference

• Adopt An Athlete : $10,000 This program has been running for over 10 years and companies coast to coast LOVE having their very own athlete to cheer for!

Name of Athlete, Bio and Photo is provided to share with your employees and clients.

Opportunity to meet your athlete after the Games (invite as a guest speaker at a company / client event)

A 40 inch wall photo of your athlete to display in your company.

100-300 Holidays Card for this Holiday season.

• United Way:

If your organization already donates to United Way, select CAN Fund as the recipient.

How you CAN make a Difference

“We all CAN Do What We CAN to help people succeed.”

The CAN Fund website provides an area where your company can create your very own fund raising campaign – this site provides:

Create your own “mini” website on our Official CAN Fund site.

Select your fund raising goal Invite employees, clients to donate and watch your thermometer go upHost a casual Friday fund raiser day or “Wear Red Day” to support our athletesHolly Micuda Wristbands: Sell 13 year old Holly’s wristbands to friends and families for $3 each and wear them proudly during the Games!Company Matching program- matches 50% of funds raisedEach donation will be emailed a tax receipt and the name

of the athlete they supported.

Don’t just hope they’ll win, help Don’t just hope they’ll win, help them win!”-them win!”- Holly Micuda, 14yrs. Holly Micuda, 14yrs.

What Makes This Campaign Unique?

• The Games are back in Canada for the first time in 22 years and we believe the Olympics is about our athletes. This is your chance to be on the starting line with your athlete. Our athletes can bring an entire country together and you can bring your staff and clients together by having your very own athlete that you support now and cheer for in February.

• Your corporation finds out the name of the athlete your donation directly supported. This provides an opportunity for employees to follow that athlete on their journey. They can also share your athlete with their children who can have a positive “Canadian” role model to look up to.

• Your athlete can be part of a conference call, receive a post card from the Games.

• Your contribution can make the difference between eating properly these next 4 months leading up to the Games, having more physio, buying new equipment, alleviating the financial stress and allowing your athlete to focus on success.

FAQ’sWill I be able to choose which athlete my donation goes to? CAN Fund will use best efforts to make sure an athlete from your area/Province is a

recipient. Hundreds of athletes from across Canada apply. We create a waiting list and it is based on criteria. Therefore as money comes in money goes out. For tax receipt purposes the donor is not allowed to earmark money for a specific individual.

Is CAN Fund a registered charity?Yes, the Canadian Athletes Now Fund is a RCAAA (Registered Canadian Amateur Athletic Association) recognized by the Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency.

How do athletes apply for this fund?Athletes from across Canada apply to the CAN Fund through an application process twice a year. Each application is reviewed by the selection committee and approves by the Canadian Athletes Now Fund Board of Directors. Each athlete has the opportunity to receive $12000 a year.

Why does the CAN Fund exist?The Fund fills a need. Our athletes need our support and Canadians enjoy the opportunity to find out who they have directly supported. Therefore the Fund links our athletes with Canadians across this wonderful country. The Canadian Athletes Now Fund uses creative fundraising campaigns in an attempt to level out the playing field for our Canadian athletes as they compete against many other well-financed athletes in international competition.

There is no better time than now to get involvedThere is no better time than now to get involved

Our athletes give every thing they’ve got for a complete unknown and for

this -We invite you to support.

The countdown has begun.

Your company CAN make a difference!