cams book issue 5 - shipserv - marine equipment, … such as solas, marpol and stcw acts,...

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Page 1: CAMS BOOK ISSUE 5 - ShipServ - Marine Equipment, … such as SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice, Shipping Notices SOLAS, MARPOL & STCW fully amended and up-to-date

Page 1www.kelvinhughes.com2010/2011

charts, publications, outfit management, digital products, crew entertainment...............

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Digital Products:� Electronic Charts� Chart Correction� Coverage Design� Training

Products:� Paper Charts� Publications� NTMs� Correction Tracings� Nautical Instruments� Crew Entertainment� Flags

and many more....

As the world’s largest and most popular chart

agent, Kelvin Hughes holds some 20,000 unique

stock items as standard. This enables us to

provide our customers with an unrivalled service,

giving the navigator what he wants, when and

where he needs it.

All items are supplied to the current edition and up-to-

date. The philosophy that defines and distinguishes all

Kelvin Hughes services is to provide mariners with an

efficient, timely, reliable and comprehensive source of up-

to-date information essential for safe navigation at a

competitive price.

Our expertise, built over more than two hundred and fifty

years, is backed by proven systems that ensure the ships

we serve are able to navigate safely and in compliance

with current regulations.

IntroductionKelvin Hughes - The World's Largest Chart Agent

Services:� Outfit Management� Update Services� Loose Leaf Publications� Initial Supply

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Initial Supply for New Buildings Initial Supply for New


Ask the experts to provide you with all the charts & publications needed for newbuildings, keeping yourvessel legal, avoiding unnecessary purchases and saving time and money.

You provide the vessel type, size and trading pattern and we design the chart outfit for you.

Charts are professionally packaged in high quality canvas folio covers. Publications are delivered fullyupdated with cumulative update packs.

The full index of products supplied, along with a customised correction log, are presented in a ringbinder for monitoring of new editions and ISM compliance.

Widest Stock AvailabilityKelvin Hughes has the largest stock holding of anychart agent, world-wide. Over 20,000 individualstock items are monitored and updated on a dailybasis.

This wide stock range delivers unrivalled, shortturnaround times, even for large orders.

Fully-updated Charts & Publications

NP’s are supplied up-to-date, using either KelvinHughes’ unique loose-leaf service or customisedsupplements. Other publications are supplied withrelevant supplements and amendments, up to thedate of supply.

Coverage Design

Expert assistance, ranging from full coveragedesign based on information on ship type, tradingroutes, size and Flag State to validation of yourchosen list of charts and publications based on thesame.

Newbuild Transit Folios

Especially for large new building programmes,Kelvin Hughes offers a separate transit folio, whichcan be used by each vessel to transit from theshipyard to its normal trading area. Kelvin Hughesmaintains the transit folio until required bysubsequent vessels.

Electronic Charts & PublicationsCustomer support for ENCs, ARCS, AVCS and C-Mapchart data is provided by a specialist team, that drawsfrom extensive experience in producing electronicnavigation equipment.

The service includes management of licences, permitsand update disc supply, as well as advice on safereduction of paper charts.


No need to shop around, flags based on the ship'snormal trading pattern can be supplied in the initialsupply package.

Chart Room InstrumentsOur 'Chartroom New Build' kit contains all the essentialinstruments for navigation and chart-correction on-board. This can be supplied as an option to the InitialSupply package.

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How does it work?Kelvin Hughes holds and maintains a list of thecharts and publications required for the vessel’sgeneral trading pattern. This ‘Index’ forms thebasis of how the Outfit Management Serviceoperates and dictates which new edition itemsand correction data is sent to the ship.

From the start date of the service, Kelvin Hugheswill automatically record all changes and newedition issues affecting the content of the Index.

At regular intervals (usually monthly), we willcollate, call off and supply the new edition chartsand publications which have become available.They will be despatched to either a fixeddestination, or as directed by you.

Chart and publication correction information,together with a customised correction list, is alsodespatched regularly to either your head officeor directly to the ship.

The outstanding success of our OMS programmeis due to unrivalled breadth and depth ofproducts, services and options that compriseKelvin Hughes OMS.

The main features are:

� Proven system, since 1950, serving over 5,000vessels

� Built on unrivalled expertise

� Broadest product range

� Seamless integration of paper and digitalproducts

� Fully tailored to match your requirements

� Dedicated account manager takesresponsibility for your needs

� Advice on appropriate products for yourrequirements

Pioneered by Kelvin Hughes, the OutfitManagement Service is now the benchmark servicefor the professional mariner. It removes the burdenand risk of keeping your vessel up-to-date withcurrent and upcoming regulations. Theprocedures and certificates associated with theautomated supply of both updates and neweditions, customised to a vessel’s outfit, assistswith ISM compliance.

Outfit Management Service

‘Nautical charts and publications, such assailing directions, lists of lights, notices tomariners, tide tables and all other nauticalpublications necessary for the intended voyage,shall be adequate and up to date.'

IMO (SOLAS) Chapter 5

A flexible and effortless service pioneered by Kelvin Hughes to keep yourvessels legal and up-to-date

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Ship AuditsQualified Kelvin Hughes personnel visit your ship toverify that the chart outfit is current, and that it iscomplete and appropriate for the ship’s currenttrading pattern.

Chart CorrectionManaged by our chart correction team, KelvinHughes offers a storage and correction service foryour charts. All charts are stamped with therelevant correction number for improved accuracyand to save time for the vessel's crew.

Emergency lineShipping is a 24 hour business. Kelvin Hughes’trained staff are available 24 hours a day, 365 daysper year, for emergency dispatch of both papercharts and electronic chart permits.

Seamless Integration ofElectronic Charts andPublicationsOur dedicated team of digital products expertswithin the OMS group are on hand to assist withyour migration from paper to electronic navigation.Our service will advise on the most appropriateproducts, with options which include charts andpublications from official, Hydrographic Officereleased data, to private data suppliers, accordingto your requirements.

Once the electronic folios have been agreed, ourteam ensures that updated permits and chartsreach the ship in a timely manner and undertakeregular coverage reviews as availability of newelectronic charts changes.

Contact with the ship and permit management isusually handled by email, and the renewal of yourlicence subscription is managed to ensureuninterrupted service and value for money.

Whether you are committed to converting yourship to paperless navigation, or simply wish to takeadvantage of the benefits of electronic products,Kelvin Hughes is here to assist.

Outfit Management Service (contd.)O

utfit Managem

ent Service

Update ServicesPaper NTM/Tracings: for British Admiralty and UScorrection information, supplied weekly, or withnew edition supplies to your office, or directly tothe ship.

Digital NTM/Tracings from ChartCo: for BritishAdmiralty, US, Japanese and Australian charts.Delivery via satellite broadcast , internet or emaildirect to the ship.

Correction List: Supplied with NTM/Tracings.Customised to ship’s index to assist in application ofupdates.

Loose Leaf Updates: Single page inserts forAdmiralty List of Radio Signals and Admiralty List ofLights, ready corrected for insertion into the ringbinder provided.

SummaryThe Outfit Management Service is the cornerstoneof our partnership approach to navigational datamanagement. The system is designed to be flexible,and your coverage can be reduced or expanded tosuit trading patterns.

Whilst automatically receiving new editions thataffect the ship’s index, you will not need to placeseparate orders, thus streamlining the process ofordering charts. Kelvin Hughes will keep youinformed as to the contents of despatches, to avoidpossible duplication caused by the ship orderingcharts locally.

An agreed index can be maintained individually byship, or we can create a standard index for yourfleet, automatically ensuring that all vessels arekept up-to-date.

The Benefits:� Global distribution outlets - reducing freight costs and shipping times

� Dedicated Account Manager responsible for all your day-to-day needs

� Web access to view your ship’s chart indexes and account details online

� Expert help in the design of your chart indexes

� Easy transition from paper to electronic charts and publications

� Reduced management time and cost

� Free weekly new edition newsletter

� Chart outfit always legal!

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Paper Charts & Publications

Kelvin Hughes holds the largest number of charts,navigational and technical publications in the world.With more stock in hand than the vast majority ofchart agent’s annual turnover we can deliver mostproducts faster than any other agent.

Our charts are kept up-to-date on a daily basis andwe have over 50,000 in stock at any one time.

We are praised for our chart correcting standardsand have more chart correctors that anyone else; to-gether our dedicated chart correcting team has over105 years service.

We carry stocks of corrected BA, US, and AustralianCharts and can supply charts from any other Hydro-graphic office.

What our Customers say about us:The following quotes were taken from a few of ourcustomers whose fleets range from 2 vessels operat-ing regional routes, to 200 vessels operating world-wide, :

"I submit a request, I get the response immediately,when the item is dispatched I am advised of the de-tails. I am always kept in the loop and never have toask where things are."

"Very responsive to our requirements and needs."

"Willing to solve problems."

"Personally I find the web a little bit of a pain butwhen I need information on dispatches, the KelvinHughes website gives me everything I need toknow."

"We moved to Kelvin Hughes because they proved tohave the best stock availability."

"A very disciplined corporate organisation eager toserve us. We have been using Kelvin Hughes for 20years."

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Paper P

roducts / Digital P

roductsDigital Products

Kelvin Hughes provides the widest range of electronic charts and digital products. Building on ourextensive experience, we can advise on the products available, the relevant legal implications and easeyour company’s transition from paper to electronic charts and publications.

Electronic Charts and Digital Publications

Regs4Ships® offers digital equivalence of paper publicationsfor flag state and IMO regulations. Available on CD-ROM andthe web, this service makes short work of ensuring that yourvessels carry fully updated regulations. Regulations withRegs4Ships® are continually updated and supplied under anannual subscription which includes:

� All current Merchant Shipping Legislation as well as IMOpublications such as SOLAS, MARPOL and STCW

� Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice, Shipping NoticesSOLAS, MARPOL & STCW fully amended and up-to-date

� Fast linking between all related documents - Regulations;Shipping Notices; SOLAS; MARPOL & STCW

� Instant access via a CD on-board or the Internet in theoffice

� Fast, accurate, complete and searchable

� Subscribers receive email notification of changes inlegislation & key dates

� Regulations - includes every Regulation in force, all fullyamended and kept up-to-date

� Comprehensive subject Indexes

� Exclusive to Kelvin Hughes

Admiralty Digital Publications (ADP) are digital versions of theUKHO’s industry leading Admiralty Nautical Publications. ADPhas been designed to meet SOLAS carriage requirements andcan replace the carriage of traditional Admiralty paperpublications.

ADP Includes:

� Admiralty TotalTide (ATT)

� Admiralty Digital List of Lights (ADLL)

� Admiralty Digital Radio Signals

All are provided on a single CD and can be individuallylicensed, installed, used and updated via a single commoninterface that is quick and easy to use.

Digital Nautical PublicationsPublications available in a digital format from UKHO, IMO anda wide variety of other sources. From the award-winnningTotal Tide to MARPOL on CD-ROM, we can advise on the publi-cations to suit your needs.

Digital publications containing navigational or regulatory in-formation usually come with a subscription to keep them up-dated this can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, depending onthe product.

Not only is the task of updating much easier (simply put a CDinto the drive and press "update") but it is easy to see when thelast update was applied and the user has the confidence thatthey are always referring to current information.

In conjunction with the world’sleading Hydrographic Offices,the UKHO’s Admiralty VectorChart Service (AVCS) provides aworld ENC database. The serviceprovides comprehensive, official,worldwide vector chart coveragefor SOLAS compliant use withinElectronic Chart Display andInformation Systems (ECDIS).

Three types of folio are available, each designed to maximiseutility and minimise the purchase of redundant data:

Transit FoliosProvides all the coverage needed for a vessel to pass safelythrough a region when not engaging in local trade. The foliosare schemed to provide coverage along the major trade routeswithout the need to purchase data for less frequently visitedareas. The intention is to save operators the expense of pur-chasing detailed coverage for regions that they are just pass-ing through, whilst including more coverage to negotiate thechoke points such as the Suez Canal and Malacca Straits.

Regional FoliosDesigned for local and coastal trade, where more detailed cov-erage of complex coastal waters is required. These folios havea much smaller geographic footprint and include all coastalcoverage within the folio area and some approach coveragewhere coastal coverage is not available. In most cases vesselsapproaching a port directly from an ocean passage will re-quire only transit and port folios.

Ports FoliosCoverage of the world’s top ports in a set of port folios. Eachcontains the coverage necessary to enter each port. In verycomplex areas where a number of ports share approaches, asingle port folio has been included to provide the coveragerequired for all the ports in the area.

Typically, the operator would choose the transit folios re-quired to get from their current location to a particular desti-nation port, plus one or more regional folios to provide moredetail where necessary. In addition, detailed coverage appro-priate to the port(s) visited may also be chosen.

Weekly CD UpdatesAVCS updates are supplied to all customers on a weekly basis.This data contains updates to all charts in AVCS, regardless ofwhether or not the customer has licensed them. This ensuresthat every AVCS customer has a complete and up-to-date setof data on-board, which can easily be accessed when a chartpermit is issued.

Benefits:� World-wide coverage

� Backed by the UKHO

� Tailored to trading usage

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Chart Maintenance

Tracings ServiceKelvin Hughes was the first tocommercialise the production oftracings in early 1971. Since then,Kelvin Hughes tracings have becomethe benchmark in chart correcting anda brand to be trusted. Demand hassteadily grown and today some 7,000tracing and NTM update packs aredistributed weekly across the world.

British Admiralty and USTracingsKelvin Hughes’ dedicated tracings teamproduce chart correction tracings for BAand US Charts. The service was firstintroduced for BA charts in 1971 andfor US charts a few years later in 1980.

Tracings packs cover the world-widerange of BA charts and US charts.

Cost Effective DistributionWorld-wideTracings are distributed world-wideeither weekly or at other intervals ascustomers request. Tracings aredelivered directly to the ships orconsolidated to offices or ship agentsfor onward shipment.

e-Distribution OptionsNTMS and tracings can also be deliveredelectronically, through ChartCo, viasatellite broadcast, internet or emaildirect to ships at sea.

Kelvin Hughes processes are accreditedto ISO 9001. The tracings team operateunder strict quality controls to compilemasters and produce tracings packs allof which are printed in the UK.

Loose Leaf ServiceWhy spend more time correcting thannecessary?

Use the easy solution – an exclusiveservice to Kelvin Hughes customers.

Corrected Loose Leaf Replacement Serviceto British Admiralty List of Lights andRadio Signals

To assist the seafarer and remove thearduous task of cutting and pastingcorrections from the weekly Notice toMariners, Kelvin Hughes have introduceda page replacement system that willdramatically reduce the time taken toupdate Lights and Radio Signals.

How does it work?To accommodate the service, the List ofLights & Radio Signal publication issupplied in loose leaf format in a ringbinder.

Thereafter, Kelvin Hughes does thecutting and pasting for you and presentsyou with a weekly update pack,containing corrected replacements for allpages affected by that week’s Notice toMariners. Once received, simply replacethe original pages in the ring binder withthe corrected copy.

Advantages� A more efficient and accurate

method of correcting

� 90% saving on time taken

� Keeps the publications corrected todate

AuditableAn index showing all cumulative pages isincluded in each update pack.

Cross referencing with the contents of thering binder ensures that all relevantreplacement pages have been received.

Quality AssuranceAll corrections and replacement pages areproof-read and double-checked forpossible errors before compilation anddespatch.

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Entertainment On-board

In conjunction with Kelvin Hughes, WalportEntertainment On-Board keeps your crew happy andacts as an outstanding company perk, making crewfeel a valued part of the wider organisation.

Walport International has provided a first-class filmservice to the maritime community since the 1950s.

The service:� Movies - latest releases and classics from around

the world

� Hit TV shows

� Sports events - compilation of the latestinternational events

� Music CDs and DVDs - the latest releases andclassics

� Books - access to unrivalled selection of Englishand foreign titles

� Games - popular choices on all standardplatforms (e.g. PS2/3, Xbox, Wii)

Key features:� Licensed entertainment packages to suit your


� Modular service offering huge choice andflexibility

� Designed to suit your budget

� International content available on-demand

� Hard-copy content shipped out direct, anywherein the world, to HQ or ship

� No special equipment required

� Fully-managed service

Operational details:� Programme material can be delivered with your

navigation data

� Films provided on DVD for standard systems

� Several delivery options available at intervals tosuit your needs

� All boxes packed and marked for individualvessels

Benefits:� Proven quality crew retention tool

� The No.1 morale-boosting crew perk

� No management activity required

� Fully licensed - stay legal

Chart M

aintenance / Entertainment O


For more details visit:

Keep Your Crew Happy with Entertainment On-Board

Boost crew morale and retain quality staff with an unrivalled range of licensedentertainment media

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Bridge Supplies

1000s of Nautical Products

� Paper Charts & Publications

� Hydrographic Publications

� Seamanship Books

� Digital Solutions

� Clocks & Barometers

� Bells & Binoculars

� Plotting Instruments

� Sextants

� Regulations & Law

� Signs & Safety Posters

� Logbooks

� Flags

Kelvin Hughes offers the finest and largest selection of navigation tools for the discriminating navigator. A wide range ofdividers, plotting tools, writing instruments and navigation sets are available.

Many of our items are only available through Kelvin Hughes. These include the industry renowned "Kelvin Hughes ChartCorrecting Kit".

Our entire range of chartwork tools are produced to the highest standards and designed to cope with the harsh marineenvironment.

www.bookharbour.comTo purchase these items online visit:

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ridge Supplies / ChartC


The World's Most Popular Method of Delivering Critical Data to Your Fleet

Delivery Methods:ChartCo BroadcastFor the ChartCo Broadcast services the ship’s existingInmarsat B or F terminal is used with a ChartCoDecoder. All communication costs are included in thesubscription fee.

ChartCo SelectChartCo Select allows all services to be made availableover the internet or via email. It is ideal for the ship thatalready has a communication system such as VSAT orFleet Broadband, or simply requires small amounts ofdata.

ChartCo provides a unique range of services designed to enhance safe and efficient navigation and save bothtime and money. All services can be delivered via satellite broadcast, the web or email. 24/7 Support Desk.

ChartCo Services:

SoftwareThe ChartCo system is provided with its own datamanagement software suite oceanMaster™.

Turnkey ServicesFull project management for single ship or fleetinstallation is offered as standard. ChartCo can alsoprovide fully configured PCs at the time of installation.

oceanXpress™Update service for:

� ENC charts

� ARCS charts

� UKHO productsADLL, ADRS

RegsManager™� Digital regulations for

ships & offices


� Satisfies Safety ofNavigation Regs 2002

� Web or CD-ROM updates

News ServicesCrew newspapers:

� ChartCo International dailynewspaper

� Sporting events & special editions

� Regional supplements

AVManager™� Anti-Virus software

� Licence included

� Single user/single ship

� Daily updates

ChartManager™Digital Notices to Marinersand paper corrections for:

� BA charts

� US charts

� Japanese charts

� Australian charts

MetManager™Weather information service:

� 5 day forecast

� 16 day forecast

� Onboard weatherrouteing

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charts, publications, outfit management, ChartCo, digital products., crew entertainment..............

This publication is not intended to form the basis of a contract, nor does it take the place of the specification to which reference should be made for further information. Kelvin Hughes Limited reserves the

right to vary any specification in detail.

Sales Hotline +44 20 8498 1765Out of Hours (Europe) +44 20 8502 6887

Out of Hours (Far East) +65 9871 4202ChartCo 24/7 Support Desk: +44 20 8267 0005

[email protected]

CAMS KH8080 Iss 5

UK (Head Office): Kelvin Hughes Limited

New North Road, Hainault,

Ilford, Essex IG6 2UR

T: +44 20 8502 6887 F: +44 20 8500 0837


T: +44 20 8276 0003 F: +44 20 8276 0004

Southampton: Kelvin Hughes Ltd,

Kilgraston House, Southampton Street

Southampton SO15 2ED

T: +44 23 8063 4911 F: +44 23 8033 0014

Scandinavia: A/S Kelvin Hughes

Copenhagen: T: +45 35 55 8116 F: +45 8611 2726

Århus: T: +45 86 11 2888 F: +45 86 11 2260

Norway: T: +47 6490 9988 F: +47 6490 9989

Benelux: Kelvin Hughes (Nederland) B.V

Rotterdam: T: +31 10 416 76 22 F: +31 10 416 72 18

China: Kelvin Hughes Shanghai Representative Office

Shanghai: T: +86 21 58780313 F: +86 21 58785944

Far East: Kelvin Hughes (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Singapore: T: +65 6545 9880 F: +65 6545 8892

Hong Kong: T: +85 2832 2077 F: +85 2832 2055

USA: Kelvin Hughes LLC

Washington: T: +1 703 548 4007 F: +1 703 548 4141

New Orleans: T: +1 504 731 2999 F: +1 866 648 9763