campaign evaluation


Upload: ricardo-norville

Post on 19-Mar-2017




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Page 1: Campaign evaluation


Page 2: Campaign evaluation


We aimed to use the brief and make a campaign video for the charity childline on bullying using cyber, verbal and physical bullying.

We wanted to show young people how to deal with bullying, the effects bullying has on people and why not to do it.

we also aimed to create awareness on bullying and help those who are dealing with it find a peaceful solution.

Page 3: Campaign evaluation


Our first idea was to have Steven and Richard be the bullies and haseeb be the victim. We also planned to include three forms of bullying which is verbal, physical and cyber.

We planed on having the video at least 2 minutes long showing all three of these bullying methods. We also planned not to use any violence in our campaign video.

The idea was just to use some light shoving and little offensive words. We did not want to do anything to violent or say anything to offensive.

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The planning of the film did not go so well at certain parts with us always changing the story. We ended up changing the story when we started filming for some reason.

We also had a difficult time getting all our pre-production work done. We did not distribute the work out properly between use and have not finished all of it yet.

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A strength is the way we added voice overs to make the story easier to tell and understand. Another strength is the acting in the videos apart from one bit the acting is very professional.

From feed back given from others we have been told that we have a good clear story for most of the video. There is also good use of continuous editing within the video.

We also added in one of the main aspects of a campaign video which is the logo of the campaign/charity.

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WEAKNESSES A weakness in the production of our video is the choice of music used

in the video and the sloppy cutting work. Another weakness is the way we never had a final idea and kept changing the story over and over again.

We had trouble distributing the work out equally with people not bothering to do the work or show up to help with parts of the production.

The camera work could have been better for the production and we could have made the story easier to understand.

The ending of the video was a bit messy with the transition back from the flashback to present day. The choice of music for the video did not seem to suit the idea of a campaign video.

The actor used to play the teacher did not really look like a teacher. This is a case of bad actor choice.