cambridge esol-cambridge first certificate in english for updated exams - student's book with...


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Page 1: Cambridge Esol-Cambridge First Certificate in English for Updated Exams - Student's Book With Answers. 4-Cambridge University Press (2010) (Arrastrado)

Marks and results

Sample A (Test 1, Question Sb - Article)

While I am reading a book, I can find each of character has their own individuality. Most of them are like our neighbours. But a few of them are unique or rather strange.

Miss Havisham in 'Great Expectations' was the strangest character for me. After she was decieved by her fiancee, she didn't get over and just thought it over in tragic. So eventually she decided to revenge to all man in the world by bring up Estella as a 'heartbreaker'. But because of this, she ruined herself and Estella also became unhappy without any belief of love.

At first I couldn't understand her. Because even though she could see her future more positively, she decided to stay in depression. However somehow I could understand her after I finished reading the book. It was because nobody had given her love, so she couldn't live differently.

In conclusion, the author described various lifestyles. Sometimes there is strange character like 'Miss Havisham'. But because it was all based on our lives, f think they also can be understandable.

Comments Content Reasonable achievement of the task set.

Organisation and cohesion Reasonable attempt at organisation.

Range An adequate range of structure and vocabulary.

Accuracy A number of errors, some of which distract.

Appropriacy of register and format Appropriate to the task.

Target reader Would be informed.

Band: 3


Page 2: Cambridge Esol-Cambridge First Certificate in English for Updated Exams - Student's Book With Answers. 4-Cambridge University Press (2010) (Arrastrado)

Marks and results

Sample B (Test 2, Question 1 - Email)

I'm really happy for this trip too! I think we'll have a great time there together! The house seems very nice, and I really love that it's near the countryside. For me, it's better to go in the next week, because these days I have a lot of works to do . ..

I think the bicycles are better because it's a very good excersise and mostly it's envirohmentaly friendly. Also in the way, we would see better the nature.

The location is wonderful! We can go some walks to the maintain, we can climb, but we will also have silence, so we can rela and read some books into the house. But if we want to have some fun at night, we can go to the centre, can't we?

I would like to know if there is a fireplace in the house because I'm a bit of sick these days, and that would help me.

I'm waiting for your answers,


Comments Content All content points included.

Organisation and cohesion Ideas clearly organised.

Range Adequate range of structure and vocabulary.

Accuracy A number of non-impeding errors.

Appropriacy of register and format Appropriate for the task.

Target reader Would be informed.

Band: 3


Page 3: Cambridge Esol-Cambridge First Certificate in English for Updated Exams - Student's Book With Answers. 4-Cambridge University Press (2010) (Arrastrado)

Marks and results

Sample C (rest 2, Question 3 - Story)

Mark opened the envelope, read the letter and immediately started to pack his bag. He was so excited. We really hoped he would win the competition from the moment he read the magazine.

That night was extremely long for Mark. He was so impatient that he couldn't sleep. He kept looking at the clock. He was going to meet her and he still couldn't believe it] In the morning he ate his breakfast and then he waited outside his house. According to the letter the limousine would arrive at 10:00 and so it happened.

He had won the greatest prize ever. He would spend the weekend in the most luxurius hotel in New York and he would have a meal with Kelly Clarkson a famous singer and the girl of his dreams.

On Saturday he had a bath on his luxurius bathroom and then he had a tour on the city.

It was Sunday afternoon. He was standing outside the door. Only one step was separating him from her. He took a breath and opened the door . ..

Comments Content Story carries on from prompt sentence.

Organisation and cohesion Story effectively organised.

Range Wide range of structure and vocabulary.

Accuracy Minimal errors.

Appropriacy of register and format Consistently appropriate to the task.

Target reader Would be able to follow the storyline.

Band: 5


Page 4: Cambridge Esol-Cambridge First Certificate in English for Updated Exams - Student's Book With Answers. 4-Cambridge University Press (2010) (Arrastrado)

Marks and results

Sample 0 (Test 3, Question 2 - Review)

I suggested that we go out to a lovely restaurant called Kabuki's. It's a Chinese restaurant with a nice atmosphere, good food and it is a realy fun place to go at.

Kabuki's has a different way making their food. You order what you want to eat and then you sit at a table that has a stove, a grill and all the equiptment. They make the food in front of you and also play games like tossing the food up in the air and you catch it with your mouth and eat it, the food is lovely and it is realy not expensive at all. The atmosphere is fun and relaxing, and suitable for everybody. It also has clean bathrooms and the staf are realy kind and entairtaining.

That's why I suggested we go out to eat to Kabuki's because it is cheap, and fun and has realy tasty food. It is defently suiable for our class to go at.

Comments Content Good realisation of the task.

Organisation and cohesion Ideas clearly organised.

Range An adequate range of structure with a good range of vocabulary.

Accuracy Generally accurate.

Appropriacy of register and format Appropriate to the task set.

Target reader Would be informed

Band: 4


Page 5: Cambridge Esol-Cambridge First Certificate in English for Updated Exams - Student's Book With Answers. 4-Cambridge University Press (2010) (Arrastrado)

Marks and results

Sample E (Test 4, Question 3 - Letter of application)

Dear Mr James Careton,

I am writing in response to your advertisementwhich is about the Holiday Hire Shop on the beach.

First of all I think that I am the right person for this job an I am very outgoing, sociable and of course I make friends all the time because I am keen on meeting new people. In addition, flore doing different kinds of sports and / am both a swimmer and a cyclist so / know a lot about them.

As for the equipment, f have worked for three months in a shop like yours so an / have former experience on the subject, I can give useful advise to the customers, increasing the reputation of the shop. So the shop will be come more popular to teenagers.

I believe that I have the right qualification for this job so I think you should hire me I am looking forward to receiving a letter from you.

Yours sincerely

Lydia Zitsiou

Comments Content Good realisation of the task.

Organisation and cohesion Ideas clearly organised with a good range of linking devices.

Range A good range of structure and vocabulary.

Accuracy Generally accurate although there were some non-impeding errors.

Appropriacy of register and format Appropriate to the task set.

Target reader Would be informed.

Band: 4