called us to as part of christ’s bible study for the rest of december. we will resume...

Rev. Matthew Hudman Senior Minister Matthewhudman01 Rev. Carolyn Allen Associate Minister for Youth [email protected] Rev. David Finklea Assistant Minister - Chain Reaction Ministries chainreactionministries Mirtha Robbins Custodian Teri Villoutreix Church Secretary [email protected] Janet Christman Director of Children’s Ministry [email protected] Delmarie Gilbreath Organist Marilyn Duncan Choir Director [email protected] Deb Olsen-Busch Handbell Choir Director Candy Kepper Preschool Director [email protected] Church Office Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-4:30 pm As the year winds to a close, and as I passed my six-month mark here at the church, I am amazed by all that has happened. To the extent I can, I want to share with you some of my feelings as we prepare to close this year and move boldly into the next. My heart is full of gratitude. I am grateful for how this community has welcomed and accepted me, Heidi, and the kids. You have made us feel loved and a part of this family. I am grateful for the trust that so many of you have placed in me, sharing small pieces of your stories with me as we grow together in faith. I am grateful for the way you have recommitted yourselves, individually and as a community, to the work that God has called us to as part of Christ’s church. I am excited about what the future holds. There are so many wonderful opportunities before us to grow, not just in numbers, but in the impact we have on people’s lives. Our youth program has restarted and we have called a new associate minister for youth, the Rev. Carolyn Allen. Ministries like Chain Reaction continue to grow, impacting people that we will never meet and that will never walk through the doors of the church. Your contributions helped give life and hope to people around the world, from here in Houston to Baton Rouge to Haiti and beyond. New leaders are coming in, building on the strong foundation laid for them. And everywhere I turn, in the words and actions I hear and see from so many, you are finding new ways to give of yourselves as you seek to follow Christ. I also want to recognize, though, that 2016 has been a difficult year for many. Many of you continue to grieve the loss of close family and friends. Some of you continue to struggle with diseases and other hardships, often silently. Yet even in the midst of these difficulties, I see a community that cultivates care. I see a community that sits at hospital bedsides, that holds the hands of those in grief, that rallies to comfort families in pain, and that continually offers prayers for peace, comfort, and strength. The world is changing, as is the church. Often, change can seem scary or unwanted. As we move into the new year, though, I hope we will see all of the changes as God’s creative spirit continuing to move and work around us and within us. I hope we will see the challenges that lie ahead as new opportunities to work for God and with God. I hope we will find that the work we do is not simply for ourselves, but instead is work to make the Reign of God more of a reality each and every day. I am blessed to be a part of this community and to minister and serve with you as together we seek to be Disciples of Christ. May the blessings of Advent and Christmas fill your spirits and may God bless each of you in the new year. Peace, Matthew MDCC will host a screening of the Netflix documentary The 13th on Saturday, February 4, at 7:00 p.m. The 13th examines the criminal justice system in the United States and how issues of race and poverty affect equal access to justice. Following the screening, we will engage in table discussions of our responses and reactions. Child care will be provided.

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Page 1: called us to as part of Christ’s church....NO Bible study for the rest of December. We will resume January 4, 2017. Every one is invited to Bible study. Rev. Matthew Hudman will

Rev. Matthew Hudman Senior Minister


Rev. Carolyn Allen Associate Minister for Youth [email protected]

Rev. David Finklea Assistant Minister -

Chain Reaction Ministries chainreactionministries

Mirtha Robbins Custodian

Teri Villoutreix Church Secretary

[email protected]

Janet Christman Director of Children’s Ministry [email protected]

Delmarie Gilbreath Organist

Marilyn Duncan Choir Director

[email protected]

Deb Olsen-Busch Handbell Choir Director

Candy Kepper Preschool Director

[email protected]

Church Office Monday-Thursday 9:00 am-4:30 pm

As the year winds to a close, and as I passed my six-month mark here at the church, I am amazed by all that has happened. To the extent I can, I want to share with you some of my feelings as we prepare to close this year and move boldly into the next.

My heart is full of gratitude. I am grateful for how this community has welcomed and accepted me, Heidi, and the kids. You have made us feel loved and a part of this family. I am grateful for the trust that so many of you have placed in me, sharing small pieces of your stories with me as we grow together in faith. I am grateful for the way you have recommitted yourselves, individually and as a community, to the work that God has called us to as part of Christ’s church.

I am excited about what the future holds. There are so many wonderful opportunities before us to grow, not just in numbers, but in the impact we have on people’s lives. Our youth program has restarted and we have called a new associate minister for youth, the Rev. Carolyn Allen. Ministries like Chain Reaction continue to grow, impacting people that we will never meet and that will never walk through the doors of the church. Your contributions helped give life and hope to people around the world, from here in Houston to Baton Rouge to Haiti and beyond. New leaders are coming in, building on the strong foundation laid for them. And everywhere

I turn, in the words and actions I hear and see from so many, you are finding new ways to give of yourselves as you seek to follow Christ.

I also want to recognize, though, that 2016 has been a difficult year for many. Many of you continue to grieve the loss of close family and friends. Some of you continue to struggle with diseases and other hardships, often silently. Yet even in the midst of these difficulties, I see a community that cultivates care. I see a community that sits at hospital bedsides, that holds the hands of those in grief, that rallies to comfort families in pain, and that continually offers prayers for peace, comfort, and strength.

The world is changing, as is the church. Often, change can seem scary or unwanted. As we move into the new year, though, I hope we will see all of the changes as God’s creative spirit continuing to move and work around us and within us. I hope we will see the challenges that lie ahead as new opportunities to work for God and with God. I hope we will find that the work we do is not simply for ourselves, but instead is work to make the Reign of God more of a reality each and every day.

I am blessed to be a part of this community and to minister and serve with you as together we seek to be Disciples of Christ.

May the blessings of Advent and Christmas fill your spirits and may God bless each of you in the new year.



MDCC will host a screening of the Netflix documentary The 13th on Saturday, February 4, at 7:00 p.m. The 13th examines the criminal justice system in the United States and how issues of race and poverty affect equal access to justice. Following the

screening, we will engage in table discussions of our responses and reactions. Child care will be provided.

Page 2: called us to as part of Christ’s church....NO Bible study for the rest of December. We will resume January 4, 2017. Every one is invited to Bible study. Rev. Matthew Hudman will

Christmas is upon us and as we all try to do too much in too little time, let's try to remember and take time to reflect upon the true spirit of the season. Advent is a time of waiting and most importantly anticipation. We are anticipating the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ -- the most wonderful gift from God to us! So slow down and enjoy moments with family and friends. Find ways to share your good fortune with others. We hope everyone had an opportunity to enjoy the wonderful Christmas Cantata last Sunday. Our music program is one of our many blessings as a congregation. On Sunday, December 18 we will be celebrating a Family Christmas at MDCC. We'll sing carols, enjoy a light supper, exchange cookies and have fun being together. Please try to make it! Our church is partnering with Westside Homeless Partnership to provide Christmas presents for a family in need. This would also be a good time to think about supporting MDCC's outreach mission Teaching Haiti. And, of course, there are many other needs that would benefit from our generosity. At this time of year, we often think about changes we could make and new habits we could develop in the coming year. Again, return to the central focus of the season -- Jesus. What changes could we all make in our lives to become more like Christ in our attitude and behavior? Even small changes could lead to a more peaceful and just world, at least, in our small corner of it. We are very grateful for all of you who have helped by agreeing to be a greeter or an usher during the past year. We hope you will continue to provide this service. If you haven't yet been a greeter or an usher, why not give it a try? It's easy and it's fun! What more could you want in a job description? And we know you would be great at it! In Christian Fellowship, Angela Bullock, Janice Spradlin & Linda Thompson

General Fund Income vs Expense

Cash Assets & Debt

November YTD YTD Budget

Pledged Income 31,479.38 318,439.90 316,838.50

Other Income 4,688.19 60,316.94 65,541.66

Expense 38,812.52 405,330.00 452,379.59

Balance (2,644.95) (26,573.16) (69,999.43)

Txfer From DF 30,000.00 45,440.00 60,000.00

Final Balance 27,355.05 18,866.84 (9,999.43)

General Fund

Checking 23,131.51

Liabilities & Amortized Inc, Exp 16,211.37

Savings (Charles Schwab) 36,773.72

Capital Campaign 144,993.71

Undesignated Memorial Funds 216,864.15

Designated Funds 86,568.09

Total 524,542.55

Mortgage Balance 683,294.25

Capital Campaign

Comments November income was very similar to October, up a little in pledge income, down a little in building income. No-vember expenses were higher, partly property expenses and partly spending budgeted outreach funds, so there was a deficit for the month. The 30,000 from CCF was received, so the checking ac-count balance is now in the black. If you have any questions, please ask me at church or send an email. John E. Lindley, Treasurer

Pledged 329,778.00

Received To Date 279,864.62

Other Income 136,933.44

Spent 271,804.35

Balance 144,993.71

Campaign ends May 31, 2017

Page 3: called us to as part of Christ’s church....NO Bible study for the rest of December. We will resume January 4, 2017. Every one is invited to Bible study. Rev. Matthew Hudman will

“So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in a manger. When they had seen Him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen which were just as they had been told. (Luke 2:16-20)

As we rush about during this holiday season with all the preparations, parties, plays, programs and decorating, we need to stop and take some moments to concentrate on what is really important. Sometimes the holiday season can tug at the masks

Elders meet Tuesday, January 3, at 6:30pm, in the Athens Room

Communion Servers Training meets Sunday, January 8, at 12:15pm, in the Sanctuary Administrative Council meets Tuesday, January 10, at 7:00pm, in the Parlor

we carefully hold in place and push the emotional buttons we desperately try to hide. The arrival of family members can resurrect pain and unresolved issues. Financial pressure opens up like a sinkhole, waiting to steal our joy and destroy our peace. Schedules demand every ounce of energy and false expectations leave us empty and hollow.

We can choose to make this Christmas different. Choose to give God praise. Choose to focus on the victories and joys you have experienced during the year and then find ways to share that victory and joy with others. Christmas can be a true celebration of fresh starts and new beginnings if we choose to focus on a tiny baby born in a manger, come to save us and give us true life.


*My daughter in law, Sandra is offering a free Zumba class every Wednesday night at 5:00pm.

*Invite your family, friends and neighbors to our family friendly Christmas Eve Service at 5:00pm on December 24!

New book time! We will finish our current book in mid December! We are currently looking for a good book to study. Any suggestions?

This discussion class is led by Joyce Stones and Patrick Gibbons. Our study is based on We Make the Road by Walking - A Year-Long Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation, and Activation, by Brian D. McLaren. In his introduction, Mr. McLaren declares that we play a role in choosing and creating our futures – as individuals and as communities. We can make the road by walking. We want to explore new possibilities, develop unfulfilled potential, discover new resources to bless, inspire, and enliven. Come feel God call you to walk into the future with faith, hope, and love.

NO Bible study for the rest of December. We will resume January 4, 2017. Every one is invited to Bible study. Rev. Matthew Hudman will lead the Bible study every Sunday and Wednesday. We will have the same lesson on Sunday, at 5:00pm, in the Philippi Room and Wednesday at 10:00am, in the Athens Room.

Page 4: called us to as part of Christ’s church....NO Bible study for the rest of December. We will resume January 4, 2017. Every one is invited to Bible study. Rev. Matthew Hudman will

While rocking my new grandson, I noticed a plaque on the wall of his room. On it was “For I know the plans I have for you - Plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

I smiled and thought about the plans and future of this little boy. But God not only has plans for us as individuals, he has a plan for the corporate “us” as MDCC. I think back over the past two years that I have been involved in the leadership of MDCC. It has been a journey of faith for us. But we knew that God had a plan and look at us now. We have a wonderful minister, we have a balanced budget, we have hired a new youth minister, Carolyn Allen and we have Co-Chair leaders of the Ministry Development Committee, Heidi Hudman and Maudeen Eccles. I hope you were at church Sunday to hear the choir and the 10 kids in the children’s choir. God’s spirit was definitely in the sanctuary!

God is working in our hearts and in the life of MDCC. It will be exciting to see where God is taking us.

I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for the support, prayers and love you have shown me this year as President of the Congregation. It has been a pleasure and privilege to serve you and the Lord.

Carol Neal

It takes a lot of work to put together a cantata. I can’t end the year without voicing my thanks and appreciation for those who made it possible.

I am blessed by Delmarie Gilbreath, Tracy Clark, Cliff Wolf, David Van Bergen, David Duncan,

Larry Pain, L.O. Wray, John Lindley, Roger Christman, Jerre Parker, Terrie Cardwell, Vicky Glover, Ellen Howard, Maureen

Parker, Heather Parker, Jan Wolf, Deb Busch, Joyce Wray, Barbi Bryant, Judy Conner, Charlene Cardwell, Heidi Hudman, and Elaine Cook. These people put in a lot of hours this year to prepare for the cantata. They are treasures and I am

grateful for them.

Many thanks to the wonderful children’s choir Lillian Linguist, Kaylen Wilkins, Lauren Dunwoody, Audrey Linguist, Emma Dunwoody, Tanner Castleman, Josh Castleman, Nathaniel Hudman, Charlie Linguist, Eliana Hudman, Emily McNemar, and Lily Hudman, under the direction of Heidi Hudman and Carolyn Allen. They brought such joy to my heart!

Thanks to soloists Lillian Linguist, Maureen Parker, Heidi Hudman and Tracy Clark; and handbell ringers Sylvia Paredes, Matthew Hudman, Kathy Kennedy, Susan Pain, and Ron Williams. Our instrumentalists Brandon Cornett, Kevan Clarkston, and Ana Hernandez were excellent.

My thanks to the Narrators: Elsie Giraudin and Jackie Rogers, as well as additional readers: Noah, Nathaniel, Lily & Eliana Hudman. Thanks always to our friends in the technology booth, Paul Giraudin and Lisa Lucas. Thanks to Susan Pain and Mary Williams for the beautiful reception. Thanks to Matthew Hudman who is always patient, kind and supportive.

2017 MDCC Holiday Schedule (Office Closed)

January 2, New Year’s Day

January 16, Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.

February 20, Presidents’ Day

May 29, Memorial Day

July 4, Independence Day

September 4, Labor Day

October 9, Columbus Day

November 23 and 24, Thanksgiving holidays

December 25, Christmas Day

Page 5: called us to as part of Christ’s church....NO Bible study for the rest of December. We will resume January 4, 2017. Every one is invited to Bible study. Rev. Matthew Hudman will

If you are interested in giving an arrangement for Sunday morning, in honor or memory of a loved one, please contact the church office at 713-789-0060 for details.

Join us for a book discussion on Wednesday, January 11, at 11:00am, in the Parlor (after Bible Study.) We always have a lively discussion of a fun book!

Contact: Sandra Christman, (713) 302-8287 We have had so much fun in our exercise class with Sandra Christman! Join us each Wednesday evening from 5:00-5:45pm, in the Nursery Room. We dance a little, exercise a little, high-five a little, and laugh a lot! There is something for every ability level, so come join and get moving!

Contact: Dorothy Andrews, 713-789-4049

This class is for everyone and features low impact stretching. Classes are on Thursdays at 3:00pm, in the Gym. Let’s stretch and tone our backs, stomachs, legs, and arms! It makes you feel better and look better, and gives you energy.

We meet every Thursday at 9:30am in the Parlor. We read scripture, participate in intercessory prayer for those who have asked for prayers, and we write cards to those for whom we pray. We would love to have you join us.

NO Gospel Singers in January. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. See you on the first Tuesday of February, at 1:00pm.

Our Thursday, January 5, 2017 meeting will feature our own Beth Lynn Clegg giving us some of her readings. I know all will enjoy this program. Please plan on coming and bring a main dish or side dish to share. The dessert and beverage will be provided by the hostess. All adults are welcome. If you have any questions contact Elaine or Charlene. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we will see you next year.

The Prime Timers are inviting ALL ladies of the church to join them Thursday, January 19, in the Fellowship Hall for a rousing game of Chicken Foot. Bring a salad to share—good fun, good food, and good fellowship. If you don’t know how to play, we have great teachers. The fun starts at 10:00am, and we are usually finished by 1:00pm. Come one, come all. We would like to welcome you to our group. If you have any questions, call Jane Snapp.

All men of the church are invited to join us on Tuesday, January 24, for a discussion group at 9:30am, in the Athens Room. We start with a light breakfast and plenty of strong coffee. Come and join us!

Page 6: called us to as part of Christ’s church....NO Bible study for the rest of December. We will resume January 4, 2017. Every one is invited to Bible study. Rev. Matthew Hudman will

Community Joys and Concerns OUR CONDOLENCES TO the family and friends of Jean Wingate who died on December 4. A memorial service was held at MDCC on December 10 with Rev. Hudman officiating.

Mark your calendars for January! Get ready for our next big project

which will be the

to stock the shelves at East Spring Branch Food Pantry.

Bring non-perishable food and place it near the Communion Table

beginning in January.

Chain Reaction Ministries is a project designed to recycle donated bicycles to benefit those who need transportation. During the winter months, we move the workday to the afternoon in order to help keep us a little warmer. Please join us January 28 and February 18, at 2:00-5:00pm for workdays. For more details, please contact David Finklea.

“Chain Reaction continues to serve our community”

Joseph was placed at The WorkFaith Connection through an “on-the-job” training program called SCSEP. He serves many of our staff and clients through hospitality support and many other roles in our facility each week. In early November,

he was involved in a METRO bus accident, where his bike and main form of transportation, was thrown off the front and damaged to the point that he can’t use it.

Joseph was thrilled to receive his new bike from Chain Reaction Ministries, after several weeks without one. He will save 30 minutes commuting each way to work and will be able to enjoy rides in our beautiful, Fall Houston weather. With tears in his eyes, Joseph shared that this bike is an answer to prayer and that it came at the exact right time (right before Thanksgiving)!

After receiving 5 hugs from Joseph and too many “thank yous” to count, I can honestly say that I’ve never

seen someone as excited and appreciative to have a bike as he is! We are so grateful for your partnership with WorkFaith and the ways you are bringing hope and restoration to the City of Houston.


Thank you for making a difference in Thomas’ life today. Thomas came to The WorkFaith Connection in April 2016 and started his job at an auto-body shop in May 2016. As I chatted with him today, he shared how having a bike will save him two

miles of walking and one hour of commuting to work each day! Additionally, he is excited to for the fellowship that he will experience as he joins his friends who ride their bikes to church together and enjoy leisurely rides around town. Thomas’ heart was full of gratitude and joy as he left the WorkFaith building today.

Thank you for the role you have played in this story and for everything your team does. Chelsea Webb

Page 7: called us to as part of Christ’s church....NO Bible study for the rest of December. We will resume January 4, 2017. Every one is invited to Bible study. Rev. Matthew Hudman will

Sunday, 1/1 Sunday School & Children’s Choir

9:45 AM

Choir Warm Up 10:30 AM

Worship 11:00 AM

Youth Group 12:30 PM

Monday, 1/2 Preschool resumes

New Year's Holiday office closed

Tuesday, 1/3 Elders' Meeting 6:30 PM

Wednesday, 1/4 Wednesday Bible Study 10:00 AM

Zumba Class 5:00 PM

Handbell Practice 6:00 PM

Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM

Thursday, 1/5 Intercessory Prayer Group 9:30 AM

Keenagers Luncheon 12:00 PM

Stretching Class 3:00 PM

Sunday, 1/8 Sunday School & Children’s Choir

9:45 AM

Choir Warm Up 10:30 AM

Worship 11:00 AM

Communion Servers Training

12:15 PM

Youth Group 12:30 PM

Bible Study 5:00 PM

Tuesday, 1/10 Admin Council 7:00 PM

Wednesday, 1/11 Wednesday Bible Study 10:00 AM

Shared Reflections Book Group

11:00 AM

Zumba Class 5:00 PM

Handbell Practice 6:00 PM

Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM

Thursday, 1/12 Intercessory Prayer Group 9:30 AM

Stretching Class 3:00 PM

Sunday, 1/15 Sunday School & Children’s Choir

9:45 AM

Choir Warm Up 10:30 AM

Worship 11:00 AM

Youth Group 12:30 PM

Bible Study 5:00 PM

Monday, 1/16 MLK's Birthday Office Closed

Wednesday, 1/18 Wednesday Bible Study 10:00 AM

Zumba Class 5:00 PM

Handbell Practice 6:00 PM

Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM

Thursday, 1/19 Intercessory Prayer Group

9:30 AM

Prime Time Ladies 10:00 AM

Stretching Class 3:00 PM

Sunday, 1/22 Sunday School & Children’s Choir

9:45 AM

Choir Warm Up 10:30 AM

Worship 11:00 AM

Youth Group 12:30 PM

Bible Study 5:00 PM

Tuesday, 1/24 Men's Fellowship 9:30 AM

MDCC CP Open House 6:00 PM

Wednesday, 1/25 Wednesday Bible Study 10:00 AM

Zumba Class 5:00 PM

Handbell Practice 6:00 PM

Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM

Thursday, 1/26 Intercessory Prayer Group

9:30 AM

Stretching Class 3:00 PM

Saturday, 1/28 Chain Reaction Minis-tries Workday

2:00 PM

Sunday, 1/29 Sunday School & Children’s Choir

9:45 AM

Choir Warm Up 10:30 AM

Worship 11:00 AM

Soup and Sandwiches Fellowship

12:15 PM

Youth Group 12:30 PM

Bible Study 5:00 PM

Tuesday, 1/31/2017 Staff Lunch 11:30 AM

Dear Friends,

May God’s love and blessing surround you at this season.

Merry Christmas!

From the Staff of Memorial Drive Christian Church

Page 8: called us to as part of Christ’s church....NO Bible study for the rest of December. We will resume January 4, 2017. Every one is invited to Bible study. Rev. Matthew Hudman will

Did you know MDCC is on Facebook?

Our church has an active Facebook page. If you are a Facebook user, please like our page, Memorial Drive Christian Church, and interact with our posts. We provide updates on upcoming events and post pictures from recent church events. See you on Facebook!