called to the city mtg 3-26-2019 - whitworth

CALLED TO THE CITY Office of Church Engagement

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CALLED TO THE CITYOffice of Church Engagement

• Empower involvement in the life of the city and the neighborhood• Look at the urban framework of the City and

how it impacts engagement • Align unique church strengths with


Calling Community Overview & Vision

Calling Community Scope (draft)

February – Theological Foundation for Mission

March – Mapping: demographics, place, built environment

April/May – What’s already Happening: City, non-profits, schools, churches

June – Field Trip and Grant Idea Submissions

July – Break

August/September – Project Implementation

• Missio Dei - God’s mission to restore all of creation & the church must participate

“Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”- Matthew 6:10

February Recap

Center Church, Timothy Keller

• Emerging asset: The church is best at making a positive impression on the outside world when it plays well with others and when multiple churches partner for the benefit of the City.

What is God Up To in Your Neighborhood

Called to the City Group Discussion; February 19,2019

• Emerging challenges:• The church has difficulty being more involved

with outside initiatives/stakeholders• Outside organizations are hesitant of the church• What’s the agenda?


Center Church, Timothy Keller

Growing Local Missionaries, Equipping Churches to Sow Shalom in their Own Cultural Backyards, Dan Steigerwald

Bringing It Back Together

Providing an Urban Planning Lens to this phase is my goal.

“…in the minds and hearts of the people of God [Shalom] rang of community as God intended it to be.”-Dan Steigerwald


“God’s re-creation of his wonderful world, which has begun with the resurrection of Jesus and continues mysteriously as God’s people live in the risen Christ and in the power of his Spirit, means that what we do in Christ and by the power of his Spirit in the present is not wasted. It will last all the way into God’s new world."

- N.T. Wright


“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” - Winston Churchill

Place matters

Place Matters

Place Matters

• Talk to your neighbors• Select Spokane• City-Data•Walkscore

Where Does Your Church Live?

Rural Suburban Semi-Urban Urban

Where Does Your Church Live?

Helicopter Culture

Suburban Urban

• There is no wrong place to be• Its about how to best use your

current environment to serve the City and the place God has given you the opportunity to serve

Where Does Your Church Live?

Rural Suburban Semi-Urban Urban

• Select Spokane• City-Data•Walkscore• T+H

Practical Tools for Immersion and Listening

Map Overview

Group Discussion • What are some challenges the built

environment around your church presents?• What about opportunities?

Next Steps• Establish re-occurring meetings• Next Meeting Topic: Hearing from others

working in the community • Homework: Read Ch 2 – Growing Local
