
Download C.A.L.L

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Post on 24-May-2015




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  • 1. Azcrate Ibeas, Macarena Molinero Ruiz, Beatriz Pesquero Mndez, Gema Rivas Navajo, Virginia Sanz Prez, scar
    • GAMES & C.A.L.L.(computer assisted language learning)


  • The integration of the computers as a way of learning a foreign language is becoming more and more extended to courses and language material sellers.

3. On the other hand, there is a great insistence about the necessity of more communicative skills in a foreign language method, meaning communication as a primary function of language. 4. C.A.L.L. technical possibilities compared to "traditional activities":

  • Allows students to work at their own pace.

5. Students receive immediate correction to their mistakes. 6. The students, wether on small groups or in pairs, would talk to each other in order to do some activities. 7. Considering the fact that most of the activities are designed to focus on the students as the center of attention of the learning process, they could become even more independent. 8. Motivation is generally higher when the element "competition" is present. 9.

  • It allows the teacher to focus more individually on the students.

10. The sense of "shame" to make mistakes is less traumatic with a computer than with another person. 11. Choosing the difficulty level of the program. 12. In some programs it is possible to request help from the student.