call of the wild by: jack london setting

Call of the Wild By: Jack London Setting By, Maeve S, Mikel S, Anna S, and Molly S.

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Call of the Wild By: Jack London Setting. By, Maeve S, Mikel S, Anna S, and Molly S. Chapter 1. Takes place in Santa Clara Valley, California at Judge Millers’ house. This makes Buck calm, relaxed, and happy. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Call of the Wild By: Jack London Setting

Call of the WildBy: Jack London

SettingBy, Maeve S, Mikel S, Anna S, and

Molly S.

Page 2: Call of the Wild By: Jack London Setting

Chapter 1• Takes place in Santa Clara Valley, California at

Judge Millers’ house. • This makes Buck calm, relaxed, and happy.• Buck is then dog-napped by the gardener and

sold to men that take him on a train which is scary and loud.

• Buck finally arrives in Seattle in a high walled room that is confusing because Buck is still very dazed.

• Buck is then bought and taken to the north which is a very exotic experience because he feels snow for the first time.

Page 3: Call of the Wild By: Jack London Setting

Chapter 2

• This part of the story takes place at Dyea Beach. It is very cold. Buck is getting used to the cold weather.

• There are high trees, and much forest, and snow EVERYWHERE.

• The team moves around as they travel North.

• Buck learns to cope with the new environment.

Page 4: Call of the Wild By: Jack London Setting

Chapter 3• Their first camp takes place at Lake Le Barge. The camp there

is miserable because it continues to be cold, and they are attacked by wild dogs.

• The terrain is very rough here.• The team then treks on and has a short stop in Dawson where

they have a more regular camp day.

Page 5: Call of the Wild By: Jack London Setting

Chapter 4

• Chapter 4 mostly takes place while the dogs are moving on the trail.

• Buck complains and wants to be the lead dog.

• A new owner that delivers mail takes them back to Dawson where the setting is the same, and then they are sold to Hal, Mercedes, and Charles.

Page 6: Call of the Wild By: Jack London Setting

Chapter 5• At one place, the team passes through Skaguay,

which is a small, quaint little town.• The owners are inexperienced and drive them

relentlessly, Until they finally set up camp where they run out of food. The camp is called Five Fingers.

• They travel from there to John Thornton’s camp. Which is neat and organized because John is experienced.

• Hal continues to beat the dogs, until Buck drops and John Thornton comes and rescues him.

Page 7: Call of the Wild By: Jack London Setting

Chapter 6• At one point, Buck and Thornton are in a

bar in Dawson that is dark and grungy. Buck cuts a mans’ throat open.

• At another point in time, Thornton is thrown out of a boat into the river Moose Hide Creek. The water is cold and dark. Buck soon jumps in and saves him.

• In winter the duo go to a convention. Buck wins a bet for John because Buck pulls a sled with 1,000 pounds .

Page 8: Call of the Wild By: Jack London Setting

Chapter 7

• John Thornton travels deeper out East to Dawson City with friends searching for gold mines.

• The men end up in the Yukon River further North in Canada, they follow the Stewart River until it ends.

• Bucks goes on a journey by himself and comes back finding John Thornton and his friends dead by the Indians.

• Buck leads a pack of wolves and every year returns to where John died.

Page 9: Call of the Wild By: Jack London Setting

Citations• Dyea Beach. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Sept. 2011. <

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• Stewart River. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Sept. 2011. < imgres?q=stewart+river&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbm=isch&tbnid=YAEfYZEwMcLekM:&imgrefurl=h ttp:// %3Fview%3Dmd&docid=UamPjpMjzySDIM&w=500&h=375&ei=yThpTubxLMSLsQKfsan1DQ&zoom=1&ia ct=hc&vpx=822&vpy=278&dur=234&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=98&ty=87&page=1&tbnh=125&tbnw= 168&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0&biw=1280&bih=603>.