caliifornia geology magazine jul-aug 1993


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n.~AfI"CT OOUGLAS P WHEELER--...........Dec' •••1,,11(:'_._. EOWAROG HEIDIG






Whal is happenll'lg here? see page 119. Photo by Max Flanery.

Cover Photo. Can you name Ofle 01 the most common and chemICallystable rock-forming minerals at the ear1h's surtace? Piezoelectricand pyroelectnc mineraI. May e)(hibitlelt· or right·handed crystals.but usually not althe same site. Pnsms (faces parallel to ac• aXIs)frequently slnated horizOfltally (perpendicular to ac• axis). Conchotdalfracture common. See page 94.

Cleavage: poor basal cleavageLuster: vrtreous In rnactOC1YStalhne forms.

waxy Of dull In cryptocrystalline formsMohs hardness: 7Spearrc gravrty: 2.65Crystal system: IngonalColor: frequently while. almost

any color. coIoriess

EliM MalbSOn_......l_T.w.o"""'W_J••n-..


JUlYtAUGUST 1993 Volum8 481Number 4CGEOA 46 (4) 85-120 (1993)

Pnnted by ~ Pnn,,"1 uwIu~

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Page 3: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Dale Stickney. GeologistDiVISion of Mines and Geology

RhodochrOSite IS usually a gangue minerai associated with copper or lead deposits. Sometimes It is mined lor manganese.The mineraI's name comes tram the Greek tor "rose colored." Photos by suthor.

This article demonstrates some of the basic concepts of mineral identlflcarion. Ir Is setup as a learning exercise consisting offour parts: l} Introduction discusses a few simplephysIcal tesrs, 2) Observation provides c%r photos and clues. 3) Commentary identifies anddiscusses the minerals. and 4) Annotated Bibliography. This exercise Is as much for fun as forenlightenment...editor.


Amineral is a naturally-occurring crys­talline inorganic chemical compound

that has a fairly constant composition.The physical properties of minerals suchas luster. Mohs hardness. specific gravity,crystal system. fracture, cleavage. andcolor can be identified by simple physicaltests or observations as explained below.

Luster refers to the appearance ofthe mineral. A mineral has a metallicluster (resembles a shiny metaij or non·metallic luster (a luster not resembling a

shiny metaij. Some minerals such asgraphite and silicon nave a submetallic(intermediate) luster.

There are many non-metallic lusters.They are vitreous (a glass-like luster).silky (sheen resembling silk. caused bymany fine, parallel needle-shaped crys­tals), resinous (resembling resin, amber.or some plastics). greasy (looks likepetroleum-base grease). adamantine(brilliant). waxy or dull (diffuses ratherthan reflects light), pearly. and earthyOooks like soil in clods).

Mohs hardness is a scale of relativemineral hardness developed by Germanmineralogist Friedrich Mohs in 1820. Thehardness of a mineral is determined bywhether it scratches or is scratched byother minerals. The minerals. rated soft­est to hardest. are: 1) talc. 2) gypsum.3) calcite. 4) fluorite. 5) apatite, 6) 0rtho­clase, 7) quartz, 8) topaz, 9) corundum,and 10) diamond. For practical purposes.a parallel scale of common items has beendeveloped. A fingernail is about 2-1/4. acopper coin is 3. a knife blade or windowglass is 5-1/2. and a steel file is 6-112.


Page 4: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Specific gravity is the weight ofa specific volume of a mineral divided bythe weight of an equivalent volume ofwater.

Crystal systems are defined by theunit lengths of the axes. angles betweenthe axes. and symmetry of crystal faces.All minerals belong to one of the follow­ing: lriclinic. monoclinic. orthorhombic.tetragonal. .isomelric (cubic). and hexago­nal (including the trigonallrllombicl sub­system). Faces. cleavage. parting. andtwinning can be described by how theyintersect the axes.

Cleauage is the property ofa mineral to break along well­defined planes controUed by

Parli"glooks like cleavage andbehaves much like cleavage. but differsfrom cleavage in that it is rarely along flatsurfaces. The reflecllon of light from part­ings in a crystal shOO/S the surfaces tobe slightly wavy or curved. Parting is fre­quently due to deformation or stress twin­ning of the mineral. Deformed gamets.quam crystals. and olivines frequentlyshow well developed partings. Partingsare partially controlled by crystallographicstructure.

Calor is the physical property of amineral that can be the most misunder­stocx! and misleading. lhe color of a min­erai can vary greatly with the chemistryand quantity of any trace elements. andwith exposure to stress. heat. radiaTion.or even sunlight. Some minerals' colorsare comnlOl1!y zoned. For example. thecolor of the core of a crystal may gradeto a different color in the shell (Mineral II.Very few minerals can be identified solelyon the basis of color. As Charles Darwinobserved. -Nature will tell you a direct lieif She can.~


Fracture refers to an irregular breakin a crystal. which is not directly control·led by crystallographic structure. Hacklyfracture is irregular. rough. and withoutany wen defined direction. Pyroxenes andamphiboles have haddy fracture in direc-

tions other than the prismatic cleavage.Conchoidal (Greek for "shell-Iike~)

fracture is a fracture along anirregular curved surface.

Thick pieces of brokenglass or obsidian have

classic conchoidalfracture. Mineralswith conchoidal

fracture include quamand pyrite.

the molecular structure of the mineral.Beciluse cleavages are made up of paral­lel sets of planes. they can have a steppedor blocky appearance. Cleavage planesare perfectly flat so light reflected fromtbem distinguishes them from partings(see below). There are several types ofcleavage categorized by the number andorientation of cleavage planes.

c,,,,,L.. ~-_ .J..:..... , ----,,,,,,


An octahedron show-ing the onentatlOn of thecrystal axes (a. b. and c) forthe lsomelric crystal system.


MineralJ. This mineral fluo­resces when exposed to uhravio­let light.

Mohs hardness: 4Luster: viTreousCrystal system: isomeTricCleauage: oclahedralSpecific grauity: 3.18Color: blue. yellow. violet. green.rarely red. colorless. Crystals arecommonly color zoned.


Page 5: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Mineral 2. Shades of green or greenish­blue are indicative of a variety of this min­eral. named after a South American river.When this mineral has crystallograp/"li·cal/y-controlled inclusions of quartz. thecombination is called "graphic granite. M

It frequently has whitish streaks as in thisspecimen.

Luster: vitreous. sometimes pearlyMohs hardness: 6-6.5Specific grauitv; 2.56-2.63Crystal system; lridinicColor: white. gray. pink. yellow. colorless

Mi,leral 3. This specimen has an obvi­ous play of colors typical of this variety:greenish yellow through green throughdeep royal blue. It is named after aCanadian region where it is found.Repetitive twinning is usually indicatedby many fine. straight striations on cleav­age faces and across fracture surfaces.

Luster; vitreous. sometimes pearlyMohs hardness; 6.0·6.5Sped/ic grauity: 2.68-2.72Crystal system; triclinicC%r; while through black. butusually dark gray or bluish black

Mineral 4. Identify the greenish blackmineral. not the white. translucent calcitewith it. It occurs in some contact andregionally metamorphosed rocks. in late­stage. Iow-temperalure metasomatismin some granitoid rocks. and in skamswith grossular gamet. Commonly loonselongate. striated crystals. Perfect basalcleavage.

Luster: vitreousMohs hardness: 6SpecifiC grauitv; 3.38-3.49Crystal system; monoclinicColor: light to dark pistachio green. canbe greenish black


Page 6: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Mineral 5. This mineral is flexible in thin plates. but not elas­lic. Commonly twinned on plane normal to ~a~ axis. A perleclcleavage on plane nonnal to ~b~ axis. distincl cleavages onplane nonna!to ~a~ axis and on plane intersecting ~b~ and ~c­

axes at unit distances.

Luster: vitreous. silky. or pearlyMohs hardness: 2Specific grouity: 2.3Crystal system: monoclinicColor: white. gray, yellow. red. bl"O\AJl1. blue. colorless

Mineral 6. Specimen of mineralshoum here grew in a sand deposit.Sand grains are included in crystals ofthe mineral. Staining on sand grainscauses the reddish appearance. Perlectbasal cleavage (normal to "c~ axis).

Luster: vitreous. can be trans­parentMohs hardness: 3-3.5Specific gravity: 4.5Crystal system: orthorhombicColor: white. yellow. gray. palegreen, pale blue. brown. red,colorless

Mineral 7. Characteristic doublerefraction makes visual identification easyin transparent specimens of suHidenlthickness. Immediate and vigorous effer­vescence in contact with 3 percent hydro­chloric acid solution. A common mineralin many parts of North America. Themineral is not as abundant in Californiaas it is in many midwestern and easternstates. Perfect rhombohedral cleavage.

Luster: vitreous.Mons hardness: 3Specific grouHy: 2.71Crystal system: trigonalColor: white, gray. almost any pale color,colorless


Page 7: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Mineral 8. Identify the pale pink min­eraI. "ot the dark metallic mineral. Thismineral effervesces slowly with 3 percenthydrochloric acid solution. Less commonthan Mineral 7. Perfect rhombohedralcleavage. Tendency for crystals to havecurved faces.

Luster: vitreous to pearlyMolls hardness: 3.5-4Specific grauity: 2.84-2.86Crystal system: trigonalC%r: white. pink. yellow. colorless

Mineral 10. This mineral is a majornatural source for sulfuric add. It is com­monly an ore for one or more base metalsand sometimes an ore lor several preciousminerals. Crystals are frequently striated.Conchoidal fracture. brittle.

Luster: metallicMohs hardness: 6-6.5Specific gravity: 4.82·5.02Crystal system, isometricColor: yellow

Mineral 9. This mineral is a good ther·mal and electrical insulator. Prior to themid 19505 it was used as glitter in paintsand plastics. Perfect basal cleavage; thincleavage flakes are elastic.

Luster; submetallic to vitreous. maybe pearly or resinousMohs hardness: 2.5-4Specific grauity: 2.77-2.88Crystal system: monoclinic. butpseudo-hexagonalColor: silvery gray in thin cleavage flakes.greenish or yellOVJish in thicker crystals."'0"",,,


Page 8: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Mineral 11. A major source of leadThiS mineral can be a source for preciousand base metals. found as trace consritu­ems in the mineral. Relalively easy torefine. Perfect deavq. Subconcho;daJto slepped fracture. Bright UJhen freshlycleaved. dull gray tarnish (oxidationprodUCI).

Luster: metallicMohs hardness: 2.&-3Specific grauily: 7.57-7.59Crystal system: isometricColor: gray

Mineral 12. A variety of the mineralpictured on the cover. Piezoelectric andpyroelectric. May exhibit Ieh· or right­handed crystals. Prisms (faces parallel toM C" axis) frequently strialed horizontally(perpendicular 10 "c" axis). Conchoidalfracture common.

ClealXlge: poor basal cleavageLuster: vitreous in macrocrystalline loonsMohs hardness: 7Specific grauily: 2.65Crystal system: trigonalColor: purple. lavender


Page 9: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Mineral 13. Hint: two minerals. onealready seen in this exercise.

1) colorless mineral:

Crystal system: trigonalLusler: vitreousFracture: conchoidalMohs hardness: 7Specific grauity: 2.65

2) black acicular (needle-shaped) mineral:Extremely piezoelectric and pyroelectric.FOl.lnd in pegmatites and silicic/felsic igneousrocks. Striated parallel to the long axis ofthe c!)'StaL

Fracture: conchoidalMohs hardness: 7-7.5Specific graulty: 3.03-3.25Crystal system: trigonalColor: black. brown. white. blue. red. yellow. colorless. Dependent onhighly variable chemical composition.

Mineral 14. Specimen consists ofmicroscopic fibrous c!)'Stals.

Fracture: conchokialluster: waxy or duOMohs hardness: 7Specific gravity: 2.65 or slightly less due10 minor poresCrYSlal syslem: trigonalColor: white. black, pale shades of mostcolors, colorless. Occurs frequently wtthmany colors together, usually in thinalternating layers.


Page 10: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Cover photo.Quartz, silica orsilicon dioxide - aframework silicate

Quartz is one ofthe most commonand chemically stablerock-forming miner­

als at the surlace of the earth. The wordquartz comes from the Old German wordQuarz. for the crystalline variety of silica.

The piezoelectric effect occurs inquartz crystals when pressure is applied inspecific crystallographic directions. Theresultant deformation generates a smallcharge. Conversely. when a small chargeis applied to a piezoelectric crystal. theposition of some ions within the crystallattice will change slightly to compensatefor the charge and thus deform the laltice.The pyroelectric effect occurs when oppo­site electrical charges build up at oppositeends of a heated quartz crystal. Thesespecial electrical properties of quartzmake it extremely useful in the electronicsindustry.

Fused silica laboratory equipment ismade primarily of quartz. Synthetic quartzis now used extensively in the optical andelectronics industries. Sand and gravel.which usually contains quartz sand. is thelargest mineral commodity in Califomia.Quartzite and sandstone are used as build­ing stone and aggregate in concrete. Sandis used in mortar and cement. High-silicasands are used in making glass. ceramicglazes. refractory bricks. and abrasives. asfiller in wood and epoxy composites. andfor fluxes in metallurgy. Quartz and high­silica sands are a source for submeta11icsilicon for the electronic (computer andsolar cell) and chemical industry (silicones).That quartz is so hard and found in somany striking varieties makes it ideal forsemi-precious gemstones and omamentalstones.

Specimen-grade crystals of quartzoccur in many parts of Califomia. DuringWorld War II. electronics-grade quartzcrystals VJere found in Calaveras Countysouth of Mokelumne Hill. Radio-gradequartz crystals were found in auriferous


gravels and hydrothennal veins of thewestem foothills of the Sierra Nevada.and in pegmatite dikes in the PeninsularRanges in Riverside and San Diegocounties.

Mineral 1. Fluorite,calcium fluoride

Although theexternal shape offluorite crystals isusually a cube. thecleavages form an

octahedron. Roorite specimens come inmany colors including blue. yellow. colorless. and rarely red. Com­monly. fluorite crystals are zoned in color.

Ruorite. also known as fluorspar. gotits name from the Latin /luere: "to flow. ~because it melts at a lower temperaturethan the minerals that resemble it.

Ruorite is generally found in hydrother­mal veins either as the chief mineral or asa gangue mineral associated with metallicores. It also occurs as a minor accessorymineral in siliceous igneous rocks andpegmatites. Ruorite is thought to be asso­ciated with areas of rifting (lateral spread­ing of the earth·s crust).

Ruorite is used in the chemical industryfor making hydroflUOriC add. fluorocarbonplastics and gases (including Freon 1. andsome insecticides. It is also used for themanufacture of glass and fiberglass. pol­tery, enamel. and glazes. It is used in theopen-hearth method of making steel toreduce slag viscosity. It Is also used in themanufacture of synthetic cryolite. which isan intermediate step in the production ofaluminum. Colorless. flawless fluorite isused as lenses and as spectrographicprisms that transmit ultraviolet light.

Ruorite is found in lnyo County'sBishop Tungsten District. Death ValleyNatk>nal Monument. Darwin District andCerro Gordo District It is also found in theFelix Mine in Azusa in Los AngelesCounty. There are three fluorite localitiesin Hiverside County: the Orocopia Ruor­spar Mine. the Ruorspar Group. and theRed Bluff deposit.

Minerai 2.Microcline, varietyamazonite oramazonstone,potassium andsodium aluminumsilicate, a potas­

sium feldspar - a framework silicate

The white streaks in the green mineralare called perthitcs. formed by the sep­aration of a solid solution into albite(a sodium-rich plagioclase feklspar) andmicrocline (a potassium-rich feklspar).This separation. called exsolution. iscaused by cooling of the mixed. two­

feldspar crystal below the temperature atwhich it originally crystallized. Slow cool­ing allows a partial segregation of thesodium- and potassium-feldspars. Micro­cline may also contain irregular blebs(intergrowths) of quartz. The shapes ofthe blebs are partially controlled by thecrystallographic structure of the surround­ing microcline. The semi-regular quam.blebs look like ancient forms of writing.

Microcline is from two Greek UIOrdSfor ~little ~ and ~inclined. ~ in reference tothe cleavage angle's small variation from90 degrees. Feldspar is from two oldGerman UIOrds Feld for fiekl. with a con­notation of commonplace. and Spath forany of various nonmetallic. readily c1eav·able minerals with a vitreous luster. Com­mon mineral spar names include:Kalkspar. Modem Gemlan for calcitc;heavy spar. British English for baryrcs(barite): Iceland spar. for optical-gradecalcite: and fluorspar. for fluorite. Greenor blue-green microcHne is called amazon­Ite or amazonstone after the AmazonHiver in South America.

Microcline occurs primarily in felsicigneous plutonic rocks and pegmatltcs_ Itcan also be found in sediments. sedimen­lary rocks. and some metamorphic rocks.

Microclinc. orthoclase. and otherpotassium feldspars are used primarily inthe manufacture of glass. glazes on porce­lain ware. ceramic insulators. and abra­sives. Translucem. flawless amazonite isused for jewelry.


Page 11: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

MineralS.Dolomite, acalcium-magnes­ium carbonate

Dolomite isnamed in honor ofDeodat de DoIomieu

Mineral 7. Calcite,calcium carbonate

Calcite is taken from the Latin wordcalx. meaning -bumtlime." a componentused in making cement. Calcite is used inponland cement. pharmaceuticals. controlof add pollution problems. specializedoptical equipment. dimension stone (bothlimestone and marble). furnace fluxes. andagriculture,

Calcite is one of the most commonnon-silicate rock forming minerals. Cal­dte is the majOr constituent oflimcstoneand marble. Blue calcite occurs in ther­mally metamorphosed marbles frommany localities in California. Perhapsthe best known is the abandoned Crest­more Mine in Riverside County.

Unlike gypsum. barite appears to beprimarily of hydrothermal origin. Nearthe entrance to Yosemite National Park.barite is found in a vein with witherile(barium carbonate).

1lle crystalsshov.'Tl in this photoare called dogtoothspar. In transparentcrystals you can see

a split image. This phenomenon. knownas double refraclion. occurs when lighttravels through the crystal at differentvelocities and in different dircctions.Another characteristic is the immediateand vigorous effervescence with 3 percenthydrochloric acid solution.

Barite is taken from the Greek wordbaryos meaning ··heavy.- a referenceto its high specific gravity. This highspecific gravity lTlakes it most useful indrilling muds. several typeS of paints.filler in rubbergoods. plastics. floor cover­ing. heavy-weight glazed paper (playingcards and Bristol lxIard). x-ray-opaquebricks and radiopaque -dyes- for x-raywork. hydrogen peroxide preparation.carriers for insecticides. and the electron­ics industry.

MineralS. Gypsum,a hydrous calciumsullate

The largest commercial gypsum quarryin California is in the Ash Creek Moun­tains of WCSlem Imperial County. Gypsumusually forms by evaporation of brines. Itis frequently found in arid or semi-aridclimate,

Mineral 6. Barite,barium sulfate

The high specificgravity of baritemakes it easy to iden­tify. Crystal aggre­gates like this speci­

men are generally called desert roses.

40 inches (I to 100 cm): many of thesecrystals are fractured.

The name epidote comes from theGreek word for "increase." a referenceto the unequal lengths of edges of parti­cular faces. Epidote is sometimes usedfor jewelry.

Epidote group minerals include epi­dote. c1inozoisite. allanite. piemonlite.roisite. and thulile. Epidote is one ofthe common rock-forming minerals intectonically active areas in California andelsewhere,

The word gyp­sum is taken fromthe Greek. and laterthe Latin. name lor

the mineral. especially as used for thecakincd form - plaster of Paris. Gypsumis used as a retarder in portland cement.a pigment base in some paints. a filler lorcloth. paper. and plastics. and walllxlardfor construction.

MInerai 4. Epidote,a variable calcium­iron-aluminumsilicate - a ringsilicate

Epidote occurs incontact and region­

ally metamorphosed rocks. as late-stageIow-temperature metasomatism In somegranitic rocks. and with garnet in skarns(tactites). Epidote can occur in sedimentsand sedimentary rocks.

Mineral 3.Labradorite,a plagioclasefeldspar- aframework silicate

One of the best known mieroclinelocalities is in the Cathedral Peak Plutonin the central Sierra Nevada. Crystals ofmicrocline up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) longhave been reponed in this granodioritebody.

Labradorite hasmultiple. or polysyn­

thelie. twinning. With polysynthel1C twin­ning. a single crystal is made of manyindividual. parallcl plate·like elementscalled lamellae. In hand specimens.poIysynthetic twinning appears as fine.straight striations on one cleavage faceand on lhe rough. fractured surface.This looks like the sides of a deck ofcards that is slighlly askew.

Most of the plagioclase-series mineralsare in the tricJinic crystal system. Plagio­clase is a general term for the variouscompositions of anonhile-albite mixtures.The name plagioclase is taken from theGreek words meaning -oblique" and "tobreak. H a reference to the oblique anglesbetween the cleavages.

Labradorile is named after labrador.a region in eastern Canada. where it isfound. It occurs in basalts. gabbros. anor­thosites. and high-temperature contactmetamorphic rocks. Labradorite is usedinjevJelry and as an ornamental stone.

Plagioclase feldspars have been usedin the making of ceramics and abrasives.Its use as scouring powder has declinedbecause it scratches many householdsurfaces due to relatively high hardness16·6.51.

One of the most intriguing occur­rences of plagioclase in California is thePrecambrian anonhosite-gabbro-syenitecomplex in the San Gabriel Mountainsnonh of Los Angeles. Crystals of plagio­clase commonly range Irom 0.4 to

The play of colors typical of labra­dorite (called Iabradorescence) is causedby an inlerference effect from light inter­acting wnh the fine spacing of the twinlamellae. Labradorescence is usuallygreenish yellow to deep royal blue.


Page 12: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

(1750-1801), a French geologist/miner­alogist who first noticed that dolomitediffered from cabte (see page 99).

Mineral 12.Amethyst quartz,silica

.. Mineral 13. Quartzwith tourmalineinclusions

Tounnaline crystals are semi-preciousgemstones used in jewelry and ornaments.Electronics-grade tounnalines are usedin pressure gauges. specialized pressuregauges for transient blast pressures. andfrequency control devices in radios.

The name tourmaline comes fromtoramalli or turamali. an early Singhalesename for Sri Lankan carnelian. and per­haps other water-worn gems.

Amethyst quartz is found in fewerplaces than regular quartz. It is commonlyfound with vokanic rocks.

Amethyst is derived from the Greektenn for -not to be drunkM because ofthe belief that amelhyst was a remedyfor drunkenness. Apparently the ancientGreeks thought a VJine-<:olored mineralshould be the cure or preventive of theeffects of drinking too much wine. It isunclear whether wearing amethyst jewelryor ingesting crushed amethyst pc>I.VCierwas the actual ~cure.M Amethyst quartz isused primarily as ornamental stones andin jewelry.

1) The clear.colorless mineralis quartz (s<"'e couermineral. p. 94)

2) Tile block acicular mineral is tourma­line.

TIle strikingpurple of amethystis thought to befrom trace contami­

nation by iron and exposure 10 naturalradiation. The color fades when crystalsare heated. Some heat-treated amethystturns deep reddish orange: other heat­treated amethyst turns pale green.

Tourmaline is frequently found inpegmatiles. It is also found in silicic/felsicigneous rocks. modem sediments or seeli­mentary rocks. and metamorphic rocks.In most of these rocks it tends to be aminor constituent.

Mineral 11.Galena, leadsulfide

Galena is the Latin word for Mleadore. ~ Crystals of galena can be cubes.octahedrons. or any combination of thetwo forms. Galena is the most importantore of lead. Lead is used in storage batter­ies. solder. ffiCtaltype. lead foil. leadbricks for shielding radiation sources. leadaccessories for x-ray laboratories. weights.bullets and shot. and low·temperaturealloys for molds. Galena is also a sourcefor trace contaminants zinc and silver.

Pyrite occurs throughout the foothillsof the Sierra Nevada. TIle Darwin Districtin lnyo County has pyrite and goethitepseudomorphs after pyrite. The RedCloud and Eagle Mountain mines in River­side County and the Rand District in SanBernardino County have prominent py­rites as part of their ores. The Iron Moun·tain Mine in Shasta County is a massive

pyrite orebody con­taining lesseramounts of copper.lead. zinc. and gold.

Pyrite is used in the chemical industryas a source for sulfuric acid and ferroussulfate. II yields impure iron when roasted.but iron oxide ores are still the primaryores for iron,

struck by iron or steel Pyrite is commonlymistaken for gold. hence the nickname."fool's gold." Some pyrite deposits con­tain enough trace contamination by gold.silver. and copper to be economicallymined.

The major Iead'zinc-silver and zinc­copper-lead mineralization zones are inShasta County and the Sierran Foothl1lsBelt. and scaltered throughout the Basinand Range province, The Cerro GordoDistrict east of Lone Pine. Inyc Countywas an important source of galena andsphalerite (the sulfide ore of zinc).

Pyrite crystals are frequently striated.Pyrite is briule and has a weU-developedconchoidal fracture. whereas gold is easilyhammered into thin sheets. Pyrite has aspecific gravity of 482-5.02. whereasgold has a specific gravity of 19.3

Mineral 9.Muscovite, potas­sium aluminumhydroxyl silicate ­a sheet silicate

. .'

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Most of the limestone and dolomitedeposits in California are metamorphosedmarine deposits. Usually. these depositshave been strongly deformed and recrys­tallized. lhey are mostly Paleozoic andMesozoic.

Mineral 10. Pyrite,iron sulfide

Pyrite is takenfrom the Greek wordfor ~fire(stone)." anallusion to the sparksemitted when pyrite

is struck by a sufficiently hard material.The Romans used the same word basefor flint. which also emits sparks when

Muscovite istaken from the pop­

ular name for the mineral. Muscovy-glass.Sheets of the mineral were substituted forglass in Old Russia. (then called Muscovy).Muscovite used as windows. stove win­dOVJS. and electrical insulation was calledIsinglass.

Dolomite is used for building cements. as a source of magnesia forrefractory bricks and heat-resistant indus­trial equipment. as a source along withmagnesite for metallic magnesium andmagnesium compounds. and in pharma­ceuticals.

Muscovite Is a common mineral insome granitojcJ. metamorphic. and sedi­mentary rocks. Pegmatite dikes and somehydrothennal veins commonly containlarge muscovite crystals caned books(because the cleavage flakes resemblepages in a book).

Muscovite is used for high-temper­ature electrical insulation. gliller lorwallpaper. plastics. and some paInts.furnace insulation, and as an additive forlubricants.


Page 13: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Toumrnline is a fairly common min­eral in California and some of the occur­rences are spectacular. The best knowntOl.lnnaline localities are the Pala. MesaGrande. Rincon. and Ramona districts inSan Diego County. They are pegmatitedikes in the Peninsular Ranges Batholith.These localities have prodoced manydifferent gems and specimen-grade ex­amples 01 minerals other than tounnaline.

Minerai 14Chalcedony,microcrystallinesilica

Chalcedony.pronounced kal-SED­nee. is fibrous. mi­

crocrystalline (tne crystals can be seenwith a regular microscope) silica and dif·

lers from microcrystalline granular silicasuch as flint. jasper. and chen. Silica dis­solved in ground water percolates throughrock and. as the water evaporates. crys·tals grow in bands lining or filling cavities.

The comb-like layering is usually fiatbut also results in botryoidal. mammillary.or renifonn shapes. Chalcedony is usuallymorc resistant to weathering than thehost rock.

Chalcedony is commonly called agate.Bolh \.VOrds come lrorn Latin and Greek.Chalcedony is sometimes connectedwith the ancient Greek town of Chalce­don SOlItheaSl of the Bosporus in AsiaMinor. Pliny the EkIer mentioned routinetrading of Nonh African chalcedony foruse in ancient Rome. He also describedChakedonian as a green stone. perhaps

dioptase from the copper mines near

Cha''''''".Chalcedony is used as ornamental

stone and in jewelry and other ornamen­tal ob;ccts. Hwas used for pivots in SOI1lC

scientific and mechanical equipment. inextrusion dies for gold wire. and as spe­cial monars and pestles for making veryfine powders. Chalcedony is found inmany localities in California.

Natural history museums, rockor mInerai collections. and gem andmIneraI shows are good places tofind specImens. They also provideInformation on how to find collect­Ing areas. In addition. libraries areexcellent sources of Informationabout minerals.

Bornite IS an imponant copper ore. Freshly broken surfaces 01 bornite are bronze in color. With wealhering. bornile changes to melalhcorange, red. purple. royal blue. and pale blUish green. The coloration resembles that 01 a peacock. hence the nickname "peacock ore."The milleral was named 10f Austrian mineraloglSI Ignaz von Born.


Page 14: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Chesterman, C,W., 1978, The AudubonSociety field gUide to North Amencanrocks and minerals: Alfred A. Knopl.New York. New York. 856 p. A wellorganized field gUide. 11 is multi-mdexedand compact lor convenient held use.The color ptctures are spectacular.

Deer, W.A" Howie. R.A., and Zussman, J..1966. An introductIOn to the rock·formlngmmerals: Longman Group Ltd., London.England. 528 p. A col1ege-!evellextbook.The technical level is high. Bntlsh label­ing convenllons are used.

Dletnch, R.V.. 1969, Mmeral Tables: Hand·specimen properties 01 1500 mmerals:McGraw-Hili Book Company, New York.New York, 237 p. This is a handy refer­ence lor those familiar with the funda­mentals of mineralogy and physICalproperties. It covers chemieal propertiesand modes of occurrence.

Fife. 0 A" and Minch, JA, editors. 1982.Geology and rnmeral wealth of the Cali­lornia Transverse Ranges: South CoaslGeological Society, Santa Ana, Califor­nia. 699 p. One m a senes of collecllonsof artICles hlQhlighling the geology andIndustrial minerals In southern California.It IS aImed at profeSSionals.

Frye. Keith. editor. 1981. The encyclopedia01 mmeralogy: Hutchmson Ross Publish­m9 Company. Stroudsburg, Pennsylva­nia. 794 p. Somewhat technical lor mostlaypersons. but a helpful survey 01 min­eralogy and related lields.

Gleason. Sterling. 1960. Ultraviolet guide tommerals: D. Van Nostrand Company.Inc" Pnnceton, New Jersey, 244 p.

8th Symposium on Oceanand Coastal ManagementNew Orleans, LouisianaJuly 19-23. 1993(707) 987-01 14

Society of ExplorationGeophysicistsWashington, DCSeptember 26-30, 1993(918) 493-3516


Sltghtly dated. but II covers Olle of themore imerestmg aspecls of mmeralogy­fluorescence - a clever technique forlocating and possibly Idenllfymg someminerals,

Huber. N.K . 1987. The geologic story ofYosemite National Park: U.S GeologicSurvey. Washington. D,C.. Bulletm1595.64 p An excellent explanalion 01 thegeologiC events lhat created thiS spec­tacular pal1l The Illustrations. photo­graphs. and geologiC maps are magnlli­cent

Klein. Comells and Hurlbut, Jr, CS., t985.Manual 01 mmeralogy (aher James D.Dana): John Wiley & Sons. New York.New York. 596 p. An updated edition 01thiS college mmeralogy textbook. It ISinteresting and readable With many iIIus·trations

Merrlam·Webster Inc.. 1986. Webster'Sthird new international dlCllOnary 01 theEnglish language - unabridged: Spnng­field. Massachuselts. 2663 p. A sourcefor definitions and ooglns of mmeralnames

Oxford UniverSity Press. 197t. The compactedition 01 the Oxford English diclionary:London. England, 4116 p. An outstand­109 source lor the ongms and history ofmmeral names.

Pembenon, H.E" 1983, Mmerals 01 Califor­nia: Van Nostrand Remhold Co.. NewYork, New York, 591 p An updatedverSIOn of DiVISion of Mines and GeologyBulletin 189: MII'l9rals of California. It hasmaps. illustrations, and photographs.


OCEANS '93Victoria, CanadaOctober 18-21, 1993Contact.' Mary O'Rourke(604) 721-8470

Geological Society of AmericaBoston. MassachuseltsOctober 25-28, 1993(303) 447-2021

1993 EEZ SymposiumReston, VirginiaNovember 2-4.1993JOMAR (703) 648-6525

Phillips. F.C.. 1971. An introduClIOl'l to crys·tallography. 4th edition. John Wiley &Sons. Inc, New York, New Yol1l. 351 p.ThiS book is a thorough guide to lhelundamentals 01 crystallography, but nottoo technical.

Pough. F.H.. 1976. A field guide to rocks andminerals. 41h edition. Houghton MIHlinCo., Boslon. MassachuseUes, 317 p.A handy, wol1lable field gUide to mineralsand rocks.

Procter. P.O., Peterson. P.R., andKacll.staelter. U" 1991. Mlneral·rockhandbook: Rapld·easy mU'I9ral·rockdetermmation: Macmillan PublishingCompany. New York. New York. 256 p.ThIS handbook helps the serious amateurIdenll!y mmerals and rocks.

Slnkankas. John, 1966. Mineralogy; A firstcourse: D. Van Nostrand Company. Inc..Pnnceton. New Jersey. 587 p. A wellwfillen textbook lor the beginner. It cov­ers the lundamentals of mineralogy.

Tomkele!f. S.I.. 1942, On the origin of thename 'quartz:: Mineralogical MagazIne.v. 26, p. 172. An article explalnlng whycoarsely crystalline silica IS called quartz.

Vanders. Iris. and Kerr. P.F.. 1967. Minerairecognilion; John Wiley & Sons. NewYork, New Yorl<. 316 p. Introductorymineralogy lexl.

Wright. L.A.. OOltor, 1957, Mineral commodi­ties of Californta: GeologIC occurrence.economiC development, and utllizallon otthe Stale's mineral resources. CaliforniaDIViSion of Mines Bulletin 176, 736 p.One 01 the besl books on Californiaminerals.

24th Annual UnderwaterMining InstituteEstes Park, ColoradoNovember 7-9, 1993Contact: Ms. Karynne Chong Morgan(808) 522-5611

large Scale Coastal Behavior '93SI. Petersburg, FloridaNovember 16-19. 1993Contact: Dr. ListFAX (813) 893-3333


Page 15: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

DEODATDE DOLOMJEU: The Man Behind the Mineral Dolomite


The nanuaJly occurring cak:ium·mag­nesium carbonate. dolomite (d%mIe)

was named for him by devoted friends anddisctpIes He described the unknown min­eraI as calcareous rock from the Tyrolthatwas attacked by add wilhoul efferves-­cence and which phosphoresced whenstruck. The awe-inspiring syslem of moun­tains in northeastern Italy. the Dolomites.was named in his honor even though henever set fool there. Dieudonne Sylvain

Guy Tancrede de Gratet de DoIomietl(Deodat de DoIomIeu) was the man uponwhom these endUJing honors werebeslOVJed.

De 00J0mleu was an 18th centurynaturallsr:. Knight of MalIa. and romanticfigure. He was bom in southern Francein 1750 into an old. noble family thatretained Its great influence but had littlemoney. At 14 years of age. he,ioined theKnights and quickJy rose through militaryand diplomatic ranks despite what was tobecome a series of lifelong conflicts withthe hierarchy. His service aIk:N.oed him 10travel VJk\eIy and he seldom lOS! an oppor­tunity 10 study rocks, minerals. and the layof the land

During his sojournS. he met manypolitically influential people and scientificmentors He \earned chemistry and phys­ics and eamestIy stldied minerals. Hecollecled minerals from many localities.and investigated mines, ll"OO\lJOrks. andlhe origin of saltpeter Throughoot hisextensiw traveling. he I1\lIde voluminousnotes and sent scholarly pa))ef5 to theAta:Jemy of Sciences in Paris,

To the consternation of his familyand many aristocratic coUeagues.De DoIomIeu at age 41 went to Paris as apartisan of the: Revolution. HO\l.'e\IeI". theexcesses of the Reign of Terror, especiallythe Imprisonments and deaths of his fam·iIy and friends. moderated his opinions.

In 1794. he discovered a new ge0­

logie passion - mountains. He wasappointed professor at the Ecole desMmes. and eagerly began his inspectionof the mines and continued his geoIogi'cal travels in the Alps. He was namedengineer of the Corps des Mines and

taught physical geography there_ Heabo became a teacher of natural histOTYin Ecoles Cenlrales of Paris and wasmade a member of the reactivated FrenchAcademy of Sciences.

Napoleon asked De OoIomicu to;oin his expedttion to Egypt as a militarygeologist and diplomat in 1798, DeDoIomieu was glad to be in his setVk:e.but was soon disillusioned when Napoleonmaneuvered him inlo becoming an unwill­ing participant in the capture of Malta.During his return to France. Dc Dolomieuwas seized and imprisoned al Messina asa result of vindictrve politics of the Knighbof Malta. He suffered a 21-monlh solitaryconfinement While there, he made acrude JX!n from a twig, and ink fromwarer mixed with candle soot. and wrotein the margins of the only "paper" leftto him - a Bible. These writings. inpart. became his treatise Sur 10 philo­sophie mmeralogique. et sur respeeemineralogique. He was finally releasedafter much pressure from influentialfriends, His return to Paris marked theend of whal had become a cause celebreamong French intellectuals; the uncon­scionable detention of a scientist on thepretext of reasons of war He [hen beganto teach atlhe Museum d"HistolreNoturelle. but his health. greatly affectedbo.; hIs imprisonment. failed shortly afterhis last tour of the Alps. He died in 1801


1be accepted wisdom of naturahstsin De Dolomieu's day was that rocks.including basalt. v.oere formed from wateror 5e3'.\.'ater, This concept was kIlO\AI1las Neptunism While in Portugal. DeDoIomieu investigated basalts and foundevidence Ihat they were. in some limitedinslances. volcanic in origin. Whik> gener­ally adhering to Neptunism. he was oneof a small number of naturalists to realizethat basalt could be volcanic. After DeDolomieu's death. this group of natural·isIs. knou:n as P1uloni~ts. proved lhalbasalt was indeed a volcanic rock

An early proposal of the Plutonistswas thaI subterranean coal fires couldgenerate enough heat to meh basalt.De DoIomieu disagreed, He said

columnar basalt was formed by suddencontraction due to the cooling effects ofwater. Whik> the role of water in the for'mation of columnar basalts is question­able. the contraction by cooling conceptwas perceptil.le and innovative. He alsosuggested that basah was widespread andnot a casual or accidental creation. Never­theless. he sliD maintained that Neptunlsmwas of rna;or importance in lUlderstand­iog the earth·s history and denied thatvolcanism played any major role. Heunderstood thai the age of the earth wasindeterminately old, De DoIomIeu devel­oped a history of the earth. addressinggooIogic history and lime relationships inrocks. a concept unheard of in his day.In Calabria. he was the first to observeand COl'Tecdy analyze in writing the occur­rence of earthquakes generated by voIca·nic eruptions. He commWlicared withthe premier naturalists and correspondedwith scientists in other diSCiplines toverily his hypotheses.

The life and accomplishments ofDeodat de DoIomieu are remarkable.His contributions to geok:lgy are impres­sive especially conskiering the social.academic. and poiibca1 climates of thelime,


CarOUI. AIbe11 V., and ZenQ8r. Donald H.,1981 . Sur IJfI genre dB pleff&SCalcaJrestres-peu flftervescemes avec IfIs aodes.& phosphorBscenttJs ,.r Ia coIfl5IOfI- Ona type of calcareous rock that reacts veryslightly WIth acid and tNlt phosphoresceson betng struck: Journal of GeologlcaJEducatIOn, Y. 29. p, 4

DaVison, Charles, 1927. The lounclers ofsetsmology. CaFf1)ndge UmverSlly Press.London. England 240 p.

Engle, C, E.. 1963. Kmghts 01 Malta GeorgeAllen & Unwin Ltd. London. Englandp,168-180,

G81ke. Arctubakt 1905. The founder'S 01geology: Macn'llllan and Co. Ltd..London. England 486 p_

PIcard, MD., 1990. Through the Dolonwlesand ApenOlf18$: Journal 01 GeologICalEduc8bOn. v. 38. p. 348

Taylor, K.L. 1971, Dl&udonne (calledDeodat) de Grate! de DoIorrMeu InGillispie, C.G, edltor. Dictionary ofScientrflc Btography: V. 4, p. 149-153Charles Scribner's Sons. New YOtk.

New YOtk. _ Dale Slickney


Page 16: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Anza Borrego Desert, CaliforniaANTHONY ORR CLARKE, UniverSity of louIsville, Louisville, Kentucky

CARLl. HANSEN. University of California, Riverside. California

Photo 1. Trans....erse clast" dams in Coachwhlp Canyon. Note the longitudinal bar along the lett sIde of the channel.


Many arroyos draining the SantaRosa. Vallecito. and Ash Creek mountainsin the Anza Borrego Desert Stale Parkcontain large boulders (Photo I), Theseboulders are derived from relict gravel­capped pediments and have come inlothe channels by rocklall. slump, andrelated processes during intense rain­slonns. lbe boulders lend to accumulatein lhe channels because the flow of wateris rarely sufficient to move them.


The Anza Borrego Desert is in easternSan Diego County and western ImperialCounty, California (Figure 1). Much ofit is in the Anza Borrego Desert StatePark. California's largest state park. whichencompasses more than 700 squaremiles (1.900 km2).

'Terms in boldface type are In the glossaryon page log.

The region lies betwe€t1 fWO physi­ographic provinces. the PeninsularRanges to the west and Salton Troughto the east. EJevations range from morethan 6.560 fe€t (2.000 m) above sealevel in the v..>estern and northern moun­tains to nearly 262 fe€1 (80 m) beJou.r sealevel along the shores of the Salton Sea.Mountains in the region are ste€p. fault­bounded blocks. The Salton Sea occupiesa deep, sediment-filled structural depres­sion knO\.VTl as the Salton Trough.

Late Cenozoic lectonic activity pro­duced the region's high relief. The upperreaches of ste€P arroyos and washesconsist of defiles carved in bedrock(Clarke and Hansen. 1988). They arelargely free 01 alluvium. exCepl lor scat­tered large boulders and boulder clusters.Downstream the channels widen inlObroad arroyos with vertical walls and fialfloors with a shallow mantle of alluvium.

Channel divides consist of remnantsof south- and east-sloping pedimentsthai .....ere cut across folded Tertiaryand early Quaternary. predominantlycontinental. sedimentary rocks includingconglomerates. sandslones. and shales(Photo 2) (Dibblee. 1954: Procter.1968: Morton. 1977). A heavily var­nished desert pavement covers the relictpediments.

Average daily high temperatures inJuly and August in the Anza BorregoDesert exceed lQ4°F (400q in the lowerelevations, but are several degrees b.verin the higher. more shaded canyons.Mean annual rainfall is 4 inches (10 cm)or less in the lowlands and 13 inches(35 cm) or more in the highlands. Winterrains are deltvered by storms thaI moveeastward Irom the Pacific Ocean. concen­trating precipitation on the higher westernslopes of the more westerly ranges.


Page 17: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Figure I. Location map of the study area.



EI Centro

10 20 MieI, ,10 20 Kilomelom


Samples consisted of the largest boulderat each depositional site along the variouschannels surveyed. Field measurementsincluded boulder dimensions. lithology(for specific gravity and particle densitydetermination). bed roughness. and chan·nel slope and width. We conducted sur­veys along and across each channel.


_.~?.!-._.--_.-- MEXICO


Large stream·washed boulders arecommon in the active channels. wherethey have been deposited as single enti·ties or in clusters or other accumulations.

and 4) Fish Creek. These study sitesVJere in remote. ungauged. usually dry.steep arroyos.

We studied arroyo boulders at 44sites in nine reaches of four drainagebasins in the Anza Borrego Desert area.From north to south. these basins are:I) Palm Wash: 2) ArrCY'fO Salada: (indtKi·ing Coochwhip Canyon): 3) VaJledtoCreek (only the Box Canyon section):

During summer. thunderstorms move intothe area from the southeast. Rainfall ismost intense during the summer. account·ing for a little over a third of the annualt01a1. ExcepUonalty heavy rains haveaccompanied the occasional movementof an errant hurricane. Streambeds areusually dry but sometimes there are f1ash­flood in the canyons and arroyos duringdownpours.


From north to south. the ma}orranges that run along the IAlCStem portionof the region are the Santa Rosa.Vallecito. Laguna. and Jucumba moun·tains. Crystalline rocks in these areasconsist of Mesozoic granitic rocks of theSouthern Califomia Batholith (Larsen.1951. Sharp. 1967) intruding an older.PaJeozoic(?) igneous·metamorphic base­ment complex. Quartz diorite (tonalite).granodiorite. and quartz monzonite(adamellite) are the most common batho­lithic rocks in the area. These are cutlocally by pegmatite and aplite dikes.Schist and gneiss are predominant in theolder metamorphic rocks. All of thesecrystalline rocks are found as bouk:Iersin washes of the Anza Borrego Desert.

Photo 2. View of the dlssecled relict pediments cut across folded Tertlary sedIments that flank the southeastern santaRosa MountainS.


Page 18: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

TABLE. , LrhoIogK: Analy$lS Of L1tpe$l Boulders, by Oratnage Basm

Ct_ Palm A,,<>yO V'-o 'oh AI

W"" sa_ C_ C,,..

Quartz DIonle 82 56 0 17 .3Gran 19 0 31 0 83 23Pegmatrte 0 0 73 0 ,.Dion~ GnetSS 9 13 9 0 19Aplite 0 0 ,e 0 SOtoole 9 0 0 0 2TOlal '00 '00 '00 '00 '00

NlJnlOefS 1fJPf8S6nt percent oI1;M(}9S1 boulders 01 a l1JWItl .rhoIogy sampled II!I/Itl cason


ComparatilR 00uIder blhcKogy reflects the generalIilhclogic makeup of the Penindar RangesIScxi..IoaemCalifornia Batholith lmane Quartz diorite t5 the mostCU1UlIOO boulder rock. foiolNed by granite (incb:bnga&meIite and g:ranodKxite), PegmatltC' aplite. diorih.>

and gneM also occur (Table 1) The medJum-gray.coarse-grdined q-Jartl dlOl'lte I o;muidr to the~Mountain tonalite of l..Nsen (1948) The gram(6 arelight gray. medium-grained rock.~ Quartz diorite andgran,te make up 66 percent of all boulder.> sampled.Pegmatite and aplite. the lighl1:oIored dike rocks foundonly in the Box Canyon area of VaJIt~'toCreek. makeup nearly a quarter of aU the boulder!> sampled. Dionlegneis.s is the most common metamorphic rock occurring<h large boulders in the arl?c)


We measured the rn.l)Or. D'ltl"l'TnOOklte. and rmnoraxes of these~ and fOUld the nominal mameh?rs(the cube TOOl of the product of the il!:ngths of the threevnhogonaI. dXe5) 10 range from 7 672 feet to 0 886 fM12.339 III to 0.270 m). The distribution of nominal <bame!t'r., )s shoIA.'O by the hisl:ogram in F'!JUI'e 2 and by thefrequency curve in FJ9Ure 3. The mean nomir\aI diameterfor aD boulders in !his ..rudy is 2.5Q I r.'et (0.790 m) ""1th astandard deviatkwl of I 364 feet (0 416 l'TIeters). Table the distribution of boulder size by drainage basin1he Jargest I;x>u.Iders occur on average in the Pahn Wa~bchin. but the largest Single boulder was encountered inFI'>h Creek. This boulder was gr.mite, and had a major axi.,of 13 fe<>t (4 m). an intem'lediat(' axiS of 66 feet (2 mI.and a minor axis of 525 feet 0.6 mI.

TABLE 2 Size of Largest 8ouk1ers'lfl meters) by DraIfla{JeSa""

Palm Arroyo V-"o 'oh ..w"" sa_ C,,.. e_

M" , 69Il 090S 0801 2339 2.339M,' 0307 0270 0"'" 0338 0.270Moan 1 119 0.593 0632 '''''' 0790So. 0421 0196 0130 0 .... 0416N 11 ,0 160 11.0 6.0 440

S Ov • standard l»YP-d/lOtl N. number III $airpIs

HIsIogram of Boulder Sue" ,------'-=""":::.:=::::-==-------------,••f:" •,


F'lJUf& 2. HiStogram llustratll'lg the d1stnbubon 01 nominal dl3maters of the 44boulders in the study

Frequency of Boulder Size'00 '---'-''-'-''---'-'~'''''--""ll

~ ~8? 70

60~ 50cc 40

~ 30<3 20

10O ......'-~-~-~-~~--'

o 05 10 1.5 20

Nommal DIameter. Meters

F'lQure 3. mulafive frequency curve ol nom.nal diameters ot boulders If1 this study. Notethe nearty sogmeJldal Shape ol the CU1'V8 ,nus·tratlflg a dtslnbu1101"1 that approaches the noon.


Page 19: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993


Shape analysis is based on axial ratios TABLE 3. Numbers of Largest Boulders of Vanous Shapes. by(Hgure 4). Most equant (cubiC or spheroidal) LlrhoJogy

boulde~ and prolate (egg-shaped or cylindri"lithOlogy Equant Oblate Prolate B'_ AQcular rDla'caO boul:lers are quartz diorite. Most oblate

(tomato-shaped or discoid) boulders arcOuartz Diorite 6 4 8 0 ,

"pegmatite, Overall. 34 percent of lhe boulders Granite 5 3 , , 0 10are obIa e, 32 percent are equant. and 27 Pegmallle 2 5 0 , 0 8percent 3re prolate. Only 7 percent .....ere Dionte Gneiss 0 2 2 0 0 4triaxial (unequal in all three dimenSions) Aphle , , 0 0 0 2boulders. and there is only one acicular DlOtTfe 0 0 , 0 0 ,(needle-shaped) and no planar (flat) boulders Total '4 15 12 2 , 44

[fable 3). Percent 32 34 27 5 2 '00

PARTICLE SHAPE""~, 33 Oblate " Equant , TABLE 4, AnalySIs of RouncJness of Largest Boulders. by Lithology

T,, , lithology "ou"" Subfound Subangular Angular TOlal, , , ,

iii , Equ&rlt, '\f Quartz DIOflte 5 8 6 0 ,., ,Granite 0 0 10,

" , 6 4. • ,,X< " Pegma1l18 0 3 5 0 8" • , ,, , Olonte Gneiss 0 2 2 0 4..... , Prolate Aphte 0 2 0 0 2

Dlonle , 0 0 0 ,33 Tolal 6 21 17 0 44, Percen! 13 48 3' 0 '00


• TABLE 5. AnalySis of Roundness of Largest Boulders, by DraInage

"'" ,BaSin.



F~ure 4 Diagram oj partICle shape d!stnbullon In bouldersample.

TIle degree of rOl.llldn6s Is controlled bylithology and drtlinage basin, 1ne percerllagesof round. subround. and subangular bouldersar€' shown by IithologK: type in Table 4 (thereare no angular boulders), Table 5 shows round·ness of bouk:Iers. by drainage basin.

Roundness PaJmW Arroyo Salada VallecIto Cr. Fish Cr

"ou"" 3 (27) 3 (18) O. (0) O. (OJSUbround 5. (46) 7. (44) 5. (45) 4 (67)Subanoular 3. (27) 6. (38) 6. (55) 2. (33)Angular O. (OJ o (0) O. (0) O. (0)TOlal 11 (100) 16 (100) 11. (100) 6. (100)

Number 01 bouldBf$ 01 go...,., roundnfis In biJsm /Wlfhour parenttIfJses); {NH'CfH!f 01bouId9" or (I'Wlfl tOOrJdrIess ,n baSIIl (1ft pafllfT/hese$)


TIle boulders originated by weatheringof coorse-grained crystalline basementrocks that crop oot in the region's up­lands. Boulders can be seen mantling theslopes of the Peninsular Ranges to thewest (Photo 3). In these crystalline mas­sifs. water moves down joints and weath­ering takes place at depth. The graniticrocks (granites. quartz diorites. granodior-

ile. and diorite gneisses) so common inthe region are particularly susceptible.The ;cints afC widely spaced and intersect10 produce roughly cubic blocks 1.5 feetto more than 6 feet (0.5 11'1 10 more Ihan2 ml on a side, Weathering processesattack the blotites and. 10 a lesser extent,lhe feldspars exposed on these blocks.Su.oelling associated with the hydration ofsecondary clay minerals accentuates thisdeterioration

Deterioration at joint intersectionsresults in in-situ rounding of comers atdepth. Granular disintegration and exfoli­ation associated with this weatheringresult in rounded core-stones with a loosematrix of 9TUS consisting of residualquartz and unaltered feldspars. TIle effectsof this action can readily be observed inoutcrops and roadcuts in these boulclerhost-areas (Photo 4), Similar processesand features have been described in


Page 20: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Photo 3. Boulder mantled slopes developed on the igneous·metamorphic basement comple~,Such slopes are lypical of the east-lacing slopes 01 the Peninsular Ranges west of ValleCitoCreek. The palm oasis in the background is Mountain Palm Springs near Sweeney Pass.

Joshua Tree National Monument (Trent.1985). elsewhere in the Mo;ave Desert(Oberlander. 1972). and in the SierraNevada (Wahrhaftig. 1965).

toward aridity. the vegetative coverdegenerated and exposed the regolithto erosion. Removal of lhe more mobilegrus resulted in the exposure and releaseof the core-stones.

Gravity and intense slope washmoved these boulders off the massifand into the steep canyons. Fartherdownstream. these same channels shiftedback and forth across the softer Tertiarysediments. This action produced thebroad gravel-capped pediments that canbe seen sloping to the south and easttoward the basin floor of the SaltonTrough (Hansen and Clarke. 1987), Thebouldery gravels represent a laterallyextensive sequence of channel-floor lagdeposits associated with the shiftingmeanders of these streams.

Uke the boulders on the crystallinemassi!. boulders exposed on the pedi­ments are dark brown or black becauseof heavy varnish. Boulders beneath thesurface of the gravels are not varnished.Boulders within the active channels ofthe incised washes also exhibit clean.unvarnished surfaces. lhese bouklersare derived from malerial under thegravel caps or. if dertved from the var­nished materials exposed on the uppersurfaces. subsequently cleaned by abra­sion. The gravel cap is a ready reservefor new boulders entering the modernchannels (Photo 6).

Weathering of this type requires awann humid climate and a weathering!erosion regime that pennits the accumula­tion of a relatively deep regolith. Undersuch condilions a well developed coverof vegetation VJould exist and pennitweathering at a rate equal to or greaterthan the rate of removal by erosion. Suchan environment is found today in thewestern Peninsular Ranges betweenMount Palomar and Pala. where precip­itation is between 13 and 27 inches(35 and 70 Col) per year (Photo 5).

Crystalline rock source regions in theAnza Borrego Desert rarely Tl~ceive morethan 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 Col) of rainper year. The boulders mantling the crys­talline massif in the desert are exhumedrelict features and frequently have a layer of desert varnish.The aridity of the region appears to berelated to the uplift of higher mountainsto the west. and the development of arainshadow. coupled with a general post­Pleistocene dessication. With this trend

Photo 4. In-situ granular disintegration and joint block separation a! quartz diOrite atthe location in Photo 3.


Page 21: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Photo 6. Typical e~posure 01 the Pleistocene gravel cap that overlies the relict pedimentsurtaces in the region. Note the heavily varnished ventifacts on the surtace and in the slopedebris, and the unvarnished stream cobbles in the matrix.

Photo 5. Buried rounded core·stones with only their upper portions exhumed. beneath alorest of California Live Oaks. The location is the top 01 Palomar Mountain at an elevallonof 5.202 feet (1.586 m). The climate is humid rather than and.

Brayshaw. 1987). Transverse clast dams.such as those discussed by Bluek (1987)may be seen in many of the more boulder·rich channels (Photo 1). Finer sedimentaccumulates behind these obstructions.while erosion can sometimes be obsenreddownstream of the boulders. This actioncan result in a stepped profile along thechannel. Undennining. attrition. andoccasional entrainment will remove theseobstacles in time and smooth the chan·nel's profile. Smoothing may also beaccomplished by more mobile sandelements bypassing boulders.

Coachwhip Canyon. and Loop Washand North Fork of Fish Creek are bouJder­rich. These channels are cut in weak.friable sandstones and shales that contrib­ute significant amounts of coarse sandyalluvial fill. Many boulders are seen inthese channels where they accumulateboth in transverse dams and in altematebars along the sides of nearly straightchannel segments. In some cases thechannels are nearly choked with material.In boulder-poor areas. such as upperPalm Wash and Sandstone Canyon.boulders tend to occur singly or in smalltrailing clusters stranded on the floors ofchannels cut in hard. massive sandstonebedrock (Photo 8).

Because of the low frequency of com·petent flow. many boulders tend to accu­mulate in stable dusters. bars. and dams.The principal component of the dusters isan obstacle clast or group 01 clasts behindwhich rocks accumulate (Naden and

With the possible exceptions ofBox Canyon and similar locales withinthe crystalline massif. the large bouldersin Anza Borrego Desert washes arereworked or in their second cycle. Derivedfrom the older gravel cap. they weretransferred into the active channels by avariety of processes. Rockfalls and slumpsare initiated by bank undercutting. Trans·fer is also facilitated by slope wash. creep.and the sliding and rolling 01 individualboulders down steep banks. Given the size01 some of the larger boulders. significantshear stresses must be brought to bear onthem ilthey are to be moved by streamflow once they are in the channel. [nmany cases. boukJers are concentratedwhere steep rills have developed in }Dintsand laults that cut the competent Tertiarysandstones and shales. The rills act aschutes to collect boulders and direct theminto the channels. Small debris fans andcones made primarily of rounded boulderscan be seen building outward into theactive channels Irom these rills (Photo 7).Boulders accumulate on the wash floorsto produce bars and riffles. Since many01 the larger boulder-delivering rills occuralong bedrock fractures. there is a ten·dency toward a structuraIly controlledj'XlOl·riffle sequence similar to that ob­served in the Grand Canyon of the Colo­rado River (Dolan and Trimble. 1978).


Page 22: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Photo 7. A rill directed accumulation of boulders on the floor of the active channel In FishCreek Wash.

per square inch. or 23.000 Pascals) inthis study was calculated for the "BigRocks" area of Fish Creek near itsconfluence with Loop Wash. This iswhere the largest boulder (13.1 x 6.6 x5.2 feel. or 4.0 x 2.0 x 1.601) wasfound.

Channel characteristics exert stronginfluences on flow conditions in Am.3Borrego Desert washes. Channel slopeand width are particularly importantfactors. In generaL stream channels inthe study area exhibit high potential en­ergy. which is largely a functkm of theirlong. steep bed slopes. Slopes (ratios ofvertical to horizontal) of streambeds in thestudy area (44 sites) range from 0.018to 0.156 (1.03 to 8.87 degrees). witha mean value of 0.048 (2.75 degrees).and a standard deviation of 0.029(1.66 degrees). Table 6 shOVJS the rangein channel conditions throughout eachreach studied.

The steep slopes of stream beds sig­nificantly reduce the critical velocity. theminimum fluid velocity required to initiatemovement of a particle resting on thestream bed. Data from the glacial WhiteRiver. Washington (Fahnestock. 1963).indicate that shallow turbulent streamswith coarse bedloads have critical veloci­lies that are closer to their average veloci­ties than their bottom velocities. Average

Large boulder .iams (complex jumblesof many boulders in a loose. coarse. sandymalrlx) occur in the upper reaches ofCoachwhip Canyon. Caked day coverssome of the boulders. Cross-channel barsand lateral benns occur in proximity tothe jams. Coarse. friable Pliocene sand­stones and conglomerates in the walls ofof the canyon have contributed much ofthe sand and smaller boulders. but thelarger clasts seem to be derived primarilyfrom the Pleistocene covennass. Thesefeatures appear to have been prooucedby occasional mudflOVJS.


Critical shear stress is the minimumforce that must be applied (in the directionof flow) to initiate motion of the boulder.divided by the surface area of the face ofthe boulder. Critical shear stress is there­fore directly proportional to the nominaldiameter of the boulder. The highest valuefor critical shear stress (about 3.3 pounds

TABLE 6. Channel CharacrerisrlCS

Palm ArroyoWest Salada




S.Dv • sTandard deY/arIOn. N. number If! sample

Some large boulders are significantdistances from their source and in areaswith no indication of mudflows. They canonly be accounted for by high-magnitude.low-frequency flood events. A paleohy-.­draulic mooel was constructed to deter­mine the flow conditions associated withboulder movement in the study area(Clarke. 1989). The model conceptualizesthe boulder as a cube with one face atright angles to the flow. Its mass is a func­tion of its specific gravity as detenninedfrom its particular lithology. The modeluses melhods developed by Graf (1979a)for the study of Colorado River bouldersin the Grand Canyon.

A) Slope

Max. 0.093 0.156Min. 0.024 0.018Mean 0.054 0.063S.Dv. 0.023 0.035

B) Width in meters

Max. 20.0 63.0Min. 3.2 t.OMean 9.5 9.6S.Dv. 5.5 14.3N 11.0 16.0

0.057 0.034 0.1560.021 0.007 0.0070.033 0.025 0.0480.011 0.008 0.029

9.5 42.7 63.02.0 9.2 1.05.3 23.3 10.41.9 11.7 11.4

, '.0 6.0 44.0


Page 23: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993




( ", ,


Photo 8. A smgle large boulder perched ona sandstone bedrock riffle in upper PalmWash. Nole the taifly !resh fracture on theupper lelt corner of the boulder and thematching chip in the left foregrOUnd.

FlQure 5. Graph 01 nominal diameter and average velOCity atlhe threshold 01 boulder motIon

Boulder Diameter, Meters

Boulder Motion and VelOCityvelocity is figured to be 1.2 limes thecritical velocity (Costa. t 983) for rela­tively shallow streams. The relationshipof average critical velocity and diameterfor boulder.; in the slooy area is shownby the graph in FIgure 5.

The depth of flow at the thresholdof motion of the boulder was calculatedIrom the average critical velocity andthe channel width at each site. In consid­eration of hydraulic factors. a rectangu­lar cross section was used. as in otherarroyo studies (Graf. 1979b. and 1983).


" 5c0u 4",$

g~ 3

.."- 2>~ •li •


" 0






.. .. ....


...... " " "


" " "

Boulder Diameter. MeIers

Depth -- Maximum Mlnlmum""-

Olannel widths in the study areavary from 3 to 207 feet (l to 63 mi.with a mean value of 34.1 feet(l0.4 m) and a standard deviationof 37.4 feet (11.4 m) for the 44 sitessampled. Figure 6 shovJs the relalion­ship betwem boulder diameter andflow deplh at the threshold of boul­der motion. Table 7 summarizesestlmaled conditions of flow al thethreshold of boulder molion.

.. " "" "


.. " .. " .. "


Boulder Molion and Flow Depth

3r-=~~i 2~

~ I~""~ """ .. ""o _~dbil,;;'~~'~'~"t:!::!:~~!::::!::!:~~~:!:::!~~!:~::!~!:~:!J0 1...........


Figure 6. Graph or nominal diameler and llow depth In a rectangular channel Flow depth is althe moment of il"lCJPlent motion. Depth IndlCaled by the middle line IS lhal calculated by lhegeneral equation. Mal(lmum and minimum lines represent the range of values possible whenall variables are conSidered.


Page 24: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

TABLE 7. Summary of Calculaled Flows


Diameter Slope Width Velocity Depth

Palm Wash

Max. 1.698 0050 10.5 '5 0'Min. 0.307 0,024 12.3 2.0 0.'

Arroyo Salada

Max. 0.905 0.156 5.6 3.0 0.2"Min. 0.270 0.031 9.6 1.' 0.5

Vallecito Creek

Max. 0.801 0.023 30 3.2 1.6

Min. 0.402 0.034 '5 22 0'

Fish Greek

Max. 2.339 0.026 18.4 5' 1.9Min. 0.338 0,007 15.5 2.1 1.1

ThiS table shows the maximum and minimum boulders sampled foreach basin. and the channel characteristiCs and computed flow condi·tlons at their locations.

'Note thu vel)' steep s/opfJ of thu bed whu,e the bouldfN rests at thIS location ThISrr>plams the very /ow depth required to mmill6 motron hfI,e

D,amete,. Width. and depth In mete's. average velOCIty In melersper second. slope IS dimenSionless.



Hydrologic studies show that boulder movement

in Anza Borrego Desert washes occurs only during

extreme flash floods. Ii would appear. therefore.fhat the larger boulders in these washes rarely

move. The boulders in the interfluvial Pleistocenegravel caps are relicts of Pleistocene conditions.

Once they enter the arroyos they are more or lesspermanent features of the intemal geometry of the

channels in the present arid geomorphic environ·


Similar stabilify of large channel boulders in dry

climate strC<lms has been noted by Dolan and oth­ers. (1978). Graf (1979a). O'Conner and others

(1986), and Baker and Pickup (1987). These studies

indicate recurrence intervals of large boulder move·ment fa be 100 years or more. Thus while peren­

nial streams in humid mid-Iafitude regions may have

adjusted their channel conditions to flo\.VS of m<xler­

ate magnitude recurring on the average of every1 to 2 years (Leopold and others. 1964). the

ephemeral streams of arid regions represent a situa­

tion where stream systems are shaped primarily byrare cafastrophic evenfs (Abrahams and Cull. 1979),

Abrahams. A.D.. and Cull. R.F.. 1979, The lormatlon of alluvial land·forms along New South Wales coastal streams: Search. v. 10.p. 187·188.

Baker. V.R.. and Pickup. G.• 1987. Flood geomorphology 01 theKathenne Gorge. Northern Territory, Australia: Geologica) Society 01AmerICa Bulletm. v. 98. p. 635·646,

Bluck. B.J.. 1987. Bed forms and clasl size changes on gravel·bed /Ivers.In K. Richards. editor. River Channels, Ox'ord: Blackwell. p. 159,178.

Clarke. A.O., 1989. Modeling 'Iood conditIons aSSOCiated With largeboulders in high energy desert streams: Paper presenled at the 4thInternallonal Con'erence on Fluvial Sedimentology, InlernaliOnalAssoclallon 01 Sedlmentologists. Barcelona, Spain.

Clarke, A.O.. and Hansen, C.L., t 988, Geomorphology 01 upper PalmWash. Anza Borrego Desert, Calilornia: CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY,v. 41, p, 111·116.

Cosla. J.E.. 1983. Paleohydraullc raconstruclion 01 flash·llood peaksfrom boulder deposits in the Colorado Fronl Range: GeologicalSociety 01 Amenca Bullelln, v. 94, p. 986·1004.

Dibblee, T.W. Jr.. 1954. Geology of the Impenal RegIon; CaillorniaDivls~n 0' Mones and Geology Bulletin 170, p. 21·28.

Dolan. R., Howard. A., and Tnmble. D.. 1978, Slruclural control ot rapidsand pools 01 the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon: SCience,v. 202, p. 629-631.

Fahnestock. RX, 1963, Morphology and hydrology of a glacial stream- White River. Mount Rainier. Washongton: U.S. Geological SurveyProfeSSional Paper 422·A. 70 p.

Gral. W.L.. 1979a. Rapids 10 canyon rivers: Journal 01 Geology, v. 87,p.533-551.

Glal. W.L.. 1979b. Milling and channel response: Association ofAmencan Geography Annals, v. 69, p. 262-275.

Graf. W.L.. 1983. Downstleam changes 10 slream power in the HenryMountains. Utah: ASSOCiation of American Geoglaphy Annals. v. 73.p.373·387.

Hansen, C.L. and Clarke. A,O., 1987, Origin of gravel·capped pediments10 the Anza Borrego Desert, California: Paper presented at the AnnualMee\lng of the Association of PaCific Coast Geographers. Davis.California.

Larsen, E.S. Jr.. 1948. Batholith and aSSOCiated locks of Corona,ElSinore. and San LUIS Rey quadrangles, southern California:Geological Society of America Memoir 29. 182 p.

Larsen, E.S.• Jr.. 1951. Crystalline rocks of southwestern Calilornla:California Dlv'Slon of Mines and Geology BtJlletlO 159.

Leopold, L.B.. Wolman, M.G.. and Miller. J.P.. t964, Fluvial ProcessesIn Geomorphology: Freeman, San FranciSCO. California, 522 p.

MOrlon. P,K.. 1977, Geology and mineral resoulces 01 Imperial County,California, Calilornia DiviSion 01 MlOes and Geology County ReportNo.7,104p

Naden, P.S.. and Brayshaw. A.C.• 1987. Small· and medium·scalebedforms In gravel·bed rivers, in K. Richards, editor, River Channels:Blackwell. Oxlofd, p. 249·271.

Oberlander, T.M., 1972, MorphogeneSIs 0' granilic boulder slopes Inthe MOjave Desert. California: Journal 0' Geology. v. 80, p. t ·20,

O'Conner, J.E.. Webb, R.H ..and Baker, V.A., 1986. Paleohydrology ofpool·nme paltern development: Boulder Creek. Utah: GeologicalSocIety of Amenca Bulletin, v. 97, p. 410·420.

Proctor, R.J., 1968. Geology 01 the DesaI! Hot Spnngs·Upper CoachellaValley area. Callforma: California DiVISion of Mines and GeologySpecial Report 64, 50 p.

Sharp. R_V., 1967. San Jacinto Fault Zone in the Peninsular Ranges ofsouthern Cali'ornla: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 78,p.705·730.

Trent, D.D" 1985, Geology of the Joshua Tree NatIOnal Monument:CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY. v, 37. p. 75·85.

Wahrhafllg, Clyde, 1965, Stepped topography of the southern SierraNevada. Calilornla: Geological Society 01 America Bulletin. v. 76.p.1165·1190,


Page 25: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993


bar-a linear accumulation ofalluvial debns deposited acrossor along the slream channel

C18st- a sedimentary particle Inloose sediment or sedimentaryrock, prodUced by a rock's physicaldISintegration

grul- granular debris producedby the decomposition and frag­mentatIOn of granite and othergranitic rocks

mlIsslt- a mountainous or uplandmass consisting of a crystalline(igneous and metamorphic) base­ment complex, which breaks intoa series of peaks around a centralsummit

regoli1h- a layer or honzon ofunconsolidated to poorly con­solidated rock debriS producedin place through weathering

riffles--shallow areas extend·ing across a stream channelbetween pools. These may bedepositional features consistingof accumulations of sediment(such as those diSCussed in thisarticle) or erosional featuresof exposed bedrock (many ofthese also occur in AnzaBorrego Desert washes suchas upper Palm Wash).

Anthony Clarke. a prof~rat the University of Louisville in Lou­isville. Kentucky. specializes in ge0­

morphology. arid lands. and remotesensing, He is currently conductingresearch on catastrophic flooding andtectonic geomorphology in the Trans­verse Ranges and the Sillton Troughof southern California His ongoingfield study concerns the relationshipof land use to soli erO!>ion in Portugal

Carl Hansen is a professoremeritus at the University of Califor­nia at Riverside. He specializes Ingeomorphology and arid lands andhas conducted considerable field\.\lOrk in Africa With Karl Butzer heauthored the bcx»<. Oeser! and RiverIn Nubia



DMG OFR 90-08 makes existinggeologic data for the Milford 15-minutequadrangle available to the public. Priorto its release. only unpublished geologicmapping was available. The report wasproduced by DMG"s Regional GeologicMapping Project as part of its basiclunctkln - to gather. analyze. and dis­seminate information about California·sregional geologic setling. Field IAIOrkwas supported by the U.S. GeologicalSurvey Cooperative Geologic MappingProgram.

The map includes part of theSierra Nevada and Basin and Rangegeomorp/lic provinces of northeasternCalifornia and covers approximately230 square miles of southeastern l2IssenCounty and northeastern PlumasCounty.

DMG OFR 90-08 also includesthe general geology and provides basicgeologic information on the age. distribu·tkln. and description of the various rocktypes. location of faults and other ge0­

logic structures. The area is underlain byPa!eogene/Neoge"e volcanic rocks andQuaternary sedimentary deposits thatoverlie an older basement consisting ofCretaceous and pre-Cretaceous graniticmetamorphic rocks.

Granitic basement is exposed exten­sively in the Diamond Mounlains andis overlain by a sequence of Oligene toPliocene vokanic rocks of rhyolitic tobasaltic composition. These rocks occurprimarily as flows but include intrusives.pyroclastic depoSits. and breccias.

TIw northeastern portkln is under­lain by Quaternary eolian. alluviaL fluvial.and lacustrine deposits derived fromPleistocene Lake Lahontan and youngerHoney Lake. The Honey Lake FaultZone. a northwest-trending zone of enechelon. right-Ialeral oblique slip faults.traverses the area.

DMG OFR 9O-D8 consists of a geo­logic map plale describing the geologicunits. map symbols. and references.The geologic map is drafted on a topo­graphic base at a scale of 1:62.500(l inch equals about 1 mile). DMGOFR 90-08 is available for referenceat allthrC€ DMG offices. It may bepurchased at the Sacramento andSan Francisco offices. In acklition. theSacramento office offers prepaid mailorder sales.

Geologic Information andPublications Office

801 K Street, MS 14-33Sacramento, CA 95814·3532

(916) 445-5716

Bav Area Regional Office185 Berry Street Suite 3600. 3rd Floor

San Francisco. CA 94107(415) 904-7723

Southern California Regional Office107 South Broadway. Room 1065

Los Angeles, CA 90012-4402(213) 620-3560


Page 26: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993




These mineral experiments aTedesigned for children ages 8

through 12. Young children will beable to successfully complete themwith adult supervision. Older childrencan easily follow the step-by-stepinstructions and complete the experi­ments with little or no adult help.

lbese experiments are from EarthScience for Every Kid.' 10/ EasyExperimenrs that Really Work. byJanice VanCle"ve. copyright 1991.John Wiley & Sons. Inc Reprinted wilhpennission from John Wiley & Sons. Inc..60S Third Avenue. New York, NYTo order a copy of this book. call\·SOO.cALL-WlLEY (800·225-5945).

Purpose: To demonstrate a mineralslreak test.


Purpose: To demonstrate a positivetest for limestone.





Materials:• Unglazed porcelain tile

[The back of any porcelaintile will work.)

• Metal spoon (stainless steel)

Procedure:Rub the handle of the spoonacross the back of the porcelaintile.

Write your name on the back of the tilewith the spoon handle.

Results:The spoon makes a dark graymark on the white tile.

Materials:• 3 seashells• vinegar• glass

Procedure:• Fill a glass one-.quarter

fun with vinegar• Add the seashells

Result:Bubbles start rising from theseashells.

Why? Vinegar is an acid and sea­shells are made of limestone. a mineral.lJmestone chemically changes intonew substances when in contact withan acid. One of the new substancesfOnTIed is carbon dioxide gas. Thebubbles you see rising in the glass ofvinegar are the bubbles of this gas.Acid can be used to test for the pres­ence of limestone in rocks. [f limestoneis present in a rock bubbles fOnTI whenan acid touches it.

Why? A streak test is made byrubbing a mineral sample across apiece of unglazed porcelain. Thecolor of the streak made is the samecolor of the ))OVJdered mineral.Grinding the spoon into a pmvderwould produce the same dark grayas seen on the porcelain streakplate. The color of the streak madeby a mineral can be an importantclue in identifying the mineral.


Page 27: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

teacher feature continued...


Why? Paper towels are madeon a wire screen. creating asiraight line in one direction. Pull­ing on the paper attacks the \veak­est {X>int. The parallel lines on thepaper made by the wire screen arethinner !han the rest of the paperand 50 the pa~ rips easily doY.none of It\e$e lines. Jagged andirregular lears resuh u.nen thepaper is pUled in the opptJSIledirection. This is similar to euttJng

minerals. such as diamonds. aJongcleavage lines. The mineral spbbsmoothly and easily along the lineswhere the molecules line up. but itcan smash into irregular pieces ifhit across the cleavage line.

Results:The paper will tear easilyin one direction but nOI inthe other

Procedure:TTY 10 rip a~ sheetof paper tQ.\.'e! from lopto henOlll. Tum anothersheet of paper towel andIry to lear it from side10 side.

Materials:Paper towels

Purpose: To demonstrale thatsome minerals have a definite cleav­age line.


Purpose: To demonstrate how placerore deposits fonn

Materials:• Glass)ar with lid, 1 quart

(I liter)• 5 paper clips• 1 cup (250 ml) soil

Procedure:• Fill the jar half fuD u.ith water• Add the SOil and paper chps• Close the Id and shake the

jar Vigorously• AIJow the,ar to stand undis·

turbed fOf 5 minutes

Results:The paper clips fan qt.rickly tothe bollom of the jar. and thesIovJer·moving soil .settles ontop of lhe clips

Why? Most of the soil falls moreslowly !han the heavier paper clips. andthus a layer of soil fom\S on top of thepaper clips, In nature. rain beats on lOPof the soil. shaking and softening il Theheavier material:> in this WI?! mixture sinklower and Ioo.ver as the years pass HeavygrainS of rnetaI continue to sink until theyreach a hard rock layer PartICles of metalthat combule In this method are caDedplacer ore c\eposlb These deposits arerich in metals

: .-r


Page 28: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

HEAVY MINERALS INCOLOUR. By Maria A. Mangeand Heinz F.W. Maurer. 1992.Chapman & Hall. 29 West 35thStreet, New York. NY 10001.(212) 244-3336. $79.95. hardcover.

This edition of Gemology substantiallyup::lates the earlier version. It containsnew material on synthesis of gems. imita­tion gems. and gemstone enhancement(using chemical. heat. radiation. and othertreatments to change the appearance ofgemstones).

photos complement the text. and the colorplates are spectacular.

Hurlbut and Kammerling begin thebook with fundamental definitions thenproceed to the origins and occurrencesof gemstones. Next they cover the funda­mental topics of crystal chemistry. crys-

tallography. physical propertiesof gem materials. visual charac­terislics of gems. and opticaltests. The techniques of cuttinggems into gemstones are dis­cussed and most of the gems aredescribed. There is also a help­ful determinative table indexedby increasing refractive index.with cross references to the lext.It includes optical propertiesand specific gravity infoonationneeded to identify gems correctly.The book covers almost everyfacet of gemology in a profes­sionaL polished style that spar­kles with experience. Reviewby Dale Stickney.

Heavy minerals are usuallydefined as detrital mineral grains

\.Vith specific gravities greater than 2.85and found in clastic sediments and sedi­mentary rocks. Generally. they are minorconstituents except in immature rocksand sediments. The heavy mineralsinclude garnets. tounnalines. amphiboles.pyroxenes. spinels. rutile. pyrite. magne·tite. ilmenite. and gold.

In geology. the study of hea"Y mineralsis significant in 1) reconstructing the natureand character of source areas for sedi­ments. 2} tracing transport paths of sedi­ments. 3) mapping dispersal patternsof sediments. 4) delineating petrological

which are included in the bibliography.Chapter subjects are: nomenclature. sym­metry and morphological crystallography.crystal structure. chemistry and alteration.inclusions and "intergrowths." color andoptical properties. physical properties.syntheses. uses and recovery. tounnalineas a gemstone and in the decorative arts.and occurrences and genesis. Appendicesinclude lists of additional crystal formsand angles between faces. midpoint analy­ses for tourmalines of the common solidsolution series. and an extensive list oflocalities from which noteworthy speci­mens and/or gem materials have beencollected.

If you are a serious collector of gemsor just VJant to know more about them.the second edition of Gemology will beof interest to you. The authors have com­bined their expertise to write a compact.yet infonnalive book about gems. cover­ing technical and practical aspects. Wellchosen illustrations and black-and'white

GEMOLOGY. Second edition.Cornelius S. Hurlbut. Jr. and RobertC. KammerJing. 1991. John Wiley &Sons. Inc .. I Wiley Drive. Somerset.NJ 08875"1272. (800) 225·5945.336 p. $64.95. hard cover.

Chrysotile (asbestos) intergrown with quartz. Magnitied look·ing through cut slab. Photo by Dale Stickney.

This guide includes color photO'­graphs and a map of Californiaalong with brief descriptions ofcollecting areas. It contains a min­erai key and rock identificationcharts for the most commonCalifornia rocks and minerals.Larger California museums withmineral collections. and mineraland gem society addresses arelisted.

THE TOURMAUNE GROUP. ByRichard V. Dietrich. 1985, Van NostrandReinhold. 7625 Empire Drive. Rorence.KY 41022. (606) 525-6600. 300 p.$49.95. hard cover.

Besides being treasured for their natu­ral beauty. tounnalines have caught theinterest of scientists because of theirunique strucnlre. physical properties. andchemical compositions. The content ofthis book was derived from more than2.500 publications. almost 1.000 of

Rock.s. Gems, and Minerals

This 9- x 4-inch book is fromthe California Traveler Series.Other books in the series coverearthquake country. birds. wildflow­ers. missions. ghost towns. parksand monuments. railroads. whalewatching and tidal pools. day trips.historic sites and mUS€ums. andthe \.Vine country. Other AmericanSeries guidebooks cover similarsubjects and include the Colorado.Arizona. and Southwest TravelerSeries.

GEMS & MINERALS OF CAUFORNIA;A Guide to Localities. By WilliamEstaviJlo. 1992. Renaissance HoUS€.P.O. Box 177. Frederick. CO80530. (800) 521·9221.48 p, $4.95. soft cover.


Page 29: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

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QUARTZ. By Michael ODonoghue.1987. Bulterwonh-Heinemann Ltd..BO Montvale Avenue. Stoneham. MA02180. (800) 366-2665. 110 p.$39.95. hard cover.

Ubiquitous quartz is found in manyfonns and has many uses. This in the Butterworths Gem BooksSeries. focuses on ornamental quanz.After introductory chapters on themineral's origin. chemistry. and physicalproperties. there are descriptions ofsome of the important quartz occur­rences throughout the world. In addition10 a bibliography and glossary. there isan index of trade names and alternativespellings including California moonstone(chalcedony) and hedgehog stone (quartzwith goethite inclusions).

Geology and minerai resources of \he Corona South quadrangle. 1961 55.00The mineral economics of the carbonate rocks, limestone and dolomiteresources of California. 1973 . .

8197 limestone. dolomite and shell reSOUlceS of the Coast RangeProvince. t978. . $8.00

8200 Geology ot the San Diego metropolitan area. California. Del Mar, La Jolla.POlntloma, La Mesa. Poway. and southwest quartef Escondido [7.5'1quadrangles. San Diego County. California. (scale: 1:24.000). 1975

B208 Zeolites In California. 1988 _.. .. .


SR058 Geology of limestone and dolom'te depoSits in the south half Standard [7.5'1quadrangle. Tuolumne County. California. (scale: 1:24.000). 1959 _ ,. $5.00Sand and gravel resources 01 the Kern River near Bakersfietd. KernCounty. California. 1961 .

SA088 Geofogy of the Queen of Sheba iead mine, Oeath Valley. tnyo County.Calitornia. 1965 .. .. .

SR095 Tatc dePOSits ot the southern Death VaHey-KIngSlon Range region. Inyoand San Bernardino counties. California. 1968 ..

SA125 Mines and minerai depoSits In Death Valley National Monument(Inyo and San Bernardmo counties]. California. 1976 $6,00

SR153 Mmelalland ClaSSification: aggregate materials In the western SanDiego County produchon·consumption region. California. 1982 $13.00

Enlarged view of spotted jasper slab. Photoby Dale StIckney.

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provinces in sedimentary rocks. 5) outlin­ing. and perhaps. correlating various sandbodies. 6) indicating the actions or concen­trating processes of panicular hydraulicregimes. 7} locating potential economicdeposits in sedimentary rocks. 8) reveal­ing diagenetic processes in sediments.9) studying sedimentary rocks related totectonic uplift (for example. the evolutionand unroofing episodes of orogenic beltsas recorded in the sediments associatedwith these developments). and 10) study­ing the development of soils from parentrocks.

The first part of the book reviews

the uses and history of healJ)' minerals ingeological studies. Then the parametersaffecting distribution of healJ)' mineralsin a sediment. such as hydraulic effects.grain size. and chemical stability of thehealJ)' minerals. are discussed. The authorsbriefly consider sampling techniques.preparation of samples, size reduction.disaggregation and cleaning of samples.sieving techniques. healJ)' mineral separa­tion techniques. preparation for opticalanalysis. and advanced optical techniques.Advanced auxiliary techniques discussedinclude X-ray diffraction. X-ray fluores­cence spectrometry. electron-probemicroanalysis. scanning electron micros­copy. and cathodoluminescence. Theauthors comment on the limitations onstatistical analysis of data from healJ)' min­erai samples and review applications ofhealJ)' mineral analysis to geological v..rork.

Attention is given to often neglected.but quite useful techniques used to dealwith complex geologic questions. Theauthors have updated the topics involv­ing studies of healJ)' minerals and haveincluded an extensive reference list. Thisbook is like geology itself; it is a wondroushand lens through which you can see"a cosmos" in a handful of sand. Reviewby Dale Stickney,

The second part of the book containsdescriptions of the major healJ)' mineralsincluding basic optical and crystallographicinfonnation. how the mineral is likely toappear in the sediments. distinguishingfeatures. and occurrence. Usually. thereare color photomicrographs of the mineral

grains in unpolarized light. plane polarizedlight. and with crossed polarizers. Othersare included to illustrate particular features.


Page 30: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

AB 3098 Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) Eligible List-July 1. 1993

Butte COlJnly91-Q4-OOO1-Pentl PH (Baklw1n ContractIng Co)91-Q4-lXlO4--Roo;nson Construetion--Oroville Wlldhfe

Area91-04-0005-Aobinson eonstruetion-RobInson PH91-04-0007-Mathews ReaclyMix-Vance Avenua9t-04-llOO8-Malhews ReadyM"~SlaleLands91-04-0011-6'800 Rock Quarries (Roger Green) Counly91-Q5.QOO1-Snyoor Clay PH (John J Snydef)91-o5-0002--floyal Mountain King Mine

(Meridian Gold Co.)91-oS-0003-Aed Hill Ouarry (Cyprus We-slem Source)91-o5--OOO4--K R Mme (Cyprus Westem Source)91-0S.Q006-Tek:hert-Robi Plant (Teichert Agg,egales)91-0S.QOO7-Teichert-Reed (TeIChert Aggregales)91-Q5-OOOS-Val1ey Spnngs Clay pn

(Calaveras Cemenl Company)91-Q5-QOO9-Calaveras Ceroonl Company, 16 Oua,ry

(Calaveras Cement Company)91-05-001Q-Calave,as Ceroont Comapny, Quarry 17

(Calaveras Cemenl Company)91-o5-0011_AII Rock (C.E McLauoghhn)91-Q5.Q012-Calaracl Umestone Ouarry (Calavofas

Cement Company)91·0S-0013-Wohn & Sons Aggregale

(Wohn & Sons, Inc,)91.oS-OOI4-Hogan Ouarry (Ford Construction Co)91.oS-OOl&-MeCarty PitlFoothiti MaterialS

(Ford Construclion Co.)91-Q5-0017-Allo MIne (Glamls Gold, Inc)

Colusa County91-06-0001-TelChert-Thompson Quarry

(TelChert Aggf891ltes)

Contra Cosla County91.o7-0001-Byron Plant (Unimln Cofp.)91.o7-0003-Clayton Qua,ry (KaISllr Sand & Gravel)91-o7-Q004-Clayton (RMC Lonestar)91-07.QOO5-Pon Costa Matenals

(Port Costa Materials, Inc)91-07-OOO6-Chevron Quarry (American Roell

and Asphalt. loc.)91-o7-OOO7--Canal Ouarry (American Rock

& Asphalt, Inc.)91-o7-<1OO9-Stooor Pil (F.T.G. ConSlruction

Malerlals, Inc,)

Del Norte County91-oB-0001-$ultan Bar-North Coasl PavIng & Rock

(Redwood Empife Aggregates)91-Qll-0002-Hu11man Bar-North Coasl Pa\llng & Rock

(Redwood Empi,e Awagales)91-Qll·OOO3-Ranch Ba,lReSllrvation Ranch

(EmieSilva)91-Qll-Q004-Tedson Bar (T"ldBwaler Contractors, Inc)91-Qll.QOO5-Crocken Bar [Ildawater Contractors, Inc)91-Qll-OOOO-Hole pn (T"odBwaler Contractors, Inc.)91-Qll-llOO8-Slary Quarry (T"rdewater Contractors. Inc)

El Dorado County91-09-Q004-Chile Bar Slale Mine

(Placerville Induslnes)91-Q9-OOO5-Co<Jj Cave Quarry (Spreckels Umestone

& Aggregales)

Fresno County91-1D-0003-Acaoomy Oua,ry (Raymond Gran~e)

91-1Cl-0004--Al's Conc,ete (AI's Concrete)91-10-OOO5-Coa1inga Pit.1 (Granite Construction Co.)9H(H)OOS~Ao;me Rock (Acme Paving Co. Inc.)91-10.QOO7-CoalmgB Pil'2

(Granite Construction Company)91.10-llOO8-Pelry Sand Pit (Ed Petry)91-tO-0009--R;"'er Rock (CaiMal of Central Cal~omia)91-10.QO 1o-calMaV Sal1g<lr {CalMat of Central

Calilornla}91-10-Q011-CaIMati Rank Island (CalMat 01 Cenl,al

Cahfornra)91-1O-0012--CaIMaV Friant Rd. (CaIMat 01 Central

California)91-1o-0013-ZapatolChino PIt (Artesra Ready·Mix

Concrele, Inc.)91-10--0014-RockfiekllPlanl S'le (RMC Lone-slar)

3 yrs. $28,00(18 issues)D

91.Q1.Q012-Mi5S/on Valley Rock Co SMP-891.Q1.Q013-Mlsslon Valley Roell Co SMp·2491.Q1.QOI6--Sheridan Qua,ry (Redgwick Const Co.)91.Q1-00\7-FaUon Pil (Redgwick Cons! CO.)91.Ql-0018-Tassaiara P~ (RedgWlCk ConSI Co.)

Alpine County91.Q2-OOOt-Memll Barrow pn (Stual1 P Mernll)

Amador County91.Q3.QOO1-00sch P~ (Pacific Clay Products)91.Q3.QOO2-North Ca'bondale Surtace Mine

(Jaspe, M'OIng)91.Q3-0003-China Hill ClaIm (Owens-llHnois)91..(J3-0004--0wens-lllionls Sand Pil

(Owens-illinois)91.Q3-ooo6-lioooln MIne (SuMf Gold)9Hl3-OOO7-MGM M,nlng, Inc.91-o3-llOO8-Arroyo Seco Raneh (lone Mme)

(North Aroorican Ret'a<:lories)91-o3.Q01D-Boena Visla Clay Pil

(C8lavems Cement Company)91.Q3-OO11-Cai Wesl Rock Product$llon(l Quarry

(Weslem Rock ProduetS. Inc.)91.o3-0013-Boring Shale pn (Krelh. Inc.)91.o3-OO19-lnsh HIli pn (Krelh, Inc.)91.Q3-002(hJackson Valley Ouarry

(G&O<1;I8 Reed, Inc.)


D 2 yrs. $19.00(12 issues)

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The following is the July I, 19931islof mining operalions subjecllo the SurfaceMining and Reclamation Acl (SMARAj, fromwhich California stale agencies may pur­chase or use materials. /I has been pre­pared by Ihe Department of ConsefValionOffice of Mine Reporting and ReclamationComplianre. The lisl is required by PubticResources Code Section 2717.(b) to bepublished in the California Regulatory NoticeRegister. In addition. it is published !lereas a courtesy. at no COSlto CALIFORNIAGEOLOGY subscribers and with no reduc·lion in content of this issue.

Alameda County91.Q1-0001-Dumbarton Quarry

(Dumbarton Quarry Associale-s)91.oHXI02-Radum (KaiSllr Sand & Gravel Co.)91.Q1-Q003-Nile-s Canyon Ouarry (SRDC, Inc.)91.o1-0007--$unol (RMC Loneslar)91.o1-ooos-Leona Quarry (Gallagher & Burke)91.ol-QOO9-Eliol (RMC Loneslar)91.01-(10 1Q-CalMal Pleasanton (CaIMat)

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Page 31: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

91-10-001S-Roc:kloelc1lBeck (RMe Lonesta,)91-10-0016-MaIorino Farms (JlIll & Brian MaM:wino)91-10-0017-cenrral Valley Ready Mi., Inc91-10-001S-T"1YY Valey G,anrce (Cllarlet Leon RaP8")

G"flIl Counly91-1 I -Q(l(l3-Stony CfMl< Plionl (Baldwtn Conlradong)91-1 l«104-Slony CfMI< Prt (OfIlInd Sand & GI1lW!I)9l-II.ooll5-Spoonef PIt (Valley Aoclc Pl'odud$)9l-l I-ooo&-Stony 0 .... (Valley Rock Pfoduc1a)91-1 l-0007..Qf1and P,l (Yuba FWef Sand & G'a....)91-1 l.(l()(lB...&ooy CfMI<-WIlf1ney P~ (Leal wtutney)91-1 l-ooD9-Martln Sand & G<aveI ( Glas5bum)91-1 l«'lllhJMpef Goavel PIt91-1 l«'l12-V.-ey Aock Pl'oduct&, Inc

Humboldt County91-12.0002-sandy "'_ (Men:M, F_)91-12.(l(l(13-A-21 Quarry (Uefwr. F.-)91·12.(1()()4-TIWldad Ouefry (Men:ef, FfaSef)91-12~ (MeoQIr F.-)91-12~viIIIey ("'-- F_)91-12-OOO7-Willooo CfMI< ("'-- Fru«)91-12~CfMk(Bwnum T"....)91-12«'110-0-n.. e.. (E....... FINdyMol)91·12·0CI1I~Quarry (Walan & Jchnson)91 -I2«'11~ Rowr Send and GnNeI

"""'"~I91-12«'11~RNdiMo:-&I O'Neil91-12-OO14-fWnda1 Sand & Go.....91-12«'117-()fake F-.wy (HumI:>okX Bay Gravel)91 -12..0(I18-Thcmn e..91-12-0029-AIllnPll (E.......~)91-12~e..

(Aeawood~ AggfeglIles)91-12-OOO1~8af

(R«lwood E..- AggfeglIles)91-12-oo32-81ue Laq e.,

(Aedwood EITOll" Aw.,..)91-12«l33-Emmerton e..

(Rectwood EmpQ Aw.les)91-12-oll35--8room & Sons 0Ja'fY (Aogef Brown)91-12«l36-Walstl 0uaJ'f)' (Jad( & Mary Wallh)9l-12«'137-Ammon 0JaJ'f)' (UtlnlOlh COn&truc:bon)9l-12«'138-Mason'fY (Wayne Masan)91-12«l39-Hoope Valley e.. (Roc:ha.d Rowland)91-12.()()4o-McKroght Ba, (Mercer,«91-l2.()()44-U' A-3701M2OO (Meroer, F.aHf)91·12.()()46-Groomt Roc:k 0ua1'Y (Herman G.ooms)91-12.()()47-M~""Gravel Bar (Roge, Mille<)91-12.()()48-Wallan & JohnllOfl Gravel Bar

(Willian & JohnlOf'l)g'·'2.Q051_S,ngley Ba. (All;llla ReadyMLO)

Impe.ial Cotlnly91-13-OOO1-P!cacho Mine (Chemgold, Inc.)g'-'3-OOO3-Frink Pit (Dell" G,avel Company)91·1 3.(l()04-Plaste. C~y Shove'" Anne.

(U,S. Gypsum Company)91 -I3-OOOS-Ptasler CIty Ouar'Y

(U S Gypsum ComPl\ny)91-13-ooo&-Oco10ll0 Mine (Farmers Land Leveling,

Inc. dIHI Mas"rs ConstrucliDn)91-13-OOO7-WhHle. M.... (Falmers Lane level<ng.

Inc" dba Ma$lers Construc1iDn)g,-,3-<XlO9-S/lell Canyon (Val-RocIc, Inc,)g'-'3.(1()l()-Won<\Ir$lOfll PIt (G.aMe Consrruction)9l· I3.(1() I I-N~andlFnnl< Pd (G.ande Conslruc:bon)91- I3«l13-Flowlng Wei. Pi! (G'a""e Conslrucllon)g'-'3.(1()'S-Nonish PfI (Gral'lite CoMlruc100n)gl·l3-0017-5ht1Can~

(Granlle ConSlructIon)91-13«'118-Oo::olilo/Sdllef P~

(Go....... COnslr\fo;IiDn)g1 -13-001 9-Gllld F"1IIlds OpetabOn Co,-M8squI1e

(Gold F..,. M>nong Co )gl-13-(l(I:2O-Qald FIIIlds QJJ&ralll'lg Co,-MMcp.oIeNCR

(Gold F Monong Co)91.13-004$-Ch1.o1;b (~)


91-13-0047-frn c... (c.u-)91-13-OO48--H82atd F"fSh Sprnge (CaI\f_191-13-0049-New Rwer F"_ (Callrans)91 - I3-OO5O--NeW Rwer Gf.... (Callrans)91-13«{eaar-)

91-13-Oll53-Sen Fellipe Wash (ea...-)

91-13-0054--50. and One-HaN Mole (Ca~.a!l$)

91-l3-00S5--Truckllaven (CaM.ans)91-13-CJ056-lndoen RoM (Imperl!ll Gold Cor'poratoon)91_13-Q057_WnghI Pll (Aggregale Produd$, Inc)91-13-0062-Amencan GIrl Canyon Mine (Am&ncan

a.J I.Ww>g Joonl Venlurel91- I3-0066-Padre Madfe P'o,ed

(Amenc:an e>-t M"ng Joonl VenlUre)9,-,:HlCl69-Rclt>era Pil (0eH<1 G<eveI Co)

InyoCountyg,-,4-(lOO1-NillIlIeus & NiIlolel.e

(NMl8us & NoI<cIaus. Inc )91-14-ol102-Red HII 0ua'fY

(Tw-.~ Roell Co)g1-14~IlAggr.IePil

(Hoan Ready ..... Inc.l91-14-0007-P'lne C<wk (U S TUfl9Ne" Cofpofa1fClfl)g1·'HIO'~"'(US 9oml&a-n.:el

""'" Ig1-14--(llJl2---ow.r. Lab".... (Lab~ Corp I91-14--(llJ13--C11li11omo8 Hecton1e PO

(!NV DMsoon 01 Aondinl91-14-0014-""""'"~ c.omp.ny (".",....,

P-*'e~)91-14-.otl21----8Ae MIne ("'-" Boq,. Co)91-14-0027__1168tocl<man Pil (CaitJ_)91-14-0002~S. a1 IHdeJ*.....

(Callr_)91-14-llOOll-Malena1 SfIe 11112--$h::1eonJ (Calb'_)91-14.()()45-Ma&ene1 So1Ie a283-NeW ZI.n:h (CaIIf_)91-14.()()47__288 New Coeo (ea..-)91-14-ll()a8..4289 Ha_ (CaItnI"*)91-14.()()49-4290 0kIInche (CaIr_)91_14~SfkII r.!lll-Col\larwoood

'''''''''''I91-14-l)055-Pana..... VIIiey l.imntone 0u8ny(1n1ermolnaIn Mone s.v.-. Inc I

Kefn County91-15--0002~Webllle<Sand. Inc (Weblilef Sand. Inc,)91-15-OOO5-Shumake Opel'alion

(Caclus Gold M.-- Co )91-1~ButlIlIOpe<a1fClfl

(CaclusGold M.... CO)91-15-OOQ7-s.en-a Pl&<\ra Co (A M Wltlb. J< I91-15-OOOll-- lOll LlmesIone Ouany

(NallOnlll Cement Co)91·15-<lCKl!J-Mcrowa.... Qu.II''Y-l-..c: PUlnl

(Nallo.,., CemenI Co.)9H5«'110-0ua,'Y SIIe B-Lebec Ptanl

(NatIOnal Cemenl Co.)91-15-001 l-Qld Dulch Cl<:lan$(l' M.... (Maleotl COrp)91-1S-0012- Gi.iem & Sons M"'ing Ope'aliDn

(Gilltam & Sons, IrIC.)91-15-0013-Sand Canyon (Cal-Ci·Co Rock Co, IrIC,)g'-'S-0014-calc,le (CalMal Co.)91-15-OO15-Bowman Pir

(Asphalt Consrruc:lion Co. Inc)9l-IS-OOl6-Mojave Pd

(AspIIa~ ConsrrUCIiDn Co" Inc)g'-'5-OO11-l.., Hills MII\$ (H M HoIloway.lrIC.)9 I- I5-001 &-Standard Hi. (&llIlon MIfI(I.als USA)91-15-OC1.21-Excel-Mlf"O&fal Company, Inc9l-l5-0022-8oron Open P,l 1.4....

(U S Bora- & ChemieaI Co )9 I- I5--0024-Arvm Pi! (Granile ConSlruC\lOn COrn!*'ly)91-15-OO25--J<lmn Road P~ & Mil (Kefn Rod< Co,)91-15--0027-Canebrake Cf(I(Ik Pll (Ladd Ready M..)9l· I s-<lCl28--Jarne$ Rood

(G'a.... Consrrucllon Company)91-l5-0031-8ob MofIon ConstruebOn. Incgl-1~0ua'fY

(CaIikImoe Pllf1Iand Cement Co )91-1 S-l1033-y..... ..-.-(~Monng Co.)91-1s-0035-Oescaf9ll (Rancl Minng Co)91-1 S«l36--C<>opM PII • I (S&8nley Coopef)9l-l5-0037~~AfdlJe Pit & .... (~AockCol91- I s-0036-Cooper Pit '2 (S&8nley Coopef)91 -I 5-OO39-Gokien Cat Cotpofatoon91 -15-OO4O-MonolilI ....-.Quarry

(Cala\oera$ Cemenl Co I91 -1~1-ea1Ma11 San EfIlflIdoo

(CalMa! at CanIral e.womoel91 -15-OtM2--Cailenle s.ntI & Ulf-.<1Il Co Inc:

(NUn Parcel)

91·1S.()()43-Calienle Send,\ Mlf"O&fa' Co. Inc(Calien!e Sand & M",....II Co, rrIC)

91-1~4-Edison Send Co. Inc{Edison Sand Co.. Inc I

91-1~S-Rancho La lMlbre (Tejon Ranch '2)(Suncfllle Matenals Co.)

91-15-OO48-Shumakef M.... (Jilmes ClarIIe)9l-1~7-lnyokemPI! (&will ResouI'CM. 1nc,191-1~ Pi! (Boral RIlIoun::ea. Inc.)91.1~9-H&WNoKernOG

(W l-lun5aler-ER W,•••__,..._,..,

91 -15-00S1-GQl Roc:ll$ (Homef "'- Har--.. J<.)"-I~ Pit (Eu! Kern Airport 00stncI)9l_I5-0067-Detby Acres Booow Pit

(AACO Oil & Gas Co.)91-1~1eReady Milo:(~Rudy Mo.l9l-15-OO69-SWEPI- PMl MIne

(Shell Western E & P. Inc.)91-1S<1071--5«:l1on 28 Booow Sile

(San.. Fe e.-w~Inc:)

91-15-0073-RfO Rod< Ma!enaIs Inc:


91-17~ Moln:l Mne (5-&r-5)91-17.(J()Q7~Creel< Mne

(HDSen v*ry s.o & Gta¥eI)91·17«'11 l-lndian Creel< Quarry (Pa....... PawIlI, n;)91 _17«'II2-ClaarI8ke Lava CIueny91-17«'11~L8kevIew Roell & Ael'-Ma

(8il Van f>eIl)

!.all.... County91-I&-OOO1-Ray HamnglonI Standish PII (c:our-y)91 -llHlOll2-Honey lM<e AggregaIeS

(Honey lake .t.ggregalea)9 I.IS.()()(l3--Ooyle PIanI {BaIdw-. ConIractrog Co Inc.l91-IS«'IIO-Slandish PII

(58zzi Concrete & Mal~. Inc:,)91.1S«'I12-l-1ayden Hill Mine

(UlU«! Gold MIrIng. Inc)

lO!8 Angeletl County91·19-OOO1-5ulle Sand & G.aYlll Co91 -19-Ol102-l.rttle Aggregate Co., dba Antelope

Vdey Aggreg;de Inc91·11l-0007-AzufIa Pill AzufIa (Soothdown lnl:,. dba

Transil M,.ad Concrete Comp;tny)91 ·ll1-oooe-Granile P\anI U!Ilefoc:Ic (G.anoll

Construction Company)91-19«'112-UMad Rod< Pfoducl& Cofp Planl StIe91-19«'113-llMad Rod< P.oduc:I$ Cofp. PI! II91-19-OO14-U",'ed Rod< P.odUCIs Cofp. P'l'29\·19.oo IS-United RocIc ProdUCIs COrp. PIt '391 -1g.oo16-Reliance-lrwlndakl (CaiMal Co.)91-19-OOI1-Sheldon (calMal Co,)91-19-OO16-ReharICo-Azusa (calMat Co.)91 ·l9-OO1g..Boulevard P.operty (CalMal Co.)91 -19·0020-Palmdale (calMal Co.)91-19·0021-Big Rod< C.eek (CeIMal Co.)91-19-OO22-CaIMal--&ln Valley (CalMat Co.)91-1g.oo23-0u,b<n (CaIMal Co.)g,-1g-0025-lNingslon-G.aham, Irwindale91 -19·0026--H~G,ade Malerials-linle,ock91-1g.oo34-Azusa (Owl Rock ProducIs)g'-l9-0035-F"f!IIl Canyon Ouany (Azusa RocIc)gl-19-003fi.-Sw....lWar., Aggregal..

(Lang Slaloon. Inc)91-19-OO38-Soledad Canyon Mine

(P W Gillibrllnd Co.)

Made.a County9'-2O-OOQ'--s-r.. WhIle Quarry

(Raymond Granote Company)91 -20-0002-Doener P~ (Calaw!fes Cement.

dbiI SIewa" & Nussl91-2O-OOO3-Moen PII (Calawras Cement.

dbll s-arl & Nuss)9, -2O-OOO4-Cobb Pit (San~ S8nd & GI1lW!I)91-2O-OOll!HkIrend SII:lcqI

(Cemal V.., Concre", Inc:_)91·2O-OOlJ6...f(ee diI Silva

(lee·a ConcJele MatetIaIs Co Inc I9'_2O-OOQ7_T~ Pit (Calilomoa ln4I:slnIl Mn8raIII)91-20-0008-B<*IgIt Ash Slough S4e

(wm E. 8<ewef. Inc)


(Redwood landlilI, Inc_)


Page 32: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

9\·ZI-oQ02-tawson's Landing (Carl W Voglef, Sr)91·21-oooe-s.o Raillel Rock Quarry

(Oul,s Comparues)

Mariposa County91-22..()()()2-A PHrlOn91·22-0003-Lany 3. Sand'a BunnIng

(lllny & SlInd.. Burvm"'ll)

Mendocino Counly91·23-OOO3-F0Id Gravel COmplIny

(FOld Grave! Co,. Inc.)91·23·0004-Ausun-Crawford Gfsvel Bar

(FOld Grawtl Co" Inc,)91·23-OOOS-Bradlord GnveI Bar

(FOld Gravel Co., Inc)91·23.()()()6-ft!liz Creek Gfavel Bar

(Feliz Creek Graval &11)91·23-oQ07-Feke<fJepSOll Gravel Bar

(Ford G'avel Co" Inc)91-23«l()8..8edrock, Inc, (Wdllam & Karen Hay)91-23.()()I()..Chase Aock Quarry!Fled Rock Quarry

(Pamum Paving. Inc.)91·23-l1015-Hams Quarry (Northern Aggregales, Inc,)91·23-l1016-M;1I CrMk Bar/Adobe Lane P~

(Raymond~)91-23-l1017-5halllrOdt Quarry (Pam...m PavIng, lnc.)91·23-llO.21-f>te1a (Norlhe>m Aggr"9l'tes, Inc.)92-23-l1026--Tun'li.lnc (lllrry TunzI)91·23-llO.27-l'1ow1and Gravel Be, (Aichard Rowland)

Mercltd County91·24-(l001-Tur1ocl< Aock Co91·24.()O()2-VICIOI Pil (Weslem SlOne Produels. Inc,)91-24'()o()3-Roomsoo NorItI Pd

(Weslem Slone ProducIs. Inc,)91·24..()l)()4-S,lva Pli (Western Slone ProducIs, Inc.)91·24.()O()5-Snellng Pf1

(Wellem Stone Producla, Inc,)9\-24-OD06-l.a Grange Pf1

(WlIlern S!QncI P,oducts, Inc,)91·24.(J()()9-(.ot Banos Gravel Co.

(los Banos Gfavel Co.)91·24-l1012-Canyon Rock Pil (F S Rod. Inc)91·24-l1013-f>anoehe Pil (K8fV>81h Brued<oer)91·24-llOI4-Winton Plant (M.J Ruddy 3. Son,lnc,)91·24-l1017-Carson P'I II

(Western Stone Producte, Inc.)

Modoc Counly91-2!)-(lQOI-MoI'gan Ranch Co, Inc.

(Morgan Ranch Co, Inc)91-2S«I03-CaIdweI Cindef PIt M,ne (Rose Caldwel)91·2S-Cll104-FfIdl Gravel

Mono County91-26-0002-Hol Creek Kaolin MIne

(Slandard Industrial Mlnllfals, Inc,)91·26-OQOoI-Frank SlIm 1.11118 (US. Putr'liCe Co,)91-Z6--0029-Lee VinIng (Rush Creek) Bar

(Harvey E 3. PhyIis P Hunewill)91·26-OO35-MafUlflO 3. Sons Sand 3. Gravel

(Marzano & Sons)

Monterey County91·27.OQ01-5and City Pf1 (Monterey Sand Company)9 t ·27..()()()2-Manni! Pit (Monlefey Sand COmpany)91·27-ooo3-Oe1 Monte Forest Ouarry-Grarute

""""""'"91·27.()()()4-MeWChalome Creek P,t-G,aniteConIlruc11on

91-2NlOO5-NaIMdad Quarry(Nalional Fletrac10neS 3. Minerals)

91·27-0D06-1111)is (RMe loneslar)91·27.OQ07-BLM Flock Pile-Wm J Clark91·27-0008-ArroyoSeco-Wm J Clark91·27-ooo9-Cla11< Pit-Wm J ClaI1<91-27-l1011-P_ Canyon Prt-Granile Construction91·27-()()12-51OMwll1 Canyon Quarry

($yar 1ndu$lri&$, Inc,)91·Z7-llOI5-Porter Ranell E$lateJBradley Prt

(Madonna Construclion)

N.County91-28'()o() I-Harold Smltll & Son Prt91-28·0002-Qall--/;I Quarry (Ame<ocan Canyon

DrrvelQpmef'll Co.191-28·0003-Mc:lllughlfn (Homestake Mlrung


91·28.()()(M-Napa Quarry (Syar Ind"'$tll8t, Inc.)91-28.(lQ05-Amtrlf;an canyon Quarry

(Syar lndustr;es, Inc)

Hendl COIlnly91-29-0001-58n Jusn Aidge M.... Prospect

(Slskon Gold Corporauonl91·29..()()()2-Nortll Slar Flock Products Quarry91·29·0004-Ma"" Valley Plan! (T8fCIlef\ A9IIf~alesJ91-29-ooo5-Sha-Neva PIiont 12 (SIla·Neva, Inc,)91·29.(l()()6..-Greenhom Gravel Plant

(~Bros Entatpfi_l91·29.()()1~odgeRock Quarry (Douglu T Bonelli)91-29.()()12-Joe Chevreau.-Nevada Coooty91·29.()()I5-R.J Miles Co (A J 1.1.... Co)

Or.nge County91-30-0005-IMne Laka (BkJe Doarnond Male<ials)91-30-0006-Naw Slar (Owl Rock Procll.M;u)91-3Q-0007-Qrange Planl (R.J. Noble Co.)91-30·0008-M.non Clay (RIV8ISIde Cament Co )91-30~ncho M<ufon "18\0

(FIr4tsode Cement Co)91-3O.()()11-MIIIIOtl Viejo Malenals, Inc

(Mission Voe/O Malerials, Inc.)91-3O-Q012--Gypsum Canyon P"

(Pacrtic Cla~ ProdUC:IS)91-30-0014-£1 TOfO Malarlal., Parcell91-30-0015-€1 To<o Malerials. Parcelll

Plllc:.r County91-31'~-JoeCllevrelll_, MNdow V_91-31·(l()(l9..PaIl8l'lOrl Sand aod Gra..91-31-l101Cl-Co1el AockIin Aggfegalas

(A C Colet. In:: I91-31-l1013-Bog Gun Grande Quafry

(60;1 Gun Co,)

Plumss County91-3Z..()()()2-C1le$11lf Prt (BaldWIn ConlraetJng)91-32-llOI6-Spanish Creek Aggregates. Inc

(Hale Cllattlon)91-32-l1017-$ierra Agoreosl..92-32-l1018-5lo8t Prt (Baklwln Contfaetmg)

Rlyeralde County91·33·0001--Glen Ivy (Werner Corp)91-33-000Z_AvaJon SI.ael PI!

(E. l. Yeager Con$trueuon Co I91·33.()()()5..AI Amenean A$pIlall9t ·33.()()()6-Paef1oc Clay P,IS (Pacific Clay Products)91·33.()O()7-MobiIe Sand Co91·33--CICl()9.,Ja Aabblt Canyon

(Mofeno Valley $lind & Gravel. Inc)91.33-Q01o-Wamer Corp --Glen Ivy91·33-00 !I-Chandler's SlInd 3. Gfawtl (cn.ndIt<'s

Palos VarlMs Sand 3. Gravel)91-33-<1013-U S No So_ (Uniled Stales TIIa Co)91·33-l1014-Maitri I'll*! P1anl (1'1 J. Noble Col91'33-llOt5-Wyroc Lake Streec Quarry (Wyroc, Inc,)91-33-l1016-3M91-33-0017-Co1on.a Indus!naJ Sand Project

(~lndultrial Sand PfOjOCt)91·33-O(l19-Hi Grade Matllflall Co Moreno Valley

(Hi Grade Malarlals Co)91·3:WlO2O-Moonlaln Avenue P,t 12

(El5inore Ready Mi_)91·33-Q021-MOUntaln Avenue P,l 11

(Elsinore Ready MIx)91·33-llO.23-Corooa Clay (Riverwolle Cemenl Co.)91-33-llO.24-Smo1tl Sand (FloversfCle Cement Co.)91·33-llO.25-l.iston Quarry (Cahlomla Portland

eem.nlCo.)91-3J«l27-Co1ona Quarry (CalMa1 Co.,91-3;)-«l29-PhUdeIpIlia Recycling MIne

(A-one Dehvto' SefVlC8)91·33-003G-lodio P,l (GraMe ConsIruc100nl91-33-003I--Gamet P,I (GraMe ConsIrucbon)91-33-0035-Eagle Valley Quarry

(Boral RMources, Inc I91-33-l1036-Corona Prt {Borel Aesouroes, Inc.)91-33·003~yhewCanyon Pc (C L Pharris)91'33-()()4(h1unope< Flats (C L f'IlIor...)91-33.(X)42-Aguanga (C L f'IlIor",)91-33.(X)43-f>rado (Owl Rock ProdUCIS)91-33-0059-PaelI'o; Ridge Industnal Park

(PkIIif; EQU~nl)

91·33--0065-0 Younger Co (Oennrs Youngef)91·33--0069-ParkweSI IndIrslnal Center

Sacramenlo County91·34.OQ01-Van Vleck Rand'lO $and'\ Gravel, Inc91·34-C1OOS-McOoneIl Clay Pf1 (lnduslrial M,nerals)91·34-ooo&--Teo;hen·Pel1<ons Planl

(T8IChert Aggregates)91·30/0.OQ07-T8ICIleft-A$p8n 1A (Teo;hert All9rega\e$)91·30/0-0008-TMchen-Asptn IV (Teicllert A9llr8{lll1eS191·30/0-0009--T..;;h8f\-Aspen V (Telctlert Aggrega18l)91 ,30/0.()()12-Rancllo Cordova (AMe LOI'IOtSIar)9 t ·30/0-llOt 3-lower Bradlord Clay Pf1 (S\'l)lor>-F\eId Co.)91·30/0-l1014-Saeramento Aggregates, IncJ

9O-CZB-lIPB-1l159t·34-llOt7-Fallbaim South (Granlltt Conslrucllon Co.)91·30/0-l1022-Hanlord Sand 3. Grawtl. Inc

(Preaton Hanlotd. Sri91·34-llO.23-Amerocan Rtver Aggregates-Clark S,ls91·34.oo26-SacramenlO Aggregales, IncJ


San BenIto County9t·3S.OQ01-Joe Pil (KCAC, Inc.)91·35-0002-T... p,not Creel\ P,l (Htillsdale Rock)91·3S.()O()3--SlIn Juan Pd 16 (Hillsdale Rock)91·3S.oo<I4-SCl P,1IBolN RC*f Quany

(Hllsdale Rock)91·3!)·OOO5-AshursH.e.... (W.....r·E.. Company)91 ,3!).()()()6..Pa' Ranell (san BenIIo Supply)9 t · WAams Sand 3. G.avel9t·3~SlInd3.Glavel

(GraMe Flock Company)91·3S-llOID-Hams Quarry (Gmnite Rock Compa~)91·3S-Ol)11-5an Benito Sand Planl

(Gn'lnlts Flock Company)91·3S-Ol)12-Arthur A Wilson Quarry

(Granits Flock Company)91.3S-l1013-OoIomile <Narry (Oltw:! P GnmsIey)91·35-00 14-SlIn Jultn Asphal (LO McCIa1Clley)91'35-00 I 5-S1Ir Conaets

(Sandman, Inc BlattlScalena)91·3S-Ol)1&-lomerias MU8ItaS (Hitl5da1e Rock)

San Bernafdino County91-36-00(11-t.avic Quarry (TwIn MountaIn AocI< Co.)91-36-0002-Mol>nlall1 Pass 1.11118 (MOIycorp, Inc I91-3&OOO3-Campus Planl (Holliday Rock Co Inc.l91-~-Roeho Planl (Holliday TIUClung Inc)91-36-0006-Foolhill Ptant (Holiday Rock Co, Inc)91·:l6-0008-Amencan Mine PfOj8d Joont Venlu,e

(Palms Moning Co.)91-36·0012-$an Bema<dino (CalMat Co)91·36-l1013-Upland P,l 16 (CalMat Co.l91·36-Q014-tJpland P,t 4 &!) (CaIMat Co.)91·36-llOI5-Ca1lle Mounta'n Venlure

(Viceroy Gold Corp)91·36--0017--5oerra Aggr~la Co (Donald G Jelly)91-J6.0019-8lac:k Mountain Quarry

(Soulhweslem Portland Cemenl Co.)91-36-l102t~Brisloi Ory Lake (National Chloride Co

or America)91-36-OO22-Scheerer Quarry (1'1........ Cemenl

Company)91·36·0023-0<0 GranOs Quarry (Roverside e-nl

Company)91·36-llO.24~UplandRock Plant

(Slue OIamoncl Malerials)91·36-0027-eoro.cway Borrow PIt

(Nortll American Chemical Co)91-36-002&-EaSl G.avel P,t

(North American CIlemfcal Col91-36-0029-Tf811 Borrow P~

(North American CIlemocal Co )91-36-003G-Oredg'ng Operallon (North Amencan

Cllenllcal Co I91-36·0031-l.ake & Mlne<al Re$OuorOll

(North Amencan Chemical Co.)91·36-l1032-PaI1Jn Lon>eslone Products, Inc

(Pa"", l.Jmeslone PrOducts. Inc,)91·36.(1()33-HectOl Mine (Rl\eox Inc.)91.36-OO34-8Irdsey Gmnlte (Brubaker·MaM, ,,"",.J91-36--OO3S-CoIton Quarry (Cal"ornoe Por1Iancl

cemenl Co.)91·36-l103&-8axter Quarry (Ca1i1orrlul Portland

Cement Co,)


Page 33: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

gl·36.()1)37-~ au.rry CClIIot""",, Poo1WIde-Col

91·~lOool Rock Pfoduetl)91·~ydec.- (Oool Rod< Ploductsl91·3&-(llMI,....wbell) SIl<in9I o...ryl\olP·l Quarry

(W"*" Rod< Pfoduds, CfII Weal Rod< P!oclucIs}


91·::l6-(I()43-CMlo2 Of)'~ Chemo;aol. he91-36-004~c.n,onCPlizefhel91-3&-0046--AgCon he: (AgCon Inc 191-36-0047-000 ar.oo. Rod< PW1l C........... AIphrIIJ91·3&-0053- 0yMII~ Sarod &~

(~ Rod< Co 191~C~e.-w:_,91·3&<IQ55-VlCIOI~ P-...

(TatlI1K c...or.. ~I91·:JlI..OOS& .1.....' P'lI (TaI"IK Inc: I91·~P'lI(8orIII~.In(:,)


91-36«lllI-8<yo'1wn P'lI (8orIII~, Inc:)91..J&-0062~~ P'lI CBe..' RnoI.-. Inc:}91.~_ P'lI f90r" AMourcft, Inc:I91·3UI064 BaitlOW P'lII (8cnI RoMo:uon. Inc: I91-36-0057-""'- I<nobo'WI* AIdgII!""-


91.3f.OOn-PlungiI Owk e.n(~·s~Ma)

91·3lI-0073-Od W'*'-' Ol.-Iy(~'s~"')

91-3S-00~8llrtIow Ikll'!o- PIt ee.-l91-~Borrow PIt le.-r-I111-35-0077......=1)10' f Borrow PIt'3&-OlI8&-F~NrWt MoM

(~V1IItyOlganocF~ Co)1I1~Sb",(CL~)


CBn.tlIiker·......" Inc:}91.J6.OO9l)-W.... FIfil au.rry (~-M..." Inc 191·36-0091~ Brown, & LiIM: au.n­

(8r\IDllkef-Mann, Inc,)91·3&-OlIll2-a_ MounUion au.rry

(8fuIH,ker·Mann, Inc 191·~~Aoc;k

(8r\IDllker·Mann, Inc,)91.3e-OClll8-Mud H,ls (Tenneco Mntrslt. Inc I92·36.()I04-SINef La~s Mine (I< 0 MIIWOIl Co)91·36.()I05--AMc: & ~au.r'"

(SOulhweslem PotIlIlnd Cemsrw)91-J6.()I06-Whlt. Moun"," au.rry

CSOUth.......lIm Po<tIand Cement)91.36.()107-(l1d Ouar'" (Sou~lernPortland

e-tllCo)91·36.()106-c.lidle P~ ISOuth_1em Portland

""""" Co ISan OIegG County91-3HIOO2-Norttl TWIll o.J<t V.ney Qua'1)

(SO Coast 1.1..,...... Co)91·37.()004...UaMlon Valley Rod< Planl

(H G F..,on Mal_II91·37.()l)OS-PeIs Rock~ ($end)

(H G F.-..on Ma......)91-37.(1(l(l6-HarmonyG<o¥e Planl

(H G F.-..on ua......)91.37.()OO7-Cs"oI c.nyon PWoI


91-37.()(1($-Wfroc SyQ_ Ouany (Wyroc:, Inc 191·37-(lCIl~ Sand PIt (C W McGralh, Inc,)91·3HlCIiI.......... PlI (C W McGraltllnc 191·37.(lC113-SmJ~~91·3HlCIl5-UCLH san~(e..z-)


91·37.(lC1I .....TTT Quarry Cs.c-v~ .... L P 11I1·37~·sGr..... CO

(EaI! eo..w.y ua..... Co )91-37-0021~ Howe can,on IAsclhilll, Inc)91·37-Gll22-MeGre1ll Bcrrow P'Il (C W~)1I1-37-002~o-v- P'Il

(~A-"1 """, LP 1.1·37«12& U_VeIey(e-.MCo ).1-37-0027-9cWt Ca'ryon Sarod Co

91-37-oo2e-MI$$iQn Valey (Eo·FlltIlon) (c.lMM Co)91-37~Canton IClIlMal Co)91-37-oo:lO-Ca1Mi>1-Poway (caIMal Co 191·37.()(13<l-.B MonIs Pn(~I Slc*'ll91-37-oo3S-01ay' fIwdI P'lI (Nelson & Slooanl91-37«l36--Nel1on & Slow! P'lI12 (Neiton I 510-.)91·37-OOO7-8or_ HoghlllndII (NelIcn I 510-.191·3NXIS2-Na1lonil1 0Jiw...

(Molle Johnson, B.y Johnson}91·37-0057-The p.....,. V1IItyCou'llry CUI

Sen Joaquin County91-»OOO1~uu P'lI (Brown s.ncl, Inc).1.3lI-0002--V..... P'lI (&0-0 s.ncl. Inc 1.1·~(TiMCI'IIIO'I..ega..191-39-OCJllS-fUe (T""" .....191.3!H'lCI06-TrKt Aock PI.-. (TiMCI'IIIO'I AggregeIM)91·39-OlXI7-P1oNn (TeocMrI ....)91·39-OOO&-TfKy P'Il(~e-uc-.

""",,",I.I-39-OlI09-RME PI! (~e-ruc.on ~I91-»<lC1lo-t._ Trw~rv~Aock ~--­91·39-0011~~P'Il

(FTG ~""""".lncl

91 -39-0012-uc.ed11e Ao.d PI!CFTG~""""'1nc1

91-»<lC113-EI RandIoAoc:l<" Sarod. Inc(EI Rand>o Rod< I 5and Inc )

.1-39-00I~-Muck lAMe LonMlaIl


91.39-0016-Solwl P'lI (Q«w9t RNd Inc I91·39-001$ F R.nd! (a.o.veRNd.Ine)91·:J9.001~~PII(~RMd.Inc)91·:J9.0020.-KRC~

(Ionnerly Ri»Sa'l GnI..... Co. Inc I91-3lI-0021-V..... au.nv (TeocMrI AggregalMl91~1efIwdIlBrown s.ncl. Inc)

san Luitl 0tI0afl0 CoIlnty91~~'"

(so.-n P-*, M~1ong Co I.1~..ueI~ RQCIc Oueny

(W W Har\aIII .. )91~P11

(OolyGa~ I E..... o.rnon)91-40-00 12-WiIco-He<mrKk·Branch91·4().()()I3--Roe!<y Canyon

(M J ~1ICkIW,lIco Aseoc: )9I-4O.()(114-N"""'" (Wileo Auoc.)91-4O.()(11$-M,IIef Mine (M.J H'''llfecllJW,lIco A.-oc)91-40-0016-T"* Canyon SiInd PlI

(Hearn Trucl<,ng Inc I91.40-<XlI8-o\Iamo Rock (A J 00/1... CorWructlOfll91.40.001 Q...Une Moon18,n au&lry

(LJrne Moo.ontaln ComplIny)91-40-0025-AItMtI1I Rench Red Roell Quarry

(Mu(\QnNI Consln.I<;IlOfll91...tO-OO26-81l1nchi P~ (Winsor Constructionl91~S Rive< BonO"" Pn

(Cty (II Paso RobIMI91.4O-<Xl32......41.W1llfi P~ (Weyrck 5and I Gra.....)91-40-0036-OoNr>o 5and CQmpany

(Oc:eano 5and~ny,1I1..eo-<1039-3-S Rend! Pn 13-5 Reneli, Inc)91~ArroyoOelo-8Mch

(Wlf'lIOr Cons\rul;lIOnI

San ....teo County91-41-Q002~Quarry

(""""'*' Rod< and .......191-4I~Klo.-y(l.enllIeYKlo.-y)


(Weal 00ltIl~..., he )

s.t\.II e..rbeB CouoMy.1-42~ (SoultMm PKlIic MoMg

""",,",'.1-<42.()()(M-f'JIIb 5and Pl!IPMks Lend..-d c.-.

""""""91-<42.()l)()6..-8ee Aock a....,91-42-(IOO7-t.ompoc: PWll (Cells CoIpo:QbClnl91-42.(lC11Cl-S1grora1i~ 2

I~Blclg ......... Larnpoc.lncl91-42.(lC112--6ogrAlGe (Cod Rock)91-42.(lC113-Soecp;w; Ie- Rock)

91-42.()015-Goodchild (ca.1I Aock)91-<42-<102O-E..- Ranch (San\a Barbara

sand I Topeofl91 -<42«r22-&,.oe11con P'Il (Gr_ ConswdtDn)Sen'- et.ra CoIlnty91-43-0001~Qu;myIOW-de~.Inc 191-43-00Q2...$erps PII (~COrnpwIy)91-43.(l(1(l3-Azwedo Querry CA.J~ pawog Co I91-4:J.()()Ootw~e--t "-""anIe Oueny

I"-"'"*'>.I-43-OOOS-f'olek PI! Ol.-Iy (Grande Rod< Co I91~Oueny

(Wee!CoesI~.Inc)91-43-0007___. Creek o-ry,~

(StewN c.- o-ry, Inc)

s.m. Crw e-nry91_-o0(11-ar.. SIl<in9I Quarry. Inc91_.(IOO24'eIIon PlerCl~ Sand I G<awII Co )91_.(l(I(l3.4'tilIon au.ryl~ConeWucIo'l Co 191_~(RMC~

.1_.(l(l(I5-.8oron Ooan L.....- & Sf"*aua....IRMCL..-l




91~ c..... Sarod..-d G<awII-­.1-45-0004-'-'-'" CoaClnwood eono:n- P1ocluo;ts(J F SMsCo..)

91-4~AspheIL Inc ., (8lId<~1(SyMe Sdlr'nIll)

.,-4s-clC1118-NO'1h" As(lhIll. Inc .2 (CIea< Creekl(SyMe Sdlr'nIll,

91~1Q-8urney Pif..Arne<1CItI~.1-4S-0012-Gny Rod<~

(e...-e-Il Col CSAI91-4S-0013-F.lkenbury (e--- Cement Co) CBA).,-4S-OOI4-ShN5enCI..-dGr..... (JF ~l91-4S-OOI7-f'........ Rod< Ouarry

(YUIll~ s.nos I Gravel)91~1~.. Proo;tl,oetl(JF &.s.1ne)91-45-Ol)21-Qysta1 c..... Aggregale

(Je<ry 0 Cornongl;lee<)91-45-0024-&'.,;Ieri 5enG PJI (Hal c'"" Cons!ructIOn).,-4~tli.. Aspha/I.392-4~-COWCn,.k Pn (Garrell B<own)91-4~ Bune Cinc:\eQ (WilIoIln C Haekler)91-45-OO29-OekRunP~-LW HalICo Inc

sten. County - Nons

Siskiyou County91-47.()(102-&lv8 Ou.rry (Aoben F. S~"al

91-47.(lO(19-Vr1Ik. Tr.neiI 1.1",_ Inc(Yrel<lI TranSlI 1.1"'_ Inc I

\I1.47.(lC11G-Rebl>ace" Deboy MII1ll{BSB CndlK Compeny)

91-47-<XlII-GLa.. IdounlUl Pumoee Inc(GlassMtn f>unI;ce, Inc)

.,-47.()Ol3-8Iock Puma 1-4(Gless MIn f>unI;ce, Inc.)

91-47.(lC114-Moora·s Gr...... (RIChard S ~I91.4HlCI15-Spnn1Jhi11 Mine (SouN Aeoady ..... Inc)1I1.47.(lC116-Ul*Jn MIne (Sousa RIedy Ma, Inc)91-47-<Xl17-TI\I&ll OuJ,rry (KiewIt PacM: Co)91-47.(lC11ll-f<odcllor Creel< Quarry

(TeehoPP E>x:.avaung)91-47.()019-8anhart PlI (J F~Co~ Inc 11I1-47.(1(12O-fon8ak.. ~nch(JF St"-.Co Inc)91-47.<J021-f1BR Ranch (J F $Me Co he 191-47~c..der"'-

(F,.;l W IlurIon I George C/oaoeII92-47.<J024-Cher!y c.-"'-

(peragonP~I91-47~Ranch (oa.. 8oondI192-47~ YooI<......-..,-48-OOll2-4..ake Quarry


.I~HilliIlMldfiI (St- tnct..- 1nI;)

.1~_ ....0uerty(Sy.-~.1nc191~0l.-Iy~PI!)



Page 34: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Sonoma County91-49·0003-Windso< III (Kaisel Sand /I. Grave<

Company)91-49.QOO4-Canyon Rock Co., lroc (Wendel Trappe)91·49·0005-lelmo"nl Ouarry

(North Bay Construction, lroc.)91-49..()()()6- Siony Poinl Rock Quarry

(Stony Poinl Rock Quarry, lroc,)91-49-QOO7-Ha!l"mann Raroch Quarry

(Stony POlnl Rock Quarry. lroc.)91-49-OOOll--Sonoma Rock Company

(C R Fedrick, Inc)91-4g..()()()9-Nuns Canyon Quarry. Inc.91-49-OO12-Petaluma Quarry

(Amencan Rock /I. Aspha", lroc.)91.49-Q013..Jerry De Will TruckJn9, Inc" dba De Win

Sand /I. Gravel (J6rry De Win)91·49·0014-Vrmar1< PlOperty

/Cloverdale Ready·Mr~, Inc)91·49-QOl5-Log Pond Enlefj>lises, Inc, (ClDverdale

Ready·Mi~, Inc.)91 -49-QOl6-GerlMls Property

(Cloverdale Ready·Mix, Inc.)91-49-Q017-Tat98 Property

(Cloverdale Ready·M.. , Inc.)91·49-QOl8-Garibaldi Property

(Cloven:IlIle Ready·Mr~, Inc,)91-49-0019---Carano Property

(Cloverdale Ready·Mi~, Inc.)91·49-0020-King Pfoperty

(Cloverdale Ready·Mi~, Inc.)91·49-0021---Lakeville Quarry (Ghilotli Bros" Inc.)91·49-Q022-Russian River-GeyservHIe Bars

(Syar InduSlries, lroc,)91 '49-0023--TWIn B'idges Planl

(Guatala A99regates, Inc)91.49-0027-Dry CMek Channel-WeSlSiOe Bridge

(Ves1ed) (Syar InduSlries, Inc,)91·49-(l(l28--Russlan R,ver Channel-Vesled BaNI

(Syar Indus1rles, Inc,)91·49-<1029-Healdst>urg Terrae_Doyle Pn (Vested)

(Syar Ind\l$lries, Inc.)91-49-<103O-Healdsburg Terrace

(Grace RanchlSonoma Vineyards)(Syar Industries, Inc.)

91·49-Q032--Mar1< Wesl Quarry (BoDean Co. lOCI91-49-OC134-8ohan /I. CaMlis (Austrn Crook Ready

M",lnc.)91·49-<1035-Bohan /I. Canalis91-49·003&-Bianchlnl Quarry

(Etaine Branch",1 SChukler)91-49-0039-5erms Sarod /I. Gravel (Serres Corp)91·49-004Q-TWln Bridges Planl-Slation 2

(Gualala Aggregates)91-49-0041-Geyservilla Sand /I. Gravel

(C.A. Rasmussen)91-49-0C!42-zamaroni Quarry, 'roc.91-49·0043-Blue Rock Co. (Don Wesner)91-49-0C!44-Brook$ Qualry (Wesley A. Brooks)91·49-0C!4$----Slage Gulch Ouarry, Inc.

(Slage Gulch Quarry, Inc.)91-49·0046-Naeo-WeSl Property

(Cloven:IlIle Ready·M.. , Inc)

Stanislaus County91·SO-OOOl-Landmark Pil

(Westem Stone Products. Inc.)91·SO-oOCl2-$dlmldt Pil

(Westam Slone Ploducts. Inc,)91·SO·0C!03-Ctlaoos 0 Wamer /I. Son, Inc

(Weslem Stone Products. lroc,)91·SO-OOO5-0he Sand /I. Gravel91·SO..()()()6-WalertOtd (M,J RlIddy)91·SO-OOO7---La Grange (M.J Ruddy)91-SO-OClO8-Frank B. Mar1<s and Son, Inc91-50-0009-Cree Ranch Pil

(Western Stone Products, Inc.)91-SO'0lI1o-La Grange (Geofge Reed, Inc.)91-50-001 I-Hodge Ranch P,t (GOOfge Reed, lroc.)91·5O-OO12-Ard,s (George Reed, Inc.)91·50-001:J-Robert's Ferry (7/1 1 Mawials)91·SO-OO14-WalerlOtd (7/11 Mate'ials)91·50-0015-LangtOfdlRip~

91·SO·0016--Rood Waterlord (GOOfge Reed, Inc)

Suner County91·51·0001-Bu"e Roc~ /I. Gravel

Tehama County91-52-Q002-Ca,mlCtlael Roc~ Company

(Carl J WOOds)91·52·0006-Thomes Creek Rock, lroc. (Joe Couner)91-52·0016--Tflftny Rock and Sand91·52-OO17-Lelninger (Ben's Truck & EqUIpment, Inc,)91·52-OO23-Dye Crl!&lt Quarry (Nord'c Industries)91·52-OO25-Hub Johnson (Kurt Sale)91·52-0027-Hooke.- Creek (Northslata Asphan)91-52-OO26--Ooor C'ook Rock

(Scott /I. Ellen Stephens)

Trinity Counly91·53·0002~O,nsmore(M&fCe<, Fraser Company)91·53·0007-La Grange Mine (Eagle Rock, Inc,)

Tulare County91·54-oOC11-PRM Sand Co

(Porterville Ready Mi~,lnc)

91·54·0Q02-Lee Gill G,aMa BoffOW P,t91-54·0005-Bnttflft Granote Pit (Bntten Conslruction)91-54-0006-Kaweah RNer Rock Co.

(Kaweah River Rock Co.)91-54-OOO7-1.emon Cove (RMC Lonestal)91·54-OClO9-Ledbene, BoffOW P,t

(Edward B Hunsaker)91-S4-<1012---fl'chmond Borrow Pit DIy C'eek

(Artesia Ready M,~ Concrete. lOCI91-54·0013-Lemon Cove Granrte P,t

(Thomas M. /I. Mary T Carms)91·54-OO15-Tescon (HalopoM /I. Sons, Inc.)91-54·0016--Bluestone Aggregala (J,m Uny)91·S4-OO17-PRM Rock Plant Co

(Porterville Ready·Mi~, Inc.)91-54-OO19-Deer CMek Ranch (Shan Kong)92-54·002O-Sears-White River Clay

(Design·Bood Inlernalional)91-54-OO21-Ooor Creel< Quarry

(Deer Creel< Rock Company)

Tuolumne Counly91·55-OOO1..,Jamestown Mine (Sonora Mining Cofp)91·SS-Q002--&ue Mounla,n M,nerals

(Gerald C Nielsen)91·55.Q004-Pine Mountain Quarry (Wm G C,ook)91·55-0005-Table Mounlain Qua"y

(George Reed, Inc.)

Venlura County91·56·0001-Rldgellta (Pae,''c Ughweight Products)91·56-OOO2-0f0 Norte (Southern PaciI'c Milling

Company)91-56-OOO3-Palm Ave (Soutllem Pae,tlC Mill,ng

Company)91·56-0Q04-Vflfttul3 River (Southern Pae,tic Milhng

Company)91·56·0005-KnoII (Southern Paerl'c M,lhng Company)91·56-0006-Briggs Road (SOuthern Pacific Milling

Company)91·56·0007-EI RIO (Southern Pacd'c Mtlling

Company)91-56-<lOO6--Satlcoy (Southam Paerl'c M,n,ng

Company)91-56-OC11o-Gnmes Canyon Rock Quarry

(Be-st flock Products)91-56-OO11-Mary Sm~h Quarry (A.J Sande»;)91·56-OO13-Saspe C,ook (Sespe Rock ProdOC1s)91-56-OO14-Bloo Sial Quarry

(Blue Sial Ready Mi~. Inc)91-56-OO16--(;alaVllras Cuyama Gypsum

(H UmalCalaveras Cement)91·56-OC117-CaIMat Co,-5aticoy (CaiMal Co.)91·56-OO18-CaIMat Co-Feno SatlCOY (CaIMal Co,)91·56-OO20-Hallock P'l (Granile Consl1UCIIOn)91-56-0021-Tapo Canyon M,ne

(P W GiUibrand CoJCZS Corp.)91·56-OO22-SandOval Quality Rock Co.91·56-0025-The Olai Quarry (Schmid! ConstructIOn)91·56-OO26-EI Rio P1anl (South&m Pae,tlC Road Plant

(SOuthern Paclt'c M,lllng Company)91-56-OO28-Ouahty Rock, Inc (Bratt Jones)

YoloCounly91-57-OOO2-T&lCher1-Woodland Planl

(TeIChert Aggregates)91-57-0003-Teochert-Re<l1 Planl

(Teichen Aggregales)91·57-0Q04-TeChert-Muller (Talchert Aggregates)91·57-Q005-SChwa'Z9ruber & Sons, Inc.

(Schwarzgruber /I. Sons. Inc)91-57-OOO6-Schwarzgruber & Sons. Inc

(Schwarzgruber & Sons. Inc.)91·57·0007-Solano Concrele In-Channel

(Solano Concrele)91·57·0008-Solaoo Concrete O1I-Chanool

(Solaoo Conc'ete)91·5HI009-Cache Creel< P,t (Syar Industries, Inc)91-57·00lG-Woodland Facility

{Granite Construction Co.)

Yuba County91-56-OOOl-Weslern Aggregates. Inc,91-56-OOO2-Hallwood Pit (Baldwin COnt'aelong)91-56-0003-Yuba Placer Gold Co

(Yuba Wesl Gold. Inc.)91·58-OC104-Spe~kQua'ry (Carl J Woods)91·58-OOO5-Linda Sand & GraVlli Co91-58-0006-Hallwood Plant (Te'che" Aggregate'.l)91·58-oOC17-Whealland Clay PH (Gladd,ng, McBean)91·58-QOll-Yuba RiVllr Sand /I. Gravel91-58-Q012-Coughhn P,t (Yuba Rrvar Sand 8. Gravel)


TIle requirements of AS 3098 do notapply to certain lands in the State. Thus,materials from operations on those lands canbe purchased by State agencies without theirbeing included on the regular AB 3098 list.As a courtesy to operators on lhose lands,we have included operations of which weare aware.

For federal lands. AB 3098's require­ments apply only to lhose agencies withwhich the Department of ConselVcltion has aMemorandum of Understanding. 1hese arethe Bureau of Land Managemenl and U.S.Forest Service. Operators on Olher federallands include:

Superior Reody Mix Concrete.Miramar N.A.S., San Diego

Sim J. Harris Company,Miramar N.A.S., San Diego

Teichert Aggregates.U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.Mississippi Bar, Sacramento

Also exempted a,e operations on Depart­ment of Water Resources lands for which areclamation plan has been approved by thatdepartment. This includes;

ASTA Construction. Rio Vista:S\<Ite Reclamation Board Lease 87-2

AB 723. an urgency bill now before thelegislature. states thaI Indian lands ....ill not besubject to the requirements of AS 3098. Uponpassage. the following operations will be in thiscategory:

CaIMat Co.. Pala ResetvationCaIMat Co" MorongolBanning


Page 35: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993

Industrial Minerals Conference - 29th Fonun

- ..__.'. ' "-.

The approximately 200 participantscame mostly from the U.S. and Canada.but Mexico. Sooth America. Europe, andAfrica lNere also represented.

The forum IL'O$ sponsored by the Dilli­slon 01 Mines and Geology (DMGJ andthe U.S Bureau 01 Mines

-Max Aanery

. "


DMG display at conlerence Photo by Max Flanery

InsJde front COY« photo:DMG's PrOl:b:l. Presenta­tIOnS Group prepanngdisplays lor 29th Forum.

searles lake Field tnp partICIpants wallong through halite. Photo by C.L-

The Forum provided an opponunityfor auendees 10 discuss convnon topics(talc deposlts. diatomite quames. redaJna·lion plans. etc.)lrom dtverse viewpointsand experiences,

Kramer Mme at U S Borax FIElId rnp partlCIpaJlts c0l­lecting samples of kefJlIte Pharo by C l, Pndmore

This year's meeting emphaSIZed themdustnal TTUI'lel"a1 deposlts of southernCahlomia. h IOCb:Ied 2 days of technicalsessions and 3 days of field trip to nineprodl.I:ers 01 ird.Istrial minerab anddtngdialOffilII? Iimesl:one. imel'll!!? crushedstone. sand and gravel. boron com·po.nk. day. and saline mmerals



FOf one week (AprtI 25-30). geologistsand business leaders from IndUStry.

academia. and government gathered10 Long Beach. California to attend the29th Forum on the Gcoklgy of Industrial



Page 36: Caliifornia Geology Magazine Jul-Aug 1993






USPS 350 840



Malachlte.tenonte. and chrysocolia-cha!Cedony. The Slrlkmg green mmeralls malachite. The line-gramoo platy black mmeral istenonle. The Iranslucent and pale blulsh·green minerai is chrysocolla-ehalcedony. These mInerals are generally consideredgangue minerals. but can be mined 'or copper

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