california in the california tech,...

TOMORROW: GLENDALE CIVIC CAPERS CALIFORNIA TECH Co/ifornio / nstitu te of T echn()/()gy SATURDAY: SAGEHEN STEW Volume XLIX ------------ - - - --- - - Thursday, October 30, 1947-- --- - ------------- -- -- Noo 4 ' Caltech Tauhates Resume Activities For Coming Year ASCIT Night . Halloween Affair To Feature Dance Tomorrow Honorary Scholastic Society to Elect New Junior and Senior Members Soon Bow To Get Dance F'\'om Tech go West on Colora do , t111'ough E ag le Rock, up eithe r 13roadw.1Y 0 1' Co]o l'.1d o in Glend ale . TUI'Il right ( nol't11 ) on Verdu go Roau , 0 1', if you wish, Glenda le Blvd. I t is about 2 !TIil es LIP either of these rouds (Gl enda le Blvd. runs into Verdugo Road) La the Glendale Civic, 140 1 N. Verdugo Road. I The Ca lifo rnia Beta chapler of the Tau 13eta Pi l nati ol1J. 1 organ iza'tio,i of honor st ud ent s in the flelcl oj' enginee ri ng, held a la :-;t week to outline activities for the coming sc hool yea r. 1'he Ca ttech o rganiznti on has th e I'eputation of heing one of th e m os t active c hapt ers in the nation and pkUl:; fOl' variolls socia l e vent s have already been dr awn up Linder the leaders hip or Char l es F ro m other t han T ech , me r eiy ge l to Glenda.le, a nd eit her of the two previou sly menLioned r oa d s. Laverne s Orchestra Glendale Civic Will BeScene Of Opening Sport Dance Of Social Year Murp hy, pre siden t. Na t IIl 'e of Tau Reta I·i i Tau Bela Pi is more than an honOl'<.II'y ::.;c: hol asLic societ.y; its prim ary purpose is to se r ve as a ya rd stick of engineering ac hi evement und pr ofess ional ex- ce ll ence. [l s trives fol' t he mai n- tenance of e ng inee ri n g elhics , its memh ers <:i re much in dcmand in indnst ry and science. Memhcr · Rh i )) in t.he o rg a ni%a!iol1 is t.h us On Friday, Oct. 31, the CaI- tech Student Body will open the soc ial year with a sport dance at the Gl endale Civic Audito ri - a vel'Y dcsil'uble io gJ'dd · ua t ing uden :s . il l e nl b t' l -N hil ) 1'(' nI C Il 1.,. Tau Fietn Pi wa s foun ded u,r.; J.n en gine ering CO lt 'I t C! 1')H rt of Phi Bela Kappa . BecJ. u ,.;; c of the highly speci alized nat ure of in engineering a nd sci- o !f' ereu at Callech, the calll ' Pll s h as made it <l prac· tice t o e!el.:t bOl h engineers ant! sci co nti s 1. ..; into it" "ank s. Twi ce yea r the lOP fifth of the s enio r cla ss a nd the top eight h of the jun i or c:ln ss are cons ider ed fot· ele ':: lion ; the fin;}1 se l eclio ll is ba · eel up on Hl'hieve· men !, Jd i vitic :-. Jl : i1 ahility tu gel along wi t ll peo· pic . Th ese are consiciered vital in achieving professional exce l- lence. £n the coming week s 17 se niors and 6 juniors will be con- s idered fOl' electio n. JnWMjo ll Acth, jti cs Pre sent m emb ers will h.we an OPPol'tUllitty to get acqlJai nt ed with pt·os pective memb ers at a party give n at Brookside Park on Sunday, Nov . 9. Eli gible stu- de n ts will rece i ve their inv ittio ns on the Friday be for e. Th e final e lectio ns will titke place the foll owi ng week after each neo- phyte had been intervjewed. The initiati on ancl banque t wil l take place on Friday. D ec. 5, and the new members will put on th e ir traditional s kit. Four Mor a Firesides This Week 'L'ANT .. \ LI:ZlNG "' L'''-Hl ', lilt, "S ll h' it til' '47," Ca ll c (']I 's fi\'(' 1 ':l lI y lWI' 1I (loi n;,; a s w e ll jo b a nti ti lli ng a " ita l I 'o li' wl' ll al. 'I \'(' h a' IHI I 'a ll ),s "' ilh 1h il · IH' ('ds io ll pc l'f ol' lIIaIU'('S a nd s ))iI 'i L '1'0 1. I'OW: I 'a t Ga al 'd, Ging('I' Jun e Woo ley , [1 '0 111 h'f t 10 l'i ", hL (.;C IlIt' I·: ViI'g inia Bcall i in (( 'on l , ,J oyce 8aJ \CI'. F ' t R P t um. F'rom 9 to 12 the co up les IrS ep os will (I" n ce to the mu sic of La Verne . Boyer and hi s 11 - piece I Bud MHtenlhal was elected banel. who have pl ayed for l"il 'st Repre se ntative at the rlln- num el'OliS T ec h fu nc tion s in the off elecLion held Thut's day, Oc- pa st wi t h mal'ked s uc cess. H is lOb er 23. smoot h a.nd s wee t style will be I Voting wa s very light , accord. augmented by two vo ca lists, ing to L eigh .. Sherritrs, head of Gnye L.n n e and Larry Straight, the Election Committee. Mit. who sing both solos and duets . te nt ha l r eceived 215 votes to Bi ll G lt' IHla lt: t: ivic Exce llent ! . ,., . Th e Glendale Civic cannot but he lU. o fT n eces sal.y he · I provide an e xcellent setting fo r caus: neither ?' .the ca n didates I Boyer 's music a nd a SS Ul' e a sue - recel:ved a of t.he vPle ce ss ful evening. Maple Hooring cast 111 the pl'lmary electlOll held . and wooclen overhead beams w ill October 16th. I . . . " . prov lcle the pr oper mformal Ml.ttenthnl IS. SenIor Class I touch while an open balcony a nd Dlll Smyt? was tlnd garden within so u'nd of act lllg J' Het? :1t the time of the band will bri ng togethe r mu. t he elec t.lOn. .. s ic and night. A soft drink bar The F tI 'SL H.epresenlat lve .IS a will be ava il able for ref r esh- membet· of the board of d l l'ec- ments. tors, the Honol' Point Commit· tee, and fllnct ions. abo co ntro ls social Robert Weede Well Received lllt(wm iss io n COli t est. 1 :) lanll cd DUl'ing inte rmiss ion the Dan ce Second M oetl'ng Tech Dehatin 'g Squad· "Palomar" Dro Mason's Robert Weede, operatic bario [J tone, r eceived a wa t'm ovatio n Opens At Pepperdine Suh]oect For Novo 7; at the conclus ion of hi s courtesy I Committee ' wi ll engineer a con- les t fo t' the crowd. tunes will be played that refer to an event 01' se ries of eve nts t ha t have OCCUl'red on ca mpu s rece nt· ly . A ll eve rits have been report- ed in the CALIFORNIA TECH, so SUCcess depends on astuteness only. The committee guara.ntees the que stio ns not to be diffic ult , but a know ledge of Math 3 is defi- nitely helpful. H ld B ASCE recital nt Clllbertson Hall dur- e 11 Caltech', Debatin g SOCiety, the "Hen" Rallg Tomorrow ing last Monday' s as se mbly. 'j Pi Kappa Delta., w il l open this MI'. \Veede, who s tarted hi s The ASCE he ld ils s ec'ont! ' . 't' ' tI t Dr. Max Ma s on, Ph.D ., LL.D., I)l'ominent career at the Radio St ud ent Body Cm-d Admit s yea r s acliv i les \V I ) an ex em· S D '11 I . tl k meeting of the (c rill vVednes· k' t t t c. ., \Vl )e Ie s pea e l' at as· City Music Ha ll, has been a SOJ O- , Pre s entation of Cl st udent body da y a fternoon, OeL 22 , Tom + s emby n C!xt 7, .it ist with the Me tl'Opo litan Oper a carel is entrance to th e dance. \V[ltel's, pr c:: dlienl , appointed' the 14 a nd 15 . . announced today. HIS tOpiC Company fol' a number of years. Tho se who do n ot possess a card following ]ll' ogl'am co mmi Ltee: WIll the development of He is we ll known foJ' his pOl'- m ay attend for a don a ti on of Ca n'oll (chai rma n), Patt erson, The debat e que stio n fo l' this the l)uloll1a r Ohservatory . tl'ayaJ of the r ole "HigoJetto." $ 1. 50 to heJp defray the func. event, "Reso lved, that a Dr. iVIa .::; on 'is chair man of the a nd Shaller. Perry was ass igned During "on'" season at the Met, tion's expe nses. to help l.Iau :i ma nn with pub- World Government Should Be Obsel'vatdl'Y Co un c il of the In- lhe si nger ha s divided his time For dire ctions on h ow to ar. I !:: s tab li s llecl," w ill con cer n pres· s tit ll te anll a member of the be !icily. tween concert LOur s a nd ap· ri\ ;e than 1 houl' l ate look ent Ru sso· Amenc'm R elat IOn s Board of Tru stees. ..' :-. , \Vatet' s I'em i nded the hoys . L t ' . . pea ra n ees WI th other rankmg els ew here on Page One that the ncxtl11e eti ng of the Los the duels 111 the a.nd I T he Ous ervatory C.o un cil IS In operatic groups, notably the San . Angeles Chapter of the ASCE 1)arlltlO11lng of Pales ltn e. Ir v ll1 g fu ll contl'o l of the de Sign, con- Francisco Opera Company with w ill he a dinner- da n ce on Nov' l Sulmeyel' c Hld Thomas Vrebalo· stt'llctlon , an cl ; operation of the whi ch he is now appeari'J)cr in IRE M t T 12. Student m embers are pl 'I VI - Paloma I and Cal. / Lo s Ange les. 1n co ntin uati07l of '. •• ee S 0 leged to atte nd fo t' half pri ce 01ll - ea t 1, ora 01', WI e le<.:h I his usa activities during t he ($2.00 pel' coupl e) a nd have an incl uded in Tech' s squad of 21 01 CounCil, 01'. war, he ha s rec en tly performed EI t Offl' cers Promi si ng to be as big a suc - opportunity to l1l <1i ke co nnec tions member s. Mol s on I S. n ece s sa llly m an I numerou s benefi ts for hos pit a l· I ee cess as l ast week, th e " Y" Sun- in the profes:<; ion whi Je having a fl ccc h '('s Co rulUcmltlt io n .quallfied to the I ized veterans and other deserv -I day Evening Fires ides li st s as aood ti ne T he fea l' s of the exclttng evenl.s com? 1 bill? the ing groups. T he studednt secti on of the In- this week's h osts Drs. Clark, 0 I. . . I J rvi ng Su lm eye r lhe Pl'esi- s tor y of th e Gian t MUTOl" 111 ad D R .. . s nakes wer e all a yed when Wat- dent of Callech's' Pi Ka a ... .'. ' . - Ol'othy acco ll1 p a' l s ti t ute 0. 1' Ra d io Enginee rs met Pa uling, SWift, and Untere me l'. ers recall ed lint la st year the ''I s. . . L PP dlltOn, bI'lI1gs to. hls s ubJe . ct ni ed the s ing e r. la st week for the purpose of Th . f I t i' '1 1 < . (: Delta was very recently granted tl I tl I I ese JI1 Ol'lna ga lerll1gs WI ;' j"llments in CE COllrses were < 1: C en l:' ::;IaSl11 llC 1 electing ofTicer,s: Etncl planning ac. sta rt at 7:30 and end with light 1 :-' 0 II .. \ . I I 1 . ft .. by thiS natIOnal speec h Ol'gantza- p.eI,vldd.ed hls te nUl e as tivitieo [01' the fOl"lhcol11 ' lng year. . f' I . l '30 U SUd Y I Cl uce l t1e (ay a el I tion t he degree of Special Dis- B fO P d 0 Ie l eslments a)ou t 9. . s uch a meeting fo!' the benefit of I" .. '" . on Ire ara e c. A. Rypinski s poke of the re- Proof of the popularity of those who "-tre nd ed. for [ul"the l" tm ct lon for hi S aclivltles In de- Thi S Fnday s asse mbl y Will be · I ce nt West Coas t I.R.E. Conven- ... the se Sunday chat s' is the fact informa tion. see of the of- bate last seaso n. He and Jo se ph a pep a ss e mb ly fo l' lhe P omona SOT h S . . lion in Sa n }"'r;:lJ1cisco, which he th at already this week the li s ts fi cers. Green won distinction in debate ga.m:, J ack Oltes tad , com- tlr ec plrlt alle n(ied as Ca l tech stude nt rep. are over ha lf· fi lled. The li st s wi ll The tl1ni n evem on the PI'O. at Red l ands Un ive rsity last ml. s Sloner, .. l' es enta Li ve. A tenta ti ve sche du le be availab le for signature s in t he gram wa s a twe n ty. Apri l. mIg ht even be g lI'lS, he op ll1 ed. For tho se of yo u whv were of field lriI)S was UI), t he first I I th "Y" ffi I unfort un ate eno u gh to mi ss the l ouse ollnges or e 0 ce, minute SOU li d film in colo)', I Ji' utlll 'C Pinus trip being the combined A.I.E.E.- but the 12 places ate going fast. pre·Oxy game Paj amarino, Lhe "Drivin g th e Alva 13. Ad .:l l11 s At the present time Ca.ltech is Co °1 S. "TECH" offer s the foll ow ing 1.R.E. jaunt to Don L ee's lelevi· Tunn el." C?Ul·te fi Y. of the In ger- planning to offer a debale LOur- IVI erVICe so lace. At the troop s gath. sion statio n in Ho llyw ood next soli· Rand Co. ThiS tU f U1e l, u sed I ney s im il ar to la st yea r 's affair ' ered in TOUl'mllnent Park and Monday, Nov. 3. C m"HS Cfll4 nattf as an il'l'i g:1Uon co nduit in Col o- l ate /' on thi s yeal' at an unspeci- E A d enjoyed a fine picnic dinn er can- Officel's elected werB C. A. Ry- (/, ,, _e "aclo, is the longe st eve .. driven I fied date . The matte .. , t hough, is xams nnonnce sisting of delicious hot dogs, pin ski (ch ai rman) ancl Cha .. les Thursd ay. Oc tober 30- fl'om only two por t. a ls. The fi . lm I still in the h and s of the officials. 1 C' 'I S . ' . E '.' " f ' potato salad, and a ll the re st of Su ss kind (sec re ta ry-tr eas urer.) U pper Class Luncheon Club at the sh owed the a.ctual const ru ctio n I . 1\ .1 vice 01. S tud en ts wish ing to J 'o in the T rain ing T able, 12 . in n ontee bnicaJ manner an d lfi . cl lff el ent .categOlles of Jobs the goodies that make up a pic- T hroop Club Meeting, 1 2:20. I II I I I I h f t nic dinne r. l.R.E. may obtain application Caltech Sk i Club Org anizati ona l meeling douhtle ss would h ave been of as WI )e 1e ( U1 t e n ea r u lire, with movi es , 155 Arms. 7:30 p.m. . . "Cl W /I T iL wa.s ;}nnouncecl by Dean Aftel' this, everyone joined in forms from Rypins k i, who can Practice in Culbertson Hall" mu ch 1l1.terc, .:.; t to ot her eng l- ear ater fJ Ea to n's oflice to day. a pep rally. George Willie, the be found at the Throop Cl ub du r- GI L30cP,u·mb, · .30 p.m.. , 'n D,bney 1 nee1'. ;'; as 1t wa R to . L1le CE's. P 'd t f tl 0 t d t ,'"g allY Illnch houl' "''' Application s for the pos itions , resl en 0 le xy s u en . Half (Scripps) Ex change. Be Shown Bn C E·S Listed below, the b3sic sa lal'Y Fol' body" was th e re and he got a 31- D W t El t d T . . . which is $2G44 , close November se nd .of[.. E E' T VO °t D R ally In Culbertson H all, 11 r. en ee e 0 Monday, Nov. 3, t he st udent 4. interested in taking i was itt , and an IIl Sp U lI1g sl?ht 5 0 151 on Water Po lo Ga me . Cal tech at Mu ir , "1 : 30 P d Of ASPP ch a pt er of the ASCE is pre se nt- a ny of the eXJmina tions, or in· 1 to see wa s the out h ouse L R dO S ' Oanc e at Gle n- resi ellCn ing a pl'Ogl'Clm under t he au- te rested in the specia l trHin ing of Oxy's OtT Ha ll go up 111 1 ee a 10 tatl0n .<llice, of t he Cr.n.s o lidated Engi- co urse co ndu cted by the Natio n. s moke, Saturd ay, N ove m be r 1- D \\' \V f N 'I N M d I C h Froy, football game . Pomo na at Rose 1'.' l'ttz '. e nt, PI'O essol' nee rin g Societies. A T echnico loT' al In stit u te of Publi c Affa i1 's for I r he parad e sta rted prompt y ext on ay t le a l 'I'ec at R ose B owl, 8 of pbn! at lhe Cali· sOllnd film e 'n till e cl "C lear eligible ca nciid a.tes who contem· at 8:45 and the c itizen s of Pa sa- 81ectrical Engine ers w ill jour- p.m. fornia InstiL ut e of Te c hnology. Water" is being sh ow n. Pro- plate a ca reer in Government elena were greeted with Tech ney to Mount Hollywood to in- Mo nday . 3- ha s been elec ted ])resirlpnt of the I G I EI .. Service, s hould co nt act Dean s pirit, songs, yells, and s ouve· spect the Don L ee Station te le· C.E.S. Meeting. II a.m. I dll CC( by .- enel' l1 !,. ectl'ic, it 1S Tu es day. 4- . :,-mcl"ican Soc iety of Plant exce llenl on the problems of Ea ton i.n 119 Throop for fUI'ther niers all the way from CaJifornia vision equipment. High point of 10 Culberts.on H ill! , 7 .3 0 I IOIOgy for .I !) 1 8. I st ream poll u tion a ncl the meth- infor mation. and Lake to Colorado and Ray- the v is it will be the te s ting of Wedn es day . No ve mb er 5- . . Dr . Wen t's wo rk w iL h plant ods lI s ed to cor r ec t thi s Many Categol'ies for which exa min mond. th e transmission equipment, Frosh Luncheon Club at t he T raining I' . Tab le, 1 2. I h ormone s has heen ou t.;; ta, n( I11g c xn mple s arc us ed , the se being tions len din g to probational ap· Ass emb li ng at the Armory , the This is the second of a series Cl ass in Culbertson H il l! . 7:30 and '.le is a ccredited wi th being taken £l'om a ll over the U.S. pointme ll t wi ll be he ld inC lud e: enthusiastic s tud en ts then wit · of trips spon so red jointly by t he p.'T1' the first to a dvan ce that phase I 1l is hop ed t hat eve r yone will Admini s tr a tive Technician, AI'- nes sed a mo st excellent perform- A. I. E.E. and the l.R.E. Th e fi r st FenCing Club 15 Dabney, 7:30 p. m. (Be· I . . <. 8:30 p.m lAdvanccd.l of plant phYS 1 o l?gy so It t ak e adva ntage of t hi s oppor- cheologist, Astronomer. Oacteri· ance by the Pa sade na City Col- was a visit to the City of Los Thunday, Nov emb er 6- . could he denlt With expen1TIent- I tUllity to find out how one of ologica i (Medica l), C h e 111 i s t, lege Highlightel's. Thi s was their I An ge les' Power Plant at Wit- Upper Class Luncheon Club at the " " ' , . ' T able, .1 2. I al ly. r-1IS dt s cove ne s tn the use lour mo st . vital soc ial prob lems is Econ om ist, Engineer. Geogl'a- first perform an ce of the year, min glo n, wh ere t he Engineers H ilJI , of pl ant hOl'rnones for roo ling he i'ng !';olvecl. Next Monci3y at pher , Legal Assistailt, Libra rian , a nd it wa s very success ful. Loi s st udi ed the 60,000·k.w. turbo- p.m. (Conti nu ed on Page 2) t LOO, Room 201 Bridge. (Con tinu ed on Page G) Boswell' s torcllY si nging was ' generator unit s.

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CIVIC CAPERS CALIFORNIA TECH Co/ifornio / nstitu te of T echn()/()gy




Volume XLIX ------------- - - ---- - Thursday, October 30, 1947------ -----------------Noo 4

'Caltech Tauhates Resume Activities For Coming Year ASCIT Night

---------------------------------------~ . Halloween Affair To Feature

Dance Tomorrow Honorary Scholastic Society to Elect New Junior and Senior Members Soon

Bow To Get T~ Dance F'\'om Tech go West on Colorado, t111'ough Eagle Rock, up

either 13roadw.1Y 0 1' Co]ol'.1do in Glendale. TUI'Il right (nol't11 ) on Verdugo Roau , 0 1', if you wish, Glenda le Blvd. I t is about 2 !TIiles LIP either of these rouds (Glenda le Blvd. runs into Verdugo Road) La the Glendale Civic, 1401 N. Verdugo Road.

I The Ca lifornia Beta chapler of the Tau 13eta Pi l natiol1J.1 organ iza'tio,i of honor student s in the flelcl oj' engineer ing, held a m~etiing la:-;t week to outline activities for the coming school year. 1'he Ca ttech organizntion has the I'eputation of heing one o f the most active c hapters in the nation and pkUl:; fOl' variolls socia l events have already been drawn up Linder the leadership or Charles

F rom other t han Tech , me reiy ge l to Glenda.le, a nd eit he r of the t wo previous ly menLioned roads.

Laverne Bo~er' s Orchestra Glendale Civic Will BeScene Of Opening Sport Dance Of Social Year Murph y, pres iden t.

Na t IIl'e o f T a u Re ta I·i i Ta u Bela Pi is more tha n

an honOl'<.II'y ::.;c:hol asLic societ.y; its primary purpose is to se r ve as a ya rdstick of engineering achievement und professional ex­cellence. [l s trives fol' the mai n­tenance of engineeri ng elhics, its memhe rs <:i r e m uch in dcmand in indnstry and science. Memhcr· Rh i )) i n t.he organi%a!iol1 is t.h us

• On Friday, Oct. 31, the CaI­tech Student Body will open th e social year with a sport dance at the G lendale Civic Auditori-

a vel'Y dcsil'uble ~!:-;seL io gJ'dd · ua ting s· uden :s .

ill enl bt' l-N hil) n(~(llIi 1'(' nI CIl 1.,.

Ta u Fietn Pi was foun ded u,r.; J.n eng ineering COlt ' I t C!1')H rt of P hi Bela Kappa . BecJ. u ,.;;c of the highly s pecialized nature of tl'~dning in engineering a nd sci­e :~ce o!f'ereu at Callech, the calll ' Plls r- h ~lpLer has made it <l prac· tice to e!el.:t bOl h engineers ant! sci co ntis 1. ..; into it" "anks. Twice ~l yea r the lOP fifth of the senior c lass a nd the top eighth of the jun ior c:lnss are cons idered fot· e le ':: lion; the fin;}1 se leclioll is ba · eel upon sch ola~ti(' Hl'hieve· men !, extt';}~u!Ticu[ar Jdivitic:-. Jl :i1 ahility tu gel a long wi t ll peo· pic. These are consiciered vital in achieving professional excel­lence. £n the coming weeks 17 seniors and 6 juniors will be con­s idered fOl' election .

JnWM j oll Acth,jtics

Present m embers will h.we an OPPol'tUllitty to get acqlJai nted with pt·ospective membe rs at a party given at Brookside Park on Sunday, Nov. 9. Elig ible s tu­den ts will rece ive their inv ita· tions on the Friday be fore. The final e lections will titke place the foll owing week after each neo­phyte had been intervjewed. The initiati on ancl banque t wil l take place on Friday. Dec. 5, and the new members will put on the ir traditional skit.

Four Mora Sunda~ Firesides This Week

'L'ANT .. \ LI:ZlNG " 'L'''-Hl ', lilt, "Sll h' i t til' '47," Ca ll c (']I 's fi\'(' 1':l lI y ~a ls, \\'h t) ' \'(~ lWI' 1I (loi n;,; a s we ll job a nti ti lli ng a " ita l I 'o li' wl' ll al. 'I\'('h ~a lll('S a'IHI I'a ll ),s " 'ilh 1h t· il· IH'('ds io ll p c l'fo l ' lIIaIU'('S a nd (~b llili c nt

s))iI 'i L '1'01. I'O W : I'at Gaal'd , Ging(' I' (~I'a h a m , June Wooley, [1'0111 h'f t 10 l'i",hL (.;C IlIt' I·: ViI'ginia Bcall i in (('on l , ,Joyce 8 a J\CI'.

F' t R P t um. F'rom 9 to 12 the couples IrS ep os will (I" nce to the music of La Verne . Boyer and his 11 - piece

I Bud MHtenlhal was elected banel. who have played for l"il'st Representative at th e r ll n - numel'OliS Tech fu nc tions in the off elecLion held Thut'sday, Oc- past wi th mal'ked s uccess. H is lOber 23. smooth a.nd s weet style will be

I Voting was very light, accord. augmented by two vocalists, ing to Leigh .. Sherritrs, head of Gnye L.nne and Larry Straight, the Election Committee. Mit. who sing both solos and d uets. tentha l received 215 votes to Bi ll Glt' IHla lt: t: i v ic Excellen t

! S'~7th's. 1~4. . ,., . The Glendale Civic cannot bu t he lU. o fT w~~ necessal.y he· I provide an excellent setting fo r

caus: neither ?' .the ca ndidates I Boyer's music a nd a SSUl'e a sue­recel:ved a H1~JOl'lty of t.he vPle cess ful evening. Maple Hooring cast 111 the pl'lmary electlOll held . and wooclen overhead beams will October 16th. I . . . " . prov lcle the p roper mformal

Ml.ttenthnl IS. SenIor Class I touch while an open balcony P[,~slde~~, a nd Dlll Smyt? was tlnd ~ garden within sou'nd of act lllg J' ~ rst Het? :1t the time of the band will bri ng together mu. the elect.lOn. .. s ic and night. A soft drink bar

The F tI 'SL H.epresenlat lve .IS a will be a va ilable for refresh ­membet· o f t he board of d ll'ec- ments. tors, the Honol' Point Commit· tee, and fllnct ions.

abo controls social

Robert Weede Well Received

lll t (wmiss ion COli t est. 1:)lanllcd DUl'ing inter mission the Dance

Second Moetl'ng Tech Dehatin'g Squad· "Palomar" Dro Mason's Robert Weede, operatic bario [J tone, received a wa t'm ovation

Opens At Pepperdine Suh]oect For Novo 7; at t he conclus ion of his courtesy

I Committee ' wi ll engineer a con­les t fo t' the crowd. Thl~ee tunes will be played that refer to an event 01' se ries of events tha t have OCCUl'red on ca mpus recen t· ly . All everits have been report­ed in the CALIFORNIA TECH, so SUCcess depends on astuteness only.

The committee guara.ntees t he question s not to be difficult , but a knowledge of Math 3 is defi­nitely helpful. H ld B ASCE recital nt Clllbertson Hall dur-e 11 Caltech', Debating SOCiety, the "Hen" Rallg Tomorrow ing last Monday's assembly.

'j Pi Kappa Delta., w il l open t h is MI'. \Veede, who s tarted his The ASCE he ld ils sec'ont! ' . 't' ' tI t Dr. Max Mason, Ph.D., LL.D., I)l'ominent career at the Radio Stud en t Body Cm-d Admits yea r s acliv i les \V I ) an ex em· S D ' 11 I . tl k

meeting of the (c rill I.:!.~t vVednes· k' t t t ~ c. ., \Vl )e Ie s pea e l' at as· City Music Ha ll, has been a SOJO- , Pres entation of Cl student body day a fternoon, OeL 22, 1D·~7. Tom ~~~;;)ne~~~I~e s~e~IJ'~~:' ~~~V~~lb:l' + semby nC!xt ~rida.y, No~. 7, .it is t with the Metl'Opolitan Opera carel is entrance to the dance. \V[ltel's , prc::dlienl, appointed' the 14 a nd 15. . \v~lS announced today. HIS tOpiC Company fol' a number of years. Those who do not possess a card following ]ll'ogl'am commi Ltee: WIll COllC~ t'n the development of He is well known foJ' his pOl'- may attend for a dona tion of Ca n'oll (chai rma n), Patterson, The debate question fo l' this the l)uloll1a r Ohservatory. tl'aya J of the role "HigoJetto." $1.50 to heJp defray the func.

event, "Resolved, that a l'~ederal Dr. iVIa .::;on 'is chairman of the a nd Shaller. Perry was ass igned During "on'" season at the Met, t ion 's expe nses. to help l.Iau:ima nn with pub- World Government Should Be Obsel'vatdl'Y Council of the In- lhe si nger has divided his time For directions on how to ar.

I!::s tablis llecl," w ill concern pres· s titll te anll a member of the be !ici ly. tween concert LOurs a nd ap· ri\;e l e~' than 1 houl' late look e nt Russo· Amenc'm Relat IOns Board of Trustees. ..' :-. ,

\Vatet's I'em inded the hoys . L t ' . . pea ran ees W I th other rankmg elsew here on Page One that the ncxtl11eeti ng of the Los the duels 111 the U.~., a.nd ~he I T he Ouservatory C.ouncil IS In operatic groups, notably the San . Angeles Chapter of the ASCE 1)arlltlO11lng of Pales ltne. Irv ll1g fu ll contl'ol of t he deSign, con- Francisco Opera Company with w ill he a dinner-dan ce on Nov' l Sulmeyel' cHld Thomas Vrebalo· stt'llctlon, an cl ; operation of the which he is now appeari'J)cr in IRE M t T 12. Student members are pl'I VI - ;l~h , O~I~' cI;~mplOn lcleba ter~i al~d Paloma I Oh~el'l}.atoI'Y and Cal. / Los Angeles. 1n continuati07l of '. •• ee S 0 leged to attend fo t' h a lf price 01ll - ea t 1 , ora 01', WI e le<.:h A~trophys~cal Labora~ol'les I his usa activities during t he ($2.00 pel' couple) a nd have an included in Tech's squad of 21 A ~ ~hal1:l~an 01 t~~. CounCil, 01'. war, he has recently performed EI t Offl' cers

Promising to be as big a suc- opportunity to l1l <1ike connec tions members. Mol son IS. necessallly tjl~ man I numerous benefi ts for hos pita l· I ee cess as last week, the " Y" Sun- in the profes:<; ion whiJe having a flccch '('s CorulUcmltlt ion bes~ .quallfied to SU1111~.:~·IZ; the I ized veterans and other deserv- I day Evening Firesides lists as aood t i ne T he fea l's of the exclttng evenl.s com?1 bill? the ing groups. T he studednt sec tion of the In-th is week's hosts Drs . Clark, 0 I. . . I J rving Su lmeyer lhe Pl'esi- s tory of the Gian t MUTOl" 111 ad D R .. . s nakes were allayed when Wat- dent of Callech 's' P i Ka a ... .'. ' . - Ol'othy icll a l'll ~on accoll1 pa' l s ti tute 0.1' Rad io Engineers met

Pau ling, SWift, and Untereme l'. ers recalled lint last yea r the ''I s. . . L PP dlltOn, . h ~ bI'lI1gs to. hls subJe. ct nied the s inge r. last week for the purpose of Th . f I ti' '1 1 < . (: Delta was very recently granted t l I t l I I ese JI1 Ol'lna ga lerll1gs WI ;' j"llments in CE COllrses were ~ < • • 1: C J'I~"~g en l:' ::;IaSl11 ~v llC 1 electing ofTicer,s: Etncl planning ac. sta rt at 7:30 and end with light 1 :-' 0 • II . . \ . I I 1 . ft . . by thiS natIOna l speech Ol'gantza- lcla ~ p.eI,vldd.ed hls tenUl e as tivitieo [01' the fOl"lhcol11 'lng year. . f' I . l '30 USUd Y I Cl ucel t1e (ay a el I tion the degree of Special Dis- B fO P d 0 Ie l eslments a)ou t 9. . such a meeting fo!' the benefit of I " .. '" oun~l C ~1.\lt'1~1<\n. . on Ire ara e c. A. Rypinski spoke of the re-

Proof of the popularity of those who "-tre nded. for [ul"the l" t mct lon fo r hiS aclivltles In de- ThiS Fnday s assembly Will be · I cen t Wes t Coas t I.R.E. Conven-... these Sunday chats' is the fact informa tion. see ~ltly of the of- bate last season. He and Joseph a pep assembly fo l' lhe Pomona SOT h S . . l ion in San }"'r;:lJ1cisco, which he

tha t already this week the lis ts fi cers. Green won distinction in debate ga.m:, J ack Oltes tad , rally~ com- tlr ec plrlt allen(ied as Ca ltech student rep. are over ha lf·fi lled. The lists wi ll The tl1ni n evem on the PI'O. a t Red lands Un ivers ity last ml.sSloner, anno~mc~~. .. r~l el'e l'esentaLi ve. A tenta ti ve sc hedule be available for s ignatures in t he gram \Vedne~day was a twen ty. Apri l. mIgh t even be g lI'lS, he opll1ed. For those of you whv were of field lriI)S was ~et UI), t he first I I th "Y" ffi I unfortunate enough to miss the louse ollnges or e 0 ce, minute SOU lid film in colo)', I Ji'utlll 'C Pinus trip being the combined A.I.E.E.-but the 12 places ate going fast. pre·Oxy game Pa jamarino, Lhe

"Driving th e Alva 13. Ad .:l l11s At the present time Ca.ltech is Co °1 S. "TECH" offers the follow ing 1.R.E. jaunt to Don Lee's lelevi· Tunne l." C?Ul·tefiY. of the Inger- planning to offer a debale LOur- IVI erVICe solace. At 7:~30 the troops gath. s ion station in Hollywood next soli· Rand Co. T hiS tUfU1e l, u sed I ney s im ilar to last yea r 's affair ' ered in TOUl'mllnent Park and Monday, Nov. 3.

C m"HS Cfll4 nattf as an il'l'ig:1Uon conduit in Colo- late /' on this yeal' at a n unspeci- E A d enjoyed a fine picnic d in ner can- Officel's elected w erB C. A. Ry-(/, ,, _e "aclo, is the longes t eve .. driven I fied date. The matte .. , though, is xams nnonnce s isting of delicious hot dogs, pinski (chai rman) ancl Cha .. les Thursday. October 30- fl'om only two port.a ls. The fi.lm I s t ill in th e hands of the officials. 1 C' 'I S . ' . E '.' " f ' potato sa lad, and a ll the rest of Susskind (secreta ry-treasurer.)

Upper Class Luncheon Club at the showed t he a.ctual construction I .1\ .1 ~,I vice x:~~natlOn~ . 01. Studen ts wish ing to J'oin the Training Table, 12. in ~, nonteebnica J manner and lfi. cl lffel ent .categOlles of Jobs the goodies that make up a pic-

Throop Club Meeting, 12:20. I II I I I I h f t nic dinne r. l.R.E. may obtain application Caltech Sk i Club Organizational meeling douhtless would h ave been of as WI )e 1e ( U1 t e near u lire,

with movies, 155 Arms. 7 :30 p.m. . . "Cl W /I T iL wa.s ;}nnouncecl by Dean Aftel' this, everyone joined in forms from Rypinsk i, who can Orc~estra Practice in Culbertson Hall" much 1l1.te rc,.:.; t to other engl- ear ater fJ Eaton's oflice today. a pep rally. George Willie, the be found at the Throop Club d u r-GIL30cP,u·mb,· S·.30 p.m.. ,'n D,bney 1 nee1'.;'; as 1t waR to .L1le CE's. P 'd t f tl 0 t d t ,'"g allY Illnch houl' "''' Application s for the pos itions , resl en 0 le xy s u en . FI.c~i~~~~· I~rk Half (Scripps) Exchange. Be Shown Bn C E·S Listed below, the b3sic sa lal'Y Fol' ~ body" was the re and he got a

Fr l:~~~e~~ t;~:~' 31- D W t El t d T ~ . . . which is $2G44 , close November 1 1'OU S l~g send.of[.. T~1,~ bo~fire E E' T VO °t D St~~~~t Rally In Culbertson Hall, 11 r. en ee e 0 Monday, Nov. 3, t he s tudent 4. Studcnt~ interested in taking i was itt , and a n IIlSpU lI1g s l? h t • 5 0 151 on Water Polo Game. Cal tech at Muir, "1 :30 P d Of ASPP cha pter of the ASCE is presen t- a ny of the eXJminat ions, or in· 1 to see was the outhouse vers l~n L R dO S ' A'~'~~ '~·I V~a l~O";.~!~ Oance at Glen- resi ellCn ing a pl'Ogl'Clm under the au- te rested in the s pecia l trHin ing of Oxy's OtT Ha ll go up 111 1 ee a 10 tatl0n

~ .<llice, of t he lidated Engi- course conducted by t he Nation. s moke, Saturday, November 1- D l~' \\' \V f N 'I N M d I C h Froy, football game. Pomona at Rose 1'.' l'ttz ' . e nt, PI'O essol' nee ring Societies. A TechnicoloT' al Institu te of Public Affa i1's for I r he parade started prompt y ext on ay t le a l 'I'ec

Ca?t~~~' ~~:Of~~~na at Rose Bowl, 8 of pbn! ph.Y~ iolog'y at lhe Cali· s Ollnd film e 'n till e cl "Clear eligible ca nciida.tes who contem· at 8:45 and the c itizens of Pasa- 81ectrical Engineers w ill jour-p.m. fornia Ins ti Lute of Technology. Water" is being show n. Pro- plate a ca reer in Government elena were greeted with Tech ney to Mount Hollywood to in-

Monday. Nov~mber 3- has been el ec ted ])resirlpnt of the I G I EI .. Service, should contact Dean s pirit, songs, yells, and souve· spect the Don Lee Station te le· C.E.S. Meeting. II a.m. I dll CC( by .-enel'l1 !,. ectl'ic, it 1S Tu esday. Novemb~r 4- . :,-mcl"ican Society of Plant P h,y ~. excellenl on the problems of Ea ton i.n 119 Throop for fUI'ther niers all the way from CaJifornia vision equipment. High po int of

Ba~~~ehearsal 10 Culberts.on Hill! , 7 .3 0 I IOIOgy for .I !) 18. I stream pollu tion a ncl t he meth- infor mation. and Lake to Colorado and Ray- the v is it will be the tes ting of Wednesday. November 5- . . Dr. Wen t's work w iLh pla n t ods lIsed to correc t this Many Categol'ies for which examina · mond. the transmission equipment,

Frosh Luncheon Club at the Training I' . Table, 12. I hormones has hee n ou t.;; ta,n( I11g c xn mples arc used , these being t ions lending to probational ap· Assembling at the Armory, the This is th e second of a series

~:~ci~g Class in Culbertson Hil l! . 7 :30 and '.le is accredited with being taken £l'om a ll over t he U.S. pointme ll t wi ll be held inClude: enthusiastic s tudents then wit· of trips s ponsored jointly by the p.'T1' th e first to advance that phase I 1l is hoped that everyone will Adminis tra tive Technician , AI'- nessed a most excellent perform- A. I. E.E. and the l.R.E. The fi rst FenCing Club 15 Dabney, 7:30 p.m. (Be· I . . <.

glnners,~ 8:30 p.m lAdvanccd.l of plant phYS1ol?gy so t ~l at It tak e advantage of t hi s oppor- cheologist, Astronomer. Oacteri· ance by the Pasadena City Col- was a visit to th e City of Los Thunday, November 6- . could he denlt With expen1TIent- I tUllity to find out how one of ologicai (Med ica l), C h e 111 i s t, lege Highlightel's. This was their I Angeles ' Power Plant at Wit-Upper Class Luncheon Club at the " " ' , . '

Tralnin~ Table, .12. I al ly. r-1IS dt scovenes tn the use lour most . vital social problems is Econom ist, Engineer. Geogl'a- firs t performa nce of the year, minglon, w here t he Engineers b~~~~I(~u~r~~k~n9nl~~~~fi~n HilJI, of plant hOl'rnones for roo ling he i'ng !';olvecl. Next Monci3y at pher, Legal Assistailt, L ibr a rian , a nd it was very successful. Lois studied the 60,000·k.w. turbo-

~.;~~ p.m. (Conti nued on Page 2) t LOO, Room 201 Bridge. (Continued on Page G) Boswell's torcllY si nging was ' generator units.

Page 2-Features;----------------T HE CALI FOR N I ATE C HI-------------Thursday, Octaber 30, 1947

. Tne Co/iffJrnio Tecn Publis hed every Thursday during the college year except duro

ing examinations and hoJiday periods. CALH' ORN I A INS'rl'rUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

1201 East Ca lifornia Street, Pasadena, CaL Subscription rates: $1.50 per year

E ntered as second·class matter Nov. 22, 1D47, at the Post Office in Pasadena, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Offices: Lower Fleming Telephone: SYcamore G·7121 Ext. 180

Distribu tor of Collegiate Digest

L en Hel'zog, Editor


Managing Editor ....... .................... .. ........... .. .. ......................... Dick King Sports Editor.. . ..................... .... .. ............................. . J ack Scantlin Frosh Sports Editor .... ........ ..... .. .... .. .... ... ... .. . .... Jun Gi1let~ Music Ed itor ..... ...... ..... .............. ............ Frank ·Valle·Riestra News Sta ff.. . ............... ..... .............. .. Bruce Robinson, John Lewis

William Wrigh t, Bob Cri chton, Bob Kurla nd, Bob Heppe: Tony Malanosk i, Ha lTY Johansson, Bili Bou te lle

Rewrite Staff ................... ... .............. ........................ J im Hummel chief Dick Marsh, Walt Davison '

Special \Vriters ...... .... ....... .... Mitch c.otton, J. C. Bear, Leigh Sher iffs Carl Price, Bud Mit ten thal, John Whi ttlesey ,

Sports Sta ff .............. .......... .. ... Earl Hefner, Neal Pings, Don Peterson, Paul Sultman, Don Ba rrie, Brad Housel', Burt Housman, Thorne Butler

Photogra phers ... ...... ......... Harold Baugh, Ralph Lovberg, Tom Tracy B,USINESS STA~' P

~i~.~~fae~;o·li··· Maii·~g··a·l: .::::.:::::.:::::::" .. .......... ..... ... .................... Di II Brad ley .' ....................... .. .. Abner Kaplan

Bus iness Sta ff.... .............. ... .............. ....... ......... . ........... Charlie Stuse

• Till:

wh ether

• • Last Saturday night your rov- present flame. Among the more ing reporter was forced to reo successful freshmen were Da.llas

Uy t lu ' \Valrus and the Cal'. Ientel' ver t to the age-old custom of en- Peck with Nancy and Walt Har-Descending this week from the much time not to do as they do tertaining himself a long wi th tung. But the most important

sublime to the mundane, we to do, then it appears only reas· about two hundred other Tech- item was the semi-emergence of pause in our own preoccupation onable that those expending the men due to the ineffiCiency of a Mike Sell en. Mike, who; coming with malleI's of triv ial import to extra effort should be upgraded certa in unnamed girl's college fron1 Texas, doesn't know how gather profound wisdom from I accordingly! that was scheduled to hold an to dance, spent the evening after th e teeming mass of fertile *' * *' open house for us. It seems that the game with his woman talking mi~~~ a~~ut us. We a ~'e thil?king I Expressing our mood exactly the boss lady out there decided in the back seat of Tom Stix's pal ~l cula l Y of .that e.11IgmatIc off. as we stumbled toward an eight that the li ttle ones were playing meatwagon. The house wheels spl'lhg of conversa tIOn , that or· o'clock: "0 0 0 Isn't it sleepy out around too much. Therefore most were above ming ilng with the phan of s peech, the "stray reo this morning?" of our news will concenl Friday hoi poloi and left for a local club. mark." In Dabney lounge: " ... and in night's escapades. lncluded in the party were Bob

These remarks may be gleaned many cases you might crowd a One item of major interest to (heBo honey ) Stokely, T. Stix, a lmost any time of day, in little .. . " Hold on, now, just a a ll houses was a beach party Bill Woods, D. Johnson and Stud passing a group on the steps minute! Granted there may be a thrown by Wa lt Davison at his Harrison. of Throop, on overhearing a few cases where crowding is de· cabana at Corona Del Mar. Beer * * * voice from the adjacent table at si rable-possibly in filling blue and steaks were the order of the From the mu sclemen we tray· lun(;h, or from the ba.bble of books for certain history profes· day and from reports it was too eled on to Dabney where that.ef· voices before a lecture s tarts. In SOl'S, or in loading a car on the much for a few more fortunate fici en t R A. , Ch uck Auerbach, any case the impact of these iso. trip back to Scripps, but individuals. held sway over the punch bowl. lat ed phrases has been quite many cases? We remain chao ''''alt played the perfect host Rumor has it that Lt. j.g. Auer· s tartling. Our r eactions h a v e grined. by rolling in the sand with ~ at bach was making certain that the ranged from u tter bewilderment ]n a math class: "Now let us this point it is not entirely clear punch did not become polluted. to humble recognition of the wis. take a brick (that's professional I exactly how and why he was ASSis ting hl1n was hiS date for dom of the gods. language for a parallelopiped) rollIng- DIck Alexander,' CaJ, the third straight week, Natasha.

For instance, on the steps of ... " If this is professional Ian. tech's Neanderthal man, revert· Alex waR there as pel' usual light. the ME building: It ••• and then guage, then indeed, IPJ. us have ed to his natural abode, a CAVE, ing up the party with his stirn· h d' d th h h d I more of it F . te l with his date to gather first·hand ulati ng M Cmg. e Iscovere at e a to reo . or lOS ance, w volve it ... " This remark was migh t be required on a quiz to data for the psych. course he's : However, the prize for the eve· made in a tone of reassurance as compare the volume of an ice I takm.g. He claims ~e was only I ning goes to our dear friend Mal though the discovery had solved cube inscribed in the in tersec. buck 109 for an HA" 10 the course Hickey Mal came in about 11 a ll aT our hero 's problems. How. tion of three mutually orthogo. but I have other id eas. John the I p.m. afte r a short stopover at a ever, whether the gentleman was nal tumblers with that of a "Greek" Kariotis went over the ' local pub. Since the lounge was attempting to fathom the gyro. grapefruit inscribed in a mega- dunes early in the evening with : not too well lighted, and as Hick·

Raben Weede, in his recital at gives release f!'Om both joy and scopic prinCiple or merely trying phone. a female to ma~) the co~tour of I ey's eyes were not focusing as Tech last Monday morning, dem. 1 s uffering, Death. This number to get in the d OQJ' to Brooks Bros. *' *' *' the·beach·he c1a1l11S the mforma· thElY should, he noticed two girls ons~ra ted .an .abi.lity to place his , marked the h igh point of the pro. basement we probably s hall tion'" was for one of his more d if- t s itting on the davenport. Dick audience Im medIately at ease so gram, I'n Whl'cll tIle aud l'ence dl·s. Tn a house alley: " . ' . three fi cult C E courses Bill Sylvies I L F I Ik d • d k d never know. dimensiona l calculush (hic) . . . .. I e ~ eUr wa e up i:ln as e

. that it need just listen to mu. covered the fu ll command of *' *' *' was also in a ttendance but his one of them to dance, so Mal, sie. He conveys the i1:npress ion emotion, and drama possessed by I I can walk right through this conduct needed no expl,a nation I being a t rue gentleman, asked ~hat he personally enJOYs sing. the artist. An aria from "The From a lunch hour bull ses· blasted door .. . (CRASH!!)" No as both he and h~s date spent the other. He noticed that she mg and a responsive audience Marriage of Figaro" was present. sian: 'I ••• and are you sure this comment. the evening consuming garlic. seemed a little older than the suc~ as that which greeted him. I ed bu t was not sufficienty chal. fe llow isn't afraid of a little ana· Along the olive walk: " ... Le SenSens were in order. rest but undaunted he carried on Th~ Metropolitan baritone ' lenging of Mr. Weed's talents. lysi S ... " Frankly we were some- us suppose, for instance, that you *' '" *' and gave her the old smooth line

opened his program with three Folk Songs what s hocked by this heresy, in· have an infinite number of pairs After t he miscarriage of last (Slightly warm and worn.) Fi· E I· I "F' " I timating as it did that the r e of socks " Thero ensued a • ng IS 1 all' songs t lat could The lat te r portion of the reci- ... Friday night known in more po· nally after lines 2, 3 and 4 were b ted might exis t on this brave cam, mumbo J'umbo as to whether a .e coun on to capture atten. ta l Mr. Weede devoted to Negro . li te ci rcles as a football game and tried, he remarked to her that lion. ~ext he rendered a trio of folk songs, which though tech. pus s pineless menta lities who drawer to contain said socks in others as . .. , all five houses s he seemed a LITTLE older songs In F'l"ench, Italian and Ger. nically easier than the former would shy away from such a woulQ...ha ve to be infinite in one threw open their doors and soft than the rest of the dates pres· man. The first two of these, I'No, j songs, revealed a weak point in harm less thing as a li ttle ana l· two or three dimensions. WeI music a'nd darkness , principally I ent. "Yes ," s he sa id, "]'m Dick NOT .SO" and "Mignon," were ro. ! his s imulated ' N~gro inflections , ysis. . .. we just don't know, but it the latter, held sway. In fact, it LeF'J eul"' s mother." mantI C, but not comparable to especially in "Down to ' the Riv. Another: " . . . You don't realize does seem cear that the whole was so dark in some places that *' *' *' th~ last, "Three \Vanderers." In er." F or the first time he pre. how much tim e I spent not do· proposit ion would be infinite ly it was very ~ifficult to determine I GOing on to Backer, there was thiS song Mr. Weede sang, in sen ted "Animal Man," the suc. ing that pl'Oblem: ." Here the expensive. who was dOIng what. I gave up nothing of interest to report as excellent German , of three wan. cess of w hich will assure his speaker has s truck home with Finally, the ultimate in indis early a t Throop as they're most· Father Tom saw to it that all the derel's w ho were deciding who using it in future concer ts. something that has bothered us putable lucidity is this remark of ly old married men and of no lights stayed on and you know owne~ t he world: Youth , w ho The more.than.polite applause for some time. We ha ve always a well·known physics professor news value unless they're out as well as I do that nothing ha p­ga~e JOY; SOITOW, who gave suf. , evidenced the over.all success of fe lt tha t there s hou ld be more "However, gentlemen, this case with other than the "little worn· pens when the Jights are on. One fel"l ng and trouble, and he who 't he assembly. recognition on the part of aca· we are neglecting is perfectly 1 an" and they weren't. thing I d id notice was that most ;=~~~~=~~=~~==:::==Tr=============1 1 demic authorities of the value of analogous to all the other cases Fleming being the next near · of the operators were conspicu· IB];)HBMB~ B I not. doi ng problems. If,as Is often we have neglected." With that est, was honored first. Of iruer· ous by their absence. I .o.ll A I THE S~UAR[S' ~I D/'J[ the case in many courses, typi· I we shall forget the whole thing est ~rom purely a scient,ifiC ~oint On Saturday night things were

. [L/I\L&' cal problems requie twice as and consider ourselves ahead. I of vIe.w was Al, Gmger a li ttle diff. erent: A record dance Monday Morning Quarterback: I th h

Tech !'Ooters should not be too To the Editor: Bl k W 10 IS e nealest.t mg to that with 16 blind dates from Dorsey. disheartened by last Friday's loss I f 1 ac er Man Takes Part In Aida,· famous pose of RIta Hayworth There were no lights. As a ll

ear mus t r etract my state· that 1 know of. You would never blind dates go some were good to Oxy. If the "breaks" had gone ments of some weeks ago abou t Tells Of Backstage Operations tell It by looking at Doug Brown a.nd some wer~-. Larry Nobles slightly the other way, the Bevos the recent manifestations of but he. has a MOST attractIve wasn't particularly happy but might have won by as much as "school spirit" on our noble cam· By \Valt Davison blond SIster who seemed to be W arren Marshall was with the three T. D.s (w hich, incidenta lly, pus. The situation is not as bad Last week·end Marion Rine· for a member of a conquering well taken care of by Burt was our private prediction.) as I feared. ·To·wit: har t of Blacker h~d the oppor· army. Houseman. It is surprising that (Continued on Page 6)

Examples: If the ref had placed The bonfil'e (that was teful de· tunity to be a "super' 'in the Chaos of Color she hasn't been here sooner, but ;:::========================; the ball down one inch closer to s truction of valuable wood) at Sa n Francisco Opera Company's , Backstage he encountered a then I wouldn't th,row my sister UN ION " 16" PRODUCTS

th P· . d"d Lu bric:atio n. Washing-Ti,es " Batte,le.

the Oxy goal afte r two plays in e (lJamarmo was in the best pro uctlOn of AI a. It fell his lot chaos of color and vanity. Bil· to the mercy of the Fleming the Tiger T . D. series, they prob- Tech tradi tion. According to a /l to be a trophy bearer of the con· ' letic empennage of terrific devel, muscle men either. Don Hibbard LESH SERVICE . d . E COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAI RS ably wouldn 't have seared, be. experience s p ec tator s, this quermg gyptian Army in Act opmE!nt perambula"bed. Promi· seemed to be no WOrse for ,veal' . C II Sf a . 3·9109 fo r Pickup and Dellve"

cause this was the exact margin year's blaze was the s mallest II. For this he received in re! nent 'singers exhibited s uper· aft~r the game, being very en· I ART lESH, Proprietor

by which the Tigers made the and most inconspicuous ever to muneration one dollar and an ex- abundant geniali ty, the combfna·1

grossed and conten ted with his 1265 E. Green St. Pasadena 5', Calif. '

two firs t downs that got their deface Tournament Park. cellent exposure to the wheels tion of performance tens ion march going. And Tech men showed new that turn wheels of grand opera. release and a manifestation of ---- --- ----------- --..:..- - - - ----

If Al F a in had missed a vital evidence of their fine attitude by On arriving Rinehart was dec· the theatrica l ego tha.t assumes Oxy block just over scrimmage providing sufficient cars to make orated with an omnipresent coat· resounding success at all times. on Sa nders' run, the play would the whole parade motorized. ing of brown grease paint and Wives of sta rs chain·smoked and have stopped r igh t then. True, it made a pretty lousy an a nything but omnipresent chatted cattily, obviously unbol·

If Oxy hadn't scored, Glenn looking pal'ade-but it sure was costume of Egypt, very anal0· stered by their husbands' assur· Chaffee would never have been comfortable. Wasn't it, boys? gous to a glamorized BVD. With i edness, so that one would have in position to be caught passing As for the game- well, it was I these to ac t as stimulants he bore thought the performance harder from behind his own goa l. in the old tradition. a trophy on stage. There, to him, on them .

Now the Tech Side Yours for bigger and b tt the mus ic sounded very much Boy·Girl relations were very Fh'st-lf one of the Techmen slide ru les, e er I more forceful. and eloquent han informal. Li~t1e gI'OUP~ of sup:rs

who r inged the ball (a long with Etaoin Shrdlu . fl'Om the audience but this was and subordmates mIxed WIth some Tigers ) after Bass kicked coun teracted by the blase atti· generality, arra nging after-per· off to sta rt the second half had DR. WENT ELECTED tudes of the experienced "'su· forma nce meetings, with some· fallen on the ba ll ins tead of wait. pel's" and the seemingly faked what· blinded discernment as

(Continued from Page I ) 'd b ng foJ' that Oxy back to wake and s urrea lis tic aspects of the eVI enced y unfortunate meta· up and run it out to the five, it cuttings and in inducing frui t to ac ting so necessa ry to stage pro· morphoses when the grease paint vould have meant six points or set have led to wide commer· duct ion. Also Rinehart the I' e was removed.

a first down on the one-a kick. cial application by growers. He realized the incongruity of study- Rinehart claims he w ill repeat off is ilnybody's ball. is currently doing extensive ing physics ovel1 a. hot slide rule the experience, the doliar being

work with plants under con· d th 1 b . . . d' Second- If the officials had al. an e rega earIng necessary a trIVIal consi erauon, however. trolled cond itions in Caltech's

owed a time out after the last play, 01' there had been ten more unique air·conditioned plant

physiology laboratory and green· seconds in the game, Tech, w ith house. first and five, would have made it. The American SOciety of Plant

1.'h il·(l- If Chaff~e, in Tech 's Physiology publishes the maga· early fourth·period drive, when zine "Plant Physiology." he was t ra pped 01 second down trying to pass and star ted to· body to plug that hole near the


A P I'Ogl·a'1U of Recently· Ac~u lrcd Recordings (Modern Russian Composers)

STRAVINSKY-EbQny Concerto PROKOFIEFF- Symphony No. 5

- Intermission -walxls the lllle, had looked up center of the lme before the last SHOSTAKOVI CH- Age of Gold,Ballet: a·Polka; b·Danse Russe momentar ily, instead of being I five minutes and a couple of MOSSOLOV- The Steel Foundry (from "Sym. of Machines") tackled for no ga in he cou ld have ends who'd be down under Chaf. MEYTUSS- The Dnieper Water Power Station

(Dnieprostroi-fl'Om "2nd Descriptive Suite") lobbed a pass to a T~ch end I fee 's punts and check those cost· KHATCH ATURI AN-Concerto for P iano and Orches tra s ta n ding c I ear on th e fi ve-it's ly r u n ba ck s. . '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: just one of those "breaks," and Look for: A wide·open game r this year, they went to Oxy. against Pomona ilnd revenge for

\Vc COuld have u sed:', Some· last year's drubbing.


B enny Goodman's Latest Album-Glen Miller, Volume 2 Complet.e Oper'a of 4~osca"-Bunk Johnson & Kid Org Album


l. C. T 0Y/f)f Cf). 143 N, LAKE

OPEN . FRI. SY. 2·5107

& SAT. EVES Tn. 9

881 E,


HOUSE JACKETS Corduroy and Gabardine

Men's Distinctive Fashions

Open Fri. &

SaL' Nile.

among thIngs of beauty_

brid. 1 r ing. by Brock.

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8EVERlY HillS . 9520 WilSHIRE BOULEVARD . CR 6· 1106

Thursday, Octaber 30, 1941- -----------T H E CAL I FOR N I ATE C H - - ---- --- - --- ------- Page 3

Tours • TIl~ Last Thursday night it was how to aCL with girls." . Biil Variety Of Contests For College Writers - The can Lest closes April 1, wiLh design for arc welding of demonstrated that the well- added, ·'There are none where

1!H8. parts of machines, complete dressed Tech Man wears in the \ve come from ." Pat's British

Prizes, Scholarships, Writers Offered To

Opened By Foundation, Magazine, Line I nqu iries and manuscripts COIl- machines, t l'w;ses, girders, strue- bedroom. We feel this was evi- voice, "But we should rather like Any potential authors present? words in length, should be typed cerning the contest s h?uld be ad- lural parts, or their maintenance. de nee of a Logical Error in the to know how to meet t hem."

Pick your subjec;. and you, too, in s tanda rd manner fu t' submis· I dressed to: Contest EdLtOI', Swed- It is not necessary that the ma- Cal tech Mind. He shows what Vector 6tuoli u p, slid grace­may win a trip to Scandinavia, sion, and s hould ha ve on hoth ish-America n Line, G36 Il'ifth ch ine, structure, or part be built, he wears to the boudoir before fully down the o i lbearing, and oj' if it is the cash that you pre- manuscript and envelope the ,A venue, New York 20, N.Y. but the design 01' method must he knows how to get in. To im- wrappeu one of her N di-fer, e nter one of t he other con- phrase, "College Contes t,"· and 8hol't Stol'ie:; and Poetl'Y be described in the paper. prove this most disma l of condl- mensions a round Big Bob's tesls that is being olfered. the writer's name, co ll ege, and The " Mainstream Literary Resident engineering under- tions is the solemn purpose of waist. Bob t ried to stifle a burp.

Take a look at the variety of l'!1ailing address. QU i:Lrterly" announces its con- graduate students registered in this column. "You s illy children. I r eally contes ts, the rules of en try for All entries m u s t be aCCOlTI- lest fat' a bes t unpublished short any school, collepe at' univers ity POSTULATE ONE: The Tech think you're afraid of g irls , But which are given below: C.hoose panied by a sel f _ adclres~ed} s to ry a nd poem Ot" g r 0 u p of in the U ni ted States which of- Man is a Boor. An astounding you've come lo the right person your topic~and good luck! stamped envelope, and sent to poem s. , Foul' awards of $150.00 fers a curriculum in any bra nch number of us h ave the idea that fur a dvice. I , Vector, am the

Col1 cge 'VI'ilea's' Coutest Tomorrow Magazine, 11 ~ast each wi ll be -awarded. o f engineering leading to a de- to impress a woman we must act Oracle uf the Boudoir. My opin-14tl St t N Y k 17 N' Y The contest is d ivided into gl'ee a re eligible to submit pa- I·k M·tt th I· d f ibn:; are the e lixir disti lled from "Tomorrow" ma gazine w ill be- ' 1 l'ee " ew or , 1 . . 1 e r 1 en a lI1stea 0 a

t \VO g ,·OlIPS: 1, stuclellt o 1·11 eol- IJers in this a ward Program. h b . I tt k· t l the thougll!S of a ll women gin its second ann ual college Swedish Infill ence ... uman emg. n a ac mg le . writers' contest this month . The ' leges; a nd 2, members of trade This Program contains two in- Fe m a I e the Stra ightforward When .YOu know me in my in-contest WIll run un ttl December The Swecltsh-Atn e t Ica n Lme is unions. . I terdependent plan s: the Award MethOd is on ly successful among finite dimensions, you know 31, 1947, and IS open to a ll of- holdlllg an EJ SSdy Contest com- This year's competition w ill Plan and the Scholarship P la~'1 t he peasants. It is true that a every woman. 1. see all, know cln.lly enro ll ed undcl'O"raduate memol'atmg t he Swecltsh PlO- encl Mal·ch 21, 1~48. 1 Under the Award Plan, engl- large number of women refuse a ll , tell all fa!" a price." college students In the

O Ulllted I neer Centennial Th ere wlll be All manuscripts shou ld be ad- neering s tuden ts wi ll submit pa- to date Techmen. Tom called the cosm ic re·

States three sepal ate contes ts open to d l'essed to the "Mai nstream" I pel'S on a rc design and the use POST ULATE TWO. This IS search group into a quick hud-The best shor t story WI ll win , the folloWlllg 1. Coll ege undeL,_ 1 Awanl~ Committee, 8:12 Broad- of weldll1g In mall1tenance of I Unfortunate. We must e ither dIe. " We've fuuncl our a.nswer.

a $500 first pnze, a nd the n ext I graduates, 2. f-fJ gh SchOOl and W dY, New YOlk 3, NY. machll1es and structur es Under change, or perish of S low .F'rus- No longer do we need the ad-best a $250 second pnze. All man. Preparatory SchOOl students; 3. ' ,inco ln F'olllHlation th~ Scholarshlp P lan, scholar- tratlOn. UnhappIly none of us vice of t he g irls from Scripps, u sc l'ipts received .Wi ll be con- Adulls regal'd]ess of occupatlOl1. The Trustees of the James F. s hIps \~ I J1 b~ a warded, to .the I know how Women l'eally want P omon:a, Dxy, pec, the Play-sidered for publication, s ince the Six free trips to Scandinavia Lin coln Arc W eldi ng Founda- schools III Whl~h. t he th l ee hlgh· us to behave. house, or the Catacomb Queens. magazine pays $] 25 a nd up per will be t he firstand second prizes tion announced the resumption i est a,wa rd, re,c lpl en~s ~n~er :he CONCLUSION: Cherchez la. We don ' t. have to a sk t ~lem the accepted story, this will provide in e.ach uf the three g~'oups. The of Uleir An.nual Engineering Award . P, ale l e.glsteted· 1 Femme! A number of us have ~ho l' t:c?l11Ings and h~Ol'l~h hab-an additiona l OppOl'tul1lty for subject of the ess,=l y wJiI be "The lJndergracluate A wa r dan d Awa~.ds fOl pa~ers, wlll ~e as I sacrificed ourselves in the glo- lts of f echme n. We w.on t. have young writers. I Influe nce of Swedish Settlers on Scholarship Program. fo ll ows. One awatd of $],000, one rious spirit of science, in that! to hole!. a n~. mOl'e parlles. 111 the

Stories should not exceed 5,000 , a Region or Community. " I Students' papers are to deal (Cont inued in Column F ive ) we h ave gone out unto the Op- Alley Sl~ h.ltchenette, plY1l1g our posite Sex to obtain Data anent II dates w,Jt I~ Seven-Up a nd . marsh·

.. • th e a llevialion of our misery. m?,llo~s, I.n the hope. Lh.a t they . 0 • C . , R . . 1 Wil l glve ups [01' the l1tnlcl, facts

\ .

helped build the undefeated ARMY FOOTBALL TEAM

~ST POINT-molder of men and military leaders

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h world o"er, high .. Football playerS t e. I arc . great

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- " e:){ceptlOn. d nd Oo..,is, d " Blone\-tot 0

orti~le enlitle , red in l\-te Q "oled h o", (in . " ...... \-ti c\-t oppeo

.. d n lWln5, ' e Well point's l oue\-t ow HYSICAl CUllURE ",Og01

1n .

'- 19.47 i~sue of P Mortn,

( A "'Q ' ''' ~ 0. '" 'Houl'" ~ .V'IQ" ,Q .. O

Pictured here is the un­defeated ARMY FOOTBALL TEAM dining at Hotel Barclay in New York just after the spectacular 0·0 tie with Notre Dame last season.

DATA, . U1 . osmic ese~lc 1 for the fnlst rated, hi n ts fo r t h e Group sallied fo r~h bravely Il1to Blacke r me n." Carl added, "Vec­the wo~'ld, seekll1g knowledge tor s hall be the synthes is of the and adVice. Away from the roar sufferitlN at' girls who date of the drop compass~s a nd dou- Techme71. Le t ':-: offe r her a dime ble integrals, our mll1ds began and see what . ..; he says." to adjust to thei r new environ-ment. We sought a mountain re- Six men out-fumbled each oth. treat, high above complexities of et' to pull out the ir wallets last ,

I textbooks and lea rned lectures, bUL Vector ti na ll y received a s lug with li fe unadorned, limited only nickel and five pennies.

, by nature. ;''1'0 the mc n of Tech, the Ora-Mount Palomar: Symbol of cle of lhc Uoudo ir says this:

knowledge, temple to tru th. In 'Success awaits he who is grop­the center chamber the great ing in th e darkness.' " eyeless s tructure was half-lit by As we gaped at a th in wisp the chilled rays from the moon. of cosmic dust rbi ng from the The focus was t owa rds Venus, g\'ound, Vec tor slipped off in to selsyns tracking s lowly about h er seven Lh dimension. the pola l" axis. N t':\t wt' ('le VecLO!"s Ana.lysis

"Welcome, seeke rs after sex." The voice fl oated down frum the Tecb Ski Club observation cylinder, warm, en- T I b tieing. Big Bob mumbled, "What To Meet on g t was that?" The voice returned, Sound movies from Holly­Cl Vector." We gazed aloft to see w ood will be featured in the Ski two legs , dist inctly not maseu- C.luh meeting tonight at 7:30 in line, coyly dangli ng over the 155 Anns. oil bearing. Ca d reached fat" Membership in the c I u b is his notebook, jotted down "a ope n to all persons affi liated woman ." T he voice corrected wi th Tech who are interested him. " Vector , the hyper-woman in the sport. No experience is of N dimensions." Carl, ever the necessary, and, in fact, instruc-l<;xplicit One, s;;"\ici: "Puuh." Lion will be furni shed.

" Don't be timid, I 'm practi- l::les icl e~ ins truction in s k iing, cally normal," the voice a n- th ere are many other advc\n tages swered. "Just treat me a s you for mcmlJers, such a s transpor ta­would a ny girl." The bravest tiOll arrangements and use of among us, Dean, then spoke up, tlte h UL in Snow Valley. The hut "But Miss Vector, we don't know I (Continued on Page Foul')

(Con tin ued from Column Foul' ) and winner is registered w ill re­ceive $500 ' for two annual schol­award of $500; one a ward of

$250; fOLlI' awards of $150 each; a rs hips of $250 each. T:lle th ird ins titu tion wi ll receive one $250

I e igh t awa rds of $100 each; 12 scho larship. I awards of $50 each; and 50 Papers must tJe pos tma rkeci . a wards of $25 each.

not latcr than midnight, 1-Iay 15, Under th e Scholars hip P lan 1948, a nd awards will be an­

the ins titutions in whi ch t ile n ounced as soon thereafter as three top .a\Va \'d~ a re made to poss ible. students Will rece lve amounts of A copy of th e Rules and Con· money equal to the a.wards I ditions may be obtnined by writ· g ra nted. Thef)c amounts are to ing The James F . Lincoln Arc be ll-:ecl ~or lhe purpose of sch~l- Welding F'oundation, Clevela nd ars~llps 111 t he depar t men ts 111 1, Ohio. F urther information may Wh lCh the award student s are be obtained from Prof. J udy. regis te red.

l.! s(~ of Schol:lI"ship Funds :

The department of the insti­tution in which the first winner is registered will receive $1,000 fol' foul' annua l scholarships of $250 each. The depa.rtment of the institution in which t he sec-






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A new flower shop under the same managemeht as the Raymond Florists

You can walk 10 Ihis new shop which is only Ihree doors South of Lake & California Sl. to o rder



Page 4 --- -------------- ---- T H E CALI FOR N I ATE C H- - - - -------- Thursday, October 30, 1947

• Beaver • • Sports • •

Powerful Occidental Eleven Stops Tech 9- o -------------~ .

Tiger Cubs Rnll Over Frosh Footballers In League Tilt

Passing a nd Runn ing Attacks Ruin Beavers as Oxy Wins 33-0

Di splay ing a Icrrilic passi ng 'I own 30, Wa.1t Pfeiffer passed to I and running attack, the Occ iden- E nd Nocl Heed for 15 ya rds, and tal Frosh romped over the I th ree downs late r Pfei ffer ran Beaver Freshma.n e leven, :.t~-O, in I from punt fo rmation a round \ the prelimina l'y ga me last F' l'i- righ t end for a fil's t down to the day n igh t. . Tigel' 4.1. A penalty g a v e the

The Bengal T·rormat.ion runc·1 Fresh another ftl·s t down before I

tioned su rpris ingly well as time their march was hCl lted on the after time yal'd1.lge was reeled 00' 125. against the.. Beaverbabes on de- , Cal tech's offense was stymied laored line buckR ancl pass COln- by the charging Occ idental line, I pletions. At the end of the first : and on ly one threatened to score half the Oxy men weht into the when a l'ecovel'ed fumble put the I

dressing room with a ·20-0 lead I Beaver on the Benga l 15. Mean- I by virtue of two touchdown s on whi le, t he Tiger eleven ro lled up I passes and a nothe r s ix-pointel' · two more touchdowns in the sec- , on a 70-yard rUIl. l and half, both from passi ng.

n(~H V Cl"."i f)d\' (J I R 0 J an d Berner, 205 - pound , Midway in the second qua l'- Frosh ta ckle, incurred a painful

tel' the Beaver yea rlings mi.1de s houlder injury in the second I

their only rea l drive of th e I stanza bu t finished for the Tech­game. With t.he pigski n on thei r men.

nabne~ Leads In Interhouse Cross Countr~ Tournament

I). S .-Ul'l! c \ c it 01 ' n ot, 0 11 t his play Chan c (! c u t to t h e I'ig h t, got

I BON ".' LOO H. NO W Gl~ENN. b u t t h .l t t h il'd h .lIll] ItI call ~ bll!'oiill(' ~!'i.

Fleming, Ricketts, a nd Blacker Follow; Cobb, a'\\ ay .I ud \\I ' lit 7 IIItH(' .ra l·d!'oi hdol'e being stopp ed.

Bochanski, and Simons Win Top Positions I;;" 1'0.,;t;-0118. TECH SKI CLUB T he Big Green of Dahney Hou se h ~l S taken a n eal Iy le~ld in the 1-I o u ... c ... \ "it' "01' H o n o l '!'oi 1 1 ,1 (Gon tll1ued from Page Three) inter10~se cl'o~s-counlry cO.lll pe tItlon?y wlnnlll,g the 1 1

f2 11llle mee t Sl lllons, Di ck Spellman ancl a nd takll1g a close sec6ncl 111 the 2·mlJe race. 'I he Dabney runn ers /Job Kurland of Dabney brou,:rht is located in an excellent skiing h~ve a ,total of 37 pOin.ts , f~lI owed by F' leming wi th 4·1, Ricketts the bacon home by winning the a rea, has a ga.<:; stove, and elec-With 49 and Blacker With 51. first meet, while the same aggre. tric ligh t ing. Sin ce most new-

Cobb \ Vin s Bot h R~lccs ¢ - - galion took second place in the comers won' t have equipment, T he standou t performer in [Ol·t...:, however, s ince in neither 2-m ile. Peter."on, Rich Smy th and the club reminds us t hat the

both meets, however, has been race did Lhree T hroopmen finish. whole work s, skis, poots, and Don Asqui th ga rnered second a Throop Club freshman , Bob Herbie Simons of Dabney and s pot for the Rowdies of Ricl<- poles can be rented for anI y Cobb. Bob forgot about his s hin F elix Bochanski of Fleming took ·e tts in the 1 % mile and s lipped $3.50. s p l in t s long enough to win I tUl'ns with the runner-up and to third in the 2.m ile. . Many old Tech students , fa­handily in lhe 1 1.~ mile w ith a th ird S pO lS in the two races, Hochansld , Ca d Anderson a nd mi liar w ith great ski week-ends time of 8:12.5, a nd breezed I while fi'l eming's Jay Montgom- E rIe Brown obta ined third place I at the hut in Snow Val.ley, ad­through the 2-mile in 11:33.2. cry, Blacker 's La rry Nobles a nd for J"leming in the firs t race a nd d se newcomers tha t sk iing of-

Throop derived no benefit Don Pete rson of Hickctls have whcn joined by lVlontgomery in ' fers thrills they can 't a /"!ord to from the little man'.') mi ghty ef- I stepped in and ou l of the· also- t il e 2-mile they nosed out Dilb· I miss. The h ut is put to good use

ney by one point for top hanoI'S. all year 'round, skiing or not.


Nobles, Ray Bowerman and All in terested Tech men are George Abell scored t.o bring asked to come to the meeting Illacker fourth spot In . both tonight, but those who are un­meets. able lo attend can get further

ON CALIFORNIA NEAR LAKE Tomorrow ot ·1:30 lhe Ieo ther- inrormation rrom Sage Burrows

l::=========================::-:=='..:..._~('.:C~o",n"t ... i~nll,ecJ on Page G) I in Room 43, Dabney House.

Engineers Bow To Occidental In Thirty-fourth Grid Battle

The last laugh in the traciitional annual Beaver-Tiger footba ll l'ivulI:y \vent to the Tigers, as Oxy downed the Tech grid squad, 9 to 0, before a crowd of 6500 fans in the Rose Bow} last Friday night. T h is was the twenty-second wi n for the Bengals and th e t hi r ty-fou rth tuss le of the ser ies wh ich began in 1805, but was Oxy's firs t taste of Beaver blood since 1941. ---- - - ·----- - --0 The only score for the Tigers

F' ht' M came in the second quarter when 19 lng ermen Sanders, fl ashing Occidental

D d I 0 backfield ace, sw ished 40 yards to owne n pener pay din a rter twisting and turn­ing through the Tech defense

Agal'nst Compton just over scrimmage. Two well­placed blocks by Oxy's Fain and McLean sLopped a possible brakeu}) of the play by Tech .


In its firs t sta rt of the year, aga inst Compton JC, Cal tech's wa.ter polo team put on an ex­citi ng show, keeping the opposi-tion worried up to the fina l

HELP WANTED Anyone interested in writing

s ports for the T'ech should see whistle. Len Herzog 01' Jack Scantli n im-

Going into the fourth period 'mediately. Those out for a sport · Cornplon was leading by one will be especia lly valuable writ­s lim goal, but with the addition ing on that sport, but anyone of two points in that quarter the who has an interest in athletics final tabulation g a v e a strong is needed. Compton aggregation '3. 7-to-4 vic- -=-------- -----­tory. Beaver s wimmers constant- This touchdown jaunt culminat­Iy dmve hard, but at the same ed a sustained driv~ from the tim e kept the ir number of fou ls Oecidenta l 17-yard line, wit h down to about one-fourth as Trump and Sanders lugging the 111111 00 tIl ) )os·t· Inade leather into Engineer territory. <. .Y u"; e 01 I I IOn .

Pa lnH~ I ' S h in es ·.r i ~{, I's SCOI'C Safet.y The boys fl'o m Compton As the second half got under

way Oxy seemed to be on the scored firsL, but it wasn 't long until "Battling B ill" Palmer way again unti l Muehlberger came th ru for the first of three broke up a third-down reverse gm\ls which he contributed dur- play, Ross to Trump, on their 45.

Tassey's kick went dead on the ing the contest. Besides perform-ing brilliantly on the offense, his Tech 5-yard line and three plays defense was indis pensable. la ter Glen Chaffee was dropped

in the end zone to give the T i­Scor ing was even between the teams for both the second and gel's a safety and two more points thil'd quarters, with B. Waters to make it D·O. Bengal ends Le-

vin and Pearson combined to rub procl ucing Tech's score in the sec.

and period, and Palmer garner· ~l~~ ~I~~~~.~:at~l~:; ~:~t[~~e~o i~~~ ing Tech's third-period scores.

Next a pass. The Engineers began to do a

Another thrililng game is in little line sma shing t.hemselves store for t.hose willing to brave after this di splay of powel' by the long journey to Muir this Oxy linemen. Twice in the next Friday at 5:00 p.m. drive, Tiger bi.-lcks threw away

If you can sw im a nd ·like the the ball to save :vi1rdage when idea of team competition in the Tech men crashed into their water merely drop a hint to that backfield. eff ect any late afternoon in the Three men left the field for vicinity of the Pasadena C. i t Y (Continued on Page 6) College swimn"ling pool.

The Three Suns - readitlg down: Morey Dunn Artie Dunn

j/ ~ ~# / I Read 'em U Weep CAL TECH

10 6 4 o

Fi Downs Rushing Passing



Al N evins


, • , latest disk by The Three Suns for RCA Victor

BACK in '25 everybody was humming 'bout tha t "Sleepy T ime Gal." N ow HGal~' is back in a new and wonderful

record. , And here's another favorite with a great record: cool, m ild ,

flavorfu l Camel cigarettes. M ore men and more women a re smok ing Camels than ever before.

W hy? The answer is in your "T -Zone" ( T for T aste a nd T for Throat).

Try Camels. D iscover for yourself wh y. with smokers who have tried and compared, Camels are the "choice of exper ience"l w. J . Ilu, .... d. T .... ,."'" Co .• Wh' . C .. " . s" le",. N. C.




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114 48

112 22

9 226

I 4 9 6 o

Net yards rushing Yards lost

Net yards forwards Fo rwards a t tempted Forwards completed Net yards gained

Intercep ted by Yards interceptions return

Punts, number Returned by Blocked by

206 17 40 15

4 246

o o

10 4 t

31.7 Pur"s! average Kickof 5, number

Returned by Kickoffs. average

Yards kicks returned Punts

Kickoffs Fumbles

36.0 - 2

I 46 68 64


I 2

59 71 32 39

1 I 3

25 o o o

Ball lost Penalties

Yards lost on penalties FINAL SCORE

Conversions Safet ies


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o o 7

85 9 I I

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902 East California

(4 Doors East of Lake

on Soulh Side of SI.)

Thursday, October 30, 1947- ------- - ---T HE CAL I FOR N I ATE C H --------·-------------------------------- Page 5

Beaten Beavers Face Strong Pomona Gridders Saturday Engineers Again Underdogs; Hens Show Strength in 19-18 Loss to Redlands

On Saturday night ':It 8:00 p.m. the CalLech Beavers wi ll fa ce the Pomona Sage hens in the Rose Bowl. T he E ng ineers w ill rea lly be out a ft er t his o ne afte r los ing a h ea r t·ureaker to Oxy last }I""' ri· day. The ga me should turn ou t to be hard hitting, fa st funning, s ince both squads are try ing to a ttain the conference win co lum n.


half as much practice as it Fr~shSp~rt K~undup should get, expla ins some of the

-B JI G- II .t important missing attributes of


. y m l . c t the li ttle Bevas.

Last Friday the Fros h grid T ech lin emen and backs, too, squ ad took a te rrific walloping as they I e f t the field Frida,y, from the B team of Occidental. complained tha t they had not


Looking around for the causes been shown how to combat the of this massaCt'e, members of the overs hifted anci diverging line Tech eleven came to several im- style which the Tigers were us­portant conclusions. ing to such good advantage.

I n the first place, as Neville Some men felt that the coaches Long and Coach Ed Preis ler s hould have brought out t hi s

I pointed out, we migh t say tha t point at least slightly a t ha lf-

;============-====,. Since both sch ools emphasize i brain over brawn, there should I be p lenty of ding-dong play with I

Oxy deserved the victory whe n time. But t he n you can't learn you consider that thei r team has everything in a couple of weeks. about two mOl:e hours of prac. In connect ion with the power tice every afternoon than cia the of the tealTI, it must be remem­Eng ineer grids te rs. The fac t t hat ber~d t ha t a coach ing job at our e leve n does get only a bout Tech is no gravy train . A coach

Ttllkin' It Over with 'I' hc Goon a st rong aer ia l attack on both

sides. Stat istically t he squads Here it is , men. Th e Goon has I a re fa irly even, with two wins

a bri ttle beak today, and most a nd two defeats fol' the Sage­likely before you get thru l'ead- hens, and with a win , a pair of ing th is colum n, y ou ' ll be wan t- losses, and a tie for the Bea vers. ing to come over and k nock it And for those who predic t out­otf. comes hy compara tive scores,

Hate to bring up last week's hath teams have played and party at the Rose Bowl, but knocked off La Verne; Pomona there we re a few occurrences walked ove r the Leopards 41-7 that did not s it well wi th the wh ile Tech took them to the tune cider and do-n u ts Ia.ter . The first of 20·0. Glancing in to the past, point is the mattCl' of clea n play in the Tech Pomona series, Tech in an athletic e ncounter 01' any has won 7, los t 18, and tied one. dea lings with othe rs. It's not Last yea r' s score was decidedly very often that a kid like Baker one·sided- Pomona 32, The En­will get m i::l d e nough to throw a ginee rs 14, bu t t he Bevos weren ' t hay·maker at an opponent. In too impl'essed by the He ns, who fact , "Bake" is one of the clean- scored mostly on breaks, while est liv ing, cleanest thinking, and the Beavers did mos t of the of­cleanest playing guys in a he l- fen sive work. c1n Saturday night met and hip·pads. Nor a re men the Beavers will be out for re­like Bass, Hibbard, and Long venge a nd a victory to s tay in like ly to use knees, elbows, or the Conference race. fi s ts w hen the li ttle black book The Engineers s hould start th e says no. same team as last week with

Ru les are made in any game Wozniack and McLean leading to protect the players and to the backfield and ends Marshall give each s ide an even break. a nd Hibbard doing the pigskin Whe n you see someone getting snatching. For the Sagehens kicked i.n the ribs intentiona lly, or notice a fist sink in below the belt after a tackle h as been made it doesn't make t he gam e any more exciting. This is not mea n to be an excuse for a 9-0 score. It is, however, a pat on the back to a bunch or fine sports· men who went out Friday night to play the game as it should be played, lost, but proved them· se lves wor thy of the name " Athlete."

• • • Another sore spot Friday was

the outcome of the Fros h scrap. The score itself is not the ma in beak. But that pressure is now being brought to bear On the Coaches to let Frosh pigs kinners make mud pies in the Mucleo Thursday is m aking a lot of men blow their top.

For as many years as T ech has been in inte r·colelgiate ath­letics there has been tI constan t n egative approach to the re la tive importance of competition. This perpetua l unwillingness to go into a thletics wholehea rtedly stemmed in the pa s t basically from the faculty. But now we find that m en I i k e DuBl'idge,

Swift, Goldsworthy, and many more are carry ing the ball for athletics, whi le the s tudents pay lip-ser vice bu t refuse to take a defin ite sta nd.

You saw it las t term, when the Interhouse Committee left the responsibility for Discobolus eli­gibility up to the Athletic Office. The Committee said quite s trong­ly that they were for Tech first, las t, and a lways. But their ac­t ions did not W·o ve this. It has come tip again in th e arguments for Mudeo el igibility. 33·0 is a rotten SCOre. It does not s how tha t men out for t he team ca n miss any pract ice.

• • • Any guy in a uniform who

feels hurt by not being a llowed to pla,y in the mud pit should turn in his suit. He is not a true I a thlete. He has not a fighting hea rt. And h e does not belong on a team that represents Tech. F or he is the · man who wi ll s low down before he is hit, who won't drive in for the set-up, who won't finish out a r ace be· cause he is last--.:..who doesn't de­serve the name "Athlete."


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These carefully tai lored sports shirts are made with the same know how that goes into famou s Arrow Shirts. We're "sartin" these spartan tartans will playa part in your winter wardrobe once you see one. Come in and see us now! .

$ 7 • 9 5




Dr. Pol Duwez Is here has to compete with many othe r ac tiv ities, and a lso is handed mos tly inexperienced players in the firs t place. Men New ME Professor on the Tech team can't get the

I :s leep and train ing time the y

PASA DENA. - 01'. Pol Du- need because of the tough na­wez has been Ilppointed asso- ture of Caltech courses.

I cia te professor of mechanical en- As a resu lt of a ll this, Neville g in eel' ing at t he California I ns ti- a nd Ed found that their men,

I tu te or Techonology. not in as pe rfect condition . as I Professor Duwez came to Ca l- the ir opponents , were be ing ou t­tech in 1941 from Belgium DS a rushed and outplayed a ll through s p'ec~tl Belgan-Ame rca n Educ~· the battle. T ech had the s pirit;

\VH.AT'S THIS'! StudC' lI t!"O of zoology will l'(· t:ognize HI(' ani­mal PCCl'jug o u t of t h e disc~II'd in the aho\' c cu t a!S a l'a1h c I' moth~ eate n s pccim en or Fc lis tigris (Oxy),

I', S,-~I oth('ute ll 01' not., this ( got O llt. of t.he miT'e Ii' l'iday · night, IH'o IHls lH'd t h e Beaver in,

I li on Poundation ~tudent on r€- they didn' t have the know how sea rch work . Dunn? the .war he I necessary to let the spirit show. was concerned Wi th rese~l'ch I Saturday a fternoon, the junior work conducted at the Institu te squad wi ll come u p agains t a n. fol' b~th the O.S. H. and the Navy othe l' foe, and of course will be and Since then hus been connect- out t he l'e to win. Our coaches

. __ .-------center Main and Schafer, a 220 action. A prelim inary ga me be­tack le , s hould bea r watching, tween t i1 (;! F'rosh w ill comme nce whi le in the backfield McColl ot 5:30 p.m.

ed with the J et P ropul sion Lab· o ratory doing resea rch and de­velopme nt work wi th both ce ra­m ics and meta ls in t he field of jet propu ls ion .

~~n d the team hope that one more week of practice will have e limi­I1n ted enough of t.he prinCipal fa u lts so tha t the Fros h Engi­nee rs ca n win this game. and Mertz will see p lenty of



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Sodium for organic reactions Is sh ipped in 80,OOO-lb. quanlitles. It Is pumped Into the car, solidi .. fled by cooling and melted by hot oil for removal,

There would seem to be a consider· able gap between the electrolysis of salt to make sodium, and research in the field of organic chemistry. H ow· ever, a t ·Du Pont as much emphasis is placed on organic research to de­velop outlets for sodium as on its in· organic uses.

For more than 15 years, intensive work on industrial uses for sodium .has been carried on in Du Pont lab· oratories and plants by chemists, physicists, chemical, mechanical and electrical engineers,

In the organic field, this research has contributed a number of impor­tant uses for sodium su ch as the re­duction of fatty esters, particularly of natural glycerides, to alcohols.

o 11 alcohol

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Du Pont organic chemists have found that sodium with selected sec· ondary alcohols, such as methyl amy I alcoRol, in the presence of toluene or

xylene , eliminates shortcomings of the classical method involving ethyl alcohol and sodium. Practically quan­titative yields of the higher molec­ular weight alcohols are obtained.

This new method is especially use­ful in preparing unsaturated alcohols not easily made by catalytic hydro­genation. The process can be carried out at atmospheric pressure and compares favorably with catalytic hydrogenation of saturated, higher fatty esters because of the simplicity of opera tion and equipment.

. The discovery of the n ew reaction conditions has led to the use of mil­lions of pounds of sodium annually for manufacture of long·chain alco­hols for wetting a nd emulsifying agents and synthetic detergents.

Other important processes devel­oped by Du Pont organic research include the use of sodium for reduc· tion of fatty esters to corresponding long-chain acyloins, and reduction of nitriles to primary amines.

More facts about Du Pont- listen to "Cavalcade of America," Mondays, 8;30 P. M. PST, on NBC

Du Pont bas also contributed to the development of many other uses forsodiwn and its sirnple derivatives, such as in the manufacture of tetra­ethyllead, used in high-grade motor fuels, dyestuffs synthesis, and de­scaling of alloy steels. In the fonn of sodiwn hydride or sodium alkoxides, sodium is a cata lyst for many C laisen condensations, u seful in t he manu ­facture of barbiturates, sulfa drugs, vitamins, keto-acids and diketones.

Preparing to carry out an organic condensotion reaction involving the use of s odium, R. 8 , Clotlc, C. S., Wost Virginia UnivenUy '42, and W, J. Hilts, M.S., Syracuse ' 36.

Questions College Men ask about working with Du Pont


For certain ty pes of work, partlcularly research n.nd development, a bigoorde­gree is II. d istinct advantage and about a third of t he men engaged in this work ure Ph.D'e. However, tho major­ity of our technically trained men are Bachelors or Masters. Every effort is made to recognize a man's training as well 8.8 his special experience and apti­tudcs. Write for a copy or the oew booklet, "The Du Pont Company and tbe College Grnduate," 2521 Nemours Building, Wilmington 98, Dclawllro_

([UPON» IIf 40.U . S.PAT. OU.



Page 6------------------------------------- THE CAL IF 0 R N I ATE C H- ------------ Thursday, October 23,1947

Post Game Dances Highlight Fleming Social Calendar

Th e SOCial whirl at Fleming continued on its merry way; this past week added one more suc­cessful Open House to its list of successco. /\ light repast was served to th e hungry Flem ing­ites and the ir guests upon t heir a rri val from the Bowl, to ready t hem fo l' an evening of dancmg to soft music, illuminated only by a blazm g (?) fire.

T he Scr ipps Open HOllse sched­uled for the following nigh t was postponed to some future date. 'f ile faCi le, fl uid female mind of the "SopbisLica les " fl'ol11 Clare­m on t decided t hat the 25th was not the night. l h il l t hey meant.

F'OI' th is coming week, tonight i s the nIght fol' the Exchange Dinne r with Clarks I-Ia 11 of Scripps 1' hi.~ excha nge comes at a mo:::t 0pj)orllln e time fol' a ny Fleming men, if there a re a ny, w ho a l'e s ti ll WIthout " Oa tes" for the ASelT O;mee on F ri day.

Mudeo, Dance Head Next Week's Doings

Mudeo Time is creeping u p on Tech! The annua l mudbrawl will be h e ld one week from yes­te rday, a nd aftcrnoon c lasses will be canceled L 11 a t day for the event.

Frosh , Sophs, a nd even tu a lly J uniors will be impli cated in th e miry b USin ess, wh ile haughty Seniors look on disda infully and remi lllscently. .

Hccil pCl'a t (. As good a way as has bee n

proposed for mudde ned Frosh a nd yearlings to recu pe l'a te from the fray ( the Juniors , a las, have no such recourse) is to shake a leg at the a n nual loser-s ponsored Frosh ·Soph dance, which this yea r will be held Friday nigh t , Oct. 7, at the Pasadena Athletic Club.

Herb Adkins' combo will ful'­ni sh the I11U S1C ,

Calm Of Lihr2ry Broken By Frosh

An InLel'es ting im.:ident OC·

curred b st week when F res h· On Sa t urclay there will he a n·

other Open I-Io llse a.fte r t he 1'ech·PolllonH gillllC. men B erg, Johnson , Jp nes and

ref resh· Munro sel'enaded Senior Li· Smooth rnusic a nd men ls will be fea tw 'ed

CIVIL SF.RVICE EXAMS (Contin ued from Page 1)

M~t thel1la t iciJ. n , MCla llu rg ist, Pat· ent I!::xam lll cr, Ph.Y:::iCJ~t, Psy· eh ologi..;t, StH:bl Science An ;:~I .vst. ~1l1 (1 SI:lt isl ieiu n. rcally out or t l1i s world, as was Harvey Wright, who almost pas."ied ou t, wi II tcsLi ry. Fu r ther C'n terta1l1menl con .. .; istecl of si ng· ing. dan Cing, Ixt! lct, and a much­a ppb.uded quartet, t h e Crown City Four.

The Ulli lCd Sta lc$ Civil Serv­Ice COlllmis ison has not ified the l ' laccment Oflice that appllca.­tioll s for ,Iun ior Professional As· s istJ l1 t ~;xi.lminallon a re now uva ibhle. As the clos lI1g date IS :'\'ovem bel' -I, 1 n 17. a ppllcatJons Illu st be Illalled pl'omptly.

All seniors CIne! gra.dua te stu· dents eligible, T hose accepted will be <.:onsJdc l'ed {Ol' -Federa l govel'nm ent positions in t he Prot e~s iona l , Cler ical, Adminis­t rative and F' iscal services, in­cludmg Admi ni st rative Techni­cian , Chemist, E ngineer (Ael·o· nC\utical , Chem ical, Civil, Elec­tr ica l, lVlechanica l. Metallurgical, Mini ng, Naval ArchI tecture,) Ma the ma tician.

SpeCia l notice will be found on the bulletin boa rd of the Place­m e nt Offi ce, T hroop 1-1 a lL

brarian }<--- ra.nces Spin ning a nd he r charming bevy of assis tan ts. The customa rily h ushed Ge neral Lihra ry resounded to the man · fu l vOices of the self·s tyled "Throop Cl ub F'our" as they in · tonecl the Oxy Song and other student fa vorites, A fnsc in a ted graduate s tuden t from ahl'oJcl was quickly reassured !ha t such Jlwsical displays were not pa rt of s tandard dal ly ll hl\II'Y pro· cedure.

The event wa.'; thoughl up by cons ide rate Throop Cluh upper · c lassmen as pa rt of T hroop rresh ma n initiations.

DABNEY LEADS (Eon tinued rrom Page 4)

lunged speeds te rs will engage in a 21h-mile contes t and s pecta lOrs are u rged to he on hand to see J fi ne Sl}ow.

Results of lllz Mile I-Cobb ~ T"l 2- Sl mons ID ,I 3- 80 -

cha nskl ( F, I 4- Petefson IR ,) 5- Nobles I B ,) 6-Spelfman ) D., I 7- Smylh (R" I 8-Bowerman (8, 1 9- Ku rland (0. , ) 10 - Ande rson iF.,1 II - ASQUi th IR,I 12-Brown IF.,I 13-SchroedN IF;.t) 14-Abell IB,l IS-Cust iB,) It)-Steese m ,I 17- Newman (R.,I IS- Sampson I F , I 19- Johnston IF) I- Dabney, 17 , 2_R lc ketts, 22, 3- Flemmg, 25, 4-Blacker, 27

Results of 2-Mile l--Cobb IT ,) 2- BochanlskQ IF ,I 3-

Simons i D ,J 4_ Montgomery IF.J s-pct-I e rson IR ,) 6 - Spcllman i D,I I- Bower­man iB ,I r~Lansdown n .,) 9-Nobles IB ) 1000Smylh IR . I I I - Kurland ID , I 12~ASQui th i R.,1 13- Anedrson IF.,I 14 -Abell IB ,I I S- Brown IF , I 16--Cox IF ,I I7- Steesc (R.,I IS- Schroeder i F. ) I-Fle ming, 19; 2- Dabncv, 20 , 3- RlCk ­etts, 27, 4-Blacker, 30.



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TIGERS BOW (Continued from Page 4)

unspor tsmanhke conduct as a re· suIt of s lugging w hen Friese of Oxy broke up a Beave r pass in a way that two Tech me n d id not th ll)k was according to Hoyle.

Oppon ent Trump thrcw an· olher sca re in to th e Tech ch eer­ing section when he ripped off ,15 yards from the Oxy 25 to the Tech 30~yal'd line, but the play was ca lled back on a Cli pping penalty. After the punt the Ti­gers got a seori n g: break when a Cha ffee to MacLean play went to t he Occiden tal 45·ya rd line but e nded in a fum ble recovel'ed by Adams for the Bc nga ls.

Tech Shows Powe .. I n t hc final heat Coach Andcr­

son's men began to show thei l' offens ive power as they piled up three first downs III five plays. A pass, Cha tree to MacLean, and

a laleral to Dahm was good lor CAMPUS BREWINS I pickle tha l night as he spent the 12. A delayed linc buck by Wos· (Continued from Page 2) fit' s.t pa rt ~ f it running around niak racked u p 11 more, m oving same Russia n t hat was me n. trYlllg Lo find som eone to take the pigskin l o the midfie ld stripe t lOned in last week's column. She h is second da te for the evening and Hibbard took a pass on the is livi ng up to advance notices as otf hiS hands. Can 't figure out dive s ix yards in en emy terri· W a lTen 's shirt st ill had lipsti ck how he cloes it as I have trouble tory in the next two "plays. on it Monday, or did this come ge tting- one,

The n Chaffee took a 14-yard from San Marino? Bob Dalton see n1S to h a ve es-jau nt to the 28 wilere he was Ricke tts was jumping as pe l' tab li shed a beach head at Scripps stopped by Pearson after it had us ua l on pa rty nigh t, Carl Fox, d:limg the sa me ta ll , dark and looked like a pOSSible scoring whose last name sh ould be wolf, bCCluLiful ga l that hc met at the b rea ka way. After thi s the dnve attended the affa ir- his firs l exchange tile week before. Larry turned cold a nd Oxy took OVCI'. ciance ~ jnce ill'l'I ving at tillS in. Dc1l1m a lso gave the boys a break

'With fifty seconds to play the f> tit u tion. However , in the past by hringlng a most delightful E ng ineers started one more his lack of be ing able to da nce d ish who was a pprecia ted by a ll show for t he gl'a,nds tands, punch I didn 't cramp his s ty le, Q)' did it? t he co n nOisseurs. ing from theil' c lght all the way Bob P ill ing had h is O.A.O. up M r. A.B.C. is going to be on to the opponent's fi ve-yard line from San ·Diego fo t' the week· ca mpus next week so t ry to in fi ve trys. Chaffee lOok the I ~ ft end. Stan Boicou rt, a rter much catch h llll ; it w ill be profitablc. side for 35' yards a nd passed from fast ta lking, convinced June NOTE to Cl II victims a nd critics there to th e 'Nger 41. A toss to BIClnkens hi p, an OXY lass, to s it of t hb col umn : E nd Burke wen t to t he 35 a nd on t he Tech s ide at the game, ThiS is to certify that t h is col­one lnOl 'e th mw put t he leather bu t she s howed no il1 effccts um n has been a.pproved by the on the five-yard line whc n th e I from th e ex per ience . Ca ltech c ha pter of the Bas to n gun sounded. · Bil l I1l'adley got himself in a Vla tch and Ward Society.









.., .. ;j