california history

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  • 1. California History Maddie Ketterl 2009-2010 Fourth Grade

2. Valley Region

  • The Valley region

3. is a flat area of land that is surrounded by mountains. 4. The Valley region is a good place for farming, because it has water and rich soil. 5. Mountain Region

  • The industries of

6. the mountain region are centered around it's forests and minerals. 7. It's trees are used for timber. 8. DesertRegion

  • The Desert region

9. is rich in minerals- 10. metals and other materials that are dug from the earth. 11. Coast Region

  • The Coast region

12. is were most people live. 13. The state's Coast 14. provides resources for many kinds of jobs. 15.

  • In 1542 Cabrillo sailed north to what is now Mexico to find a route to Asia.He explored what is now San Diego.

Juan Cabrillo 16. James Cook

  • James Cook became a well known sailer, explorer,and mapmaker. He joined Britain's Navy. James Cook had a ship called the Endeanvor.

17. Sir Francis Drake

  • Drake explored the California coast. He found a small bay near present -day San Francisco and named the area Nova Albion.

18. Sebastian Vizcaino

  • Sebastian V explored the area near present day San Diego to present day Monterey. He made maps of the coast that were used by other explorers until the late 1700s.

19. Father Serra

  • Father Serra started a mission at San Diego in 1769. As a young man, Serra decided to become a Franciscan priest in the Catholic Church.

20. Gaspar de Portola

  • In 1767 Spain sent a soldier named Gaspar de Portola to run it's California coloney.

21. He led an expedition to explore the area. 22. Ranchos

  • Ranchos are places were people used to raise animals, to grow livestock and crops. Ranchos became a important part of California.

23. Missions

  • Missions are places where missionaries taught the California Indians to have the same religion system.

24. Pueblos

  • A Pueblo is a Spanish word

25. for village. Living in the pueblos, you had to grow food for soldiers in the presidios. 26. John Sutter

  • John Sutter made a fort called Sutter' s Fort in 1841. He sold supplies to people passing through the area.

27. Fort Ross

  • In 1812 Ivan Koskov came with fur trappers to go to a place north of San Francisco. The fort was made to sell things like fur.

28. Jedediah Smith

  • Jedediah Smith led the first group of American trappers who came overland to California through the Utah and the Mojave Desert.

29. James Beckwourth

  • Beckwourth was a scout, or guide, who led settlers west during the 1850s. He was a African American. His mom was a slave, but his dad was not.

30. John Bidwell

  • John Bidwell led the first wagon train to come to C.A from Independence, Missouri. He became a leader inagriculture.

31. John C. Fremont

  • John C. Fremont traveled all over the ares to make maps for the

32. U.S goverment. 33. 49'ers

  • 49'ers were people who came to mine during thegold rush. Gold was discovered in 1848 by James Marshall, but took a year for the news of gold to spread.

34. Sam Brannon

  • He ran special additions in news paper. He called it the Special. The article convinced people to come find gold.

35. Levi and Strauss

  • Levi and Strauss were 2 men that started their own business called Levi Strauss. They made Levi pants.

36. Biddy Mason

  • Biddy Mason was born into slavery. She and her owner came to C.A where slavery was not allowed. Biddy Mason petitioned for her freedom. She got her freedom!

37. Mary Tape

  • Mary Tape came to California with her kid. She wanted her child to go to school, but it could not. Mary made a school forthe kid and for other Asians.

38. Mexican American War

  • During the year of 1846, the U.S foughta war with Mexico. The war was over their boarders. Eventually, California became a part of the U.S.

39. About the Author

  • My name is Madalee and I amin 4 thgrade in Mr. G's class. I love to read books. I love to type and make up silly books.