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8/2/2019 487653 1/13 Introduction to "What Is Socialization?" Author(s): Gian Enrico Rusconi and Patricia Tummons Reviewed work(s): Source: New German Critique, No. 6 (Autumn, 1975), pp. 48-59 Published by: New German Critique Stable URL: . Accessed: 26/03/2012 13:23 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].  New German Critique and Duke University Press are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to New German Critique.

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Post on 22-Feb-2018




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Page 1: Calendar of Events - · Hair, Sandy Newell, Del Presley, Pat Shelburne, Valerie Thomas, Genie

*Unison Prayer of Confession:

All: Holy and gracious God,

our songs sing goodness,

but our lives enact evil;

our songs sing justice,

but our lives enact oppression;

our songs sing peace,

but our lives enact strife;

our songs sing love,

but our lives enact hate.

Have mercy on us, O God,

and forgive our sins,

that justice and mercy

may flow from our words and actions

for the good of our neighbor

and the glory of your Name.

Silence is kept

*Assurance of Pardon:

One: Friends, hear the good news of the gospel. In Jesus the

Christ, we are forgiven and free to live differently.

All: Thanks be to God.

*Gloria Patri

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost: As it was in

the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen. Amen.

*The Passing of the Peace

One: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all!

All: And also with you!

Time for Children Doty Dunn

Children ages Pre-K through 3rd grade are invited to exit the sanctuary

with the leaders for children’s church at this time.

Living Generously Mike Kennedy

~~~God Speaks Through The Word~~~ Prayer for Illumination

First Lesson: Romans 12: 14-21 p. 197

Anthem: Arr. Walter Ehret

“Glorious Things of Three Are Spoken”

Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God; He whose word

cannot be broken, Formed thee for His own abode; On the Rock of Ages

founded, What can shake thy sure repose? With salvation’s walls surrounded,

thou may smile at all our foes. See, the streams of living waters Springing

from eternal love, Well supply thy sons and daughters And all fear of want

remove. Who can faint while such a river Ever will their thirst assuage?

Grace which like the Lord, the giver, Never fails from age to age. Savior, if

of Zion’s city I through grace a member am. Let the world deride or pity I

will glory in thy name. Fading is the worldling’s pleasure. All his boasted

pomp and show. Solid joys and lasting treasure None but Zion’s children

know. Solid joys and lasting treasure None but Zion’s children know.


Second Lesson: Amos 1:1-2; 5:14-15, 21-24 pp 1041, 1046

Sermon: Rev. Rebecca Blackwell and the YKirk Team

“The Sound of Rolling Waters”

Hymn: 372 AMZON

“O for a World”

~~~God Enables Us To Respond~~~ *Affirmation of Faith: (From the Confession of Belhar, inclusive language)

One: We believe

Men: that God has revealed God’s self as the one who wishes to

bring about justice and true peace among people;

Women: that God, in a world full of injustice and enmity, is in a

special way the God of the destitute, the poor and the


All: that God calls the church to follow God in this; for God

brings justice to the oppressed and gives bread to the


Men: that the church must therefore stand by people in any form of

suffering and need, which implies, among other things, that

the church must witness against and strive against any form

of injustice, so that justice may roll down like waters, and

righteousness like an ever-flowing stream;

Women: that the church as the possession of God must stand where

the Lord stands, namely against injustice and with the

wronged; that in following Christ the church must witness

against all the powerful and privileged who selfishly seek

their own interests and thus control and harm others.

All: Therefore, we reject any ideology which would legitimate

forms of injustice and any doctrine which is unwilling to

resist such an ideology in the name of the gospel. We

believe that, in obedience to Jesus Christ, its only head,

the church is called to confess and to do all these things,

even though the authorities and human laws might

forbid them and punishment and suffering be the


Jesus is Lord. To the one and only God, Father, Son and

Holy Spirit, be the honor and glory for ever and ever.

Presentation of Pledges:


“Today We All Are Called to Be Disciples”

Dedication of Our Pledges Mike Kennedy

The Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom

come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our

daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and

lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the

kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


Offertory: Cesar Franck



Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him all creatures here below;

Praise Him above ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

*Prayer of Dedication

~~~God Sends Us Out~~~

*Hymn: 286 TRENTHAM

“Breathe on Me, Breath of God”

*Charge and Benediction

*Congregational Response: 372 (v 5) AMZON

“O for a World”

O for a world preparing for God’s glorious reign of peace, where time and

tears will be no more, and all but love will cease

Postlude: Douglas E. Wagner

Go Your Way with Rejoicing

*As you are able, please stand.

Announcements Welcome! We’re glad you’re here! We would like to share more with you

about our ministry and fellowship. Please fill out a visitor’s card and place

it in the offering plate. If you live in an apartment, please be sure to include

your apartment number and street address.

The flowers are placed in the Sanctuary today to the glory of God and in

honor of our veterans.

Prayer List - Bill Barnes, Ouida Barrineau, Sara Bennett, Harry Bowser,

Rosalyn Cox, Barbara & Bob Focht, Gayle Gunter, Susan Gunter, Harriet

Hair, Sandy Newell, Del Presley, Pat Shelburne, Valerie Thomas, Genie

Ward, service men & women.

Page 2: Calendar of Events - · Hair, Sandy Newell, Del Presley, Pat Shelburne, Valerie Thomas, Genie

First PresbyterianChurch Statesboro, Georgia

November 12, 2017 23rd Sunday after Pentecost

~~~God Calls Us Together~~~ Westminster Chimes

Welcome and Announcements Nan LoBue

Please fill out the Friendship Tablet at the end of each row and pass it up

and down the row so we may greet and know one another by name.

Prelude: Lori Smith

Great God, We Sing Thy Mighty Hand

Choral Introit: AMZON

“O for a World”

*Call to Worship: (based on John 7:38)

One: Jesus said “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me.”

All: Lord, we come to you thirsty for

One: Jesus said “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me.”

All: Lord, we come to you thirsty for

One: Jesus said “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me.”

All: Lord, we come to you thirsty for

One: Jesus said “Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of

living water.”

*Hymn: 401 GATHER US IN

“Here in This Place”

Opening Prayer:

*Call to Confession:

One: The proof of God’s amazing love is this; while we were

sinners Christ died for us. Because we have faith in him, we

dare to approach God with confidence, confessing our sins to

God and to one another.

First Presbyterian Church 1215 Fair Road, Statesboro, Georgia 30458

Phone: (912) 681-2053 Email: [email protected]

Visit us online at

Interim Pastor

Rebecca Blackwell

(770) 317-2389

[email protected]

Ruling Elders

Lois Roberts, Clerk. Chris Benatti, Maura Copeland, Brett Curry,

Doty Dunn, Brian Feltman, Matt Gerig, Ann Henderson,

Nan LoBue, Frank McDonald, Annette Smith, Gordon Smith.

Like us on Facebook!

First Presbyterian Church Statesboro

First Presbyterian Church Statesboro Youth

UKirk Georgia Southern

Interested in Membership at First Presbyterian Church?

We'd love to have you become a part of this family! Our Book of Order

reminds us that the Church exists to do a few very important things:

proclaim the gospel, nurture disciples, preserve the truth, promote social

righteousness, and exhibit the Kingdom of Heaven to the world. Any

follower of Jesus Christ can join! Speak to an elder for more information.

‘Get Mugged’ at First Presbyterian Church of Statesboro

All visitors are encouraged to stop by the Narthex table on your way

out today for a complimentary FPC mug. Please limit one per family.

You may also purchase mugs for $10 each or $15 for two.

For your convenience

Personal hearing devices are available upon request, just ask an usher.

Restrooms are located in the education building near the fellowship hall.

Please silence all cell phones.

Calendar of Events

Sunday, November 12

10 am Sunday School

11 am Worship

Noon Covered Dish Lunch

Monday, November 13

9:30 am Joy Circle

Tuesday, November 14

8 am - noon Community Bible Study Leadership

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

Wednesday, November 15

6:30 pm Handbell Ensemble

7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Thursday, November 16

7 am Men’s 2x4 Bible Study

Friday, November 17

11:30 am - 6:00 pm Pick up for Haiti mission trip fundraiser

Sunday, November 19

10 am Sunday School

11 am Worship

1:30 pm Session Meeting

Announcements Haiti Mission Trip Fundraiser - Last day to order your Boston butt is No-

vember 13. Sales help fund the FPC mission trip scheduled for Feb, 2018,

and to provide funds for ongoing missions at Haiti Outreach Ministries. See

your bulletin insert for information or to place your order.

Christmas in Bulloch - As in past years, we will be helping spread Christ-

mas cheer to our Mill Creek Elementary Backpack Buddies. Email Susan at

[email protected], for information on sponsoring a child.

Advent Study - December 6 and 13. “Halleujah: The Bible and Handel’s

Messiah”. Books are optional. If you want to order one, they are $17. Dead-

line to order is November 12. See Susan Parrish to order.

Backpack Buddies - Once again, we are packing 33 backpacks each week

for our friends at Mill Creek Elementary. Critically needed items: juice

boxes, Chef Boyardee and pudding cups.

Please place items in the basket in the hallway outside the CE Office. Thank


Poinsettia Orders - Today is the last day to place your orders for poinsettias.

See your bulletin insert to order.