caleb laieski - suicide prevention: 5 tips that could save a life

Caleb Laieski - SUICIDE PREVENTION: 5 Tips That Could Save a Life

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Caleb Laieski - SUICIDE PREVENTION: 5 Tips That Could

Save a Life

These include suicidal threats in the form of direct and indirect statements, a designated change in behavior or appearance, a preoccupation with death, the giving away of prized possessions and, possibly the most telling, prior suicide attempts

Understand the warning signs

Confront the specific situation, not the person

If perhaps you have noticed any of these signs in a relative or friend, you may ask the person directly if s/he is contemplating suicide.

The US-based National Association of school Psychologists (NASP) suggests that you give attention to your matter for the person's well being, listen and reassure them that help is available. Avoid being judgmental.

Get help

Contact a counsellor or other mental registered nurse as soon as possible. Unless you are a tuned counsellor or psychologist, do not attempt to deal with the specific situation on your own. For teens, the NASP advises, "Peers should never consent to keep the taking once life thoughts a secret and instead should tell an adult, such as a parent, teacher, or [guidance counsellor]. Parents should seek help from university or community mental health resources as soon as possible. School staff should take the student to the designated school mental health professional or manager

Follow up

Avoid assume that the individual is 'cured' from suicidal tendencies after a counselling session or two, or if s/he has been located on medication for depression.

Appear for a recurrence of the warning signs. Assure that anybody keeps his or her counselling appointments Constant supervision is especially important with children, teens or the elderly.

Clear the environment

Take out or lock up means of self harm such as firearms, knives and medication from his/her environment.