calculate your dhana lagna

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  • 7/26/2019 Calculate Your Dhana Lagna


    Calculate your Dhana Lagna!

    Wealth Ascendant ( hana !agna "

    #n a pragmatic or a $usiness world% people are more $othered a$out material

    $ene&ts than 'elfActualistion. )o one can $e $lamed for this $ecause $usiness or

    ma*ing money is a 'ocial 'ecurity )eed ( as per A$raham +aslow,s )eed -ierarchy

    'cale ". -igher than the social security need is the 'elf Actualisation need. ut most

    of the people are on the 'ocial 'ecurity need level and use all their energies to

    survive econmically in a competitive world.

    odiac Advanced Astrology% $eing pragmatic% have come out with the concept of

    the Wealth Ascendant or hana !agna.

    i0erent ay )um$ers have $een assigned to the 'even evolving -eavens. 2hey


    'un = 3 +ars = 4 5upiter = 1 +oon = 14 +ercury = 6 7enus = 18 9 'aturn = 1

    Wealth Ascendant or hana !agna can $e calculated $y the formula

    hana )um$er = +odulus of ((ay )o of the th lord from +oon ay )o of the th

    lord from Ascendant "/18"

    ! ( hana !agna ; Wealth Ascendant " = +oon 'ign hana )um$er

    2he -ouses of Wealth are 8%%.1 9 11. 2he 'econd -ouse rules Wealth% the 11th

    th ( called !a*shmi 'thana " is important as it isthe )inth from the )inth. #f the lords of these houses com$ine $y association ( they

    should $e within 18 degress "% aspect or mutual interchange% it can ma*e the native

    a millionaire.

    #f the ! is devoid of male&cs% it will ma*e the native a millionaire. ('ho$hana

    hage !a*shadhipam urvathe ". #f a male&c tenant !% it will ma*e the native a

    la*hier. #f the male&c $e e@alted% a millionaire is $orn. ( halagage 2hungepi

    odeeswaram ".

    7ipareetha aa Bogas can also create millionaires. #n the horoscope of almia of

    almia Cements% the 6th lord 5upiter in the 18th% well posited in Aries and 7enus in
  • 7/26/2019 Calculate Your Dhana Lagna


    the 11th% e@alted generated a formida$le yoga for wealth. #n the horoscope of

    Am$ani% 5upiter was in the 1th% 'aturn in the 8nd% the -ouse of Wealth and 7enus

    in the 18th ( another hana Boga ". -enry ord had 5upiter% 7enus and 'aturn in the

    11th% the -ouse of 9 11 " and divide it $y E. 2hen multiply the result with 1

    and divide it $y 4.

    Wealth Dercentage = ( 'had alas of the our !ords / E " 1/4

    #f the Wealth Dercentage is well a$ove >F% the native has potential. #f a$ove G>F %

    well the chances are e@cellent.

    Another Wealth Boga is )eecha$hanga aa Boga. Hne of the $est e@amples of ) B

    is the horoscope of -yder Ali% the father of 2ippu 'ultan. !i$ra rising% with +oon

    de$ilitated in 'corpio $ut with powerful +ars ( who cancels the de$ilitation ". rom

    o$scurity -yder Ali rose to the level of an emperor. -e $ecame one of the greatest

    conIuerors of all time% in fact greater than )apolean J

    -ere is an e@ample of ! $ased horoscope

    Asc ; CancerK etu in the 3rdK +ars in the EthK+ercury%5upiter%'un in the 4thK7enus

    in the GthK+oon in the 6thKahu in the 1th and 'aturn in the 18th. ! is

  • 7/26/2019 Calculate Your Dhana Lagna


    fortune. Hne should also $e careful while predicting these lords of 8 %>% 9 11

    should not com$ine with 4%6%18 lords and should not $e aspected $y them either.

