cairn india - csr program

Striding Ahead A Cairn India CSR Initiative

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Cairn India is committed to conducting its operations in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This commitment is fundamental to the long term success and focus on creating value and making a difference where Cairn India operates through various community development initiative in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Sri Lanka. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is therefore an integral part of Cairn India’s business strategy. Cairn India’s success is guided by the CSR vision, which is encapsulated in the 3 Rs – Respect, Relationships and Responsibility.


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Striding AheadA Cairn India CSR Initiative

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2 I Inaugural Issue

Conceptualise, designed and developed by the Communication and Design department of Cairn India Ltd.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this magazine has been gathered from actual incidents and experiences. The content is sole property of Cairn India Ltd. and must not be misused. To post your queries/ questions, write to [email protected]

© Cairn India Ltd.2011

Introduction 4

Strides We Took 6

Defining Destinations 8

Partners in Our Success 10

Our Footprints 1 1

Rajasthan and Barmer 13

Cairn Enterprise Centre, Barmer 14

Other Assets and Initiatives 16

Transforming Lives 21


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Striding Ahead I 3 Striding Ahead I 3

We, at Cairn India, believe that the basis of growing economies is about sustainability, affordability,

inclusiveness and sensitivity towards the communities in which we operate. Cairn India is committed to conducting its operations in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. This commitment is fundamental to the long term success and focus on creating value and making a difference where Cairn India operates through various community development initiatives. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is therefore an integral part of Cairn India’s business strategy from exploration to development, and production.

The overwhelming support received from the various stakeholders across the operational area has been instrumental to Cairn India’s success and it is guided by the

CSR vision, which is encapsulated in the 3 Rs – Respect, Relationships and

Responsibility. Striding Ahead, the new CSR Magazine will be committed towards creating a repository of best practices for community initiatives as a platform for knowledge sharing and enhancement in corporate responsibility across Cairn India’s operational areas. Striding Ahead; as a magazine will focus to engulf Cairn India’s community engagement programmes. This month we are delighted to bring to you the inaugural issue focusing on Rajasthan & the Cairn Enterprise Centre.

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IntroductionIn 1979, Sir Bill Gammell founded Cairn Energy PLC, and the company was listed on the London Stock Exchange in 1988. Sir Bill Gammell became its first Chief Executive. As the Indian oil and gas market deregulated in the early 1990s, Cairn’s focus turned to this region, which resulted in the acquisition of Command Petroleum Ltd. in 1996, an Australian-quoted company with an interest in South Asia. Cairn Energy PLC, a FTSE 100 company was one of the first UK companies to invest in the Indian oil and gas sector. Ravva in the Krishna-Godavari Basin was the first offshore oil and gas field to be developed in partnership with ONGC, Videocon and Ravva Oil, where Cairn became operating partners from 1996, working under a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) until 2019. This was followed by the Lakshmi gas field in Western India that was discovered in 2000, which eventually

People are Cairn India’s key asset and critical to the business. The entrepreneurial spirit is underpinned by a depth of knowledge and a strong set of cultural core values including integrity, social and environmental responsibility, team-work and the nurturing of individuals.

Cairn India’s Vision Encapsulates Corporate Social Responsibility in 3 Rs

The success of the company would not have been possible without the consistent support of all stakeholders, governments, regulators and JV partners, to the local communities and the administration of the regions in which Cairn India operates.

Respect Relationships ResponsibilityCairn India is operating in many areas that face economic, social and environmental challenges. We have a responsibility to understand these challenges, identify the potential impact of our activities and, through engaging with stakeholders, look for opportunitieswhere mutual benefit is secured.

commenced production in 2002. In January 2004, following the largest oil discovery by any company in India since 1985, the Mangala oilfield in Rajasthan was added to Cairn’s assets. In December 2006 Cairn Energy PLC announced the pricing for the flotation of its Indian business, Cairn India Ltd. through the Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange of India. Currently Cairn is operating as Cairn India Ltd., and the Mangala field and other discoveries in Rajasthan are expected to contribute significantly to the energy security of India.

Vision and Core Values

Cairn India is committed to the highest standards of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It is our conviction that continuous business growth, sustainable communities

and the creation of value for our stakeholders go hand-in-hand. Cairn India’s vision of pioneering energy enriching lives is built on the foundation of our core values of pioneering spirit, teamwork, respect and ownership. These are embedded in the way we conduct our business and engage with our stakeholders. Respect for individuals within the organisation, a healthy diversity of cultures and professional experience has helped Cairn to pursue its vision of being a pioneer in the field of energy. Cairn has been successfully demonstrating its commitment towards the communities where it operates through responsible actions that help create sustainable livelihoods. For more than a decade, Cairn has been undertaking pioneering activities in the field of energy. Through its technical expertise, Cairn has built a significant hydrocarbon resource basein the country.

Governance Structure

Cairn India has an internal control and assurance framework in place which is closely regulated by the Cairn India Board. The Board is provided with regular updates on CSR performance through the Cairn India Corporate Advisory Board (CAB). The review is carried out by an independent internal department which reports to CAB.

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Making learning interactive and participatory

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The Chief Minister of Rajasthan flagged off Cairn India’s initiative towards better education; Science on Wheels (Mobile Science Van), in the year 2010.

The year 2006 marks the actualisation of a unique programme called TIE (Theatre in Education), which was taken to schools located in the rural areas of Barmer.

The success of the Dairy Development Programme is evident as initially 1, 96,876 litres of milk was produced under this initiative; however today the production is close to 25,00,000 litres.

Strides we tookIn the year 2007, the Cairn IFC Linkage Programme was established under which the following three projects were initiated, viz. Enterprise Centre, Maternal Child Health Programme and Dairy Development Programme.

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Enterprise Centre was relaunched as Cairn Enterprise Centre in May 2011 and has been established as a non-profit organisation, registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. There was a 5 year MoU signed between Cairn India and Government of Rajasthan for carrying on community development programmes under CEC.

In 2009, the Mobile Health Van project was launched in partnership with HelpAge India in Barmer. Presently a total of three mobile health vans are providing healthcare services in the remote villages of Barmer. Improved health status of the community members is success to the MHV Programme; till date approximately 92,500 people have been benefited through this initiative.

Regional Head-Advisory Services, IFC South Asia was quoted appreciating our initiative of Cairn Enterprise Centre : “By creating opportunities and building capacity where needs are greatest, this initiative has evolved into a model for promoting inclusive economic growth in frontier and remote regions. Cairn has set up a new benchmark towards Sustainable Corporate Responsiveness by integrating the Enterprise Centre with business needs and the needs of the local community and environment. We compliment Cairn on taking such a pro-active and professional role in standard setting and community development”, he said.

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Our Focus areas

Cairn India is committed to stride ahead to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) through various community engagements. It focuses on inclusive growth by fostering social capital through the health and education initiatives and by creating access to opportunities and resources through the economic development and infrastructure support initiatives. The initiatives add to local benefits generated through focused social investment. Cairn India’s community development strategies are designed and implemented through consultation and

partnership with local authorities, NGOs and other organisations. At the national level, socio-economic studies and stakeholder consultations identify appropriate areas for social investment, whilst plans are developed through discussion at district and community levels.

Economic Development

The objective of Cairn’s initiative in economic development is to create an environment (and infrastructure) conducive to generating income earning opportunities through optimal usage of human resources for the

target communities, and to develop MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) for assuming the role of vendors with large industries (including our own) coming up in the region. Gender equality and women empowerment are human rights that lie at the heart of development and achievement of MDGs. Despite the progress made, six out of ten of the world’s poorest are still women and girls. Cairn India has recognised that women have not been able to participate actively in their own emancipation due to their lack of economic independence and

existence of illiteracy. The focus therefore is towards women empowerment by fostering their economic independence through skill training and entrepreneurship development programmes, support for capacity building, credit and market linkages.


Health and well being of the communities where Cairn India operates, is a matter of concern which is taken up responsibly. The focus is to enhance health care seeking behaviour of communities regarding


Health Infrastructure

EducationEconomic Development

Defining destinations

Science on Wheels helping sustain interest of young minds at schools.

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Striding Ahead I 9

reproductive and child health and HIV/AIDS prevention through health education and promotion initiatives. Cairn India recognises the need to complement and supplement the government health system for effective primary healthcare. Keeping in view the scattered habitation pattern of the population at Barmer, Rajasthan, Cairn India started mobile health van initiative to serve remote communities of Rajasthan which would otherwise have little or no access to healthcare services. The initiative has provided preventative, curative and diagnostic

healthcare services to more than 92,500 people. Moreover, collaborative initiatives are driven with Panchayats to catalyse health governance through micro level strategising and planning. Cairn India empowers communities to take group and individual action to address their health needs.


Cairn India aims at enabling an environment for children and young people to develop and evolve as responsible citizen. Through

We develop the potential of our people

We seek to make a positive social impact in every area that we work

We respect the rights and acknowledge the aspirations and concerns of the communities in which we workWe provide a healthy,

safe and secure working environment

We avoid negative impacts on the environment and biodiversity

We prevent and minimise emissions to air, water and land

We operate to minimise our carbon footprint

We foster a workplace that respects personal dignity, is non-discriminatory and provides fair rewards

behaving Responsibly

towards people

behaving responsibly

towards society

behaving responsibly towards the environment

oUR coRe pRinciple

honesty and integrity

the various education initiatives, it focuses on access, equity and quality of education. The company recognises the importance of appropriate infrastructure, skilled teachers, innovative teaching methodology and curriculum availability for the school going children of the district. In addition to this, it also believes in innovative methods to make learning more interactive and participatory. Programmes like Reading Room, Theatre in Education (TIE), Mobile Science Van and science playgrounds have helped bring back and sustain interest of young minds at schools.


Cairn India operated focused community and social development projects in support of local communities in the areas surrounding its exploration, development and production sites. The Company works closely with district authorities, representatives of local self governments and communities on local infrastructure improvement projects providing much needed roads, housing and toilets for the disadvantaged, water tanks, community halls, school buildings renovation and playgrounds. It recognises the central role of infrastructure in the development agenda and as a contributor to growth, poverty reduction and achievement of the MDGs.

Education for women in the community

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• Agricultural Kiosks• Mobile SMS Programme• Health Camps• School Library Programme• Mobile Science Van• Mobile Health Van

• Mobile Science Van• Skill Training Programme • Mobile Health Van• School Library Programme• Dairy Development Programme• Training of Teachers (ToT)• Scholarship to Meritorious students• Women Empowerment & Livelihood

Programmes• Emergency Ambulance support• Programmes• Emergency Ambulance support

• School Environment and Energy Conservation Project

• Scholarship to Meritorious students• Infrastructure development for schools• Teaching learning aids for schools• Support School Teacher

GUJaRat - cb/os-2


• International Finance


• Government of Rajasthan

• Government of Gujarat

• Government of Sri Lanka

• Thomson Reuters

• HelpAge India

• Smile Foundation

• Multi Commodities

Exchange of India

• ESAB, Kolkata

• Department of Posts,

Government of India

• Room to Read India Trust

• Society to Uplift Rural

Economy (SURE)

• Agastya Foundation

• DHARA Sansthan

• LEPRA India

• UNFPA (United Nations

Population Fund)



• LiQVid

• BNKVS (Bharatiya Natya

Kala Vikas Sansthan)

GUJaRat - MiDstReaM


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Our Footprints


• Skill training Programme • Vendor Development Programme• Water and Sanitation Programme• Community Health Programme


• Maternal and Child Health Project• School support Programme

anDhRa pRaDesh - KG onn 2003/1

• School Library Project

sRi lanKa

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Ensuring availability of safe and surplus water

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Striding Ahead I 13

Rajasthan and BarmerRajasthan is an enigmatic state where tradition and history blend with contemporary lifestyle. The Indus Valley Civilisation was present in parts of what is now Rajasthan. The advent of men in Rajasthan can claim greater antiquity than many other regions of India.

It’s a geological fact that the Aravalli range of mountains located across in Rajasthan is older than the Himalayas. The state is known for its vibrancies in its forts and palaces; dance and music; paintings and sculptures; theatre art and temples. Rajasthan is the fourth highest in attracting tourists in India as many old palaces and forts have been converted into heritage hotels. In all, a truly blessed state of Rajasthan is the heart of India’s rich cultural heritage. As per the census 2011, population of Rajasthan state is 6.86 crore. The state has recorded 21.44% growth in the last decade. As per the provisional results of the census 2011, Rajasthan has recorded 8th highest population growth in India.

Barmer district, Cairn’s operational area, is located in the western region of the state and is part of the Great Indian Desert – Thar. The total population of the district is approximately 26 lakhs, as per Government of India Census 2011. The literacy rate of the district is 57.49 with male literacy rate being 72.32 and female 41.03. In the year 1899, Barmer was connected

by railway with other cities of India providing it with new provisions of development. The location of Barmer, which is on the India-Pakistan International Border, got highlighted intensely during the India-Pakistan war in 1965 and 1971. The discovery of oil by Cairn India and other minerals has brought Barmer into visibility. Despite new industrial developments it continues to be a focal point for its traditional art, culture, handicrafts, fairs and festivals. Dyeing and hand-printing of textiles, embroidery, jute products, woven textiles and wood-carving are some of the unique features of Barmer. Apart from the dependence on art and handicraft Barmer has high dependence on agriculture and allied activities which is a result of low agricultural produce due to arid land, heavy dependence on monsoons, low rate of growth of the agriculture sector, sharp slowdown in the manufacturing sector and low per capita development expenditure, amongst many others. Apart from art and handicraft, the focus is towards maximum utilisation of the large mineral deposits in the region, which is currently being carried out by Cairn India in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. Doing business in a sustainable manner is fundamental to our long-term success and we are focused on creating value and making a difference where we operate through

our community development initiatives. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is therefore an integral part of our business strategy from exploration to development and production. We aim to empower our local communities through sustainable development models, fostering inclusive growth. To this end, we are working to address local needs while partnering government agencies for long term nation building objectives. As Cairn India becomes

an increasingly significant player in the energy sector, we will continue to leverage our CSR activities and partner with local communities to bring them the benefits of energy development. To get an insight into what we are doing as part of our CSR activities, continue reading Striding Ahead.

Women empowerment by enhancing their craftsmenship

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Cairn Enterprise Centre, BarmerMeagre agricultural production, seasonal migration of youth in search of jobs, lack of any major industrial activity, and comparatively low education levels have resulted in very poor availability of skilled and semi-skilled manpower from the local community in Barmer. Lack of opportunities to develop managerial skills also resulted in most micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) operating at low levels. These were the major impediments for local communities and MSMEs in participating in the economic growth associated with the development of the hydrocarbon discoveries in the region. Seeing the above, Cairn launched the Enterprise Centre (EC) in July 2007 in partnership with International Finance Corporation (IFC) for an initial period of three years to improve the economic status of the people in the remote desert district of Barmer.

The EC commenced operations in Barmer in July 2007 and was formally inaugurated in February 2008 in the premises of the Barmer Industrial Training Institute (ITI) under a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Government of Rajasthan and Cairn India. During the first phase (2007 – 2010) the EC helped provide information

and expertise on business practices to local MSMEs, supporting them to become potential suppliers and service providers to different business entities/ contractors and other upcoming ventures in the region. The EC also helped in the dissemination of information regarding contracts, tenders and other relevant business documents.

Following were the objectives of EC during its operations• Trade skill exposure and enhanced

employability for communities in the Barmer Development Area thereby developing micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

• Facilitating access to finance for SMEs and micro-entrepreneurs to establish and expand businesses.

• Collection and dissemination of infor-mation on employment opportunities, enterprise development, government schemes and upcoming contracts and tenders.

EC’s Basic Skills Programme aimed at imparting training in construction related trades, such as masonry, fabrication, carpentry, electrical and plumbing, in addition to handicrafts - the traditional skill in the area. This programme provided

Enhanced learning experience for the students

CEC: Impact Details 2007 - 08 2008 – 09 2009 – 10 Total

Number of people trained at the Enterprise Centre

2180 2225 2212 6617

Employability • 70% of the trainees were provided employment opportunities at the end of the programme • 70% of the women trained were linked to local exporters and contractors • 80% of the trainees started their own enterprise

Source: Cairn – IFC Linkage Programme Evaluation Report (2011)

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‘hands-on’ and ‘learning-by-doing’ experience. During its operations in the first three years EC created a niche for itself in the state and set up a unique Public Private Partnership (PPP) model, driving business growth and establishing linkages with the local communities. Seeing the success of the EC during the first phase; it was envisaged to extend the model for another five years under the aegis of a Not-for-Profit organisation Cairn Enterprise Centre (CEC) registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860 in partnership with Government of Rajasthan. An MoU has been signed between

CEC and Government of Rajasthan to take the project further for the next five years. During its term the CEC will focus on cutting edge training solutions that have an industry linkage, and hence, chances of greater employability for the students.

The CEC will have a modular approach and will deliver modules that are highly specialised and complement the existing training setup. Within this the CEC will begin with specialised training on welding. The specialised training will begin by using the existing facilities at ITI, Barmer and will be

Integrated Community Development

CEC: Intervention

Dairy Development programme

Mobile Repairing training

Genset Repairing training

advanced Welding training for iti students

two Wheeler Repairing training

spoken english course

basic computer training

Ongoing Programmes at the Cairn Enterprise Centre

Skill Development

Soft Skill development courses,Professional courses, Training of Trainer’s courses for ITI faculty.Usage of ‘Mobile Van’ for Skill development courses

Welfare Initiatives

• Dairy Development programme

• Child & Maternal Health Intervention

• Life Skill programme (in school & out of schools)

• Education initiatives• Capacity Building and

awareness of Panchayat

Welfare Initiatives

Local Vendor Development

Database management of local vendors Capacity building & training of vendors Provisions for market linkage Joint certification courses with agency of repute

institutionalised by creating special facilities at the CEC, within the next one year. While the welding training is being institutionalised, Cairn will begin the pilot phase of the second specialised training on installation and maintenance of pumps and valves.

CEC is also strengthening the existing programme portfolio currently offered at the ITI by adding the soft skill component to the existing ITI curriculum. These trainings will include modules on basic computer literacy, spoken English and basic management / entrepreneurship skills.


2007 - 2008 2008 – 2009 2009 - 2010

Basic skills employment programmes (EP) and

844 1045 662

Cairn specific employment programmes (CEP)

249 341 50

Semi Skilled - 175 201

General Programmes - 64 475

Self Employment programmes 929 540 426

Vendor Development 158 60 398

Total 2180 2225 2212

Source: Cairn – IFC Linkage Programme Evaluation Report (2011)

No of Participants

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A glance at our other assets and initiatives

Surat (Suvali)

Surat is the commercial capital of the Indian state of Gujarat. It is one of the fastest growing cities in India. Schools in Surat are either municipal schools, run by the Surat Municipal Corporation or private schools, which in some cases receive financial aid from the government.

The schools are affiliated to the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSEB), the Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE); and few schools are affiliated under National Institute

of Open Schooling (NIOS). Gujarati or English are the usual languages of instruction. The government-run public schools lack many facilities, but are the only option for poorer residents who cannot afford the more expensive private schools. As per the census of 2011, the literacy rate of the Surat is 86.65%, which is considerably higher than the national average of 74.04%. The male literacy rate is 91.5% while the female literacy rate is 81.02%. However, school enrolment is still low and the dropout rate after 7th grade is considerably high. In addition to this, undernourishment and anaemia is prevalent in the district with 38% of the children being underweight and 10% of them severely undernourished.

• Improve literacy levels through increased enrolment and retention in government schools. One of our flagship projects, ‘School Environment and Energy Conservation project’ has been instrumental in helping bring back school drop outs. The partner of the project is Nature Club Surat.

• Provide financial assistance to students to pursue higher education and vocational training.• Supplement health initiatives of the government and provide access to safe drinking water.• Generate awareness on HIV/AIDS among truckers.• Improve local infrastructure for community dDevelopment.






Provide financial assistance to students to pursue higher education

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Striding Ahead I 17

Andhra PradeshEast Godavari (Ravva)

East Godavari is primarily an agricultural district and is the second richest district in the country. However, in sharp contrast is Surasaniyanam - one of the most backward villages. It has a population of about 6000 and the major occupations of the people include agriculture, prawn fishing and petty labour.

Krishna and Guntur

Krishna and Guntur are flood prone areas. There has been a significant shortfall in health expenditure in these two districts as there are only 15 PHCs (Primary Health Centres) catering to a population of 10,47,476 spread across 107 villages in Guntur district and 7 PHCs in Krishna district for a population of 5,27,104 spread across 105 villages. An analysis of the health profiles of the two districts shows a lack of adequate healthcare services and limited utilisation of the same due to poor quality services.

Ensuring safe drinking water to improve community health











• Improve community health by ensuring safe drinking water, improved sanitation and availability of medication for the needy.

• Primary education through infrastructure development, ensuring a learning environment, financial assistance for students and supplementing government education programmes.

• Promote sustainable livelihoods with a special focus on women and youth through incubation of MSMEs and skill training for better employability.

• Develop and sustain the local economy through infrastructure development in consultation with the community and district administration.

• Sensitise Panchayats for collective action on community health.

• Improve quality of primary healthcare and utilisation of available and added services.

• Increase knowledge and awareness of the community about health care related issues.

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MidstreamThe Barmer to Salaya Pipeline project is a lifeline to the business operations and has been commissioned for transportation of crude oil traversing through two districts of Rajasthan and six districts of Gujarat. In the pipeline operational areas the business has touched lives in 250 villages and partnering with more than 40,000 families for a symbiotic relationship through innovative development models and micro-intervention at the Panchayat level. Close to 20,000 farmers have benefitted through the agri SMS programme and farmer facilitation centres.

Agri SMS Programme

Cairn India has been studying the mobile phone phenomenon closely and realised it to be the biggest opportunity to empower farmers. A dipstick study conducted across six districts revealed that almost every

farmer has a mobile phone connection. We identified this opportunity and started working towards making use of mobile phones as a medium for information dissemination. Reuters Market Light (RML) is a personalised crop advisory service for farmers, which provides spot prices of his chosen crops from nearby markets, news and crop advice as per his region or crop, and localised weather forecast in his local language through a simple SMS. Several studies have shown that the initiative has led farmers to reap huge financial benefits – ranging from INR 500 to as high as INR 400,000 due to the reduction in production risk and marketing risk. This has resulted in a better standard of living in the community.

GSK (Agri Kiosk)

Cairn India initiated projects pertaining to agricultural awareness across the pipeline route in all the 250 villages. The project caters to the need of the

farmers’ requirement as well as building awareness on increasing their productivity and obtaining fair price for their crop. With this premise, Cairn is partnering with Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) and India Posts for operationalising the model of Gramin Suvidha Kendra (GSK) in partnership at 6 districts in Gujarat. The GSK platform offers the advantage of working with the Government and multiple corporate partners, thereby making it an innovative Public Private Partnership (PPP) model with a unique rural marketing chain. The model is self sustainable

with profits and commission received by the coordinators as well as Department of Post through sale and purchase of agri-commodity. Some of the benefits of GSK include; spot and future market price dissemination, agri-expert advisory, quality warehousing system coupled with the warehouse receipt financing, weather insurance, government schemes on agriculture, NABARD schemes and much more.

• Strengthening healthcare programmes by supplementing the Integrated Child Development Schemes (ICDS) and mass awareness on health issues.

• Support to agriculture by promoting best practices including knowledge on crop cycle.

• Value addition to education through innovative initiatives.

Training programme for the farmers

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Striding Ahead I 19

The pearl of the Indian Ocean – Sri Lanka, has one of its first written references found in the Indian epic – Ramayana. Today, Sri Lanka is one of the most sought after tourist destinations in South Asia. Sri Lanka has an education system which dictates 9 years of compulsory schooling for every child. However, lack of responsiveness of the education system to the labor marketrequirements, disparities in access to quality education, lack of an effective linkage between secondary and tertiary education remain major challenges for the education sector.

Since Cairn has obtained acreage for exploration in Sri Lanka, as part of Company’s social commitment, Cairn is proactively initiating CSR activities which will add value to the efforts of the Government as well as supplement the community needs in this aspect. ‘Education’ being one of the prime focus areas, Cairn has taken the library initiative to Sri Lanka.Cairn is committed to creating an environment for children and young community members to help them evolve as responsible citizens through its education initiatives which focus on access, equity and quality of education.

It recognises the importance of appropriate infrastructure, skilled teachers, innovative teaching methodology and curriculum, availability of good books and learning aids for improving knowledge base and increase literacy within the society. In addition to this, Cairn also believes in innovative methods to make learning more interactive and participatory. In alignment with the Government’s focus in building school libraries, Cairn in partnership with Government of Sri Lanka has decided to support 27 such libraries in Moneragala district of Uva province which has been chosen by the Government to implement the project on a pilot basis. Cairn will work in collaboration with the Government of Sri Lanka to ensure all the libraries are equipped with appropriate reading material and other educational tools. In order to maintain transparency and efficiency in operations, appropriate reporting formats have been put in place and monthly monitoring will be initiated to study the progress of the project regularly.

In all these efforts, Cairn will aim at educating the youth of the island nation by providing them with required facilities and resources such as libraries and books.

Sri Lanka

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Mobile Repairing Training at Enterprise Centre, Barmer

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Striding Ahead I 21

Transforming LivesMobile Repairing Training

Padma Ram opens his shop at 10 am in Uttarlai market, Barmer and he finishes his one and only meal for the day just before opening the shutters. He already knows that the day is going to be packed with work and customers. Currently earning over INR 15000 per month, Padma’s story is a success story. Padma Ram belongs to a seven member family in Dunda village. To contribute to the little earnings of the family he was sent as a labour to Surat, Gujarat. However, the inhuman conditions to live and minimal wages forced him to return to his village. Padma was confused about what to do next in his life until he came across an advertisement in newspaper about the Mobile repairing training programme organised by Cairn Enterprise Centre. During the 3 months course, Padma Ram along with 14 other members was not only taught the details about mobile repair but was also oriented about entrepreneurship, like how to start a business, ways to handle customer complaints, etc. In addition to this, Padma Ram was also provided with a micro loan of INR 15000 to start his own enterprise at Uttarlai. From here on there was no

The training sessions conducted at the Cairn Enterprise Centre have changed the lives of thousands. The data includes trainings of various kinds and formats including Employment Programmes, Semi Skills Programmes, Self Employment Programmes, SME Programmes and General programmes. At an overall level, the trainings imparted by Cairn Enterprise Centre have received a positive feedback from the trainees both in terms of design and delivery. With respect to the data in the fig, 91% trainees suggest that they recommend the programmes to others and more than 70 % of them indicate that the trainings have contributed in enhancing their personality.

The factors primarily contributing satisfaction are training content, relevance and applicability.










2008-2009 2009-2010 Total till date

Cairn Enterprise Centre Increasing Student Base

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looking back for Padma as he became most popular and sought after mobile repairer in the region. With non-stop business coming in, Padma is now planning to hire an assistant.

Self Employment Programme

Gyani, a simple woman from a remote village of Kawas is the shining star of her family and in the league of successful entrepreneurs around the village. Seen as a symbol of strength and courage in her village, Gyani recalls that life was completely opposite before, and didn’t seem to have any meaning for her when she lost her two year old child due to illness. She was in a state of trauma after the tragedy and didn’t know how to move on. For a family of daily wage earners most of their earnings had gone in the treatment of the child and this left them in drudgery and poverty. It was then that Gyani luckily came to know about the Self Employment Programme being run at the Cairn Enterprise Centre. She joined the programme and it gave her a goodscope to focus her attention and hit upon a new mission in her life. Gyani knew that

it was her only chance and she started attending the training. In three months she completed the session and was confident of her handicraft skills. She began spending two to three hours daily, and soon started earning close to INR 1000 per month. It was this life changing moment in Gyani’s life which made her believe that she can make a difference. She soon joined the additional course in keychain making organised at CEC for supplementing her income. For the first time in her life, Gyani started believing in herself! After excelling in both the trades, her monthly income doubled to INR 2000 per month. Today she is respected by her family and the community, as she managed to help her family survive through the crisis.

Employment Programme – Training in Solar Lamp Repairing

Life would never be the same for Magaram, a resident of Madpura Barwala village. Today he is one of the most successful businessmen in the area, including villages surrounding his. And this massive change in his life happened over just 6 months.

Magaram recalls, that earlier he was just an ordinary tailor in his village, earning little which was not sufficient to meet the daily needs of his 6 member family. But Magaram had a dream; he wanted to provide the best standard of education to his children. He thought this dream would always remain a dream until he came to know about the programmes in CEC. It all started with a three week training he underwent at the CEC. The training was initiated, as solar lamps were popular in these villages; due to paucity of permanent electric connections. However, the problem was maintenance and repairing of these lamps as there was no repairman or service centre for the same. Every time the villagers had to travel long distances to get their lamps repaired. Magaram used this training to learn repairing of these lamps, as he was informed by Cairn that this could yield him good results in the future. During the training, he came in touch with representatives from Pegasus Solar Technology Company and was offered to be their distributor in the area. Pegasus Solar Technology offered

him INR 150 commission on sale of every solar lamp and as Magaram was already a trained serviceman he started getting INR 150 extra for taking care of servicing of the lamps. Magaram took this project and soon people in and around the village began to seek his services. He attained success and is still known amongst the villagers as a famous and superior salesman. Today Magaram sells around 30 lamps per month earning up to INR 9000 as commission and for maintenance in addition to his repairing business which benefits him immensely. He now earns as much as INR 15, 000 per month and his dream of giving quality education to his children is no more just a dream.

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Striding Ahead I 23

Inculcating “reading” as a habbit in the community

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Cairn India Limited

3rd & 4th Floors, Vipul Plaza, Suncity, Sector 54, Gurgaon – 122002, Haryana, Ph: +91 124 459 3000,

HelpAge Silver Plate Award – 2010

Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Social Responsibility 2011

CMO Asia Award for Best Corporate Social Responsibility Practice