caelan/blake ancient egypt daily life socials

Caelan Drayer

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A Powerpoint about the daily life of egypt.


Page 1: Caelan/Blake Ancient Egypt Daily Life Socials

Caelan Drayer

Page 2: Caelan/Blake Ancient Egypt Daily Life Socials

A Map of Egypt

This map is of

some time around

3000 BCE to

2000 BCE due to

the two capitals

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Egypt is probably one of the only ancient civilizations that had their culture changed slightly (Except for one long forgotten pharaohs stint) and was strong and the same through the whole of Egypt. Egypt was made famous in the western world due too two big things, The Pyramids, and Howard Carter’s discovery of King Tutankhamen tomb in pristine condition bearing loads of treasure. This brought a rise in interest to their culture.

Likely Egypt's greatest time was when the pharaoh Ramses III the great reigned. He brought an era of prosperity to the Egyptian People with conquests making Egypt a great empire. This did not last long as soon afterword's the empire fell.

Ancient Egypt had the most unique culture anywhere. This is because There ruler was a king, a priest, a god, and a normal person. Pharaohs were sometimes females, though they were rare and short.

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Social Structure

The Egyptian social structure

was very unique.

The scribes were lower in the

list, but they actually held a lot of

power due to being the only one

able to write.

The priest had power in that they

were the link to the gods, but

they were mostly powerful due to

the wealth that that taking care

of the gods gave them.

Craftsmen and farmers were the

people who kept Egypt alive,

their taxes feeding and paying

for public services.

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This is a picture of how wealthy Egyptians lived. They had lots of jewels money etc. They had very high respect from most of the people in the town. The men which were wealthy had many women to choose from and usually ended up with very beautiful ladies as there wives.

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Ancient Egyptians built their houses out

of mud bricks taken and dried by the


There houses were very complex and

ranged from a single story house to a

three storey house housing a wealthy

family and their slaves and servants.

The average house had four rooms, a

mains room, and smaller rooms

connected to it. Having stairs to the roof

was standard because the roof was were

the family spent most of its time because

the rest of the house was dimly lit.

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The Ancient Egyptians had a very

simple diet of: Fish, Wheat products,

beer and wine, Vegetables, and fruit.

Egyptians often gave good portion of

their meal to the gods, though the

priest would usefully end up eating the


A list of some of the favoured food eaten

by the Egyptians: Figs, dates, leeks,

lettuce, turnips, cabbage, onions, garlic,

pea’s beans, honey, bread, beer,, cake,

livestock, and a variety of fish.

The most important and one of the more

frequent foods they ate was fish, due to

their proximity to the Nile

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The daily life in ancient Egypt was actually much different than the vision that commonly comes to mind. Items found in archeological digs as well as paintings and drawings on pyramid and tomb walls show images of life in ancient Egypt that was, in some regards, not that much different than life in Egypt today. Life in ancient Egypt was primarily centered toward a polytheistic religion, the pharaoh and the importance of family. In ancient Egypt family life began early. Men and women tended to marry quite young in ancient Egypt and everyday life reflected their commitment to the loyalty of the family.

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Egyptian men and women would marry

at a young age. The men were usually

older than the women, though no notice

was paid to that.

Dowries were a common practice,

though it was not considered a must,

more of a should, because it made you

look wealthier.

The Egyptians did not practice divorce,

it was considered bad faith for a women

to be with many men, though a blind eye

was turned to the men when they were

with another women.

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Similar to our own views on the growth of the personality the ancient Egyptians recognized different stages of development: infant and toddler, child and youth, Sons, and to a lesser extent daughters, inherited their parents possessions, social station, profession and offices.

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Life in ancient Egypt was primarily centered toward a polytheistic religion, the pharaoh and the importance of family. Religion was very important to the Ancient Egyptians. Their religion was strongly influenced by tradition, which caused them to resist change. Egyptians did not question the beliefs which had been handed down to them.

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The Egyptian climate with its hot summers and mild winters favoured light clothing made from plant fibres, mostly linen and in Roman times occasionally cotton, an import from India. The making of clothes was apparently mostly women's work. It was generally done at home, but there were workshops run by noblemen or other men of means.

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The Egyptians were taught according to what their parents job was.

Education was simple in Ancient Egypt, you were taught everything your father or mother knew about their profession (though the women were taught how to do housework, and run a family)

When you got older, you would inherit your parents office and status.

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The word mammisi is an fake Coptic word, meaning birthplace or birth house. It was invented in the 19th Century, to make this specific structure attached to certain temple. These mammisi were a kind of chapel where rituals making the heritage of the king carried out. The only people allowed to be present at these rituals were the king and certain members of the priesthood. These chapels helped show the theocratic and political structure of the sate and were not intended for use by ordinary people.

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Art and Music

The arts were very important in ancient Egyptian culture. At a wealthy persons dinner

party you could expect an excess of 50 or more performers on stage at a time.

The artwork in the building would also be extravagant, because pillars would be covered

in artistic drawings of hieroglyphs, while the walls could depict a scene from a piece of

mythology, or it could be a picture of the gods with the owner of the house, all off this is

depending on who, when, where. The picture above shows a boat which would have

been adorned with gems, jewels, paintings, and gold.

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In ancient Egypt the childbirths are very similar because they have the same beliefs such as the view of the different stages like infant toddler to child to teenager. This means that. In Canada we believe close to the same thing in the way that we also believe in the same sorts of stages. Although in ancient Egypt they gave a lot more responsibility to the children then in Canada.

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The most common god was Akhet. Depictions showed Aker as a double-headed lion or two lions sitting back-to-back with the sun and sky appearing between them. The two lions form the Egyptian symbol for the sky, akhet. The lions were named Sef which meant yesterday and Duau which meant today.

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Of all the 60 festivals which were celebrated locally in the Waset (Thebes) area during the New Kingdom, there were two which brought the god out of his temple twice each year; the Opet festival and the Beautiful feast of the valley. While the former was connected to the fertility symbolism of the rising Nile with Amun and his consort visiting his southern precinct at Luxor, the Feast of the Valley was a celebrated reunion between the living and the dead and the deities who watched over them, a so called 'rite of incorporation'. It probably began in the reign of Nebhepetre Mentuhotep in the Middle Kingdom and was celebrated in the second month of Shomu, in the harvest season before the flooding of the Nile.

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Well, Having a very strict social structure, and being one of the few cultures that ruled without fearing their leaders (except for a few pharaohs)

Egypt was brilliant. They had people that could build massive waterways, to irrigate the fields, the pharaohs taxed the people and in times of need could feed the entire empire. Egypt was a self-contained culture that was only concurred when people developed the technology to get t the Egyptians.

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Hart George, Ancient Egypt, San Francisco: Barnes and Nobles Inc.

Steedman Scott, The Egyptian News, Boston: Walker Books. Author unknown


Author unknown Author unknown



Author unknown
