cae prac parts3+4

CAE Speaking Paper Parts 3 and 4

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CAESpeaking Paper

Parts 3 and 4

Page 2: Cae prac parts3+4

The following slide shows some images of college life that a college has chosen to use in its brochure. Talk to each other

about what impression of college life each picture gives. Then decide which aspect of college life is most important for new

students to know about.

Part 3

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What impression of college life does each picture give?Which aspect of college life is most important for students to know about?

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Part 4

• Which is more important for young people nowadays, going to college or getting a job?

• Some people say that students have an easy life. What do you think?

• How long do you think a course at college or university should last?

• Do you think it’s important to study academic subjects or should students only learn vocational skills?

• Who should pay for students doing university courses?

• Should everyone have the chance to go to university whatever their age?

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The following slide shows jobs that people need special skills to do. First, talk to each other about the special skills that

people need to do these jobs. Then decide which job you think should be the most well-paid.

Part 3

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What special skills do people need to do these different jobs?Which job should be the most well-paid?

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Part 4

• Why do you think some jobs become fashionable?

• What is the best way for people to choose a career?

• Which is more important, to earn a good salary or enjoy the work that you do?

• What do you think makes an ideal place to work?

• Which is more useful for a young person, going to university or getting practical work experience?

• Do people doing some jobs earn higher salaries than they should?

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The following slide shows things that people spend time and money on nowadays. First, talk to each other about how these things have become so important to people of all ages. Then decide which one you think is really worth spending time and

money on.

Part 3

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How have these things become so important to people of all ages?Which one is really worth spending time and money on?

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Part 4

• Do you think the media has too much influence on our lives nowadays?

• How has family life changed since our grandparents’ day?

• Some people say that being famous has more disadvantages than advantages, what do you think?

• Why do some people find it difficult to get a good balance between the time they spend at work and the time they spend at home?

• What do you think of the way many people have cosmetic surgery to try to look younger?

• Is it possible to be happy without spending money?

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The following slide shows some practical measures that have been taken to try to solve some of the problems of living in a

city. First, talk to each other about the advantages and disadvantages of these different ideas in solving some of the problems of city life. Then decide which one you would solve

the greatest number of problems in a city.

Part 3

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of these different ideas?Which one would solve the greatest number of problems in a city?

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Part 4

• How could you decide who should and who should not be allowed access to city centres?

• Should people be allowed to own more than one car? Why? Why not’

• How important do you think it is to preserve historic cities?

• How do you imagine the cities of the future will be?

• What do you think makes an ideal city to live in?

• What reasons do people often give for moving from the city to the country?

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Source: CAE Practice Tests Plus. Pearson. Second Impression 2008