cadet slouch by jim earle mayor ·...

THE BATTALION Page 2 College Station, Texas Wednesday, May 10, 1967 CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Sound Off Mayor Proclaims Buddy Poppy DayMayor D. A. Anderson has pro- claimed Saturday as Buddy Pop- py Dayin College Station in conjunction with the annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the Vet- erans of Foreign Wars. VFW Buddy Poppies are as- sembled by disabled veterans and then sold, with the proceeds used exclusively for the benefit of dis- abled and needy veterans and the widows and orphans of deceased veterans. The sale of the poppies has been officially recognized and endorsed by the President of the United States and the Veterans Administration. The basic pur- pose of the annual event is elo- quently reflected in the desire to Honor the Dead by Helping the Living.Mayor Anderson and The Bat- talion urge the citizens of this community to recognize the mer- its of this cause by contributing generously to its support through the purchase of Buddy Poppies. The Mayor requests all patri- otic citizens to wear a Buddy Poppy as mute evidence of our gratitude to the men of this coun- try who have risked their lives in defense of these freedoms which we continue to enjoy as American citizens. The Sweatshirt Craze More than 500 miles away from the nearest surf, a land-bound college student casually strolls across his campus proudly wearing a brightly colored sweatshirt on which is advertised Hobie Surfboards.Another student can be seen wearing a similar shirt on which Alcatraz Trusteeis printed neatly across the back. Still another's sleeveless topping reads “Draft Beer Not Students.These are only a few sweatshirt slogans that have become a craze among the college crowd that enable them to conform to the nonconformists. Once a sweatshirt was something shotputters warmed up in and you could get them in any color as long as they were locker room gray. Now book stores, fashion stores and mail order cata- logs are full of red, blue, yellow, pink and green numbers saying Curse You Red Baron,Legalize Pot,and Im Cute.The last one comes with winking eyes. Theyre terrific,says Leonard Schwartz, president of Brentanos, the New York book store chain that has been going to great lengths to promote Charlie Brown and his friends from the comic strip. This month it will add a sleeveless, stretched-out sweatshirt miniskirt length saying Surfs upor To live is to Dance, to Dance is to Live.This summer you may be too busy reading sweat- shirts to keep an eye on the bikinis. Just in case there is any doubt, Pepsi-Cola has labeled its light blue sweatshirts “Girland Girl Watcher.A Kansas City-based retail store chain is offering Official Boy Watchershirts for $1.99. As part of the promotion for the movie Casino Royale,Columbia Pictures painted a sweatshirt with a lissome lass surrounded by such readings as Indians are Good Guys,Miss Moneypenny is a Bondaid,LeChiffre cheats at Baccarat,and Ursula Andress Reads in Bed.This is real living Im wearing a sophomore belt buckle today!Editor; The Battalion: Dear Sir; If one wishes to advocate a free society that is like our society to- day he must realize that certain fundamental principles should be followed. If one also wishes to uphold individual rights he must be in a system where the situa- tion allows for them to be pro- tected: and if one wishes to guage freedom by todays stand- ards, at least as judged by mod- erates, he can truthfully say our concepts of individual rights have been invaded. This seems to have been done most effectively by a new cult of conservatives. As it has been stated in so many books, Rights are a moral con- cept.This would mean a con- cept that provides a systematic idea from the principles guarding an individuals action to the prin- ciples guarding his relationship to others. This ideology can pre- serve and protect individual mor- ality in a social manner, or bring to bear the code of man in a so- ciety such as ours. Let us not for- get that society is itself a tool for man, not man a tool for so- ciety. In like manner, rights were given to man and not man to rights. Calvin Smith 69 Alaminos Cruises Southward For Trip To Mexican Coast By MIKE FLAKE Battalion Special Writer R/V Alaminosis no slacker. After cruising almost continu- ously for three months off the South American coast, covering 25,000 miles, and taking thous- ands of samples from hundreds of different oceanographical fields, the 180-foot floating lab- oratory sailed into its Galveston berth March 28. The only stopping point was Vera Cruz. Here the scientists and techni- cal people of the Alaminos were surprised to discovery it was carnival time. The streets were filled with people and festivities that could only be matched by New Orleans Mardi Gras”, ac- cording to Darryl G. Lloyd, a crew member. It was too short of an over- night stop to many of the crew members,Groot said. From Vera Cruz, the ship went northeast to Sacramento Reef, picked up plankton samples, and headed back to Galveston. On April 21, less than a month later, the ship set sail for Vera Cruz, along the 100-fathom line of the Gulf of Mexico. Even the Jolly Green Giant will send you the shirt off his back for $1.95 and two vegetable labels. Its a short-sleeved green sweatshirt covered with Ho-Ho-Hos. In New York, radio station WMCA has given away almost 200,000 of its grinning Good Guyshirts. Allison Manufacturing Co., Inc., of New York is turn- ing out sweatshirts for breweries and soft drink firms, along with fashion department stores such as Lord & Taylor and chain gaints like Sears, Roebuck and Co., and J. C. Penny Co. Allisons newest design is printed with buttons, bearing such slogans as Make Love Not War.Pieter Groot, chief executive administrator for Texas A&Ms Oceanography Department, and four graduate students were guestson the cruise. Some of the students were seasick the first few days we left in 28 knot winds but they got over it in time to help with the work,Groot said. Groot said the purpose of “Cruise No. 2 67was bio- logical observation of the 100 fathom line. Read Classifieds Daily We followed the Texas coast from Galveston to Vera Cruz, taking biological samples, hydro- graphical stations, plankton sam- ples, and weather observations,Groot explained. THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non- profit, self-supporting educational enter- prise edited and operated by students as a university and community neivspaper. The Associated Press republication is entitled exclusively to the rs dispatches credited to it and local news of use for or not taneous ill ne otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. News contributions may be made by telephoning 846-6618 , Room 4, YMCA Building. i may b or 846-4910 or at the editorial office, elivery call 846-f For advertising or delivery ca Members of the Student Publications Board ers Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. David Bowers, College of ichrane. College of Geosciences cience; Charles A. Robert S. Ti e: Jim Liberal ; Dr. Frank Rodenberger, College of Engineering : Dr. Robert S. Titus, College of Vet- erinary Medicine; and Dr. Page W. Morgan, College of Agricul- Arts; John D. Docnrane, College of A McDonald, College of Science; C Engineering Mail subscriptions year; $6.50 per full sales tax. Advertising i The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA 77843. $3.60 per semester; $6 per . All subscriptions subject to 2% school til subscriptions subje< furnished on request. Building, College Static Address: ation, Texas Battali hed in The publishe Sunday, and Monda May, and once a wee . . Texas A&M is re Station, Texas daily except Saturday, iy, and holiday periods, September through eek during summer school. ion, a student newspaper College Station, Texas dail MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising fices, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Services Francisco. Publisher............... ...... ............. Texas A&M University Editor__________________________ Winston Green Jr. Managing Editor ........................ -........... Lee Moreno News Editor______ _____ _____ ________Bob Borders Reporters ...... .......... . Pat Hill, Bill Aldrich, Randy Plummer, Bob Galbraith Sports Editor_________________________Gary Sherer Sports Writer...... ..... .......... ............... ...... Jerry Grisham Staff Photographer...... .................... .... Russell Autrey When you can't afford to he dull sharpen your wits with NoDoz NoDoz keep alert tablets or new chewable mints, safe as coffee, help bring you back to your mental best... help you become more alert to the people and conditions around you. Non-habit forming. While studying, or after hours, sharpen your wits with NoDoz. Tablets or new Chewable Mints Announcing W. K. (Bill) Altman 65 as a qualifying member of the Texas Leaders Round Table A. Recognizing men whose production records uni service to policyholders ore outstanding Ik On Campus with , MaxShuU {By the author of Rally Round the Flag,Boij: | “Dobie Gillis,etc.) HOW TO GET AS IN ALL YOUR FINAL EXAMS In todays column, the last of the school year, I dot intend to be funny. (I have achieved this objective mi times throughout the year, but this time its on purpose The hour is wrong for levity. Final exams are loomiii Have you got a chance? I say yes! I say America! not become the worlds foremost producer of stove bi and cotter pins by running away from a fight! You will pass your finals! How? By studying. HowIj learning mnemonics. Mnemonics, the science of memory aids, was, aswei know, invented by the great Greek philosopher Mnem in 526 B.C. (This, incidentally, was only one of theimt tions of this fertile Athenian. He also invented the ham cat, the opposing thumb, and, most important, thesta case. Before the staircase people were forced willy-ni to live out their lives on the ground floor, and many8 cross as bears. Especially Demosthenes who was elect! Consul of Athens six times but never served becausefohn was unable to get up to the office of the Commissioner!ma jo Oaths on the third floor to be sworn in. But after Mnem(«Bory staircase, Demosthenes got to the third floor easyas[Lanr to Athenssorrow, as it turned out. Demosthenes, Elem temper shortened by years of confinement to the groci |iei, floor, soon embroiled his countrymen in a series of sens':eac^ less wars with the Medes, the Persians, and the Angeles Rams. This later became known as the Missor Compromise.) But I digress. We were discussing mnemonics, wi are nothing more than aids to memory little jingles help you remember names, dates, and places. For examf Columbus sailed the ocean blue In fourteen hundred ninety two. See how simple? Make up your own jingles. What, instance, came after Columbuss discovery of Araeri The Boston Tea Party, of course. Try this: Samuel Adams flang the tea Into the briny Zuyder Zee. (NOTE : The Zuyder Zee was located in Boston Hart until 1801 when Salmon P. Chase traded it to Holland! Alaska and two line backers.) But I digress. Lets get back to mnemonics. Like tit1 In nineteen hundred sixty seven Personna Blades make shaving heaven. I mention Personna because the makers of Person Super Stainless Steel Blades are the sponsors of tl column. If I may get a little misty in this, the final cola! of the school year, may I say its been a pleasure world! for Personna? May I say further that its been anen greater pleasure working for you, the undergrack America? Youve been a most satisfactory audience,n Im going to miss you this summer. In fact, Idasky: all to come visit me except there is no access to my rot The makers of Personna, after I missed several deadlit walled me in. I have no doors or windowsonly a mails I slip the columns out; they slip in Personnas andsk food as can go through a mail slot. (For the past months Ive been living on after dinner mints.) I am only having my little joke. The makers of Pen have not walled me in, for they are good and true gleaming and constant as good and true and gleai and constant as the blades they makeand I wish to si publicly that I will always hold them in the highest esl no matter how my suit for back wages comes out. And so, to close the year, I give you one last mnemi Study hard and pass with honors, And always shave with good Personnors! © 1967, Max SUS Sq/I Personna and Personnas partner in luxury sha Burma-Shave, regular or menthol, have enjoyed bn: ing you another year of Maxs uncensored and uni/il ited column. We thank you for supporting our prodv we wish you luck in your exams and in all your # /( enterprises. ri'i I hen Qt L ay igh deal A HAPPENING ON CAMPUS 7mi Ive Got My Eye On The Man in a VAN M EE U S EE N* VAN MEUSEN* 417" Button-Down VANOPRESS Permanently Pressed Shirts 417VANOPRESS SHIRT Very big on any scene, these super smooth 417Vanopress shirts were permanently pressed the day they were made and will never need pressing again. These white, solid and patterned button- down dress and sport shirts are authentic all the way from softly rolled collar to V-Taper fit and built-in quality. Experience a Vanopress today! And what an eyeful he is! A physique as well-built and manner as smooth as his permanently pressed . . . VANOPRESS shirt. A swingy style that matches the 417authentic tailoring of his button- down collar and V-Tapered fit. Switched-on stripes or colorful solids in dress or sport, Van Heusen has them all. Will I keep him in sight? Youd better believe it! THE EXCHANGE STORE Serving Texas Aggies Since 1907Build up your following with Passport 360, the influential line of mens toiletries by Van Heusen. foMPf 30U by VAN HEUSEN.. the influential mans toiletry Whether by land, sea, air or just around campus... Passport 360 travels with the man of action! The man who knows the right look, word, gesture.. .also knows that Passport 360s brisk, virile scent is right for him. Its in cologne, after shave and deodorant. Dont travel anywhere without this passport to action. And remember, with Passport 360 you can go just as far as you like! THE EXCHANGE STORE Serving Texas Aggies Since 1907

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Page 1: CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Mayor · to bear the andcode of man in a so ciety such as ours. Let us not for get that society

THE BATTALIONPage 2 College Station, Texas Wednesday, May 10, 1967

CADET SLOUCH by Jim Earle Sound Off

Mayor Proclaims‘Buddy Poppy Day’

Mayor D. A. Anderson has pro­claimed Saturday as “Buddy Pop­py Day” in College Station in conjunction with the annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the Vet­erans of Foreign Wars.

VFW Buddy Poppies are as­sembled by disabled veterans and then sold, with the proceeds used exclusively for the benefit of dis­abled and needy veterans and the widows and orphans of deceased veterans.

The sale of the poppies has been officially recognized and endorsed by the President of the United States and the Veterans Administration. The basic pur­

pose of the annual event is elo­quently reflected in the desire to “Honor the Dead by Helping the Living.”

Mayor Anderson and The Bat­talion urge the citizens of this community to recognize the mer­its of this cause by contributing generously to its support through the purchase of Buddy Poppies.

The Mayor requests all patri­otic citizens to wear a Buddy Poppy as mute evidence of our gratitude to the men of this coun­try who have risked their lives in defense of these freedoms which we continue to enjoy as American citizens.

The Sweatshirt CrazeMore than 500 miles away from the nearest surf, a

land-bound college student casually strolls across his campus proudly wearing a brightly colored sweatshirt on which is advertised “Hobie Surfboards.”

Another student can be seen wearing a similar shirt on which “Alcatraz Trustee” is printed neatly across the back.

Still another's sleeveless topping reads “Draft Beer — Not Students.”

These are only a few sweatshirt slogans that have become a craze among the college crowd that enable them to conform to the nonconformists.

Once a sweatshirt was something shotputters warmed up in and you could get them in any color — as long as they were locker room gray.

Now book stores, fashion stores and mail order cata­logs are full of red, blue, yellow, pink and green numbers saying “Curse You Red Baron,” “Legalize Pot,” and “I’m Cute.” The last one comes with winking eyes.

“They’re terrific,” says Leonard Schwartz, president of Brentano’s, the New York book store chain that has been going to great lengths to promote Charlie Brown and his friends from the comic strip.

“This month it will add a sleeveless, stretched-out sweatshirt — miniskirt length — saying “Surf’s up” or “To live is to Dance, to Dance is to Live.”

This summer you may be too busy reading sweat­shirts to keep an eye on the bikinis.

Just in case there is any doubt, Pepsi-Cola has labeled its light blue sweatshirts “Girl” and “Girl Watcher.” A Kansas City-based retail store chain is offering “Official Boy Watcher” shirts for $1.99.

As part of the promotion for the movie “Casino Royale,” Columbia Pictures painted a sweatshirt with a lissome lass surrounded by such readings as “Indians are Good Guys,” “Miss Moneypenny is a Bondaid,” “LeChiffre cheats at Baccarat,” and “Ursula Andress Reads in Bed.”

“This is real living — I’m wearing a sophomore belt buckle today!”

Editor;The Battalion:Dear Sir;

If one wishes to advocate a free society that is like our society to­day he must realize that certain fundamental principles should be followed. If one also wishes to uphold individual rights he must be in a system where the situa­tion allows for them to be pro­tected: and if one wishes toguage freedom by today’s stand­ards, at least as judged by mod­erates, he can truthfully say our concepts of individual rights have been invaded. This seems to have been done most effectively by a new cult of conservatives.

As it has been stated in so many books, “Rights are a moral con­cept.” This would mean a con­cept that provides a systematic idea from the principles guarding an individual’s action to the prin­ciples guarding his relationship to others. This ideology can pre­serve and protect individual mor­ality in a social manner, or bring to bear the code of man in a so­ciety such as ours. Let us not for­get that society is itself a tool for man, not man a tool for so­ciety. In like manner, rights were given to man and not man to rights.

Calvin Smith ’69

Alaminos Cruises SouthwardFor Trip To Mexican Coast

By MIKE FLAKE Battalion Special Writer

“R/V Alaminos” is no slacker.After cruising almost continu­

ously for three months off the South American coast, covering 25,000 miles, and taking thous­ands of samples from hundreds of different oceanographical fields, the 180-foot floating lab­oratory sailed into its Galveston berth March 28.

The only stopping point was Vera Cruz.

Here the scientists and techni­cal people of the Alaminos were surprised to discovery it was carnival time. The streets were filled with people and festivities that “could only be matched by New Orlean’s Mardi Gras”, ac­

cording to Darryl G. Lloyd, a crew member.

“It was too short of an over­night stop to many of the crew members,” Groot said.

From Vera Cruz, the ship went northeast to Sacramento Reef, picked up plankton samples, and headed back to Galveston.

On April 21, less than a month later, the ship set sail for Vera Cruz, along the 100-fathom line of the Gulf of Mexico.

Even the Jolly Green Giant will send you the shirt off his back — for $1.95 and two vegetable labels. It’s a short-sleeved green sweatshirt covered with Ho-Ho-Ho’s.

In New York, radio station WMCA has given away almost 200,000 of its grinning “Good Guy” shirts.

Allison Manufacturing Co., Inc., of New York is turn­ing out sweatshirts for breweries and soft drink firms, along with fashion department stores such as Lord & Taylor and chain gaints like Sears, Roebuck and Co., and J. C. Penny Co.

Allison’s newest design is printed with buttons, bearing such slogans as “Make Love — Not War.”

Pieter Groot, chief executive administrator for Texas A&M’s Oceanography Department, and four graduate students were “guests” on the cruise.

“Some of the students were seasick the first few days — we left in 28 knot winds — but they got over it in time to help with the work,” Groot said.

Groot said the purpose of “Cruise No. 2 — ’67” was bio­logical observation of the 100 fathom line.

Read Classifieds Daily “We followed the Texas coast from Galveston to Vera Cruz, taking biological samples, hydro- graphical stations, plankton sam­ples, and weather observations,” Groot explained.

THE BATTALIONOpinions expressed in The Battalion

are those of the student writers only. The Battalion is a non tax-supported non­profit, self-supporting educational enter­prise edited and operated by students as a university and community neivspaper.

The Associated Press republication

is entitled exclusively to the rs dispatches credited to it

and local news of

use foror not taneous

ill neotherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter herein are also reserved.

Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas.

News contributions may be made by telephoning 846-6618 , Room 4, YMCA Building.

i may bor 846-4910 or at the editorial office,

elivery call 846-fFor advertising or delivery caMembers of the Student Publications Boarders

Lindsey, chairman ; Dr. David Bowers, College of ichrane. College of Geosciences

cience; Charles A. Robert S. Ti

e: JimLiberal

; Dr. Frank Rodenberger,

College of Engineering : Dr. Robert S. Titus, College of Vet­erinary Medicine; and Dr. Page W. Morgan, College of Agricul-

Arts; John D. Docnrane, College of A McDonald, College of Science; C


Mail subscriptions year; $6.50 per full sales tax. Advertising i The Battalion, Room 4, YMCA 77843.

$3.60 per semester; $6 per . All subscriptions subject to 2%

schooltil subscriptions subje< furnished on request. Building, College Static

Address: ation, Texas

Battali hed in

ThepublisheSunday, and MondaMay, and once a wee

. . Texas A&M isre Station, Texas daily except Saturday, iy, and holiday periods, September through eek during summer school.

ion, a student newspaper College Station, Texas dail

MEMBERThe Associated Press, Texas Press Association

Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising fices, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and SanServices


Publisher............... ...... .............Texas A&M UniversityEditor__________________________Winston Green Jr.Managing Editor ........................ -...........— Lee MorenoNews Editor______ _____ _____ ________Bob BordersReporters ...... ........... Pat Hill, Bill Aldrich, Randy

Plummer, Bob GalbraithSports Editor_________________________Gary ShererSports Writer...... ..... ......................... ...... Jerry GrishamStaff Photographer...... .................... .... Russell Autrey

When you can't afford to he dull

sharpen your wits with NoDozNoDoz keep alert tablets or new chewable mints, safe as coffee, help bring you back to your mental best... help you become more alert to the people and conditions aroundyou. Non-habit forming.

While studying, or after hours, sharpen your wits with NoDoz.

Tablets or new Chewable Mints

AnnouncingW. K. (Bill) Altman ’65

as a qualifying member of theTexas Leaders Round Table A.Recognizing men whose production records uni

service to policyholders ore outstanding


On Campus with ,MaxShuU

{By the author of “Rally Round the Flag,Boij: | “Dobie Gillis,” etc.)


In today’s column, the last of the school year, I dot intend to be funny. (I have achieved this objective mi times throughout the year, but this time it’s on purpose The hour is wrong for levity. Final exams are loomiii

Have you got a chance? I say yes! I say America! not become the world’s foremost producer of stove bi and cotter pins by running away from a fight!

You will pass your finals! How? By studying. How’Ij learning mnemonics.

Mnemonics, the science of memory aids, was, aswei know, invented by the great Greek philosopher Mnem in 526 B.C. (This, incidentally, was only one of theimt tions of this fertile Athenian. He also invented the ham cat, the opposing thumb, and, most important, thesta case. Before the staircase people were forced willy-ni to live out their lives on the ground floor, and many8 cross as bears. Especially Demosthenes who was elect! Consul of Athens six times but never served becausefohnwas unable to get up to the office of the Commissioner!ma joOaths on the third floor to be sworn in. But after Mnem(«Bory staircase, Demosthenes got to the third floor easyas[Lanr —to Athens’ sorrow, as it turned out. Demosthenes, Elemtemper shortened by years of confinement to the groci |iei, floor, soon embroiled his countrymen in a series of sens':eac^less wars with the Medes, the Persians, and the Angeles Rams. This later became known as the Missor Compromise.)

But I digress. We were discussing mnemonics, wi are nothing more than aids to memory — little jingles help you remember names, dates, and places. For examf

Columbus sailed the ocean blue In fourteen hundred ninety two.See how simple? Make up your own jingles. What,

instance, came after Columbus’s discovery of Araeri The Boston Tea Party, of course. Try this:

Samuel Adams flang the tea Into the briny Zuyder Zee.(NOTE : The Zuyder Zee was located in Boston Hart

until 1801 when Salmon P. Chase traded it to Holland! Alaska and two line backers.)

But I digress. Let’s get back to mnemonics. Like tit1 In nineteen hundred sixty seven Personna Blades make shaving heaven.I mention Personna because the makers of Person

Super Stainless Steel Blades are the sponsors of tl column. If I may get a little misty in this, the final cola! of the school year, may I say it’s been a pleasure world! for Personna? May I say further that it’s been anen greater pleasure working for you, the undergrack America? You’ve been a most satisfactory audience,n I’m going to miss you this summer. In fact, I’dasky: all to come visit me except there is no access to my rot The makers of Personna, after I missed several deadlit walled me in. I have no doors or windows—only a mails I slip the columns out; they slip in Personnas andsk food as can go through a mail slot. (For the past months I’ve been living on after dinner mints.)

I am only having my little joke. The makers of Pen have not walled me in, for they are good and true gleaming and constant —as good and true and gleai and constant as the blades they make—and I wish to si publicly that I will always hold them in the highest esl no matter how my suit for back wages comes out.

And so, to close the year, I give you one last mnemi Study hard and pass with honors,And always shave with good Personnors!

© 1967, Max SUS Sq/IPersonna and Personna’s partner in luxury sha Burma-Shave, regular or menthol, have enjoyed bn: ing you another year of Max’s uncensored and uni/il ited column. We thank you for supporting our prodv we wish you luck in your exams and in all your # /( enterprises.

ri'i I henQt Layigh




I’ve Got My Eye On The Man in a


“417" Button-Down VANOPRESSPermanently Pressed Shirts


Very big on any scene, these super smooth “417” Vanopress shirts were permanently pressed the day they were made and will never need pressing again. These white, solid and patterned button-

down dress and sport shirts are authentic all the way from softly rolled collar to V-Taper fit and

built-in quality.Experience a Vanopress today!

And what an eyeful he is! A physique as well-built and manner as smooth as his permanently pressed . . . VANOPRESS shirt. A swingy style that matches the “417” authentic tailoring of his button- down collar and V-Tapered fit. Switched-on stripes or colorful solids in dress or sport, Van Heusen has them all. Will I keep him in sight? You’d better believe it!

THE EXCHANGE STORE“Serving Texas Aggies Since 1907”

Build up your following with Passport 360, the influential line of men’s toiletries by Van Heusen.


.. the influential man’s toiletryWhether by land, sea,

air or just around campus... Passport 360 travels with the man of action!

The man who knows the right look, word, gesture.. .also knows that Passport 360s

brisk, virile scent is right for him.It’s in cologne, after shave and deodorant.

Don’t travel anywhere without this passport to action. And remember, with

Passport 360 you can go just as far as you like!

THE EXCHANGE STORE“Serving Texas Aggies Since 1907”