cadbury dairy milk report

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  • 8/10/2019 Cadbury Dairy Milk Report


  • 8/10/2019 Cadbury Dairy Milk Report


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    Sr. No. Index Page No.1. Executive Summary 2

    2. Global Market Summary & Consumption 3-4

    3. Chocolate Market in India 5-6

    4. Cadbury India 7-12

    5. Financials Analysis 13-14

    6. About Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate (CDM) 15-17

    7. S.W.O.T Analysis 18-19

    8. 5 C Analysis 19-209. Impulsive Chocolate Buying Behaviour and


    10. Product life cycle of CDM 24-25

    11. BCG Matrix 25-26

    12. Cadbury & the Worm Controversy 27-29

    13. Success Factors of Cadbury India Limited 29-31

    14. Review of Past Promotional Programs 32-3815. PEST analysis of the Chocolate Segment in


    16. Marketing plan Dairy Milk 40-41

    15. Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning ofCadbury Diary Milk


    16. Marketing Strategy 44-47

    17 The Marketing Mix of Cadbury Dairy MilkChocolate (CDM)


    18 Conclusion & Recommendations 51

    19 References 52

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    Executive Summary

    - The global chocolate market is estimated to be around $106 billion.

    (Retail Market Value).

    - 100 tons of chocolate are consumed every second.

    - Currently, the Indian chocolate market is worth around Rs 5,562


    - India chocolate industry will be growing at the CAGR 23% by

    volume between the years 2013-2018 and reach at 3,41,609 Tons.

    Drivers Challenges

    - Increase in disposable income - Rise in Cocoa prices

    - Attractive pricing - Lack of government initiative

    - Rising income levels - High entry barriers

    - Chocolate Gifting - Price-sensitive consumer

    - Opportunity to expand - High excise & Import duty

    - Experts feel that premium chocolates are replacing traditional

    Indian mithai and thus they are no longer a category just for

    a category just for kids.

    - Moulded Chocolate Segment - Count line Segment

    - Choco-Panned Segment - Sugar-Panned Segment

    Cadbury India Ltd (67%) Ferrero Rocher (6%)

    Nestle (21%) Amul (3%)

    Others (3%)

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    Global Market Summary

    Market Growth:-

    The global chocolate market is estimated to be around $106 billion.

    100 tons of chocolate are consumed every second.

    Figure:2.0 Global Chocolate retail market Value (Source: Euromonitor)

    Figure:2.1 Global Chocolate Region wise Market (Source: Euromonitor)

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    Although the global market is still dominated by Western Europe and North America,

    emerging markets clearly represent the future. The BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India

    and China) accounted for 55% of global confectionery retail growth in 2011.

    According to trade analyst figures, current hotspots include India (annual growth rate

    15%), China (9%), Russia (6%) and Mexico (3.8%).

    Men's love of chocolate is on par with women's preference for the treat: A UK study by

    research group Mintel revealed 91% of all women admit to eating chocolate with the

    men not far behind at more than 87%.

    There are a number of trends within the chocolate industry that are driving growth; and

    product innovation in 2010-11 brought a 16% increase in new product releases over 2009.Increasing disposable incomes as well as changing public sentiments regarding health

    and our global community is the driving forces behind this growth in innovation.

    Annual Per Capita Chocolate Consumption 2012.

    Figure:2.2 Annual Per Capita Chocolate Consumption-2012


    In Asia, chocolate hasn't traditionally been the sweet of choice, market analysis firm Euro

    monitor International reports. Right now, Indians eat only 165 grams (less than 6 ounces)

    of chocolate a year. The Chinese eat only 99 grams (3.5 ounces).

    The per-capita consumption in India of chocolates has increased from 40gm in 2005 to150-165 gm now and there is a lot of scope to grow even further.

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    Chocolate Market in India

    India is the world's fastest growing market for chocolates. Registering 15% annual growth

    between 2008 and 2012, the Indian chocolate industry is projected to grow at an even

    higher rate in the coming years

    Currently, the Indian chocolate market is worth around Rs 5,562 crore.

    The Population of India in 2013 is 1.27 billion. The chocolate consumption number comes

    around 2,09,550 ton.

    400 Kgs of chocolate consumption in India per minutes.

    Low priced unit packs, increased distribution reach and new product launches can be saidto have fuelled this growth.

    The industry has a positive outlook due to phenomenal growth in the confectionery

    industry, rising per capita income and gifting culture in the country. The per capita

    consumption of chocolates is increasing in the country which will continue to flourish the

    market revenues. It is expected that India chocolate industry will be growing at the CAGR

    23% by volume between the years 2013-2018 and reach at 3,41,609 Tons. The dark

    chocolates are expected to account for the larger market share when compared to milk

    and white chocolates in the coming years. The introduction of medicinal and organic

    ingredients in the manufacturing of chocolates had lead to a new trend and development

    in the country, which will be adapted by major manufacturers to remain active in the


    Figure: 3.0 Indian Chocolate Market Shares 2013

    (Source: Economic times News Paper)

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    In India chocolate consump tion was very low in the early 90s but as the decade advanced

    the consumption drastically increased. The late 90s witnessed a good chocolate market

    condition. The chocolate market in India is dominated by two multinational companies

    Cadbury and Nestle. The national companies - Amul and Campco are other candidates inthis race. Cadbury holds more than 67% of the total share of the market. Nestle has

    emerged by holding almost 21% of the total share. Apart from chocolate segment, there is

    also a big confectionery segment which is flooded by companies like Parry's, Ravalgaon,

    Candico and Nutrine. All these are leading national players. The multinational companies

    like the Cadbury, Nestle and Perfetti are the new entrants in the sugar confectionery

    market. (Management paradise) There are several others which have a minor share in

    these two segments. According to statistics, the chocolate consumption in India isextremely low. If per capita consumption is considered, it comes to only 160gms in the

    urban areas. This amount is very low compared to the developed countries where the per

    capita consumption is more than 8-10 Kg. Observing this fact it would not be appropriate

    to consider the rural areas of India as it will be extremely low. This low consumption is

    owing to the notion behind consuming chocolates. Indians eat chocolates as indulgence

    and not as snack food. The major target population is the children. India has witnessed a

    slow growth rate of about 10% pa from the 70s to the 80s. But as the century adva nced

    the market stagnated. This was the time when Cadbury launched its product- Dairy Milk as

    an anytime product rather than an occasional luxury. All the advertisements of Dairy Milk

    paid a full attention to adults and not children. And this proved to be the major

    breakthrough for Cadbury as it tried to break the conventional ideas of the Indians about

    chocolate. One of the oldest products of Cadbury which is still going strong is the

    Cadburys Five Star which was launched in the year 1968 in India. Cadburys Five Star is

    the most resistant chocolate to temperature and hence it is widely distributed all across

    the country.

    In early 90s, the Cocoa prices became high due to which the manufacturers were forced

    to raise their product prices. But as the new variety of chocolate was launched the wafer

    and the chocolate variety with the brand name Perk, the volume grew significantly. In the

    late 90s new players like Nestle also introduced these wafer chocolates with the name Kit

    Kat resulting into the growth of the market.

    Dark Chocolate is growing at a rate of 13% globally. But India is still at nascent stage.There is less than 25% awareness amongst the young age segment.

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    Cadbury India

    Cadbury India a subsidiary of Mondelez International, the $32 billion global snacking

    major formed in October last year after Kraft Foods decided to split its business.

    Cadbury controls over 67% share in the Rs 5,562 crore chocolates segment in India,

    followed by Nestle with 21% share and Ferrero with 6% share, industry insiders said

    quoting data from market research agency Nielsen. Last year, sales of Ferrero India and

    Nestle's chocolate segment grew 30% and 6%, respectively. The chocolate industry in

    India works at different levels that include chocolate giants like Cadbury's Dairy Milk,

    Nestle etc., small chocolate manufacturers, chocolate retailers, chocolate importers and

    people who make chocolates at home.

    Cadbury India operates in five categories Chocolate confectionery, Beverages, Biscuits,

    Gum and Candy. In the Chocolate Confectionery business, Cadbury has maintained its

    undisputed leadership over the years. Some of the key brands are Cadbury Dairy Milk,

    Bournvita, 5 Star, Perk, Bournville, Celebrations, Gems, Halls, Eclairs, Bubbaloo, Tang

    and Oreo.

    In India, Cadbury began its operations in 1948 by importing chocolates. After over 60

    years of existence, it today has six company-owned manufacturing facilities at Thane,

    Induri (Pune) and Malanpur (Gwalior), Bangalore and Baddi (Himachal Pradesh)

    Hyderabad and 4 sales offices (New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai). The corporate

    office is in Mumbai.

    Cadbury India enjoys a value market share of over 67 percent in the chocolate category

    and our brand Cadbury Dairy Milk (CDM) is considered the "gold standard" for chocolates

    in India. The pure taste of CDM defines the chocolate taste for the Indian consumer.

    In the Milk Food drinks segment main product is Bournvita - the leading Malted Food Drink

    (MFD) in the country. Similarly in the medicated candy category Halls is the undisputed

    leader. Cadbury recently entered the biscuits category with the launch of the Worlds No 1

    biscuit brand Oreo.

    Toblerone, the legendary triangular Swiss chocolate, is over a century-old brand and

    prides itself on being the only triangular chocolate. The launch of Toblerone in India is in

    line with the business objective of growing and leading the premium gifting chocolate

    market with Gift like no one else as the b rand theme.

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    The Cadbury Logo

    Brand names act as a simple perceptual cue that identifies a product as one people are

    familiar with or one they associate with particular attributes or features (Achenreiner and

    John 2003). The famous Cadbury white/purple script logo is unique and original, yetsimple, familiar and somehow approachable (Figure 4.0). There is some element of a

    guarantee about the product created by the signature logo. In fact, in Australia, Cadbury is

    regularly voted as the most trusted brand in the country (Bradley, 2008). The appetising

    visual of two glasses pouring milk into the signature is also well known and provides a

    pictorial heuristic for the perceived benefit of a glass and a half of full cream dairy milk.

    Figure: 4.0 Cadbury white/purple script logo (Source: Cadbury website)

    Cadbury is also instantly recognisable because of its iconic purple packaging. Colour has

    emotional significance and can prompt swifter recognition to packaging than either written

    words or imagery (Tutssel, 2001). Cadbury uses colour for quick brand recognition across

    its many forms of marketing communications, for example, in outdoor advertising and

    television advertising. One recent survey has found that 88 per cent of UK respondents

    recognised Cadburys pur ple, making it the third most recognised brand of those tested

    (Fitzgerald, 2009). Cadburys particular shade of purple has also long had associations

    with royalty and luxury (Bradley, 2008).

    Cadburys signature colour is considered so valuable to the comp any for brand recall and

    brand recognition that it has spent millions of dollars in legal fees attempting to prevent

    other chocolate companies such as Darrel Lea from using purple in their marketing


    The Cadbury logo, its brand name and signature colour is always clearly visible in all

    marketing communications providing ease of brand recognition.

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    Cadbury Indias Market Share in different Segments 2012

    For more than six decades now, Cadbury has enjoyed leadership position in the Indian

    chocol ate market to the extent that 'Cadbury has become a generic name for chocolate

    products. Cadbury has leading brands in all the segments viz bars (Dairy Milk, Crackle,Temptations), count lines (5 star, Milk Treat).

    Figure: 4.1 Cadbury India s Market Share in different Segments 2012

    (Source: Business today:

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    Cadburys Market Segment: -

    Market place for any product is comprised of many different segments of consumers, each

    with different needs and wants. Market segmentation can be defined in a number of ways

    such as:

    Demographic variables: - (e.g. Consumers age groups, gender, material states income

    nb etc) .Current Population of India - India, with 1,270,272,105 (1.27 billion) people is the

    second most populous country in the world. With the population growth rate at 1.58%,

    India is predicted to have more than 1.53 billion people by the end of 2030. More than 50%

    of India's current population is below the age of 25 and over 65% below the age of 35.

    Geography: - About 72.2% of the population lives in some 638,000 villages and the rest27.8% in about 5,480 towns and urban agglomerations. So India is the biggest market for

    Chocolate in terms of population.

    The lifestyle of consumers (i.e. their interests and activities) the benefits which consumers

    look for in a product or on the occasions when the product might be consumed.

    Cadbury takes into account all these factors when producing a range of products. It

    targets different segments within the market, are as follows: -

    Break segment: Products which are normally consume as a snatched break and often

    with tea and coffee, for example Cadburys Perk and Oreo Biscuits.

    Impulse segment: These products are often purchase on impulse, eating these and

    then. They include product such as Cadburys Dairy Milk.

    Take home segment: This describes product that are normally purchased from

    supermarkets, taken home consumed at a later stage.

    The price of Cadbury dairy milk is reasonable and affordable. So a person does not need

    to think much before purchasing it, they can easily buy it any time when they want to buy.

    The income of a person does not play any important role in it.

    Cadbury dairy milk will not be much affected by the generation differences. All types of

    peoples like to purchase the Cadbury dairy milk when they want to buy it.

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    Behavioural factors: -

    Decision: - The decision is taken by the children and youngsters. They play an important

    role in taking the decision of when to buy the Cadbury dairy milk.

    Occasions: - For purchasing the Cadbury dairy milk no special occasions are required.

    People can easily purchase it on regular basis. Occasionally such as Diwali,

    Rakshabandhan, the sales of Dairy Milk increases.

    Psychographic: - The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select

    between different alternatives (e.g., brands, products, and retailers). The psychology of

    how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g., culture, family, signs,

    media). Here Cadbury wins the race & Cadbury become a part of lifestyle as a loyal brand.

    Brands in fact influence consumer behaviour in a number of ways:

    Reassurance: - A brand is a stamp of authenticity. It adds value by promising

    replicability and helps to establish repeat purchase patterns. In a foreign country, people

    seek the reassurance of familiar brands, even though they are presumably traveling to find

    new experiences! This is why tourists and travelers around the world feel comfortable on

    eating at McDonalds.

    Value Expression: We choose brands that reflect the individual values that we possess

    as individuals. We do this to communicate the desired signals in the highly social

    environment we inhabit.

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    Chocolate Brands of Cadbury India:-

    High Premium

    Snack Indulgence

    Low Price

    Figure: 4.2 Cadbury Chocolate brand SegmentSource: &''()**+++,-./0%1%23/'%4/#'3./#1,5.-*3/*%/*64#/07*3/0%8,#7(8
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    Financials Analysis

    Cadbury India, whose revenue growth has consistently outperformed the economy over

    the past few years, experienced the first hints of a slowdown in 2012, incidentally its first

    year under new parent Mondelez International.

    Its revenues increased 20.8% to Rs 4,065 crore, the lowest growth rate since 2006 and a

    sharp deceleration from the 34.4% growth recorded in 2011. Profit after tax increased by

    2.1% to Rs 303.4 crore. This slowdown will be seen as a small setback to Mondelez

    International's plans to rev up growth in emerging markets.

    Figure: 5.0 Cadbury India Sales & Net Profit (Source:

    Mondelez International came into existence in October 2012, when grocery and snacks

    giant Kraft was split into two companies. Its international business, including Oreo cookies

    and Cadbury, was spun off and named Mondelez while most of the US assets remained in

    Kraft. Kraft had acquired Cadbury in January 2010.

    Cadbury India experienced a slowdown in sales and profit in 2012, despite launching

    legendary Swiss triangular chocolate brand Toblerone, as consumers cut back on

    discretionary products, many even trading pricier chocolates with lower priced candies and


    Cadbury India had launched products such as Silk and Bournville, and entered the biscuits

    segment in the past two years, which drove the growth,"The availability of foreign brands

    such as Ferrero Rocher and Lindt in the premium segment could be hampering growth in

    that category."

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    Profit & Loss of last six year:-

    Figure: 5.1 Cadbury India P & L

    Source: India Infoline ( )

    Particulars Dec-12 Dec-11 Dec-10 Dec-09 Dec-08 Dec-07INCOME :Sales Turnover 4,272 3,522 2,615 2,045 1,751 1,442Sales Growth 21% 35% 28% 17% 21% 21%Excise Duty 206 157 112 111 163 148Net Sales 4,066 3,365 2,503 1,934 1,589 1,293Other Income 58 123 30 14 25 23Stock Adjustments 52 11 83 -16 51 17Total Income 4,176 3,499 2,617 1,932 1,665 1,333EXPENDITURE :Raw Materials 1,576 1,248 904 617 522 395Power & Fuel Cost 81 61 53 37 30 25Employee Cost 272 239 167 134 120 112

    Other Manufacturing Expenses 594 533 448 295 284 228Selling and Administration Expenses 1,157 924 698 543 462 378Miscellaneous Expenses 44 45 34 25 4 16Less: Pre-operative ExpensesCapitalised

    - - - - - -

    Total Expenditure 3,725 3,051 2,303 1,651 1,421 1,154Operating Profit 451 448 314 281 244 179Interest 6 4 4 3 5 2Gross Profit 445 444 310 278 238 177Depreciation 79 67 61 44 37 34Profit Before Tax 366 376 249 234 202 143

    Tax 116 84 65 38 35 18Fringe Benefit tax - - - 1 3 2Deferred Tax -53 -5 -25 7 -2 6Reported Net Profit 303 297 209 189 166 118Extraordinary Items 0 -0 -3 -0 1 -9Adjusted Net Profit 303 297 211 189 165 127

    Adjst. below Net Profit - - - - - -2P & L Balance brought forward 884 624 443 390 343 244Statutory Appropriations - - - - - -

    Appropriations 38 37 28 135 119 17P & L Balance carried down 1,150 884 624 443 390 343

    Dividend 6 6 6 6 6 7Preference Dividend - - - - - -Equity Dividend % 20 20 20 20 20 20Earnings Per Share-Unit Curr 97 95 67 60 51 35Earnings Per Share(Adj)-Unit Curr NA NA NA NA NA NABook Value-Unit Curr 424 329 236 171 144 122
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    About Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate (CDM)

    Cadbury Dairy Milk encapsulates an enormous breath of emotions, from shared values

    such as family togetherness, to the personal values of individual enjoyment. It stands for

    goodness. A moment of pure magic!

    Cadbury Dairy Milk (CDM) entered the Indian market in 1948, and since then for

    consumers across India, the word Cadbury has become synonymous with chocolate.

    CDM remains at the top of the Indian chocolate market not only because of its most

    delicious, best tasting chocolate but also because of its memorable communication.

    Cadburys own milk chocolate bar, made by adding milk powder paste to the dark

    chocolate recipe of cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar, was launched in 1897. But it didnot attract a lot of interest. Swiss manufacturers were leading the field in milk chocolate,

    with much better products than their rivals. So in 1904 George Cadbury was tasked with

    developing a milk chocolate bar that was to have more milk than anything else on the


    All sorts of names were suggested: Highland Milk, Jersey and Dairy Maid. But when a

    customers daughter suggested Dairy Milk, the name stuck. George Cadbury Dairy Milk was launched in June 1905. It was sold in unwrapped blocks that could be

    broken down into penny bars. Gradually it became more and more successful Cadburys

    biggest seller by the beginning of the First World War. And by the early 1920s it had taken

    over the UK market. And of course, its still with us today. Cadbury Dairy Milk has become

    a megabrand, available in many different varieties and all over the world.

    Cadbury Chocolate constantly creates or acquires new products to add to their range of

    offerings. Major chocolate brands produced by Cadbury include the bars Dairy Milk,

    Crunchie, Caramel, Wispa, Boost, Picnic, Flake, Curly Wurly, Chomp, and Fudge;

    chocolate Buttons; the boxed chocolate brand Milk Tray; and the twist-wrapped chocolates


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    Figure: 6.0 Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate

    (Source: Cadburys Purple Reign )

    Earnings sensitivity factors:-

    - Cocoa bean, Sugar & Solid milk (milk powder) prices: Domestic as well as international

    prices of key raw material cocoa, Sugar & Milk has significant impact on margins. Good

    monsoon ensures adequate availability of raw materials, which are mainly agricultural innature.

    - Rupee depreciation improves export realizations; however it also makes import of raw

    material (esp. cocoa) expensive.

    - Excise duties: Changes in excise levied on malt and chocolate influences end product

    prices and thereby volume growth as well as margins.

    - Changes in custom duties and foreign exchange fluctuations, as 20% of raw material are


    - Competition from MNCs like Nestle as well as imported brands. Increasing competition

    puts pressure on advertisement budget and margins. However on the positive side, it

    helps in expanding the market.

    Some of the key growth drivers being:-

    - Tradition of gifting sweets

    - Shifting in consumer preference (from traditional mithai to chocolates)

    - Increasing awareness - demand for sugar-free and diet chocolates among consumers.

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    - Expansion potential due to lesser penetration

    - Rising income levels and rapid development in rural markets.

    However, there is a long way to go for the Indian chocolate industry. Increasing

    awareness, rising disposable income, shifting in Indian consumer preference and rapiddevelopment in rural markets shows there is a huge untapped market that the chocolate

    manufactures can capture.

    Cadbury India distribution network India

    Cadburys brands are available in over a million outlets across the country. Cadbury is

    also focusing intensively on achieving distribution equity. Though it takes much more time

    and effort to build, but once built, distribution equity is hard to erode. With technology andcompetitive pressure slash in it is becoming increasing difficult for marketers to retain a

    unique product differentiation for long period. In a product and price parity situation, the

    brand that sells more is the one that reaches the highest number of customers.

    To tap this huge potential Cadbury's distribution channels include the manufacturing

    warehouses where the chocolate production takes place. This is followed by wholesaler &

    then followed by retailer.

    Due to 65 years of presence in India - has deep penetration- 2,500 distributors; 550,000

    retailers, 60 mid urban (22%) customers. The modern trade is handled separately.

    A schematic representation of the entire distribution channel is given here:-

    CNF in each district



    Figure: 6.1 Cadbury India distribution network India

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    S.W.O.T Analysis


    Cadbury being a reputed company has its brand name as one of its biggest strengths. Ithas been present for over 65 years even before competition could peep-in. Due to its

    presence for so many years people tend to associate chocolate with Cadbury. It is almost

    as if Cadbury is synonymous with generic category chocolate. Cadbury is a very profitable

    organization, generating revenue in billions. Cadbury India Ltd is supported by its parent

    company, Mondelez International. A large range of products like - chocolates, beverages,

    malted foods etc. are manufactured by Cadbury. These products are reasonably priced to

    suit different economic consumer categories. Celebrity endorsements have increased

    sales and also added glitter to the brand name. Cadbury India has the biggest market

    share at 67 per cent while Nestle is the second largest at 21 per cent. Amul & other holds

    the rest. In spite of innovation in the chocolate segment, their basic chocolate, Dairy Milk,

    still seems to remain the all-time favourite of most people. Low cost of production due to

    economic of scale. That means higher profits, better market penetration with the strong

    distribution network.


    The scenario of worms being found in Cadbury chocolates lead to a temporary decline in

    sales. Also Cadbury offers a limited variety of products as opposed to other leading

    competitive brands, e.g. Amul and Nestle that offer an array of products like biscuits, dairy

    products, etc. One of the major raw material i.e. Cocoa has to be imported leading to

    bunched imports and higher inventory. Also majority of markets in India are not Air

    conditioned and hence cannot store chocolates at least during hot summers, which limits

    the market access. There is lack of penetration in the rural market where people tend to

    dismiss it as a high end product. It is mainly found in urban and semi-urban areas. The

    operating profit of the company declined, declining profitability will adversely affect the

    operations of the company. Poor technology in India compared to current international


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    As Cadbury has established itself very well in the Indian market, it can now narrow down

    to some popular products and can bring down its own individual Cadburys store. It has

    capabilities to increase the range of products manufactured. The company can easily

    venture into new segments individually or jointly. Another very important opportunity that

    can be observed is the introduction of foreign products in India. The company can focus

    on targeting urban areas and developing sectors by working on availability and

    affordability. The company aims at bringing efficiency in logistics and distribution. This can

    very well be achieved by using information technology. Cadbury can also focus on gaining

    profits through chewing gum market in India.


    As Cadbury has already faced a worm scandal, its reputation has been put at stake by the

    competitors trying to exploit this situation. Cadbury faces a serious threat in the

    confectionery segment from companies like Amul, Nestle, etc. As Cadbury produces

    chocolates and a few related products, effective management of all the areas proves to be

    difficult at times. Trends of purchase may change with the ever-changing taste preference

    of consumers. Changing restrictions and rules from Government quality control boardsmay result in pressure on the production of the company & cost increase. Also, Cadbury is

    exposed to rise in the cost of cocoa beans, dairy products and other vital ingredients.

    5C Analysis

    Company: - Cadbury dairy milk is a brand of chocolate made by Cadbury Plc. unit of Kraft

    Foods and sold in several countries around the world. It first went on sale in 1905 in the

    United Kingdom. The current parent is Mondelez International.

    Customers: - The prospective customer of dairy milk range from 5 to 60 years of age.

    Since dairy milk has a range of product suited for every member of the family. The aim is

    to strengthen the brand relationship in the current consumers life. The ranges of

    customers vary for diary milk. Whereas some buy it as an alternative for sweet others buy

    it as a gift item. The consumers mostly buy the product on impulse and are influenced by

    taste/flavour and then by company/brand.

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    Competitors: - The main competitors of Dairy milk in India are Nestle, Ferrero Rocher,

    Amul chocolates & unbranded chocolate. The high end chocolates (Bournville and silk)

    also face competition also face competition from the imported Swiss chocolates. But one

    of the biggest advantages the dairy milk has over its competitors is the brand loyalty that ithas got. The excellent advertising, reach and accessibility have made it the top of mind

    brand in the chocolate category.

    Climate: - The climate for the chocolate industry and dairy milk in particular seems very

    attractive in a country like India. With the size of the market being so big along with

    encouraging category growth the prospects look very good. Since the product is not

    seasonal and the margin is also good makes the climate for the industry even better. With

    new innovations coming up in terms of product and packaging the market is still on a

    growth curve.

    Collaborators: - As already said Cadbury dairy milk manages a huge range of retailers

    and whole sellers who make up the collaborators. Over the years the company has

    partnered with various other companies like Adam Philippines in 2001 so that diary milk

    has a much wider distribution network in the Philippines.

    Impulsive Chocolate Buying Behaviour and Pricing

    Impulsive behaviour occurs when the consumer is looking for immediate hedonic benefits.

    It is commonly associated with urges to smoke, drink, overspend or overeat. 'Impulsive

    behaviour' is defined by 'Consumers experiencing an irresistible urge to consume', which

    they might even regret later.

    Whether an individual focuses on cost or the benefit of impulsiveness depends on the

    chronic values of the consumer, which forms the core of its personality. Hedonicpersonalities will focus selectively on the benefits than the cost of impulsiveness and are

    considerable uninfluenced by the costs. Hence, such individuals become insensitive to

    price aspect when their hedonic urge is driving the purchase decision.

    Let us explain the growth of the market at the higher end of the spectrum in recent years

    in chocolate category with this argument. The product offerings on the higher end are of

    rich chocolate (e.g. Dairy Milk Silk) based products (associated with taste and pleasure)

    instead of wafer-based offerings (which serve as a snack). This shows that brands

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    command a better premium when an impulsive urge rather than functional benefits are the

    prime motivators for purchase.

    Even though chocolate buying behaviour is impulsive, research suggests that the relative

    accessibility of inputs such as costs versus the benefits of impulsiveness influences

    impulsive behaviour. Impulsiveness is unaffected by cost highlighting arguments which

    explains the ineffectiveness of advertisements discouraging cigarettes, alcohol, etc.

    When the benefit of impulsiveness was the pleasure of yielding to temptation, the

    advertisements, that 'triggered the desire' or 'highlighted the benefits of giving in to the

    temptation' appealed most to the hedonic individuals. However, the prudent personalities

    give more value to the cost than the benefits. Thus, the benefits are relatively non-

    influential in judgment. Thus, advertisements that justify the cost of impulsiveness can

    help provoke impulsiveness in such consumers.

    Consumer Trends

    - Mithai- the traditional Indian sweats is getting expensive and substituted by

    chocolates among upwardly mobile Indians. Instead of buying sweets on Raksha

    Bandhan, Diwali, people prefer to buy chocolates.

    - The range and variety of chocolates available in malls seems to be growing day byday, which leads to lot of impulse sales for chocolate companies

    - Chocolates which use to be unaffordable, is now considered mid-priced.

    - Designer chocolates have become status symbols.

    This clearly means that the three main factors like demand for products, conducive

    regulations and customised talent are abundant in India.

    Traditionally, chocolates were always targeted at children. But stagnancy in growth rates

    made the companies re-think their strategies. Cadbury was the first chocolate company

    that took the market by storm by repositioning brands at adults, as opposed to children.

    Chocolates are consumed as indulgence and not as snack food, as prevalent in western

    countries. Almost 75% chocolates are impulse purchases. Chocolates are bought

    predominantly by adults and gifted to children. The wholesaler usually deals in all kinds of

    FMCG goods, Foodstuff in addition to the chocolates. The items like chocolates are

    placed near the counter. Chocolates are primarily sold through Kirana Stores, Gift stores,

    Medical Stores, canteens, Pan-Bidi stores, Bakeries, Sweet Shops, Super market etc.

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    The majority of consumers are buying chocolates from Super market & discounted stores.

    The details summary from where the consumers are buying is shown in the below graph.

    Figure: 9.0 from where the consumers are buying Chocolates

    Growth Opportunities in Indian Chocolate Industry

    Untapped Market & Limited Consumption

    The fact that chocolate is not a traditional food, high prices and domestic production

    Problems will provide the main problems to market growth. As these markets develop,

    prices will fall making these products more accessible to the wider population. However

    the Indian market is still untapped and provides immense scope for growth, both

    geographically as well as product basket wise.

    Chocolates right now reaches about 70mn to 75mn consumers. It is estimated that

    Chocolates have a potential market of about 116mn consumers.

    Chocolate consumption in India is extremely low. Per capita consumption is around

    160gms in the urban areas, compared to 8-10kg in the developed countries. The per

    capita chocolate consumption in India is still much below the East Asian standards. Hence

    per capita consumption has an immense scope for improvement.

    In rural areas, it is even lower. Chocolates in India are consumed as indulgence and not

    as a snack food. A strong volume growth was witnessed in the early 90's when Cadbury

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    repositioned chocolates from children to adult consumption. The biggest opportunity is

    likely to stem from increasing the consumer base. Leading players like Cadbury and

    Nestle have been attempting to do this by value for money offerings, which are affordable

    to the masses. We also believe that the near term opportunity lies in increasingpenetration rather than increasing intensity of consumption.

    Changing Attitudes & Consumption Pattern

    In the past, chocolate consumption had been restricted by low purchasing power in the

    market. Chocolates and other cocoa-based snack foods were looked upon as food

    suitable only for elitist consumption till recently. But with the launch of lower-priced,

    smaller bars of chocolate in the last two years and positioning of chocolate as a substitute

    to traditional sweets during festivals, have boosted consumption.Urban consumers now buy chocolates and confectionery for everyday consumption.

    Earlier, they would buy them mostly during festivals. Also, more and more Indian

    consumers are replacing traditional sweets with chocolates.

    Almost 20% of chocolate sales in at the retailer come from adult chocolates. "Adult

    chocolate consumption is getting a fillip from modern retail.

    Figure: 9.1 Chocolates Consumption Pattern

    Indians now prefer chocolates over other Indian sweets because of health considerations.

    This has also helped in opening the bakery segment to the chocolate manufacturers. We

    have bakery chains which have launched their own brands of chocolates as an offering

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    Chocolates which were considered to be an elitist food hit the fancy of masses looking for

    a change in life style at affordable cost.

    Rural Expansion: - Rural market and small town markets are seen as the key to spurring

    double-digit growth. Products such as liquid chocolate packs from the existing portfolio areexpected to enable rapid acceptance.

    Leverage India for Off-Shoring: - India is being leveraged for export of finished goods,

    as a superior destination for manufacturing best practices, and for BPO opportunities.

    All the above points bring us to a conclusion that theres an immense scope for growth of

    chocolate industry in India not only in its offering pattern but also for increment in its total

    consumption value and size.

    Product life cycle of CDM

    The product life cycle model helps marketers identify the different stages that the sales

    and profits of a product go through during the course of its lifetime. There are five stages

    to the product life cycle: introduction, growth, maturity, saturation and decline.

    1. Introduction: Sales are slow as the product is not yet known. Costs are high due to

    heavy marketing spend to create awareness. Emphasis is on advertising and

    distribution. The Cadbury Dairy milk launched by Cadbury in 1905 is an example ofa brand at the introduction stage.

    2. Growth: This stage shows growing market acceptance and increasing profits.

    Competitors begin to enter the marketplace. The business concentrates on

    optimising product availability. The Cadbury Dairy milk is the market leader in

    chocolate market with 30 % market share example of brand at growth stage.

    3. Maturity: The rate of sales growth slows down as the product has been widely

    distributed and sold. The company now focuses on creating brand extensions andpromotion offers to boost sales. New product research is critical to ensure future

    sales. The Cadbury Dairy Milk Silk chocolate range is an example of creating brand

    extensions brand at the maturity stage.

    4. Decline: Sales slow down dramatically and profits fall off. The product may be

    dropped to make way for new products and the cycle recommences. So far CDM

    has not reached at this stage because of extension in maturity stage.

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    Figure: 10.0 Product Life Cycle of Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate

    The product life cycle is very useful for managers as it can act as a guide for changes in

    strategy at differ ent stages in the products life. However, the concept runs the danger of

    becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. In reality, not all products (or brands) follow the "S"

    curve of the product life cycle. Some fad products die quickly after introduction. Others

    manage to live indefinitely. The Cadbury brand has been in existence since 1824 and is

    still the number one brand in confectionery products.

    BCG Matrix

    Boston Consulting Group Matrix based on product life cycle approach to use the charts,

    analyst plot a scattered graph to rank the product on the basis of relative market share &

    growth rate. The BCG matrix is used in business to under where to invest, harvest &

    divest. This matrix also shows the relationship between cash-generating products & cash-


    1. Star: - Products in rapidly growing markets in which the company has high relative

    market share. Star products generates the high amount cash but are expensive to

    support. They are good investment as have high earning potentials both at present

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    & at future time. That investment is likely to be needed if the company wants to

    retain its market positions, as competitors will be trying to emulate stars.

    Cadbury India has two star products Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolates with 30%

    market share in chocolate market & Cadbury Bournvita 16.2 % share in maltedfoods category (as per Nielsen data for the quarter ending March-13).

    Figure: 11.0 BCG Matrix Cadbury Chocolate India

    2. Cash Cows: - Products in slow growth, or even static, market in which they have

    relatively high market share are called as Cash Cows. They require little promotion

    although under investment can turn them into dogs so they should not be taken for

    granted. The companys objective is likely to be hold this position in order to obtain

    maximum return on investment (ROI).

    Cadbury India has two cash cow products Perk & Gums.

    3. Dogs: - Dogs are in stagnant or slow-growing markets have relatively low market

    Share . One companys dog can become anothers cash cow or even a star if they

    are operating in different markets or market segments.

    Cadbury India has three dogs 5 Star, GEMS & Eclairs.

    4. Question mark: - Products in this quadrant are in rapid growing market but hold a

    relatively low market share. Cadbury India has two dogs Toblerone & Bournville.

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    Cadbury & the Worm Controversy

    The discovery of worms in some samples of Cadburys Chocolate in early October 2003

    created one of the biggest controversies in India against a Multi-National reputed for being

    a benchmark of quality.The controversy created an deep adverse impact on the company with their sales not only

    drastically dipping down, but at the same time allowing the competitors to establish their

    foothold and taking maximum advantage of Cadburys misfortune.

    The controversy, and the adverse publicity received in several countries, set back its plan

    of outsourcing model which would have resulted in significant revenue generation, several

    months back.

    The "worms controversy" came at the worst time.the next few months were the peak season of Diwali, Eid & Christmas. Cadbury sells almost 1,000 tonnes of chocolates

    during Diwali. In that year, the sales during festival season dropped by 30 per cent. The

    company saw its value share melt from 73 per cent in October 2003 to 69.4 per cent in

    January 2004.

    In May, however, it inched up to 71 per cent. CDM sales volumes declined from 68 per

    cent in October 03 to 64 per cent in January 2004

    Clearly, the worm controversy took a toll on Cadbury's bottom-line. For the year endedDecember 2003, its net profit fell 37 per cent to Rs 45.6 crore (Rs 456 million) as

    compared with a 21 per cent increase in the previous year.

    However, Cadburys reiterated that all through the 55 years of leadership in India that it

    has remained synonymous with chocolates and has remained committed to high quality

    and consumer satisfaction."

    Cadburys Fight- Back:-

    'Project Vishwas'- Steps to ensure quality & regain the confidence

    Following the controversy over infestation in its chocolates, Cadbury India Ltd unveiled

    'Project Vishwas', a plan involving distribution and retail channels to ensure the quality of

    its products.

    The company's team of quality control managers, along with around 300 sales staff,

    checked over 50,000 retail outlets in Maharashtra and replaced all questionable stocks

    with immediate effect.

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    The Vishwas programme was intended to build awareness among retailers on storage

    requirements for chocolates, provide assistance in improving storage conditions and

    strengthen packaging of the company's range of products.

    Cadbury reduced the number of chocolates in its bulk packets to 22 bars from the present

    60 bars. These helped stockists display and sell the products "safely and hygienically"

    190,000 retailers in key states were covered under this awareness programme.

    The BIG B F actor

    The big factor that has pushed up CDM sales is the Amitabh Bachchan campaign. It

    helped restore consumers' faith in the quality of the product. In early January, Cadbury

    appointed Amitabh Bachchan as its brand ambassador for a period of two years.

    The company believed that the reputation he has built up over the last three decades

    complements their own, which was built over a period of 50 years. Yet, the entire credit of

    recovery could not be attributed to the brand mascot.

    Incisive action taken by the company also helped. Some of which were:

    1. Responded to consumers concern over the issue rapidly. Also, the communication

    campaign worked effectively in giving out the central message.

    2. The packaging was changed to include a sealed plastic wrapper inside the outside foil.

    Cadburys launched a new 'purity -sealed' packaging for its flagship product, Cadbury Dairy

    Milk. The packaging is in response to foreign bodies, notably worms, being found in its

    products. Over the next few weeks Cadbury will work towards introducing either a heat-

    sealed or a flow-pack packaging that offers a high level of resistance to infestation from

    improper storage.

    3. New advertising & promotion campaigns were in place which accounted for an Ad

    spend of nearly Rs 40 crore (Rs 400 million) Cadbury invested nearly Rs 25 crore (Rs 250

    million) this year on new machinery for the improved packaging.

    Cadbury Singing Sweetly Again:-

    All is well that ends well. And for Cadburys India, nothing can be sweeter than Regaining

    Back the Consumer Confidence.

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    Thanks to quick action taken to recover the damage done by the worm controversy like

    Operation Vishwas, adopting new packaging & massive advertising with Mr. Amitabh

    Bachchan as their brand ambassador, Cadburys regained its market share.

    Cadbury India appointed management consultancy firm AT Kearney to draw up a strategy

    to control costs in several areas, including sourcing of raw materials and packaging. This

    was partly an outcome of the worms controversy more than a year ago. Among other

    things, it changed the wrappers for its Cadbury Dairy Milk brand and introduced better


    The consultancy firm will also look at the sourcing of direct and indirect materials like

    renegotiating with suppliers for longer term contracts and vendor management. Other

    costs (indirect expenses) like travel costs and hotels were also being studied.

    In other words, Cadbury is trying to reduce the cost per stock keeping unit (SKUs, or

    packs).The aim was to improve efficiencies.

    Success Factors of Cadbury India Limited

    1. Global management processes:-

    India occupies a high profile position in the global organization, with advocates in regional

    and global headquarters. Global management has allowed the local operation a high

    degree of flexibility in growing the business, understanding that asset utilization may be

    lower and returns slower to arrive, but expecting volume share to compensate for lower

    margins in the long run.

    2. Local management processes:-

    The Cadbury India team is all-Indian and has a deep understanding of local market

    dynamics. The business is set in a way that highlights localization across all facets

    driving the belief that the only way to succeed in India is by developing localized business

    models. For example, the company tailored the chocolate formula in India to prevent

    melting in the countrys open -air high frequency store environment.

    3. Customized business models:-

    Local management has set up systems to test and develop products from the ground upwith specialized interlinked cells that execute innovation and market testing hand-in-hand.

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    Cadbury India is known as a key product innovator. Besides Dairy Milk, the entire Cadbury

    product portfolio in India has been developed locally to suit Indian consumer tastes.

    Packaging, marketing and distribution have all been tailored to local market conditions.

    4. Royalty Structure:-

    Royalty to Cadbury Schweppes is around 1 per cent of the turnover. But with that, the

    company gets unlimited access to latest technology, new products and so on. They can

    also introduce new products from the parent, if it is suitable for Indian market.

    5. Subtle reengineering of raw material mix led to cost savings:-

    Cadbury has reduced its dependence on cocoa, thus lowering its exposure to volatile raw

    material prices as well as cutting costs. It appears that they have subtly altered its recipe

    by using less of costlier cocoa and more of milk and sugar. Cadbury's launch of Perk has

    also contributed significantly in reducing the proportion of cocoa in the overall raw material


    6. Brand Building:-

    Since its inception, Cadbury in India has stayed ahead thanks to their constant marketing

    initiatives, that have at all points in time understood the needs of and opportunities in a

    changing nation but Nestle had stood firm in second position resulting from their

    responsibilities and providing quality products. Amul an Indian company has been able to

    create brand quality and thus selling their product through their name.

    7. Wide variety of brands:-

    The '60s was a decade which saw the launch of brands that are etched in the hearts of

    generations of Indians - Tiffins, Nut Butterscotch, Caramels, Crackle, 5 Star and Gems. It

    was a strategy that introduced consumers to a variety of tastes and product forms leading

    to a rapid increase in chocolate consumption.

    8. Quality products at low price:-

    Cadbury's Eclairs was launched in 1972, at the then princely sum of 0.25p and was an

    instant hit. It continues to be one of the biggest brands in the Cadbury portfolio and offers

    the lowest price point at which consumers can experience the real taste of chocolate. Butas compared to other companies the price are very high because of lack of competition.

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    9. Innovative & attractive packaging:-

    In the years that followed, Cadbury invested in technology and made an impact through

    innovative packaging. This decade experienced a continuous growth in volumes as

    Cadbury launched a flurry of brands with different pack sizes, at various price points. The

    now ubiquitous Sheet Metal Dispenser seen on cash counters of thousands of shops for

    dispensing chocolates was an innovation that helped brand the colour purple in the minds

    of the Indian consumer.

    10. Timely expansion of market:-

    In the 90's Cadbury realised both the scope and the need to expand the market. Hitherto

    perceived only as a children's product, Cadbury 'universalized' the chocolate market. Themulti-award winning advertising campaign - 'The Real Taste of Life' - was launched,

    capturing the childlike spontaneity in every adult.

    Moulded chocolate and clairs also showed satisfactory growth. This has also helped in

    improving the infrastructure and distribution reach of the company in chocolate and

    confectionery segment.

    11. Introducing new products:-

    Cadbury 5 Star with its Energizing Bar campaign targ eted the youth, offering them a

    mind and body charge. While pre-empting competition, Cadbury Perk - the light chocolate

    snack - pushed chocolates into the wider area of snacking by promising 'Thodi Si Pet

    Pooja Kabhi Bhi Kahin Bhi' (anytime, anywhere) and has introduced new flavours like Mint

    Hint, Mango Tango, Very Strawberry. It has also introduced various new chocolates like

    Gollum and Fruits in recent years.

    12. Constant diversification:-

    Faced with rapidly changing markets and increased competition, Cadbury launched Truffle

    to hit the high ground of great tasting chocolate. This was followed by Picnic in 1998,

    which with its unique, multi-ingredient construct promises to take chocolates straight into

    the realm of snacks. With the introduction of Gollum and Fruits Cadbury has taken the

    market by surprise.

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    13. Commitment of expansion:-

    With the launch of Trebor Googly, the tangy, fizzy candy, Cadbury took the market by

    surprise and marked the entry of Trebor into the fast growing Indian sugar confectionery

    market. The extension of Googly to a Mint flavour reinforces Cadbury's commitment to

    establish the Trebor name as a strong player in the value added sugar confectionery


    14. Repositioning:-

    Cadburys has been repositioning its products for children to adults and for celebrative

    occasions. A repositioning campaign was arranged for dairy milk that showed adults doing

    unconventional things (like a lady breaking into a jig in the middle of the overflowingCricket (stadium) driving home the message that adults could enjoy chocolate as well.

    15. Information technology:-

    At Cadbury India they believe that effective communication n and availability of

    information 'at the right time and the right place' is critical for an edge in business. In order

    to achieve this they realised the importance of and have in place, an effective IT


    Through IT investment, they aim to

    - Remain competitive in the fast changing environment.

    - Incorporate best practices in the business processes.

    - Arrive at uniform software and business practices globally within Cadbury Schweppes.

    - Achieve flexibility of systems to keep pace with changing environments.

    - Increase speed of response to business processes.

    - Minimise working capital.

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    Review of Past Promotional Programs

    The details of all the past & present promotional programs are explained below:

    Campaign Target Shift over the years PromoMechanisms

    Real Taste of Life Child in adult From just for kids tothe kid in every adult

    TVC, Print,Hoardings

    Khanewalon kokhane ka bahanachahiye

    Wider masses Appeal to a widermass based on age,gender, etc.

    TVC, Print,Hoardings

    Pappu Pass HoGaya

    Youngsters TVC, Hoardings

    Miss Palampur Rural masses Shift to smaller packs TVC, Hoardings

    Kuch Meetha HoJaaye

    Conversion ofsweet consumersto chocolate forspecial occassions

    This was aninnovative idea andCadbury went aheadwith the Celebrationspacks with these ads

    TVC, Print,Hoardings,Social Media

    Khane ke baadMeethe mein

    Kuch Meetha HoJaaye

    Targeting the habitof Indians to have

    desserts aftermeals

    From convertingsweet consumers on

    special occasionsCadbury now tried tosweet consumptionfor dessert tochocolate as well

    TVC, Print,Hoardings,

    Social Media

    Shubh Aarambh Targeting the beliefof Indians thatanything begun byhaving somethingsweet providesgood luck

    Converting yetanother segment ofsweet consumers i.e.before the start of anywork

    TVC, Print,Hoardings,Social Media

    Figure: 14.0 Review of Past Promotional Programs

    Source: Cadbury India Website(

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    Analysis of Communication Process

    Real Taste of Life

    Figure: 14.1 Cadbury Dairy Milk- The Real Taste of Life Campaign

    Source: Cadbury India Website


    Communication Objective: - Through the ad, they wanted to convey the message that

    there is a child in each one of us and they wanted to appeal to that child, since children

    loved eating chocolates. The ad was meant to create a particular image in the eyes of the

    customer and successfully communicate what the product conveyed.

    It appealed to the child in every adult and Cadbury Dairy Milk became the perfectexpression of 'spontaneity' and 'shared good feelings' In every adult there is a child let that

    child express itself give in to temptation and satisfy his or her desire to sink teeth into a

    smooth creamy delicious chocolate This approach appears to be unique to Cadbury.

    What was Communicated- The Real Taste of Life was launched in the 1990 s. It was an

    attempt to capture the child-like spontaneity in every adult. From the depiction of an old

    man offering his wife a Dairy Milk chocolate to the dancing girl in crowded stadium, it all

    reflected the impulsiveness and the spontaneity of the child in the adult.

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    Why they communicated- They wanted to re-create the image of a child in the eyes of the

    adults, remind them of their childhood days and create an image that Cadbury essentially

    stood for childhood and stimulate them to buy chocolate so as to make them remember

    the childhood days.

    What was achieved- A change in Consumer mind-set that chocolates were mostly for kids

    and young people. Through the campaign, adults realized they could and should enjoy

    chocolates as well .

    Khanewalon ko khane ka bahana chahiye

    Communication objective- Through the ad, it was aimed at widening the chocolate

    consumption among the masses and making sure the product reached a wider group ofpeople, based on age, sex etc.

    What was Communicated- The ad reflected the fact that Cadbury could be available and

    eaten by all groups of people. In the ad, an elderly lady, middle-aged man, newly married

    bride, young guy and a child are all seen enjoying Cadbury, which showed that all people,

    irrespective of their sex and age could enjoy it.

    Why they communicated- The ad was meant to stimulate purchase intentions and enablethe reach of Cadbury to a wider audience.

    What was achieved- A widening of audience, which meant a wider market for the product.

    Kuch Meetha Ho Jaaye

    Figure: 14.2 Cadbury Dairy Milk- Kuch Meetha Ho Jaaye Campaign

    Source: Cadbury India Website


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    Communication Objective- The ad was meant to portray Cadbury as something which can

    be had on all celebratory occasions. It projected chocolates as a substitute to mithai

    (sweets) and cheered people to have chocolate on every joyous occasion.

    What was communicated- The basic depiction was that the ad showed that chocolate can

    be showed as being enjoyed during Diwali and any other celebratory occasions.

    Why they communicated- The idea was mainly to develop preferences among people for

    chocolates to sweets and stimulate the demand for chocolates in festive and joyous


    What was achieved- Depiction of chocolate as a substitute to sweets and the fact that it

    can be enjoyed in joyous occasions too.

    Pappu Pass Ho Gaya

    Figure: 14.3 Cadbury Dairy Milk- Pappu Pass Ho Gaya Campaign

    Source: Cadbury India Website


    Communication Objective- The ad targeted youngsters and has become part of street

    language. It has been adopted by consumers to express joy in a moment of

    achievement/success. The ad showed association with little joys of life. The campaign

    urged people to celebrate every little moment of happiness in their life with a chocolate.

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    What was communicated- The ad showed the coming out of results and the passing of a

    person called Pappu, who had failed repeatedly. All youngsters were seen having

    chocolate to enjoy their moment of success. Thus, it predominantly targeted youngsters.

    Why they communicated- The ad was meant to reach out to youngsters and encourage

    them to buy chocolates.

    What was achieved- Enabling Cadbury to be portrayed as a product which can be had by

    youngsters to celebrate their successes.

    Miss Palampur

    Figure: 14.4 Cadbury Dairy Milk- Miss Palampur Campaign

    Source: Cadbury India Website


    Communication Objective- The ad targeted the rural parts of India. It focused on Adults

    and values, like Sacred Cow campaigns aimed at rural India did fare well. Campaigns

    aimed at rural India did fare well. The share of Cadbury increased by more than 20% in

    rural India. The share of Cadbury increased by more than 20% in rural India. The brand

    further strengthened its positions with the core audience. The brand further strengthened

    its positions with the core audience.

    What was communicated - It shows a villager enjoying the success of his cow becoming

    Miss Palampur. The entire village joins in the celebration, with all having chocolates.

    Why they communicated- The ad was meant to increase the reach of the product to ruralareas and develop preferences for chocolates in the rural areas.

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    What was achieved- Enabled Cadbury to be shown as a product which can be enjoyed in

    rural areas too.

    Shubh Aarambh

    Figure: 14.5 Cadbury Dairy Milk- Shubh Aarambh Campaign

    Source: Cadbury India Website


    Communication Objective- The ad was specifically aimed at indicating a shift from thenotion of celebrating happy occasions with chocolate to the happy occasions with

    chocolate to the concept of anticipating concept of something good after consuming the

    chocolate, a substitute for mithai. The campaign is aimed at consumers across sectors,

    and is supposed to have a balanced appeal across all tiers.

    What was communicated- The ad depicted the starting if friendship over having Cadbury

    and how a bonding developed over it.

    Why they communicated- The ad was meant for the core group, i.e. consumers in the age

    group of 15-35 years. The ad was established to remind consumers about the utility of


    What was achieved- Enabled Cadbury to re-establish itself in the eyes of the core target

    customers.Cadbury has followed a well-planned strategy of fuelling volume growth by

    introducing smaller unit packs at lower price points. Simultaneously, the company seems

    to have astutely juggled with the larger pack sizes and raised prices to a degree higherthan what appears at face.

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    PEST analysis of the Chocolate Segment in India

    Growth and progress of a company depends upon multifarious factors which are known to

    have direct and apparent effects on the overall target and functioning of that company. For

    a gargantuan corporation like the Cadburys, it is very important to keep an eye out for thebutterfly effects of the political, social, economical, technological and environmental

    factors. Any changes in the laws or regulations, especially concerning international trade

    and food labeling could greatly affect the chocolate industry. Awareness of the Food

    Safety Act will help the chocolate industry for sustaining in the ever growing market. The

    chocolate manufacturers need to make sure that none of the companies are breaking laws

    regarding production. For example, employing children or paying under minimum wage.

    Otherwise, scandals and lawsuits would greatly hurt their reputation. Inspite of theeconomy being relatively down at the moment, it is observed that the chocolate industry

    has not been affected much. As a result it would support the launch of a new chocolate

    product or a new store. High consumer spending and low interest rates also encourage a

    new product.

    Confectionary market is growing at a very high rate and there are still many uncovered

    segments that require appropriate strategic approaches. Many people are trying to eat

    healthy and cut down on confectionary goods and soft drinks due to the current skinny is

    beautiful trend. Public opinion of chocolates is very high, so no major concerns are there

    to stop consumers from buying their products. Production is high due to advanced

    technologies and well equipped factories which enables high quality mass production.

    Medias such as the internet, television and the radio enable large amount of cheap

    advertisement. Internet is a good place to sell goods, even confectionary ones. Provides a

    new consumer group with access to Cadbury and allows even larger sales due to a larger

    overall consumer group. (Business studies)

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    The growth rate of sales & PAT was decreasing in the 2012-13 period. This was mainlydue to competition that it faced because of foreign brands entering into India. But in recent

    past Cadbury has been successful in increasing its growth rate. This is mainly due to

    increase in market size.

    India chocolate industry will be growing at the CAGR 23% by volume between the years

    2013-2018 and reach at 3,41,609 Tons..

    We expect Cadbury India will be growing at the same rate. The Sales projections aregiven in the below graphs:-

    Figure: 16.1 Cadbury India Sales & net profit projections

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    # " # $ %

    Marketing Plan for Age group 19 to 35

    The total population in this age group is 0.343 billion.

    This segment can be targeted in many ways. Research shows that the best way to catch

    this population on internet (on Facebook). India has 78 million active users who access

    Facebook (DNA News).Most of the people wishes birthday to their friends & family

    member on Facebook every day.

    We propose, Cadbury to tie up with Facebook & launch the online chocolate gifting

    programme on facebook.In the application one week before birthday Facebook will give

    the reminder. By using this application you can delight your dear one by choosing the

    perfect Chocolate & delivering it on Birthday with your birthday message for him or her.

    Customers can choose the best Chocolate gift they want to send it across India. Cadbury

    will take great care in delivering those Chocolate gifts across India (Through distribution

    network). Through these gifts, we deliver the emotions and heartfelt love that you send.

    Select the Chocolate, Gift wrapping & Birthday message for your friend & place the order

    online. The order will be received in district distributor system; same will be packed &

    dispatched by Courier at the delivery address.

    The below graph shows the scenario if we are able to get 1 % market share in total

    population at the rate of Rs. 55 per unit of this age group then company can increase its

    sales by 189 million INR & if we consider the best case of getting 6% market share then

    company can increase the market share by 1,132 million INR.

    Figure 16.2 CDM Marketing plan for 19 to 35 Age group

    In future this can be extended to gifting chocolates on Valentine's Day, InternationalWomen's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day & Friendship Day.

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    =B # " # $ %


    The Indian Chocolate Industry is a unique mix with extreme consumption patterns,attitudes, beliefs, income level and spending. Understanding the consumer demands and

    maintaining the quality wil l be essential. Pricing is the key for Cadburys to make theirproduct reach to every consumer houses. Right pricing will make or break the productSuccess. Theres also an immense scope for growth of chocolate industry in India,geographically as well as in the product offering. So we think that bringing onlinesales(through facebook) & increasing the institutional sales(in unique way) would bringprosperity and increase the sales of Cadburys as a whole again resulting in the goodwillof the company.


    Maintain dominance in chocolate segment. Medias such as the internet (Facebook, Google+ etc.) and the radio enable large

    amount of cheap advertisement. Internet is a good place to sell goods, even

    confectionary ones. Provides a new consumer group with access to Cadbury and

    allows even larger sales due to a larger overall consumer group. (Business studies)

    Many new players are trying to enter Indian market so it should formulate new

    strategies so as not to lose market share.

    New channels such as gifting, child connectivity and value for money offering to be

    the key growth drives.

    Grow volume sales at least 20% p.a. over the next years.

    One new major product from International portfolio should be launch in India every


    FDI will bring in many new products and competitors so Cadbury will have to

    maintain their strong market distribution channel so as not to lose market share.

    They need to maintain high standards and should be careful that there product

    remains sterile. And is not effected by insects.

    They should bring many more flavours of Dairy Milk.

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    References: -

    Books Referred: -

    1. Cadburys Purple Reign -The Story Behind Chocolates Best -Loved Brand

    By: John Bradley

    2. Chocolate Science & Technology by: Emmanuel Afoakawa
