cabbage juice

CABBAGE JUICE by Craig Wm. Peters 12/22/2009 The lowly and terrible tasting cabbage juice! It may not seem like a very significant thing for the very first article posted to our Scribd “Health Through Nutrition” group, but just wait till you read this! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walking Death It must have been some time around the year 1999. The man looked like walking death. My brother-in-law informs me his face possessed a terrible pallor. He was on numerous medications and was seeking for still more! And worst of all, he was in need of a colostomy—surgery to remove part of his ulcerated colon. Buy a Juice Extractor! He was at the surgical clinic to see Dr. Placido Roquiz, Jr., M.D., my cousin by marriage. But instead of catering to the man’s whims, Junior gave him some of the best advice of his life: Knowing the man needed to regain health, Doctor Roquiz directed him to drop the meds and buy a juice extractor. Well, funny things happen when you wear a white coat and a stethoscope: People actually listen to you! So the man went out and did just that: He bought a juicer. The Difference Between Night and Day! About six weeks later, this man returned to the office. But not only had he listened well to the doctor’s instructions, he had actually gotten motivated to learn some things on his own! Self-motivated research is a major key to having a proper grasp on the immense topic of health and nutrition! And besides, no one is more attuned to your body than you are! 1 Of all things, the man had learned how cabbage juice fosters proper health all the way along the alimentary canal (the fancy medical phrase for the human digestive system). This guy had mega 1 How many times have we heard of patients insisting something is wrong and the best the medical professionals can do is erroneously assert, “You’re fine … everything is normal!”? cabbage juice daily! Something like 1 - 3 heads every day. The results? • When he first came in the door, my brother-in- law simply did not recognize him: His face was full of color and personality! • All of his varicose veins were gone. (Surprise! We did not mention that condition in the intro!) • And best of all, he no longer needed a colostomy: His ulcerated colon had healed itself! The Profound Impact of Fresh, Raw Juice People don’t realize it, but purchasing store- bought, pasteurized juice is a virtual rip-off: Most or all of the health-giving enzymes have long-since been destroyed in the heating, packaging, and storing process. On the flip side, homemade juice – immediately ingested – is still largely intact: It contains life- giving nutrients which have not been altered through exposure to light, heat, and oxidation over time. Yet another amazing “for instance” can be provided on this point: Dr. Joel Robbins 2 tells the story of a man who weighed over 400 pounds. The medical doctors had sent him home to die: The mainstream medical establishment could offer no hope for this man who had failing liver and kidneys. So his friend brought him to the Health and Wellness Clinic and Dr. Joel Robbins put the man on straight carrot juice. Within one month, he had lost 100 pounds, his liver and kidneys had stabilized, and he eventually regained total health. In the process, though, the patient calculated he was loosing weight on a remarkable 5,000 calories per day! This was from nothing except carrot juice! He wondered how this could be, since he had previously been gaining weight on the standard and poor “1200-calories-per-day” advocated by a number of dieting sectors. Dr. Robbins concluded the difference between the two diets was to be found in the type of calories 2 See and and and and and

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Learn how one man was so remarkably helped by making fresh, raw cabbage juice!


Page 1: Cabbage Juice

CABBAGE JUICE by Craig Wm. Peters

12/22/2009 The lowly and terrible tasting cabbage juice! It may not seem like a very significant thing for the very first article posted to our Scribd “Health Through Nutrition” group, but just wait till you read this!


Walking Death It must have been some time around the year 1999. The man looked like walking death. My brother-in-law informs me his face possessed a terrible pallor. He was on numerous medications and was seeking for still more! And worst of all, he was in need of a colostomy—surgery to remove part of his ulcerated colon.

Buy a Juice Extractor! He was at the surgical clinic to see Dr. Placido Roquiz, Jr., M.D., my cousin by marriage. But instead of catering to the man’s whims, Junior gave him some of the best advice of his life: Knowing the man needed to regain health, Doctor Roquiz directed him to drop the meds and buy a juice extractor. Well, funny things happen when you wear a white coat and a stethoscope: People actually listen to you! So the man went out and did just that: He bought a juicer.

The Difference Between Night and Day! About six weeks later, this man returned to the office. But not only had he listened well to the doctor’s instructions, he had actually gotten motivated to learn some things on his own!

Self-motivated research is a major key to having a proper grasp on the immense

topic of health and nutrition! And besides, no one is more attuned to your

body than you are!1

Of all things, the man had learned how cabbage juice fosters proper health all the way along the alimentary canal (the fancy medical phrase for the human digestive system). This guy had mega

1 How many times have we heard of patients insisting something is wrong and the best the medical professionals can do is erroneously assert, “You’re fine … everything is normal!”?

cabbage juice daily! Something like 1 - 3 heads every day. The results?

• When he first came in the door, my brother-in-law simply did not recognize him: His face was full of color and personality!

• All of his varicose veins were gone. (Surprise! We did not mention that condition in the intro!)

• And best of all, he no longer needed a colostomy: His ulcerated colon had healed itself!

The Profound Impact of Fresh, Raw Juice People don’t realize it, but purchasing store-bought, pasteurized juice is a virtual rip-off:

Most or all of the health-giving enzymes have long-since been destroyed in the heating,

packaging, and storing process.

On the flip side, homemade juice – immediately ingested – is still largely intact: It contains life-giving nutrients which have not been altered through exposure to light, heat, and oxidation over time. Yet another amazing “for instance” can be provided on this point:

Dr. Joel Robbins2 tells the story of a man who weighed over 400 pounds. The medical doctors had sent him home to die: The mainstream medical establishment could offer no hope for this man who had failing liver and kidneys. So his friend brought him to the Health and Wellness Clinic and Dr. Joel Robbins put the man on straight carrot juice. Within one month, he had lost 100 pounds, his liver and kidneys had stabilized, and he eventually regained total health. In the process, though, the patient calculated he was loosing weight on a remarkable 5,000 calories per day! This was from nothing except carrot juice! He wondered how this could be, since he had previously been gaining weight on the standard and poor “1200-calories-per-day” advocated by a number of dieting sectors. Dr. Robbins concluded the difference between the two diets was to be found in the type of calories

2 See and and and and and

Page 2: Cabbage Juice

being consumed: The acid-forming calories (from the 1200-calories-per-day of cooked food) caused an abnormal weight gain, while the alkaline calories supplied by the fresh, raw carrot juice caused a normalization of bodily weight and brought health and restoration to vital organs!

Raw Juice Can Be Delicious! Raw vegetable juice need not be repulsive: Straight cabbage juice is certainly the exception! Let me share a few, very palatable juicing recipes starting with m favorite.

1. My Favorite! • 5-7 Organic Carrots • 2-3 Stalks of Celery • 1 Beet (much less if you are just starting to juice; beets are a strong liver detoxifier, so beginners may want to use one-fourth or one-half of a beet) • 1-2 Real Tomatoes (or a bunch of cherry tomatoes) • 1 Apple • Small Dash of Cayenne Pepper (optional)

Many experts say apple is the only fruit you should mix with vegetable juice; most raw fruit and raw vegetable enzymes “fight” in the stomach.

2. If Time is a Factor! • 5-7 Organic Carrots • 1-2 Organic Apples

3. If Time is a Factor! • 5-10 Organic Carrots

When carrots are organic, just straight carrot juice can be very tasty. Carrot is a blood detoxifier, and they almost always provide the “base” for our juices.

Note: The options for juicing are fun and numerous. When time is not a factor, I use other greens (such as parsley and/or lettuce and/or endive and/or bitter melon leaves, but the latter two are very bitter). Apple almost always makes every juice combination completely palatable. Also, our vegetables are almost always 100% organic, even though that is not specified in the recipes. Carrots, especially, should be organic without exception since they pull toxins from the soil. A major reason juicing contributes to healing is that it saves the body immense energy expenditures in not having to digest and metabolize the food to obtain the vital nutrients!

On Your Own Readers should further investigate this profound information and consider if juicing is a route for you on the road to regaining/maintaining good, vibrant health.

WARNING: When first beginning to juice, some people get diarrhea because the body is undergoing a mild detox. Unfortunately, this makes them stop juicing altogether. Reduce your intake, but don’t quit! Also, beets will likely make fecal matter (and sometimes even the urine) dark red in color! But if you think it is blood in your stool, go to the doctor and give him a big wad of your hard-earned money.

She Needed to Loose a Mere Ten Pounds Before Marriage!

While most people cringe when hearing about the possibility of diarrhea there is one lady who was elated! And this provides our closing story. As we sat conversing on the patio, Elena disclosed she wanted to lose ten pounds before getting married! Because the big day was still four months in the future, I simply could not help but chuckle over the great ease with which she would be able to solve her “dilemma.” And to make sure my laughter was not misunderstood, I quickly proceeded to tell her the above story about the man who lost 100 pounds in one month on straight carrot juice. Of course, this was incredibly good news for her! Then my wife and I relayed still more juicing stories to encourage her to give it a try. At one point, I warned Elena about the possibility of diarrhea and she responded with, “Good!” In response to my marked bewilderment, Elena immediately indicated she was on medication to enable regular bowel movements. We saw her exactly one week later: She had begun her juicing programme3 the very next day (on a Sunday) and by Thursday of that week, Elena no longer needed medication to relive her bowels!


Our next installment will still be about cabbage! Only this time, we will relay the real-life saga of Paul Bragg’s journeys in the Balkan Peninsula and his ventures in making sauerkraut!

3 This word is so rendered to make our British, Indian, and Canadian readers feel at home! Welcome! And if this is still not enough hospitality, let me know, and the next time, we will even change the colour!