c5e71public speaking amity mba iii

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  • 8/8/2019 c5e71Public Speaking Amity Mba III


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    MBA (G, IB, AB) Semester - III

    Business Communication

    Prof (Dr) Shefali Bakshi

    Dy. Director (ASL, MOC)

    Amity School of Languages

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    Developing effective conversational skills

    is a lovely investment in your future. By

    improving your conversational skills youtalk with confidence. You have the ability

    to talk to almost any person attracting

    friends and business clients twice the rate

    as you would without such skills.


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    Name of InstitutionASL

    However, don't fall into the major

    misconception of thinking good

    conversational skills is goodcommunication skills. To often people

    think someone with good communication

    is a witty conversation starter who is easy

    to talk to. Having good conversation skillsis a subset of effective communication

    which also contains areas such as conflict,

    listening, assertion, etc. 3

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    See the difference?

    Around stranger Around friendsYou worry about awkward silence You don't worry about awkward silences

    You worry about saying the right You don't worry about saying

    and wrong things the wrong things

    You stress out, feel anxious, and You enjoy yourself and feel totally

    feel uncomfortable comfortable


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    Why the need to talk???

    To Win Friends Anywhere with the Real You

    To express ones self to others To survive in the society

    To conduct Business and other Activities

    To be a social entity in this world

    The "real you" is the person you want people

    to know you for. It's who you REALLY are as

    a person


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    When you talk with strangers, you put on a social mask

    that covers the real you.

    The real you shows in conversations with friends.

    Imagine that relaxing feeling you get talking with friends.You're happy, you're confident, and you know the right

    things to say. You enjoy connecting with them! Big talk

    gives you that feeling with strangers.

    Big talk is when two people openly and authentically

    connect to each other through the heart as one being.Sometimes it almost feels SPIRITUAL. Greek

    philosopher Aristotle said, "Friendship is a single soul

    dwelling in two bodies."


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    There are three aims and purposes of

    conversation. The first is the plain enjoyment

    and pleasure of self-expression and interaction

    with other people. One of the most enjoyable

    things we ever do is to spend time with people

    we like and whose company we find stimulating.

    This potential pleasure is the driving force

    behind all of our social activities. We like to get

    together with people with whom we have a lot in

    common and just share ideas, letting the

    conversation go where it will.7

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    The second aim or purpose of

    conversation is to get to know the other

    person better. In sales, and in all kinds of

    business, you require prolonged exposure

    to another person in order to get a feel for

    how he or she thinks, feels and reacts.

    This can't be accomplished in a shortmeeting.


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    The third aim of conversation is to build trust andcredibility between the two people. This is

    perhaps the most important thing we do as we

    proceed through life and it is only possible with

    the kind of continuous conversation that revealsus to each other. In our personal relationships,

    there is no substitute for extended periods of

    conversation in the development of friendships

    and more intimate relationships. People who getalong very well together have almost invariably

    spent a lot of time just talking about various

    subjects as they come up.9

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    Name of InstitutionASL

    Many people think that the art of good conversation is to

    speak in an interesting and arresting fashion, to be noted

    for your humor, ability to tell stories and your general

    knowledge of a variety of subjects. Many people feel

    that, if they want to be better at conversation, they must

    become more articulate, outgoing and expressive. They

    must become better talkers.

    Nothing could be further from the truth. As you've heard

    many times before, we come into this world with twoears and one mouth and we should use them in that

    same proportion. In conversation, this simply means that

    you should listen twice as much as you talk if you want

    to get a reputation for being an enjoyable person with

    whom to converse.10

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    Ask open-ended questions that cannot be

    answered with a simple "yes" or "no."

    Open-ended questions encourage the

    speaker to expand on his thoughts and

    comments. And one question will lead to

    another. You can ask open-ended

    questions almost endlessly, drawing out ofthe other person everything that he or she

    has to say on a particular subject.


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    In order to be an excellent

    conversationalist, you must resist the urge

    to dominate the discussion. The very best

    conversationalists seem to be low-key,

    easy-going, cheerful, and genuinely

    interested in the other person. They seem

    to be quite content to listen when otherpeople are talking and they make their

    own contributions to the dialogue rather

    short and to the point. 12

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    In fact, good conversation has an easy

    ebb and flow, like the tide coming in and

    going out. Whether it is between two

    people or among several, the conversation

    should shift back and forth, with each

    person getting an opportunity to talk.

    Conversation in this sense is like a ballthat is tossed from person to person, with

    no one holding on to it for very long.


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    If you feel that you have been talking for too

    long, you should stop and ask a question of

    someone in the group. You will be tossing the

    conversational ball and giving that individual anopportunity to converse.

    Listening is the most important of all skills for

    successful conversation. Many people are very

    poor listeners. Since everyone enjoys talking, it

    takes a real effort to practice the fundamentals

    of excellent listening and to make them a habit.


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    Name of InstitutionASL

    In addition to listening without interrupting, you should

    also nod, smile and agree with what the person is

    saying. Be active rather than passive. Indicate that you

    are totally engaged in the conversation. Make eye

    contact as the other person talks. Relax your body and, if

    you are standing, allow your weight to roll forward onto

    the balls of your feet. Only you will know that you have

    done this, but the overall impression you will give is that

    your whole energy is now forward and focused on whatthe speaker is saying. The second key to effective

    listening is to pause before replying. A short pause, of

    three to five seconds, is a very classy thing to do in a

    conversation. When you pause, you accomplish three

    goals simultaneously. 15

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    First, you avoid running the risk of interrupting if

    the other person is just catching his or her

    breath before continuing. Second, you show the

    other person that you are giving carefulconsideration to his or her words by not jumping

    in with your own comments at the earliest

    opportunity. The third benefit of pausing is that

    you will actually hear the other person better. Hisor her words will soak into a deeper level of your

    mind and you will understand what he or she is

    saying with greater clarity. By pausing, you mark

    yourself as a brilliant conversationalist. 16

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    By paraphrasing the speaker's words, you

    demonstrate in no uncertain terms that

    you are genuinely paying attention and

    making every effort to understand his or

    her thoughts or feelings. And the

    wonderful thing is, when you practice

    effective listening, other people will beginto find you fascinating. They will want to

    be around you. They will feel relaxed and

    happy in your presence.17

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    Name of InstitutionASL

    Becoming a good conversationalist is based onlearning and practicing the Golden Rule. This

    simply says that you treat other people the way

    you would like them to treat you. Just as you

    would like other people to ask you questions

    about yourself and to listen attentively to you

    when you talk, others would like the same

    courtesy extended to them. Remember, the

    purpose of conversation is not to dominate,

    control, or be right. The purpose of conversation

    is to enjoy yourself and to make sure that others

    enjoy themselves when they are with you.18

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    Why are you there? (Purpose)

    Part of your assignment

    Chance to tell others about what youlearned

    You have something to share

    You know things about your topic that others do


    Chance to show others your presentation

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    Know your audience?

    Age How old is the majority of your


    Are there more boys/girls in the audience?

    What will your audience be interested in?

    How many people will be in your audience? Will your audience be knowledgeable about

    your topic?

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    Do your homework Know your topic

    Develop your presentation material

    Accuracy (content and spelling)

    Practice, Practice, Practice

    Mom, Dad, brother, sister, mirror, family pet, stuffed

    animals, record your speech

    Practice where you will do your actual presentation

    Accept criticism no one is perfect/ there is always

    room for improvement

    Time yourself

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    Introduction of Speech

    Get the audiences attention

    Introduce yourself State the purpose

    Relate the importance to the audience

    Preview the main points that will be covered

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    Body of the Speech

    Discuss main points

    Provide supporting details

    Educate/ entertain the audience

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    Highlight the central theme of your speech

    Briefly cover the main points Provide the audience with a feeling of

    satisfaction that you accomplished what you


    Closing statement

    Thank the audience for their attention

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    Delivery of your Speech

    Appearance Speech and Voice

    Body Language

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    First Impressions made in the first 7


    Hair style, accessories, shoes, breath

    Who is your audience dress appropriately

    How you dress will reinforce your authority



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    Speech and Voice

    Use variation in


    Helps provide emphasis and attention

    Pitch Low and high pitch

    Creates interest

    Quality Provides emotion and feeling

    Rate Holds the attention of the audience

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    y Body Language

    y Posture Shows confidence

    Not too rigid locked knees = chance to meet the floor / Relax

    y Facial Expressions

    Smile/ enjoy yourself and your audience will also enjoy themselves Be serious when necessary

    y Eye Contact Helps establish a relationship with your audience

    Makes them feel included

    Too nervous look directly above their heads

    Look for signals from your audience do they look confused? bored?Excited?

    Keep head up Dont talk to the floor

    y Gestures Use your head, hands and arms helps to emphasize ideas and feelings

    Should come naturally

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    What is Persuasion?

    The art of persuasion is theart of finding the bestavailable means of movinga specific audience in aspecific situation to aspecific decision

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