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Lenten Reflections 2016

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Lenten Reflections 2016

By Fr Brian Carmine 2016 Whanganui

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Patea Waverley 10th February Ash Wednesday 2016

Joel 2:12-18

Spiritual Works of Mercy: Counsel the Doubtful

“Return to me Return to me, with your whole heart.”

People who race pigeons go to some remote spot to release their birds and in a few hours, sometimes days the pigeon returns home, giving delight to the owner and trainer. If they are lost there is sadness. Today is the very first day of Lent; Ash Wednesday, and within the first sentence of scripture for today are the words “Return to me, with your whole heart.” The more involved, the more heart you can give to your faith the better off you and your family will be. The full text then resounds in joyfulness for those who return with an open sincere heart towards God’s presence. With a whole heart towards the Lord your attitudes, your opinions, and your actions will change, why, because you become more responsive to the beloved God.

So the scene is set, return to me, with your whole heart, it’s for all of us to bring others into a closer relationship with our loving God The Spiritual Works of Mercy advise us to counsel the doubtful which means to unblock our own blood vessels first so we can assist in unblocking other people’s blood vessels. Step one for us is to pray more deeply. Prayer allows God’s presence to flow through the obstacles in our lives so we can assist God to flow through other people’s blood vessels. If a person gets delight when his homing pigeon arrives home, how much more delight we can experience when we deliver a lost member of our community and back to God? How much delight doe God get? Prayer and action are all that is required.

Today is a day of fasting, meaning limited food and no meat please:

Thursday 11th

Deuteronomy 30:15-20

Spiritual Acts of Mercy: “Instruct the ignorant.”

10 commandments, the 10 principles of living

For two years now I have cycled some legs of Lake Taupo, and while on the bus to the start line, we were instructed twice about road rules and cycling etiquette and told what would happen if we failed to be aware of on-coming traffic, disaster. In our

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first reading today from Deuteronomy, there were two choices, happiness which is found on sale or joyfulness that is found in an authentic desire to be in union with God. The commandments are about living in the love of God, rather than the ‘thou shall not’ negative approach, we are asked to live the commandments positively because we are incredibly in love with God, for when we are open to God, we change spiritually and physically; our actions and words being more gentle, loving and compassionate. We practice the Corporal Acts of Mercy, not for our own gratification but because we see a need, and respond to that need because we are God’s vessel of love.

On the bus we were twice warned about the consequences of not following their decrees. Likewise God’s commandments are guidelines, which we follow out of our love for God. Our efforts of today have an effect on our tomorrow, the good and unfortunately the bad. Continue then to seek guidance from God, reflect and pray, journal something to do for your spiritual life that will bring you closer to God thereby bringing others closer to God by your prayers.

Friday 12th

Isaiah 58:1-9C

Spiritual Acts of mercy: “Comfort the afflicted”

Frequently I attend our primary schools when children are performing the Kapa Haka. The young lad lifts up his voice to Kaia like a trumpet blast and later the Kaia Whanau, a young girl also lifts up her voice in chant and then others within the Kapa Haka join.

Our reading from Isaiah asks us to cry out –a full throated and unsparing and lift up your voice, something we need to do with our voice when we see or hear about injustice. In this Year of Mercy when we are called to do Spiritual acts of Mercy, one of those works of Mercy is to comfort the afflicted, and experience the joy of giving.

A few years ago a Presentation Sister in Marfell had a person come to her with three pots with holes in the bottom, and the bloke wanted to know why. So Sister instructed the man on how to cook. It’s that simple. What can you do to instruct someone ignorant about food, diet, and cooking? When you see that need call out like the Kaia, form a group, get the backing of others, involve yourself in the group and be the voice that that yells full throat against injustice and congratulates those who are already doing this work. Maybe you also need to cry out more for more helpers.

In This year of Mercy please offer Mercy to someone.

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Saturday 13th

Isaiah 58:9B-14

Corporal Acts of Mercy: Feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty:

In a small rural town under a lone mountain, 80 to 100 people gather once a month for free afternoon tea and entertainment. In Whanganui four churches provide a daily meal for $2.00. Two of the Corporal Acts of Mercy asks us to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty. The communities I mentioned and countless others throughout the country and the world are doing the same thing, fulfilling the scripture by assisting the needy. Food is important, so any charity involving food, regardless of how small, is equally important. In other words whatever you give to the hungry and thirsty is vital. In the time of the prophet Isaiah and in the time of Jesus food and hospitality were vital. The communal gathering albeit at the well or at the village hall indicates this. Outreach to the hungry in our towns and cities are noble and another obvious sign of our attentiveness to the needs of others. Both the communities I mentioned above, gave more than food, they gave their presence.

Here comes the sting! What about the hungry within your church or your faith community? Are there people in your community that are seeking a hello, a chat, or an opportunity to share their story? Have we acknowledged the introvert or the foreign face looking for real communion in our parish and community? Corporal Acts of Mercy looks at the big picture that is not always obvious. Please pray that by seeing the bigger picture we can respond to the needs of God’s people who are both hungry for food and thirsty for belonging. Think, pray and journal your thoughts by asking God to give you the assistance to embrace the hungry and thirsty by your presence.

Check reconciliation times in News letter

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Sunday 14 Gospel LK 4:1-13

Monday 15th

Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18

10 commandments: The 10 principles for Living the Year of Mercy:

The road rules are provided and enforced to protect the innocent, and help to create order. The Ten Commandments or the ten ways for authentic living handed down to us like an heirloom. I like to call the Ten Commandments, the ten ways for a better life, better relationships, better moral conduct, enhancing dignity and respect towards God and to others for my own personal life. The first words in the first reading are “The Lord said to Moses “speak to the whole assembly of my children of Israel (or Christianity), and tell them to be Holy as the Lord your God is Holy.” What makes the Lord God Holy is God’s unconditional love for all people. The ten ways of better living are phrases of encouragement for us to be more like God. To be Holy and loving is our mana, our self-worth, our family heritage, our church; these are what are most important to God. We should look at the Ten Commandments, not so we shall not sin, but we should act positively because in honouring and obeying God shows how we are Holy and love God. In this year of mercy, let’s reflect on how we can show mercy to others, and have mercy on ourselves for the errors we have made in the past, forgiven by God but not yet forgiven by ourselves or family and friends.

Tuesday 16th

Isaiah 55 Spiritual Act of Mercy: Pray for the living and the dead:

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As a keen gardener, I know the advantages of rain, and the measures even the domestic gardener goes to save rain water, or even have watering systems in their garden. Melting snow also has a purpose, benefiting the river and streams, the habitat of flora and fauna. The prophet Isaiah is speaking in parables, just as parents use parables to teach their children and Jesus used to teach his disciples and us. In Isaiah, God is describing his Word, the Word that comes from Gods mouth, it will not be wasted, and it will achieve Gods desire. We are helping God in many ways, when we listen to His Word, that Word penetrates our lifestyle reflecting in actions that help the wider community. God Knows that we are all trying, to soak up the rain (Gods Word), but the wind blows and sun shines, drying up the plants, depending on more rain or water. The spiritual work of mercy most appropriate today is prayer. Praying for the living reaches deep into the Word of God, allowing Gods Word to be a stronger and influence in our lives and the lives of others. A happy living life is a life of giving.

Wednesday 17th

Psalm Response 51: 3-4, 12-13, 18-19

“A contrite and humble heart, O God, you will not spurn”

Many of today’s sporting people are all about themselves, their brand, and their advertisers. Most press conferences of a sporting star have advertising hoards behind them, or worse they wear a cap bearing the sponsors name and logo.

” A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn” During the last week of 2015 I spoke to Kate from Australia, and she is training for early childhood and primary school teaching. She was promoted to offer more, and being nosey, I dwelt a little deeper. I discovered she was the co-coordinator of three mobile food vans running twice or three times a week in Melbourne, an outreach run by the Edmond Rich foundation, better known as the Christian Brothers. The gift of the Gospel will endure if we are sincere about what we believe. In conversing with Kate, I never heard her use the personal pronoun “I”. We need to learn from her, to take the “I” out of our statements. Let others have their opinion while speaking with Kate’s humility. God Bless Fr Brian.

Thursday 18th

Psalm Response 138:1-2AB, 2CDE-3, 7C-8“

“Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me:”

Corporal Acts of Mercy: Comfort the sick.

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Schools normally have their sick room within the admin section. At primary school level, often a child may come in with a graze; it is reported, and the office admin deal with the graze or microscopic cut, a bit of love and a plaster.

God answers our call, not with a material plaster, but frequently by sending others into our mist at the right time, right place and right words. Midyear 2015 I became sick and needed some months to recover. I was treated with various pharmaceutical products, but ultimately, it’s the response by friends, answering God’s prompting that is stronger than medicine, we call for help and God answers send the right people at the right time with the correct skills and guidance to assist us and to comfort us and support us. Be assured God does answer, not in the way we might WANT, or in an instant miracle but God responds when we call out sincerely, or others call out with compassion for us. Frequently it might take a few weeks or months before we see the hand of God’s Providence for our need or for the need of others. God will respond, both in a material and spiritual ways. God arrives, being conscious of our plight, sending other people to share our pain. The secretary or the admin person shares the pain with the child, giving comfort and love; likewise, our friends are often guided towards us when we call out to God, who responds in His various ways. Our task is to free up our soul so we can recognize his response.

Check back page for adoration times and reconciliation times.

Consider participating at the Friday Mass or Saturday Mass:

Friday 19th

Psalm Response 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-7A, 7BC

“If you never overlooked our sins O Lord, could anyone survive?”

Spiritual acts of Mercy: Forgive offences willingly.

We have been told never judge a book by its cover. If we read this response to this Psalm in isolation without reading all the text we get the wrong message. Sometimes a visitor hears one message on a Sunday or weekday, without having the knowledge or informed depth about what was said the day or weeks before. They take the message they hear in the wrong context, lacking the knowledge of what others learned in the preceding weeks. The first lesson of today’s Psalm Response is to read the verses, and then we will see that God does forgive our iniquities and our most serious faults. ‘For it is with the LORD that mercy is to be found, and a generous redemption; it is he who redeems Israel from all their sins.’ Today I would like you to forgive yourself for any hurt you caused others and God, and to pray that you can forgive the “church pain inflicted upon you,” and then try to forgive the church for imposing that pain on you and your family. In this year of mercy we ask your mercy for the times we got this completely wrong. Please try and forgive us. I apologise for

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any hurt that the church caused. The next step is to try and forgives the others who hurt you. The third step is to ask others to forgive you for the hurt you may have caused. Pray about how this, write down your thoughts and trust in our beloved God.

How about praying the Stations of the Cross? See detail on back of this leaflet.

Saturday 20th

Psalm Response 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8

“Bless are they who follow the law of the Lord”.

Corporal Act of Mercy: Comfort the sick.

There is much debate about foreign drivers and the terrible accidents some have suffered. They know the law from their own country, and are probably aware of a change of road laws when they get the keys of the rental. Most drive out of the rental agency on the right side of the road. We know what God desires, we know God’s recommendations, and mostly we try to live them out. A driver, who is tired, or frustrated, or too busy, is experiencing dangerous times. To follow the Lord we need stamina, spiritual electrolytes, we need to chew on good solid food. One way of gaining that stamina is finding inner peace by giving yourself to others. We have a solid example in our church; it’s that of Eucharistic Minister of communion to the sick. This ministry gives spiritual stamina to follow the Lord at other times during the week. We get strength form people with a common mind and thought. We know the law, but do we teach the foreign driver when he gets the keys. Often when they get tired or distracted the consequences of driving are horrific. There is much distraction out there today for all people of all beliefs. All believers, no matter what denomination need to strengthen their relationship with God, so as to avoid getting distracted from the love of God. When the foreign or local driver gets distracted they open themselves to a disaster. We need to remain focused on the love of God, and instruct the ignorant so they know what God desires.

Sunday Luke 9:28 -36: The Reading of the Transfiguration

What do we need to do to be changed so we are more Christ like?

Mondays, can you help with the friendship Meal at St Marys?

Monday 22nd

Psalm Response s 23 1-3 4, 5, 6

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“The Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I wall want”.

Spiritual acts of mercy: Comfort the afflicted.

When tramping the traditional kiwi way, we carry everything into the track, and then carry everything out once we have eaten our food. Our Psalm Response today is so familiar to us all “the Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I shall want.” God is our provider, he is our leader, providing spiritual and eatable food, and He provides shelter for community families. When we stray he calls us from within our own conscience, or provides people to lead us back just like a guide dog leads a blind person to safety. God provides the goodness and kindness that flows out of us by allowing Him to take the lead. One of God’s fulfilments is His giving of himself to us. As a tamper needs nothing else but his/ her well packed backpack, common sense and a map of the environment to survive, we need no material product for happiness, we can find all the happiness joy and love needed with a close relationship with God.

Tuesday 23rd

Psalm Response 50:8-9, 16BC-17, 21-, 23

“To the upright I will show the saving power of God”

Spiritual Act of Mercy: Instruct the ignorant.

When two people have two opposing opinions on whatever subject they discuss; one may take the negative view and sadly thrive on being negative, even if the negative view breaks them. An upright person’s eyes are focused on seeing God’s work in other people lives. The upright have their senses all in place, all balanced. The one who is upright, sees, smells, touches, hears the essence of God, and their honest talk is easily understood. The upright person believes a happy life can be shared with others in honesty and truth. The upright person shares their marriage vows or religious vows when in discussion with strangers, friends, acquaintances or family. Today, please continue to pray, write down how you may assist someone you know to see that his/her first step to inner healing is not to be constantly running away from God, but is in fact stepping forward, naming the pain and seeking God’s joy.

Speak to someone about our faith

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Wednesday 24th

Psalm Response 31:5-6, 14, 15, 16

“Save me O lord in your kindness”

Corporal Act of Mercy: Comfort the Sick

The P class yachts were sailing off Kawaroa Park New Plymouth coastline as I reflected on these words. Twenty yachts with a couple of rescue craft circling them, making sure the young sailors and their crafts were safe. Kindness on the open sea is a wonderful and honourable tradition. There is much kindness in our nation, for as a nation we can be exceedingly generous. Many in our church community provide kindness to the many other people who are the needy recipients of this kindness. Just to name one, there are those who provide Meals on Wheels, there are many others. God is kind and merciful and our kindness comes from him, our DNA is connected to God, so naturally kindness is part of our values. Kindness is also a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Today when we reflect on corporal acts of mercy, we need to be thankful for those who are kind to us, and look for others to whom we can be equally kind. Random acts of kindness are legend; there are thousands of different possibilities on how to be kind to someone each day. Pray that you notice them and provide them. Follow the Lord and do some acts of kindness because your generosity is a gift from God.

Adoration and reconciliation tomorrow: Check back page for more details.

Thursday 25th

Psalm Response 1:1-2, 3, 4, 6

Blessed are they who hope in the Lord

Spiritual Acts of Mercy: Pray for the living and the Dead.

Lotto, TAB, poker machines, are just a few ways we can gamble in New Zealand. When there is a big jackpot then tens of thousands of people line up with hope. Yes some win, most loose and each week or every time the prize gets to a certain figure they are “in like Flynn”. Today we read from the very first Psalm Response, it is short but deep and it clearly tells us to Hope in the Lord, and if you do, you are blessed. This hope is different from the genetic hope of consumerism. Christian Hope has essential other ingredients of faith and love that draws us to God. Hope leads towards a fuller relationship with God, a relationship built on

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faith and love. It is possible to Hope every day that during our day we will see glimpses of God in action within humanity. A deeper hope is that once we learn to see, or feel hope alive in another, we acknowledge that sense with a prayer of thanksgiving to God. Blessed are they who hope in the Lord, is a person’s action towards eternity. Christian Hope is experienced not just by living for tomorrow but by being in tune with the desire for God today. Today let us pray that the living, grasp the true value of hope.

Friday 26th

Psalm Response 105 16-17, 18-19, 20

“Remember the marvels the Lord has done.”

Spiritual Acts of Mercy: Instructs the Ignorant, counsel the doubtful.

One television programme which has enjoyed some popularity is mega structures. . Yes some are extravagant, but we marvel at the foresight of the designer, and the ability of the engineers to complete the task. Today in our Psalm Response we are asked to think about and pray about the marvels of the Lord and all that the Lord has done.( Lord is used instead of God as in Hebrew, God’s name could not be uttered, it was too Holy.) The marvels of God don’t have to be complex; most of the marvels affect us in daily life. Think of the marvel of your body, your heart beats 35 million times a year if you laid out flat all your arteries, veins and capillaries the total length would be 100.000 kilometres or 60.000 miles, remember the marvels the Lord has done. My favourite prayer is to try and name each part of the body, and how I have used it and how I use it now. An easy example: I thank God for my fingers that allow me to type, or to touch, and then all that I can touch, what emotion do I have when I hold a baby, what is my hand with a glove on?. Keeping God small only makes other people’s perception of God small, so today please reflect on the marvels of our creator God, giving Him thanks by instructing the ignorant, and counselling the doubtful about our Loving God. Please journal your thoughts and pray for others.

Reconciliation today and tomorrow: Check back page for details

Saturday 27th

Psalm Response “The Lord is kind and merciful.”

Spiritual Acts of Mercy: Forgive offences willingly

In one of the Home Alone movies, the older brother frightens his younger brother by suggesting that their elderly neighbour is a horrible, mean, nasty and scary man. The movie slowly changes this person’s character until the man becomes caring and protective, no longer the frightening elder neighbour. Sadly, even today, many people grow up thinking God is a vengeful uncaring God. This opinion is completely wrong; nothing could be further from the truth. God is Love, He is kind and merciful. God sent his kind and merciful Son to us with mercy and steadfast love. Be merciful,

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just as your Father is Merciful (Luke 6:36). In this year of Mercy, we are to continue to celebrate the extraordinary Jubilee year of mercy. Like the young boy in Home Alone, who had to forgive his older brother for untruths that effected his perception of an innocent neighbour?

Please be merciful to someone this week. Begin today; help someone to load their car with groceries.

Sunday 28th Sunday reading is Year A: Scrutinises the Gospel of John 4:5-42

A Corporal Act of mercy: Give drink to the thirsty

Jesus at the well with the Samaritan woman

Monday 29th Day 20 of Lent

Responsorial Psalm 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4

My soul is thirsting for the living God: When shall I go and behold the face of God?

Give water to the thirsty

The average women in Africa or in Asia need to travel up to six kilometres to get water from the well. Their bodies thirst for clean water and they make the perilous trip to collect and to bring home water that is essential for life. Our soul is always looking for a living God dwelling in us and in other people and our soul is always thirsty for more. Our soul is not like an XLO cloth that becomes full and starts to leak; our soul is more than capable of soaking up more and more of the water of the living God. Furthermore the second phrase: “When shall I go and behold the face of God” is a similar plea to what we get from children when they desire a special treat. Who can jump-start our souls movement, our soul is always in gear ready to go, all we have to is apply the pedal, and then the soul can be satisfied, and we become more satisfied and more in tune. We need to be like those women who have to travel a great distance to quench their thirst, they do the hard yards, and likewise our soul needs us to do the hard yards with prayer and good works to be quenched by water flowing from the Spirit of the Lord.

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Check Back page for reconciliation Times, adoration times, station of the cross prayers, Weekday Masses and Sunday Masses

Tuesday March 1st

Responsorial Psalm 25:4-56, 8-9

“Remember your mercies, O Lord”

Quote the extraordinary year of Jubilee and Mercy

Misericordia Vultas Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee of Mercy

1. Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy. These words might well sum up the mystery of the Christian faith. Mercy has become living and visible in Jesus of Nazareth, reaching its culmination in Him, The Father, “rich in mercy” (Ep 2:4), after having revealed his name to Moses “a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” (Ex34:6), has never ceased to show, in various ways throughout history, His divine nature. In the “fullness of time” (Gal 4:4), when everything had been arranged according to His plan of salvation, He sent his only Son into the world, born of the Virgin Mary, to reveal His love for us in a definitive way. Whoever sees Jesus sees the Father (cf. Jn 14:9). Jesus of Nazareth, by His words, His actions, and His entire person [1] reveals the mercy of God.

2. We need constantly to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace. Our salvation depends on it. Mercy: the word reveals the very mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Mercy: the ultimate and supreme act by which God comes to meet us. Mercy: the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of life. Mercy: the bridge that connects God and man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness. “


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Our Diocese has a website which has great information: How about a visit.


JUBILEE OF MERCY - Catholic Diocese of Palmerston North

Wednesday 2nd March

Responsorial Psalm 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20

“Praise the Lord, Jerusalem.”

Corporal Act of mercy: Shelter the homeless

A friend of mine has a son who played soccer for two years before he touched the ball, then the crowd erupted in praise. We all like praise, some more than others. When we receive praise be grateful, remind yourself to give praise to others. Sometimes praise is due to others even when they don’t meet your own personal standards, but they may have reached a personal milestone, so they deserve praise and it needs to be given. We are also asked to praise God; the mere mention of God in a positive light is praise. We can praise God by speaking positively about the year of Mercy and the spiritual acts of Mercy. Praise God for what he gives us, and be proud to publically express this praise for the Risen Lord. Keep your journal up to date by writing positive stuff, and then praise God for His activity in your own life and amidst others and yourselves, Praise Him. The crowd gave the friend’s son an authentic place in the team, by not being critical of him but being joyful whenever the lad’s foot touched the ball. They shared the parent’s joy, like God does when we praise Him; let us do this often in the small things frequently and often. Today, praise more often than criticise.

Thursday 3 March

Responsorial Psalm 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9

“If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.”

Comfort the afflicted

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The citizens of Singapore are the fastest walkers in the world. Those who shop walk faster than those who walk through parks; our walking pace has increased dramatically like our eating speed. So we are walking faster, eating faster, emailing faster; today is all about speed. Could God adapt a faster way to communicate with us? Most conversations are forgotten within thirty seconds. Yet God is constantly calling us. God is doing his bit to communicate with us through the use of modern technology. Too often we don’t recognize his code or his voice, because we are focused on something else, in other words something other than God. For most who reflect on today’s response, their hearts have not yet hardened, but God’s voice does not flow as it should, for we have a kink in our hose, we are only hearing a trickle of what God desires. Some advice, take time to walk in the Park slowly; turn your cell phone, your TV, your internet and land line off for an hour a day, and slow down, walk slowly, breathe more deeply, open your eyes wider, try and listen to God and see Him in others and in creation. Try to settle in a peaceful place; bury your hands in the soil, listen for the birds, watch the butterfly, all these ideas will slow you down and you will ultimately open up your heart to hear the Voice of God. Then write down your experiences, and share them with others. Comfort the afflicted by helping them slow down, to turn off work, and to tune into God.

Reconciliation is always available Friday 11.30 till 12.00 at St Mary’s out of Love come on in.

Friday 4th March

Responsorial Psalm 81:6-8 -9, 10-11 14 17

“I am the Lord your God: hear my voice.”

Corporal act Of Mercy: Convert Sinners

Repetition is good for our memory if we hear something twice, it makes a stronger impact. We all need to slow down to hear God, and to take the wax out of our ears and allow God to speak to us. The wax removal might be in form of a good reconciliation, not a litany of words and prescriptions learnt many years ago, but a thorough examination of conscience before the reconciliation, trying to discover the root of any spiritual problems, and offering the root core of these problems to God. Ignore those who say you don’t have to go to reconciliation for forgiveness; that is like saying to a client going to a psychotherapist or a phycologist or a spiritual director that if they can remain mute through all sessions, all will be resolved. The priest may not give you the best advice, but God certainly will hear your voice and will provide the help you need. God always listens and always replies, but in God’s way. Trust that God hears, and then the next challenge is for us to hear Him carefully and ignore the naysayers.

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Saturday 5th March

Responsorial Psalm 51:3-4, 18-19, 20-21AB

“It is mercy I desire, and not sacrifice.”

The Hub of Mercy

During Lent we are often asked to make a sacrifice; some examples, give up lollies, coffee, Facebook, computers, and all these fun things. They are good, but only good if your left hand is in tune with your right hand. In other words, if you give up a product or something similar and become particularly grumpy making other people’s life a misery, then there is an obvious problem. Worse still if you give something up and make sacrifice and have no mercy for someone in need, there are obviously bigger problems. We need to try to be instruments of God’s mercy towards people first, and be instruments of mercy quietly without drawing attention to our generosity; be more like the widow and her small coin, and not the show off up the front. Sacrifice is very important and we are encouraged to contribute to worthy causes and to those in need. Remember Caritas and food banks and other charitable causes but put mercy first. This year of Mercy asks us “how can I personally be an instrument of God’s Mercy and how can our Parish become the hub, the centre, or any part of the centre of Mercy? It’s not too late, “what can your family do. It may be as simple as visiting the neighbour.

Monday March 7th

Responsorial Psalm 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-13

“I will praise you Lord, for you have rescued me.”

Living the acts of Mercy:

Surf life club members comment that they do not always receive a thank you from the person they rescue. Search and rescue personal also make the same observation that some people are beyond giving praise. Rescuers, who care for the hungry, instructed the ignorant on safety in the water or on the mountain, give counsel to the doubtful are “friends watching and waiting.” Most of all the “Acts of Mercy given physically and spiritually” are given in a rescue. Likewise, God recuses us faithfully, with continued passion and love for us and we praise God for his intervention.

“A kaleidoscope is a tube that has mirrors and loose pieces of coloured glass or plastic inside, so at one end you see many different patterns while turning the tube and looking in through the other end.” Pray that we may have a vivid imagination

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about how we live our acts of Mercy, that we see beyond the word, the word hungry is only a metaphor for our imagination, hungry for food, hungry for faith, hungry for friendship, our God, a job and much more. We assist in the rescue of others by friendship, food or a rest Home visit to offer some help.

Tuesday March 8th

Responsorial Psalm 46:2-3 5-6 6-9

“The Lord of Hosts is with us, our stronghold is the God of Jacob”.

Spiritual acts of Mercy: Counsel the Doubtful

You’ll will never walk Alone is a song created by Rodgers and Hammerstein for the musical Carousel, and is also very popular as sung by some soccer club members, notably Liverpool. The song, when describing a storm, rain, wind, dreams tossed around, insists you will never walk alone. Our psalm today is saying the same thing, yes, there will be times when we feel isolated, afraid, frightened and unsure, but we will never walk alone, because we have you the God of Jacob, the Lord of Hosts with us. This God, our constant lover only seeks that we love him more lovingly and allow Him to guide us and to hold us enabling us to share more of His message, by what we say and do, by prayer action and words. Trust His word and you will never walk alone. God is never absent or on vacation, he is with us. Please pray that someone will help you in the “Spiritual Act of Mercy by Consoling the Doubtful. That someone consoles and awakens you, so you are never walking alone.

Wednesday March 9th

Responsorial Psalm 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18

“The Lord is gracious and merciful.”Act of Mercy: Being Merciful by begin Courteous

Many are taught to say excuse me when walking in front of another person in a supermarket. Or we hold the door open for the elderly and for women, or mothers carrying babies. A computer search of the word gracious reveals courteous, polite civil, tender- hearted sympathetic, all qualities found in God, and God’s desire is that they are also found in our life and in our family. What is Christian courtesy or behaviour? Courtesy is, first of all, reverence for others. It is the ability of seeing made possible by faith and charity, of opening our eyes and heart to see in others an image of God. The courteous person offers generosity to others and treats them as they themselves expect to be treated. So the Lord is all these things and much more and as Christians we need to apply a courteous nature to our public behaviour. To be

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courteous is sharing an aspect of God. So let’s pray to be more gracious and courteous to others, being courteous it’s a gift from God to others.

Thursday March 10thResponsorial Psalm PS 106:19-20, 21-22, 23“Remember us, O Lord, as you favour your people.”The Year of Mercy: Pray for the living and the Dead.

The Chrism Mass, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil are drawing nearer by the hour. Twelve days to the Chrism Mass this is normally held on Tuesday of Holy week the 22nd March. No doubt some will remember their friends by sending a Card, or email, or preferably making a visit if possible. We will also remember the final steps towards the death of Christ, and hopefully what Christ did for us; it was an actr of Love for us, His people. So we ask friends to remember us, we ask God to remember us, and God is always seeking that we remember Him and acknowledge Him. Please plan for Holy Week now, preparing by prayer and be open to give more to God and God’s church.

You have never been to a Chrism Mass, come this year on Tuesday 22nd March.

Friday 11 March

Responsorial Psalm PS 34:17-18, 19-20, 21 AND 23“The Lord is close to the Broken hearted.”In this year of Mercy are you a Victim? How can we help?

“Fix you,” is a song sung by Coldplay and the lyrics are particularly suitable for this psalm. “The song talks about trying your best, but not reaching your goal, or losing something that is irreplaceable, and the chorus reads “lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones and I will try to fix you” God will fix you but to be fixed we need to continue the journey with God within our parish family, for some within the family may have the skills to heal the broken heart. Sometimes we have to come and ask for help, and the parish community hopefully will try and fix your broken heart as God does over time and with our efforts will heal our broken hearts.

Saturday 12th March

Responsorial Psalm 7:2-3, 9BC-10, 11-12“O Lord, my God, in you I take refuge.”Reconciliation

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Every day the greater percentage of the world’s insects and animals are pursued by other creatures. All insects and animals have systems of protection when they are pursued often through cunning or desire they escape for another day or hour. We are no different, we are constantly pursued by distractions from the love of God, and there is no camera lens to show us like a documentary, how foolish we are, and how vulnerable our defence system is. Misericordiae Vultus Pope Francis’ Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy; asks us place the sacrament of reconciliation at the centre once more in such a way that it will enable people to touch the grandeur of God’s Mercy with their own hands. Please make yourself available for the rite of reconciliation this Lent and reflect on your life. The psalmist today asks for protection from those who pursue. Today that includes “I”, I want, I desire, I need, I have a right. The second one is “my” my right, my choice, my decision, my life, my decision, my direction my life. The words “I and me” are fundamentally opposite to Christianity. Jesus’ fundamental concern was always for the spiritual development of his children, meaning we work together as God’s family the Church to create a meaningful relationship and quality time with others. The greatest gift which God the Father gives to any one is the opportunity of reconciliation and protection from evil. Please take the opportunity to sit still and reflect on your life, write down the events that are immoral, focus and reflect on what effect that had on your children, husband, wife, family and church. Our wonderful sacrament of reconciliation gives us forgiveness.God forgives we know this, seek forgiveness in the sacrament of Reconciliation

Monday 14th

Gospel Acclamation EZ 33:11

I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked man, says the Lord,But rather in his / her conversion, that he/ she may live.

Spiritual act of Mercy: Pray for the living and the dead.

I do not think any of you are wicked, but following on from yesterday’s reflection, I sometimes feel we do not quite understand how crooked our lives might be. Gossip is appalling; stealing from the poor by cribbing increased rates is appalling. Providing the lowest possible wage when you can afford more is greed. Not praying or sharing the Gospel with your children is ridiculous. Leon Cohen sings in the Bell that a crack lets the light in, but a crack unchecked becomes larger and then other things like rodents or rain get in and it deteriorates. So we are not wicked, but a check on our lives may indicate we need to pray more. A slight conversion might be required, a grease and oil change or a scan on your mental computer for a virus. When Paul speaks about Love he says “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. Words are not enough.

Love for God is essential. It is true God loves, and forgives, but for conversion to happen, we need to seek a sincere love relationship with

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God that is more than words. Let us generates a love that changes our life and attitude towards bringing others as well as ourselves into an intimate relationship with the greatest lover of all God.

Tuesday 15thGospel Acclamations “The seed is the Word of God, Christ is the sower; all who come to him will live for ever” Spiritual act of Mercy: Comfort the afflicted

There is a huge upsurge in collecting and planting heritage seeds and collecting the seeds for next season and replanting. Heritage seeds are not genetically engineered they are more natural, more tasty, more healthy more authentic, more trusted. Many people are going organic for the goodness. Some in the world are returning to healthy eating, similarly we are encouraged to look more carefully at the Word of God, sowed by Christ and embracing his principles. When we chew, swallow and digest God’s word we start to live better, we become healthier, we make better choices, we live better now and will live better in the future and so we will live with Him forever. What we do now affects the future; we need to fertilize the Word already received in our lives and fertilize God’s message in our families and other people’s lives. God’s Word is like the heritage seeds, fill of goodness, taste, and sweet to chew on. Be like” Oliver” and ask God for some more of his spiritual food to help us sustain our family and ourselves.Pray with the family tonight; always make it a practice before each meal.

Wednesday 16th

Gospel Acclamation: Luke 8:15

Blessed are they who have kept the word with a generous heart and yield a harvest through perseverance.

Spiritual act of Mercy: Instruct the ignorant

Many families in the 60s used to travel to the Hawkes Bay from the Naki and purchase bulk fruit to bring it home to preserve and bottle in the Ag Jars. Likewise, blessed are they who preserve, retain and observe the Word with a generous heart. God desires we keep his word 24 x 7 in our speech, actions and decisions. God’s word is not like a shirt or skirt that we take off and remove, God’s word is like skin to the bone, is freely given and God desires that we a generous in thanks and praise for His word and share the meaning of His Words with others. God’s Word needs preserving not like peaches in an AG jar, but preserved so the essence and the meaning of the Word remains valid in our world. God’s Word should never be cheapened and reduced to mere utterance, not just bottled for another day. We need to treat God’s Word like the blood in our veins and live the Word with a generous heart. Today, please do not speed-read the scripture, slow down, and

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absorb the words, by taking them more deeply into our lives, our decisions and actions.

Check the web site for the scriptures of the day; they are numerous. Use your computer to understand more about God’s Word. USCBC is an excellent site

Thursday 17th

Gospel acclamation John 8:

Spiritual act of Mercy: Comfort the afflicted

Who do you make yourself out to be?” Jesus answered, “If I glorify Myself, My glory is worth nothing; but it is My Father who glorifies me.

There are many “stars” who are constantly seeking attention for more fame and fortune. Some, who are sporting stars, models, or super rich, always look for the glamour that draws attention to them. There is a group in our own city who likes to be seen in the right place with the right people, and sporting the correct look. Most of it is pure ego. Jesus was not into personal ego, he gave credit to His Father. If we excel at something and we have had some success. Then we should celebrate this achievement by thanking God quietly first, then humbly share the success with others. Finally comfort the afflicted: Be aware that the person who came last in the race may have tried harder than you did to win, even if they achieved nothing.

Sensitivity Friday 18th

Gospel Acclamation JN 6:63.

Your words, Lord, are Spirit and life; you have the words of everlasting life.

Corporal acts of mercy: Feed the hungry and give them Shelter

The Bee Gees sang a song written by Barry, Robin & Maurice Gibb in 1968. The song had a one word title “Words.” The chorus line went that “Words are all I have to take your heart away. “ King Solomon in Proverbs” (18:21) wrote much about the value of words, and the danger of words. Nelson Mandela suggested we use words

carefully-less is better than more. God’s Words are powerful, when we take them to our heart and allow the Words to become actions in our spiritual life. In the community, they may become more powerful. Everlasting life comes from discerning the Word of God and applying the Word with action. Small steps patiently

stepped is better than big steps that lose momentum. Consider joining the local Vincent De Paul Group please.

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Please check for those reconciliation times and adoration times and other parish events back page

Saturday 19th

Gospel acclamation PS 84:5

Blessed are those who dwell in your home, O Lord; they never cease to praise you.

Often people who are looking for a new family dwelling, advise people they have brought a new house. Often it remains a house until personal effects are brought into the house, and there is a smell coming from the kitchen, and the paintings are on the wall and the gardens cared for. Over time the house becomes their home.

Home is where the heart is, so blessed are those whose heart is in the Lord for they always praise you. In John 14:23 Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Home with the Lord, is where our Soul desires to be, and the Lord seeks to be in our earthly home. Among us and with all humanity He gives that great gift

we try to give to each other; the gift of Love.

Holy WeekMonday March 21st

The Lord is my light and my salvation. I believe that I shall see the beauty of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD with courage;

Spiritual Acts of Mercy: Forgiveness and Prayer

It’s the beginning of Holy Week, the most important time in the Church Year. Some retailers have their shops full of chocolate; bunny rabbits and hollow chocolate eggs, or the marshmallow eggs. Sadly, overlooked in this egg frenzy is the true meaning of Easter; the institution of Eucharist at the Last Supper, the death of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Good Friday then Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. This is lost by many. Our psalm today is imploring us to follow the light and to see the Lord in the land of the living. Please don’t get trapped by all the hype and hoopla with eggs and hot cross buns. Remain focused and follow the light of salvation, spend a few more minutes in prayer, and look for those in need. It may be a ride to the Chrism Mass, or

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a ride to one of the Holy Week liturgies. Spiritual acts of Mercy Comfort yourself by forgiving the offences of others and pray for the living and the dead.

Tuesday 22nd The Chrism Mass Responsorial Psalm PS 71:1-2, 3-4A

Pray for the living and the dead

R. I will sing of your salvation. For you are my hope, O Lord; my trust, O God, from my youth: On you I depended from birth; from my mother’s womb you are my strength:

The birds are chirping outside my window, which reminds me of that scripture quote from Matthew 10:29-31-29 “are not two sparrows sold for a penny”? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care and even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. God is not some vengeful dictator, the psalmist has got it 100 percent right, God in you I put my trust. Often today many are afraid to put their trust in God, because too often many in society think that a close loving relationship with God will eliminate fun and joy. Too many people see the evils of the world as joyful and fulfilling, but pitifully that is a temptation and a trap that many people fall into. God is our salvation, hope, joy and satisfaction. All love comes from God, God is absolutely all giving. We need trust Him and trust again. Pray for the living and the dead, especially the living today that they realise God is their provider of all their loving desires.

Visit the local cemetery; have a walk around; look at the names and pray in thanks for those names before you.

Wednesday 23rd

Responsorial Psalm PS 69:8-10, 21-22, 31 AND 33-34

R. Lord, in your great love, answers me.

V: I will praise the name of God in song, and I will glorify him with thanksgiving.

Spiritual act of Mercy: Convert.

Josh Groban with Kelly Clarkson sings a beautiful rendition of” All I ask of you” from the Phantom of the Opera. There are many key lyrics but “to guard you and to guide you” are the same desire of God, for the same reason because of His love for us. It’s humbling to accept and it is so true that in all our human frailty and fragility, God still reaches out unconditionally to us. When I use the words frailty and fragility, my thinking is not the Ten Commandments, or laws and regulations of the church. Our

The Chrism Mass, check out your time and place:

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frailty can be the times we have taken the easy option, a B instead of A, a shop assistant when you had the ability to be a doctor, to sit in the congregation singing when with your ability you could make the liturgy so much better for God. We have concentrated on the corporate acts of Mercy and the Spiritual Act of Mercy but today, Holy Thursday is about our realisation of the incredible gift we have been given. Please pray for others, that they may have a love experience like no other from God, delivered by the Holy Spirit, unique to each one of us. God Bless

24th March Holy Thursday

Responsorial Psalm Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18

R. (cf. 1 Cor 10:16) our blessing-cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ:

V How shall I make a return to the LORD for all the good he has done for me?

Imagine not having a cup or some sort of container to place water or fluid in. Each time we take a cup of water and place it to our lips to quench our thirst, the liquid moistens the dryness in the roof of the mouth. When we are celebrating a birthday or wedding, we toast using a glass, wishing them well. School children receive cups recognizing the blessing they have obtained in particular subjects. Yet this Blessing Cup received at each Mass, and in particular today has 1000% more significance to us who receive it. Little as we take, it fills us to the brim with God’s incredible Spirit, Body, Blood and Divinity. This cup is not an ordinary cup, never found on special with 50 percent off; this Blessing cup is pure gift of love given to all of us who believe in the death, and resurrection of Jesus Son of God. This cup is not ordinary; it’s extraordinary, priceless, and even in our brokenness it’s offered to us. So please show your gratitude by being more loving to the disadvantaged, the lost, the confused and the unloved. Share with them the Blessing Cup, Christ’s Presence on the Altar. Let’s try and live all the Corporal acts of Mercy

25th March Good Friday

Spiritual Acts of Mercy:

R. (Lk 23:46) Father, into your hands I commend my spirit:

In you Lord I take refuge, Let me never be put to shame. God is always holding on in a grip that God cannot break. Even in His death He did not get go of us. In His rising from the dead He gave us hope. Where are our hands in relationship to God’s Hands?

If our grip is slipping, perhaps it’s time to strengthen our relationship with God and His Church. God will not let go. God holds on even to the tip of nail. God will not let us slip, or His grip to loosen. Pray for the will to hold on and fight to remain

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intimately connected with Him, then we will feel safe and secure and our outlook on life will change for the better. If it be your will God, you can make us well without any additions, and without too many material things.

27th March Easter Sunday

R. (24) this is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad:

REJOICE in the Lord always and be thankful: This day is to rejoice, but the journey continues, so please continue to be faithful to God and His Church, remember we are a family so let’s try to strengthen our family by prayer, fellowship, sharing, laughing together, sharing a cup together and helping each other knowing God will always help us.

Easter Greetings: I hope you have found these reflections useful, thanks to those who helped with spelling and editing. God Bless, Fr Brian Carmine.

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