c.1750 – c. 1900 ce ch 13, pg. 151 source: ap world history crash course by j.p. harmon

c. 1750 – c. 1900 CE Ch 13, pg. 151 Source: AP World History Crash Course by J.P. Harmon Period 5: Industrialization and Global Connections

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c. 1750 – c. 1900 CE

Ch 13, pg. 151

Source: AP World History Crash Course by J.P. Harmon

Period 5:Industrialization and Global Connections

Most dramatic change since the Neolithic Revolution

Causes of the Industrial Revolution

Western Europe’s governments• Richest in the world (thank you Latin American gold and silver)• $$ invested part of this into prizes to inventors•Resulted in more efficient ways to:• Transport goods•Grow crops•Defeat enemies

Begins in Britain

The right type of natural resources• iron• coal• good soil• fast moving rivers • natural harbors

Products exported back to colonial consumers

Belgium, Germany, France had similar conditions and soon followed Britain


Social mobility possible with reality of invention• “a nation of tinkerers”

Banks loaned $$ (££)to inventors

Economic and Social Mobility

• Britain had large number of skilled workers familiar with use of metal tools

• Contributed to the development of machines

• Enclosure Movement forced many farm workers to cities to look for work


Enclosed lands today

ONLY Western Europe had ALL the necessary factors• Incentive•Materials• Skilled labor

Africa had more natural resources but not stable governments

Ming China strong government and economy but not resources

India & China tradition of invention but not the incentive

Why Britain? Why not … anywhere else?

Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution

Machine to mass produce cloth and thread

Faster and cheaper cloth production

Machines so large they needed special buildings• factories

Waterwheels to provide power

Mechanization of Textile Production

Invented in Britain

Made waterpower obsolete•Factories free to be build away from water•Connection to machines made production infinitely better

The Steam Engine

Technological changes came in rapid succession• Invention of the cotton gin, took cotton production to a new level• Steam boat made sail transportation obsolete• Locomotive

The Steam Engine

The Industrial Revolution Motors


• Coal was initial fuel

• Later on in the 19th century petroleum was used more and more•Development of the internal combustion engine

Fossil Fuels

• Advancements in production of steel was lighter, stronger and more flexible

• Steel factories centered around iron and coal mines• “king of metals” of the industrial


• Great Britain first; US, Japan, Russia to follow


Social Effects of the Industrial


Rapid changes made in “western” regions affected the economy and everyday life•Movement of workers from rural areas to cites in search of work due to Agricultural Revolution (loss of job) or desire of change

Rise of wages caused factory work to be “man’s work”•When factories became more efficient they required fewer workers (women and children no longer needed)• But children still used in agriculture and mining

Western Europe and the U.S.

Wages rising brings about a new social class•Middle class•Group lies between rich and poor •Always existed but grew exponentially as Ind Rev grew

Traditional family structure emerges•Women expected to marry and stay home raising children•Urban families had fewer children that farm families•Single women entered employment as teachers

Western Europe and the U.S.

Closer to 20th century women began to enter the business world as secretaries and telephone operators•Women allowed to vote only after WWI (1918)•Fewer children required in factories as laborers caused gov’ts in the “west” to establish compulsory education laws

Western Europe and the U.S.

• Cities developed and grew bigger than ever in history•Mass migration to cities caused deplorable conditions•Overcrowded housing•Pollution•High crime rates

• These conditions lead to sweeping changes in gov’t policies

Western Europe and the U.S.

Art and literature changed as well•Left the Romantic era of art and shifted to Realism• Invention of the camera•Development of artistic style of Impressionism•Deliberately unfocused scenes of nature

•Charles Dickens•Oliver Twist•David Copperfield•A Christmas Carol

Western Europe and the U.S.

Development of the Domestic System of Production

•Domestic system developed in England

•Late 1600’s – late 1800’s

•Domestic system of production – “putting out” system:–Businesspeople delivered raw materials to workers’ homes–Workers manufactured goods from these raw materials in

their homes (typically articles of clothing)–Businesspeople picked up finished goods and paid workers

wages based on number of items

•Domestic system could not keep up with demand


During the century, factory workers underwent a process of proletarianization (i.e., they lost control of the means of production).• Factory owners provided the financial capital to construct the

factory, to purchase the machinery, and to secure the raw materials.

• The factory workers merely exchanged their labor for wages.

Family Structures Changed

With the decline of the domestic system and the rise of the factory system, family life changed.• At first, the entire family, including the children, worked in the factory, just as they had at home.• Later, family life became fragmented (the father worked in the factory, the mother handled domestic chores, the children went to school).

Family as a Unit of Consumption

In short, the European family changed from being a unit of production and consumption to being a unit of consumption alone.

Gender-Determined Roles

That transformation prepared the way for gender-determined roles.•Women came to be associated with domestic duties, such as housekeeping, food preparation, child rearing and nurturing, and household management.• The man came to be associated almost exclusively with breadwinning.

Multinational Corporations

• Global Markets demand machine-made goods

• Large banks loan $$ for foreign investments

• British East India & Dutch East India – first 2

• United Fruit Corporation - bananas

• Exchange of goods & money caused economies to grow fast

• Established gold standard for world currencies

The “Second Industrial


• 2nd half of 19th century pace of advancement sped up

• Focus now on gas or diesel engine rather than steam

• More inventions related to electrical systems, scientific discoveries and medicine

• All inventions could be applied to warfare

From Steam to Gas

Invention of the telegraph in 1840s• telegraph cable laid under Atlantic from Britain to North America late 1850s• By 1870s across the Pacific• 1902 entire British Empire connected

Telephone in 1876 • Popular because it required no special training and was right there in the home

Radio developing


Steam boat and steam train

Electric trolley car

Subway systems

Automobile invented in GERMANY in 1880s • Mostly experimental device


Modern chemistry began in this era• systematic studies of chemical compounds and

composition of matter• Developing compounds in labs• Fertilizers

Science and Medicine

Government oversight of programs to provide citizens with healthier lives• Clean drinking water

Advances in medicine• Smallpox and rabies vaccinations• Sterilization of surgical instruments•Use of anesthetics during surgery• Aspirin

Science and Medicine

Science and Faith cross•Charles Darwin•Natural selection•Humans and apes have similar characteristics•Begun furious debates about the nature of humanity• Survival of the fittest in the animal kingdom transferred to human civilization• SOCIAL DARWINISM• Wherein the superior races must naturally defeat

inferior ones

Science and Medicine

Socialism•All about the working class

–Depended on the grievances of/against the working class

•Karl Marx (Marxism)– According to Marx: “History was shaped by the available means of production and

who controlled those means”

• The middle class had won the battle because they owned land; they had a strong hold on the lands available to people, therefore they controlled the means of production.

• The “enemy” then, was the property-less proletariat (lower class)

– Marx told the working class that their wages were exploitive and unfair.

– Urged the need for violent action

Karl Marx

Scientific socialism

Economics really a struggle between the “haves” (upper class and merchants) and the “have nots” (proletariat working class.)

Advocated a workers’ revolution to replace private ownership of property with cooperative ownership.

Led to system of Communism.

Socialism - continued

The rise of socialism scared people of “Western” society•Germany (led by Otto von Bismark) became largest single political force by 1900•Major industrial strikes and the forming of unions rose quickly

Socialist parties would ally themselves with other moderate groups to strengthen themselves

In the end, Marx’s vision was incorrect; success could be achieved by peaceful democratic means and NOT only by violent revolts

Economists of the Industrial Revolution

Adam Smith: advocated laissez- faire economics. No government regulation of business. A free market will produce more goods at lower prices, making them affordable by everyone. The basis of Capitalism.

Thomas Malthus: Population will outpace the food supply

David Ricardo: Poor having too many children, thus leading to a high labor supply and lower wages.

Adam Smith Wealth of Nations (1776)

“One man draws out the wire, another straights it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top for receiving the head; . . . and the important business of making a pin is, in this manner, divided into about eighteen distinct operations.”

Labor ReformLabor unions• Unions use collective bargaining and strikes to push for reforms

• Britain attempted to outlaw labor unions

Reform laws• Combination Acts of 1825 – Legalizes labor unions

• Factory Act of 1833 – Child Labor

• Mines Act of 1842 – Women and children cannot work underground

Democratic Reforms

Great Britain• Reform Bill of 1832• Chartist Movement• Working class suffrage in 1867• Rural laborers in 1884

United States• In 1800 property was

requirement to vote• All white males could vote by

mid-1850s• 15th Amendment (1870)

Feminist MovementsGoals• Sought legal and economic

rights• Women’s suffrage

Leadership• Middle class women• Emmeline Pankhurst• Elizabeth Cady Stanton &

Susan B. Anthony

English women gain the right to vote 1918• U.S. in 1920 with the 19th



• Poor women had to work in factories and still take care of family needs

• Wealthy women stayed home and had less power outside the home in industrial age

• Middle Class women became involved in reform movements (abolition, suffrage)


• Women still had family responsibilities

• Society still very patriarchal

• US quick to follow GB with the invention of the cotton gin

• Single crop plantations (cotton, tobacco) and slavery flourished

• Northeast textile factories; south raw materials production

• Railroads

Industrialization Spreads: United States

South’s loss to North in American Civil War and abolition of slavery turning point in government’s power to encourage industrial build-up

Trans-continental Railroad

By 1900 US world’s largest steel producer•US Steel world’s 1st billion $ company

Industrialization Spreads: United States

• Commodore Perry and the forced opening of Japan to world trade

• Japan responded by embracing societal, political and industrial change

• Used western technology to specialize in silk textiles

• Differing from western: Japanese government heavily involved in industry

Industrialization Spreads:Japan


• US industry, technology amazed, scared Japanese• Warships, weapons showed Japanese vulnerability

Industrialization in Japan • Promoted by government

• Many monetary incentives • Way to avoid Western encroachment• Food production subsidized by government

• Hired foreign experts to build modern industries• First models built by westerners, often abroad• Next models built by Japanese in Japan• Borrowed heavily in knowledge from Great Britain

• Created new industries• Emphasized heavy industry: iron, steel, power• Light industry: clothing followed

• Opened technical institutes and universities • Government-owned businesses privatized (zaibatsu)

• Old samurai families frequently bought these industries• Came to dominate transportation, weaponry, electronics

Industrialization fueled trade, imperialism• Japan had no raw materials, needed to trade• Influenced Japanese desire for colonies, empire• Japan was the most industrialized land in Asia by 1900

Russia’s progress NOT like US and Japan– slow to transform to industrialization

Russian gov’t primary focus was to support the elite and the use of serfdom

Russia frees serfs and seeks foreign investment in industry

Becomes the top producer of steel

Regardless, Russian economy still more like 15th century with most peasants still based in agriculture

Industrialization Spread:Russia

Russia: Industrialization and Revolution

    1. Russia was an absolute monarchy, with the greatest state control of anywhere in the Western world        

a.  in 1900: no national parliament, no legal political parties, no nationwide elections    

    b. dominated by a titled nobility (many highly Westernized)  

      c.  until 1861, most Russians were serfs    

2.  in Russia, the state, not society, usually initiated change    

    a.  Peter the Great (r. 1689–1725) was an early example of “transformation from above”    

    b.  Catherine the Great (r. 1762–1796) also worked to Europeanize Russian culture and intellectual life  

    c.  the state directed freeing of the serfs in 1861    

    d.  the state set out to improve Russia’s economic and industrial backwardness     

Russia: Industrialization and Revolution3.  Russian Industrial Revolution was launched by the 1890s    

    a.  focused on railroads and heavy industry      

  b. substantial foreign investment    

    c.  industry was concentrated in a few major cities    

    d. fewer but larger factories than was typical in Western Europe    

4. growing middle class disliked Russia’s deep conservatism, sought a greater role in political life    

    a. but they were dependent on the state for contracts and jobs    

    b. also relied on the state to suppress worker radicalism  

Russia: Industrialization and Revolution  5.  Russian working class (only about 5 percent of the population) rapidly radicalized    

    a.  harsh conditions    

    b.  no legal outlet for grievances  

    c.  large-scale strikes  

  6.  Marxist socialism appealed to some educated Russians, gave them hope for the future    

    a. founded the Russian Social-Democratic Labor Party (1898)    

    b.  got involved in workers’ education, union organizing, and revolutionary action  

  7.  major insurrection broke out in 1905, after defeat in war by Japan    

    a.  in Moscow and St. Petersburg, workers went on strike, created their own representative councils (“soviets”)    

    b.  peasant uprisings, student demonstrations      

  c.  non-Russian nationalities revolted      

  d.  military mutiny      

  e.  brutally suppressed, but forced the tsar’s regime to make reforms  

  8.  l imited polit ical reforms failed to pacify the radicals or bring stability      

  a.  growing belief that only a revolution would help      

  b.  World War I provided the revolutionary moment  

9.  Russian Revolution broke out in 1917      

  a.  brought the most radical of the socialist groups to power—the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir I lyich Ulyanov (Lenin) `      

b.  only in Russia did industrialization lead to violent social revolution

• Limited impact of Ind Rev

• Social structures and gender roles continued status quo

• Mass migration of Europeans to Latin America

• Japanese immigrants came to western South America as laborers

Latin America

RUSSIAN INDUSTRIALIZATIONRussia experienced the 2nd

Industrial Revolution• Financed by exportation of

minerals, oil, gas, grains• Development of rail system

spurred other industries, exports

• Strongest development in coal, steel areas of Ukraine

• Rise of industrial cities: St. Petersburg. Moscow, Poland, Ukraine

Promoted by tsarist government, French government

• France needed Russia as a military ally against Germany

• Russia needed a modern economy to compete on world stage

• Formula: French loans/investment, sale of Russian grain

Sergei Witte, Minister of finance, 1892-1903

• Top-down Management Style• Supported railway construction

• Military rationale: to move troops to border if attacked

• But stimulated other industries including exports

• Remodeled the state bank• Protected infant industries with

tariffs, subsidies• Secured foreign loans especially from


Industrial discontent intensified • Rapid growth of factories, urban

working class• Industrialization fell hardest on

working classes • Government reaction

• Outlawed unions, strikes

• Workers increasingly radical socialists, Marxists, Populists

• Business class supported autocracy, not reform

By 1900 produced half the world's oil, significant iron, armaments

European invested in Latin American early industrialization

Some railroads were built but LA remained mostly agricultural and serf based• Single crop products: •Coffee•Bananas•Wheat•Beef• sugar

Industrialization Spreads: Latin America


• Prevented industrialization • Spain, Portugal never encouraged industries

Limited success at industrialization • 1820 – 1850: Economic Stagnation

• Wars of independence had disrupted economy• Most wealth tied to land, agriculture• Export of primary, unfinished goods especially guano, coffee, hides

• Too many unsolved social problems retarded industrialization

Economic growth part of 2nd Industrial Revolution • Change grew out of liberalizing effects, reforms in late century

• Entrepreneurs, intellectuals, landowners brought in foreign investments• Facilitated by new technologies (railroads, steamships)

• Great Boom driven by exports• Demand for rubber, copper, tin, silver, beef, bananas, oil, coffee, cocoa• Capital intensive development of primary product exports• Trade increased by almost 50% from 1870 – 1880• British initially preeminent; Germany and US increasingly rivals for area

• Mexico, Brazil, Argentina • Society, infrastructure transformed by this Great Boom• But wealth often in hands of foreigners, upper elite• Growth was often at the expense of local interests, poor, minorities• Liberal idealism often sold out to wealth of elite, profit

Facing the World Economy

1.  second half of the nineteenth century: greater stability, integration into world economy    

2.  rapid growth of Latin American exports to industrializing countries        

a.  exported food products and raw materials        

b.  imported textiles, machinery, tools, weapons, luxury goods    

3.  major investment of European and U.S. capital in Latin America

• England rules India

• India leading grower of cotton which England eagerly imported

• Some industry in India to create the thread and cloth

• But not rapid growth until end of 20th C

Industrialization Spreads:India

• Rejected most things Western

• Some industry for railroads

• Continued with peasant labor and hand-made items

• Industrial powers take advantage of China’s weak gov’t and forced open trade regions (spheres of influence)

• US proposed “open door policy”

Industrialization Spreads:China

Ottoman Empire•Limited progress•Gov’t misread the impact of industry in West

Africa•Remained provider of raw materials•Little to no industry allowed

Industrialization Spreads:Other Areas