c programming tools


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Post on 22-Jan-2016




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C Programming Tools. Compiling and Running Single Module Program. Some Compiler Options. $ gcc -c Just compile, don’t link $ gcc -E Just preprocess, print out source $ gcc -S Produce assembly code $ gcc -o Save result into $ gcc -I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Some Compiler Options $ gcc -c

Just compile, don’t link $ gcc -E

Just preprocess, print out source $ gcc -S

Produce assembly code $ gcc -o <file>

Save result into <file> $ gcc -I<path>

Add <path> to search for include files $ gcc -D<symbol>

Define the macro symbol <symbol>Equivalent to #define <symbol>

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The Link Editor (ld)

The compiler produces machine code and a table of names (symbol table) of variables and proceduresThis is called an object file (.o)

The link editor (or linker) takes several object files and merges them, by associating the symbols with machine code addressesPerforms relocationWorks with position-independent code (PIC)

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Symbol Table Example

#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>

int im_a_global;

int main(void) {

double pi;pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);printf(“Pi is %lf\n”,pi);

return 0;}

$ gcc –c pi.c$ nm pi.o00000004 C im_a_global00000000 T main U printf$ gcc –o pi pi.o$ ./piPi is 3.141593

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Executable Files

The link editor produces an executable file which is compatible with the program loader Format: ELF (Executable and Linking

Format) When a program is executed, the

program loader copies the sections of the executable file into the virtual address space and execution can begin

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Executable Files, Example$ gcc –o pi pi.c$ nm ./pi08049508 D _DYNAMIC080495dc D _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_08048470 T __i686.get_pc_thunk.bx080494f4 A __init_array_end080494f4 A __init_array_start08048420 T __libc_csu_fini080483c0 T __libc_csu_init U __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.0080495fc A _edata08049604 A _end080484b4 T _fini080484d0 R _fp_hw08048284 T _init080482d0 T _start08049600 B im_a_global08048374 T main080495f8 d p.4385 U printf@@GLIBC_2.0

#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>

int im_a_global;

int main(void) {

double pi;pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);printf(“Pi is %lf\n”,pi);

return 0;}

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MULTIMODULE PROGRAM Keep reusable functions in separate modules Create header power.h (prototype) int power (int x, int n); Create source file power.c #include “power.h” int power (int x, int n){ return n==0? 1: x*power(x, n-1);} main.c#include<stdio.h>#include “power.h”void main(){printf (“%d\n”, power (5,6))};

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make, Maintenance Tool

make is usually used to compile and link programs consisting of several files

A program often uses, or depends on, several other modules or libraries

A Makefile specifies the dependencies between the program and the modules

If a file changes, make recompiles only those files which depend on the changed file

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THE UNIX FILE-DEPENDENCY SYSTEM:MAKE A makefileA makefile is a list of all

interdependencies for each executable file.

make [–f makefile]make [–f makefile]

targetList: dependencyListtargetList: dependencyList

commandListcommandList Each line in command list must start with

a tab character. Rules must be separated by at least one

blank line.


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make, Concepts

target: A file that depends on other files dependencies: A list of files that a target

depends on rule: How to build a target

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main1: main.o power.occ power.o main.o -o main1

main.o: main.c power.h cc -c main.c

power.o: power.c power.h cc -c power.c

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THE ORDER OF MAKE RULES Starts from the first rule

and creates a tree with target files at the root and the dependency files as children.


main.o power.o

main.c power.h power.c power.h


5 6

1 2 3 475 6


2 3


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ORDER OF MAKE RULES The make utility then works up the tree

From the leaf nodes to the root nodeLooking to see if the last modification time

of each node is more recent than the last modification time of the immediate parent node

If so, the associated parent's rule is executed

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Simplifying Make Files main1: main.o power.o cc power.o main.o -o main1

main.o: main.c power.h cc -c main.c

power.o: power.c power.h cc -c power.cxxxxxx.o: reverse.c reverse.h.o: reverse.c reverse.h

gcc -c gcc -c xxxxxx.c.c Knows that <file>.o <file>.o is dependent on


main1: main.o power.o cc power.o main.o -o main1

main.o: power.h

power.o: power.h

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TOUCH UTILITY touch -c {fileName}+touch -c {fileName}+ Updates the last modification and access

times of the named files to the current time. By default, if a specified file does not exist it

is created with zero size. To prevent this default, use -c-c option.

Use touch to force makemake to recompile files.

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ARCHIVING MODULES: AR ar key archivename {file}*ar key archivename {file}* Creates archive files (.a) Key:

rr: adds file to an archive or replaces it there

dd: delete a file from archive qq: append a file to end of archivett: displays table of contents xx: copies archive content to current

directory vv: generates verbose output

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GNU Profiler

Utility gprof profiles a running programlets you see how the program

spends its time Must use -pg option with gcc Creates file gmon.out by default

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[c33225@snowball ~]$ cc -pg power.c main.c -o main3[c33225@snowball ~]$ ./main315625[c33225@snowball ~]$ gprof main3Flat profile:

Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds. no time accumulated

% cumulative self self total time seconds seconds calls Ts/call Ts/call name 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 power

% the percentage of the total running time of thetime program used by this function.

Call graph (explanation follows)

granularity: each sample hit covers 2 byte(s) no time propagated

index % time self children called name 6 power [1] 0.00 0.00 1/1 main [8][1] 0.0 0.00 0.00 1+6 power [1] 6 power [1]-----------------------------------------------

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A debugger helps you find causes of errors in your code

Must use -g option when compiling Executes your code like an interpreter

You can step through your programSet breakpointsPrint and set variablesCatch run-time exceptions

Two standard debuggersgdb (GNU)dbx

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Some gdb Commands

step Next line of code, step into functions

next Next line of code, execute function

list Print surrounding source

where Print call hierarchy

print <exp> Print the value of a variable

break Sets breakpoints

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Debug Information with -g#include <stdio.h>#include <math.h>

int im_a_global;

int main(void) {

double pi;pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);printf(“Pi is %lf\n”,pi);

return 0;}

$ gcc –c –g pi.c

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Using gdb$ gdb ./pi(gdb) break mainBreakpoint 1 at 0x8048380: file pi.c, line 10.(gdb) runStarting program: /afs/ir.stanford.edu/users/h/e/henlof/test/trunk/pi Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1 ,..) at debug_me.c:19(gdb) print pi$2 = 4.8542713620543657e-270(gdb) next11 printf("Pi is %lf\n",pi);(gdb) print pi$3 = 3.1415926535897931(gdb) list6 int main(void) {7 8 double pi;9 10 pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);11 printf("Pi is %lf\n",pi);12 13 return 0;14 }(gdb) where#0 main () at pi.c:11

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More on gdb

Type help in the gdb prompt help breakpoints, help running

gdb can also debug core dumps and attach to already-running processes that you own

There is a graphical interface to gdb called the “Dynamic Data Debugger” ddd $ ddd ./a.out Allows you to visualize data and breakpoints

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Strip Utility

Utility strip removes extra info from a program

Useful after debug / profile strip {fileName}+

[c33225@snowball ~]$ ls -l main3 -rwxrwxr-x 1 c33225 c33225 5866 Jul 11 17:30 main3 [c33225@snowball ~]$ strip main3 [c33225@snowball ~]$ ls -l main3 -rwxrwxr-x 1 c33225 c33225 3792 Jul 11 18:01 main3

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Compiling .c files Including multiple files Using make to compile several

related files How to simplify an example

makefile touch command