c l- i rti i l r in ruauir 1 i o ii- it i nir...

THE DAILY SUX CULVESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH 15 1905 1 hO Wic S- r ryw ii r > + BIG INCREASE IN CITYS VALUATION- Tax Books Show Increase of Nearly 133000 la Ass aim4 QUARTER MILLION- Is the Estimated Aggregate Increase- of Property for Past Year With In- dications That the Amount Will Reach S3OOOOO Increase The hest evidence that it rapidly and steadily KHIIMIU in wealth i shown by the report of City Tax M Bradford This report shoos that the assessment f r the put year amounted to more thin over the same previous period which according to the rules of at value would show an increase in the value of city property within the put year about a quarter of a million dollars With the present indication including the recent addi tion to municiptl territory the should reach about 300000 Never in the history of Gainesville has building been so steady as during the past two years and this may be said especially of the past six months The class of buildings are superior to the average a number of as tine resi- dences and bnine houses a can he found in the State having been erected Thi building continues with no signs of abatement and an army of carpen- ter and other mechanic i bring employed here now DEATH OF MRS POURNELL Passed Away at Waycross Ga After Long and Painful Illness Information wan received in thi city afternoon of th death of Mr I HUfl Pournvll tilt helovcd wife of A M Iournell which occurml in Wajcro I urn time during Thurfdiy- heeeiiMd years i f aiif She suiTerinc for fetters l month and while the death expected it will tit le irneii with regret by her numero friend here Sue n member of Kan- nauch Methodist Church South of thi city The funeral will he held nt the f iriter hutue cif the dressed to- day Deeaxtl i survived by a huthand- My to whom the yrnpithy of friend U extended A NEW BANK One Will Soon be Estabished at Wi- ltiston Enthusiastic Meeting The citizens and buines men of Villi9ton who are desirous of ectnb- lii a hank for that town held a meetiiiK a few days ago when it deeded to organize at once with n cap- ital of 150 I 0 Benton of Georgia who i in- terested in the Alachua bank and many other similar institution present offered all the en nece ary Mr Benton agreed to take come stock and ex- plained o the present the advan- tage of local banking after which the Look were opened and the amount was in a sew mnmtnU Torture by Savages Speaking of the torture to which lOMie of the Chvnp tribes in the Philip- pine subject their Captives retniiH- mi of the intense suffering I for three months from inflammation of the kidneys ny V M Shortiian- of Cutting Me Nothing helped me Jttil I tried Kleotru Bitters three of which r mlteiy cured me Cnr liver rninpiutt blotto diorder uid rune serif and retoni the weak and ner vou to robiHl henlil Jiiiaranteed by Price V T F THOM1S UNDERTAKING CO FULL LINE OF NEW HOODS MOMMKMS I OMBSTUN and IKOX see ojr N ivi e Perona ittcnn O to tter 10- M lint Mitt abJ teer ota Gainesville Florida OF A lair rill W COO third Thur out fort f tn hill f I and con 1i lid IIrl1 alt druggists r t At s ro hIlt rE prowl tr to i e Assessor assess- ing ooe in- crease dly vii hire brew was was exit was was rhgrment subscribed tIt a ItS fL attended < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + + BOTH FOOD AND MIIDICIN- Vc like b t i ciil Scott KpuiUion a focmcc irc 1 i r tvrri tlat ar s- u hrctt an rti 1 in I Ki i ia ruauir r rc tiian a 1 vvt thy it pr- ipks of It i for this reason that Scott Emu i n has a distinct and j ccill value in all wasting ii ea es There is nothing better to remedy the troubles of im- perfect growth and delicate in children The action- of Scotts Emulsion is just as effective in treating weak- ness and adults SCOTT aj Iejtl Street New E C L- I I 1 f I lY 1 both 1 A a pees 1 buts l Sri > > > > < > > ¬ ¬ > < NEWS OF CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSED Rev I J Lynch left yesterday for Hawthorn where last night he con- ducted a service in the Catholic church A revival or eriti of meet- ing of thi denomination which hare been conducted under direction of Father lre nahan of St Augustine closed night after a most Deputy Sheriff J II Granger hat re turned hum innflloii whew he went on Wfdne iay to convey Edward Hurd n young negro man cunvicted in Ju tice Hxleyd court at High Springs upon a charge of beating way on a railroad train Hurd a tine of flu and in default of the payment of which he wa sentenced to three months in the mines Mr an Mm A L Jack nn have re- turned from they have been to Mr and Mr L V- Jaiksiti While in Owala Mr Jacknon who i iMititemplating the purchase of nine registered cattle visited the tarns of Monroe v ChnmbUc IAlmet- to Stack hum mind greatly ins I re il i h the regitert i Short Horn breeds of the farm Yetis firm la hlOJt tire head of register alro KfVeiityfUf htnd of high grade eatte whirls Mr Jackfiui declarer to be th flnis has erer een He was well end may decile to invtfrt- i in Horn tuck Among the viitom to thi city U W of Lake City who made Sun a fraternal call Mr Hare n notwithtntiding the fact that i h is ft a very young man had experience in journalistic work He ha associated hirrelf with C A Temple of Jacksonville and will pub fish from Lake City a monthly stock journal The Southern and Farmer Tbf first number will appear 01 or about the Wth init It will be a twentyfour page journal and will no d tubt mart with KOCH success through- out the country The Sun extrude bet wtrh n to th new venture Surprise Gift Parly A delightful function held at the home of Mr and George Terry North iKineviUe fViMimg bciiga surprise gift party to Mr rnl Mr ThoniH MCHIII recently married There were n of fritiiilii of the contracting parties pres- ent each bringing n gift a a token of regard and The evening pa ed off in n en jityablf manner and will b retnem- br led by those who vre MI fortunate to be prtFfiit Annual Meeting i The annual of WimiHtiV Auxiliary uf Holy Trinity Ciuinh will take place thi morning at uolock in tl p cliirch On that occasion tier will b H cirporate celebration of the holy mmtininn which nil membr well nheu Womans Aux- iliary are cordially to attend The offertory wil go t foreign ptoni in thf J p neie Held an object of P eciil concern t the noetuty this year Doctors Are Puzzled The remarkable recovery of Kenneth MtIver of Vaneebnro Me i the sub- ject inter Fi to the medical fraternity and wide circle of friend f hi ca to ce- vere intlammaton of the throat and uf the lung three doctors gave me up to die when a a re- port I WR induced to try Or Kmge- Niw I overy atid I am happy to say it raved my life Cure the wort cough and cold bronchitis tonsilttis at all drug stores 5 land 11 Trial Tuttle free I Lau rrfSlou I j his j i O alas tin lit f I lit I rl broad Stokman r most the f i I JIll I I IIf much II in cl lat Iruh lorf lIe and lalrlpre 1c L success- ful j was assessed costs where N visit was n d hart The hat woe Mrs Vdu rdny nutnb rte nt std tat cIirs e ass they invite a af t return wais tntCd ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + ± + + + ± HIGH SPRINGS Personal and Ntws Items From ThtS Thrim g Ic5 r Vr- t t iU if- V i it Ir n J hit t I U jr l Mr A h riii r r i r d Iud u r t F ri cl I Mi T 1 Wu J tfi for Iltlttka tu attend it e Ki of Iyh ia ciinventtu i a din me front the Mizpah Tmiple of till RtthUme Si let Ml Olie Irown soe tu Alachua to d y to visit Miss L it Cato I r Allen principal of the high st oat and an eminent oejlit is treat- ing a patient from Omaha Neb Georgia Valentine who was led to h I I j II n r 1 d III I dt- to lilIn IIS t t I I I I Sue si City tL err tIC Irnrl- I N l r tl nir t r lttir- i rein 1ur day I hit t s Miss > > > < > ¬ > + + + hi services by the high reputa- tion he has won in his successful treatment of the eye i Q B Burhans Testifies After 4 Years I G B Burhans of Carlisle Center X Y writes About four years ago- I wrote you stating that I had been entirely cured uf a severe kidney trouble by taking lets than two bot- tle of Kidney Cure It en- tirely stopped the trick dUll sediment and and syniprm of kidney d- iiae diatipeared I am glad to say t tat I hive never had a return of any of thine symptom during the four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cured and heartily rrcnm mend Holejs to anyone suffering from kidney or bladder trouble 1 W McColliim A Co For Marshal To the Voters of th City of mines villa I have decided to enter the race for reeleition a of Onus villa sod will the uppuri of qualified voter wlo iieve in good and hntiMut g ivrr imejt r i If elfrted 1 protne t c Mitinue tu fulfil th n n petifiiy For Marshal To the Vnttr of the City uf iaines- vilk I heretiy mycelf as a fur Mitrphil rubjeci to your vute at the coniine municipal elec- tion If elected I promt a full and f Mi th ful discharge of of the office and will appreciate your sup- port collectively hind individually Respectfully II J RIIE Citizens Meeting Tonight There will be a citizen meeting at Johnson Hall thi Friday evening Mnnrh 18 at S oclock All voters of the city are requested to be present- S It Wiui CVn S C CU K Low Rates to Atlanta and Return via Atlantic Coast Line- n account of Wheeler Memorial March 7th and Second Annual Reunion uf the Hide anti tray March h and i1Uh this Aiatitic Lint will net I ticket from all points on its line tu Atlanta G and felons at rate nt one fare plu Ii cent fur the round- trip I 4l s uf vale March 5 and M with final limit 15 day in addition to date uf sale Fur further information ee nearest ticket agent or communi- cate with Frank C ltuyltun D I A Jacksonville Hla ask pain 111 itt I alder tilt duties o III pat- H 11 S lOS tJ1tl c < Coast I Foley Kiinry tire MarL s tr the t sin 1a1hr cand- idate r the a Ilsy 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > > > > ¬ + + + + Begin Taking Ozonmlaioa Today and Your Cure Begins Today t ropr to UM t i of ConvcJe In 1ni Rrttre FyiHrin In N ir th urrjul In n Minmrr Out th Thin lac s of IUiilrT In lliili tn 1p rm hilt Ltttl BodlM the tvimtlc and While Fleth and In Dotting their chtk with Pretty Color and Dimples that aaalM ra Heart Glad to a AatMate for aU Disease Ca eei- atvporare o CoU Wet- s To prove Its lUdlctnal VtoA Midst Trial lotus bit Man Will b sent on request Wrtu ay letter postal card to I OzMUUloa Mlle St rt- Ml DruccUtTwo eti Yff I j I rt It l u r d U In- h I rHI II o Ii- III It t eAk tAt th In T n to r It 1o1 C It I I or Rev y a d t g ti 1st Cs of hr lai dnt SaII la tr ts tai 3rerrtt the t and tr Inslut nt p rI t C la 1 r s is rreN l Peaked the b lad Frs Gf watt U > > < < + Expect Heavy Peach Crop Birmingham Ala March 15 Pratt men In thin of the state aay that the peach trees have not al all this spring and that they now In hotter than UHiial for season They pate the hinvlost vl Id In th hlKtory- nf the ntati If then are no heavy trusts In April Prince Tsal Tse Sails Now York MnTh 1rlnco Ts n- Vfv hlph romtiIssimnTs Slump Chi Hotur and II To envoys of the Mnptrnr of I their crrrotnrlcv and Miill l tlt White Star llnir fur Kinop TiuMlay Died for Cursing Woman Athens tin March I Bob TholiR negro IK In Clnrkv county jail on the charge of killing Jim Jackson another negro Jackson was cursing the wife of Thokan when the latter took his pistol and killed him AMERICAN Fnezes TWO KINDS- of Cream at ONE See Them BAIRDHARD- WARE CO section been damn d condition this anI lei I nit THE TWIN FREEZER Ins hs nit Ear sit tachrs TIME- S Typewriter TilE BEST M1C1111E TILE JIuun- TunlYrMAl InBOARD I ShUt lighteet I The Champion Speed of World Va1t fayShultli More In u in Gainesville than any other machine For Sale by THE SUN Gainesville Fla a o i e- sJf4i7 AtK1UHLEIE11 4 ON Ha s Tabulator ON Every Machine Lightest Writers tse the Fay Sholer e + SHOES IN Tin IMST 1H HAYS fca an tliNL f shoes which HI liimchi adtaure wr ei e them at the lanrmt hh Stun IN MIJJ Florida HYDE t TENON Miss Ntra Nirfti LIliES WATCH MY WINBOW It pay yea J T HARRIS DEALER IN- Freah and Water llt imi Key sad Oystrn Corner Main and Mechanic Streets 3PJ3OXTJO 93 Painter Decorator and Piper Hangar 201 East Main St S Gainesville Fla All kinds of outside and inside work promptly and neatly zecutd PAPER HANGING and SIGN WRIT- ING a Specially WILLIAM ANBERSH BICYCLES and Electrical Supplies Agtary fer lntl K Blcyrkn Rtfatriac tint preMBtly Electrical work ef all klrt 113 W UNION ST Stanton Foundry i Ma chinery Co Inc PALATKA FLORIDA rufaclutep or Iroi and Brass Castings nd MackiMry Grate ears Pbospfcate Castiijs Railroad and Mill Castles and Repairs CAST Oar iiiiiPhlnc JIM facilities M COIW to none In trie State SKNtl LS LOCI ORDERS Off era for the next 30 the following goods at prices nam- ed below Durkees Salad Dressing Three bottles Pickles 25c Three cans Corn 25e Three cans Peas 25o One 3lb can Elberta Peaches 30o Two 2Jb can Klhvrta Peaches 36c Best Lump Starch lb f Three Mb can Corned or Roast Beet 33 J Compound Iard per Ib Best K des of Hams and Breakfast Bacon and everything Cheap for Cash GIVE LS A CALL We can satisfy you both iu quality and prier 178 TELEPHONE 17 35 Cut u P pair tit IEL TIES FIHY L x rat B SnAlnTOn T I VERY DAY The Cash Grocer COI o Ilea Pr ldruct r 1 i prior to the wed old prier I sal M Itnq W 4 Sat FISH plat Flak Fait see 1 w Po a c 20 > > > ¬ ¬ +

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Post on 04-Jul-2020




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Page 1: C L- I rti I l r in ruauir 1 I o Ii- It I nir trufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01425/00530.pdfTHE DAILY SUX CULVESVILLE FLORIDA MARCH 15 1905 Wic 1 hO S-r ryw ii r BIG INCREASE


1 hOWic


ryw ii r>




Tax Books Show Increase ofNearly 133000 la Ass aim4


Is the Estimated Aggregate Increase-of Property for Past Year With In-

dications That the Amount Will ReachS3OOOOO Increase

The hest evidence thatit rapidly and steadily KHIIMIU inwealth i shown by the report of CityTax M Bradford Thisreport shoos that the assessment f rthe put year amounted to more thin

over the same previous periodwhich according to the rules of

at value would show anincrease in the value of city propertywithin the put year about a quarterof a million dollars With the presentindication including the recent addition to municiptl territory the

should reach about 300000Never in the history of Gainesville

has building been so steady as duringthe past two years and this may besaid especially of the past six monthsThe class of buildings are superior tothe average a number of as tine resi-

dences and bnine houses a can hefound in the State having been erectedThi building continues with no signsof abatement and an army of carpen-ter and other mechanic i bringemployed here now


Passed Away at Waycross Ga AfterLong and Painful Illness

Information wan received in thi cityafternoon of th death of

Mr I HUfl Pournvll tilt helovcd wifeof A M Iournell which occurml inWajcro I urn time duringThurfdiy-

heeeiiMdyears i f aiif She suiTerincfor fetters l month and while thedeath expected it will tit le irneiiwith regret by her numero friendhere Sue n member of Kan-nauch Methodist Church South ofthi city

The funeral will he held ntthe f iriter hutue cif the dressed to-

dayDeeaxtl i survived by a huthand-

My to whom the yrnpithy of friendU extended


One Will Soon be Estabished at Wi-

ltiston Enthusiastic Meeting

The citizens and buines men ofVilli9ton who are desirous of ectnb-

lii a hank for that town held ameetiiiK a few days ago when itdeeded to organize at once with n cap-

ital of 150I 0 Benton of Georgia who i in-

terested in the Alachua bank andmany other similar institutionpresent offered all the en

nece ary Mr Bentonagreed to take come stock and ex-

plained o the present the advan-

tage of local banking after which theLook were opened and the amountwas in a sew mnmtnU

Torture by Savages

Speaking of the torture to which

lOMie of the Chvnp tribes in the Philip-

pine subject their Captives retniiH-

mi of the intense suffering I

for three months from inflammationof the kidneys ny V M Shortiian-of Cutting Me Nothing helpedme Jttil I tried Kleotru Bitters

three of which r mlteiycured me Cnr liver rninpiutt

blotto diorder uid runeserif and retoni the weak and nervou to robiHl henlil Jiiiaranteed by

Price V






see ojr N ivi e

Perona ittcnn O to tter 10-

M lint Mitt abJ teer ota

Gainesville Florida


lair rill





out fort f tn


f I



lid IIrl1

alt druggists r


At s ro hIlt


prowl tr to




assess-ing ooe




viihire brew





























Vc like b t i ciil ScottKpuiUion a focmcc irc 1

i r tvrri tlat ar s-

u hrctt an rti1 in I Ki i ia

ruauir r rc tiian a 1

vvt thy it pr-

ipks of It i for thisreason that Scott Emu i nhas a distinct and j ccillvalue in all wasting ii ea esThere is nothing better toremedy the troubles of im-

perfect growth and delicatein children The action-

of Scotts Emulsion is just aseffective in treating weak-ness and adultsSCOTT aj Iejtl Street New


C L-

I I1

fIlY 1



A a



buts l Sri





< > >



> <


Rev I J Lynch left yesterday forHawthorn where last night he con-

ducted a service in the Catholicchurch A revival or eriti of meet-ing of thi denomination which harebeen conducted under direction ofFather lre nahan of St Augustineclosed night after a most

Deputy Sheriff J II Granger hat returned hum innflloii whew he wenton Wfdne iay to convey EdwardHurd n young negro man cunvicted inJu tice Hxleyd court at High Springsupon a charge of beating way on arailroad train Hurd atine of flu and in default of thepayment of which he wa sentenced tothree months in the mines

Mr an Mm A L Jack nn have re-

turned from they havebeen to Mr and Mr L V-

Jaiksiti While in Owala Mr Jacknonwho i iMititemplating the purchase ofnine registered cattle visited thetarns of Monroe v ChnmbUc IAlmet-to Stack hum mind greatly ins

I re il i h the regitert i Short Hornbreeds of the farm Yetis firm lahlOJt tire head of registeralro KfVeiityfUf htnd of high gradeeatte whirls Mr Jackfiui declarer tobe th flnis has erer een He waswell end may decile to invtfrt-

i in Horn tuckAmong the viitom to thi city U W

of Lake City who madeSun a fraternal call Mr Hare

n notwithtntiding the fact thati h is ft a very young man had

experience in journalistic workHe ha associated hirrelf with C A

Temple of Jacksonville and will pubfish from Lake City a monthly stockjournal The Southern andFarmer Tbf first number will appear01 or about the Wth init It will be atwentyfour page journal and will nod tubt mart with KOCH success through-out the country The Sun extrudebet wtrh n to th new venture

Surprise Gift ParlyA delightful function held at

the home of Mr and GeorgeTerry North iKineviUefViMimg bciiga surprise gift party toMr rnl Mr ThoniH MCHIII recentlymarried There were n offritiiilii of the contracting parties pres-

ent each bringing n gift a a token ofregard and

The evening pa ed off in n enjityablf manner and will b retnem-br led by those who vre MI fortunate

to be prtFfiit

Annual Meeting

i The annual of WimiHtiV

Auxiliary uf Holy Trinity Ciuinh will

take place thi morning at uolock intl p cliirch On that occasion tierwill b H cirporate celebration of theholy mmtininn which nil membr

well nheu Womans Aux-

iliary are cordially to attendThe offertory wil go t foreignptoni in thf J p neie Held an objectof P eciil concern t the noetuty thisyear

Doctors Are Puzzled

The remarkable recovery of KennethMtIver of Vaneebnro Me i the sub-

ject inter Fi to the medicalfraternity and wide circle of friend

f hi ca to ce-

vere intlammaton of the throat anduf the lung three doctors

gave me up to die when a a re-

port I WR induced to try Or Kmge-

Niw I overy atid I am happy to say

it raved my life Cure the wortcough and cold bronchitis tonsilttis

at all drug stores 5land 11 Trial Tuttle free







O alastin

lit f



I rl










IIf much

II in

cl lat

Iruh lorf lIe and lalrlpre1c




was assessedcosts

whereN visit






Vdu rdny


rte nt


tat cIirs


ass they








< ¬















Personal and Ntws Items FromThtS Thrim g

Ic5 r


t t iU if-

V i

it Ir n J

hit t I U jr l

Mr A h riii r r i r d Iudu r t F ri cl

I Mi T 1 Wu J tfi forIltlttka tu attend it e Ki of Iyhia ciinventtu i a din me front theMizpah Tmiple of till RtthUme Si

letMl Olie Irown soe tu Alachua to

d y to visit Miss L it CatoI r Allen principal of the high

st oat and an eminent oejlit is treat-ing a patient from Omaha NebGeorgia Valentine who was led to

hI I j II


r 1 d

III I dt-to lilIn IIS t





Sue si


tL err tIC

Irnrl-I N l r

tl nir t r lttir-i

rein1ur day

I hitt




> >







hi services by the high reputa-tion he has won in his successfultreatment of the eye


Q B Burhans Testifies After 4 Years I

G B Burhans of Carlisle CenterX Y writes About four years ago-I wrote you stating that I had beenentirely cured uf a severe kidneytrouble by taking lets than two bot-

tle of Kidney Cure It en-

tirely stopped the trick dUll sedimentand and syniprm of kidney d-iiae diatipeared I am glad to sayt tat I hive never had a return of anyof thine symptom during the fouryears that have elapsed and I amevidently cured and heartily rrcnmmend Holejs to anyonesuffering from kidney or bladdertrouble 1 W McColliim A Co

For MarshalTo the Voters of th City of mines

villaI have decided to enter the race

for reeleition a of Onusvilla sod will the uppuriof qualified voter wlo iieve in goodand hntiMut g ivrr imejt r i Ifelfrted 1 protne t c Mitinue tu fulfil

th n n


For MarshalTo the Vnttr of the City uf iaines-

vilkI heretiy mycelf as a

fur Mitrphil rubjeci to yourvute at the coniine municipal elec-tion If elected I promt a full andf Mi th ful discharge of of theoffice and will appreciate your sup-port collectively hind individually

RespectfullyII J RIIE

Citizens Meeting TonightThere will be a citizen meeting at

Johnson Hall thi Friday eveningMnnrh 18 at S oclock All voters ofthe city are requested to be present-

S It Wiui CVnS C CU K

Low Rates to Atlanta and Return via

Atlantic Coast Line-

n account of Wheeler MemorialMarch 7th and Second Annual

Reunion uf the Hide anti tray Marchh and i1Uh this Aiatitic Lint

will net I ticket from all points on itsline tu Atlanta G and felons at ratent one fare plu Ii cent fur the round-trip I 4l s uf vale March 5 and Mwith final limit 15 day in addition todate uf sale Fur further informationee nearest ticket agent or communi-

cate with Frank C ltuyltun D I A

Jacksonville Hla



111 ittI


tilt duties o III pat-H

11 S lOS







Kiinry tire


s tr thetsin 1a1hr cand-





















Begin Taking Ozonmlaioa Todayand Your Cure Begins Today

t roprto UM

t i of ConvcJeIn 1ni Rrttre FyiHrinIn N ir th urrjulIn n Minmrr Out th Thinlac s of IUiilrTIn lliili tn 1p rm hilt Ltttl BodlM

the tvimtlc and While Fleth andIn Dotting their chtk with Pretty

Color and Dimples that aaalM raHeart Gladto a AatMate for aU Disease Ca eei-

atvporare o CoU Wet-s To prove Its lUdlctnal VtoA Midst

Trial lotus bit ManWill b sent on request Wrtu ay letter

postal card toI OzMUUloa Mlle St rt-

Ml DruccUtTwo eti



rt Itl u rd UIn-

h I rHIII o Ii-


t eAk tAtth

In T nto r It 1o1

C It





a d

t g ti 1stCs of hr lai dnt SaII

la tr ts tai 3rerrtt thet and tr Inslutnt p rI t

C la 1 r s is rreNl





Gfwatt U





Expect Heavy Peach CropBirmingham Ala March 15 Pratt

men In thin of the state aaythat the peach trees have not

al all this spring and thatthey now In hotter thanUHiial for season Theypate the hinvlost vl Id In th hlKtory-

nf the ntati If then are no heavytrusts In April

Prince Tsal Tse SailsNow York MnTh 1rlnco Ts n-

Vfv hlph romtiIssimnTs Slump ChiHotur and II To envoys of theMnptrnr of I their crrrotnrlcv

and Miill l tlt White Starllnir fur Kinop TiuMlay

Died for Cursing WomanAthens tin March I Bob TholiR

negro IK In Clnrkv county jail on thecharge of killing Jim Jackson anothernegro Jackson was cursing the wifeof Thokan when the latter took hispistol and killed him



of Cream atONE

See Them



damn dcondition

this anI lei







hs nitEar

sit tachrs





M1C1111E TILE JIuun-


ShUt lighteet I TheChampion Speed of World

Va1t fayShultli More In

u in Gainesville than any other machine

For Sale by

THE SUN Gainesville Fla

a oi



4 ON

H a s TabulatorON

Every Machine

LightestWriters tse

the Fay Sholere+


fca an tliNL f shoeswhich HI liimchiadtaure wr ei e

them atthe lanrmt hh

Stun IN MIJJ Florida


Miss Ntra Nirfti




Freah and Water

llt imi Keysad Oystrn

Corner Main and Mechanic Streets3PJ3OXTJO 93


Decorator and

Piper Hangar

201 East Main St S Gainesville Fla

All kinds of outside and inside workpromptly and neatly zecutd




Electrical Supplies

Agtary fer lntl K Blcyrkn Rtfatriactint preMBtly Electrical work

ef all klrt


Stanton Foundry i Ma

chinery Co Inc

PALATKA FLORIDArufaclutep or

Iroi and Brass Castings nd MackiMry

Grate ears Pbospfcate CastiijsRailroad and Mill Castles

and Repairs

CASTOar iiiiiPhlnc JIM facilities M COIW to none

In trie State SKNtl LS LOCI ORDERS

Off era for the next 30 thefollowing goods at prices nam-ed below

Durkees Salad DressingThree bottles Pickles 25cThree cans Corn 25eThree cans Peas 25oOne 3lb can Elberta Peaches 30oTwo 2Jb can Klhvrta Peaches 36cBest Lump Starch lb fThree Mb can Corned or Roast

Beet 33 J

Compound Iard per IbBest K des of Hams and Breakfast

Bacon and everything Cheap for Cash

GIVE LS A CALLWe can satisfy you both iu quality and

prier178 TELEPHONE 17

35 Cut u


pair tit





B SnAlnTOn





Cash Grocer COI



Pr ldructr

1 i

prior to thewed

old prier
















> >



