cï» jörnen ufäk jbrpactosay' picture outlying...

grabóte* on i .. Cï» Jörnen Glen* Hooter, wh* was "Bobby" In "Claraace," Booth Tarkington'a de¬ lightful comedy, has been engaged to appear as "Willie Ainsley" in Norma Talmadge'8 next First National »te¬ tara, "Smilin' Through." In "The Cas« of Beeky," a Realart picture which will soon be released,, Mr. Hunter plays op¬ posite Constance Binney. and he will also be seen opposite Dorothy Gish in the Paramount picture, "Oh, Jo." Hoodlni has completed his latest pic¬ ture, tentatively called "1? ».Idenoof the Secret Service." Houdini also wrote the story. His leading woman Is Gladys Leslie and in the supporting cast are Jane Jennings, Myrtle Morse» Richard Cariyle, William Humphreys,, and Edward Boulden. Rose Shulsinger, who went abroad in the interests of the French company, Coureau, Régnier & Morale, after a tour of England and Belgium, has re¬ turned to Paris and is assembling the first film of Gabrielle Dorzeah, who was seen here with William Favershara in "The Hawk." The tentative title is "L'Enfant et la Rose." Clara Klmball Young has embarked on a vaudeville tour via the Pantages circuit. Numerous film stars are ap¬ pearing now on the two-a-day. Juanita Hanson opened recently in Minneapolis and Bessie Love is about to lo launched in an act written especially for her. Owing to the newly installed rotary system of directors at the West Coast studios, the thirteenth Realart picture, starring Bebe Daniels, will be directed by Chester M. Franklin. Franklin di¬ rected Miss Daniels's first starring production, "You Never Can Tell," and Edward Martlndel, who played an im¬ portant part, als« appears in this one. Edward Sutherland will be her lead¬ ing man. Myrtle Stedman, Vera Lewis and James Gordon have important parts. The name of the Pearl White pic¬ ture now in the making at the Fox studio, under the direction of Kenneth I Webb, is "Open Your Eyes." In it Pearl is said to do some things that will open the eyes of her admirers. Gloria Swanson Is back In Hollywood looking at two new scrips of photo¬ plays which she is to make. First she will do "The Husband's Trademark," an original »tory by Clara Beranger. When this \i finished she will start work on another Elinor Glyn story called "Beyond the Rocks." Lon Chaney, the famous character actor, says that it is not true that he has signed a contract to make a series of pictures for Universal. He will make one. picture only, and after that he has plans for leading his «th com¬ pany. Norman Dawn ha» been engaged to supervise Sessue Hayakawà in "The Street of the Flying Dragon," which will be released by R. C. Pictures. Mile. Narcit», the noted Spanish beauty and screen star, will appear in a big production which will be pro¬ duced by Louis Naipes early this fall. The picture will be made at one of tho Eastern studios. May McAvoy has bought a home in California, so New York will know her only on her occasional visits. Earle Williams is co-director with Robert Ensminger In "Bring Him In," his new picture all about the Royal Mounted Police. This Is Earle's first outdoor picture since "The Wolf." "Mother o' Dreams" Is the title of the next Western two-reel drama starring Tom Santschi, which Pathé has sched¬ uled for release the week of Septem¬ ber 13. Beulah Livingstone, who went abroad last June in the interests of Joseph M. Schenck and, the Misses Norma and Constance Talmadge, has returned to New York. Miss Livingston, in addition to visit¬ ing the First National exchanges in France, Italy and England and arrang¬ ing for the establishment of a foreign publicity bureau for tho Talmadge sis¬ ters, made a tour of the largest studios on the Continent, securing data about lighting, equipment, renUls, etc., as it is very likely Norma may make a pic¬ ture abroad in the near future. Ann Little will soon be seen in "Th* Blue Fox.'1^ This is a Ben Wilson serial. Hobart Henley has returned to the Pacific Coast and will once again be a Universal director. He recently re¬ signed as director general of Selznick Pictures. Two world famous warriors are now working at the William Fox Hollywood studios. They are Major Kenneth Marr, of the Lafayette Escadrille, and Captain Wellman, of th« same organ¬ ization. Major Marr is an assistant di¬ rector with Jack Ford, wb« directing Shirley Mason, and Captain Wellman is «ssistiag Bernard Durning, who di¬ rects Dustin Farnum. These two men, with Maurice Flynn, the new Fox star. are preparing to put on a big aerial stunt. * Louise Lorraine, of "The Adventures oi Tarzan," has signed a contract with Century Comedies to star in three pic¬ tures. The first is finished and has been calleù "Sea Shore Shapes," which suggests "she sell« sea shells on the seashore." Exterior scenes in "Sisters," a Kath¬ leen Norris story being filmed by Cos¬ mopolitan, will be photographed in a Canadian lumber camp. Seena Owen, Matt Moore, Gladys Leslie, Joe King, Tom Guise, Mildred Arden and Robert Schable have the principal parts. Al¬ bert Cfucllsni is directing. Ufäk t/jQ JBrpactosay' Picture I/ous'qs' Vaudeville PALACE.Daphne Pollard is the head¬ line attraction for another week. Others are Franklyn Ardell in "King Solomon Jr.," Gallagher and Shean, Yvette Rugel, Bert Baker, Frank Ellis, Adolphus, Jack Hanley and Da¬ vis and Bells. RIVERSIDE.Edith Taliaferro divides honors with Joe Cook. Eddie Buzzell, the Wiltons, Rome and Gaut, Alexan¬ der Brothers and Evelyn, Sherwin Kelly and Lou and Gene Archer com¬ plete the bill. < COLONIAL.Opening the new season to-morrow the bill includes four headline acts.Gallagher and Shean, Robert Emmet Keane and Claire Whitney, Frank Van Hoven and Mar¬ garet Young. Others aro Ivan Ban- koff, Stan Stanley, Paul and Pauline and Chief Blue Cloud. EIGHTY-FIRST STREET.'In Argen¬ tine" is the vaudeville feature with Richard Barthelmess in "Experience" on the screen. FORTY-FOURTH STREET.Inaugura¬ tion of Shubert vaudeville. Belle Story is headliner on a bill including Nanette, Georgio Price, the Barr Twins, Regal and Moore, Jack Con- way in "The Cellar,'* Bert Clark and Flavia Arcaro and others. FORDHAM.First half of week: Sallie Fisher, Sidney Phillips, Berk and Durkin, Caits Brothers, Josephine Amaras and Bessye Clifford. The Kaliz, Val and Ernie Stanton, La Pàlarico Trio, Jack McAuliffe. The film: "Experience." film: "Beyond" Last half: Armand HAMILTON."A Man of the People," with Frederick Barton, Craig Camp¬ bell, Berti Fitzgibbon, Claude and Fannie Usher, Biliy Gleason, Miller and Capman, Berk and Pawn, and Monroe and Grant form the bill. LOEWS AMERICAN . First half of week: Fred La Reine in the chief vaudeville feature. Bert Lytell in "A Trip to Paradise" is the film. Last half: Joe Bennett in "A Telephone Tangle" on the stage; "The Old Nest" on the screen. * LOEW'S STATE.-First half of week: Arthur Deagon and Joe Bennett share honors on the stage. The film is Constance Binney in "Room and Board." Last half: "Putting It Over" heads the vaudeville. JFhe film is Pauline Frederick in 'The Sting of the Lash." MOSS'S BROADWAY.The Four Marx Brothers in "On the Balpony" head the bill, which includes also Mrs. Gene Hughes, Joe Towle, Cunning¬ ham and Bennett, Editn Clasper, Handi* and Millis, Musical Hunters and Roy and Arthur. The feature film is "The Pilgrims of the Night." PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVENUE . First half of week: Tom Smith, Bob Nel¬ son, Larry Reilly, Carter and Harris, Florence Brady, Jones and White, Lucile De Trissing. Last half: Frank Ward, Joe Rolley, "Artistic Treat," Geneviève and Walters, Lowry and Prince, Hoen and Dupree, Margot and Duteil, Jerry O'Shea. PROCTOR'S TWENTY-THIRD STREET .First half of week: Mason and Cole, Lang and Vernon, Ray Perkins, Nicàaton Trio, Oxford Duo, Jenkins and Freeman. The film: "Beyond." Last half: Emily Darrell, Gibson and Price, f!lsie Sheridan, Cutty and Desmond, Gallagher «nd Grady, Mig¬ nonette. The film: "Experience." PROCTOR'S FIFTY-EIGHTH STREET; .First half of week: Roger Gray,! Beloit Trio, The Fourflushers, Grin- dell and Esther, Charles Keating, Dell and Bliss. The film: "Experi¬ ence." Last half: J. C. Mack, Wil- kens and Wilkens, 'George Holland,' Billy Kelly, McCarthy Girls, Metro¬ politan Duo. The film: "Beyond." PROCTOR'S 125TH STREET . First half of week: "At the Turnpike," "Tango Shoes," March and Lane, Stuart and Harris, Charlie Hopkins, Harry Lester Mason. The film: "Be¬ yond." Last half: William and Joe Mandel, Lang and Vernon, Ray Per¬ kins and others. The film: "Ex¬ perience." Brooklyn Theaters MAJESTIC."The Broken Wing" plays here this week. MONTAUK."Lifrhtin' " remains for one more week. BORO PARK.First half of week, Her¬ man Timberg, Mrs. Gene Hughes, Coogan and Casey, The Great Leon, Bert and Florence Mayo; the film, "Beyond." Last half, Ruth Roye, George M'acFarlane, Ncwell and Most, Howard and Lewis, Melva Sisters. The film, "Experience." BU3H\V^CK.Henry Santrey is the top- liner. Frances Pritchard, Harry and Anna Seymoar, Howard and Sadler, Juliette Dika, Frank Burt, Jack La Vier and Trennell Trio are also on the bill, LOEWS METROPOLITAN.First half of week, Waldron and Winslow in "Step Styles" and Norma Talniage in "Moths" on the screen. Last half, Lew Cooper heads the vaudeville. The film is Bert Lyteli in "A Trip to ^iradise." ORPHEUM.Arnold Daly is the head¬ line feature. Roger Imhoff, Marcella Coreene, Ray Raymond, Miller and Mack, Jim McWilliams, Pearson New¬ port and Pearson and Herbert and Dare complete the bill. STRAND."Way Down East" remains for another week. SHUBERT-CRESCENT.Lew Fields in a condensed version of "Snapshots of 1921" is the feature act of the opening bill of Shubert vaudeville. Others who will appear are Vinie Daly, Lulu McConnell and Grant Simpson, Yvette, Fred Allen, DuCal- lion, Armstrong and James and the Beige Duo. -. BROOKLYN AMUSEMENTS MAJESTIC widaind?at. Week Startin« To-morrow Brenlnf. A New Comedy-Drama by Paul Dickey and Charles W. Goddard * THE BROKEN WING Si* CRASHING AEROPLANE! One Solid Year at the Forty-Eighth Street Theatre. Direction of Swjent Aaarn. -KEITH SUNDAY CONCER NEXT I "OBERT WARWICK In WEEK i "In Th£ Night Watch" With Oliva Tall. In Picture Theaters APOLLO.Mary Plckford's "Little Lord Fauntleroy" enters its second week. CAPITOL."The Que«n of Sheba" is the feature. Owing to its length no other pictures are shown. Alexander Rose and Fanny Regia sing the chief rôles in the musical prologue intro¬ ducing the Fox production. CENTRAI/.Universal Films makes its second production, "Moonlight Fol¬ lies," Mario I'revost's first starring picture. -Charles dabnton-evg.worl» "UrHY! THE CROW ALONE |J WORTH THE PRICE OP-, AOrMSSlON" A/etender \tfoolfcott /V.y. TIME-P ONLY HAVE CUT IN HALF BUT THE SHOW IS BETTER MEW YORK AND COSTLIER THAN EVER GttBLErWUÏMHM-ft .SIXTH ANNUAL .., ÄDER JHOW. ÎèîMïsO / -WITH- »,>_ Fokin* und l'oklim, Char- £.<-0 lottB' Bert Levy, Ferry Corwey. 3 Bobs, Power»' Klephantft. Murcc-liue, Moton, nlli«rs, nuil Clyde Cook in hi. new comedy feature, "The Toreador." SEATS 8 WEEKS IN ADVANCE Mall Order» With Remittance Filled in llio Order Received. PRICES C1T"1W HP10MtöHE?P£,mo. .5UK0AYSEBIES SUNDAY NIGHT, OCT. Z Only N. T. Appearance This Season & SILVER ANNIVERSARY ..Star» and Stripes Night" SEAT SALE STARTS THURS.. 8«PT. 22nd. M»il Ördarl With Checki Accept*« NOW POPULAR PRICES MEVT. COM. JOHN- PHI UP ROU8A. ..Ctond. This Gala ("onceu will mark the ÎMIi Annitír- aary of the writius of .Star» and Prr'.pes For¬ ever," tii« Sou»a March which ha» talnvl more universal popularity than any other American com¬ pon üoä. >-;-'.- CRITERION."Th« Golem" continues- with the full program unchanged. LYRIC .'«The Three Musketeers," Douglas Fairbanks picture, begins its fourth week. PARK."Footfalls," with Tyrone Pow¬ er, begins its third week. RIALTO."The Affairs of Anatol" re¬ mains a second week, with the entire bill unchanged. RIVOLI.The screen program is the same as last week. The music in¬ cludes a tabloid operetta by Josiah Zuro, "Extravaganza." S H ER I DAN.Opens to-»lght with * George i'.rliss in "Disraeli," A troupe of Russian dancers and the Sheridan .Quartet contribute five numbers to the program. STRAND.Griffith's "Way Down East" remains for another week. MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE .The Thomas H. Ince production of "The Three Musketeers" will be shown for the first time to-morrow. Outlying Houses S HUBERT-RIVIERA."Spanish Love" la tho current attraction. BRONX OPERA HOUSE."Enter Mad¬ ame," with Gilda Vares!, is here this wflek. Miss Balfour Coming to America to Produce Eve Balfour, noted as Great Britain's most i beautiful .actress, who is also England's only woman motion picture producer, intends to transfer her ac- tffJWts to America. Miss Balfonr ¿a now in New York, looking up talent, "buying scenarios and completing ar- rangements to buy or lease a suitable plant. She has been offered three dif¬ ferent studio» in this vicinity, but be¬ fore äeciding Miss Balfour will visit Chicago for the purpose of Inspecting the Essanay Studios, which are said to be on the market. One of the first features to be pro¬ duced by the Eve Baliou?' Film Com¬ pany here will be "Le Jaloux," found¬ ed on the novel of the same name by Prince Antoine Bibesco, the Rumanian Minister at Washington. Miss Balfour has been a stage and screen favorite abroad for the last eight years. She started as a member of Sir Herbert Tree's company at' His Majesty's Theater, after which she starred in "Diplomacy" for a season. Since then she has played many* impor¬ tant Shakespearian roles at the prin¬ cipal Londpn theaters, and she has also appeared in over fifty feature pictures. . »- Elmer Clifton Preaches What He Practices "The actor makes the ideal director," declares Elmer Clifton, the motion pic¬ ture director. "Glance over the field of our foremost men behind the mega¬ phone and consider how many have been players. David Wark Griffith was an actor and a playwright, Erneet Lu- bitsch, the German producer, was an actor. So, too, were the late George Loane Tucker, Erick von Stroheim, Maurice Tourneur, Marshall Neilan and Herbert Brenon. "There is a very manifest reason for the supremacy of the actor as a di¬ rector. He makes a keenly sensitive and highly dramatic audience for the screen player. Bear in mind that the film actor must get his emotional ef¬ fects under difficult conditions. He has no-big audiences before him to sway and move. Often he is surrounded by hammering carpenters and noisy studio workers. His audience is one man. the director. Mr. Clifton's comments are of un¬ usual interest since he, too, was an ac¬ tor before advancing to the post of a di¬ rector. He played in "The Birth of a Nation" and "Intolerance," under Mr. Griffith's direction. New Form of Entertainment For the Lexington A combination of motion pictures and music is announced for the Lex¬ ington Theater for two weeks, Com¬ mencing next Sunday night, when the Film Company of Ireland, in associa¬ tion with tho Lexington Festival Or¬ chestra, will present the feature pic¬ ture, "Knock-na-Gow," or "The Homes of Tippcrary," adapted from Charles J. Kickham's novel of the same name. Preceding the picture the Festival Or¬ chestra will" render an overture from one of the most celebratd Irish sym¬ phonies, and the picture will be ac¬ companied with appropriate music. i TH£ATfí£S UNDEft DIRECTION OFHUGO MESEN FELD ' By PopuiAR Demanda AiÈOONDtofop-llÈ at [he RIVOLI BROADWAY AT ^9^ ST. anJARIALTO T/MiT SQUARE QMSS\m BALALAIKA ORCHE5TRA- JOLOUTJ-OJORltf VALLACE PEID ELLIOTT DEXTEP MONTE BLUE THEODOPE PÖBEBT5* THE0D0PLKO5LQEF PAYMOND HATT0N GLOPIA SANSÓN 5EBE DANIELS VANDA HAVLEY AGNES AYPE.y POLLY MOPAN JULIA PAY a (paramount Qidute J »POAOMMV yifktniff WORLO^WWESTan^FORtWSTMOTiw PICTURE PALACE EOWArtO BOW» .-MANAGING BlHECTOtt OL sx FI1WT TIME AT POPULAR PRICES!!! VlLLIAM FOX presents sOith a dijtin¿uuhcd cajt iac"udin# WHY BLYTHE FRITZ LIEBER and 6EORGE SMfAANfi. A öORGeCHJJTiCBttWj'PKTACUE. of the ANCIENT OOIEAIT To Be Preientefl With Specially Arranged Prologue CAPITOL GRAND CHORUS OF 40 VOICES CAPITOL BALLET CORPS With OAMBARELU, OfMANSKY, Nile«. Zanou. Soloist: MIXK, RKZ1A ¿PRtTENTATIOM ©Y/CBPTHArei,! »»»/"M t/i "Tf UICF. l/Jr'M'VIIVJVA/ ,UUUV -2ND BIG WEEK- D.WGMFFITH presentj The Photo-Dramatic Masterpiece Which Has Broken Every Long-Run Film Reaord New York Has Ever Had, Is Distinctly the Outstanding Sensation of the Decade, with LILLIAN GISH and RICHARD BARTHELMESS. REGULAR STRAND PRICES mtmmw*^1*m' *<§§£ throng* . -will íAeasC «.. hearts ? long »ri«i DougU»' j.-BW*-*«-^' -The Three W«-. t^r to thi* i*.* ..B"* THEATRE /^st5Dailuit2 25-50-75« * 1.00 ' 1000 CHOICE 5EAT5 50* ËXCEPT SAT and HOLIDAYS Everu M.i^St ,¡2*3 25-50-75 üOO-VSO-aoO ^l IOOO OtfCH 5EAT3 5100 EXCEPT 5A1.£/SUN. dnd HCUD«T$ 'fwo mt tXmcart» Sunday. 2 Mnd 8 P. BL | Beginning Monday, Sept. »._, S«ronri w^^^^î''^1 EXTENDED BY Pl'BXIC DBMAXD beLond im-, iwmjl Lau--n ing Wee* of the Tiny Nut Sinking Character comedienne uno lias Taken Broadway by Storm DAPHNE POLLARD . Pl , , EXTRA ADDED FEATURE A rlotou» farce with girls and y/it and convulsing situations. FRANKLYN ARDELL YVET TE RUGEL -Jl!ll!*l!irî_J--rJ'r"a Donna.Leo Feiner. Accomi _ EXTRA IBATCRE ""*' EXTRA FEATURE PATRICOLA Sclntllatlng Melodist. SOLLY WARD & CO. with MARION Ml KK.W. .Extra Ad'iet Geo. Choos Offers sssssssssss_ A DR^" REHEARSAL aMggMffMS^ jA_Hum_qrous_ Travesty In One Act. Danseuse present "BOHEMIAN LIFE." JACK HANLEY iXe"sors yajblbJ and H la Funny Sticks DAVIS & PELLE In an Equilibrlstic Maralhon tÓph s'of'the "day EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION These Boys Start Where Other Comics Leave Off. ED GALLAGHER and AL SHEAN as MR. GALLAGHER & MR. SHEAN in "EGYPT" For humor, entertaining personalities, originality and punch this pair »xe beyond eon ^^^^H ort. is GALA OPENING OF THE SEASON MONDAY MAT. BRIIXIANT 0 ACT IULL EDITH rALIAFERRO JOE COOK . MR. ROBT. E. GALLAGHER KEANE & and MR. ! CLAIRE SHEAN 1 WHITNEY FRANK [MARGARET VAN HOVANj. YOUNG IVAN STAN BAXKOFF ' | _STANLEY _ Ne! & Et¿íe" j Bine Cloud Paul i ílllbert £ Winonu & I'auline.v WILTON SINTERS. ROME A (iATT, ALEXANDER I1KO-», and EVELYN', SU ERWIN KELLY and other*. a BRrvElTM'S .- STREE _B^OAO'i*Y At- « 1? 3o&eerti Sunday, 2:15 & 8:15. Week of Sept SÊNS.VÎHÏNAL VA I I> f.V fUX »SÇ ELTV FROM SOITH AMERICA. "IN ARGENTINA" "Hhers & Photo Plc».\ ."EXFERIENCE," 1th RICHARD BAUTHELMR88. BROOKLYN AMUSEMENTS BROOKLYN AMUSEMENTS Matinees Wednesday and Saturday M O N T A U K LAST WEEK 1317th to 1324th Consécutive Performance in GREATER NEW YORK THE WORLD'S RECORDING-BREAKING COMEDY JOHN GOLDEN Presents NEXT WEEK COM. «*PT. MTHL, 0NK WECK ONLY «AM H. HARRIS Preaetits M I GENEVIEVE TOBIN Staged by WINCHEU SMITH "LITTLE OLD NEW YORK* sad ta» Naw Y«* C*»|M» SEATS NOW

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Page 1: Cï» Jörnen Ufäk JBrpactosay' Picture Outlying D.WGMFFITHchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1921-09-18/ed-1/seq-46.pdfgrabóte*on i Cï»Jörnen Glen* Hooter, wh* was "Bobby"

grabóte* on i.. Cï» Jörnen

Glen* Hooter, wh* was "Bobby" In"Claraace," Booth Tarkington'a de¬lightful comedy, has been engaged toappear as "Willie Ainsley" in NormaTalmadge'8 next First National »te¬tara, "Smilin' Through." In "The Cas«of Beeky," a Realart picture which willsoon be released,, Mr. Hunter plays op¬posite Constance Binney. and he willalso be seen opposite Dorothy Gish inthe Paramount picture, "Oh, Jo."

Hoodlni has completed his latest pic¬ture, tentatively called "1? ».Idenoof theSecret Service." Houdini also wrotethe story. His leading woman IsGladys Leslie and in the supportingcast are Jane Jennings, Myrtle Morse»Richard Cariyle, William Humphreys,,and Edward Boulden.

Rose Shulsinger, who went abroad inthe interests of the French company,Coureau, Régnier & Morale, after a

tour of England and Belgium, has re¬

turned to Paris and is assembling thefirst film of Gabrielle Dorzeah, whowas seen here with William Faversharain "The Hawk." The tentative title is"L'Enfant et la Rose."

Clara Klmball Young has embarkedon a vaudeville tour via the Pantagescircuit. Numerous film stars are ap¬pearing now on the two-a-day. JuanitaHanson opened recently in Minneapolisand Bessie Love is about to lolaunched in an act written especiallyfor her.

Owing to the newly installed rotarysystem of directors at the West Coaststudios, the thirteenth Realart picture,starring Bebe Daniels, will be directedby Chester M. Franklin. Franklin di¬rected Miss Daniels's first starringproduction, "You Never Can Tell," andEdward Martlndel, who played an im¬portant part, als« appears in this one.Edward Sutherland will be her lead¬

ing man. Myrtle Stedman, Vera Lewisand James Gordon have importantparts.

The name of the Pearl White pic¬ture now in the making at the Foxstudio, under the direction of Kenneth IWebb, is "Open Your Eyes." In itPearl is said to do some things thatwill open the eyes of her admirers.Gloria Swanson Is back In Hollywood

looking at two new scrips of photo¬plays which she is to make. First shewill do "The Husband's Trademark,"an original »tory by Clara Beranger.When this \i finished she will startwork on another Elinor Glyn storycalled "Beyond the Rocks."

Lon Chaney, the famous characteractor, says that it is not true that hehas signed a contract to make a seriesof pictures for Universal. He willmake one. picture only, and after thathe has plans for leading his «th com¬pany.

Norman Dawn ha» been engaged tosupervise Sessue Hayakawà in "TheStreet of the Flying Dragon," whichwill be released by R. C. Pictures.

Mile. Narcit», the noted Spanishbeauty and screen star, will appear ina big production which will be pro¬duced by Louis Naipes early this fall.The picture will be made at one of thoEastern studios.

May McAvoy has bought a home inCalifornia, so New York will know heronly on her occasional visits.

Earle Williams is co-director withRobert Ensminger In "Bring Him In,"his new picture all about the RoyalMounted Police. This Is Earle's firstoutdoor picture since "The Wolf."

"Mother o' Dreams" Is the title of thenext Western two-reel drama starringTom Santschi, which Pathé has sched¬uled for release the week of Septem¬ber 13.

Beulah Livingstone, who went abroadlast June in the interests of Joseph M.Schenck and, the Misses Norma andConstance Talmadge, has returned toNew York.Miss Livingston, in addition to visit¬

ing the First National exchanges inFrance, Italy and England and arrang¬ing for the establishment of a foreignpublicity bureau for tho Talmadge sis¬ters, made a tour of the largest studioson the Continent, securing data aboutlighting, equipment, renUls, etc., as itis very likely Norma may make a pic¬ture abroad in the near future.Ann Little will soon be seen in "Th*Blue Fox.'1^ This is a Ben Wilson serial.

Hobart Henley has returned to thePacific Coast and will once again be aUniversal director. He recently re¬signed as director general of SelznickPictures.

Two world famous warriors are nowworking at the William Fox Hollywoodstudios. They are Major KennethMarr, of the Lafayette Escadrille, andCaptain Wellman, of th« same organ¬ization. Major Marr is an assistant di¬rector with Jack Ford, wb« i» directingShirley Mason, and Captain Wellmanis «ssistiag Bernard Durning, who di¬rects Dustin Farnum. These two men,with Maurice Flynn, the new Fox star.are preparing to put on a big aerialstunt. *

Louise Lorraine, of "The Adventuresoi Tarzan," has signed a contract withCentury Comedies to star in three pic¬tures. The first is finished and hasbeen calleù "Sea Shore Shapes," whichsuggests "she sell« sea shells on theseashore."

Exterior scenes in "Sisters," a Kath¬leen Norris story being filmed by Cos¬mopolitan, will be photographed in aCanadian lumber camp. Seena Owen,Matt Moore, Gladys Leslie, Joe King,Tom Guise, Mildred Arden and RobertSchable have the principal parts. Al¬bert Cfucllsni is directing.

Ufäk t/jQ JBrpactosay' Picture I/ous'qs'

VaudevillePALACE.Daphne Pollard is the head¬

line attraction for another week.Others are Franklyn Ardell in "KingSolomon Jr.," Gallagher and Shean,Yvette Rugel, Bert Baker, FrankEllis, Adolphus, Jack Hanley and Da¬vis and Bells.

RIVERSIDE.Edith Taliaferro divideshonors with Joe Cook. Eddie Buzzell,the Wiltons, Rome and Gaut, Alexan¬der Brothers and Evelyn, SherwinKelly and Lou and Gene Archer com¬plete the bill. <

COLONIAL.Opening the new seasonto-morrow the bill includes fourheadline acts.Gallagher and Shean,Robert Emmet Keane and ClaireWhitney, Frank Van Hoven and Mar¬garet Young. Others aro Ivan Ban-koff, Stan Stanley, Paul and Paulineand Chief Blue Cloud.

EIGHTY-FIRST STREET.'In Argen¬tine" is the vaudeville feature withRichard Barthelmess in "Experience"on the screen.

FORTY-FOURTH STREET.Inaugura¬tion of Shubert vaudeville. BelleStory is headliner on a bill includingNanette, Georgio Price, the BarrTwins, Regal and Moore, Jack Con-way in "The Cellar,'* Bert Clarkand Flavia Arcaro and others.

FORDHAM.First half of week: SallieFisher, Sidney Phillips, Berk andDurkin, Caits Brothers, JosephineAmaras and Bessye Clifford. TheKaliz, Val and Ernie Stanton, LaPàlarico Trio, Jack McAuliffe. Thefilm: "Experience."film: "Beyond" Last half: Armand

HAMILTON."A Man of the People,"with Frederick Barton, Craig Camp¬bell, Berti Fitzgibbon, Claude andFannie Usher, Biliy Gleason, Millerand Capman, Berk and Pawn, andMonroe and Grant form the bill.

LOEWS AMERICAN. First half ofweek: Fred La Reine in the chiefvaudeville feature. Bert Lytell in"A Trip to Paradise" is the film. Lasthalf: Joe Bennett in "A TelephoneTangle" on the stage; "The OldNest" on the screen. *

LOEW'S STATE.-First half of week:Arthur Deagon and Joe Bennett sharehonors on the stage. The film isConstance Binney in "Room andBoard." Last half: "Putting ItOver" heads the vaudeville. JFhefilm is Pauline Frederick in 'TheSting of the Lash."

MOSS'S BROADWAY.The Four MarxBrothers in "On the Balpony" headthe bill, which includes also Mrs.Gene Hughes, Joe Towle, Cunning¬ham and Bennett, Editn Clasper,Handi* and Millis, Musical Huntersand Roy and Arthur. The featurefilm is "The Pilgrims of the Night."

PROCTOR'S FIFTH AVENUE. Firsthalf of week: Tom Smith, Bob Nel¬son, Larry Reilly, Carter and Harris,Florence Brady, Jones and White,Lucile De Trissing. Last half:Frank Ward, Joe Rolley, "ArtisticTreat," Geneviève and Walters,Lowry and Prince, Hoen and Dupree,Margot and Duteil, Jerry O'Shea.

PROCTOR'S TWENTY-THIRD STREET.First half of week: Mason andCole, Lang and Vernon, Ray Perkins,Nicàaton Trio, Oxford Duo, Jenkinsand Freeman. The film: "Beyond."Last half: Emily Darrell, Gibsonand Price, f!lsie Sheridan, Cutty andDesmond, Gallagher «nd Grady, Mig¬nonette. The film: "Experience."

PROCTOR'S FIFTY-EIGHTH STREET;.First half of week: Roger Gray,!Beloit Trio, The Fourflushers, Grin-dell and Esther, Charles Keating,Dell and Bliss. The film: "Experi¬ence." Last half: J. C. Mack, Wil-kens and Wilkens, 'George Holland,'

Billy Kelly, McCarthy Girls, Metro¬politan Duo. The film: "Beyond."

PROCTOR'S 125TH STREET . Firsthalf of week: "At the Turnpike,""Tango Shoes," March and Lane,Stuart and Harris, Charlie Hopkins,Harry Lester Mason. The film: "Be¬yond." Last half: William and JoeMandel, Lang and Vernon, Ray Per¬kins and others. The film: "Ex¬perience."

Brooklyn TheatersMAJESTIC."The Broken Wing" plays

here this week.

MONTAUK."Lifrhtin' " remains forone more week.

BORO PARK.First half of week, Her¬man Timberg, Mrs. Gene Hughes,Coogan and Casey, The Great Leon,Bert and Florence Mayo; the film,"Beyond." Last half, Ruth Roye,George M'acFarlane, Ncwell and Most,Howard and Lewis, Melva Sisters.The film, "Experience."

BU3H\V^CK.Henry Santrey is the top-liner. Frances Pritchard, Harry andAnna Seymoar, Howard and Sadler,Juliette Dika, Frank Burt, Jack LaVier and Trennell Trio are also onthe bill,

LOEWS METROPOLITAN.First halfof week, Waldron and Winslow in"Step Styles" and Norma Talniage in"Moths" on the screen. Last half,Lew Cooper heads the vaudeville.The film is Bert Lyteli in "A Trip to^iradise."

ORPHEUM.Arnold Daly is the head¬line feature. Roger Imhoff, MarcellaCoreene, Ray Raymond, Miller andMack, Jim McWilliams, Pearson New¬port and Pearson and Herbert andDare complete the bill.

STRAND."Way Down East" remainsfor another week.

SHUBERT-CRESCENT.Lew Fields ina condensed version of "Snapshotsof 1921" is the feature act of theopening bill of Shubert vaudeville.Others who will appear are VinieDaly, Lulu McConnell and GrantSimpson, Yvette, Fred Allen, DuCal-lion, Armstrong and James and theBeige Duo.-.


MAJESTIC widaind?at.Week Startin« To-morrow Brenlnf.

A New Comedy-Drama by PaulDickey and Charles W. Goddard



One Solid Year at theForty-Eighth Street Theatre.

Direction of Swjent Aaarn.



WEEK i "In Th£ Night Watch"With Oliva Tall.

In Picture TheatersAPOLLO.Mary Plckford's "Little LordFauntleroy" enters its second week.

CAPITOL."The Que«n of Sheba" isthe feature. Owing to its length noother pictures are shown. AlexanderRose and Fanny Regia sing the chiefrôles in the musical prologue intro¬ducing the Fox production.

CENTRAI/.Universal Films makes itssecond production, "Moonlight Fol¬lies," Mario I'revost's first starringpicture.

-Charles dabnton-evg.worl»"UrHY! THE CROWALONE |J WORTHTHE PRICE OP-,AOrMSSlON"

A/etender \tfoolfcott/V.y. TIME-P





.., ÄDER JHOW.ÎèîMïsO/ -WITH-»,>_ Fokin* und l'oklim, Char-£.<-0 lottB' Bert Levy, FerryCorwey. 3 Bobs, Power»'Klephantft. Murcc-liue, Moton,nlli«rs, nuil Clyde Cook in hi. newcomedy feature, "The Toreador."

SEATS 8 WEEKS IN ADVANCEMall Order» With RemittanceFilled in llio Order Received.


HP10MtöHE?P£,mo..5UK0AYSEBIESSUNDAY NIGHT, OCT. ZOnly N. T. Appearance This Season &SILVER ANNIVERSARY..Star» and Stripes Night"


8«PT. 22nd.M»il ÖrdarlWith Checki

Accept*« NOW


MEVT. COM. JOHN-PHIUP ROU8A. ..Ctond.This Gala ("onceu willmark the ÎMIi Annitír-aary of the writius of.Star» and Prr'.pes For¬ever," tii« Sou»a Marchwhich ha» talnvl moreuniversal popularity thanany other American com¬ponüoä.

>-;-'.-CRITERION."Th« Golem" continues-with the full program unchanged.

LYRIC .'«The Three Musketeers,"Douglas Fairbanks picture, begins itsfourth week.

PARK."Footfalls," with Tyrone Pow¬er, begins its third week.

RIALTO."The Affairs of Anatol" re¬mains a second week, with the entirebill unchanged.

RIVOLI.The screen program is thesame as last week. The music in¬cludes a tabloid operetta by JosiahZuro, "Extravaganza."

S H ER I DAN.Opens to-»lght with* George i'.rliss in "Disraeli," A troupe

of Russian dancers and the Sheridan.Quartet contribute five numbers tothe program.

STRAND.Griffith's "Way Down East"remains for another week.

MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE .TheThomas H. Ince production of "TheThree Musketeers" will be shownfor the first time to-morrow.

Outlying HousesSHUBERT-RIVIERA."Spanish Love"

la tho current attraction.BRONX OPERA HOUSE."Enter Mad¬ame," with Gilda Vares!, is here thiswflek.

Miss Balfour Coming toAmerica to Produce

Eve Balfour, noted as Great Britain'smost i beautiful .actress, who is alsoEngland's only woman motion pictureproducer, intends to transfer her ac-

tffJWts to America. Miss Balfonr ¿anow in New York, looking up talent,"buying scenarios and completing ar-

rangements to buy or lease a suitableplant. She has been offered three dif¬ferent studio» in this vicinity, but be¬fore äeciding Miss Balfour will visitChicago for the purpose of Inspectingthe Essanay Studios, which are said tobe on the market.One of the first features to be pro¬

duced by the Eve Baliou?' Film Com¬pany here will be "Le Jaloux," found¬ed on the novel of the same name byPrince Antoine Bibesco, the RumanianMinister at Washington.Miss Balfour has been a stage and

screen favorite abroad for the lasteight years. She started as a memberof Sir Herbert Tree's company at'His Majesty's Theater, after which shestarred in "Diplomacy" for a season.Since then she has played many* impor¬tant Shakespearian roles at the prin¬cipal Londpn theaters, and she has alsoappeared in over fifty feature pictures.

. »-

Elmer Clifton PreachesWhat He Practices

"The actor makes the ideal director,"declares Elmer Clifton, the motion pic¬ture director. "Glance over the fieldof our foremost men behind the mega¬phone and consider how many havebeen players. David Wark Griffith wasan actor and a playwright, Erneet Lu-bitsch, the German producer, was anactor. So, too, were the late GeorgeLoane Tucker, Erick von Stroheim,Maurice Tourneur, Marshall Neilan andHerbert Brenon."There is a very manifest reason for

the supremacy of the actor as a di¬rector. He makes a keenly sensitiveand highly dramatic audience for thescreen player. Bear in mind that thefilm actor must get his emotional ef¬fects under difficult conditions. Hehas no-big audiences before him to swayand move. Often he is surrounded byhammering carpenters and noisy studioworkers. His audience is one man.the director.Mr. Clifton's comments are of un¬

usual interest since he, too, was an ac¬tor before advancing to the post of a di¬rector. He played in "The Birth of aNation" and "Intolerance," under Mr.Griffith's direction.

New Form of EntertainmentFor the Lexington

A combination of motion picturesand music is announced for the Lex¬ington Theater for two weeks, Com¬mencing next Sunday night, when theFilm Company of Ireland, in associa¬tion with tho Lexington Festival Or¬chestra, will present the feature pic¬ture, "Knock-na-Gow," or "The Homesof Tippcrary," adapted from Charles J.Kickham's novel of the same name.Preceding the picture the Festival Or¬chestra will" render an overture fromone of the most celebratd Irish sym¬phonies, and the picture will be ac¬companied with appropriate music.


By PopuiAR DemandaAiÈOONDtofop-llÈ






a(paramountQidute J





sOith a dijtin¿uuhcd cajtiac"udin#


A öORGeCHJJTiCBttWj'PKTACUE.of the ANCIENT OOIEAITTo Be Preientefl With Specially Arranged PrologueCAPITOL GRAND CHORUS OF 40 VOICES



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The Photo-Dramatic Masterpiece Which HasBroken Every Long-Run Film Reaord New YorkHas Ever Had, Is Distinctly the OutstandingSensation of the Decade, with LILLIAN GISHand RICHARD BARTHELMESS.


mtmmw*^1*m' *<§§£ throng*. -will íAeasC «.. hearts

? long »ri«i DougU»' j.-BW*-*«-^'-The Three W«-. t^r

to thi* i*.* ..B"*THEATRE

/^st5Dailuit225-50-75« * 1.00' 1000 CHOICE


Everu M.i^St,¡2*3 25-50-75 üOO-VSO-aoO^l IOOO OtfCH

5EAT3 5100EXCEPT 5A1.£/SUN.dnd HCUD«T$

'fwo mt tXmcart» Sunday. 2 Mnd 8 P. BL | Beginning Monday, Sept. »._,S«ronri w^^^^î''^1 EXTENDED BY Pl'BXIC DBMAXDbeLond im-, iwmjl Lau--ning Wee* of the Tiny Nut Sinking Charactercomedienne uno lias Taken Broadway by StormDAPHNE POLLARD

. Pl , ,EXTRA ADDED FEATUREA rlotou» farce with girls and y/it and convulsing situations.FRANKLYN ARDELL

YVET TE RUGEL-Jl!ll!*l!irî_J--rJ'r"a Donna.Leo Feiner. Accomi _


PATRICOLASclntllatlng Melodist.

SOLLY WARD & CO.with MARION Ml KK.W..Extra Ad'ietGeo. Choos Offers sssssssssss_

A DR^" REHEARSAL aMggMffMS^jA_Hum_qrous_ Travesty In One Act. Danseuse present "BOHEMIAN LIFE."JACK HANLEY iXe"sors yajblbJ

and H la Funny Sticks

DAVIS & PELLEIn an Equilibrlstic Maralhon tÓph s'of'the "day


For humor, entertaining personalities, originality and punch this pair »xebeyond eon ^^^^H

ort. is







BAXKOFF ' | _STANLEY _Ne! & Et¿íe" j Bine Cloud Paul iílllbert £ Winonu & I'auline.v


a BRrvElTM'S .-


1?3o&eerti Sunday, 2:15 & 8:15. Week of SeptSÊNS.VÎHÏNAL VA I I> f.VfUX »SÇELTV FROM SOITH AMERICA.



Matinees Wednesdayand SaturdayM O N T A U K

LAST WEEK1317th to 1324th Consécutive Performance in GREATER NEW YORK




«AM H. HARRISPreaetits M



"LITTLE OLD NEW YORK*sad ta» Naw Y«* C*»|M»