c a pital commentary: august 3 · ent geopolitica l’s observation w recedented me deems in not o...

CHIN The Chines recent mov novel, polit empty citie intervention maintaining essence of a Chinese ma PREDICT I pe Si The circum different th China. Whe equity mark interests, bu bolstering t inching clos these objec intervention Repercus The slowdo that those d moderation markets. Th A’S CH e nation has in ves in the South tically and cultu s just some of t ns or subseque g the orderly p a free capital m arkets through a TABLE SELF I cannot forecas erhaps there is a ir Winston Churc mstances in whic han that of Russi ether manufact kets, the Chines ut also those of the confidence o ser to a more ca ctives. Indeed, ns have the pote sions of Slow own in Chinese G data aren’t the n in the fundam he accelerated I n C A AOTIC P some form exis h China Sea sug urally foreign ca the more obvio ent reforms ma progression of market. In addit an additional set F-INTEREST st to you the act a key. That key chill, BBC Broadc ch we find the ia at the dawn o uring islands in se government s the ruling Com of the populace apitalistic societ the past year’s ential to breed d wing Growth GDP is well-doc whole story. Al mental dynamics deterioration in n ne a A P I PROGR sted for millenn gest a youthful apitalistic reform ous. While we ca ade by the Chin the Chinese ec tion to classic m t of lenses to res tion of Russia. I is Russian nati cast, London, 10 Chinese state, of World War II n the South Ch seems intent to mmunist Party. S and thereby fo ty, past heavy-ha s boom-bust cy disorder, even ch cumented. How long with China s of the compan n those fundam a lta T A L ESSION nia. And, yet, it nation testing m has led to ev annot exactly p nese Governme conomy. Noneth methodologies fo solve the unique It is a riddle wr ional interest.” .01.1939. Via The within the cont I. Even so, we fin hina Sea, or imp pursue any ma Superficially, the rtifying the pow anded approach ycle in the ma haos. wever, while we k a’s ongoing mod nies represented mental trends w N is in many way the limits of its vident misalloca predict the timin ent, we believe heless, these ac or capital mark e risks they pres rapped in a mys e Churchill Socie text of the pres nd Sir Churchil plementing unp anner of goals it ese goals includ wer base of the hes may find les ainland equity know what the p deration in mac d by the ETFs w was among the COMMENTA ys still very you s global influenc ations of capita ng or nature of that they will ctivities are no ket evaluation, i sent. stery inside an ety London sent geopolitica ll’s observation w precedented me t deems in not o de maintaining m ruling class. As ss success, perh markets demo published data croeconomic gr we have chosen f primary driver ARY: AUGUST ng in the world ce. And the pur al, newly built b f future equity m be in the inte ot consistent wi investors must enigma; but al climate, is ce well-suited to m easures to supp only the country macroeconomic s the country m haps even work a onstrates how m suggest, we also rowth, we have for the Chinese rs for our Inve 3, 2015 d. More rsuit of but still market erest of ith the review ertainly modern port its y’s best c order, matures, against market o know seen a equity stment

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CHINThe Chines

recent mov

novel, polit

empty citie



essence of a

Chinese ma





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hes may find les

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ce. And the pur

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f future equity m

be in the inte

ot consistent wi

investors must

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well-suited to m

easures to supp

only the country


s the country m

haps even work a

onstrates how m

suggest, we also

rowth, we have

for the Chinese

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3, 2015

d. More

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but still


erest of

ith the




port its

y’s best

c order,




o know

seen a




sidestep the

We also un

impacts of


ongoing inc

actual redu

46% from


sectors is do

China’s slow

and broade

world, inclu

valuation s


adjust tactic

1 It is necessawho invest inexchange. Whrepresent abomore mature,particular wou

’s decision to tr

e recent turmoil

nderstand that

its gluttonous

nt of infrastruct

creases in suppl

ction thereof ha

a post-financia

es across five se

own substantial

wdown, therefo

r global growth

uding many of

upport generall

Nonetheless, w

cal allocations a

ry to distinguish thn Chinese equities, hile the number of out a third of the m

larger-cap companuld make “more rea

rade out of our e

l that rocked eve

China has been

hunger for infr

ture in China h

ly focused on m

as contributed t

al-crisis peak s

ectors (energy, a

lly from that nea

ore, is obviously

. As it happens,

the remaining

ly remains stro

we continue to


he Chinese marketsbut who don’t live

f individual equitiemarket cap of all Ch

nies. They also histasonable” a dramat

exposure to the

en the larger, m

n a primary co

rastructure have

as clearly been

meeting what wa

to a global comm

set back in Ju

agriculture, live

ar-term peak: 5

y being felt in th

the companies

Asian exposure

ong such that I

assess the imp

s in which we histoe there, define Chins on the mainlandhinese equities. Whtorically have beentic understatement

e Chinese equity

more stable Chin

ontributor to gl

e multiplied ac

a key contribut

as expected to b

modity decline t

une 2014. That

estock, industria

5%, 27%, 13%, 2

hose companies

tend to be more

es within the C

Innealta’s Inves

pact of evolving

orically have investna’s stock market b

d China exchanges hat’s clear in that d

n more reasonably .

y market on Jun

nese equities trad

lobal macroeco

cross the sector

tor to the comm

be continued gro

that has left the

t index tracks

al metals and p

22% and 19%, in

s directly and in

e heavily repres

Country Rotation

stment team re

g trends in com

ted from those thatby the nearly 150 Cis almost 20 time

distinction is that tpriced than their m

ne 17th, a decis

ding outside of

onomic growth

rs and downstre

modity super-cy

owth in Chinese

e S&P GSCI Tot

24 commodity

precious metals)

n that order.

ndirectly tied to

sented among m

n Portfolio. Am

emains comforta

mmodity and ot

t have made the mChinese companies that number, thethe Hong Kong sh

mainland counterp


sion that allowed

mainland mark

more broadly,

eam within eac

ycle. A combina

e consumption

tal Return Index

y futures on ph

) and each of th

o commodities s

much of the deve

mong these expo

able with the p

ther markets an

most news lately. Mos listed on the Hone Hong-Kong-listed

hares reflect predomparts. This latest ep

2 2015

d us to


as the

ch. The

ation of

and an

x down


he sub-





nd will

ost folks ng Kong d names minantly pisode in


Stocks foOne may ar

the broader

capital mar



rally as an

economic r


to rein in m

provided am

Once the ti

gains were


The motiva


able to igno

rule, model

risk of inve

elevating th

r All and All frgue that the Ch

r economy, eve

rkets, in the vi

t’s involvement

ed from the rea

expression of th

eforms,” accord

expansion in m

margin balances

mple momentum

ide turned, the

a reflection of t


ations for these e

. But, the gover

ore: through dir

l or public comm

esting in both m

he hurdle to entr

for Stocks hinese Commun

n if those polic

ews of Party le

t is obviously ch

al economy as a

he ongoing “ma

ding to the Peop

margin debt, det

s may have been

m for the decline

government lik

their reform wo

exercises in ove

rnment now has

rect action it wil

ment. Given the

mainland and off

ry, at least from

nist Party mostly

cies have resulte

eaders, are very

hallenged, not

a result of the P

acroeconomic s

ple’s Daily (via

tailed in Figure

n the initial trig

e to feed upon i

kely presumed i

rk and that they

ert control can in

s set a preceden

ll limit or deny

se added uncert

fshore Chinese

m our purview as

y has been effec

ed in the misal

y much part of

least by the fac

Party’s broad ran

support for Chin

The Financial

2, as investors g

gger for the dec


it had to interv

y still were very

n many ways be

nt that all inves

the proper func

tainties, there is

markets. These

s tactical opport

ctive in its interv

llocation of reso

f that desire fo

ct that the coun

nge of interven

na’s developme

Times). The ch

gambled on its

cline, with the e

vene in order no

y much in charg

e categorized as


ctioning of the

s no denying th

e risks are diffic


ventionist ende

ources. We now

or an orderly p

ntry’s capital m

ntions. The Part

ent strategy and

heerleading resu

continued rally

expansiveness o

ot to lose the n

ge of the nation’

s altruistic, inten

c and internatio

capital markets

at recent action

cult to quantify,

eavors as they re

w understand th

progression. He

markets are som

ty had encourag

d the intrinsic fo

ulted in a massi

y. The Party’s att

of the leverage

narratives that m

’s continued eco

nded to boost in

nal, alike—will

s as it sees fit, w

ns have heighten

but have the ef

elate to

hat the

ere, the


ged the

force of

ive and






not be


ned the

ffect of

4 AUGUST 3, 2015


Uniquely influential in geopolitical and macroeconomic matters, China seems at once boundless in its potential to create

investment opportunity and confounding in its ability to stymie otherwise appropriate analysis. Observations in regard to

potential gain must account for a range of risks specific to the country’s evolution. In the end, Innealta’s Investment Team

retains a cautious eye toward the Chinese equity market, while mindful both of the positive and the negative implications for

China’s dynamic role in and impact upon global markets.


The information provided comes from independent sources believed reliable, but accuracy is not guaranteed and has not been

independently verified. The security information, portfolio management and tactical decision process are opinions of Innealta

Capital (Innealta), a division of AFAM Capital, Inc. and the performance results of such recommendations are subject to risks and

uncertainties. For more information about AFAM Capital, Inc. please visit afamcapital.com. Past performance is not a guarantee of

future results.

Any investment is subject to risk. Exchange traded funds (ETFs) are subject to risks similar to those of stocks, such as market risk,

and investors that have their funds invested in accordance with the portfolios may experience losses. Additionally, fixed income

(bond) ETFs are subject to interest rate risk which is the risk that debt securities in a portfolio will decline in value because of

increases in market interest rates. The value of an investment and the return on invested capital will fluctuate over time and, when

sold or redeemed, may be worth less than its original cost. This material is not intended as and should not be used to provide

investment advice and is not an offer to sell a security or a solicitation or an offer, or a recommendation, to buy a security. Investors

should consult with an investment advisor to determine the appropriate investment vehicle. Investment decisions should be made

based on the investor’s specific financial needs and objectives, goals, time horizon and risk tolerance. All opinions and views

constitute our judgments as of the date of writing and are subject to change at any time without notice.

Sector ETFs, such as Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITs”) are subject to industry concentration risk, which is the chance that

stocks comprising the sector ETF will decline due to adverse developments in the respective industry.

The use of leverage (borrowed capital) by an ETF increases the risk to the fund. The more a fund invests in leveraged instruments,

the more the leverage will magnify gains or losses on those investments.

Country/Regional risk is the chance that world events such as political upheaval or natural disaster will adversely affect the value of

securities issued by companies in foreign countries or regions. Country/Regional risk is especially high in emerging markets.

Emerging markets risk is that chance that stocks of companies located in emerging markets will be substantially more volatile, and

substantially less liquid, than the stocks of companies located in more developed foreign markets.

Securities rated below investment grade, commonly referred to as “junk bonds,” may involve greater risks than securities in higher

rating categories. Junk bonds are regarded as speculative in nature, involve greater risk of default by the issuing entity, and may be

subject to greater market fluctuations than higher rated fixed income securities.

Diversification does not protect against loss in declining markets.

Registration of an investment adviser does not imply any certain level of skill or training.

AFAM Capital, Inc. is an Investment Adviser, registered with the Securities & Exchange Commission and notice filed in the State of

California and various other states. For more information, please visit afamcapital.com. Registration as an investment advisor does

not imply any certain level of skill or training. Innealta is an asset manager specializing in the active management of portfolios of


Contact your financial advisor for additional information.

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