byzantine empire and orthodox christianity. europe during post- classical period following fall of...

Byzantine Empire and Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Orthodox Christianity Christianity

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Page 1: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Byzantine Empire and Byzantine Empire and Orthodox ChristianityOrthodox Christianity

Page 2: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Europe During Post-Europe During Post-Classical PeriodClassical Period

Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in EuropeChristian societies emerged in Europe Western Europe: Roman CatholicismWestern Europe: Roman Catholicism Eastern Europe: Orthodox ChristianityEastern Europe: Orthodox Christianity

The religion and culture of Eastern The religion and culture of Eastern Europe was largely shaped by the Europe was largely shaped by the Byzantine Empire.Byzantine Empire.

Page 3: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Map of Byzantine EmpireMap of Byzantine Empire

Page 4: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Origins of the Byzantine Origins of the Byzantine EmpireEmpire

Late in the Classical Period, Rome Late in the Classical Period, Rome established an eastern capital at established an eastern capital at Constantinople (formerly Byzantium)Constantinople (formerly Byzantium) Attempt to keep empire from collapsingAttempt to keep empire from collapsing

Roman Empire eventually split into Roman Empire eventually split into eastern and western halveseastern and western halves East began to thrive, west experienced East began to thrive, west experienced


Page 5: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Byzantine EmpireByzantine Empire

Both empires were hit hard by foreign invasion and Both empires were hit hard by foreign invasion and disease in the late-classical period.disease in the late-classical period. BUT, Byzantine Empire survived, the Roman Empire did notBUT, Byzantine Empire survived, the Roman Empire did not

Why was the Byzantine Empire stronger than that of Why was the Byzantine Empire stronger than that of Rome????Rome???? Thrived on tradeThrived on trade

Trade with Rome in declineTrade with Rome in decline Military derived from Middle Eastern provincesMilitary derived from Middle Eastern provinces

Rome hired foreign mercenariesRome hired foreign mercenaries Strong political and religious leadership in form of the Strong political and religious leadership in form of the

Byzantine EmperorByzantine Emperor Roman Emperor and Pope competed for power Roman Emperor and Pope competed for power

Page 6: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Emperor JustinianEmperor Justinian

Byzantine Empire flourished under Justinian’s ruleByzantine Empire flourished under Justinian’s rule Art, architecture, construction projectsArt, architecture, construction projects

Hagia Sophia- church with world’s largest dome (at the time)Hagia Sophia- church with world’s largest dome (at the time) Engineering marvelEngineering marvel

Created standardized system of law codes (Justinian Law Code)Created standardized system of law codes (Justinian Law Code) Maintain stability, unity, consistencyMaintain stability, unity, consistency

Under Justinian, the Byzantine Empire extended its influence Under Justinian, the Byzantine Empire extended its influence 533: Emperor Justinian attempted to reunite eastern and western 533: Emperor Justinian attempted to reunite eastern and western

halves of the old Roman Empirehalves of the old Roman Empire FailedFailed

Gained territory in N. Africa and ItalyGained territory in N. Africa and Italy However, the Muslim empires will later conquer about half of the However, the Muslim empires will later conquer about half of the

territory once controlled by the Byzantine Empireterritory once controlled by the Byzantine Empire

Page 7: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Mosaic of Emperor Justinian

Page 8: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Byzantine SocietyByzantine Society

Emperor was ordained by God to be Emperor was ordained by God to be head of Church and statehead of Church and state Patriarchal rule, but some women were able Patriarchal rule, but some women were able

to hold throne temporarilyto hold throne temporarily In early days, women enjoyed some In early days, women enjoyed some

freedom, but became more restricted as freedom, but became more restricted as time passedtime passed Practiced veiling and confinement of womenPracticed veiling and confinement of women

Muslims later adopt these practicesMuslims later adopt these practices

Page 9: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Religion in Byzantine Religion in Byzantine EmpireEmpire

Initially, the Byzantines were under the Initially, the Byzantines were under the authority of the Popeauthority of the Pope Over time, conflict arose between the Pope in Rome Over time, conflict arose between the Pope in Rome

and the Byzantine Emperor in Constantinopleand the Byzantine Emperor in Constantinople Began to develop differences in religious practicesBegan to develop differences in religious practices

1054: Great Schism1054: Great Schism Official split in ChurchOfficial split in Church

Roman Catholicism and Eastern OrthodoxRoman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox

Page 10: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Government Under Government Under Byzantine EmpireByzantine Empire

Complex centralized bureaucracyComplex centralized bureaucracy Mostly aristocrats in power positionsMostly aristocrats in power positions

Possible for other social classes to hold officePossible for other social classes to hold office Bureaucrats had to be well educatedBureaucrats had to be well educated Most positions that were closest to the Emperor Most positions that were closest to the Emperor

were held by eunuchswere held by eunuchs Provincial governors and spy network to maintain Provincial governors and spy network to maintain

orderorder Close tie between church and stateClose tie between church and state

Page 11: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Government Under the Government Under the Byzantine EmpireByzantine Empire

Focus on militaryFocus on military Recruited local troopsRecruited local troops

Exchanged military service for land that could be passed on to Exchanged military service for land that could be passed on to childrenchildren

Military helped fend off foreign invasionsMilitary helped fend off foreign invasions Regulation of the economyRegulation of the economy

Controlled food pricesControlled food prices Adopted silk making from China, allowing them to compete in Adopted silk making from China, allowing them to compete in

luxury marketsluxury markets Government Sponsored trade with Europe, Asia, Arab Government Sponsored trade with Europe, Asia, Arab

Muslims, IndiaMuslims, India Role of merchant class was diminished due to govt. involvement Role of merchant class was diminished due to govt. involvement

in tradein trade

Page 12: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Art and ArchitectureArt and Architecture

Strong Hellenistic InfluenceStrong Hellenistic Influence Domed buildings (adopted from Rome)Domed buildings (adopted from Rome) Mosaics: use of small, colored pieces of Mosaics: use of small, colored pieces of

glass, tile, stone to create an image glass, tile, stone to create an image Icon Painting: paintings of religious Icon Painting: paintings of religious

figuresfigures Often used rich colors such as blue and gold Often used rich colors such as blue and gold

to signify the purity and brilliance of heavento signify the purity and brilliance of heaven

Page 13: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Mosaic of Christ from Hagia Sophia

Page 14: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Hagia SophiaHagia Sophia

Page 15: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe
Page 16: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Decline of Byzantine Decline of Byzantine EmpireEmpire

Long declineLong decline Muslim InvasionsMuslim Invasions Turkish Troops seized territory in AsiaTurkish Troops seized territory in Asia Slavic peoples rebelled and created Slavic peoples rebelled and created

independent kingdoms in Balkan Peninsulaindependent kingdoms in Balkan Peninsula Crusaders Crusaders 1453: Turkish Sultan and his army attacked 1453: Turkish Sultan and his army attacked

Constantinople and seized the cityConstantinople and seized the city Established the Ottoman Empire under Muslim Established the Ottoman Empire under Muslim


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Page 18: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Legacy of the Byzantine Legacy of the Byzantine EmpireEmpire

Although the Byzantine Empire fell to Although the Byzantine Empire fell to Muslims in 1453, it left behind a cultural Muslims in 1453, it left behind a cultural legacy in Eastern Europelegacy in Eastern Europe Sent missionaries into Eastern EuropeSent missionaries into Eastern Europe

Conversions to Eastern Orthodox ChristianityConversions to Eastern Orthodox Christianity

Taught the Slavic peoples a written Taught the Slavic peoples a written language called Cyrilliclanguage called Cyrillic Still used by many cultures of Eastern EuropeStill used by many cultures of Eastern Europe

Page 19: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe


66thth-7-7thth Centuries: ppl. From Scandinavia Centuries: ppl. From Scandinavia navigated the rivers of Russia on their navigated the rivers of Russia on their way to trade with the Byzantine Empireway to trade with the Byzantine Empire Known as VarangiansKnown as Varangians Established cities along major riversEstablished cities along major rivers

Most important city was KievMost important city was Kiev Legend states it became a monarchy in 855Legend states it became a monarchy in 855

First ruler was Viking named RurikFirst ruler was Viking named Rurik Became ruler of kingdom known as Keivan RusBecame ruler of kingdom known as Keivan Rus

Page 20: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Kievan Rus Kievan Rus

Kiev maintained close ties to the Byzantine EmpireKiev maintained close ties to the Byzantine Empire Adopted many cultural practices from the ByzantinesAdopted many cultural practices from the Byzantines

Adopted use of Cyrillic alphabet (created by Byzantine Adopted use of Cyrillic alphabet (created by Byzantine Missionaries)Missionaries)

988: Vladimir I converted to Orthodox Christianity988: Vladimir I converted to Orthodox Christianity Most Russians were polytheistic before this conversionMost Russians were polytheistic before this conversion

Went from polygamy to monogamyWent from polygamy to monogamy Began to model their art & architecture after those of Began to model their art & architecture after those of

Byzantine EmpireByzantine Empire Used wood rather than stone in most buildingsUsed wood rather than stone in most buildings

Page 21: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Government in Kievan Government in Kievan RusRus

Series of independent, rival kingdomsSeries of independent, rival kingdoms Local, decentralized ruleLocal, decentralized rule Most people lived on communes, very little private Most people lived on communes, very little private

ownership of landownership of land Created strong sense of communityCreated strong sense of community

Kiev most powerful city, but did not create a Kiev most powerful city, but did not create a centralized bureaucracy to unite all of Russiacentralized bureaucracy to unite all of Russia

Close tie between church and state after the Close tie between church and state after the conversion to Orthodox Christianityconversion to Orthodox Christianity

Page 22: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Kievan RusKievan Rus

Religion became the center of life for Religion became the center of life for people of Kievan Ruspeople of Kievan Rus King of Kiev played major role in churchKing of Kiev played major role in church Church was center of life in Russian towns Church was center of life in Russian towns

and villagesand villages Scientific thought was overshadowed by the Scientific thought was overshadowed by the

teachings of religious leadersteachings of religious leaders Art was centered around religious figuresArt was centered around religious figures

Page 23: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Decline of Kievan RusDecline of Kievan Rus

Over time, Kievan Rus went into declineOver time, Kievan Rus went into decline Rivalry among various kingdomsRivalry among various kingdoms Decline of Byzantine Empire affected the RussiansDecline of Byzantine Empire affected the Russians

1240: Kiev and Russia fell under Mongol rule 1240: Kiev and Russia fell under Mongol rule Russia forced to take orders from and pay tribute to Russia forced to take orders from and pay tribute to

the Mongol rulers (known as the Golden Horde)the Mongol rulers (known as the Golden Horde) Mongols maintained rule until mid-1400’sMongols maintained rule until mid-1400’s

Page 24: Byzantine Empire and Orthodox Christianity. Europe During Post- Classical Period  Following fall of Roman Empire, 2 Christian societies emerged in Europe

Ivan the GreatIvan the Great

Under the rule of Ivan III, Moscow began Under the rule of Ivan III, Moscow began campaign to end Mongol rule in Russiacampaign to end Mongol rule in Russia Quit paying tributes in mid-1400’sQuit paying tributes in mid-1400’s Conquests in Russia to unite major cities Conquests in Russia to unite major cities

under Muscovite ruleunder Muscovite rule Mongol rule over by end of 1400’sMongol rule over by end of 1400’s

More on Russia in next unit!More on Russia in next unit!