by: paige lievois and jeremy bakken coal is a noun. it is a black or dark brown flammable mineral...

COAL By: Paige Lievois and Jeremy Bakken

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Post on 29-Dec-2015




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CoalBy: Paige Lievois and Jeremy Bakken

1Definition of CoalCoal is a noun. It is a black or dark brown flammable mineral substance consisting of carbonized vegetable matter, used as a fuel.


Advantages of CoalCoal is one of the most abundant(more of) sources of energy, more so than oil our natural gas.

Coal is inexpensive compared to other fossil fuels because there is more of it, and A LOT of it is found in nearby Pennsylvania.

Coal is capable of many uses, enough to be used for recreational activities such as BBQs or simply for home fires.Coal can be safely stored and can be drawn upon in emergency.Coal based power is not dependent on weather which can not be said for the alternative forms of renewable energy such as wind or solar power.Using coal reduces the dependence on using oil which is often found in unstable nations.

Disadvantages of CoalCoal mining is extremely dangerous for coal miners.

The burning of coal by large scale factories to power industries, has led to acid rain ( polluted rain) some regions.

Coal mining can scar the landscape and the equipment used for mining I large and noisy which can disrupt nearby wildlife.

There is a limited amount of coal remaining. There will be no more by the end of 1,000 years if we continue to burn it the same amount as today. It is a non-renewable energy source.

Burning coal can create BIG pollution problems!

Future of CoalThere is enough coal to last us a few hundred more years!

Where Coal is Mostly Found in The U.S.A90% of the coal in the United States is used by the US electrical power industry, besides that, it is used a lot in the South. But most of it is found in Pennsylvania.

How Coal Works

How Coal Electricity Works

Then the coal goes into a machine that blows it into a heater with water in it. The coal ash burns up into steam with the water, and the steam exits out a special way. Then it travels through the power station.

ConclusionJeremy-I think coal energy is good because its energy is reliable, it is safe in any weather, and it can be used for a lot of different things. Although it is extremely dangerous to mine.

Paige-I think coal energy is good because it can be used in many ways and it is very safe and reliable.

Coal cant fill all of our energy needs. It only supplies heat and electricity. But we need light, and even more!

Our BibliographyFossil fuel.comDictionary.comWikipediaYou green energy zone pics
