by: pablo young. cortes was born in 1485, historians are not sure of an exact date. he was born in...

Download By: Pablo Young.  Cortes was born in 1485, historians are not sure of an exact date.  He was born in Medellin, Spain.  He was son of Martin Cortes

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Hernan Cortes


By: Pablo Young Cortes was born in 1485, historians are not sure of an exact date. He was born in Medellin, Spain. He was son of Martin Cortes and Catalina Pizarro Altamirano. ory/hallofexplorers/HERNANDOCORTES.COM /ory/hallofexplorers/HERNANDOCORTES.COM / Hernan Cortes 1499: Cortes attended the University of Salamanca. 1501: He failed at Law and left the University. cortes.htm University of Salamanca 1511: In the expedition to Cuba Hernando Cortes was chosen to accompany Velazquez on the expedition (the commander of the expedition). Hernan Cortess Voyage 1514: Hernando Cortes settles on the island of Cuba and becomes a rancher. 1518: Velazquez decides to choose Hernando Cortes to captain an expedition to establish a colony in Mexico. cortes.htm A Mexican Village In 1519 Cortes lands in Mexico and establishes the town of La Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz. Soon after he learns about fabulous riches of the Aztec Empire and marches his troops inland to discover the land of the Aztecs. King Charles of Spain did not stop him and he settles in Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital. cortes.htm La Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz In 1520 Cortes is attacked by thousands of Aztec warriors and is forced out of Tenochtitlan. Cortes being attacked by Aztec warriors The biggest part in Hernans life occurs on August 13 when Plague strikes the Aztec population and Tenochtitlan falls to Cortes. Hernando Cortes conquered 5 Million Aztecs with less than 1000 soldiers. A flag used when under Hernan Cortes In 1530 Hernando Cortes returned to the New World and settles in Cuernavaca, Mexico. 1533: Hernando Cortes makes his final expedition and discovers Baja in California. 1540: Hernando Cortes returns home to Spain for the last time. Hernan returns to Spain Spain fears the power that Hernando Cortes has in the New World. Cortes is denied any government post in Mexico and his reputation is smeared by rumors that he murdered his wife, Catalina Xuarez. 1547: Cortez died on December 2, 1547 near Seville. By: Pablo Young