by lucy gallagher what do we use computers for? what do we use computers for? by lucy gallagher

By Lucy Gallaghe what do we use computers for? W hat do we u se computers for? By lucy gallagher..

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Page 1: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

By Lucy Gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What do we use

computers for?

What do we use

computers for?

By lucy gallagher..By lucy gallagher..

Page 2: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

School workSchool work



Online shopping

Online shopping

ResearchResearchSocial networking

Social networking

What do we use computers for?..

Page 3: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the draw backs?What are the draw backs?

What are the benefits?

What are the benefits?

How has it affected our


How has it affected our


When was each site


When was each site


What is it used for?What is it used for?

Social networking...


Page 4: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

what is social networking used for?

Social networking is used to talk to your friends

and family.It is also a good way to get to know people and

to talk to people who live far away.

You can also post information, pictures,

videos over the internet via msn or email.

Back to social networking...

Page 5: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

When was it invented? The first social networking site was in 1997.The first one was called it aloud people to make profiles and in 1998 you could look at your friends profiles.Back to social networking...

Page 6: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

How has social networking effected our lives? 

Social networking has effected our live it lots of ways. It allows us to talk to people who we might

not get to talk to alot and it is good becuse you can arrange thing to do over

the internet. Back to social networking...

Page 7: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the benefits of social neworking?

 It is a good way to

interact with lots of different people over the internet and to be able to keep in touch with family

who live far away over the internet.

Back to social networking...

Page 8: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the drawbacks of social networking?

 some people may give out personal information e.g. Phone numbers, address etc. Also there can be cyber bullying and paedophiles over the internet. Also someone could hack your account and chat to your friends and family .

Back to social networking...

Page 9: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the draw backs?What are the draw backs?

What are the benefits?

What are the benefits?

How has it affected our


How has it affected our


What sites are there

What sites are there

What is it used for?What is it used for?



Page 10: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What is research used for?

 research is used for...•Homework•Find jobs•Find information

You use research to find anything.

Back to research...

Page 11: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the websites?...

Back to research...

there is lots of websites for research

Page 12: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

How has it affected our lives?

Back to research...

research makes it easyer to find out information, instead of looking in a book.

Page 13: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the benifits of research

 Research is a good way to find out information and its quick and easy to do. Theres lots of websites you can find stuff out on so if you look on a few websites you can make sure its the right info. Back to research...

Page 14: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the drawbacks of research

 sometimes if you go on wikipedia you can get the wrong information because wikipedia can be edited by anyone.

Back to research...

Page 15: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the draw backs?

What are the draw backs?

What are the


What are the


How has it

affected our lives?

How has it

affected our lives?

What sites are


What sites are


What is it used


What is it used


Online shopping...


Page 16: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What is online shopping used for?

 Online shopping is used to buy stuff off of the internet. People dont have to travel anywhere to buy something you can just do it over the internet.

Back to research...

Page 17: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What sites are there for online shopping ?

There are lots of websites for online shopping e.g. ebay, amazon, any clothes websites, and shop websites.

Back to research...

Page 18: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

How has it affected our lives?...

 it has affected our lives because you dont have to go out to buy anything anymore you can just buy in via the internet and get it delivered to your door.

Back to research...

Page 19: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the benifits of online shopping?...

The benifits are that you can buy anythingyou want over the internet wihout having to leave your house. It is alot quicker than going out to get it yourself.

Back to research...

Page 20: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the drawbacks of online shopping?...

The drawbacks of online shopping is that if you accidently get the wrong thing you have to take it back to the shop, where it would of been quicker to just go there in the first place. Also if you get an item of clothing and you try it on and i doesn’t look how you wanted it to look so you would have to take it back. Back to research...

Page 21: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the draw backs?

What are the draw backs?

What are the


What are the


How has it

affected our lives?

How has it

affected our lives?

What sites are


What sites are


What is it used


What is it used




Page 22: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What is entertainment used for?

Entertainment is used for children to play games over the internet so they dont get bored. Also for 13’s and above there is facebook so you can talk to your friends so your not bored.

Back to entertainment...

Page 23: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What sites are there for entertainment?...

Childrens websites for entertainment are...••••

Older websites

Back to entertainment...

Page 24: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

How has entertainment affected our lives?...

It has effected our lives because it gives everyone something to do when there at home and bored.

Back to entertainment...

Page 25: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the benifits of entertainment?...

The benifits are that any age can goon the computer and not be bored because there are lots of entertainment websites.

Back to entertainment...

Page 26: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the drawbacks of entertainment?...The drawbacks of entertainment is that some people could get addicted to it and they wont come off.

Back to entertainment...

Page 27: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the draw backs?

What are the draw backs?

What are the


What are the


How has it

affected our lives?

How has it

affected our lives?

What sites are


What sites are


What is it used


What is it used


School work...


Page 28: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What is it used for?

School work is used for doing homework, revising and research.

Back to schoolwork...

Page 29: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What sites are there for schoolwork..

There are lots of sites you can use for doing school work, Google.comWikipidia

And many more...Back to schoolwork...

Page 30: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

How has school work affected our lives?

It has made it easyer and more fun to do work on the computer instead of writing it down...

Back to schoolwork...

Page 31: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the benifits of schoolwork on the computer?

The benifits are that its easyer to do work on the computer than writing it down because it takes longer and its really boring...

Back to schoolwork...

Page 32: By Lucy Gallagher what do we use computers for? What do we use computers for? By lucy gallagher

what do we use computers for?

What are the drawbacks of doing school work on the computer?

The drawbacks of school work on the computer is it might take ages for it to load up, or you could get the wrong information...

Back to schoolwork...