by indiah.l legends. american legends whats in the basement? mommy told me never to go in the...


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Post on 12-Jan-2016




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Page 1: BY INDIAH.L LEGENDS. AMERICAN LEGENDS WHATS IN THE BASEMENT? Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise

BY I N D I A H . L


Page 2: BY INDIAH.L LEGENDS. AMERICAN LEGENDS WHATS IN THE BASEMENT? Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise


Page 3: BY INDIAH.L LEGENDS. AMERICAN LEGENDS WHATS IN THE BASEMENT? Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise


• Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise. It kind of sounded like a puppy, and I wanted to see the puppy, so I opened the basement door and tiptoed down a bit. I didn’t see a puppy, and then Mommy yanked me out of the basement and yelled at me. Mommy had never yelled at me before, and it made me sad and I cried. Then Mommy told me never to go into the basement again, and she gave me a cookie. That made me feel better, so I didn’t ask her why the boy in the basement was making noises like a puppy, or why he had no hands or feet.

Page 4: BY INDIAH.L LEGENDS. AMERICAN LEGENDS WHATS IN THE BASEMENT? Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise


• A man leaves his house every morning to walk to work and passes a mental hospital surrounded by a wooden fence. Every morning the patients are out in the yard and he can hear them saying in unison,

• “10, 10, 10, 10, 10″.

• One day, he gets curious and looks through a hole in the fence.

• Suddenly, a stick shoots out and pokes him in the eye.

• “FREAK! He says to himself.”

• While walking away pissed off he can hear the patients saying,

• “11, 11, 11, 11, 11″

Page 5: BY INDIAH.L LEGENDS. AMERICAN LEGENDS WHATS IN THE BASEMENT? Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise


Page 6: BY INDIAH.L LEGENDS. AMERICAN LEGENDS WHATS IN THE BASEMENT? Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise


• Picture the scene. You are walking home from school and your path takes you down a deserted city street. Suddenly, you hear a faint noise coming from the shadows. You glance over and see a beautiful woman standing there. She has long black hair and is wearing a beige trenchcoat. A surgical mask covers the lower half of her face. In Japan, wearing a surgical mask is not uncommon during flu season, to prevent spreading germs.

• She steps out of the shadows and blocks your path.

• “Am I beautiful?” she asks.

Page 7: BY INDIAH.L LEGENDS. AMERICAN LEGENDS WHATS IN THE BASEMENT? Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise


• “Am I beautiful?” she asks.Before you can answer, she tears off her mask, revealing a hideously deformed face. Her huge mouth is sliced from ear to ear and gapes open revealing rows of sharp teeth and a big red disgusting tongue twisting and twirling inside.“Am I beautiful NOW?” she screams.Terrified, you struggle to answer her. If you say “No”, she pulls out a huge pair of scissors and kills you immediately, chopping off your head. If you say “Yes”, she takes her scissors and slices your mouth from ear to ear, making you look just like her. If you try to run away, she will hunt you down and kill you, by slicing you in two.The only way to escape from Kuchisake Onna is to give a non-committal answer. If you say “You look average” or you look normal, she will be confused, giving you just enough time to run away.

Page 8: BY INDIAH.L LEGENDS. AMERICAN LEGENDS WHATS IN THE BASEMENT? Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise


• Aka Manto translates to red cape or red cloak. It centers on a mysterious male spirit who haunts public and school toilets. When he sees a pair of legs sitting down, he will ask if they want red or blue paper.

Those who answer red get cut to pieces as their blood stains the toilet paper red. Those who answer blue get strangled to death. Those who don’t answer get taken to the underworld, forever haunted in a world of lost souls. The only answer that saves your life: no paper.

Page 10: BY INDIAH.L LEGENDS. AMERICAN LEGENDS WHATS IN THE BASEMENT? Mommy told me never to go in the basement, but I wanted to see what was making that noise


Aka manto

Slit mouth woman

Whats in the basesment