by dor lahav. overview straight skeletons convex polygons constrained voronoi diagrams and delauney...

Seminar on Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations By Dor Lahav

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1
  • By Dor Lahav
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  • Overview Straight Skeletons Convex Polygons Constrained Voronoi diagrams and Delauney triangulations
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  • Straight Skeletons
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  • Straight Skeleton- Motivation The occurrence of curved edges in the line segment Voronoi diagram V(G) is a disadvantage in the computer representation. a different alternative to V(G)- the Straight Skeleton.
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  • Straight Skeleton
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  • A few definitions: - A connected component of G is called a figure. - Every simple polygon which rises from a figure, is called a wavefront.
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  • Straight Skeleton There are two types of changes: - Edge event: a wavefront edge collapses to length zero. - Split event: a wavefront edge splits due to interference or self interference. - After each type of event, we have a new set of wavefronts.
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  • Straight Skeleton The edges of S(G) are pieces of angular bisectors traced out by wavefront vertices. Each vertex of S(G) corresponds to event. So we get a unique structure defining a polygonal partition of a plane.
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  • Straight Skeleton Lets see an example
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  • Straight Skeleton How many faces in the diagram? Each segment of G gives rise to two wavefront edges and thus to two faces, one on each side of the segment. Each terminal of G gives rise to one face. This gives a total of 2m+t = O(n) faces(m-edges, t- terminals). There is also an exact bound on the number of vertices
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  • Straight Skeleton Lemma: Let G be a planar straight graph on n points, t of which are terminals. The number of(finite and infinite) vertices of S(G) is exactly 2n+t-2.
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  • Straight Skeleton The Straight Skeleton has a 3- dimensional interpretation obtained by defining the height of a point x in the plane as the unique time when x is reached by the wavefront. Thats how S(G) lifts out a polygonal surface. Points of G have height zero.
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  • Straight Skeleton
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  • Convex Polygons
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  • Let C be a convex n-gon in the plane. The medial axis M(C) of C is a tree whose edges are pieces of angular bisectors of Cs sides. There is a simple randomized incremental algorithm that computes M(C) in O(n) time.
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  • Convex Polygons
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  • Done!
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  • Running time? M(C) has an upper bound of 2n-3 edges. Each edge belongs to two faces. Hence, the average number of edges of a face is Thats a constant time per face. So, a total running time of O(n).
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  • Convex Polygons- Voronoi diagram
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  • Constrained Voronoi diagrams and Delauney triangulations
  • Slide 39
  • Constrained Voronoi diagrams Let S be a set of n point sites in the plane. Let L be a set of non-crossing line segments spanned by S. We define the bounded distance between two points x and y in the plane as:
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  • Constrained Voronoi diagrams For each segment l, the regions clipped by l from the right are extended to the left of l, as if only the sites of these regions were present. The regions clipped by l from the left are extended similarly.
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  • Constrained Delauney triangulations If we dualize now by connecting sites of regions that share an edge, a full triangulation that includes L is obtained.
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