by : brooke rambaldi and johncarlos merced a comet is a very small solar system body made mostly of...

Comet By : Brooke Rambaldi and JohnCarlos Merced

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Post on 18-Jan-2016




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What does comet smell like

CometBy : Brooke Rambaldi and JohnCarlos Merced

What is a comet?A comet is a very small solar system body made mostly of ices mixed with smaller amounts of dust and rock. Most comets are no larger than a few kilometers across. The main body of the comet is called the nucleus, and it can contain water, methane, nitrogen and other ices.

When a comet is heated by the Sun, its ices begin to sublimate (similar to the way dry ice fizzes when you leave it in sunlight). The mixture of ice crystals and dust blows away from the comet nucleus in the solar wind, creating a pair of tails. The dust tail is what we normally see when we view comets from Earth.

A plasma tail also forms when molecules of gas are excited by interaction with the solar wind. The plasma tail is not normally seen with the naked eye, but can be imaged. Comets normally orbit the Sun, and have their origins in the Port Cloud and Kuiper Belt regions of the outer solar system

What does a comet smell like?Comet smell like aroma of rotten eggs with a whiff of horse stables because they are made of gas.Scientists at the University of Bern in Switzerland recently discovered comets pungent scent by analyzing a mixture of molecules detected in the comet's coma.

Comet fun factsComet has 2 tails, a dust tail witch you can see with a naked eye, and a plasma tail witch is easily photographed, but complex to see with your eyesAll comets orbit the sunA comets core is like a dirty snowballIn 2011 scientists also discovered that the water inside a comet had nearly the same chemical composition as the water in the earths oceanA comet has its own atmosphere Every 76 years a comet hits earth In a lucky twist to the comets landers bumpy touchdown, it seems Philae may have also done some space acrobatics before settling the right way upA comet plasma tail can reach up to 4 trips to the sun(360 million miles)

What does comet sound like?Comet sounds like Styrofoam rubbing togetherA tree frog

Comet pictures

