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September 2017 Buxton United Reformed Church Hardwick Square East Mission And Outreach Worship and Teaching Pastoral Care Church Administration Prayer

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September 2017

Buxton United Reformed Church Hardwick Square East

Mission And


Worship and Teaching

Pastoral Care

Church Administration


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Dear friends, I have read a couple of books over the summer produced by the Jubilee+, an organisation which, in their own words, ‘equips churches of all denominations to engage more effectively with our communities and particularly to help churches increase their capacity to help the poor.’ The first book is called ‘The myth of the undeserving poor’ and seeks to challenge Christians to take a more biblical approach to people and be less influenced by the media’s values around us. The second one, ‘A church for the poor’, looks at greater depth at our attitudes and culture and suggests ways forward for the local church to minister to the people around them. They are both written by the same authors, Martin Charlesworth and Natalie Williams.

A good starting point is to take their definition of poverty from a biblical standpoint. The bible talks about 4 areas of poverty, thus: ‘Economic poverty: - lacking the material means to support themselves to live viably within our society. Relational poverty: lacking a family or community support network to which they can turn in troubled times. (Family breakdown is a key issue here). Aspirational poverty: - lacking hope or capacity to extricate themselves from the situation they are in.

Spiritual poverty: - not knowing “the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father” (Ephesians 1: 17)’ Jesus encountered all these kinds of poverty and made no distinction in the way He treated people. He certainly avoided a divide between ‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’ which we can all too readily find in society around us. He often gave hope to those who were trapped in

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their lifestyle whether by choice or accident (prostitutes and lepers for example). The first Christians in the book of Acts placed high on their list the economic care of those who had lost financial status through widowhood or as orphans, and James in his letter has strong words for those who ignore economic justice for their workers. The Church has often recognised one or two of these areas of poverty, but not often enough put them all together in their attempts to minister. There is much more that could be said, (so listen out for sermons on the theme!). We have talked about a new name for our church without coming to any firm conclusions (yet!). Perhaps the most exciting and challenging task is to build a church which people of all quarters of Buxton could call ‘home’, as together we share a God who sets us free from all kinds of poverty by the riches of His grace. With love, Steve

Dates for your diary.

24th September Harvest Parade Service followed by a ploughman’s lunch. Harvest gifts will be auctioned and the money raised given to High Peak Food Bank. Gifts towards the cost of the lunch will be given to Mission Direct to purchase mosquito nets. 22nd October A group of people with connections to Buxton Village, Guyana will be joining our morning worship on Sunday October 22nd and we will be proving lunch for them following the service.

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Buxton URC Wednesday evenings at the manse

‘A Church for the future’ Teaching Discussion Food Laughter Prayer How are we to be God’s church? We explore the ‘new’ areas of our church’s life and how we perceive the Spirit’s voice leading us into

2018 and beyond..

Everyone is welcome to join in our new series of fellowship evenings from 7.30 until 9 pm

20th September Called to follow: The Church’s overall task 27th September Reaching our community (i) 4th October Reaching our community (ii) 11th October Worship: blessing or chore? 18th October Teaching: how do we handle the bible? 25

th October Pastoral Care

1st November Practical ministry 8th November Prayer: the power to grow 15

th November Being part of the world-wide church

(nb manse not available this evening)

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East Africa again

Many thanks to everyone who supported me in Kenya recently,

in prayer, thoughts, things to take for presents and otherwise.

The project was a first for Mission Direct (the Christian charity

on which I am a volunteer staff member). It is called Emmanuel

School, Korogocho in Nairobi. Korogocho is a slum on the west

side of the city. There are many slums there, with Kibera being

the biggest and most (in) famous. Kibera receives the World’s

attention, via media and NGOs but several smaller slums, of

which Korogocho is one, get forgotten.

The background of the school is a common one – the

Government did not provide a primary school so the community

did. The children had nowhere else to go. The community has

worked together on a tiny site and there are now eight

classrooms in temporary structures. We were building the first

permanent one. With proper buildings the school should get

official recognition and some government funding to pay the

teachers. At the moment the teachers are paid by parent’s

voluntary contributions. Those who can pay do, those who

cannot don’t, but their children are welcome anyway.

People sometimes ask “what can we bring?” The answer at

Emmanuel School is that they are glad of absolutely anything, as

they are so lacking in resources. There were 14 of us on the team

and I suspect the School is now stocked up with useful things for

some months ahead.

As is so often the case with schools in poor African

communities, the children are always impeccably turned out in

the uniforms which they are very proud of! This picture proves it

(note also the drummer on the left and the chicken on the right –

both regular features in school yards)

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By the time you are reading this I will be on my way back to

Africa; this time my destination is the usual one – Kumi in

Uganda where, this year, we are building a classroom at Bazaar

School. Class sizes at the moment are 130 so the school is

somewhat in need. Kumi has recently suffered a severe drought

and famine; the rains failed (again) and Mission Direct has been

helping its church partners in Kumi with a feeding programme.

Only in the last few days have food prices started to stabilise as

some late rains have come and small harvests are being


Last year, people from Buxton URC kindly donated money for

providing mosquito nets. Here is a picture showing them in

position at the School for Deaf Children in Kumi. They are the

white things hanging over the beds and they cost £5 each. They

actually save lives – malaria is a killer of children – particularly

deaf children who do not hear if a mossie is near them at night.

Thank you all very much. More nets are always needed.

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I will try to keep my blog updated when I am in Uganda. The

address is rogerinkumi.wordpress.com

Thank you all for your support and encouragement.


Future Arrangements

Monday October 16th at 7.30 pm

at the church - we have a visit from

our Synod Moderator, the Rev'd Peter Meek and his pastoral consultant Rev'd Camilla Veitch.

They will be talking about the future arrangements when Steve retires. All leadership group members are very welcome to attend.

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Quotes from Martin Luther

I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me

God. Amen.

I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess.

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The University of Derby Chaplaincy and Churches Together in Buxton





Wed October 18, 2017, the Devonshire Dome,

Buxton SK17 6RY

2pm: Baking demonstration and interview

with Martha Collison

3.30: Judging of Baking Competition

(Entry details below)


Martha Collison started cooking at the age of eight and is the

youngest ever baker on The Great British Bake Off, competing

while still at school. Since completing her A levels, Martha has

published two recipe books, the best-selling Twist and now

Crave (available to buy on Oct 18th).

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Martha’s vibrant Christian faith has helped her to cope with the

ups and downs of the media spotlight and is the inspiration for

her involvement in charitable campaigns including Tearfund’s

No Child Taken.

Tickets £5 from Chapter and Verse, Buxton Christian

Bookshop; or The Source Café, Buxton

Baking Competition –

to be judged by Martha Collison

Your ticket entitles you, if you wish, to enter a cake on the

theme of “Autumn.” Martha Collison will judge the entries on


level of skill and

interpretation of the theme.

There will be three classes, with a prize for each class of a

signed copy of Martha Collison’s new book, “Crave.”

1. Bakers aged under 17 years

2. Bakers aged 17 – 21

3. Bakers aged over 21

We are limited to accepting the first 30 entries only – first come,

first served. Entry forms are available with the tickets. Cakes

should be brought to Devonshire Dome Reception between

8.30am & 1pm on Wednesday, October 18th. Entrants must

agree to their cake becoming part of the refreshments offered to

the audience after the cookery demonstration. They may not get

any or all of it back!

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My son in law was given the subject of faith in his church

housegroup a bit ago and he came out with a rap poem type

thing which he also gave me. It came to my attention again about

a month ago and I found a rhyming poem coming.


Your life it really has much more

Jesus is knocking at your door

O please let Him come in

Open your heart and He will trim.

We have free will, God had a plan

To send Jesus to die for man

We then follow the correct path

To prevent bad aftermath

The wind it blows to and fro

Where it comes from we don't know

God also cannot be seen

You'll know when He has been.

Jesus came into an empty womb

And left us with an empty tomb.

He died upon a wooden cross

He is now our eternal boss!

Jesus came good news to preach

To minister, heal and teach.

To bring freedom we all need

And give us all release.

There are many times we make a mess.

Jesus says 'Do not stress

I don't love you any less.

I really do want to bless.

Come to Me and confess.'

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When we share

Things are easier to bare.

Take it to the Lord in prayer.

A car to run on an empty tank.

To have our own successful bank!

These prayers may sound a little funny,

But we all need money!

The deal is on the table.

With god we are all able.

All this sounds good to me.

How about thee?

By Fiona Bingham and Martin Brewer

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Buxton United Reformed Church

Everyone is welcome to come to our Sunday Services

September 3rd

10.30 am

Morning Worship – Rob Williams

September 10th


Morning Worship - Ann Cooke

September 17th

10.30 am

Communion Service – Steve Fisher

September 24th


10.30 am

Parade Service – Steve Fisher

October 1st

10.30 am

Fellowship Service

In a Minute

A man trying to understand the nature of God asked him: "God, how

long is a million years to you?" God answered: “A million years is like a minute."

Then the man asked: "God, how much is a million pounds to you?"

And God replied: "A million pounds is like a penny.”

Finally the man asked: "God, could you give me a penny?" And God

said, "In a minute."

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The reorganization of our church as we establish teams for each of the four areas of work and we consider our individual roles in the new arrangements.

Roger Horne working in Uganda with Mission Direct.

Fiona Bingham who, following a time in hospital, is now waiting for the consultant’s decision regarding future treatment.

"Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance, but laying hold of His willingness."

Martin Luther

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Dates to Remember

Lunch Club

Next lunch – 5th October Church Meeting Sunday September 17

After the morning service (12 noon approx.)

Fellowship Evenings Wednesdays at 7:30pm

Mostly at the Manse.

Contributions for the magazine We appreciate your contributions so please keep

them coming.

Contributions please for the next magazine to

Eileen and Peter Blane by

Monday 25th

September 2017

for the October publication.

To ensure your magazine is as informative

as possible please keep us up-to-date with

news and events. Tel: 01298 27591 or email [email protected]

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Baptism of Alana Mosley on 6th August 2017

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Sunday Worship Family Service 10.30 a.m.

Communion Service - 2nd

Sunday of each month

We offer a sincere, loving welcome to all in Christian Worship

Minister: Rev. Steve Fisher

Tel. No: 01298 938831.

Web site: www.buxtonurc.org.uk

Weekly Activities for Children and Young People

Rainbows: Tues. 5 - 6pm

Leader: Stephanie Sterndale

(Mobile Tel. No: 07967205209)

Brownies: Thurs. 6 – 7:30pm

Leader: Cath Sterndale (Mobile Tel. No: 07973670595)

Guides: Tues. 6pm

Leader: Stephanie Sterndale

(Mobile Tel. No: 07967205209)

Other Activities

Fellowship Evenings – Mondays Lunch Club – 1st Thursday in the month

Tuesday Club every week 2pm