butare pastors' conference 2012 report

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  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report


    WORLD SHINE MINISTRIES (WSM)P.O. Box 10262, Kampala

    Plot 22B Tagore Crescent, Kamwokya, Kampala, Uganda


    Above: Rwanda, EAC and Uganda flagsBelow:The Diocese of Butare Cathedral in the Province of the

    Anglican Church of Rwanda

  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report


  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report


    Hundreds were delivered, healed, empowered, revitalized,

    renewed envisioned and re-envisioned by the international life-

    changing Reconciliation conference for pastors and their wivesmission that united the two neighbouring nations of Rwanda and

    Uganda. The intense prayers rid the believers of sicknesses,

    depression and demonic oppression.

    The phenomenal conference was organised in a partnership

    between World Shine Ministries (WSM) and the Anglican Diocese

    of Butare of the Anglican Province of Rwanda. The leadership and

    reconciliation conference for Pastors and their spouses was

    attended by more than 250 people in Butare Cathedral from July25th to 28th, 2012. A reknowned Ugandan gospel songstress

    Florence Musimenta (below) moved the congregation with her

    dance and lyrics.

    A key landmark from this remarkable conference is that the two

    countries (read WSM and Butare Diocese) resolved that this

    incredible meeting should go down in the annals of history as an

    annual event to strengthen all aspects of relationship between

    the neighbourly countries but also revitalise and re-spread the

    results of the East African Revival of the 1930s.

    Below: Congregation listens to Rev. Dr. Birungi assisted by

    Mrs Gasatura

  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report


    The international convention also gave birth to a unique

    partnering arrangement between WSM and Butare Diocese. This

    was enshrined in a memorandum of understanding signed

    between the WSM Founder and President Rev. Dr. Birungi andButare Bishop Gasatura (Below are the Butare Diocese-WSM

    Partnership architects).

    The crust of the understanding between the WSM and Butare

    Diocese is Leadership Development and Poverty Alleviation,

    among other concerns in the two nations.

  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report



    The conference theme was Rebuilding Broken Walls extracted

    from Nehemiah 2: 17: But now I said to them, You know

    very well what trouble we are in. Jerusalem lies in ruins,and its gates have been destroyed by fire. Let us rebuild

    the wall of Jerusalem and end this grace.

    According to the New Living Translation (NLT) Life Application

    Study Bible, Nehemiah is the last of the Old Testament historical

    books. It records the history of the return to Jerusalem after

    captivity, telling how the walls were rebuilt and the people were

    renewed in their faith. Much of the book is written in the first

    person, suggesting Nehemiah wrote the book with Ezra serving aseditor. The original audience was the exiles who returned from

    exile. It was written approximately 445-432 BC. According to the

    setting, Zerubbabel led the first return Jerusalem in 538 BC. In

    458 BC Ezra led the second return. Finally, in 445, Nehemiah

    returned with the third group of exiles to rebuild the city walls.

    Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 BC forcing exiles to Babylon.

    The story begins with Nehemiah talking with fellow Jews who

    reported that the walls and gates of Jerusalem were in despair.

    This was disturbing news and rebuilding those walls became

    Nehemiahs burden. At the appropriate time, Nehemiah asked

    King Artaxerxes for permission to go to Jerusaslem to rebuild its

    fallen walls. The king approved.After so much opposition including

    insults, ridicule, threats and sabotage, Nehemiah stood firm, and

    the wall was finished in 52 days.

    Below: Moments of intense prayer

  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report




    Capacity building,

    Spiritual growth.


    The topics discussed included:

    You and Your Calling,

    Transformational Leadership,

    Conflict Resolution, Servant Leadership,

    Challenges & Opportunities of Church Leaders,

    Integrity Crisis in Church Leadership,

    Balancing Work & Family,

    Forgiveness & Reconciliation,

    Healing & Deliverance.

  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report



    They included:

    The Bishop of Butare Diocese The Rt. Rev. Nathan

    Kamusiime Gasatura (the host),

    The WSM Founder and President Rev. Dr. Medad Birungibya

    Yesu (Uganda Team Leader),

    Billy Birungi,

    Shadrack Musinguzi,

    Francis Musoke,

    Reuben Kuribakanya,

    Rev. Canon Deo.

    Below: Mrs. Gasatura introducing some of the mission


    Rev. Dr. Birungi taught on revolutionary forgiveness based on

    Matthew 18: 21-32.Jesus Tells the Parable of the Unforgiving

    Debtor: Then Peter came to him and asked, Lord, how often

    should I forgive someone? Who sins against me? Seven times?

    No, Not seven times, Jesus replies, but seventy times

    seven! Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven can be

    compared to a king who decided his accounts up to date

  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report


    with servants who had borrowed money from him. In the

    process, one of his debtors was brought in who owed him

    millions of dollars (read francs or shillings). He couldnt

    pay so his master ordered that he be sold along with his

    wife, his children and everything he owned to pay hisdebt. But the man fell down before his master and begged

    him, Please, be patient with me, and I will pay it all. Then

    his master was filled with pity for himand he released him

    and forgave his debt. But when the man left the king, he

    went to fellow servant who owed him a few thousand

    dollars (read francs and shillings). He grabbed him by the

    throat and demanded instant payment. His fellow servant

    fell down before him and begged for a little more time. Bepatient with me and I will pay it, he pleaded. But his

    creditor wouldnt wait. He had the man arrested and put

    in prison until the debt could be paid in full. When some of

    the other servants saw this they were very upset. They

    went to the king and told him everything that had

    happened. Then the king called in the man he had

    forgiven and said, You evil servant! I forgave you that

    tremendous debt because you pleadedwith me. Shouldntyou have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy

    on you? Then the angry king sent the man to prison to be

    tortured until he had paid his entire debt. Thats what my

    heavenly Father will do to you if you refuse to forgive your

    brothers and sisters from your heart.

    He warned about the integrity crisis that has bedeviled nations.

    He quoted Job 1-3.

    To be consecrated for greatness, Rev. Birungi quoted 1 Samuel


    To overcome challenges and seize opportunities, he based his

    teaching on Acts 2: 42-47.

  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report


    For an upright, envisioned and caring leadership, he refered to 1

    Peter 5: 1-6 and Isaiah 61.

    For an irrevocable calling, he refered to Jonah 1-3.


    Many Pastors reconciled in tears.

    Reconciliation occurred among Pastors and their wives.

    Many Pastors and their wives recommitted their lives to


    Pastors were empowered in their ministry since it was a

    capacity building convention. They were renewed,

    envisioned, revitalized and stirred.


    It was a very successful mission. Apart from the massive healing

    and deliverance, the participants in the Butare mission also

  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report


    resolved to hold a professional mens convention at a venue to be

    determined by the parties.

    Below: Lovely hosts: Bishop Gasatura and his wife


    On crossing the border back to Uganda, the WSM team prayed at

    St. Johns Upper Bugongi Parish. This mission was organised by

    WSM, Bugongi Parish and St. James Kitara (Kampala-EntebbeRoad). It began on July 27-29, 2012.

    From Butare to Bugongi

  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report


  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report


    The Preachers included:

    Rev. Dr. Birungi on forgiveness, healing and deliverance,

    Francis Musoke on evangelism,

    Billy Birungi on missions,

    James Kahesi on integrity in business.

    They danced

    From Bugonji through a lovely countryside

  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report


    In honour of the Bank of Uganda Governor Emmanuel Tumusiime


  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report


  • 7/31/2019 Butare Pastors' Conference 2012 Report


    mens project. Four million shillings was raised for the



    It was a highly successful mission. Hundreds of lives were

    touched, changed and won over for Jesus Christ.