businessobjects polestar error message guide

BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide BusinessObjects Polestar XI 3.1 windows

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  • BusinessObjects Polestar ErrorMessage Guide

    BusinessObjects Polestar XI 3.1


  • 2008 Business Objects, an SAP company. All rights reserved. Business Objectsowns the following U.S. patents, which may cover products that are offered and


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    Business Objects products in this release may contain redistributions of softwarelicensed from third-party contributors. Some of these individual components may


    also be available under alternative licenses. A partial listing of third-partycontributors that have requested or permitted acknowledgments, as well as requirednotices, can be found at:


  • ContentsBusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error Messages 7Chapter 1

    The system could not log you on. (PS 10001).............................................8

    The system cannot log you on due to an invalid token. (PS 10002)...........8

    The system cannot not log you on due to missing logon credentials. (PS10003)..........................................................................................................9

    The Polestar web application cannot retrieve a Polestar service from thereceived web client request. (PS 10004).....................................................9

    Your user profile does not allow you perform that request. (PS 10005)......9

    Polestar was not able to retrieve a service. (PS 10006)............................10

    The Universe was not found. (PS 20001)..................................................10

    An error occurred while reading the Universe. (PS 20002).......................10

    There was an error while retrieving the Universes from the CMS (CentralManagement Server). (PS 20003).............................................................11

    The Information Space was not found. (PS 20004)...................................11

    It is not possible to read the Information Space properties. (PS 20005)....12

    It is not possible to retrieve the Information Spaces and display them in theHome tab. (PS 20006)...............................................................................12

    It is not possible to start indexing. (PS 20007)..........................................13

    It is not possible to acquire a lock on the requested resource. (PS20008)........................................................................................................13

    An error occurred on the server while scheduling an indexing task. (PS20011)........................................................................................................13

    An error occurred on the server while retrieving the user profile. (PS20012)........................................................................................................14

    A server error occurred while canceling an indexing task. (PS 20013).....14

    The Information Space Name must not be empty. (PS 30001).................15

    An Information Space with the same Name already exists. (PS 30002)....15

    Unable to access the repository. (PS 30003)............................................15

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 3

  • It is not possible to create an Information Space without a dimension or ameasure. (PS 30004).................................................................................16

    Password confirmation of the Information Space scheduling failed. (PS30005)........................................................................................................16

    While testing the objects, the query returns more than one recordset. (PS30006)........................................................................................................16

    While testing the objects the query has generated aWeb Intelligence ReportEngine exception. (PS 30007)...................................................................17

    A problem occurred while retrieving the public and favourite CMS (CentralManagement Server) folders. (PS 30008).................................................17

    A problem occurred while retrieving the Information Space list. (PS30009)........................................................................................................17

    You do not have sufficient rights to save an Information Space under thespecified folder. (PS 30011).......................................................................18

    A context must be selected before continuing. (PS 30013).......................18

    The search failed. (PS 40001)...................................................................19

    It is not possible to load the latest version of the search index. (PS40002)........................................................................................................19

    It is not possible to retrieve more values. (PS 50001)...............................19

    It is not possible to generate the chart. (PS 50002)..................................20

    It is not possible to retrieve the measures list. (PS 50003).......................20

    It is not possible to retrieve the facets within the Explore tab. (PS 50004).20

    It is not possible to retrieve the data table values. (PS 50005).................21

    It is not possible to begin exploration of the Information Space. (PS50006)........................................................................................................21

    It is not possible to stop exploration of the Information Space. (PS50008)........................................................................................................21

    Server error occurred while trying to perform an export request. (PS50100)........................................................................................................22

    Server error occurred while trying to retrieve an export result. (PS50101)........................................................................................................22

    Server error occurred while trying to cancel an export task: no task identifierprovided in request. (PS 50102)................................................................23

    4 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide


  • The export format is not recognized by the server. (PS 50103)................23

    The destination in the export request is not recognized by the server. (PS50104)........................................................................................................23

    The export format and the destination specified are not compatible. (PS50105)........................................................................................................24

    A server error occurred while interacting with the data provider. (PS50106)........................................................................................................24

    Some data received by the export engine is either illegal or not supported,or the request does not follow expected syntax. (PS 50107)....................25

    A server error occurred while interacting with the data provider. (PS50108)........................................................................................................25

    The current data set is too large for this export. (PS 50109).....................25

    Server error occurred while analyzing the prompt. (PS 50201).................26

    Server error occurred while submitting the prompt inputs. (PS 50202).....26

    Some prompt inputs are missing. (PS 50203)...........................................27

    Server error occurred while saving the prompt inputs. (PS 50205)...........27

    The selected objects are not compatible. (PS 50206)...............................27

    Get More Help 29Appendix A

    Index 33

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 5


  • 6 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide


  • BusinessObjects Polestar(PS) Error Messages


  • CategoryRange

    General errorsPS 10001 - PS 10006

    Server-side errorsPS 20001 - PS 20013

    Information Spacemanagement errorsPS 30001 - PS 30013

    Search errorsPS 40001 - PS 40002

    Exploration errorsPS 50001 - PS 50008

    Export errorsPS 50100 - PS 50109

    Prompt errorsPS 50201 - PS 50206

    The system could not log you on. (PS 10001)


    The system could not log you on due to invalid credentials.


    Make sure your logon information is correct. Check that your username,password, and authentication is correct, also ensure that you have typed thecorrect system details and you do not have Caps Lock on.

    The system cannot log you on due to an invalid token. (PS 10002)


    The system could not log you on due to invalid login data.

    8 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide

    BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error Messages1 The system could not log you on. (PS 10001)

  • Action

    Try to log in again.

    The system cannot not log you on due to missing logon credentials. (PS10003)


    The system could not log you on due to missing logon credentials.


    Make sure your logon information is correct and that you have entered allnecessary details.

    The Polestar web application cannot retrieve a Polestar service from thereceived web client request. (PS 10004)


    The Polestar servers installed are either incompatible with the current versionof the web application or the servers are not started/enabled.


    Speak to your administrator. If you are an IT administrator, ensure that theversion of the Polestar servers are in sync with the version of the Polestarweb application, and that the servers are enabled.

    Your user profile does not allow you perform that request. (PS 10005)


    The user profile you have does not have the sufficient rights to perform yourrequest.

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 9

    1BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error MessagesThe system cannot not log you on due to missing logon credentials. (PS 10003)

  • Action

    Make sure you have sufficient rights to perform the request, refer to theBusinessObjects Online Help for information on what you can and cannotdo. User rights are changed within the CMC (Central Management Console).

    Polestar was not able to retrieve a service. (PS 10006)


    Polestar was not able to retrieve a service.


    Speak to your administrator. If you are an IT administrator, start (or enable)the appropriate server providing the service.

    The Universe was not found. (PS 20001)


    The Universe does not exist or you do not have rights to view the Universe.


    Make sure the Universe linked with the Information Space exists. Checkwithin InfoView or via the CMC (Central Management Console). Check thatyou have access and view rights to the Universe.

    An error occurred while reading the Universe. (PS 20002)


    There was an error while reading the Universe that is linked to yourInformation Space.

    10 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide

    BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error Messages1 Polestar was not able to retrieve a service. (PS 10006)

  • Action

    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, check that the Universe exists and it is notcorrupted.

    There was an error while retrieving the Universes from the CMS (CentralManagement Server). (PS 20003)


    There was an error while retrieving the Universes tree from the CMS.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, check that the Universes exist (within the CMS)and are not corrupted.

    The Information Space was not found. (PS 20004)


    The Information Space was not found, this could be because it has beendeleted by another user or you do not have sufficient rights to access it.


    Check that the Information Space exists either in Polestar or in InfoView. Ifit exists, then check you have rights to it via the CMC (Central ManagementCenter) or by speaking to your administrator.

    IT administrators can amend user rights for Objects, Universes, andApplications within the CMC.

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 11

    1BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error MessagesThere was an error while retrieving the Universes from the CMS (Central Management Server). (PS 20003)

  • It is not possible to read the Information Space properties. (PS 20005)


    It is not possible to read the Information Space properties, this could bebecause the Space has been deleted by another user or you do not havesufficient rights to access it.


    Check that the Information Space exists either in Polestar or in InfoView. Ifit exists, then check you have rights to it via the CMC (Central ManagementCenter) or by speaking to your administrator.

    IT administrators can amend user rights for Objects, Universes, andApplications within the CMC.

    It is not possible to retrieve the Information Spaces and display them in theHome tab. (PS 20006)


    It is not possible to retrieve the Information Spaces and display them in theHome tab as the list of Information Space indexes could not be retrieved.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator or a Space creator:1. Index the Spaces again and refresh the user session.2. If Step 1. did not solve the problem, check that the Information Space

    indexes exists, that they are not corrupted, and there are no connectionproblems. Restart the servers.

    12 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide

    BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error Messages1 It is not possible to read the Information Space properties. (PS 20005)

  • It is not possible to start indexing. (PS 20007)


    It is not possible to start indexing as it is not possible to connect to a PolestarIndexing Server.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, ensure that a Polestar Indexing Server isrunning and is enabled via the CCM (Central Configuration Manager).

    It is not possible to acquire a lock on the requested resource. (PS 20008)


    There was an internal error.


    Try to perform the operation again, if the problem persists, speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, restart the Polestar servers. If necessary,restart the CMS (Central Management Server).

    An error occurred on the server while scheduling an indexing task. (PS 20011)


    An error occurred on the server while scheduling an indexing task. This ismaybe for the reason that it is not possible to contact the Polestar MasterServer.

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 13

    1BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error MessagesIt is not possible to start indexing. (PS 20007)

  • Action

    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, ensure that the Polestar Master Server is upand running.

    An error occurred on the server while retrieving the user profile. (PS 20012)


    It is not possible to retrieve the user profile.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, restart the Polestar servers. If necessary,restart the CMS (Central Management Server).

    A server error occurred while canceling an indexing task. (PS 20013)


    It is not possible to contact the server where the indexing task is running.The indexing server may not be registered anymore.


    Try to cancel the indexing task.

    IT administrators can restart the Polestar servers.

    14 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide

    BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error Messages1 An error occurred on the server while retrieving the user profile. (PS 20012)

  • The Information Space Name must not be empty. (PS 30001)


    The Information Space Name cannot be empty.


    Ensure that the Information Space is given a name.

    An Information Space with the same Name already exists. (PS 30002)


    An Information Space you are saving or editing within the same CMS folderhas the same name as an existing Information Space.


    Ensure that the Information Space has a different name from the existingone.

    Unable to access the repository. (PS 30003)


    The CMS (Central Management Server) is not operating.


    Ensure that the CMS is running within the CMC (Central ManagementConsole). If you are unsure, speak to an IT administrator for further help.

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 15

    1BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error MessagesThe Information Space Name must not be empty. (PS 30001)

  • It is not possible to create an Information Space without a dimension or ameasure. (PS 30004)


    It is not possible to create an Information Space without a dimension and ameasure.


    Check that you have added at least one dimension and one measure to theInformation Space objects.

    Password confirmation of the Information Space scheduling failed. (PS 30005)


    The user credentials used for scheduling are invalid.


    Ensure the user credentials used for scheduling are correct for the InformationSpace.

    While testing the objects, the query returns more than one recordset. (PS30006)


    Some objects, when used together, are not compatible because the testquery returns more than one recordset. An Information Space can use onlyone recordset.


    Check and modify the Universe objects added to the Information Spacedefinition.

    16 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide

    BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error Messages1 It is not possible to create an Information Space without a dimension or a measure. (PS 30004)

  • While testing the objects the query has generated a Web Intelligence ReportEngine exception. (PS 30007)


    The objects are not compatible when used together.


    Check and modify the Universe objects added to the Information Spacedefinition.

    A problem occurred while retrieving the public and favourite CMS (CentralManagement Server) folders. (PS 30008)


    It is was not possible to retrieve the public and favorite CMS (CentralManagement Server) folders.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator restart the CMS (Central Management Server).

    A problem occurred while retrieving the Information Space list. (PS 30009)


    A problem occurred while retrieving the Information Space scheduling details.It could be because of it is not possible to connect to the Polestar Masterserver. The problem could also be caused by the scheduling tasks (orindexing), and Information Spaces InfoObjects.

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 17

    1BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error MessagesWhile testing the objects the query has generated aWeb Intelligence Report Engine exception. (PS 30007)

  • Action

    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, ensure the Polestar Master server has beenstarted and is enabled via the CCM (Central Configuration Manager). If theproblem continues, restart the CMS (Central Management Server).

    You do not have sufficient rights to save an Information Space under thespecified folder. (PS 30011)


    You do not have sufficient rights to save an Information Space under thespecified folder.


    Choose another folder to save the Space to. Alternatively, ask youradministrator if you can access the folder.

    A context must be selected before continuing. (PS 30013)


    Your selected objects require a context to become compatible.


    Check your selected objects and select a context by clicking Browse (thebrowse contexts button). A dialog appears allowing you to select availablecontexts.

    18 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide

    BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error Messages1 You do not have sufficient rights to save an Information Space under the specified folder. (PS 30011)

  • The search failed. (PS 40001)


    Search failed due to an I/O (Input/Output) exception.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator or a Space creator, index all the InformationSpaces within your repository.

    It is not possible to load the latest version of the search index. (PS 40002)


    The global search index is corrupted.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, restart the Polestar servers. If necessary, indexthe Information Space again.

    It is not possible to retrieve more values. (PS 50001)


    An I/O (Input/Output) error occurred while reading the indexes.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 19

    1BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error MessagesThe search failed. (PS 40001)

  • If you are an IT administrator or a Space creator, index the Information Space.

    It is not possible to generate the chart. (PS 50002)


    The chart could not be generated because there was an I/O (Input/Output)exception, or there was an internal charting error.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator or Space creator, index the Information Space.

    It is not possible to retrieve the measures list. (PS 50003)


    There was an I/O (Input/Output) exception, or there was an internal error.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator or a Space creator, index the Information Space.

    It is not possible to retrieve the facets within the Explore tab. (PS 50004)


    There was an I/O (Input/Output) exception, or there was an internal error.

    20 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide

    BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error Messages1 It is not possible to generate the chart. (PS 50002)

  • Action

    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator or a Space creator, index the Information Space.

    It is not possible to retrieve the data table values. (PS 50005)


    There was an I/O (Input/Output) exception, or there was an internal error.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator or a Space creator, index the Information Space.

    It is not possible to begin exploration of the Information Space. (PS 50006)


    There was an I/O (Input/Output) exception, or there was an internal error.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator or a Space creator, index the Information Space.

    It is not possible to stop exploration of the Information Space. (PS 50008)


    There was an error while closing the Space.

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 21

    1BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error MessagesIt is not possible to retrieve the data table values. (PS 50005)

  • Action

    Restart your user session.

    If the problem persists an IT administrator must restart the Polestar servers.

    Server error occurred while trying to perform an export request. (PS 50100)


    Server error occurred while trying to perform an export request. It can bedue to the following:

    The index path is not set. There was an I/O (Input/Output) exception.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are a Space creator or an IT administrator, ensure the following:

    Index the Information Space you are trying to export.

    If you are an IT administrator, ensure the following: Check that the index path is configured correctly and that the path exists.

    Server error occurred while trying to retrieve an export result. (PS 50101)


    Server error occurred while trying to retrieve an export result. Polestar wasnot able to retrieve a service.


    Speak to your administrator. If you are an IT administrator, start (or enable)the servers.

    22 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide

    BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error Messages1 Server error occurred while trying to perform an export request. (PS 50100)

  • Server error occurred while trying to cancel an export task: no task identifierprovided in request. (PS 50102)


    Server error occurred while trying to cancel an export task.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, ensure that the Polestar servers are in syncwith the Polestar web application version.

    The export format is not recognized by the server. (PS 50103)


    The export format is not recognized by the server.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, ensure that the Polestar servers are in syncwith the Polestar web application version.

    Alternatively, ensure that the export format specified is supported.

    The destination in the export request is not recognized by the server. (PS50104)


    The destination in the export request is not recognized by the server.

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 23

    1BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error MessagesServer error occurred while trying to cancel an export task: no task identifier provided in request. (PS 50102)

  • Action

    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, ensure that the Polestar servers are in syncwith the Polestar web application version.

    Alternatively, ensure the destination type specified for the export is supported.

    The export format and the destination specified are not compatible. (PS 50105)


    The export format and the destination specified are not compatible.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, ensure that the Polestar servers are in syncwith the Polestar web application version.

    Alternatively, ensure that the export format and destination type specifiedfor the export are supported.

    A server error occurred while interacting with the data provider. (PS 50106)


    Server error occurred while interacting with the data provider. The Universeor Information Space was not found.


    Check that the Universe or Information Space exists either in Polestar or inInfoView. If it exists, then check you have rights to it via the CMC (CentralManagement Center) or by speaking to your administrator.

    24 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide

    BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error Messages1 The export format and the destination specified are not compatible. (PS 50105)

  • IT administrators can amend user rights for Objects, Universes, andApplications within the CMC.

    Some data received by the export engine is either illegal or not supported,or the request does not follow expected syntax. (PS 50107)


    Data received by the export engine is illegal or is not supported.


    Check the exception detail for more information and speak with youradministrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, ensure that the Polestar servers are in syncwith the Polestar web application version.

    A server error occurred while interacting with the data provider. (PS 50108)


    Server error occurred while interacting with the data provider. The explorationstate you are exporting is not supported.

    The facet value for filtering is not as expected.


    Try selecting other facet values. Refer to error message number: WIS 10703for further information.

    The current data set is too large for this export. (PS 50109)


    The current data set is too large for the export.

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 25

    1BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error MessagesSome data received by the export engine is either illegal or not supported, or the request does not followexpected syntax. (PS 50107)

  • Action

    Reduce the data set to export by adding or modifying your facet valueselection.

    Server error occurred while analyzing the prompt. (PS 50201)


    A server error occurred while analyzing the prompt. The server failed toanalyze the set of objects defined within the Information Space. Some objectsmay have been modified or even deleted within the data source (such asthe Universe) since the creation or the last indexation of the InformationSpace.


    Please speak with your administrator.

    If you are an IT administrator, confirm that the Information Space objectsconform to the objects within the data source.

    Server error occurred while submitting the prompt inputs. (PS 50202)


    A server error occurred while submitting the prompt inputs.

    The error occurred while the server was analyzing the prompt inputs. It mayhave been caused by a invalid input value.


    Ensure that the selected values have the correct format or are the correcttype.

    26 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide

    BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error Messages1 Server error occurred while analyzing the prompt. (PS 50201)

  • Some prompt inputs are missing. (PS 50203)


    Some prompt inputs are missing.

    Some of the prompts have no selected values, but they are necessary tovalidate the request.


    Check if all the mandatory prompts have been filled correctly.

    If you have access to the data source, check that all required prompts havemarked to be mandatory.

    Server error occurred while saving the prompt inputs. (PS 50205)


    Server error occurred while saving the prompt inputs.


    If the chosen values selected for the prompts do not appear in the Summarytab, try to validate the Information Space again.

    Additionally, check if the selected values for each prompt have been savedwithin the Information Space. Select them again if needed.

    The selected objects are not compatible. (PS 50206)


    The selected objects are not compatible.

    The server has detected incompatible objects within the Information SpaceThese objects lead to multiple result sets which is not supported.

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 27

    1BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error MessagesSome prompt inputs are missing. (PS 50203)

  • Action

    Modify the Information Space to ensure that incompatible objects areremoved.

    28 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide

    BusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error Messages1 The selected objects are not compatible. (PS 50206)

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    30 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide

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  • Index


    PS 10001 8PS 10002 8PS 10003 9PS 10004 9PS 10005 9PS 10006 10PS 20001 10PS 20002 10PS 20003 11PS 20004 11PS 20005 12PS 20006 12PS 20007 13PS 20008 13PS 20011 13PS 20012 14PS 20013 14PS 30001 15PS 30002 15PS 30003 15PS 30004 16PS 30005 16PS 30006 16PS 30007 17PS 30008 17

    PS 30009 17PS 30011 18PS 30013 18PS 40001 19PS 40002 19PS 50001 19PS 50002 20PS 50003 20PS 50004 20PS 50005 21PS 50006 21PS 50008 21PS 50100 22PS 50101 22PS 50102 23PS 50103 23PS 50104 23PS 50105 24PS 50106 24PS 50107 25PS 50108 25PS 50109 25PS 50201 26PS 50202 26PS 50203 27PS 50205 27PS 50206 27

    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide 33

  • 34 BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message Guide


    BusinessObjects Polestar Error Message GuideContentsBusinessObjects Polestar (PS) Error MessagesThe system could not log you on. (PS 10001)The system cannot log you on due to an invalid token. (PS 10002)The system cannot not log you on due to missing logon credentials. (PS 10003)The Polestar web application cannot retrieve a Polestar service from the received web client request. (PS 10004)Your user profile does not allow you perform that request. (PS 10005)Polestar was not able to retrieve a service. (PS 10006)The Universe was not found. (PS 20001)An error occurred while reading the Universe. (PS 20002)There was an error while retrieving the Universes from the CMS (Central Management Server). (PS 20003)The Information Space was not found. (PS 20004)It is not possible to read the Information Space properties. (PS 20005)It is not possible to retrieve the Information Spaces and display them in the Home tab. (PS 20006)It is not possible to start indexing. (PS 20007)It is not possible to acquire a lock on the requested resource. (PS 20008)An error occurred on the server while scheduling an indexing task. (PS 20011)An error occurred on the server while retrieving the user profile. (PS 20012)A server error occurred while canceling an indexing task. (PS 20013)The Information Space Name must not be empty. (PS 30001)An Information Space with the same Name already exists. (PS 30002)Unable to access the repository. (PS 30003)It is not possible to create an Information Space without a dimension or a measure. (PS 30004)Password confirmation of the Information Space scheduling failed. (PS 30005)While testing the objects, the query returns more than one recordset. (PS 30006)While testing the objects the query has generated a Web Intelligence Report Engine exception. (PS 30007)A problem occurred while retrieving the public and favourite CMS (Central Management Server) folders. (PS 30008)A problem occurred while retrieving the Information Space list. (PS 30009)You do not have sufficient rights to save an Information Space under the specified folder. (PS 30011)A context must be selected before continuing. (PS 30013)The search failed. (PS 40001)It is not possible to load the latest version of the search index. (PS 40002)It is not possible to retrieve more values. (PS 50001)It is not possible to generate the chart. (PS 50002)It is not possible to retrieve the measures list. (PS 50003)It is not possible to retrieve the facets within the Explore tab. (PS 50004)It is not possible to retrieve the data table values. (PS 50005)It is not possible to begin exploration of the Information Space. (PS 50006)It is not possible to stop exploration of the Information Space. (PS 50008)Server error occurred while trying to perform an export request. (PS 50100)Server error occurred while trying to retrieve an export result. (PS 50101)Server error occurred while trying to cancel an export task: no task identifier provided in request. (PS 50102)The export format is not recognized by the server. (PS 50103)The destination in the export request is not recognized by the server. (PS 50104)The export format and the destination specified are not compatible. (PS 50105)A server error occurred while interacting with the data provider. (PS 50106)Some data received by the export engine is either illegal or not supported, or the request does not follow expected syntax. (PS 50107)A server error occurred while interacting with the data provider. (PS 50108)The current data set is too large for this export. (PS 50109)Server error occurred while analyzing the prompt. (PS 50201)Server error occurred while submitting the prompt inputs. (PS 50202)Some prompt inputs are missing. (PS 50203)Server error occurred while saving the prompt inputs. (PS 50205)The selected objects are not compatible. (PS 50206)

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