business protection insurance

Is YOUR BUSINESS PROTECTED? EXPERT GUIDE Holistic Corporate Wealth Management securing SMEs futures by creating, managing, preserving and protecting their corporate Balance SheetsI would like to help you keep together what you have spent a lifetime putting together “You see, I believe I can render you and your business a great service, as I have done for many people over the last 20 years or so. And in so doing, I have made it a practice of telling my stories, ideas, and concepts to as many people as possible “Who care to listen”. As they may be of value to you in your future; do you have a few monuments, without cost or obligation, after all it’s your life’s work, your business that we are talking about” "Doing something costs something. Doing nothing costs something. And quite often, doing nothing at all…costs a lot more" ... a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand; And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell; and great was the fall of it. MATTHEW vii: 26, 27.

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Page 1: Business Protection Insurance


“Holistic Corporate Wealth Management – securing SMEs futures by creating, managing,

preserving and protecting their corporate Balance Sheets”

I would like to help you keep together what you have spent a lifetime putting together

“You see, I believe I can render you and your business a great service, as I have done for many

people over the last 20 years or so. And in so doing, I have made it a practice of telling my

stories, ideas, and concepts to as many people as possible “Who care to listen”. As they may

be of value to you in your future; do you have a few monuments, without cost or obligation,

after all it’s your life’s work, your business that we are talking about”

"Doing something costs something. Doing nothing costs something. And quite often, doing

nothing at all…costs a lot more"

... a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand;

And the rain descended, and the floods came,

and the winds blew, and beat upon that house;

and it fell; and great was the fall of it.

MATTHEW vii: 26, 27.

Page 2: Business Protection Insurance


Let’s Talk About YOUR Business

Is YOUR business PROTECTED, after all you insure your home, your car, and in some cases

your yacht, but what about YOUR BUSINESS!

Isn’t it strange, that the very thing that provides the money for your home, your car, and your

yacht is probably not insured, we are of course talking about “YOUR BUSINESS”.

Every business is only as good as, and depends upon its “People”. It's the people in the business

that have the ideas, create the contacts, and make the sales; which leads to increasing revenue

and profits for your business; which in turn pays the salaries that provide for your homes, cars

and yachts. It follows that by insuring the “People” within a business, we are in fact insuring

the survival of the business; YOUR BUSINESS, together with your possessions, future

lifestyle and the ongoing financial security for yourself and your family.

We hope you will find our “Business Protection Guide” informative, and that it highlights

some of the vast financial planning opportunities that are available to you and YOUR

BUSINESS. Our guide is intentionally generic and therefore individual questions may arise

that you would like answers to. If at any time you would like more detailed information then

simply call +852 5307 3732 we will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

Nobody Can Predict The Future But Everybody Can Protect It

“Holistic Corporate Wealth Management – securing SMEs futures by creating, managing,

preserving and protecting their corporate Balance Sheets”

Page 3: Business Protection Insurance


What Is Business Protection and Business Succession Planning

Influence, ideas, decisions, contacts, and ultimately profit are driven by a relatively small number

of people within a business.

Key Person Protection

An insurance policy taken out by a business to compensate that business for financial losses that

would arise from the death or extended incapacity of a member of the business specified on the

policy (The Key Person, Company Directors, or Partnership Shareholders in a partnership). The

aim is to compensate the business for business financial losses and facilitate business continuity.

Loan Protection

Insurance for anyone involved in guaranteeing business loans or banking facilities (The Company

Directors or Partnership Shareholders). The value of insurance coverage is arranged to equal the

value of the guarantee.

Private Limited Companies and Partnership Shareholder “Buy / Sell” Agreements

A buy-sell agreement, also known as a buyout agreement. This is a binding agreement between

co-owners of a business (The Company Directors or Partnership Shareholders) that governs what

happens if a co-owner dies or is otherwise forced to leave the business, or chooses to leave the

business. It may be thought of as a sort of premarital agreement between business partners /


Relevant Life Cover – Director / Shareholder “Death In Service” Benefits

Where the policy pays a designated beneficiary, for example the deceased family, a sum of money

upon the death of the insured person (The Key Person and / or the Company Directors or

Partnership Shareholders).

My Work - Holistic Corporate Wealth Management

My work as a “Holistic Corporate Wealth Manager” involves creating, managing, preserving and

protecting a company’s wealth so that the officers of the company can build and preserve their

“Capital” - a strong “Balance Sheet”.

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Why you need protection

We are living longer but not necessarily always enjoying good health

Life expectancy for HK people is 80 for males and 86 for females1

Medical advances mean you are more likely to survive a serious illness

Each year nearly 20 million people survive heart attacks and strokes; many requiring

continuing, and costly, medical care2

10 million people survive strokes each year. Of these stroke victims 40% experience

moderate to severe impairments requiring special care3


1. Hong Kong Population Projections 2010-2039

2. World Health Organisation –, 2008

3. World Health Organisation – www.whoint and The University Hospital – both


7 Reasons to Plan

95% of SME’s in the Hong Kong have no form of Business Protection1

1. In HKG the top three killers are cancer, heart diseases and pneumonia which accounted for

60% of total deaths2

2. Deaths from heart disease in HKG have increased by more than 30% in the last ten years2

3. 1.5 million with hypertension in HKG, posing risk of heart diseases and stroke2

4. The average age for Critical Illness claims for Zurich is 47

5. Costs of surviving a Critical Illness such as Cancer in HKG can be over HKD5 million

6. Often the business interest is the primary asset to the business owner.


1. Legal & General

2. Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics (2009)

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The Facts

Almost everybody knows someone who has suffered a heart attack, heart bypass, cancer or a

stroke. With improvements in modern medicine leading to higher recovery rates, Critical Illness

cover can pay out a TAX FREE lump sum of money if you are diagnosed as having contracted a

critical illness.

Critical Illness “The Facts”

You are 5 times more likely to suffer from a critical illness than to die before your


1 in 4 men and 1 in 5 women will contract one of the illnesses covered by a standard critical

illness policy before they reach 70 years of age.

95% of strokes occur in people aged 45 and older. From age 55 the rate of strokes doubles

every 10 years.

Hong Kong

Cancer accounts for 75.5% of critical illness claims, with the average age being 43.7 years


6% of all claims are for strokes, with an average age of 47.5.

4.8% of claims are due to heat attacks, with an average age of 48.8.

Please also refer to Appendixes A, B and C.

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The Cost Of Surviving

If you should be diagnosed with a critical illness; how would you meet YOUR financial

commitments? Yes we are back to our homes, your cars, and your yachts.

But just as importantly what would happen to YOUR business financially if a Director, a Partner

or a Keyman contracted a critical illness. What would their absence – perhaps permanent - from

work mean to YOUR business; loss of orders, loss of goodwill, loss of expertise, loss of

management and leadership ability?

What is the PRICE TAG?

Would a Capital Injection of TAX FREE CASH help YOUR business at this critical time?

“Of Course”

I would like to help you keep together what you have spent a lifetime putting together

"Doing something costs something. Doing nothing costs something. And quite often, doing

nothing at all…costs a lot more"

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The Consequences Of Not Recovering Properly

“A Vicious Circle”

Want to explore your options then please contact us on +852 5307 3732 for a FREE no obligation

meeting, so that you can make an informed decision about PROTECTING YOUR BUSINESS.


Time Off


No Income

Back To Work

Work To Hard

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Business Protection – An Overview

Keyman / Key Person Protection

What would happen to YOUR business financially if a Keyman / Key Person (your top sales

person, architect, IT programmer, accountant, or lawyer) prematurely died today. What would their

“Permanent” absence from work mean to YOUR business; loss of orders, loss of good will, loss

of expertise, loss of management and leadership ability? How much time and money will it take

to replace them?

What is the PRICE TAG?

Would a Capital Injection of TAX FREE CASH help YOUR business at this critical time?

“Of Course”

I would like to help you keep together what you have spent a lifetime putting together

"Doing something costs something. Doing nothing costs something. And quite often, doing

nothing at all…costs a lot more"

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Shareholder Protection – “Buy Sell Agreement” / “Buyout

Agreement” (Business Succession Planning)

What would happen to YOUR business if a shareholder (Director / Partner who holds shares in

YOUR BUSINESS) prematurely died today. Who takes over their shares? Will they control the

business? Do you want them to control the business? What problems would you face?

Remember its YOUR BUSINESS; you built it and you manage it; DO NOT LOSE CONTROL!

What is the PRICE TAG to regain control of YOUR BUSINESS?

Would a Capital Injection of TAX FREE CASH help YOUR BUSINESS at this critical time?

“Of Course”

I would like to help you keep together what you have spent a lifetime putting together

"Doing something costs something. Doing nothing costs something. And quite often, doing

nothing at all…costs a lot more"

The CASH provided by a “Buy / Sell” agreement would allow you to purchase the shares and

regain control of YOUR BUSINESS; the business that you built.

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Shareholder Protection – “Buy Sell” Agreement Multiple

Shareholders (Business Succession Planning)

What would happen to YOUR business if a shareholder (Director / Partner who holds shares in

YOUR BUSINESS) prematurely died today. Who takes over their shares? Will they control the

business? Do you want them to control the business? What problems would you face?

Remember its YOUR BUSINESS; you built it and you manage it; DO NOT LOSE CONTROL!

What is the PRICE TAG to regain control of YOUR BUSINESS?

Would a Capital Injection of TAX FREE CASH help YOUR BUSINESS at this critical time?

“Of Course”

I would like to help you keep together what you have spent a lifetime putting together

"Doing something costs something. Doing nothing costs something. And quite often, doing

nothing at all…costs a lot more"

The CASH provided by a “Buy / Sell” agreement would allow you to purchase the shares and

regain control of YOUR BUSINESS; the business that you built.

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Relevant Life Cover

Business Owner, Director / Shareholder “Death In Service”


As a shareholder in your business you have probably spent your time and money building your

business over time. This has produced an income stream for you and your family to live on and

enjoy a certain lifestyle.

It has also of course produced an “Equity Value”; but how much is this worth and just as

importantly in the event of your premature death how and when will your family and dependents

receive the equity value in cash. The problem is the equity value is “Locked-up” within your

business (its the machines, the buildings, the stock and work in progress, its the goodwill). How

can you get this value out in cash in the event of your premature death so your family can carry on


Has your business today got sufficient capital to buy your shares at their “TRUE” value?

Well you can “Insure and Secure” that capital today, to guarantee the money when it will be needed


Want to explore your options then please contact us on +852 5307 3732 for a FREE no obligation

meeting, so that you can make an informed decision about PROTECTING YOUR BUSINESS.

(Note: Zurich Insurance is used for illustration purposes only. Any number of insurance companies could have been


Page 12: Business Protection Insurance


Example 1 – Business Owner - A Sole Trader

Tom Fisher is married to Jenny and they have two children aged 4 and 6. Tom has built his Bakery

business over the last 18 years (Tom is a Sole Trader and owns 100% of “HIS” business).

Tom remembers when he started his business with a personal loan from his Uncle; Tom worked

very hard with a typical 60 hour week (although as every sole trader will testify, you can add “At

least” another 10 hours to that – as you never stop thinking about, and planning for YOUR

business) in order to build his business; and to repay his Uncle in the first 2 years.

Some 18 years later Tom’s business is valued by his accountant at some 500,000 USD. Tom’s

business is famous locally for both the quality of its products and the levels of service provided by

Tom, who always has time to talk with his customers – in fact as with many small family run

businesses “Tom is the Business; and the Business is Tom” - one could not survive without the


Yesterday Tom died.

Some 4 weeks later Jenney was at a loss as to how to pay all of the bills that kept arriving not just

for “Toms” business (which she did not understand), but also household bills. Jenney went to see

Tom’s accountant David.

David explained that virtually all of Tom’s money was tied up in what he called “Capital”; and

went on to explain that although the company was valued last year at some 500,000 USD it mainly

consisted of Bricks and Mortar (the bakery premises), Stock, Work In Progress, and Good Will


Tom Fisher

Principle and Owner


Business Capital Value

500,000 USD

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David went on and explained that this “Capital” was “Illiquid” and would take some time to turn

into cash as the business had to be sold; and at a much reduced level if Jenny required cash anytime

soon (Liquidation).

Jenny had a mortgage and family to look after.

Jenny realising her situation, as having no business knowledge – with two children aged 4 and 6

to look after, a mortgage to pay, together with household bills; agrees to sell “TOMS BUSINESS”

at 25% of its true value (she is upset about this as she realises that her deceased husband Tom put

18 years of his life into his business for the benefit of their family; and his work value could not

be realised when it was needed most – TO PROVIDE FOR THE ONGOING FINANCIAL


Would you like to explore how we can always sell your business at the correct value in the event

of your premature death.

Then please contact us on +852 5307 3732 for a FREE no obligation meeting, so that you can

make an informed decision about PROTECTING YOUR BUSINESS.

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Example 2 - A Private Limited Company

A Private Limited Company “ATL” has a market value of 1,000,000 USD. The two Directors each

hold together 100% of the shares. David Smith holds 80% of the shares and Tom Brown holds

20% of the shares. Both Directors are married with two children aged 2 and 4.

Scenario 1 Mr David Smith Prematurely Died Yesterday

Mrs Smith a house wife for 20 years now is the majority shareholder and controls the company;

and has arrived for a board meeting to set out her plans for the company. Mr Brown has put 20

years of his life into the company and is not happy.

Mrs Smith realising that she has no business experience wishes to sell her shares for 800,000 USD

(their fair market value), so that she can provide for her two children aged 2 and 4. Mr Brown has

only 50,000 USD in personal savings and 50,000 USD in the company bank account - he cannot

purchase the shares.

Mrs Smith therefore agrees to sell – to a third party, a new shareholder - the shares at 50% of their

value (she is upset about this, as she realises that her deceased husband Mr Smith put 20 years of

his life into the company for the benefit of their family; and his work value could not be realised


OF THEIR FAMILY). Mr Brown is very unhappy as the new shareholder acquired an 80%

shareholding at 50% of the value 400,000 USD; and he has lost control of the company that he

helped to build over a 20 year period.

David Smith

ATL Shares 80%

Capital Value 800,000 USD

Tom Brown

ATL Shares 20%

Capital Value 200,000 USD

ATL Company Total Market Value 1,000,000 USD

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Scenario 2 Mr Tom Brown Prematurely Died Yesterday

Mrs Brown a house wife for 20 years with no business experience is now a minority shareholder

of the company. Mr Brown has put 20 years of his life into the company, and Mrs Brown realizing

that she has no business experiences is looking forward to selling her 20% shareholding for

200,000 USD (their fair market value), so that she can provide for her two children aged 2 and 4.

Mr Smith is, as before, the majority shareholder in the company. He realises that he can ignore

Mrs Browns request for a seat on the board, company dividends and anything else that she demands

with her minority shareholding. However to gain total control and put a stop to Mrs Brown’s

telephone calls, he wishes to purchase her shares. But Mr Smith has only 50,000 USD in the

company bank account - he cannot purchase the shares for 200,000 USD.

Mrs Brown realising her situation as a minority shareholder – with two children aged 2 and 4 to

look after; agrees to sell the shares at 25% of their value 50,000 USD (she is upset about this as

she realises that her deceased husband Mr Brown put 20 years of his life into the company for the

benefit of their family; and his work value could not be realised when it was needed most - TO


Mr Smith feels guilty in that he would have preferred to look after his deceased partners spouse

by purchasing the shares from Mrs Brown for their market value of 200,000 USD, so that she could

provide for her two children aged 2 and 4. He wonders what would have been the situation if he

had died yesterday.

Here we have outlined some of the issues surrounding the premature death of a shareholder, of a

Private Limited Company; for the surviving shareholder and the spouse of the deceased

shareholder. Neither of whom entered into business to encounter these situations.

We can now explore more critical issues for the survival of the “Company” on the premature death

or absence of a shareholder / Keyman; as outlined below - The Solutions – A Case Study. Please

note that the generic issues outlined apply to any company no matter what its underlying structure

– Sole Trader, Partnership, Private Limited Company, or Public Limited Company.

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The Solutions – A Case Study

Case Study

ABC Ltd (HK)

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ABC Ltd Incorportated 1995; 15 years later 2010

ABC Ltd is a family owned import / export business established and currently owned by the

founding members Mr David Jones and his sister Mrs Susan Jones, and Mr David Smith. The

shares holdings are as follows:

Mr David Jones 40%

Mrs Susan Jones 40%

Mr David Smith 20%

ABC Ltd is a successful ongoing business, which has seen major increases in sales revenues and

pre-tax profits over the last 3 years. The Directors see this as ongoing particularly over the short

term 3-5 years with their expansion into Europe.


Turnover 2010 (up 15% on 2009) 5,000,000

Pre-tax profits (up 19% on 2009) 1,800,000

Company Market Value 20,000,000

Current Liabilities (Bank Loan due within 12 months) 1,125,000

Current Assets (Cash in Bank) 275,000

The Directors

Mr David Jones (CFO)

(40% shareholding) is 58 years old and is married to Philippa age 56.

Mrs Susan Jones (CEO Sales)

(40% shareholding) is 43 years old divorced and lives with her 3 dependent children; Tom age

11, Susan age 9, and Jackie age 3.

Mr John Smith (CEO Operations)

(20% shareholding) is 45 years old and is married with a young family. Simon age 5 and Julie

age 4. His wife Sandra aged 30 looks after the home, and has not worked for some 8 years; she

has looked after the family.

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Historical Context

December 2010

During a business trip by Susan Jones to a key account holder in Europe; on the return journey

Susan has a Heart Attack. The prognosis is favourable and she will return to work in 8 weeks.

John Smith dies of a heart attack leaving his wife and children without an income.

Out of respect ABC Ltd closes for 2 weeks.

January 2011

David Jones (The CFO) reopens the family business recognising the Directors responsibility to

their employees and customers; who although understanding, also have their own businesses to


The Current Situation

1. On David Jones return to work; Sandra Smith is waiting in his office with her 20% shares,

demanding a seat on the board on FULL Directors salary and benefits.

2. Susan Jones was responsible for the major account in Europe (representing some 82% of

new business and 45% ongoing turnover). The European Key Account holder (James

Everard) is waiting in the board room concerned about the continuity of the business


3. In the interim James has suspended all transactions over the last 10 days; and his latest

memorandum stated that he would review matters in “3 months”. He is looking for

reassurance from David.

4. ABC Ltd bankers who introduced James to ABC Ltd, are aware of the significance of the

European business, and have scheduled a meeting with David at 2 pm; being concerned

about the repayment of their loan.

5. Meanwhile Sandra’s friends and family are suggesting that she sells her shares valued at

20% of the business currently (20,000,000 x 20%) 4,000,000 USD.

Exploring The Situation

1. “On David Jones return to work; Mrs Sandra Smith is waiting in his office with her 20%

shares, demanding a seat on the board on FULL Directors salary and benefits”.

David the surviving Director of ABC Ltd certainly did not want to welcome Sandra to his

board (after all he has built and managed the business since 1995). Sandra has not worked

for some 8 years; and has no experience or qualifications to manage a business.

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While, Sandra’s husband John Smith had planned that his shareholding on his retirement

or his premature death could be sold to provide a cash lump sum of money for their family.

2. Susan Jones was responsible for the major account in Europe (representing some 82% of

new business and 45% ongoing). The European Key Account (James Everard) holder is

waiting in the board room concerned about the continuity of the business relationship.

This is a major problem as Susan is the CEO regarding sales for ABC Ltd; and has a close

working relationship with James Everard. Without Susan it is doubtful that the account can

be secured.

3. In the interim James has suspended all transactions over the last 10 days; and his latest

memorandum stated that he would review matters in “3 months”; as his relationship was

with Susan.

Again this highlights the business issues surrounding the loss of a “Key Person”.

4. ABC Ltd bankers who introduced James to ABC Ltd, are aware of the significance of the

European business, and have scheduled a meeting with David at 2 pm.

Cash flow is the “Life Blood” of any business; in particular when the “Bankers” come

looking for money. ABC Ltd currently has 275,000 USD in cash, but a bank loan of

1,250,000 USD – what are they going to do?

5. Meanwhile Sandra’s friends and family are suggesting that she sells her shares valued at

20% of the business currently (20,000,000 x 20%) 4,000,000 USD.

The problem for Susan is that although the shares “Technically” might be valued at

4,000,000 USD; her 20% is a minority shareholding in a limited company. The shares

therefore have a limited marketability / value; as they do not represent a “Controlling


This is not what John Smith had planned for his shareholding in the business. He wanted

it to provide for the ongoing financial security for his family.

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Protecting YOUR Business

Fortunately David Jones (The CFO) was very experienced in business matters.

David had consulted with a leading Wealth Manager Gary Williams some years previously.

January 14th

David contacted the Companies Corporate Wealth Manager – Gary Williams – who in the previous

10 days had been in constant contact with the claims department of the insurance company holding

ABC ltd (Contingency Plan) policies; that he arranged for the Directors some 3 years ago.

January 15th – 22nd

1. “On David Jones return to work; Mrs Sandra Smith is waiting in his office with her

20% shares, demanding a seat on the board on FULL Directors salary and benefits”.

Meanwhile Sandra’s friends and family are suggesting that she sells her shares valued

at 20% of the business currently (20,000,000 x 20%) 4,000,000 USD.

A payment 4,000,000 USD is credited to ABC Ltd bank account from an “Shareholder

protection” contract set up by Gary Williams; allowing automatic payment (buy-out) of a

shareholder on their premature death by the remaining shareholders

This allows David to buy the 20% shareholding from Sandra – without impacting on ABC

Ltd cash flow - and removing Sandra’s forlorn hope of a position on the board of ABC Ltd.

This puts David firmly back in control of his business; with no interference from Sandra.

It also carries out John Smith’s wishes for the ongoing security of his family.

While, Sandra’s husband John Smith had planned that his shareholding on his retirement

or his premature death could be sold to provide a cash lump sum of money for his family.

2. Susan Jones was responsible for the major account in Europe (representing some 82%

of new business and 45% ongoing). The European Key Account (James Everard)

holder is waiting in the board room concerned about the continuity of the business


An additional 4,000,000 USD is credited to ABC Ltd bank as David arranged through Gary

Williams insurance in the event of a major account manager (Susan Jones) contracting a

critical illness (Heart Attack); this provides cash to the business to compensate for the

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losses caused by Susan’s absence. On Susan’s return to work in 8 weeks time, she can

make arrangements to secure the contract with James Everard.

Here Gary Williams put in place “Keyman Protection” to provide “Cash Flow” and time

to recover the relationship with James and secure the ongoing European business (45% of

current turnover).

3. ABC Ltd bankers who introduced James to ABC Ltd, are aware of the significance of

the European business, and have scheduled a meeting with David at 2 pm; being

concerned about the repayment of their loan.

A further amount is credited to ABC Ltd bank account for 1,500,000 USD from the

insurance policy set up by Gary Williams 3 years ago. This amount is more than enough to

settle the outstanding current liabilities with the bank (1,250,000 USD).

David being a prudent CFO; arranged “Loan Protection” on ABC Ltd current liabilities

with their bank.

Relevant Life Cover

Director / Shareholder “Death In Service” Benefits

David also arranged through Gary Williams the Director’s “Personal Death In Service”

life insurance. This paid out on John Smith’s premature death a sum of 1,000,000 USD;

this provided additional financial security for David’s family in their time of need – just as

David had planned for.

This adds to John Smith’s wishes for the provision of the ongoing financial security of his


While, Sandra’s husband John Smith had planned that his shareholding on his retirement

or his premature death could be sold to provide a cash lump sum of money for his family.

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So Where Are We?

Do You Have A “Contingency Plan” for YOUR BUSINESS?

The problems arise when a Shareholder (A shareholding Director or Partner in your business) or a

Key Person, leaves your business for one of the following reasons.

1. Premature Death – resulting in their permanent absence.

2. A Critical Illness – resulting in their retirement or period of / permanent absence.

In addition problems arise

These events can cause a catastrophic “Cash Flow” crisis within any business; here is a reminder


Premature Death – Sudden departure from the business

Loss of expertise

Loss of orders

Loss of revenue

Purchase of the shareholders shares to regain control of your business

Corporate responsibility to shareholder and shareholder’s family

Credit and Loan repayments

At this time; an injection of CASH can be critical to your business’s survival. When a business

suffers a catastrophic event “CASH FLOW” is “ESSENTIAL” for the business’s survival.

Critical Illness – Sudden departure from the business

Loss of expertise

Loss of orders

Loss of revenue

Purchase of the shareholders shares to regain control of your business if permanent.

Corporate responsibility to shareholder and shareholder’s family

Credit and Loan repayments

At this time; an injection of CASH can be critical to your business’s survival. When a business

suffers a catastrophic event “CASH FLOW” is “ESSENTIAL” for the business’s survival.

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When the CASH is needed it can be provided at a fraction of the cost of the “Critical Event”.

So will your Contingency Plan - help your business. Well;

It mitigates any loss of revenue

It provides the means to purchase the shareholders shares to regain control of your business

It provides “Cash Flow” (the “Life Blood: of any business) to repay loans

There are also special “Business Owner – Sole Trader” plans that can also provide for an income

in your retirement.

So What Have We Learned

The critical events of a Shareholder, Partner, or Keyman / Key Person / Manager suddenly leaving

your business through premature death, or contracting a critical illness or can be mitigated.

Business Protection

Nobody Can Predict The Future

But Everybody Can

Protect It

“A drop of ink, a piece of paper, and the promise to pay”

The value of YOUR “Contingency Plan” is the 'Peace Of Mind' in knowing that YOUR

BUSINESS will not result in and cause financial hardship to YOU, YOUR Business or YOUR


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Interested In Exploring YOUR Business Protection Options

I will be pleased to talk through the concepts outlined in this brochure with you; and to explore

your options.

As I would like to help you keep together

What you have spent a lifetime putting together

With over 20 years of experience, I have developed some interesting stories, ideas, and concepts

that may be of value to you in your future, and I would like to share these with you without cost

or obligation.

People tell me that I have rendered a great service to them; so I make it a practice of telling my

story to as many people as possible…“Who care to listen”.

Now I don’t know if my services will be of any benefit to you; because if you don’t find yourself

in a better position financially, having met me…then I am of no value to you.

However I guarantee that you will have a better knowledge of how to make the most of your most

valuable asset…. YOU!

Helping you keep together what you have spent a lifetime putting together

I have helped many people and their families by rendering them a great service, which I would

like to offer to you and your family.

Should you wish to get together to talk further then please let me know…I look forward to meeting

and being of service to you.

You can also find out more about me, including testimonials and the services that I provide, by

reading my blog at

Gary Williams

MBA (Durham) BSc (Hons) FPC MAQ CeRER

Director – Wealth Management Globaleye Hong Kong

Globaleye (Hong Kong) Limited

Suite 504, Level 5, Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong.

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (+852) 5307 3732 Fax: (+852) 2511 9971

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G l o b a l e y e F i n a n c i a l S o l u t i o n s

Effective, Client-Oriented Solutions

At Globaleye we pride ourselves on the highest levels of client service tailored to suit your

individual requirements - providing accurate, timely, and expert advice to meet your personal

financial needs. Our teams of professionals work from our regional offices in Hong Kong, Geneva,

Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuala Lumpur, Moscow, Bangkok, Singapore, China, and Vietnam.

We aim to provide you with personal continuity of service, according to your needs, wherever you

are in the world. Your dedicated Wealth Manager is a qualified career professional, who knows

that our relationship builds together and continues over the years ahead.

Genuinely Independent

We are not owned or controlled by any of the financial institutions or product providers. This

means that we are free to recommended solutions and investments from many sources throughout

the worldwide advisory universe, enabling us to tailor our advice and recommendations to match

your precise circumstances and objectives.

In fact, we think we have a broader range of providers, institutions, and expert specialist partners,

than any other advisory firm in the region. Because each individual’s financial planning

requirements are unique, the worldwide financial world is not a ‘one size fits all’ environment.

That’s why we provide you with a personalized service delivered by our Wealth Managers.

Regulated and Confidential

Globaleye is registered in Hong Kong (company number 1605366) under the Companies

Ordinance (Laws of Hong Kong). In addition Globaleye became a member of the HKCIB effective

30th August 2011, under membership number 0464.

Confidentiality of your information and the management of our operations, according to a strict

code of conduct is guaranteed. Furthermore, we know that many professionals appreciate the

opportunity to hold their investments in jurisdictions where the strongest level of client

confidentiality is enshrined in law, a common feature in many of our solutions.

S e r v i c e C o d e O f C o n d u c t

As a regulated and leading offshore Wealth Manager at Globaleye, together with Globaleye’s

internal structures and quality procedures; we ensure that we maintain the highest service standards

in the industry. Additionally, as your Wealth Manager I also offer my personal code of conduct:

Unbiased, independent, best advice tailored to your own personal circumstances and


Straightforward answers to your questions.

Simple and easily understood explanations for any recommendation.

Regular service meetings to review investments, and to provide you with regular updates

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Appendix A – Half Of UK People Will Get Cancer

By James Gallagher Health editor, BBC News website 4th February 2015

One in two people in the UK will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, analysis


Cancer Research UK said this estimate, using a new calculation method, replaced a forecast of

more than one in three people developing the disease.

It said longer life expectancies meant more people would be affected.

But it was not inevitable and improving lifestyle, such as losing weight and quitting smoking,

could have a major impact, the charity added.

The good news is cancer survival figures are also rising.

The seemingly sudden jump in diagnosis estimates is down to researchers developing a more

sophisticated and accurate method for analysing the risk of cancer.

However, both the new and old methods show the same long-term trend - a rise in the lifetime risk

of developing cancer.

Nearly 54% of men will develop cancer, compared with just under 48% of women, the figures


Food pipe tumours

Fewer deaths from heart disease and infections mean more people are living long enough to

develop cancer.

But lead researcher Professor Peter Sasieni, from Queen Mary University of London, said: "It isn't


"There is quite a lot we can do to prevent cancer and hopefully in many years' time I'll have been

proven completely wrong."

He is referring to lifestyle factors including obesity, red meat consumption and smoking that

increase the odds of a tumour developing.

Lung cancer cases are still increasing in women.

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Breast cancer is likely to remain the most common cancer among women

He told the BBC that a healthy lifestyle could lower the lifetime risk from 50% to 30%.

Breast and prostate cancers are likely to remain the most common cancers in women and men


However, some cancers are rapidly becoming more common.

Tumours in the food pipe, caused by acid reflux in obesity, are being seen more often in clinics.

Head and neck cancers caused by the human papillomavirus are increasing and oral sex is thought

to be behind the rise.


Dr Harpal Kumar, the chief executive of Cancer Research UK, said: "We have reached what many

would regard as an important milestone.

"We need to plan ahead to make sure the NHS is fit to cope, if the NHS doesn't act and invest now,

we will face a crisis in the future - with outcomes from cancer going backwards."

Dr Emma King, a head and neck surgeon at Poole Hospital, in Dorset, said rising cancer cases

would have a "huge impact on clinical services offered by the NHS".

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It is far easier to treat an early stage cancer so a patient is more likely to live and it saves the NHS


Sean Duffy, the national clinical director for cancer at NHS England, said: "Cancer survival rates

in England are at an all-time high, but this new forecast shows it is more important than ever to

take a fresh look at how we can do even better."

He said there needed to be action on three fronts - better prevention; swifter diagnosis; and better

treatment, care and aftercare for all patients.

Remember then, that there is a 50% probability that you will get a critical illness – for example

have a heart attack or contract cancer – during your lifetime; and on average this will occur before

your 47 birthday.

Now the question is, what effect will this have on you and your family; what will you and your


If you contracted a critical illness and was diagnosed with a few years to live – how would you

want to live the last years of your life; working to survive, spending your life savings leaving

nothing behind for your family. And how would everything be taken care of for your family on

your premature death… WHEN THE MONEY STOPS?

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Appendix B – Cancer In Hong Kong Source: Hong Kong Hospital Authority 2014 and the Hong Kong Cancer Registry

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“Cancer has emerged as a major health problem in Hong Kong. Altogether 24,342 new cancer

cases and 12,316 deaths were registered in 2007. The corresponding numbers in 1998 were

20,091 and 10,691. This represented an increase of 21% in new case and 15% in death in 10

years”. Source: Hong Kong Cancer Registry 2014.

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Appendix C – Critical Illness’s Worldwide

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I would like to help you keep together

What you have spent a lifetime putting together

“You see, I believe I can render you and your family a great service, as I have done for many

people over the last 20 years or so. And in so doing, I have made it a practice of telling my stories,

ideas, and concepts to as many people as possible “Who care to listen”. As they may be of value

to you in your future; do you have a few monuments, without cost or obligation, after all it’s your

life’s work we are talking about”

"Doing something costs something. Doing nothing costs something. And quite often, doing

nothing at all…costs a lot more"

... a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand;

And the rain descended, and the floods came,

and the winds blew, and beat upon that house;

and it fell; and great was the fall of it.

MATTHEW vii: 26, 27.

I have helped many people and their families by rendering them a great service, which I would

like to offer to you and your family.

Should you wish to get together to talk further then please let me know…I look forward to meeting

and being of service to you.

I look forward to talking with you soon.

Gary Williams

MBA (Durham) BSc (Hons) FPC MAQ CeRER

Director – Wealth Management Globaleye Hong Kong

“With over 20 years experience as an International Independent Financial Adviser; I provide

specialist advice, together with extensive international experience. Providing my clients with the

experience and expertise that they are looking for”

Globaleye (Hong Kong) Limited

Suite 504, Level 5, Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong.

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (+852) 5307 3732 Fax: (+852) 2511 9971

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Client Notes